bool DebugIR::runOnModule(Module &M) { OwningPtr<int> fd; if (isMissingPath() && !getSourceInfo(M)) { if (!WriteSourceToDisk) report_fatal_error("DebugIR unable to determine file name in input. " "Ensure Module contains an identifier, a valid " "DICompileUnit, or construct DebugIR with " "non-empty Filename/Directory parameters."); else generateFilename(fd); } if (!GeneratedPath && WriteSourceToDisk) updateExtension(".debug-ll"); // Clear line numbers. Keep debug info (if any) if we were able to read the // file name from the DICompileUnit descriptor. DebugMetadataRemover::process(M, !ParsedPath); OwningPtr<Module> DisplayM; createDebugInfo(M, DisplayM); if (WriteSourceToDisk) { Module *OutputM = DisplayM.get() ? DisplayM.get() : &M; writeDebugBitcode(OutputM, fd.get()); } DEBUG(M.dump()); return true; }
bool ToolInvocation::run() { std::vector<const char*> Argv; for (int I = 0, E = CommandLine.size(); I != E; ++I) Argv.push_back(CommandLine[I].c_str()); const char *const BinaryName = Argv[0]; IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticOptions> DiagOpts = new DiagnosticOptions(); TextDiagnosticPrinter DiagnosticPrinter( llvm::errs(), &*DiagOpts); DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics( IntrusiveRefCntPtr<clang::DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs()), &*DiagOpts, &DiagnosticPrinter, false); const OwningPtr<clang::driver::Driver> Driver( newDriver(&Diagnostics, BinaryName)); // Since the input might only be virtual, don't check whether it exists. Driver->setCheckInputsExist(false); const OwningPtr<clang::driver::Compilation> Compilation( Driver->BuildCompilation(llvm::makeArrayRef(Argv))); const clang::driver::ArgStringList *const CC1Args = getCC1Arguments( &Diagnostics, Compilation.get()); if (CC1Args == NULL) { return false; } OwningPtr<clang::CompilerInvocation> Invocation( newInvocation(&Diagnostics, *CC1Args)); return runInvocation(BinaryName, Compilation.get(), Invocation.take()); }
static void clang_indexTranslationUnit_Impl(void *UserData) { IndexTranslationUnitInfo *ITUI = static_cast<IndexTranslationUnitInfo*>(UserData); CXTranslationUnit TU = ITUI->TU; CXClientData client_data = ITUI->client_data; IndexerCallbacks *client_index_callbacks = ITUI->index_callbacks; unsigned index_callbacks_size = ITUI->index_callbacks_size; unsigned index_options = ITUI->index_options; ITUI->result = 1; // init as error. if (!TU) return; if (!client_index_callbacks || index_callbacks_size == 0) return; CIndexer *CXXIdx = (CIndexer*)TU->CIdx; if (CXXIdx->isOptEnabled(CXGlobalOpt_ThreadBackgroundPriorityForIndexing)) setThreadBackgroundPriority(); IndexerCallbacks CB; memset(&CB, 0, sizeof(CB)); unsigned ClientCBSize = index_callbacks_size < sizeof(CB) ? index_callbacks_size : sizeof(CB); memcpy(&CB, client_index_callbacks, ClientCBSize); OwningPtr<IndexingContext> IndexCtx; IndexCtx.reset(new IndexingContext(client_data, CB, index_options, TU)); // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method. llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<IndexingContext> IndexCtxCleanup(IndexCtx.get()); OwningPtr<IndexingConsumer> IndexConsumer; IndexConsumer.reset(new IndexingConsumer(*IndexCtx)); // Recover resources if we crash before exiting this method. llvm::CrashRecoveryContextCleanupRegistrar<IndexingConsumer> IndexConsumerCleanup(IndexConsumer.get()); ASTUnit *Unit = static_cast<ASTUnit *>(TU->TUData); if (!Unit) return; ASTUnit::ConcurrencyCheck Check(*Unit); FileManager &FileMgr = Unit->getFileManager(); if (Unit->getOriginalSourceFileName().empty()) IndexCtx->enteredMainFile(0); else IndexCtx->enteredMainFile(FileMgr.getFile(Unit->getOriginalSourceFileName())); IndexConsumer->Initialize(Unit->getASTContext()); indexPreprocessingRecord(*Unit, *IndexCtx); indexTranslationUnit(*Unit, *IndexCtx); indexDiagnostics(TU, *IndexCtx); ITUI->result = 0; }
// Returns true on error. static bool format(std::string FileName) { FileManager Files((FileSystemOptions())); DiagnosticsEngine Diagnostics( IntrusiveRefCntPtr<DiagnosticIDs>(new DiagnosticIDs), new DiagnosticOptions); SourceManager Sources(Diagnostics, Files); OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Code; if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(FileName, Code)) { llvm::errs() << ec.message() << "\n"; return true; } if (Code->getBufferSize() == 0) return true; // Empty files are formatted correctly. FileID ID = createInMemoryFile(FileName, Code.get(), Sources, Files); std::vector<CharSourceRange> Ranges; if (fillRanges(Sources, ID, Code.get(), Ranges)) return true; FormatStyle FormatStyle = getStyle(Style, FileName); Lexer Lex(ID, Sources.getBuffer(ID), Sources, getFormattingLangOpts(FormatStyle.Standard)); tooling::Replacements Replaces = reformat(FormatStyle, Lex, Sources, Ranges); if (OutputXML) { llvm::outs() << "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<replacements xml:space='preserve'>\n"; for (tooling::Replacements::const_iterator I = Replaces.begin(), E = Replaces.end(); I != E; ++I) { llvm::outs() << "<replacement " << "offset='" << I->getOffset() << "' " << "length='" << I->getLength() << "'>" << I->getReplacementText() << "</replacement>\n"; } llvm::outs() << "</replacements>\n"; } else { Rewriter Rewrite(Sources, LangOptions()); tooling::applyAllReplacements(Replaces, Rewrite); if (Inplace) { if (Replaces.size() == 0) return false; // Nothing changed, don't touch the file. std::string ErrorInfo; llvm::raw_fd_ostream FileStream(FileName.c_str(), ErrorInfo, llvm::sys::fs::F_Binary); if (!ErrorInfo.empty()) { llvm::errs() << "Error while writing file: " << ErrorInfo << "\n"; return true; } Rewrite.getEditBuffer(ID).write(FileStream); FileStream.flush(); } else { if (Cursor.getNumOccurrences() != 0) outs() << "{ \"Cursor\": " << tooling::shiftedCodePosition( Replaces, Cursor) << " }\n"; Rewrite.getEditBuffer(ID).write(outs()); } } return false; }
