void GroupedLineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QTextLine line = document()->findBlock(0).layout()->lineAt(0); QPainter painter(viewport()); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.fillRect(0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height(), palette().base()); QVectorIterator<QColor> i(d->colors); i.toFront(); foreach (const Private::Block &block, d->blocks) { qreal start_x = line.cursorToX(block.start, QTextLine::Leading); qreal end_x = line.cursorToX(block.end-1, QTextLine::Trailing); QPainterPath path; QRectF rectangle( start_x - 1.0 - double(horizontalScrollBar()->value()), 1.0, end_x - start_x + 2.0, double(viewport()->height() - 2)); if (!i.hasNext()) i.toFront(); path.addRoundedRect(rectangle, 5.0, 5.0); painter.setPen(i.peekNext()); if (palette().color(QPalette::Text).lightnessF() <= 0.3) painter.setBrush(i.next().lighter()); else if (palette().color(QPalette::Text).lightnessF() <= 0.6) painter.setBrush(i.next()); else painter.setBrush(i.next().darker()); painter.drawPath(path); } QPlainTextEdit::paintEvent(e); }
static void calculateBoundingRect( QTextDocument *document, int startPosition, int endPosition, QRectF &rect ) { const QTextBlock startBlock = document->findBlock( startPosition ); const QRectF startBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect( startBlock ); const QTextBlock endBlock = document->findBlock( endPosition ); const QRectF endBoundingRect = document->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect( endBlock ); QTextLayout *startLayout = startBlock.layout(); QTextLayout *endLayout = endBlock.layout(); int startPos = startPosition - startBlock.position(); int endPos = endPosition - endBlock.position(); const QTextLine startLine = startLayout->lineForTextPosition( startPos ); const QTextLine endLine = endLayout->lineForTextPosition( endPos ); double x = startBoundingRect.x() + startLine.cursorToX( startPos ); double y = startBoundingRect.y() + startLine.y(); double r = endBoundingRect.x() + endLine.cursorToX( endPos ); double b = endBoundingRect.y() + endLine.y() + endLine.height(); const QSizeF size = document->size(); rect = QRectF( x / size.width(), y / size.height(), (r - x) / size.width(), (b - y) / size.height() ); }
FloatRect Font::selectionRectForComplexText(const TextRun& run, const IntPoint& pt, int h, int from, int to) const { const QString string = fixSpacing(qstring(run)); QTextLayout layout(string, font()); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); return FloatRect(pt.x() + x1, pt.y(), x2 - x1, h); }
void tst_QComplexText::bidiCursor_PDF() { QString str = QString::fromUtf8("\342\200\252hello\342\200\254"); QTextLayout layout(str); layout.beginLayout(); QTextLine line = layout.createLine(); layout.endLayout(); int size = str.size(); QVERIFY(line.cursorToX(size) == line.cursorToX(size - 1)); }
void SurfaceImpl::MeasureWidths(Font &font, const char *s, int len, XYPOSITION *positions) { if (!font.GetID()) return; SetCodec(font); QString su = codec->toUnicode(s, len); QTextLayout tlay(su, *FontPointer(font)); tlay.beginLayout(); QTextLine tl = tlay.createLine(); tlay.endLayout(); if (unicodeMode) { int fit = su.size(); int ui=0; const unsigned char *us = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(s); int i=0; while (ui<fit) { size_t lenChar = utf8LengthFromLead(us[i]); size_t codeUnits = (lenChar < 4) ? 1 : 2; qreal xPosition = tl.cursorToX(ui+codeUnits); for (unsigned int bytePos=0; (bytePos<lenChar) && (i<len); bytePos++) { positions[i++] = qRound(xPosition); } ui += codeUnits; } int lastPos = 0; if (i > 0) lastPos = positions[i-1]; while (i<len) { positions[i++] = lastPos; } } else if (codePage) { // DBCS int ui = 0; for (int i=0; i<len;) { size_t lenChar = Platform::IsDBCSLeadByte(codePage, s[i]) ? 2 : 1; qreal xPosition = tl.cursorToX(ui+1); for (unsigned int bytePos=0; (bytePos<lenChar) && (i<len); bytePos++) { positions[i++] = qRound(xPosition); } ui++; } } else { // Single byte encoding for (int i=0; i<len; i++) { positions[i] = qRound(tl.cursorToX(i+1)); } } }
FloatRect Font::selectionRectForComplexText(const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& pt, int h, int from, int to) const { String sanitized = Font::normalizeSpaces(run.characters(), run.length()); QString string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized); QTextLayout layout(string, font()); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); return FloatRect(pt.x() + x1, pt.y(), x2 - x1, h); }
void tst_QTextFormat::testTabsUsed() { QTextDocument doc; QTextCursor cursor(&doc); QList<QTextOption::Tab> tabs; QTextBlockFormat format; QTextOption::Tab tab; tab.position = 100; tabs.append(tab); format.setTabPositions(tabs); cursor.mergeBlockFormat(format); cursor.insertText("foo\tbar"); //doc.setPageSize(QSizeF(200, 200)); doc.documentLayout()->pageCount(); // force layout; QTextBlock block = doc.begin(); QTextLayout *layout = block.layout(); QVERIFY(layout); QCOMPARE(layout->lineCount(), 1); QTextLine line = layout->lineAt(0); QCOMPARE(line.cursorToX(4), 100.); QTextOption option = layout->textOption(); QCOMPARE(option.tabs().count(), tabs.count()); }
void GroupedLineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { #if !defined __APPLE__ // for reasons we don't understand, yet, touching the painter // here (even drawing the fill rect) causes the QPlainTextEdit // paintEvent to not draw the text on MacOS. // So as a workaround until this is better understood we need // to disable the eye candy QTextLine line = document()->findBlock(0).layout()->lineAt(0); QPainter painter(viewport()); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); painter.fillRect(0, 0, viewport()->width(), viewport()->height(), palette().base()); QVectorIterator<QColor> i(d->colors); i.toFront(); foreach (const Private::Block &block, d->blocks) { qreal start_x = line.cursorToX(block.start, QTextLine::Leading); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000 qreal end_x = line.cursorToX(block.end-1, QTextLine::Trailing); #else qreal end_x = line.cursorToX(block.end, QTextLine::Trailing); #endif QPainterPath path; QRectF rectangle( start_x - 1.0 - double(horizontalScrollBar()->value()), 1.0, end_x - start_x + 2.0, double(viewport()->height() - 2)); if (!i.hasNext()) i.toFront(); path.addRoundedRect(rectangle, 5.0, 5.0); painter.setPen(i.peekNext()); if (palette().color(QPalette::Text).lightnessF() <= 0.3) painter.setBrush(i.next().lighter()); else if (palette().color(QPalette::Text).lightnessF() <= 0.6) painter.setBrush(i.next()); else painter.setBrush(i.next().darker()); painter.drawPath(path); } #endif QPlainTextEdit::paintEvent(e); }
void tst_QComplexText::bidiCursorMovement() { QFETCH(QString, logical); QFETCH(int, basicDir); QTextLayout layout(logical); layout.setCacheEnabled(true); QTextOption option = layout.textOption(); option.setTextDirection(basicDir == QChar::DirL ? Qt::LeftToRight : Qt::RightToLeft); layout.setTextOption(option); layout.setCursorMoveStyle(Qt::VisualMoveStyle); bool moved; int oldPos, newPos = 0; qreal x, newX; layout.beginLayout(); QTextLine line = layout.createLine(); layout.endLayout(); newX = line.cursorToX(0); do { oldPos = newPos; x = newX; newX = line.cursorToX(oldPos); if (basicDir == QChar::DirL) { QVERIFY(newX >= x); newPos = layout.rightCursorPosition(oldPos); } else { QVERIFY(newX <= x); newPos = layout.leftCursorPosition(oldPos); } moved = (oldPos != newPos); } while (moved); }
void CodeEditor::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) { QPlainTextEdit::paintEvent(event); QPainter painter(viewport()); painter.setPen(Qt::darkGray); QTextBlock block = firstVisibleBlock(); QRectF rect; do { if (!block.isVisible()) continue; rect = blockBoundingGeometry(block).translated(contentOffset()); QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineAt(0); if (config->whitespaces) { QString txt = block.text(); for (int i = 0; i < txt.length(); i++) { // rect.x() <- учитывая горизонтальный скролинг QPoint point(rect.x() + line.cursorToX(i), rect.y() + line.ascent()); if (txt[i] == ' ') painter.drawText(point, QChar(0x00b7)); else if (txt[i] == '\t') painter.drawText(point, QChar(0x21b9)); } } int state = block.userState(); if (!(state & Error) && state & Folded) { QRect collapseRect(rect.x() + line.rect().x() + line.naturalTextWidth() + FONTWIDTH * 2, rect.y() + 2, FONTWIDTH * 6, line.height() - 4); painter.drawText(collapseRect, Qt::AlignCenter, state & Comment ? "...;" : "...)"); painter.drawRoundedRect(collapseRect, 4, 6); } } while ((block = block.next()).isValid() && rect.y() < viewport()->height()); }
//This is for one line of html-formatted text qreal pixelOffsetForHtmlChar( QFont font, QString text, int index) { if(index==-1){ index = text.length()-1; } QTextLayout tl(text,font); tl.beginLayout(); QTextLine line = tl.createLine(); Q_ASSERT( line.isValid() ); line.setLineWidth(1000); int pos = line.cursorToX(index); tl.endLayout(); return pos; }
QPainterPath TextEditorOverlay::createSelectionPath(const QTextCursor &begin, const QTextCursor &end, const QRect &clip) { if (begin.isNull() || end.isNull() || begin.position() > end.position()) return QPainterPath(); QPointF offset = m_editor->contentOffset(); QRect viewportRect = rect(); QTextDocument *document = m_editor->document(); if (m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(begin.block()).translated(offset).top() > clip.bottom() + 10 || m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(end.block()).translated(offset).bottom() < clip.top() - 10 ) return QPainterPath(); // nothing of the selection is visible QTextBlock block = begin.block(); if (block.blockNumber() < m_editor->firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() - 4) block = m_editor->document()->findBlockByNumber(m_editor->firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() - 4); bool inSelection = false; QVector<QRectF> selection; if (begin.position() == end.position()) { // special case empty selections const QRectF blockGeometry = m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(block); QTextLayout *blockLayout = block.layout(); int pos = begin.position() - begin.block().position(); QTextLine line = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(pos); QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); int x = line.cursorToX(pos); lineRect.setLeft(x - m_borderWidth); lineRect.setRight(x + m_borderWidth); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); } else { for (; block.isValid() && block.blockNumber() <= end.blockNumber(); block = block.next()) { if (! block.isVisible()) continue; const QRectF blockGeometry = m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(block); QTextLayout *blockLayout = block.layout(); QTextLine line = blockLayout->lineAt(0); bool firstOrLastBlock = false; int beginChar = 0; if (!inSelection) { if (block == begin.block()) { beginChar = begin.positionInBlock(); line = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(beginChar); firstOrLastBlock = true; } inSelection = true; } else { // while (beginChar < block.length() && document->characterAt(block.position() + beginChar).isSpace()) // ++beginChar; // if (beginChar == block.length()) // beginChar = 0; } int lastLine = blockLayout->lineCount()-1; int endChar = -1; if (block == end.block()) { endChar = end.positionInBlock(); lastLine = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(endChar).lineNumber(); inSelection = false; firstOrLastBlock = true; } else { endChar = block.length(); while (endChar > beginChar && document->characterAt(block.position() + endChar - 1).isSpace()) --endChar; } QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); if (beginChar < endChar) { lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(beginChar)); if (line.lineNumber() == lastLine) lineRect.setRight(line.cursorToX(endChar)); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); for (int lineIndex = line.lineNumber()+1; lineIndex <= lastLine; ++lineIndex) { line = blockLayout->lineAt(lineIndex); lineRect = line.naturalTextRect(); if (lineIndex == lastLine) lineRect.setRight(line.cursorToX(endChar)); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); } } else { // empty lines const int emptyLineSelectionSize = 16; if (!firstOrLastBlock && !selection.isEmpty()) { // middle lineRect.setLeft(selection.last().left()); } else if (inSelection) { // first line lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(beginChar)); } else { // last line if (endChar == 0) break; lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(endChar) - emptyLineSelectionSize); } lineRect.setRight(lineRect.left() + emptyLineSelectionSize); selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft()); } if (!inSelection) break; if (blockGeometry.translated(offset).y() > 2*viewportRect.height()) break; } } if (selection.isEmpty()) return QPainterPath(); QVector<QPointF> points; const int margin = m_borderWidth/2; const int extra = 0; const QRectF &firstSelection = selection.at(0); points += (firstSelection.topLeft() + firstSelection.topRight()) / 2 + QPointF(0, -margin); points += firstSelection.topRight() + QPointF(margin+1, -margin); points += firstSelection.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin+1, 0); const int count = selection.count(); for (int i = 1; i < count-1; ++i) { #define MAX3(a,b,c) qMax(a, qMax(b,c)) qreal x = MAX3(selection.at(i-1).right(), selection.at(i).right(), selection.at(i+1).right()) + margin; points += QPointF(x+1, selection.at(i).top()); points += QPointF(x+1, selection.at(i).bottom()); } const QRectF &lastSelection = selection.at(count-1); points += lastSelection.topRight() + QPointF(margin+1, 0); points += lastSelection.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin+1, margin+extra); points += lastSelection.bottomLeft() + QPointF(-margin, margin+extra); points += lastSelection.topLeft() + QPointF(-margin, 0); for (int i = count-2; i > 0; --i) { #define MIN3(a,b,c) qMin(a, qMin(b,c)) qreal x = MIN3(selection.at(i-1).left(), selection.at(i).left(), selection.at(i+1).left()) - margin; points += QPointF(x, selection.at(i).bottom()+extra); points += QPointF(x, selection.at(i).top()); } points += firstSelection.bottomLeft() + QPointF(-margin, extra); points += firstSelection.topLeft() + QPointF(-margin, -margin); QPainterPath path; const int corner = 4; path.moveTo(points.at(0)); points += points.at(0); QPointF previous = points.at(0); for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) { QPointF point = points.at(i); if (point.y() == previous.y() && qAbs(point.x() - previous.x()) > 2*corner) { QPointF tmp = QPointF(previous.x() + corner * ((point.x() > previous.x())?1:-1), previous.y()); path.quadTo(previous, tmp); previous = tmp; i--; continue; } else if (point.x() == previous.x() && qAbs(point.y() - previous.y()) > 2*corner) { QPointF tmp = QPointF(previous.x(), previous.y() + corner * ((point.y() > previous.y())?1:-1)); path.quadTo(previous, tmp); previous = tmp; i--; continue; } QPointF target = (previous + point) / 2; path.quadTo(previous, target); previous = points.at(i); } path.closeSubpath(); path.translate(offset); return path; }
void ChatLineModelItem::computeWrapList() const { QString text = _styledMsg.plainContents(); int length = text.length(); if (!length) return; QList<ChatLineModel::Word> wplist; // use a temp list which we'll later copy into a QVector for efficiency QTextBoundaryFinder finder(QTextBoundaryFinder::Line, _styledMsg.plainContents().unicode(), length, TextBoundaryFinderBuffer, TextBoundaryFinderBufferSize); int idx; int oldidx = 0; ChatLineModel::Word word; word.start = 0; qreal wordstartx = 0; QTextLayout layout(_styledMsg.plainContents()); QTextOption option; option.setWrapMode(QTextOption::NoWrap); layout.setTextOption(option); layout.setAdditionalFormats(QtUi::style()->toTextLayoutList(_styledMsg.contentsFormatList(), length, messageLabel())); layout.beginLayout(); QTextLine line = layout.createLine(); line.setNumColumns(length); layout.endLayout(); while ((idx = finder.toNextBoundary()) >= 0 && idx <= length) { // QTextBoundaryFinder has inconsistent behavior in Qt version up to and including 4.6.3 (at least). // It doesn't point to the position we should break, but to the character before that. // Unfortunately Qt decided to fix this by changing the behavior of