Exemple #1
///Indique si on est à la dernière ligne
bool RzxTextEdit::atEnd() const
	QTextBlock block = textCursor().block();
	if(block.next().isValid()) return false;

	QTextLine line = currentTextLine();
	return line.isValid() && line.lineNumber() == block.layout()->lineCount() - 1;
Exemple #2
///Indique si on est à la première ligne
bool RzxTextEdit::atBeginning() const
	QTextBlock block = textCursor().block();
	if(block.previous().isValid()) return false;

	QTextLine line = currentTextLine();
	return line.isValid() && !line.lineNumber();
int QQuickTextNodeEngine::addText(const QTextBlock &block,
                                  const QTextCharFormat &charFormat,
                                  const QColor &textColor,
                                  const QVarLengthArray<QTextLayout::FormatRange> &colorChanges,
                                  int textPos, int fragmentEnd,
                                  int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)
    if (charFormat.foreground().style() != Qt::NoBrush)

    while (textPos < fragmentEnd) {
        int blockRelativePosition = textPos - block.position();
        QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineForTextPosition(blockRelativePosition);
        if (!currentLine().isValid()
                || line.lineNumber() != currentLine().lineNumber()) {

        Q_ASSERT(line.textLength() > 0);
        int lineEnd = line.textStart() + block.position() + line.textLength();

        int len = qMin(lineEnd - textPos, fragmentEnd - textPos);
        Q_ASSERT(len > 0);

        int currentStepEnd = textPos + len;

                           textPos - block.position(),
                           currentStepEnd - block.position(),
                           selectionStart - block.position(),
                           selectionEnd - block.position());

        textPos = currentStepEnd;
    return textPos;
void QQuickTextNodeEngine::addTextBlock(QTextDocument *textDocument, const QTextBlock &block, const QPointF &position, const QColor &textColor, const QColor &anchorColor, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd)
#ifndef QT_NO_IM
    int preeditLength = block.isValid() ? block.layout()->preeditAreaText().length() : 0;
    int preeditPosition = block.isValid() ? block.layout()->preeditAreaPosition() : -1;

    QVarLengthArray<QTextLayout::FormatRange> colorChanges;
    mergeFormats(block.layout(), &colorChanges);

    QPointF blockPosition = textDocument->documentLayout()->blockBoundingRect(block).topLeft() + position;
    if (QTextList *textList = block.textList()) {
        QPointF pos = blockPosition;
        QTextLayout *layout = block.layout();
        if (layout->lineCount() > 0) {
            QTextLine firstLine = layout->lineAt(0);


            QRectF textRect = firstLine.naturalTextRect();
            pos += textRect.topLeft();
            if (block.textDirection() == Qt::RightToLeft)
                pos.rx() += textRect.width();

            const QTextCharFormat charFormat = block.charFormat();
            QFont font(charFormat.font());
            QFontMetricsF fontMetrics(font);
            QTextListFormat listFormat = textList->format();

            QString listItemBullet;
            switch (listFormat.style()) {
            case QTextListFormat::ListCircle:
                listItemBullet = QChar(0x25E6); // White bullet
            case QTextListFormat::ListSquare:
                listItemBullet = QChar(0x25AA); // Black small square
            case QTextListFormat::ListDecimal:
            case QTextListFormat::ListLowerAlpha:
            case QTextListFormat::ListUpperAlpha:
            case QTextListFormat::ListLowerRoman:
            case QTextListFormat::ListUpperRoman:
                listItemBullet = textList->itemText(block);
                listItemBullet = QChar(0x2022); // Black bullet

            QSizeF size(fontMetrics.width(listItemBullet), fontMetrics.height());
            qreal xoff = fontMetrics.width(QLatin1Char(' '));
            if (block.textDirection() == Qt::LeftToRight)
                xoff = -xoff - size.width();
            setPosition(pos + QPointF(xoff, 0));

            QTextLayout layout;
            layout.setText(listItemBullet); // Bullet
            QTextLine line = layout.createLine();
            line.setPosition(QPointF(0, 0));