virtual void HandleTranslationUnit(ASTContext &C) { { PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Per-file LLVM IR generation"); if (llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled) LLVMIRGeneration.startTimer(); Gen->HandleTranslationUnit(C); if (llvm::TimePassesIsEnabled) LLVMIRGeneration.stopTimer(); } // Silently ignore if we weren't initialized for some reason. if (!TheModule) return; // Make sure IR generation is happy with the module. This is released by // the module provider. llvm::Module *M = Gen->ReleaseModule(); if (!M) { // The module has been released by IR gen on failures, do not double // free. TheModule.take(); return; } assert(TheModule.get() == M && "Unexpected module change during IR generation"); // Link LinkModule into this module if present, preserving its validity. if (LinkModule) { std::string ErrorMsg; if (Linker::LinkModules(M, LinkModule.get(), Linker::PreserveSource, &ErrorMsg)) { Diags.Report(diag::err_fe_cannot_link_module) << LinkModule->getModuleIdentifier() << ErrorMsg; return; } } // Install an inline asm handler so that diagnostics get printed through // our diagnostics hooks. LLVMContext &Ctx = TheModule->getContext(); LLVMContext::InlineAsmDiagHandlerTy OldHandler = Ctx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler(); void *OldContext = Ctx.getInlineAsmDiagnosticContext(); Ctx.setInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler(InlineAsmDiagHandler, this); EmitBackendOutput(Diags, CodeGenOpts, TargetOpts, LangOpts, TheModule.get(), Action, AsmOutStream); Ctx.setInlineAsmDiagnosticHandler(OldHandler, OldContext); }
int main() { InitializeNativeTarget(); llvm_start_multithreaded(); LLVMContext context; string error; OwningPtr<llvm::MemoryBuffer> fileBuf; MemoryBuffer::getFile("hw.bc", fileBuf); ErrorOr<Module*> m = parseBitcodeFile(fileBuf.get(), context); ExecutionEngine *ee = ExecutionEngine::create(m.get()); Function* func = ee->FindFunctionNamed("main"); std::cout << "hop " << m.get() << " ee " << ee << " f " << func << std::endl; typedef void (*PFN)(); PFN pfn = reinterpret_cast<PFN>(ee->getPointerToFunction(func)); pfn(); Function* f = ee->FindFunctionNamed("fib"); std::cout << "big " << f << std::endl; // typedef std::function<int(int)> fibType; typedef int (*fibType)(int); fibType ffib = reinterpret_cast<fibType>(ee->getPointerToFunction(f)); std::cout << "fib " << ffib(7) << std::endl; delete ee; }
image* create(const char* data, std::size_t size) { StringRef data_ref(data, size); MemoryBuffer* buff(MemoryBuffer::getMemBufferCopy(data_ref, "binary")); OwningPtr<object::Binary> binary; if (error_code ec = createBinary(buff, binary)) llvm_binary_fail(ec); return create_image(binary.get()); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { atexit(llvm_shutdown); // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit. lav::parseArguments(argc, argv); sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal(); // Load the bytecode... // std::cout << std::endl << "Loading the bytecode..." << std::endl; std::string ErrorMsg; Module *mainModule = 0; OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> BufferPtr; llvm::error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(InputFileName.c_str(), BufferPtr); if (ec) { lav::exit_error((std::string) "error loading program '%s': %s" + InputFileName.c_str() + ec.message().c_str()); } mainModule = getLazyBitcodeModule(BufferPtr.get(), getGlobalContext(), &ErrorMsg); if (mainModule) { if (mainModule->MaterializeAllPermanently(&ErrorMsg)) { delete mainModule; mainModule = 0; } } if (!mainModule) lav::exit_error((std::string) "error loading program '%s': %s" + InputFileName.c_str() + ErrorMsg.c_str()); std::cout << "Loading the bytecode... Completed " << std::endl << std::endl; PassManager Passes; Passes.add(new llvm::DataLayout(mainModule)); Passes.add(createFCFGSimplificationPass()); // Clean up after IPCP & DAE // Passes.add(createLoopInfoPass()); // Passes.add(llvm::createLoopSimplifyPass()); Passes.add(lav::createPetljePass()); // if (EnableInline) Passes.add(createAllInlinerPass( Threshold)); //Inline malo vece funkcije, parametar inlininga od 200 do //milijardu, ako je bez argumenta postavljeno je na //milijardu*mainModule); Podaci p(mainModule); p.UradiPosao(); BufferPtr.take(); std::cout << "Finished " << std::endl << std::endl; return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "SPIR verifier"); if (InputFilename.empty()) { errs() << HelpMessage; return 1; } StringRef Path = InputFilename; LLVMContext Ctx; OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> result; // Parse the bitcode file into a module. error_code ErrCode = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, result); if (!result.get()) { errs() << "Buffer Creation Error. " << ErrCode.message() << "\n"; return 1; } std::string ErrMsg; Module *M = ParseBitcodeFile(result.get(), Ctx, &ErrMsg); if (!M) { outs() << "According to this SPIR Verifier, " << Path << " is an invalid SPIR module.