Exemple #1
void ChoiceWithValueDisplay::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle;
	std::ostringstream valueText;

	if (sValue_ != nullptr) {
		if (category_)
			valueText << category_->T(*sValue_);
			valueText << *sValue_;
	} else if (iValue_ != nullptr) {
		valueText << *iValue_;

	dc.DrawText(valueText.str().c_str(), bounds_.x2() - 12, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
	void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const{
		const AtlasImage &image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[I_DIR];
		w =  2 * DpadRadius_ + image.w * scale_;
		h =  2 * DpadRadius_ + image.h * scale_;

		//w += 2 * DpadRadius_;
		//h += 2 * DpadRadius_;
Exemple #3
void UIBackgroundInit(UIContext &dc) {
	const std::string bgPng = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) + "background.png";
	const std::string bgJpg = GetSysDirectory(DIRECTORY_SYSTEM) + "background.jpg";
	if (File::Exists(bgPng) || File::Exists(bgJpg)) {
		const std::string &bgFile = File::Exists(bgPng) ? bgPng : bgJpg;
		bgTexture = CreateTextureFromFile(dc.GetDrawContext(), bgFile.c_str(), DETECT, true);
	void GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const{
		const AtlasImage &image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[roundId_];
		w = 2 * actionButtonSpacing_ + image.w * scale_;
		h = 2 * actionButtonSpacing_ + image.h * scale_;

		//w += 2 * actionButtonSpacing_;
		//h += 2 * actionButtonSpacing_;
Exemple #5
void UIScreenWithGameBackground::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) {
	if (!gamePath_.empty()) {
		DrawGameBackground(dc, gamePath_);
	} else {
		::DrawBackground(dc, 1.0f);
Exemple #6
void PopupHeader::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	const float paddingHorizontal = 12;
	const float availableWidth = bounds_.w - paddingHorizontal * 2;

	float tw, th;
	dc.MeasureText(dc.GetFontStyle(), 1.0f, 1.0f, text_.c_str(), &tw, &th, 0);

	float sineWidth = std::max(0.0f, (tw - availableWidth)) / 2.0f;

	float tx = paddingHorizontal;
	if (availableWidth < tw) {
		float overageRatio = 1.5f * availableWidth * 1.0f / tw;
		tx -= (1.0f + sin(time_now_d() * overageRatio)) * sineWidth;
		Bounds tb = bounds_;
		tb.x = bounds_.x + paddingHorizontal;
		tb.w = bounds_.w - paddingHorizontal * 2;

	dc.DrawText(text_.c_str(), bounds_.x + tx, bounds_.centerY(), dc.theme->popupTitle.fgColor, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
	dc.Draw()->DrawImageStretch(dc.theme->whiteImage, bounds_.x, bounds_.y2()-2, bounds_.x2(), bounds_.y2(), dc.theme->popupTitle.fgColor);

	if (availableWidth < tw) {
Exemple #7
void TextView::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	bool clip = false;
	if (measuredWidth_ > bounds_.w || measuredHeight_ > bounds_.h)
		clip = true;
	if (bounds_.w < 0 || bounds_.h < 0 || !clip_) {
		// We have a layout but, but try not to screw up rendering.
		// TODO: Fix properly.
		clip = false;
	if (clip) {
	// In case it's been made focusable.
	if (HasFocus()) {
		UI::Style style = dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle;
		style.background.color &= 0x7fffffff;
		dc.FillRect(style.background, bounds_);
	dc.SetFontStyle(small_ ? dc.theme->uiFontSmall : dc.theme->uiFont);
	if (shadow_) {
		uint32_t shadowColor = 0x80000000;
		dc.DrawTextRect(text_.c_str(), bounds_, shadowColor, textAlign_);
	dc.DrawTextRect(text_.c_str(), bounds_, textColor_, textAlign_);
	if (clip) {
Exemple #8
	void Draw(UIContext &dc) {
		float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;

		uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(GetButtonColor(), opacity);
		uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);

		int centerX = bounds_.centerX();
		int centerY = bounds_.centerY();

		float spacing = spacing_ * baseActionButtonSpacing;
		if (circleVisible_) {
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX + spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(circleId_,  centerX + spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, color, false);

		if (crossVisible_) {
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX, centerY + spacing, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(crossId_, centerX, centerY + spacing, scale_, 0, color, false);

		if (triangleVisible_) {
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX, centerY - spacing, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(triangleId_, centerX, centerY - spacing, scale_, 0, color, false);

		if (squareVisible_) {
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(roundId_, centerX - spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, colorBg, false);
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(squareId_, centerX - spacing, centerY, scale_, 0, color, false);
Exemple #9
void DrawGameBackground(UIContext &dc, const std::string &gamePath) {
	GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(gamePath, GAMEINFO_WANTBG);

	if (ginfo) {
		bool hasPic = false;
		double loadTime;
		if (ginfo->pic1Texture) {
			loadTime = ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded;
			hasPic = true;
		} else if (ginfo->pic0Texture) {
			loadTime = ginfo->timePic0WasLoaded;
			hasPic = true;
		if (hasPic) {
			uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - loadTime) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
			dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(dc.GetBounds(), 0,0,1,1, color);
		} else {
			::DrawBackground(dc, 1.0f);
	void Draw(UIContext &dc) {
		float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;

		uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(0xc0b080, opacity);
		uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);

		static const float xoff[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
		static const float yoff[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			float x = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * D_pad_Radius * spacing_;
			float y = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * D_pad_Radius * spacing_;
			float angle = i * M_PI / 2;

			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(I_DIR, x, y, scale_, angle + PI, colorBg, false);
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(I_ARROW, x, y, scale_, angle + PI, color);
Exemple #11
float CheckBox::CalculateTextScale(const UIContext &dc, float availWidth) const {
	float actualWidth, actualHeight;
	Bounds availBounds(0, 0, availWidth, bounds_.h);
	dc.MeasureTextRect(dc.theme->uiFont, 1.0f, 1.0f, text_.c_str(), (int)text_.size(), availBounds, &actualWidth, &actualHeight, ALIGN_VCENTER);
	if (actualWidth > availWidth) {
		return std::max(MIN_TEXT_SCALE, availWidth / actualWidth);
	return 1.0f;
Exemple #12
void ClickableItem::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle;
	if (down_) {
		style = dc.theme->itemDownStyle;
	} else if (HasFocus()) {
		style = dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle;
	dc.FillRect(style.background, bounds_);
MovingPixelsState::MovingPixelsState(Editor* editor, MouseMessage* msg, PixelsMovementPtr pixelsMovement, HandleType handle)
  : m_editor(editor)
  , m_discarded(false)
  // MovingPixelsState needs a selection tool to avoid problems
  // sharing the extra cel between the drawing cursor preview and the
  // pixels movement/transformation preview.

  UIContext* context = UIContext::instance();

  m_pixelsMovement = pixelsMovement;

  if (handle != NoHandle) {
    int u, v;
    editor->screenToEditor(msg->position().x, msg->position().y, &u, &v);
    m_pixelsMovement->catchImage(u, v, handle);


  // Setup mask color

  // Hook BeforeCommandExecution signal so we know if the user wants
  // to execute other command, so we can drop pixels.
  m_ctxConn =
    context->BeforeCommandExecution.connect(&MovingPixelsState::onBeforeCommandExecution, this);

  // Observe SelectionSettings to be informed of changes to
  // Transparent Color from Context Bar.