            QList<QGlyphRun> glyphRuns = layout.glyphRuns();
            for (int i=0; i<glyphRuns.size(); ++i)

    int textPos = block.position();
    QTextBlock::iterator blockIterator = block.begin();

    while (!blockIterator.atEnd()) {
        QTextFragment fragment = blockIterator.fragment();
        QString text = fragment.text();
        if (text.isEmpty())

        QTextCharFormat charFormat = fragment.charFormat();
        QFont font(charFormat.font());
        QFontMetricsF fontMetrics(font);

        int fontHeight = fontMetrics.descent() + fontMetrics.ascent();
        int valign = charFormat.verticalAlignment();
        if (valign == QTextCharFormat::AlignSuperScript)
            setPosition(QPointF(blockPosition.x(), blockPosition.y() - fontHeight / 2));
        else if (valign == QTextCharFormat::AlignSubScript)
            setPosition(QPointF(blockPosition.x(), blockPosition.y() + fontHeight / 6));

        if (text.contains(QChar::ObjectReplacementCharacter)) {
            QTextFrame *frame = qobject_cast<QTextFrame *>(textDocument->objectForFormat(charFormat));
            if (frame && frame->frameFormat().position() == QTextFrameFormat::InFlow) {
                int blockRelativePosition = textPos - block.position();
                QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineForTextPosition(blockRelativePosition);
                if (!currentLine().isValid()
                        || line.lineNumber() != currentLine().lineNumber()) {

                QQuickTextNodeEngine::SelectionState selectionState =
                        (selectionStart < textPos + text.length()
                         && selectionEnd >= textPos)
                        ? QQuickTextNodeEngine::Selected
                        : QQuickTextNodeEngine::Unselected;

                addTextObject(QPointF(), charFormat, selectionState, textDocument, textPos);
            textPos += text.length();
        } else {
            if (charFormat.foreground().style() != Qt::NoBrush)
            else if (charFormat.isAnchor())

            int fragmentEnd = textPos + fragment.length();
#ifndef QT_NO_IM
            if (preeditPosition >= 0
                    && (preeditPosition + block.position()) >= textPos
                    && (preeditPosition + block.position()) <= fragmentEnd) {
                fragmentEnd += preeditLength;
            if (charFormat.background().style() != Qt::NoBrush) {
                QTextLayout::FormatRange additionalFormat;
                additionalFormat.start = textPos - block.position();
                additionalFormat.length = fragmentEnd - textPos;
                additionalFormat.format = charFormat;
                colorChanges << additionalFormat;

            textPos = addText(block, charFormat, textColor, colorChanges, textPos, fragmentEnd,
                                                 selectionStart, selectionEnd);


#ifndef QT_NO_IM
    if (preeditLength >= 0 && textPos <= block.position() + preeditPosition) {
        textPos = block.position() + preeditPosition;
        QTextLine line = block.layout()->lineForTextPosition(preeditPosition);
        if (!currentLine().isValid()
                || line.lineNumber() != currentLine().lineNumber()) {
        textPos = addText(block, block.charFormat(), textColor, colorChanges,
                                             textPos, textPos + preeditLength,
                                             selectionStart, selectionEnd);

    setCurrentLine(QTextLine()); // Reset current line because the text layout changed
    m_hasContents = true;
Exemple #5
The ultimate line painting function.
Currently missing features:
- draw indent lines
void KateRenderer::paintTextLine(QPainter& paint, KateLineLayoutPtr range, int xStart, int xEnd, const KTextEditor::Cursor* cursor)

//   kDebug( 13033 )<<"KateRenderer::paintTextLine";