\n"; errs() << "Bitcode parsing error. " << ErrMsg << "\n"; return 1; } // Run the verification pass, and report errors if necessary. SpirValidation Validation; Validation.runOnModule(*M); const ErrorPrinter *EP = Validation.getErrorPrinter(); if (EP->hasErrors()) { outs() << "According to this SPIR Verifier, " << Path << " is an invalid SPIR module.\n"; errs() << "The module contains the following errors:\n\n"; EP->print(errs(), LITMode.getValue()); return 1; } outs() << "According to this SPIR Verifier, " << Path << " is a valid SPIR module.\n"; return 0; }
SpecialCaseList *SpecialCaseList::create( const StringRef Path, std::string &Error) { if (Path.empty()) return new SpecialCaseList(); OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> File; if (error_code EC = MemoryBuffer::getFile(Path, File)) { Error = (Twine("Can't open file '") + Path + "': " + EC.message()).str(); return 0; } return create(File.get(), Error); }
void DebugIR::createDebugInfo(Module &M, OwningPtr<Module> &DisplayM) { if (M.getFunctionList().size() == 0) // no functions -- no debug info needed return; OwningPtr<ValueToValueMapTy> VMap; if (WriteSourceToDisk && (HideDebugIntrinsics || HideDebugMetadata)) { VMap.reset(new ValueToValueMapTy); DisplayM.reset(CloneModule(&M, *VMap)); if (HideDebugIntrinsics) DebugIntrinsicsRemover::process(*DisplayM); if (HideDebugMetadata) DebugMetadataRemover::process(*DisplayM); } DIUpdater R(M, Filename, Directory, DisplayM.get(), VMap.get()); }
/// @brief Opens \a File and dumps it. static void dumpInput(StringRef File) { // If file isn't stdin, check that it exists. if (File != "-" && !sys::fs::exists(File)) { reportError(File, readobj_error::file_not_found); return; } // Attempt to open the binary. OwningPtr<Binary> Binary; if (error_code EC = createBinary(File, Binary)) { reportError(File, EC); return; } if (Archive *Arc = dyn_cast<Archive>(Binary.get())) dumpArchive(Arc); else if (ObjectFile *Obj = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(Binary.get())) dumpObject(Obj); else reportError(File, readobj_error::unrecognized_file_format); }
/// @brief Print the section sizes for @p file. If @p file is an archive, print /// the section sizes for each archive member. static void PrintFileSectionSizes(StringRef file) { // If file is not stdin, check that it exists. if (file != "-") { bool exists; if (sys::fs::exists(file, exists) || !exists) { errs() << ToolName << ": '" << file << "': " << "No such file\n"; return; } } // Attempt to open the binary. ErrorOr<Binary *> BinaryOrErr = createBinary(file); if (error_code EC = BinaryOrErr.getError()) { errs() << ToolName << ": " << file << ": " << EC.message() << ".\n"; return; } OwningPtr<Binary> binary(BinaryOrErr.get()); if (Archive *a = dyn_cast<Archive>(binary.get())) { // This is an archive. Iterate over each member and display its sizes. for (object::Archive::child_iterator i = a->child_begin(), e = a->child_end(); i != e; ++i) { OwningPtr<Binary> child; if (error_code ec = i->getAsBinary(child)) { errs() << ToolName << ": " << file << ": " << ec.message() << ".\n"; continue; } if (ObjectFile *o = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(child.get())) { if (OutputFormat == sysv) outs() << o->getFileName() << " (ex " << a->getFileName() << "):\n"; PrintObjectSectionSizes(o); if (OutputFormat == berkeley) outs() << o->getFileName() << " (ex " << a->getFileName() << ")\n"; } } } else if (ObjectFile *o = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(binary.get())) { if (OutputFormat == sysv) outs() << o->getFileName() << " :\n"; PrintObjectSectionSizes(o); if (OutputFormat == berkeley) outs() << o->getFileName() << "\n"; } else { errs() << ToolName << ": " << file << ": " << "Unrecognized file type.\n"; } // System V adds an extra newline at the end of each file. if (OutputFormat == sysv) outs() << "\n"; }
Module *LoadModule(const char *filename) { LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext(); std::string ErrMsg; OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer; std::string fname(filename); if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFile(fname, Buffer)) { std::cout << "Could not open file" << ec.message() << std::endl; } Module *m = ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer.get(), Context, &ErrMsg); if (!m) { std::cout << "error" << ErrMsg << std::endl; } return m; }