QTBF, so now we have to add a version // check. At the time of this writing, I'm still trying to get this reverted upstream... // // cf. https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31076 and Qt commit e6ac173 static int needWorkaround = -1; if (needWorkaround < 0) { needWorkaround = 0; QStringList versions = QString(qVersion()).split('.'); if (versions.count() == 3 && versions.at(0).toInt() == 4) { if (versions.at(1).toInt() <= 6 && versions.at(2).toInt() <= 3) needWorkaround = 1; } } if (needWorkaround == 1) { if (idx < length) idx++; } if (idx == oldidx) continue; word.start = oldidx; int wordend = idx; for (; wordend > word.start; wordend--) { if (!text.at(wordend-1).isSpace()) break; } qreal wordendx = line.cursorToX(wordend); qreal trailingendx = line.cursorToX(idx); word.endX = wordendx; word.width = wordendx - wordstartx; word.trailing = trailingendx - wordendx; wordstartx = trailingendx; wplist.append(word); oldidx = idx; } // A QVector needs less space than a QList _wrapList.resize(wplist.count()); for (int i = 0; i < wplist.count(); i++) { _wrapList[i] = wplist.at(i); } }
void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill) { if (ctx->fillGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->fillGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->fillGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); p->setPen(QPen(brush, 0)); } else if (ctx->fillPattern()) { TransformationMatrix affine; p->setPen(QPen(QBrush(ctx->fillPattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)), 0)); } else p->setPen(QColor(ctx->fillColor())); } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke) { if (ctx->strokeGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->strokeGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->strokeGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); p->setPen(QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness())); } else if (ctx->strokePattern()) { TransformationMatrix affine; p->setPen(QPen(QBrush(ctx->strokePattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)), ctx->strokeThickness())); } else p->setPen(QPen(QColor(ctx->strokeColor()), ctx->strokeThickness())); } const QString string = fixSpacing(qstring(run)); // text shadow IntSize shadowSize; int shadowBlur; Color shadowColor; bool hasShadow = ctx->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && ctx->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { QTextLayout layout(string, font()); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font()); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF clip(point.x() + x1, point.y() - ascent, x2 - x1, fm.height()); if (hasShadow) { // TODO: when blur support is added, the clip will need to account // for the blur radius qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (shadowSize.width() > 0) dx2 = shadowSize.width(); else dx1 = -shadowSize.width(); if (shadowSize.height() > 0) dy2 = shadowSize.height(); else dy1 = -shadowSize.height(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); } p->save(); p->setClipRect(clip.toRect()); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y() - ascent); if (hasShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(QColor(shadowColor)); p->translate(shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } p->setFont(font()); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; if (hasShadow) { // TODO: text shadow blur support p->save(); p->setPen(QColor(shadowColor)); p->translate(shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->restore(); } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke) { QPainterPath path; path.addText(pt, font(), string); p->strokePath(path, p->pen()); } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill) p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); }
static void drawTextCommon(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to, const QFont& font, bool isComplexText) { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); QPen textFillPen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill) { if (ctx->fillGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->fillGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->fillGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); textFillPen = QPen(brush, 0); } else if (ctx->fillPattern()) { AffineTransform affine; textFillPen = QPen(QBrush(ctx->fillPattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)), 0); } else textFillPen = QPen(QColor(ctx->fillColor())); } QPen textStrokePen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke) { if (ctx->strokeGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->strokeGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->strokeGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); textStrokePen = QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness()); } else if (ctx->strokePattern()) { AffineTransform affine; QBrush brush(ctx->strokePattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)); textStrokePen = QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness()); } else textStrokePen = QPen(QColor(ctx->strokeColor()), ctx->strokeThickness()); } String sanitized = Font::normalizeSpaces(String(run.characters(), run.length())); QString string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); // text shadow IntSize shadowSize; int shadowBlur; Color shadowColor; bool hasShadow = ctx->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && ctx->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { if (isComplexText) { QTextLayout layout(string, font); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF clip(fm.boundingRect(string)); if (hasShadow) { // TODO: when blur support is added, the clip will need to account // for the blur radius qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (shadowSize.width() > 0) dx2 = shadowSize.width(); else dx1 = -shadowSize.width(); if (shadowSize.height() > 0) dy2 = shadowSize.height(); else dy1 = -shadowSize.height(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); } p->save(); //p->setClipRect(clip.toRect(), Qt::IntersectClip); pt.setY(pt.y() - ascent); if (hasShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(QColor(shadowColor)); p->translate(shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } p->setPen(textFillPen); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) int skipWidth = QFontMetrics(font).width(string, from, Qt::TextBypassShaping); pt.setX(pt.x() + skipWidth); string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized, from, to - from); #endif } p->setFont(font); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) // See QWebPagePrivate::QWebPagePrivate() where the default path is set to Complex for Qt 4.6 and earlier. if (!isComplexText) flags |= Qt::TextBypassShaping; #endif QFontMetrics fm(font); QRectF clip(pt.x(), pt.y()-fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); if (hasShadow) { // TODO: text shadow blur support p->save(); p->translate(shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); //p->setClipRect(clip, Qt::IntersectClip); p->setPen(QColor(shadowColor)); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->restore(); } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextStroke) { QPainterPath path; path.addText(pt, font, string); p->save(); //p->setClipRect(clip, Qt::IntersectClip); p->setPen(textStrokePen); p->strokePath(path, p->pen()); p->restore(); } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & cTextFill) { p->save(); //p->setClipRect(clip, Qt::IntersectClip); p->setPen(textFillPen); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->restore(); } }
/* The ultimate line painting function. Currently missing features: - draw indent lines */ void KateRenderer::paintTextLine(QPainter& paint, KateLineLayoutPtr range, int xStart, int xEnd, const KTextEditor::Cursor* cursor) { Q_ASSERT(range->isValid()); // kDebug( 13033 )<<"KateRenderer::paintTextLine"; // font data const QFontMetricsF &fm = config()->fontMetrics(); int currentViewLine = -1; if (cursor && cursor->line() == range->line()) currentViewLine = range->viewLineForColumn(cursor->column()); paintTextLineBackground(paint, range, currentViewLine, xStart, xEnd); if (range->layout()) { bool drawSelection = m_view->selection() && showSelections() && m_view->selectionRange().overlapsLine(range->line()); // Draw selection in block selecton mode. We need 2 kinds of selections that QTextLayout::draw can't render: // - past-end-of-line selection and // - 0-column-wide selection (used to indicate where text will be typed) if (drawSelection && m_view->blockSelection()) { int selectionStartColumn = m_doc->fromVirtualColumn(range->line(), m_doc->toVirtualColumn(m_view->selectionRange().start())); int selectionEndColumn = m_doc->fromVirtualColumn(range->line(), m_doc->toVirtualColumn(m_view->selectionRange().end())); QBrush selectionBrush = config()->selectionColor(); if (selectionStartColumn != selectionEndColumn) { KateTextLayout lastLine = range->viewLine(range->viewLineCount() - 1); if (selectionEndColumn > lastLine.startCol()) { int selectionStartX = (selectionStartColumn > lastLine.startCol()) ? cursorToX(lastLine, selectionStartColumn, true) : 0; int selectionEndX = cursorToX(lastLine, selectionEndColumn, true); paint.fillRect(QRect(selectionStartX - xStart, (int)lastLine.lineLayout().y(), selectionEndX - selectionStartX, lineHeight()), selectionBrush); } } else { const int selectStickWidth = 2; KateTextLayout selectionLine = range->viewLine(range->viewLineForColumn(selectionStartColumn)); int selectionX = cursorToX(selectionLine, selectionStartColumn, true); paint.fillRect(QRect(selectionX - xStart, (int)selectionLine.lineLayout().y(), selectStickWidth, lineHeight()), selectionBrush); } } QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> additionalFormats; if (range->length() > 0) { // We may have changed the pen, be absolutely sure it gets set back to // normal foreground color before drawing text for text that does not // set the pen color paint.setPen(attribute(KTextEditor::HighlightInterface::dsNormal)->foreground().color()); // Draw the text :) if (drawSelection) { // FIXME toVector() may be a performance issue additionalFormats = decorationsForLine(range->textLine(), range->line(), true).toVector(); range->layout()->draw(&paint, QPoint(-xStart,0), additionalFormats); } else { range->layout()->draw(&paint, QPoint(-xStart,0)); } } QBrush backgroundBrush; bool backgroundBrushSet = false; // Loop each individual line for additional text decoration etc. QListIterator<QTextLayout::FormatRange> it = range->layout()->additionalFormats(); QVectorIterator<QTextLayout::FormatRange> it2 = additionalFormats; for (int i = 0; i < range->viewLineCount(); ++i) { KateTextLayout line = range->viewLine(i); // Determine the background to use, if any, for the end of this view line backgroundBrushSet = false; while (it2.hasNext()) { const QTextLayout::FormatRange& fr = it2.peekNext(); if (fr.start > line.endCol()) break; if (fr.start + fr.length > line.endCol()) { if (fr.format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush)) { backgroundBrushSet = true; backgroundBrush = fr.format.background(); } goto backgroundDetermined; } it2.next(); } while (it.hasNext()) { const QTextLayout::FormatRange& fr = it.peekNext(); if (fr.start > line.endCol()) break; if (fr.start + fr.length > line.endCol()) { if (fr.format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush)) { backgroundBrushSet = true; backgroundBrush = fr.format.background(); } break; } it.next(); } backgroundDetermined: // Draw selection or background color outside of areas where text is rendered if (!m_printerFriendly ) { bool draw = false; QBrush drawBrush; if (m_view->selection() && !m_view->blockSelection() && m_view->lineEndSelected(line.end(true))) { draw = true; drawBrush = config()->selectionColor(); } else if (backgroundBrushSet && !m_view->blockSelection()) { draw = true; drawBrush = backgroundBrush; } if (draw) { int fillStartX = line.endX() - line.startX() + line.xOffset() - xStart; int fillStartY = lineHeight() * i; int width= xEnd - xStart - fillStartX; int height= lineHeight(); // reverse X for right-aligned lines if (range->layout()->textOption().alignment() == Qt::AlignRight) fillStartX = 0; if (width > 0) { QRect area(fillStartX, fillStartY, width, height); paint.fillRect(area, drawBrush); } } } // Draw indent lines if (showIndentLines() && i == 0) { const qreal w = spaceWidth(); const int lastIndentColumn = range->textLine()->indentDepth(m_tabWidth); for (int x = m_indentWidth; x < lastIndentColumn; x += m_indentWidth) { paintIndentMarker(paint, x * w + 1 - xStart, range->line()); } } // draw an open box to mark non-breaking spaces const QString& text = range->textLine()->string(); int y = lineHeight() * i + fm.ascent() - fm.strikeOutPos(); int nbSpaceIndex = text.indexOf(nbSpaceChar, line.lineLayout().xToCursor(xStart)); while (nbSpaceIndex != -1 && nbSpaceIndex < line.endCol()) { int x = line.lineLayout().cursorToX(nbSpaceIndex); if (x > xEnd) break; paintNonBreakSpace(paint, x - xStart, y); nbSpaceIndex = text.indexOf(nbSpaceChar, nbSpaceIndex + 1); } // draw tab stop indicators if (showTabs()) { int tabIndex = text.indexOf(tabChar, line.lineLayout().xToCursor(xStart)); while (tabIndex != -1 && tabIndex < line.endCol()) { int x = line.lineLayout().cursorToX(tabIndex); if (x > xEnd) break; paintTabstop(paint, x - xStart + spaceWidth()/2.0, y); tabIndex = text.indexOf(tabChar, tabIndex + 1); } } // draw trailing spaces if (showTrailingSpaces()) { int spaceIndex = line.endCol() - 1; int trailingPos = range->textLine()->lastChar(); if (trailingPos < 0) trailingPos = 0; if (spaceIndex >= trailingPos) { while (spaceIndex >= line.startCol() && text.at(spaceIndex).isSpace()) { if (text.at(spaceIndex) != '\t' || !showTabs()) paintTrailingSpace(paint, line.lineLayout().cursorToX(spaceIndex) - xStart + spaceWidth()/2.0, y); --spaceIndex; } } } } // draw word-wrap-honor-indent filling if ( (range->viewLineCount() > 1) && range->shiftX() && (range->shiftX() > xStart) ) { if (backgroundBrushSet) paint.fillRect(0, lineHeight(), range->shiftX() - xStart, lineHeight() * (range->viewLineCount() - 1), backgroundBrush); paint.fillRect(0, lineHeight(), range->shiftX() - xStart, lineHeight() * (range->viewLineCount() - 1), QBrush(config()->wordWrapMarkerColor(), Qt::Dense4Pattern)); } // Draw caret if (drawCaret() && cursor && range->includesCursor(*cursor)) { int caretWidth, lineWidth = 2; QColor color; QTextLine line = range->layout()->lineForTextPosition(qMin(cursor->column(), range->length())); // Determine the caret's style caretStyles style = caretStyle(); // Make the caret the desired width if (style == Line) { caretWidth = lineWidth; } else if (line.isValid() && cursor->column() < range->length()) { caretWidth = int(line.cursorToX(cursor->column() + 1) - line.cursorToX(cursor->column())); if (caretWidth < 0) { caretWidth = -caretWidth; } } else { caretWidth = spaceWidth(); } // Determine the color if (m_caretOverrideColor.isValid()) { // Could actually use the real highlighting system for this... // would be slower, but more accurate for corner cases color = m_caretOverrideColor; } else { // search for the FormatRange that includes the cursor foreach (const QTextLayout::FormatRange &r, range->layout()->additionalFormats()) { if ((r.start <= cursor->column() ) && ( (r.start + r.length) > cursor->column())) { // check for Qt::NoBrush, as the returned color is black() and no invalid QColor QBrush foregroundBrush = r.format.foreground(); if (foregroundBrush != Qt::NoBrush) { color = r.format.foreground().color(); } break; } } // still no color found, fall back to default style if (!color.isValid()) color = attribute(KTextEditor::HighlightInterface::dsNormal)->foreground().color(); } // Clip the caret - Qt's caret has a habit of intruding onto other lines. paint.save(); paint.setClipRect(0, line.lineNumber() * lineHeight(), xEnd - xStart, lineHeight()); switch(style) { case Line : paint.setPen(QPen(color, caretWidth)); break; case Block : // use a gray caret so it's possible to see the character color.setAlpha(128); paint.setPen(QPen(color, caretWidth)); break; case Underline : paint.setClipRect(0, lineHeight() - lineWidth, xEnd - xStart, lineWidth); break; case Half : color.setAlpha(128); paint.setPen(QPen(color, caretWidth)); paint.setClipRect(0, lineHeight() / 2, xEnd - xStart, lineHeight() / 2); break; } if (cursor->column() <= range->length()) { range->layout()->drawCursor(&paint, QPoint(-xStart,0), cursor->column(), caretWidth); } else { // Off the end of the line... must be block mode. Draw the caret ourselves. const KateTextLayout& lastLine = range->viewLine(range->viewLineCount() - 1); int x = cursorToX(lastLine, KTextEditor::Cursor(range->line(), cursor->column()), true); if ((x >= xStart) && (x <= xEnd)) { paint.fillRect(x - xStart, (int)lastLine.lineLayout().y(), caretWidth, lineHeight(), color); } } paint.restore(); }
