void TextureToolWindow::updateControls(String texName)
        bool exists = TextureManager::getSingleton().resourceExists(texName);
        if (!exists)
            mTxt->setCaption(convertToMyGUIString("Texture not found:\n" + texName));

        TexturePtr tex = TextureManager::getSingleton().getByName(texName);
        if (tex.isNull())
            mTxt->setCaption(convertToMyGUIString("Error loading texture:\n" + texName));

        String str = "#aa0000" + texName + "#000000\n";
        str += "#00aa00res: #000000" + TOSTRING(tex->getWidth()) + " x " + TOSTRING(tex->getHeight()) + " pixels\n";
        str += "#00aa00size: #000000" + formatBytes(tex->getSize()) + "\n";
        str += "#00aa00format: #000000" + PixelUtil::getFormatName(tex->getFormat()) + "\n";
        if (tex->getNumFaces() > 1)
            str += "#00aa00faces: #000000" + TOSTRING(tex->getNumFaces()) + "\n";
        if (tex->getFSAA() > 0)
            str += "#00aa00FSAA: #000000" + TOSTRING(tex->getFSAA()) + "\n";
        if (tex->getNumMipmaps() > 0)
            str += "#00aa00mipmaps: #000000" + TOSTRING(tex->getNumMipmaps()) + "\n";

        String typeStr = "";
        switch (tex->getTextureType())
        case TEX_TYPE_1D: typeStr = "1D";
        case TEX_TYPE_2D: typeStr = "2D";
        case TEX_TYPE_3D: typeStr = "3D";
        case TEX_TYPE_CUBE_MAP: typeStr = "Cube Map";
        str += "#00aa00type: #000000" + typeStr + "\n";

        String usageStr = "";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_STATIC)
            usageStr += "static,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_DYNAMIC)
            usageStr += "dynamic,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_WRITE_ONLY)
            usageStr += "write only,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_STATIC_WRITE_ONLY)
            usageStr += "static write only,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY)
            usageStr += "dynamic write only,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_DYNAMIC_WRITE_ONLY_DISCARDABLE)
            usageStr += "dynamic write only discardable,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_AUTOMIPMAP)
            usageStr += "automipmap,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_RENDERTARGET)
            usageStr += "rendertarget,\n";
        if (tex->getUsage() & TU_DEFAULT)
            usageStr += "default\n";

        str += "#00aa00usage: #000000" + usageStr + "\n";
        if (tex->getDepth() > 1)
            str += "#00aa00depth: #000000" + TOSTRING(tex->getDepth()) + "\n";

    catch (Exception& e)
        UTFString str = "Exception while opening texture:" + e.getFullDescription();
        RoR::App::GetConsole()->putMessage(Console::CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, Console::CONSOLE_MSGTYPE_INFO, str, "error.png");
Example #2
BorderImagePtr BorderImage::loadFromOTML(const OTMLNodePtr& borderImageNode)
    Rect leftBorder;
    Rect rightBorder;
    Rect topBorder;
    Rect bottomBorder;
    Rect topLeftCorner;
    Rect topRightCorner;
    Rect bottomLeftCorner;
    Rect bottomRightCorner;
    Rect center;
    Rect subRect;
    int top, bottom, left, right, border;
    Size size;
    Point offset;

    // load texture
    std::string source = borderImageNode->at("source")->value();
    TexturePtr texture = g_textures.getTexture(source);

    // load basic border confs
    size = texture->getSize();
    size = borderImageNode->valueAt("size", size);
    offset = borderImageNode->valueAt("offset", offset);
    border = borderImageNode->valueAt("border", 0);
    subRect = Rect(offset, size);

    // load border margins
    top = bottom = left = right = border;
    top = borderImageNode->valueAt("border.top", top);
    bottom = borderImageNode->valueAt("border.bottom", bottom);
    left = borderImageNode->valueAt("border.left", left);
    right = borderImageNode->valueAt("border.right", right);

    // calculates border coords
    leftBorder = Rect(subRect.left(), subRect.top() + top, left, subRect.height() - top - bottom);
    rightBorder = Rect(subRect.right() - right + 1, subRect.top() + top, right, subRect.height() - top - bottom);
    topBorder = Rect(subRect.left() + left, subRect.top(), subRect.width() - right - left, top);
    bottomBorder = Rect(subRect.left() + left, subRect.bottom() - bottom + 1, subRect.width() - right - left, bottom);
    topLeftCorner = Rect(subRect.left(), subRect.top(), left, top);
    topRightCorner = Rect(subRect.right() - right + 1, subRect.top(), right, top);
    bottomLeftCorner = Rect(subRect.left(), subRect.bottom() - bottom + 1, left, bottom);
    bottomRightCorner = Rect(subRect.right() - right + 1, subRect.bottom() - bottom + 1, right, bottom);
    center = Rect(subRect.left() + left, subRect.top() + top, subRect.width() - right - left, subRect.height() - top - bottom);