void CompilerInstance::createPCHExternalASTSource(StringRef Path, bool DisablePCHValidation, bool AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors, void *DeserializationListener){ OwningPtr<ExternalASTSource> Source; bool Preamble = getPreprocessorOpts().PrecompiledPreambleBytes.first != 0; Source.reset(createPCHExternalASTSource(Path, getHeaderSearchOpts().Sysroot, DisablePCHValidation, AllowPCHWithCompilerErrors, getPreprocessor(), getASTContext(), DeserializationListener, Preamble)); ModuleManager = static_cast<ASTReader*>(Source.get()); getASTContext().setExternalSource(Source); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext(); std::string ErrMsg; OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer; std::string fname(argv[1]); if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFile(fname+".bc", Buffer)) { std::cout << "Could not open file" << ec.message() << std::endl; } Module *m = ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer.get(), Context, &ErrMsg); if (!m) { std::cout << "error" << ErrMsg << std::endl; return 1; } (*m).dump(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc < 2) error("Missing file name."); LLVMContext context; SMDiagnostic diag; OwningPtr<Module> module; module.reset(ParseIRFile(argv[1], diag, context)); if(!module.get()) error("Failed to load IR."); for(Module::iterator iter = module->begin(); iter != module->end(); iter++) { Function *func = iter; char *name = (char *)malloc(1024); size_t len = 1024; int err; name = abi::__cxa_demangle(func->getName().data(), name, &len, &err); if(err) continue; name[strlen(name)-2] = '\0'; for(Function::iterator iter = func->begin(); iter != func->end(); iter++) { BasicBlock *block = iter; for(BasicBlock::iterator iter = block->begin(); iter != block->end(); iter++) { Instruction *inst = iter; if(inst->getOpcode() != Instruction::PtrToInt) continue; DILocation loc(inst->getMetadata("dbg")); printf("%s:%u\n", loc.getFilename().data(), loc.getLineNumber()); } } free(name); } return 0; }
/// @brief Dumps each object file in \a Arc; static void dumpArchive(const Archive *Arc) { for (Archive::child_iterator ArcI = Arc->begin_children(), ArcE = Arc->end_children(); ArcI != ArcE; ++ArcI) { OwningPtr<Binary> child; if (error_code EC = ArcI->getAsBinary(child)) { // Ignore non-object files. if (EC != object_error::invalid_file_type) reportError(Arc->getFileName(), EC.message()); continue; } if (ObjectFile *Obj = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(child.get())) dumpObject(Obj); else reportError(Arc->getFileName(), readobj_error::unrecognized_file_format); } }
// LoadObject - Read in and parse the bitcode file named by FN and return the // module it contains (wrapped in an auto_ptr), or auto_ptr<Module>() and set // Error if an error occurs. std::auto_ptr<Module> Linker::LoadObject(const sys::Path &FN) { std::string ParseErrorMessage; Module *Result = 0; OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer; if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(FN.c_str(), Buffer)) ParseErrorMessage = "Error reading file '" + FN.str() + "'" + ": " + ec.message(); else Result = ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer.get(), Context, &ParseErrorMessage); if (Result) return std::auto_ptr<Module>(Result); Error = "Bitcode file '" + FN.str() + "' could not be loaded"; if (ParseErrorMessage.size()) Error += ": " + ParseErrorMessage; return std::auto_ptr<Module>(); }
/// addPassesToEmitMC - Add passes to the specified pass manager to get /// machine code emitted with the MCJIT. This method returns true if machine /// code is not supported. It fills the MCContext Ctx pointer which can be /// used to build custom MCStreamer. /// bool LLVMTargetMachine::addPassesToEmitMC(PassManagerBase &PM, MCContext *&Ctx, raw_ostream &Out, bool DisableVerify) { // Add common CodeGen passes. Ctx = addPassesToGenerateCode(this, PM, DisableVerify, 0, 0); if (!Ctx) return true; if (hasMCSaveTempLabels()) Ctx->setAllowTemporaryLabels(false); // Create the code emitter for the target if it exists. If not, .o file // emission fails. const MCRegisterInfo &MRI = *getRegisterInfo(); const MCSubtargetInfo &STI = getSubtarget<MCSubtargetInfo>(); MCCodeEmitter *MCE = getTarget().createMCCodeEmitter(*getInstrInfo(), MRI, STI, *Ctx); MCAsmBackend *MAB = getTarget().createMCAsmBackend(MRI, getTargetTriple(), TargetCPU); if (MCE == 0 || MAB == 0) return true; OwningPtr<MCStreamer> AsmStreamer; AsmStreamer.reset(getTarget().createMCObjectStreamer(getTargetTriple(), *Ctx, *MAB, Out, MCE, hasMCRelaxAll(), hasMCNoExecStack())); AsmStreamer.get()->InitSections(); // Create the AsmPrinter, which takes ownership of AsmStreamer if successful. FunctionPass *Printer = getTarget().createAsmPrinter(*this, *AsmStreamer); if (Printer == 0) return true; // If successful, createAsmPrinter took ownership of AsmStreamer. AsmStreamer.take(); PM.add(Printer); return false; // success! }
Module* createModuleFromFile(const std::string & fileName) { std::string errorMessage; //create memory buffer for file OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> fileBuffer; error_code e = MemoryBuffer::getFile(fileName.c_str(), fileBuffer); if (e) { errs() << "Error reading file '" << fileName << "': " << e.message() << "\n"; return NULL; } if (!fileBuffer) { errs() << "Error reading file '" << fileName << "'.\n"; return NULL; } if (fileBuffer->getBufferSize() & 3) { errs() << "Error: Bitcode stream should be " << "a multiple of 4 bytes in length\n"; return NULL; } //parse file Module* mod = ParseBitcodeFile(fileBuffer.get(), getGlobalContext(), &errorMessage); if (errorMessage != "") { errs() << "Error reading bitcode file: " << errorMessage << "\n"; return NULL; } if (!mod) { errs() << "Error reading bitcode file.\n"; return NULL; } return mod; }