void Font::drawComplexText(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to) const { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); Color color = ctx->fillColor(); p->setPen(QColor(color)); QString string = qstring(run); // text shadow IntSize shadowSize; int shadowBlur; Color shadowColor; bool hasShadow = ctx->textDrawingMode() == cTextFill && ctx->getShadow(shadowSize, shadowBlur, shadowColor); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { QTextLayout layout(string, font()); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font()); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF clip(point.x() + x1, point.y() - ascent, x2 - x1, fm.height()); if (hasShadow) { // TODO: when blur support is added, the clip will need to account // for the blur radius qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (shadowSize.width() > 0) dx2 = shadowSize.width(); else dx1 = -shadowSize.width(); if (shadowSize.height() > 0) dy2 = shadowSize.height(); else dy1 = -shadowSize.height(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); } p->save(); p->setClipRect(clip.toRect()); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y() - ascent); if (hasShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(QColor(shadowColor)); p->translate(shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } p->setFont(font()); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; if (hasShadow) { // TODO: text shadow blur support p->save(); p->setPen(QColor(shadowColor)); p->translate(shadowSize.width(), shadowSize.height()); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->restore(); } p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); }
static void drawTextCommon(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to, const QFont& font, bool isComplexText) { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); QPen textFillPen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) textFillPen = fillPenForContext(ctx); QPen textStrokePen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) textStrokePen = strokePenForContext(ctx); String sanitized = Font::normalizeSpaces(run.characters(), run.length()); QString string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { if (isComplexText) { QTextLayout layout(string, font); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF boundingRect(point.x() + x1, point.y() - ascent, x2 - x1, fm.height()); QRectF clip = boundingRect; ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (ctxShadow->offset().x() > 0) dx2 = ctxShadow->offset().x(); else dx1 = -ctxShadow->offset().x(); if (ctxShadow->offset().y() > 0) dy2 = ctxShadow->offset().y(); else dy1 = -ctxShadow->offset().y(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); clip.adjust(-ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, -ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance); } p->save(); p->setClipRect(clip.toRect(), Qt::IntersectClip); pt.setY(pt.y() - ascent); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (!ctxShadow->mustUseContextShadow(ctx)) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } else { QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(ctx, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); line.draw(shadowPainter, pt); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(ctx); } } } p->setPen(textFillPen); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } int skipWidth = QFontMetrics(font).width(string, from, Qt::TextBypassShaping); pt.setX(pt.x() + skipWidth); string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized, from, to - from); } p->setFont(font); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; if (!isComplexText && !(ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke)) flags |= Qt::TextBypassShaping; QPainterPath textStrokePath; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) textStrokePath.addText(pt, font, string); ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.expansion()); p->restore(); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(ctx, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); shadowPainter->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.expansion()); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(ctx); } } } else if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); p->translate(-ctxShadow->offset()); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(ctx, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(ctx); } } } } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) p->strokePath(textStrokePath, textStrokePen); if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { QPen previousPen = p->pen(); p->setPen(textFillPen); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.expansion()); p->setPen(previousPen); } }