  // Add the current editor as filter for key message of the manager
  // so we can catch the Enter key, and avoid to execute the
  // PlayAnimation command.
  m_editor->getManager()->addMessageFilter(kKeyDownMessage, m_editor);
  m_editor->getManager()->addMessageFilter(kKeyUpMessage, m_editor);

  ContextBar* contextBar = App::instance()->getMainWindow()->getContextBar();
Exemple #14
void Choice::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	if (!IsSticky()) {
	} else {
		Style style =	dc.theme->itemStyle;
		if (highlighted_) {
			style = dc.theme->itemHighlightedStyle;
		if (down_) {
			style = dc.theme->itemDownStyle;
		if (HasFocus()) {
			style = dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle;
		dc.FillRect(style.background, bounds_);

	Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle;
	if (!IsEnabled()) {
		style = dc.theme->itemDisabledStyle;

	if (atlasImage_ != -1) {
		dc.Draw()->DrawImage(atlasImage_, bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), 1.0f, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
	} else {

		const int paddingX = 12;
		const float availWidth = bounds_.w - paddingX * 2 - textPadding_.horiz();
		float scale = CalculateTextScale(dc, availWidth);

		dc.SetFontScale(scale, scale);
		if (centered_) {
			dc.DrawTextRect(text_.c_str(), bounds_, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER | FLAG_WRAP_TEXT);
		} else {
			if (iconImage_ != -1) {
				dc.Draw()->DrawImage(iconImage_, bounds_.x2() - 32 - paddingX, bounds_.centerY(), 0.5f, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);

			Bounds textBounds(bounds_.x + paddingX + textPadding_.left, bounds_.y, availWidth, bounds_.h);
			dc.DrawTextRect(text_.c_str(), textBounds, style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER | FLAG_WRAP_TEXT);
		dc.SetFontScale(1.0f, 1.0f);

	if (selected_) {
		dc.Draw()->DrawImage(dc.theme->checkOn, bounds_.x2() - 40, bounds_.centerY(), 1.0f, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
Exemple #15
void PSPStick::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;

	uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(GetButtonColor(), opacity);
	uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0x808080, opacity);

	if (centerX_ < 0.0f) {
		centerX_ = bounds_.centerX();
		centerY_ = bounds_.centerY();

	float stickX = centerX_;
	float stickY = centerY_;

	float dx, dy;
	__CtrlPeekAnalog(stick_, &dx, &dy);

	dc.Draw()->DrawImage(bgImg_, stickX, stickY, 1.0f * scale_, colorBg, ALIGN_CENTER);
	dc.Draw()->DrawImage(stickImageIndex_, stickX + dx * stick_size_ * scale_, stickY - dy * stick_size_ * scale_, 1.0f * scale_, colorBg, ALIGN_CENTER);
Exemple #16
void MultiTouchButton::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;

	float scale = scale_;
	if (IsDown()) {
		scale *= 2.0f;
		opacity *= 1.15f;
	uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(GetButtonColor(), opacity);
	uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);

	dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(bgImg_, bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), scale, angle_ * (M_PI * 2 / 360.0f), colorBg, flipImageH_);

	int y = bounds_.centerY();
	// Hack round the fact that the center of the rectangular picture the triangle is contained in
	// is not at the "weight center" of the triangle.
	if (img_ == I_TRIANGLE)
		y -= 2.8f * scale;
	dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(img_, bounds_.centerX(), y, scale, angle_ * (M_PI * 2 / 360.0f), color);
Exemple #17
void PSPCross::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;

	uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(0xc0b080, opacity);
	uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);