void MCJIT::loadObject(Module *M) { // Get a thread lock to make sure we aren't trying to load multiple times MutexGuard locked(lock); // FIXME: Track compilation state on a per-module basis when multiple modules // are supported. // Re-compilation is not supported if (IsLoaded) return; OwningPtr<ObjectBuffer> ObjectToLoad; // Try to load the pre-compiled object from cache if possible if (0 != ObjCache) { OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> PreCompiledObject(ObjCache->getObjectCopy(M)); if (0 != PreCompiledObject.get()) ObjectToLoad.reset(new ObjectBuffer(PreCompiledObject.take())); } // If the cache did not contain a suitable object, compile the object if (!ObjectToLoad) { ObjectToLoad.reset(emitObject(M)); assert(ObjectToLoad.get() && "Compilation did not produce an object."); } // Load the object into the dynamic linker. // handing off ownership of the buffer LoadedObject.reset(Dyld.loadObject(ObjectToLoad.take())); if (!LoadedObject) report_fatal_error(Dyld.getErrorString()); // Resolve any relocations. Dyld.resolveRelocations(); // FIXME: Make this optional, maybe even move it to a JIT event listener LoadedObject->registerWithDebugger(); NotifyObjectEmitted(*LoadedObject); // FIXME: Add support for per-module compilation state IsLoaded = true; }
bool FixItRecompile::BeginInvocation(CompilerInstance &CI) { std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > RewrittenFiles; bool err = false; { const FrontendOptions &FEOpts = CI.getFrontendOpts(); OwningPtr<FrontendAction> FixAction(new SyntaxOnlyAction()); if (FixAction->BeginSourceFile(CI, FEOpts.Inputs[0])) { OwningPtr<FixItOptions> FixItOpts; if (FEOpts.FixToTemporaries) FixItOpts.reset(new FixItRewriteToTemp()); else FixItOpts.reset(new FixItRewriteInPlace()); FixItOpts->Silent = true; FixItOpts->FixWhatYouCan = FEOpts.FixWhatYouCan; FixItOpts->FixOnlyWarnings = FEOpts.FixOnlyWarnings; FixItRewriter Rewriter(CI.getDiagnostics(), CI.getSourceManager(), CI.getLangOpts(), FixItOpts.get()); FixAction->Execute(); err = Rewriter.WriteFixedFiles(&RewrittenFiles); FixAction->EndSourceFile(); CI.setSourceManager(0); CI.setFileManager(0); } else { err = true; } } if (err) return false; CI.getDiagnosticClient().clear(); CI.getDiagnostics().Reset(); PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts = CI.getPreprocessorOpts(); PPOpts.RemappedFiles.insert(PPOpts.RemappedFiles.end(), RewrittenFiles.begin(), RewrittenFiles.end()); PPOpts.RemappedFilesKeepOriginalName = false; return true; }
void MCJIT::generateCodeForModule(Module *M) { // This must be a module which has already been added to this MCJIT instance. assert(std::find(Modules.begin(), Modules.end(), M) != Modules.end()); assert(ModuleStates.find(M) != ModuleStates.end()); // Get a thread lock to make sure we aren't trying to load multiple times MutexGuard locked(lock); // Re-compilation is not supported if (ModuleStates[M].hasBeenLoaded()) return; OwningPtr<ObjectBuffer> ObjectToLoad; // Try to load the pre-compiled object from cache if possible if (0 != ObjCache) { OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> PreCompiledObject(ObjCache->getObject(M)); if (0 != PreCompiledObject.get()) ObjectToLoad.reset(new ObjectBuffer(PreCompiledObject.take())); } // If the cache did not contain a suitable object, compile the object if (!ObjectToLoad) { ObjectToLoad.reset(emitObject(M)); assert(ObjectToLoad.get() && "Compilation did not produce an object."); } // Load the object into the dynamic linker. // MCJIT now owns the ObjectImage pointer (via its LoadedObjects map). ObjectImage *LoadedObject = Dyld.loadObject(ObjectToLoad.take()); LoadedObjects[M] = LoadedObject; if (!LoadedObject) report_fatal_error(Dyld.getErrorString()); // FIXME: Make this optional, maybe even move it to a JIT event listener LoadedObject->registerWithDebugger(); NotifyObjectEmitted(*LoadedObject); ModuleStates[M] = ModuleLoaded; }
bool SimplePrinterConsumer::HandleTopLevelDecl(DeclGroupRef D) { if(D.begin() == D.end()) { return true; } Decl *firstD = *(D.begin()); if(compInst->getSourceManager().isInSystemHeader(firstD->getLocation())) { return true; } PrintingPolicy policy = compInst->getASTContext().getPrintingPolicy(); NullStmt *nullSt = new (compInst->getASTContext()) NullStmt(SourceLocation()); for(DeclGroupRef::iterator I = D.begin(), E = D.end(); I != E; ++I) { Decl *dd = *I; DPRINT("PrintingPolicy: %d %d %d %d %d", policy.SuppressSpecifiers, policy.SuppressScope, policy.SuppressTag, policy.SuppressUnwrittenScope, policy.SuppressSpecifiers); dd->print(out, policy); nullSt->printPretty(out, NULL, policy); if(dd->hasBody()) { Stmt *ss = dd->getBody(); // Print Stmts //dd->dump(); //StmtPrinter(compInst, dd->getBody()).TraverseDecl(dd); // CFG OwningPtr<CFG> cfg; cfg.reset(CFG::buildCFG((const Decl*)dd, (Stmt*)(dd->getBody()), &compInst->getASTContext(), CFG::BuildOptions())); assert(cfg.get() != NULL && "build CFG failed."); cfg->dump(compInst->getLangOpts(), true); cfg->viewCFG(compInst->getLangOpts()); } } return true; };