  // font data
  const QFontMetricsF &fm = config()->fontMetrics();

  int currentViewLine = -1;
  if (cursor && cursor->line() == range->line())
    currentViewLine = range->viewLineForColumn(cursor->column());

  paintTextLineBackground(paint, range, currentViewLine, xStart, xEnd);

  if (range->layout()) {
    bool drawSelection = m_view->selection() && showSelections() && m_view->selectionRange().overlapsLine(range->line());
    // Draw selection in block selecton mode. We need 2 kinds of selections that QTextLayout::draw can't render:
    //   - past-end-of-line selection and
    //   - 0-column-wide selection (used to indicate where text will be typed)
    if (drawSelection && m_view->blockSelection()) {
      int selectionStartColumn = m_doc->fromVirtualColumn(range->line(), m_doc->toVirtualColumn(m_view->selectionRange().start()));
      int selectionEndColumn   = m_doc->fromVirtualColumn(range->line(), m_doc->toVirtualColumn(m_view->selectionRange().end()));
      QBrush selectionBrush = config()->selectionColor();
      if (selectionStartColumn != selectionEndColumn) {
        KateTextLayout lastLine = range->viewLine(range->viewLineCount() - 1);
        if (selectionEndColumn > lastLine.startCol()) {
          int selectionStartX = (selectionStartColumn > lastLine.startCol()) ? cursorToX(lastLine, selectionStartColumn, true) : 0;
          int selectionEndX = cursorToX(lastLine, selectionEndColumn, true);
          paint.fillRect(QRect(selectionStartX - xStart, (int)lastLine.lineLayout().y(), selectionEndX - selectionStartX, lineHeight()), selectionBrush);
      } else {
        const int selectStickWidth = 2;
        KateTextLayout selectionLine = range->viewLine(range->viewLineForColumn(selectionStartColumn));
        int selectionX = cursorToX(selectionLine, selectionStartColumn, true);
        paint.fillRect(QRect(selectionX - xStart, (int)selectionLine.lineLayout().y(), selectStickWidth, lineHeight()), selectionBrush);

    QVector<QTextLayout::FormatRange> additionalFormats;
    if (range->length() > 0) {
      // We may have changed the pen, be absolutely sure it gets set back to
      // normal foreground color before drawing text for text that does not
      // set the pen color
      // Draw the text :)
      if (drawSelection) {
        // FIXME toVector() may be a performance issue
        additionalFormats = decorationsForLine(range->textLine(), range->line(), true).toVector();
        range->layout()->draw(&paint, QPoint(-xStart,0), additionalFormats);

      } else {
        range->layout()->draw(&paint, QPoint(-xStart,0));

    QBrush backgroundBrush;
    bool backgroundBrushSet = false;

    // Loop each individual line for additional text decoration etc.
    QListIterator<QTextLayout::FormatRange> it = range->layout()->additionalFormats();
    QVectorIterator<QTextLayout::FormatRange> it2 = additionalFormats;
    for (int i = 0; i < range->viewLineCount(); ++i) {
      KateTextLayout line = range->viewLine(i);

      // Determine the background to use, if any, for the end of this view line
      backgroundBrushSet = false;
      while (it2.hasNext()) {
        const QTextLayout::FormatRange& fr = it2.peekNext();
        if (fr.start > line.endCol())

        if (fr.start + fr.length > line.endCol()) {
          if (fr.format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush)) {
            backgroundBrushSet = true;
            backgroundBrush = fr.format.background();

          goto backgroundDetermined;


      while (it.hasNext()) {
        const QTextLayout::FormatRange& fr = it.peekNext();
        if (fr.start > line.endCol())

        if (fr.start + fr.length > line.endCol()) {
          if (fr.format.hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush)) {
            backgroundBrushSet = true;
            backgroundBrush = fr.format.background();




      // Draw selection or background color outside of areas where text is rendered
      if (!m_printerFriendly ) {
        bool draw = false;
        QBrush drawBrush;
        if (m_view->selection() && !m_view->blockSelection() && m_view->lineEndSelected(line.end(true))) {
          draw = true;
          drawBrush = config()->selectionColor();
        } else if (backgroundBrushSet && !m_view->blockSelection()) {
          draw = true;
          drawBrush = backgroundBrush;

        if (draw) {
          int fillStartX = line.endX() - line.startX() + line.xOffset() - xStart;
          int fillStartY = lineHeight() * i;
          int width= xEnd - xStart - fillStartX;
          int height= lineHeight();