static void drawTextCommon(GraphicsContext* ctx, const TextRun& run, const FloatPoint& point, int from, int to, const QFont& font, bool isComplexText) { if (to < 0) to = run.length(); QPainter *p = ctx->platformContext(); QPen textFillPen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { if (ctx->fillGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->fillGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->fillGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); textFillPen = QPen(brush, 0); } else if (ctx->fillPattern()) { AffineTransform affine; textFillPen = QPen(QBrush(ctx->fillPattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)), 0); } else textFillPen = QPen(QColor(ctx->fillColor())); } QPen textStrokePen; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) { if (ctx->strokeGradient()) { QBrush brush(*ctx->strokeGradient()->platformGradient()); brush.setTransform(ctx->strokeGradient()->gradientSpaceTransform()); textStrokePen = QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness()); } else if (ctx->strokePattern()) { AffineTransform affine; QBrush brush(ctx->strokePattern()->createPlatformPattern(affine)); textStrokePen = QPen(brush, ctx->strokeThickness()); } else textStrokePen = QPen(QColor(ctx->strokeColor()), ctx->strokeThickness()); } String sanitized = Font::normalizeSpaces(String(run.characters(), run.length())); QString string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized); QPointF pt(point.x(), point.y()); if (from > 0 || to < run.length()) { if (isComplexText) { QTextLayout layout(string, font); QTextLine line = setupLayout(&layout, run); float x1 = line.cursorToX(from); float x2 = line.cursorToX(to); if (x2 < x1) qSwap(x1, x2); QFontMetrics fm(font); int ascent = fm.ascent(); QRectF boundingRect(point.x() + x1, point.y() - ascent, x2 - x1, fm.height()); QRectF clip = boundingRect; ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { qreal dx1 = 0, dx2 = 0, dy1 = 0, dy2 = 0; if (ctxShadow->offset().x() > 0) dx2 = ctxShadow->offset().x(); else dx1 = -ctxShadow->offset().x(); if (ctxShadow->offset().y() > 0) dy2 = ctxShadow->offset().y(); else dy1 = -ctxShadow->offset().y(); // expand the clip rect to include the text shadow as well clip.adjust(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2); clip.adjust(-ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, -ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance, ctxShadow->m_blurDistance); } p->save(); p->setClipRect(clip.toRect(), Qt::IntersectClip); pt.setY(pt.y() - ascent); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (!ctxShadow->mustUseContextShadow(p)) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); } else { QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(p, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); line.draw(shadowPainter, pt); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(p); } } } p->setPen(textFillPen); line.draw(p, pt); p->restore(); return; } #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) int skipWidth = QFontMetrics(font).width(string, from, Qt::TextBypassShaping); pt.setX(pt.x() + skipWidth); string = fromRawDataWithoutRef(sanitized, from, to - from); #endif } p->setFont(font); int flags = run.rtl() ? Qt::TextForceRightToLeft : Qt::TextForceLeftToRight; #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) // See QWebPagePrivate::QWebPagePrivate() where the default path is set to Complex for Qt 4.6 and earlier. if (!isComplexText && !(ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke)) flags |= Qt::TextBypassShaping; #endif QPainterPath textStrokePath; if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) textStrokePath.addText(pt, font, string); ContextShadow* ctxShadow = ctx->contextShadow(); if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::NoShadow) { if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->save(); p->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->restore(); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); #else QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string), fm.height()); #endif QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(p, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->setPen(ctxShadow->m_color); shadowPainter->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(p); } } } else if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) { if (ctxShadow->m_type != ContextShadow::BlurShadow) { p->translate(ctxShadow->offset()); p->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); p->translate(-ctxShadow->offset()); } else { QFontMetrics fm(font); #if QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(4, 7, 0) QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string, -1, flags), fm.height()); #else QRectF boundingRect(pt.x(), point.y() - fm.ascent(), fm.width(string), fm.height()); #endif QPainter* shadowPainter = ctxShadow->beginShadowLayer(p, boundingRect); if (shadowPainter) { // Since it will be blurred anyway, we don't care about render hints. shadowPainter->setFont(p->font()); shadowPainter->strokePath(textStrokePath, QPen(ctxShadow->m_color)); ctxShadow->endShadowLayer(p); } } } } if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeStroke) p->strokePath(textStrokePath, textStrokePen); if (ctx->textDrawingMode() & TextModeFill) { QPen previousPen = p->pen(); p->setPen(textFillPen); p->drawText(pt, string, flags, run.padding()); p->setPen(previousPen); } }