int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Print a stack trace if we signal out. sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal(); PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv); LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext(); llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit. cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm profile dump decoder\n"); // Read in the bitcode file... std::string ErrorMessage; OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer; error_code ec; Module *M = 0; if (!(ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(BitcodeFile, Buffer))) { M = ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer.get(), Context, &ErrorMessage); } else ErrorMessage = ec.message(); if (M == 0) { errs() << argv[0] << ": " << BitcodeFile << ": " << ErrorMessage << "\n"; return 1; } // Read the profiling information. This is redundant since we load it again // using the standard profile info provider pass, but for now this gives us // access to additional information not exposed via the ProfileInfo // interface. ProfileInfoLoader PIL(argv[0], ProfileDataFile); // Run the printer pass. PassManager PassMgr; PassMgr.add(createProfileLoaderPass(ProfileDataFile)); PassMgr.add(new ProfileInfoPrinterPass(PIL));*M); return 0; }
// Get just the externally visible defined symbols from the bitcode bool llvm::GetBitcodeSymbols(const sys::Path& fName, LLVMContext& Context, std::vector<std::string>& symbols, std::string* ErrMsg) { OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer; if (error_code ec = MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(fName.c_str(), Buffer)) { if (ErrMsg) *ErrMsg = "Could not open file '" + fName.str() + "'" + ": " + ec.message(); return true; } Module *M = ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer.get(), Context, ErrMsg); if (!M) return true; // Get the symbols getSymbols(M, symbols); // Done with the module. delete M; return true; }
/// addPassesToEmitMC - Add passes to the specified pass manager to get /// machine code emitted with the MCJIT. This method returns true if machine /// code is not supported. It fills the MCContext Ctx pointer which can be /// used to build custom MCStreamer. /// bool LLVMTargetMachine::addPassesToEmitMC(PassManagerBase &PM, MCContext *&Ctx, raw_ostream &Out, CodeGenOpt::Level OptLevel, bool DisableVerify) { // Add common CodeGen passes. if (addCommonCodeGenPasses(PM, OptLevel, DisableVerify, Ctx)) return true; // Create the code emitter for the target if it exists. If not, .o file // emission fails. MCCodeEmitter *MCE = getTarget().createCodeEmitter(*this, *Ctx); TargetAsmBackend *TAB = getTarget().createAsmBackend(TargetTriple); if (MCE == 0 || TAB == 0) return true; OwningPtr<MCStreamer> AsmStreamer; AsmStreamer.reset(getTarget().createObjectStreamer(TargetTriple, *Ctx, *TAB, Out, MCE, hasMCRelaxAll(), hasMCNoExecStack())); AsmStreamer.get()->InitSections(); // Create the AsmPrinter, which takes ownership of AsmStreamer if successful. FunctionPass *Printer = getTarget().createAsmPrinter(*this, *AsmStreamer); if (Printer == 0) return true; // If successful, createAsmPrinter took ownership of AsmStreamer. AsmStreamer.take(); PM.add(Printer); // Make sure the code model is set. setCodeModelForJIT(); return false; // success! }
static void DumpSymbolNamesFromFile(std::string &Filename) { if (Filename != "-" && !sys::fs::exists(Filename)) { errs() << ToolName << ": '" << Filename << "': " << "No such file\n"; return; } OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> Buffer; if (error(MemoryBuffer::getFileOrSTDIN(Filename, Buffer), Filename)) return; sys::fs::file_magic magic = sys::fs::identify_magic(Buffer->getBuffer()); LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext(); std::string ErrorMessage; if (magic == sys::fs::file_magic::bitcode) { Module *Result = 0; Result = ParseBitcodeFile(Buffer.get(), Context, &ErrorMessage); if (Result) { DumpSymbolNamesFromModule(Result); delete Result; } else { error(ErrorMessage, Filename); return; } } else if (magic == sys::fs::file_magic::archive) { OwningPtr<Binary> arch; if (error(object::createBinary(Buffer.take(), arch), Filename)) return; if (object::Archive *a = dyn_cast<object::Archive>(arch.get())) { if (ArchiveMap) { outs() << "Archive map" << "\n"; for (object::Archive::symbol_iterator i = a->begin_symbols(), e = a->end_symbols(); i != e; ++i) { object::Archive::child_iterator c; StringRef symname; StringRef filename; if (error(i->getMember(c))) return; if (error(i->getName(symname))) return; if (error(c->getName(filename))) return; outs() << symname << " in " << filename << "\n"; } outs() << "\n"; } for (object::Archive::child_iterator i = a->begin_children(), e = a->end_children(); i != e; ++i) { OwningPtr<Binary> child; if (i->getAsBinary(child)) { // Try opening it as a bitcode file. OwningPtr<MemoryBuffer> buff(i->getBuffer()); Module *Result = 0; if (buff) Result = ParseBitcodeFile(buff.get(), Context, &ErrorMessage); if (Result) { DumpSymbolNamesFromModule(Result); delete Result; } continue; } if (object::ObjectFile *o = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(child.get())) { outs() << o->getFileName() << ":\n"; DumpSymbolNamesFromObject(o); } } } } else if (magic.is_object()) { OwningPtr<Binary> obj; if (error(object::createBinary(Buffer.take(), obj), Filename)) return; if (object::ObjectFile *o = dyn_cast<ObjectFile>(obj.get())) DumpSymbolNamesFromObject(o); } else { errs() << ToolName << ": " << Filename << ": " << "unrecognizable file type\n"; return; } }
