 * Import Arc entities.
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addArc( const DRW_Arc& data )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = ( m_useModuleItems ) ?
                        static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( new EDGE_MODULE( NULL ) ) : new DRAWSEGMENT;

    segm->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    segm->SetShape( S_ARC );

    // Init arc centre:
    wxPoint center( mapX( data.basePoint.x ), mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );

    // Init arc start point
    double  arcStartx   = data.radious;
    double  arcStarty   = 0;
    double  startangle = data.staangle;
    double  endangle = data.endangle;

    RotatePoint( &arcStartx, &arcStarty, -RAD2DECIDEG( startangle ) );
    wxPoint arcStart( mapX( arcStartx + data.basePoint.x ),
                      mapY( arcStarty + data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( arcStart );

    // calculate arc angle (arcs are CCW, and should be < 0 in Pcbnew)
    double angle = -RAD2DECIDEG( endangle - startangle );

    if( angle > 0.0 )
        angle -= 3600.0;

    segm->SetAngle( angle );

    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( data.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness : data.thickness ) );
    m_newItemsList.push_back( segm );
 * Import Arc entities.
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addArc( const DRW_Arc& data )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_brd );

    segm->SetLayer( m_brdLayer );
    segm->SetShape( S_ARC );

    // Init arc centre:
    wxPoint center( mapX( data.basePoint.x ), mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );

    // Init arc start point
    double  arcStartx   = data.radious;
    double  arcStarty   = 0;
    double  startangle = data.staangle;
    double  endangle = data.endangle;

    RotatePoint( &arcStartx, &arcStarty, -RAD2DECIDEG( startangle ) );
    wxPoint arcStart( mapX( arcStartx + data.basePoint.x ),
                      mapY( arcStarty + data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( arcStart );

    // calculate arc angle (arcs are CCW, and should be < 0 in Pcbnew)
    double angle = -RAD2DECIDEG( endangle - startangle );

    if( angle > 0.0 )
        angle -= 3600.0;

    segm->SetAngle( angle );

    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( data.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness
                            : data.thickness ) );
    appendToBoard( segm );
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addCircle( const DRW_Circle& aData )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = ( m_useModuleItems ) ?
                        static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( new EDGE_MODULE( NULL ) ) : new DRAWSEGMENT;

    segm->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    segm->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );
    wxPoint center( mapX( aData.basePoint.x ), mapY( aData.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );
    wxPoint circle_start( mapX( aData.basePoint.x + aData.radious ), mapY( aData.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( circle_start );
    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( aData.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness : aData.thickness ) );
    m_newItemsList.push_back( segm );
 * Import Circle entities.
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addCircle( const DRW_Circle& data )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_brd );

    segm->SetLayer( m_brdLayer );
    segm->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );
    wxPoint center( mapX( data.basePoint.x ), mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );
    wxPoint circle_start( mapX( data.basePoint.x + data.radious ),
                          mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( circle_start );
    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( data.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness
                            : data.thickness ) );
    appendToBoard( segm );
void POINT_EDITOR::updateItem() const
    EDA_ITEM* item = m_editPoints->GetParent();

    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_LINE_T:
        DRAWSEGMENT* segment = static_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( item );
        switch( segment->GetShape() )
        case S_SEGMENT:
            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ) ) )
                segment->SetStart( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().x,
                                            m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().y ) );

            else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ) ) )
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().x,
                                          m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().y ) );


        case S_ARC:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& start = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( center != segment->GetCenter() )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );

                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcStart() );
                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcEnd() );

                segment->SetArcStart( wxPoint( start.x, start.y ) );

                VECTOR2D startLine = start - center;
                VECTOR2I endLine = end - center;
                double newAngle = RAD2DECIDEG( endLine.Angle() - startLine.Angle() );

