Exemple #1
this method is called when group is inserted, or player / group is removed from BG Queue - there is only one player's status changed, so we don't use while (true) cycles to invite whole queue
it must be called after fully adding the members of a group to ensure group joining
should be called from Battleground::RemovePlayer function in some cases
void BattlegroundQueue::BattlegroundQueueUpdate(uint32 /*diff*/, BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId, BattlegroundBracketId bracket_id, RatedType ratedType, bool isRated, uint32 arenaRating)
    //if no players in queue - do nothing
    if (m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].empty() &&
        m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].empty() &&
        m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_NORMAL_ALLIANCE].empty() &&

    // battleground with free slot for player should be always in the beggining of the queue
    // maybe it would be better to create bgfreeslotqueue for each bracket_id
    BGFreeSlotQueueContainer& bgQueues = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBGFreeSlotQueueStore(bgTypeId);
    for (BGFreeSlotQueueContainer::iterator itr = bgQueues.begin(); itr != bgQueues.end();)
        Battleground* bg = *itr; ++itr;
        // DO NOT allow queue manager to invite new player to rated games
        if (!bg->IsRated() && bg->GetTypeID() == bgTypeId && bg->GetBracketId() == bracket_id &&
            bg->GetStatus() > STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE && bg->GetStatus() < STATUS_WAIT_LEAVE)
            // clear selection pools

            // call a function that does the job for us
            FillPlayersToBG(bg, bracket_id);

            // now everything is set, invite players
            for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr)
                InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg, (*citr)->team);

            for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_HORDE].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr)
                InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg, (*citr)->team);

            if (!bg->HasFreeSlots())

    // finished iterating through the bgs with free slots, maybe we need to create a new bg

    Battleground* bg_template = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId);
    if (!bg_template)
        TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "Battleground: Update: bg template not found for %u", bgTypeId);

    PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketById(bg_template->GetMapId(), bracket_id);
    if (!bracketEntry)
        TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "Battleground: Update: bg bracket entry not found for map %u bracket id %u", bg_template->GetMapId(), bracket_id);

    // get the min. players per team, properly for larger arenas as well. (must have full teams for arena matches!)
    uint32 MinPlayersPerTeam = bg_template->GetMinPlayersPerTeam();
    uint32 MaxPlayersPerTeam = bg_template->GetMaxPlayersPerTeam();

    if (bg_template->IsArena())
        MaxPlayersPerTeam = ratedType;
        MinPlayersPerTeam = sBattlegroundMgr->isArenaTesting() ? 1 : ratedType;
    else if (sBattlegroundMgr->isTesting())
        MinPlayersPerTeam = 1;


    if (bg_template->IsBattleground())
        if (CheckPremadeMatch(bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam, MaxPlayersPerTeam))
            // create new battleground
            Battleground* bg2 = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, RATED_TYPE_NOT_RATED, false);
            if (!bg2)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue::Update - Cannot create battleground: %u", bgTypeId);
            // invite those selection pools
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < BG_TEAMS_COUNT; i++)
                for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr)
                    InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg2, (*citr)->team);

            //clear structures

    // now check if there are in queues enough players to start new game of (normal battleground, or non-rated arena)
    if (!isRated)
        // if there are enough players in pools, start new battleground or non rated arena
        if (CheckNormalMatch(bg_template, bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam, MaxPlayersPerTeam)
            || (bg_template->IsArena() && CheckSkirmishForSameFaction(bracket_id, MinPlayersPerTeam)))
            // we successfully created a pool
            Battleground* bg2 = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, ratedType, false);
            if (!bg2)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue::Update - Cannot create battleground: %u", bgTypeId);