//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // main for opt // int main(int argc, char **argv) { sys::PrintStackTraceOnErrorSignal(); llvm::PrettyStackTraceProgram X(argc, argv); // Enable debug stream buffering. EnableDebugBuffering = true; llvm_shutdown_obj Y; // Call llvm_shutdown() on exit. LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext(); InitializeAllTargets(); InitializeAllTargetMCs(); // Initialize passes PassRegistry &Registry = *PassRegistry::getPassRegistry(); initializeCore(Registry); initializeScalarOpts(Registry); initializeObjCARCOpts(Registry); initializeVectorization(Registry); initializeIPO(Registry); initializeAnalysis(Registry); initializeIPA(Registry); initializeTransformUtils(Registry); initializeInstCombine(Registry); initializeInstrumentation(Registry); initializeTarget(Registry); // @LOCALMOD-BEGIN initializeAddPNaClExternalDeclsPass(Registry); initializeCanonicalizeMemIntrinsicsPass(Registry); initializeExpandArithWithOverflowPass(Registry); initializeExpandByValPass(Registry); initializeExpandConstantExprPass(Registry); initializeExpandCtorsPass(Registry); initializeExpandGetElementPtrPass(Registry); initializeExpandSmallArgumentsPass(Registry); initializeExpandStructRegsPass(Registry); initializeExpandTlsConstantExprPass(Registry); initializeExpandTlsPass(Registry); initializeExpandVarArgsPass(Registry); initializeFlattenGlobalsPass(Registry); initializeGlobalCleanupPass(Registry); initializeInsertDivideCheckPass(Registry); initializePNaClABIVerifyFunctionsPass(Registry); initializePNaClABIVerifyModulePass(Registry); initializePNaClSjLjEHPass(Registry); initializePromoteI1OpsPass(Registry); initializePromoteIntegersPass(Registry); initializeRemoveAsmMemoryPass(Registry); initializeReplacePtrsWithIntsPass(Registry); initializeResolveAliasesPass(Registry); initializeResolvePNaClIntrinsicsPass(Registry); initializeRewriteAtomicsPass(Registry); initializeRewriteLLVMIntrinsicsPass(Registry); initializeRewritePNaClLibraryCallsPass(Registry); initializeStripAttributesPass(Registry); initializeStripMetadataPass(Registry); initializeExpandI64Pass(Registry); // @LOCALMOD-END cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv, "llvm .bc -> .bc modular optimizer and analysis printer\n"); if (AnalyzeOnly && NoOutput) { errs() << argv[0] << ": analyze mode conflicts with no-output mode.\n"; return 1; } SMDiagnostic Err; // Load the input module... OwningPtr<Module> M; M.reset(ParseIRFile(InputFilename, Err, Context)); if (M.get() == 0) { Err.print(argv[0], errs()); return 1; } // If we are supposed to override the target triple, do so now. if (!TargetTriple.empty()) M->setTargetTriple(Triple::normalize(TargetTriple)); // Figure out what stream we are supposed to write to... OwningPtr<tool_output_file> Out; if (NoOutput) { if (!OutputFilename.empty()) errs() << "WARNING: The -o (output filename) option is ignored when\n" "the --disable-output option is used.\n"; } else { // Default to standard output. if (OutputFilename.empty()) OutputFilename = "-"; std::string ErrorInfo; Out.reset(new tool_output_file(OutputFilename.c_str(), ErrorInfo, raw_fd_ostream::F_Binary)); if (!ErrorInfo.empty()) { errs() << ErrorInfo << '\n'; return 1; } } // If the output is set to be emitted to standard out, and standard out is a // console, print out a warning message and refuse to do it. We don't // impress anyone by spewing tons of binary goo to a terminal. if (!Force && !NoOutput && !AnalyzeOnly && !OutputAssembly) if (CheckBitcodeOutputToConsole(Out->os(), !Quiet)) NoOutput = true; // Create a PassManager to hold and optimize the collection of passes we are // about to build. // PassManager Passes; // Add an appropriate TargetLibraryInfo pass for the module's triple. TargetLibraryInfo *TLI = new TargetLibraryInfo(Triple(M->getTargetTriple())); // The -disable-simplify-libcalls flag actually disables all builtin optzns. if (DisableSimplifyLibCalls) TLI->disableAllFunctions(); Passes.add(TLI); // Add an appropriate DataLayout instance for this module. DataLayout *TD = 0; const std::string &ModuleDataLayout = M.get()->getDataLayout(); if (!ModuleDataLayout.empty()) TD = new DataLayout(ModuleDataLayout); else if (!DefaultDataLayout.empty()) TD = new DataLayout(DefaultDataLayout); if (TD) Passes.add(TD); Triple ModuleTriple(M->getTargetTriple()); TargetMachine *Machine = 0; if (ModuleTriple.getArch()) Machine = GetTargetMachine(Triple(ModuleTriple)); OwningPtr<TargetMachine> TM(Machine); // Add