          // reverse X for right-aligned lines
          if (range->layout()->textOption().alignment() == Qt::AlignRight)
            fillStartX = 0;

          if (width > 0) {
            QRect area(fillStartX, fillStartY, width, height);
            paint.fillRect(area, drawBrush);
      // Draw indent lines
      if (showIndentLines() && i == 0)
        const qreal w = spaceWidth();
        const int lastIndentColumn = range->textLine()->indentDepth(m_tabWidth);

        for (int x = m_indentWidth; x < lastIndentColumn; x += m_indentWidth)
          paintIndentMarker(paint, x * w + 1 - xStart, range->line());

      // draw an open box to mark non-breaking spaces
      const QString& text = range->textLine()->string();
      int y = lineHeight() * i + fm.ascent() - fm.strikeOutPos();
      int nbSpaceIndex = text.indexOf(nbSpaceChar, line.lineLayout().xToCursor(xStart));

      while (nbSpaceIndex != -1 && nbSpaceIndex < line.endCol()) {
        int x = line.lineLayout().cursorToX(nbSpaceIndex);
        if (x > xEnd)
        paintNonBreakSpace(paint, x - xStart, y);
        nbSpaceIndex = text.indexOf(nbSpaceChar, nbSpaceIndex + 1);

      // draw tab stop indicators
      if (showTabs()) {
        int tabIndex = text.indexOf(tabChar, line.lineLayout().xToCursor(xStart));
        while (tabIndex != -1 && tabIndex < line.endCol()) {
          int x = line.lineLayout().cursorToX(tabIndex);
          if (x > xEnd)
          paintTabstop(paint, x - xStart + spaceWidth()/2.0, y);
          tabIndex = text.indexOf(tabChar, tabIndex + 1);

      // draw trailing spaces
      if (showTrailingSpaces()) {
        int spaceIndex = line.endCol() - 1;
        int trailingPos = range->textLine()->lastChar();
        if (trailingPos < 0)
          trailingPos = 0;
        if (spaceIndex >= trailingPos) {
          while (spaceIndex >= line.startCol() && text.at(spaceIndex).isSpace()) {
            if (text.at(spaceIndex) != '\t' || !showTabs())
              paintTrailingSpace(paint, line.lineLayout().cursorToX(spaceIndex) - xStart + spaceWidth()/2.0, y);

    // draw word-wrap-honor-indent filling
    if ( (range->viewLineCount() > 1)  && range->shiftX() && (range->shiftX() > xStart) )
      if (backgroundBrushSet)
        paint.fillRect(0, lineHeight(), range->shiftX() - xStart, lineHeight() * (range->viewLineCount() - 1),
      paint.fillRect(0, lineHeight(), range->shiftX() - xStart, lineHeight() * (range->viewLineCount() - 1),
        QBrush(config()->wordWrapMarkerColor(), Qt::Dense4Pattern));

    // Draw caret
    if (drawCaret() && cursor && range->includesCursor(*cursor)) {
      int caretWidth, lineWidth = 2;
      QColor color;
      QTextLine line = range->layout()->lineForTextPosition(qMin(cursor->column(), range->length()));

      // Determine the caret's style
      caretStyles style = caretStyle();

      // Make the caret the desired width
      if (style == Line) {
        caretWidth = lineWidth;
      } else if (line.isValid() && cursor->column() < range->length()) {
        caretWidth = int(line.cursorToX(cursor->column() + 1) - line.cursorToX(cursor->column()));
        if (caretWidth < 0) {
          caretWidth = -caretWidth;
      } else {
        caretWidth = spaceWidth();

