Exemple #1
void TestDocumentLayout::placeAnchoredFrame3()
    // basic inline frame that acts like a really big character
    MockShape *picture = new MockShape();
    picture->setSize(QSizeF(100, 100));
    KTextAnchor *anchor = new KTextAnchor(picture);
    QTextCursor cursor(doc);
    KInlineTextObjectManager *manager = new KInlineTextObjectManager();
    MockLayoutState *state = new MockLayoutState(doc);
    state->shape = shape1;
    manager->insertInlineObject(cursor, anchor);

    I have two goals with 'offset'.
    One is that I want to be able to change the baseline of my anchored object.
    The other is that OOo / ODF allows me to have an arbitairy distance from my anchor
    so I can place something at the center of my page or whatever.

    So what about I switch from the first to the latter based on the font height.
        If my offset 'x' != 0,  make the image floating.
        If my offset 'y' is such that it would be above or below my line; make floating.

    QTextLayout *lay = doc->begin().layout();
    QVERIFY(lay->lineCount() >= 2);
    QTextLine line = lay->lineAt(0);
    QCOMPARE(line.descent(), (qreal) 100);
    QCOMPARE(line.position(), QPointF());
    line = lay->lineAt(1);
    QVERIFY(line.height() < 20);

    // now move the character which makes it a shape to run around and no longer
    // a big character.
    anchor->setOffset(QPointF(50, 20));

    lay = doc->begin().layout();
    QVERIFY(lay->lineCount() >= 2);
    line = lay->lineAt(0);
    QVERIFY(line.height() < 20);
    QCOMPARE(line.position(), QPointF());
    line = lay->lineAt(1);
    QVERIFY(line.height() < 20);
    QCOMPARE(line.position().x(), 0.);
    QVERIFY(qAbs(line.position().y() - 14.4) <  0.125);