                // Adjust the new angle to (counter)clockwise setting
                bool clockwise = ( segment->GetAngle() > 0 );

                if( clockwise && newAngle < 0.0 )
                    newAngle += 3600.0;
                else if( !clockwise && newAngle > 0.0 )
                    newAngle -= 3600.0;

                segment->SetAngle( newAngle );


        case S_CIRCLE:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ) ) )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( end.x, end.y ) );


        default:        // suppress warnings

        // Update relative coordinates for module edges
        if( EDGE_MODULE* edge = dyn_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( item ) )


    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
        CPolyLine* outline = zone->Outline();

        for( int i = 0; i < outline->GetCornersCount(); ++i )
            VECTOR2I point = m_editPoints->Point( i ).GetPosition();
            outline->SetX( i, point.x );
            outline->SetY( i, point.y );


        DIMENSION* dimension = static_cast<DIMENSION*>( item );

        // Check which point is currently modified and updated dimension's points respectively
        if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetOrigin() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetEnd() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) )
            dimension->SetOrigin( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) )
            dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );


void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::insertArc( const wxRealPoint& aSegStart, const wxRealPoint& aSegEnd,
                                   double aBulge, int aWidth )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = ( m_useModuleItems ) ?
                        static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( new EDGE_MODULE( NULL ) ) : new DRAWSEGMENT;

    wxPoint segment_startpoint( Millimeter2iu( aSegStart.x ), Millimeter2iu( aSegStart.y ) );
    wxPoint segment_endpoint( Millimeter2iu( aSegEnd.x ), Millimeter2iu( aSegEnd.y ) );

    // ensure aBulge represents an angle from +/- ( 0 .. approx 359.8 deg )
    if( aBulge < -2000.0 )
        aBulge = -2000.0;
    else if( aBulge > 2000.0 )
        aBulge = 2000.0;

    double ang = 4.0 * atan( aBulge );

    // reflect the Y values to put everything in a RHCS
    wxRealPoint sp( aSegStart.x, -aSegStart.y );
    wxRealPoint ep( aSegEnd.x, -aSegEnd.y );
    // angle from end->start
    double offAng = atan2( ep.y - sp.y, ep.x - sp.x );
    // length of subtended segment = 1/2 distance between the 2 points
    double d = 0.5 * sqrt( (sp.x - ep.x) * (sp.x - ep.x) + (sp.y - ep.y) * (sp.y - ep.y) );
    // midpoint of the subtended segment
    double xm   = ( sp.x + ep.x ) * 0.5;
    double ym   = ( sp.y + ep.y ) * 0.5;
    double radius = d / sin( ang * 0.5 );

    if( radius < 0.0 )
        radius = -radius;

    // calculate the height of the triangle with base d and hypotenuse r
    double dh2 = radius * radius - d * d;

    // this should only ever happen due to rounding errors when r == d
    if( dh2 < 0.0 )
        dh2 = 0.0;

    double h = sqrt( dh2 );

    if( ang < 0.0 )
        offAng -= M_PI_2;
        offAng += M_PI_2;

    // for angles greater than 180 deg we need to flip the
    // direction in which the arc center is found relative
    // to the midpoint of the subtended segment.
    if( ang < -M_PI )
        offAng += M_PI;
    else if( ang > M_PI )
        offAng -= M_PI;

    // center point
    double cx = h * cos( offAng ) + xm;
    double cy = h * sin( offAng ) + ym;

    segm->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    segm->SetShape( S_ARC );
    segm->SetCenter( wxPoint( Millimeter2iu( cx ), Millimeter2iu( -cy ) ) );

    if( ang < 0.0 )
        segm->SetArcStart( wxPoint( Millimeter2iu( ep.x ), Millimeter2iu( -ep.y ) ) );
        segm->SetAngle( RAD2DECIDEG( ang ) );
        segm->SetArcStart( wxPoint( Millimeter2iu( sp.x ), Millimeter2iu( -sp.y ) ) );
        segm->SetAngle( RAD2DECIDEG( -ang ) );

    segm->SetWidth( aWidth );

    m_newItemsList.push_back( segm );