internal analysis passes from the target machine. if (TM.get()) TM->addAnalysisPasses(Passes); OwningPtr<FunctionPassManager> FPasses; if (OptLevelO1 || OptLevelO2 || OptLevelOs || OptLevelOz || OptLevelO3) { FPasses.reset(new FunctionPassManager(M.get())); if (TD) FPasses->add(new DataLayout(*TD)); } if (PrintBreakpoints) { // Default to standard output. if (!Out) { if (OutputFilename.empty()) OutputFilename = "-"; std::string ErrorInfo; Out.reset(new tool_output_file(OutputFilename.c_str(), ErrorInfo, raw_fd_ostream::F_Binary)); if (!ErrorInfo.empty()) { errs() << ErrorInfo << '\n'; return 1; } } Passes.add(new BreakpointPrinter(Out->os())); NoOutput = true; } // If the -strip-debug command line option was specified, add it. If // -std-compile-opts was also specified, it will handle StripDebug. if (StripDebug && !StandardCompileOpts) addPass(Passes, createStripSymbolsPass(true)); // Create a new optimization pass for each one specified on the command line for (unsigned i = 0; i < PassList.size(); ++i) { // Check to see if -std-compile-opts was specified before this option. If // so, handle it. if (StandardCompileOpts && StandardCompileOpts.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddStandardCompilePasses(Passes); StandardCompileOpts = false; } if (StandardLinkOpts && StandardLinkOpts.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddStandardLinkPasses(Passes); StandardLinkOpts = false; } if (OptLevelO1 && OptLevelO1.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 1, 0); OptLevelO1 = false; } if (OptLevelO2 && OptLevelO2.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 2, 0); OptLevelO2 = false; } if (OptLevelOs && OptLevelOs.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 2, 1); OptLevelOs = false; } if (OptLevelOz && OptLevelOz.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 2, 2); OptLevelOz = false; } if (OptLevelO3 && OptLevelO3.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 3, 0); OptLevelO3 = false; } // @LOCALMOD-BEGIN if (PNaClABISimplifyPreOpt && PNaClABISimplifyPreOpt.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { PNaClABISimplifyAddPreOptPasses(Passes); PNaClABISimplifyPreOpt = false; } if (PNaClABISimplifyPostOpt && PNaClABISimplifyPostOpt.getPosition() < PassList.getPosition(i)) { PNaClABISimplifyAddPostOptPasses(Passes); PNaClABISimplifyPostOpt = false; } // @LOCALMOD-END const PassInfo *PassInf = PassList[i]; Pass *P = 0; if (PassInf->getNormalCtor()) P = PassInf->getNormalCtor()(); else errs() << argv[0] << ": cannot create pass: "******"\n"; if (P) { PassKind Kind = P->getPassKind(); addPass(Passes, P); if (AnalyzeOnly) { switch (Kind) { case PT_BasicBlock: Passes.add(new BasicBlockPassPrinter(PassInf, Out->os())); break; case PT_Region: Passes.add(new RegionPassPrinter(PassInf, Out->os())); break; case PT_Loop: Passes.add(new LoopPassPrinter(PassInf, Out->os())); break; case PT_Function: Passes.add(new FunctionPassPrinter(PassInf, Out->os())); break; case PT_CallGraphSCC: Passes.add(new CallGraphSCCPassPrinter(PassInf, Out->os())); break; default: Passes.add(new ModulePassPrinter(PassInf, Out->os())); break; } } } if (PrintEachXForm) Passes.add(createPrintModulePass(&errs())); } // If -std-compile-opts was specified at the end of the pass list, add them. if (StandardCompileOpts) { AddStandardCompilePasses(Passes); StandardCompileOpts = false; } if (StandardLinkOpts) { AddStandardLinkPasses(Passes); StandardLinkOpts = false; } if (OptLevelO1) AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 1, 0); if (OptLevelO2) AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 2, 0); if (OptLevelOs) AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 2, 1); if (OptLevelOz) AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 2, 2); if (OptLevelO3) AddOptimizationPasses(Passes, *FPasses, 3, 0); if (OptLevelO1 || OptLevelO2 || OptLevelOs || OptLevelOz || OptLevelO3) { FPasses->doInitialization(); for (Module::iterator F = M->begin(), E = M->end(); F != E; ++F) FPasses->run(*F); FPasses->doFinalization(); } // @LOCALMOD-BEGIN if (PNaClABISimplifyPreOpt) PNaClABISimplifyAddPreOptPasses(Passes); if (PNaClABISimplifyPostOpt) PNaClABISimplifyAddPostOptPasses(Passes); // @LOCALMOD-END // Check that the module is well formed on completion of optimization if (!NoVerify && !VerifyEach) Passes.add(createVerifierPass()); // Write bitcode or assembly to the output as the last step... if (!NoOutput && !AnalyzeOnly) { if (OutputAssembly) Passes.add(createPrintModulePass(&Out->os())); // @LOCALMOD } // Before executing passes, print the final values of the LLVM options. cl::PrintOptionValues(); // Now that we have all of the passes ready, run them.*M.get()); // @LOCALMOD-BEGIN // Write bitcode to the output. if (!NoOutput && !AnalyzeOnly && !OutputAssembly) { switch (OutputFileFormat) { case LLVMFormat: WriteBitcodeToFile(M.get(), Out->os()); break; case PNaClFormat: NaClWriteBitcodeToFile(M.get(), Out->os()); break; default: errs() << "Don't understand bitcode format for generated bitcode.\n"; return 1; } } // @LOCALMOD-END // Declare success. if (!NoOutput || PrintBreakpoints) Out->keep(); return 0; }