Example #1
WaveClip::WaveClip(WaveClip& orig, DirManager *projDirManager)
   // essentially a copy constructor - but you must pass in the
   // current project's DirManager, because we might be copying
   // from one project to another

   mOffset = orig.mOffset;
   mRate = orig.mRate;
   mSequence = new Sequence(*orig.mSequence, projDirManager);
   mEnvelope = new Envelope();
   mEnvelope->Paste(0.0, orig.mEnvelope);
   mEnvelope->SetTrackLen(((double)orig.mSequence->GetNumSamples()) / orig.mRate);
   mWaveCache = new WaveCache(1);
   mWindowType = -1;
   mWindowSize = -1;
   hFFT = NULL;
   mWindow = NULL;
   mSpecCache = new SpecCache(1, 1, false);
   mSpecPxCache = new SpecPxCache(1);

   for (WaveClipList::compatibility_iterator it=orig.mCutLines.GetFirst(); it; it=it->GetNext())
      mCutLines.Append(new WaveClip(*it->GetData(), projDirManager));
   mAppendBuffer = NULL;
   mAppendBufferLen = 0;
   mDirty = 0;
   mIsPlaceholder = orig.GetIsPlaceholder();