	static const float xoff[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
	static const float yoff[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};
	static const int dir[4] = {CTRL_RIGHT, CTRL_DOWN, CTRL_LEFT, CTRL_UP};
	int buttons = __CtrlPeekButtons();
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
		float x = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * radius_;
		float y = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * radius_;
		float angle = i * M_PI / 2;
		float imgScale = (buttons & dir[i]) ? scale_ * 2 : scale_;
		dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(arrowIndex_, x, y, imgScale, angle + PI, colorBg, false);
		if (overlayIndex_ != -1)
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(overlayIndex_, x, y, imgScale, angle + PI, color);
Exemple #18
void Choice::GetContentDimensionsBySpec(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert, float &w, float &h) const {
	if (atlasImage_ != -1) {
		const AtlasImage &img = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[atlasImage_];
		w = img.w;
		h = img.h;
	} else {
		const int paddingX = 12;
		float availWidth = horiz.size - paddingX * 2 - textPadding_.horiz();
		if (availWidth < 0.0f) {
			// Let it have as much space as it needs.
			availWidth = MAX_ITEM_SIZE;
		float scale = CalculateTextScale(dc, availWidth);
		Bounds availBounds(0, 0, availWidth, vert.size);
		dc.MeasureTextRect(dc.theme->uiFont, scale, scale, text_.c_str(), (int)text_.size(), availBounds, &w, &h, FLAG_WRAP_TEXT);
	w += 24;
	h += 16;
	h = std::max(h, ITEM_HEIGHT);
Exemple #19
void TextView::GetContentDimensionsBySpec(const UIContext &dc, MeasureSpec horiz, MeasureSpec vert, float &w, float &h) const {
	Bounds bounds(0, 0, layoutParams_->width, layoutParams_->height);
	if (bounds.w < 0) {
		// If there's no size, let's grow as big as we want.
		bounds.w = horiz.size == 0 ? MAX_ITEM_SIZE : horiz.size;
	if (bounds.h < 0) {
		bounds.h = vert.size == 0 ? MAX_ITEM_SIZE : vert.size;
	ApplyBoundsBySpec(bounds, horiz, vert);
	dc.MeasureTextRect(small_ ? dc.theme->uiFontSmall : dc.theme->uiFont, 1.0f, 1.0f, text_.c_str(), (int)text_.length(), bounds, &w, &h, textAlign_);
Exemple #20
void CheckBox::GetContentDimensions(const UIContext &dc, float &w, float &h) const {
	int image = *toggle_ ? dc.theme->checkOn : dc.theme->checkOff;
	float imageW, imageH;
	dc.Draw()->MeasureImage(image, &imageW, &imageH);

	const int paddingX = 12;
	// Padding right of the checkbox image too.
	float availWidth = bounds_.w - paddingX * 2 - imageW - paddingX;
	if (availWidth < 0.0f) {
		// Let it have as much space as it needs.
		availWidth = MAX_ITEM_SIZE;
	float scale = CalculateTextScale(dc, availWidth);

	float actualWidth, actualHeight;
	Bounds availBounds(0, 0, availWidth, bounds_.h);
	dc.MeasureTextRect(dc.theme->uiFont, scale, scale, text_.c_str(), (int)text_.size(), availBounds, &actualWidth, &actualHeight, ALIGN_VCENTER | FLAG_WRAP_TEXT);

	w = bounds_.w;
	h = std::max(actualHeight, ITEM_HEIGHT);
void GameSettingsScreen::DrawBackground(UIContext &dc) {
	GameInfo *ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo(gamePath_, true);


	if (ginfo && ginfo->pic1Texture) {
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 3)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
		dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(0,0,dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);
	if (ginfo && ginfo->pic0Texture) {
		// Pic0 is drawn in the bottom right corner, overlaying pic1.
		float sizeX = dp_xres / 480 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Width();
		float sizeY = dp_yres / 272 * ginfo->pic0Texture->Height();
		uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timePic1WasLoaded) * 2)) & 0xFFc0c0c0;
		ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(dp_xres - sizeX, dp_yres - sizeY, dp_xres, dp_yres, 0,0,1,1,color);
Exemple #22
void PopupSliderChoiceFloat::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle;
	if (!IsEnabled()) {
		style = dc.theme->itemDisabledStyle;
	int paddingX = 12;

	char temp[32];
	if (zeroLabel_.size() && *value_ == 0.0f) {
		strcpy(temp, zeroLabel_.c_str());
	} else {
		sprintf(temp, fmt_, *value_);