      // Determine the color
      if (m_caretOverrideColor.isValid()) {
        // Could actually use the real highlighting system for this...
        // would be slower, but more accurate for corner cases
        color = m_caretOverrideColor;
      } else {
        // search for the FormatRange that includes the cursor
        foreach (const QTextLayout::FormatRange &r, range->layout()->additionalFormats()) {
          if ((r.start <= cursor->column() ) && ( (r.start + r.length)  > cursor->column())) {
            // check for Qt::NoBrush, as the returned color is black() and no invalid QColor
            QBrush foregroundBrush = r.format.foreground();
            if (foregroundBrush != Qt::NoBrush) {
              color = r.format.foreground().color();
        // still no color found, fall back to default style
        if (!color.isValid())
          color = attribute(KTextEditor::HighlightInterface::dsNormal)->foreground().color();

      // Clip the caret - Qt's caret has a habit of intruding onto other lines.
      paint.setClipRect(0, line.lineNumber() * lineHeight(), xEnd - xStart, lineHeight());
      switch(style) {
      case Line :
        paint.setPen(QPen(color, caretWidth));
      case Block :
        // use a gray caret so it's possible to see the character
        paint.setPen(QPen(color, caretWidth));
      case Underline :
        paint.setClipRect(0, lineHeight() - lineWidth, xEnd - xStart, lineWidth);
      case Half :
        paint.setPen(QPen(color, caretWidth));
        paint.setClipRect(0, lineHeight() / 2, xEnd - xStart, lineHeight() / 2);

      if (cursor->column() <= range->length()) {
        range->layout()->drawCursor(&paint, QPoint(-xStart,0), cursor->column(), caretWidth);
      } else {
        // Off the end of the line... must be block mode. Draw the caret ourselves.
        const KateTextLayout& lastLine = range->viewLine(range->viewLineCount() - 1);
        int x = cursorToX(lastLine, KTextEditor::Cursor(range->line(), cursor->column()), true);
        if ((x >= xStart) && (x <= xEnd)) {
          paint.fillRect(x - xStart, (int)lastLine.lineLayout().y(), caretWidth, lineHeight(), color);

QPainterPath TextEditorOverlay::createSelectionPath(const QTextCursor &begin, const QTextCursor &end,
                                                    const QRect &clip)
    if (begin.isNull() || end.isNull() || begin.position() > end.position())
        return QPainterPath();

    QPointF offset = m_editor->contentOffset();
    QRect viewportRect = rect();
    QTextDocument *document = m_editor->document();

    if (m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(begin.block()).translated(offset).top() > clip.bottom() + 10
        || m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(end.block()).translated(offset).bottom() < clip.top() - 10
        return QPainterPath(); // nothing of the selection is visible

    QTextBlock block = begin.block();

    if (block.blockNumber() < m_editor->firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() - 4)
        block = m_editor->document()->findBlockByNumber(m_editor->firstVisibleBlock().blockNumber() - 4);

    bool inSelection = false;

    QVector<QRectF> selection;

    if (begin.position() == end.position()) {
        // special case empty selections
        const QRectF blockGeometry = m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(block);
        QTextLayout *blockLayout = block.layout();
        int pos = begin.position() - begin.block().position();
        QTextLine line = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(pos);
        QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect();
        int x = line.cursorToX(pos);
        lineRect.setLeft(x - m_borderWidth);
        lineRect.setRight(x + m_borderWidth);
        selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft());
    } else {
        for (; block.isValid() && block.blockNumber() <= end.blockNumber(); block = block.next()) {
            if (! block.isVisible())

            const QRectF blockGeometry = m_editor->blockBoundingGeometry(block);
            QTextLayout *blockLayout = block.layout();

            QTextLine line = blockLayout->lineAt(0);
            bool firstOrLastBlock = false;

            int beginChar = 0;
            if (!inSelection) {
                if (block == begin.block()) {
                    beginChar = begin.positionInBlock();
                    line = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(beginChar);
                    firstOrLastBlock = true;
                inSelection = true;
            } else {
//                while (beginChar < block.length() && document->characterAt(block.position() + beginChar).isSpace())
//                    ++beginChar;
//                if (beginChar == block.length())
//                    beginChar = 0;

            int lastLine = blockLayout->lineCount()-1;
            int endChar = -1;
            if (block == end.block()) {
                endChar = end.positionInBlock();
                lastLine = blockLayout->lineForTextPosition(endChar).lineNumber();
                inSelection = false;
                firstOrLastBlock = true;
            } else {
                endChar = block.length();
                while (endChar > beginChar && document->characterAt(block.position() + endChar - 1).isSpace())

