Example #1
// |block| is unreachable. Mine it for opportunities to delete more dead
// code, and then discard it.
ValueNumberer::visitUnreachableBlock(MBasicBlock* block)
    JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "    Visiting unreachable block%u%s%s%s", block->id(),
            block->isLoopHeader() ? " (loop header)" : "",
            block->isSplitEdge() ? " (split edge)" : "",
            block->immediateDominator() == block ? " (dominator root)" : "");

    MOZ_ASSERT(block->isMarked(), "Visiting unmarked (and therefore reachable?) block");
    MOZ_ASSERT(block->numPredecessors() == 0, "Block marked unreachable still has predecessors");
    MOZ_ASSERT(block != graph_.entryBlock(), "Removing normal entry block");
    MOZ_ASSERT(block != graph_.osrBlock(), "Removing OSR entry block");
    MOZ_ASSERT(deadDefs_.empty(), "deadDefs_ not cleared");

    // Disconnect all outgoing CFG edges.
    for (size_t i = 0, e = block->numSuccessors(); i < e; ++i) {
        MBasicBlock* succ = block->getSuccessor(i);
        if (succ->isDead() || succ->isMarked())
        if (!removePredecessorAndCleanUp(succ, block))
            return false;
        if (succ->isMarked())
        // |succ| is still reachable. Make a note of it so that we can scan
        // it for interesting dominator tree changes later.
        if (!rerun_) {
            if (!remainingBlocks_.append(succ))
                return false;

    // Discard any instructions with no uses. The remaining instructions will be
    // discarded when their last use is discarded.
    MOZ_ASSERT(nextDef_ == nullptr);
    for (MDefinitionIterator iter(block); iter; ) {
        MDefinition* def = *iter++;
        if (def->hasUses())
        nextDef_ = *iter;
        if (!discardDefsRecursively(def))
            return false;

    nextDef_ = nullptr;
    MControlInstruction* control = block->lastIns();
    return discardDefsRecursively(control);
Example #2
ValueNumberer::run(UpdateAliasAnalysisFlag updateAliasAnalysis)
    updateAliasAnalysis_ = updateAliasAnalysis == UpdateAliasAnalysis;

    JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "Running GVN on graph (with %llu blocks)",

    // Top level non-sparse iteration loop. If an iteration performs a
    // significant change, such as discarding a block which changes the
    // dominator tree and may enable more optimization, this loop takes another
    // iteration.
    int runs = 0;
    for (;;) {
        if (!visitGraph())
            return false;

        // Test whether any block which was not removed but which had at least
        // one predecessor removed will have a new dominator parent.
        while (!remainingBlocks_.empty()) {
            MBasicBlock* block = remainingBlocks_.popCopy();
            if (!block->isDead() && IsDominatorRefined(block)) {
                JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "  Dominator for block%u can now be refined; will re-run GVN!",
                rerun_ = true;

        if (blocksRemoved_) {
            if (!AccountForCFGChanges(mir_, graph_, dependenciesBroken_))
                return false;

            blocksRemoved_ = false;
            dependenciesBroken_ = false;

        if (mir_->shouldCancel("GVN (outer loop)"))
            return false;

        // If no further opportunities have been discovered, we're done.
        if (!rerun_)

        rerun_ = false;

        // Enforce an arbitrary iteration limit. This is rarely reached, and
        // isn't even strictly necessary, as the algorithm is guaranteed to
        // terminate on its own in a finite amount of time (since every time we
        // re-run we discard the construct which triggered the re-run), but it
        // does help avoid slow compile times on pathological code.
        if (runs == 6) {
            JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "Re-run cutoff of %d reached. Terminating GVN!", runs);

        JitSpew(JitSpew_GVN, "Re-running GVN on graph (run %d, now with %llu blocks)",
                runs, uint64_t(graph_.numBlocks()));

    return true;