    // load individual border conf if supplied
    leftBorder = borderImageNode->valueAt("left border", leftBorder);
    rightBorder = borderImageNode->valueAt("right border", rightBorder);
    topBorder = borderImageNode->valueAt("top border", topBorder);
    bottomBorder = borderImageNode->valueAt("bottom border", bottomBorder);
    topLeftCorner = borderImageNode->valueAt("top left corner", topLeftCorner);
    topRightCorner = borderImageNode->valueAt("top right corner", topRightCorner);
    bottomLeftCorner = borderImageNode->valueAt("bottom left corner", bottomLeftCorner);
    bottomRightCorner = borderImageNode->valueAt("bottom right corner", bottomRightCorner);
    center = borderImageNode->valueAt("center", center);

    return BorderImagePtr(new BorderImage(texture,
bool LayerComponent::init(const std::string& filename, const Vector2f& offset)

	FileInputStream mapStream;
	if (!mapStream.open(filename))
		err() << "loadMap: could not open file " << filename << endl;
		return false;

	// convert FileInputStream to char* mapBuffer
	char* mapBuffer = new char[mapStream.getSize() + 1];
	mapStream.read(mapBuffer, mapStream.getSize());
	mapBuffer[mapStream.getSize()] = '\0';

	// now lets load a NLTmxMap
	NLTmxMap* tilemap = NLLoadTmxMap(mapBuffer);
	delete mapBuffer;

	err() << "Load tilemap with size: " << tilemap->width << ", "
		<< tilemap->height << " and tilesize: " << tilemap->tileWidth
		<< ", " << tilemap->tileHeight << std::endl;

	// load textures for every tileset
	for (auto tileset : tilemap->tilesets)
		err() << "Load tileset: " << tileset->name << " width filename: "
			<< tileset->filename << " and tilesize: " << tileset->tileWidth
			<< ", " << tileset->tileHeight << std::endl;

		auto texture = make_shared<Texture>();
		if (!texture->loadFromFile(m_resourcePath + tileset->filename))
			err() << "Could not load texture " << m_resourcePath + tileset->filename << endl;
		m_tilesetTexture[tileset->name] = texture;

	// go through all layers

	for (int layerIdx = 0; layerIdx < (int)tilemap->layers.size(); layerIdx++)
		NLTmxMapLayer* layer = tilemap->layers[layerIdx];
		err() << "Load layer: " << layer->name << " with width: "
			<< layer->width << " and height: " << layer->height << std::endl;

		int size = layer->width * layer->height;

		// go over all elements in the layer
		for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
			int grid = layer->data[i];

			if (grid == 0)	continue;

			// get tileset and tileset texture
			NLTmxMapTileset* tileset = tilemap->getTilesetForGrid(grid);
			Vector2i tileSize(tilemap->tileWidth, tilemap->tileHeight);
			TexturePtr texture = m_tilesetTexture[tileset->name];
			assert(texture != nullptr);

			// horizontal tile count in tileset texture
			int tileCountX = texture->getSize().x / tileSize.x;

			// calcualte position of tile
			Vector2f position;
			position.x = (i % layer->width) * (float)tileSize.x;
			position.y = (i / layer->width) * (float)tileSize.y;
			position += offset;

			// calculate 2d idx of tile in tileset texture
			int idx = grid - tileset->firstGid;
			int idxX = idx % tileCountX;
			int idxY = idx / tileCountX;

			// calculate source area of tile in tileset texture
			IntRect source(idxX * tileSize.x, idxY * tileSize.y, tileSize.x, tileSize.y);

			// TODO create tile and put it into a layer
			auto sprite = make_shared<Sprite>();
			sprite->setPosition(position.x, position.y);


	// go through all object layers
	for (auto group : tilemap->groups)
		// go over all objects per layer
		for (auto object : group->objects)
			Vector2f position(object->x, object->y);
			position += offset;

			FloatRect bounds(position.x, position.y, object->width, object->height);

			// TODO create object
			if (object->type == "Sprite")
				auto sprite = loadSprite(object);
				m_objects[object->name] = sprite;
	return true;