            QRectF lineRect = line.naturalTextRect();
            if (beginChar < endChar) {
                if (line.lineNumber() == lastLine)
                selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft());

                for (int lineIndex = line.lineNumber()+1; lineIndex <= lastLine; ++lineIndex) {
                    line = blockLayout->lineAt(lineIndex);
                    lineRect = line.naturalTextRect();
                    if (lineIndex == lastLine)
                    selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft());
            } else { // empty lines
                const int emptyLineSelectionSize = 16;
                if (!firstOrLastBlock && !selection.isEmpty()) { // middle
                } else if (inSelection) { // first line
                } else { // last line
                    if (endChar == 0)
                    lineRect.setLeft(line.cursorToX(endChar) - emptyLineSelectionSize);
                lineRect.setRight(lineRect.left() + emptyLineSelectionSize);
                selection += lineRect.translated(blockGeometry.topLeft());

            if (!inSelection)

            if (blockGeometry.translated(offset).y() > 2*viewportRect.height())

    if (selection.isEmpty())
        return QPainterPath();

    QVector<QPointF> points;

    const int margin = m_borderWidth/2;
    const int extra = 0;

    const QRectF &firstSelection = selection.at(0);
    points += (firstSelection.topLeft() + firstSelection.topRight()) / 2 + QPointF(0, -margin);
    points += firstSelection.topRight() + QPointF(margin+1, -margin);
    points += firstSelection.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin+1, 0);

    const int count = selection.count();
    for (int i = 1; i < count-1; ++i) {
#define MAX3(a,b,c) qMax(a, qMax(b,c))
        qreal x = MAX3(selection.at(i-1).right(),
                       selection.at(i+1).right()) + margin;

        points += QPointF(x+1, selection.at(i).top());
        points += QPointF(x+1, selection.at(i).bottom());

    const QRectF &lastSelection = selection.at(count-1);
    points += lastSelection.topRight() + QPointF(margin+1, 0);
    points += lastSelection.bottomRight() + QPointF(margin+1, margin+extra);
    points += lastSelection.bottomLeft() + QPointF(-margin, margin+extra);
    points += lastSelection.topLeft() + QPointF(-margin, 0);

    for (int i = count-2; i > 0; --i) {
#define MIN3(a,b,c) qMin(a, qMin(b,c))
        qreal x = MIN3(selection.at(i-1).left(),
                       selection.at(i+1).left()) - margin;

        points += QPointF(x, selection.at(i).bottom()+extra);
        points += QPointF(x, selection.at(i).top());

    points += firstSelection.bottomLeft() + QPointF(-margin, extra);
    points += firstSelection.topLeft() + QPointF(-margin, -margin);

    QPainterPath path;
    const int corner = 4;
    points += points.at(0);
    QPointF previous = points.at(0);
    for (int i = 1; i < points.size(); ++i) {
        QPointF point = points.at(i);
        if (point.y() == previous.y() && qAbs(point.x() - previous.x()) > 2*corner) {
            QPointF tmp = QPointF(previous.x() + corner * ((point.x() > previous.x())?1:-1), previous.y());
            path.quadTo(previous, tmp);
            previous = tmp;
        } else if (point.x() == previous.x() && qAbs(point.y() - previous.y()) > 2*corner) {
            QPointF tmp = QPointF(previous.x(), previous.y() + corner * ((point.y() > previous.y())?1:-1));
            path.quadTo(previous, tmp);
            previous = tmp;

        QPointF target = (previous + point) / 2;
        path.quadTo(previous, target);
        previous = points.at(i);
    return path;