            // invite those selection pools
            for (uint32 i = 0; i < BG_TEAMS_COUNT; i++)
                for (GroupsQueueType::const_iterator citr = m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.begin(); citr != m_SelectionPools[TEAM_ALLIANCE + i].SelectedGroups.end(); ++citr)
                    InviteGroupToBG((*citr), bg2, (*citr)->team);
            // start bg
    else if (bg_template->IsArena()) // IsRated is not initialized in template
        // found out the minimum and maximum ratings the newly added team should battle against
        // arenaRating is the rating of the latest joined team, or 0
        // 0 is on (automatic update call) and we must set it to team's with longest wait time
        if (!arenaRating)
            GroupQueueInfo* front1 = NULL;
            GroupQueueInfo* front2 = NULL;
            if (!m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].empty())
                front1 = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_ALLIANCE].front();
                arenaRating = front1->teamMatchmakerRating;
            if (!m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].empty())
                front2 = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][BG_QUEUE_PREMADE_HORDE].front();
                arenaRating = front2->teamMatchmakerRating;
            if (front1 && front2)
                if (front1->joinTime < front2->joinTime)
                    arenaRating = front1->teamMatchmakerRating;
            else if (!front1 && !front2)
                return; //queues are empty

        //set rating range
        uint32 arenaMinRating = (arenaRating <= sBattlegroundMgr->GetMaxRatingDifference()) ? 0 : arenaRating - sBattlegroundMgr->GetMaxRatingDifference();
        uint32 arenaMaxRating = arenaRating + sBattlegroundMgr->GetMaxRatingDifference();
        // if max rating difference is set and the time past since server startup is greater than the rating discard time
        // (after what time the ratings aren't taken into account when making teams) then
        // the discard time is current_time - time_to_discard, teams that joined after that, will have their ratings taken into account
        // else leave the discard time on 0, this way all ratings will be discarded
        uint32 discardTime = getMSTime() - sBattlegroundMgr->GetRatingDiscardTimer();

        // we need to find 2 teams which will play next game
        GroupsQueueType::iterator itr_teams[BG_TEAMS_COUNT];
        uint8 found = 0;
        uint8 team = 0;

            // take the group that joined first
            GroupsQueueType::iterator itr2 = m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][i].begin();
            for (; itr2 != m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][i].end(); ++itr2)
                // if group match conditions, then add it to pool
                if (!(*itr2)->isInvitedToBGInstanceGUID
                    && (((*itr2)->teamMatchmakerRating >= arenaMinRating && (*itr2)->teamMatchmakerRating <= arenaMaxRating)
                        || (*itr2)->joinTime < discardTime))
                    itr_teams[found++] = itr2;
                    team = i;

        if (!found)

        if (found == 1)
            for (GroupsQueueType::iterator itr3 = itr_teams[0]; itr3 != m_QueuedGroups[bracket_id][team].end(); ++itr3)
                if (!(*itr3)->isInvitedToBGInstanceGUID
                    && (((*itr3)->teamMatchmakerRating >= arenaMinRating && (*itr3)->teamMatchmakerRating <= arenaMaxRating)
                        || (*itr3)->joinTime < discardTime)
                    && (*itr_teams[0])->leaderGUID != (*itr3)->leaderGUID)
                    itr_teams[found++] = itr3;

        //if we have 2 teams, then start new arena and invite players!
        if (found == 2)
            GroupQueueInfo* aTeam = *itr_teams[TEAM_ALLIANCE];
            GroupQueueInfo* hTeam = *itr_teams[TEAM_HORDE];
            Battleground* arena = sBattlegroundMgr->CreateNewBattleground(bgTypeId, bracketEntry, ratedType, true);
            if (!arena)
                TC_LOG_ERROR("bg.battleground", "BattlegroundQueue::Update couldn't create arena instance for rated arena match!");

            aTeam->opponentsTeamRating = hTeam->teamRating;
            hTeam->opponentsTeamRating = aTeam->teamRating;
            aTeam->opponentsTeamMatchmakerRating = hTeam->teamMatchmakerRating;
            hTeam->opponentsTeamMatchmakerRating = aTeam->teamMatchmakerRating;
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "setting oposite teamrating to %u", aTeam->opponentsTeamRating);
            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "setting oposite teamrating to %u", hTeam->opponentsTeamRating);

            // now we must move team if we changed its faction to another faction queue, because then we will spam log by errors in Queue::RemovePlayer
            if (aTeam->team != ALLIANCE)
            if (hTeam->team != HORDE)

            arena->SetTeamMatchmakerRating(ALLIANCE, aTeam->teamMatchmakerRating);
            arena->SetTeamMatchmakerRating(   HORDE, hTeam->teamMatchmakerRating);
            InviteGroupToBG(aTeam, arena, ALLIANCE);
            InviteGroupToBG(hTeam, arena, HORDE);

            TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Starting rated arena match!");