	float ignore;
	dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, 1.0f, 1.0f, temp, &textPadding_.right, &ignore, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
	textPadding_.right += paddingX;

	dc.DrawText(temp, bounds_.x2() - paddingX, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_RIGHT | ALIGN_VCENTER);
	void Draw(UIContext &dc) override {
		float opacity = g_Config.iTouchButtonOpacity / 100.0f;

		uint32_t colorBg = colorAlpha(GetButtonColor(), opacity);
		uint32_t color = colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, opacity);

		static const float xoff[4] = {1, 0, -1, 0};
		static const float yoff[4] = {0, 1, 0, -1};

		int dirImage = g_Config.iTouchButtonStyle ? I_DIR_LINE : I_DIR;

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
			float r = D_pad_Radius * spacing_;
			float x = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * r;
			float y = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * r;
			float x2 = bounds_.centerX() + xoff[i] * (r + 10.f * scale_);
			float y2 = bounds_.centerY() + yoff[i] * (r + 10.f * scale_);
			float angle = i * M_PI / 2;

			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(dirImage, x, y, scale_, angle + PI, colorBg, false);
			dc.Draw()->DrawImageRotated(I_ARROW, x2, y2, scale_, angle + PI, color);
Exemple #24
void DrawBackground(UIContext &dc, float alpha = 1.0f) {
	static float xbase[100] = {0};
	static float ybase[100] = {0};
	float xres = dc.GetBounds().w;
	float yres = dc.GetBounds().h;
	static int last_xres = 0;
	static int last_yres = 0;

	if (xbase[0] == 0.0f || last_xres != xres || last_yres != yres) {
		GMRng rng;
		for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
			xbase[i] = rng.F() * xres;
			ybase[i] = rng.F() * yres;
		last_xres = xres;
		last_yres = yres;

	glstate.colorMask.set(GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE, GL_TRUE);
	glClearColor(0.1f, 0.2f, 0.43f, 1.0f);
	int img = I_BG;
#ifdef GOLD
	img = I_BG_GOLD;
	ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(img, dc.GetBounds());
	float t = time_now();
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		float x = xbase[i] + dc.GetBounds().x;
		float y = ybase[i] + dc.GetBounds().y + 40 * cosf(i * 7.2f + t * 1.3f);
		float angle = sinf(i + t);
		int n = i & 3;
		ui_draw2d.DrawImageRotated(symbols[n], x, y, 1.0f, angle, colorAlpha(colors[n], alpha * 0.1f));
Exemple #25
void DrawBackground(UIContext &dc, float alpha) {
	static float xbase[100] = {0};
	static float ybase[100] = {0};
	float xres = dc.GetBounds().w;
	float yres = dc.GetBounds().h;
	static int last_xres = 0;
	static int last_yres = 0;

	if (xbase[0] == 0.0f || last_xres != xres || last_yres != yres) {
		GMRng rng;
		for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
			xbase[i] = rng.F() * xres;
			ybase[i] = rng.F() * yres;
		last_xres = xres;
		last_yres = yres;
	uint32_t bgColor = whiteAlpha(alpha);

	if (bgTexture != nullptr) {
		dc.GetDrawContext()->BindTexture(0, bgTexture->GetTexture());
		dc.Draw()->DrawTexRect(dc.GetBounds(), 0, 0, 1, 1, bgColor);

	} else {
		ImageID img = I_BG;
		ui_draw2d.DrawImageStretch(img, dc.GetBounds(), bgColor);

	float t = time_now();
	for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
		float x = xbase[i] + dc.GetBounds().x;
		float y = ybase[i] + dc.GetBounds().y + 40 * cosf(i * 7.2f + t * 1.3f);
		float angle = sinf(i + t);
		int n = i & 3;
		ui_draw2d.DrawImageRotated(symbols[n], x, y, 1.0f, angle, colorAlpha(colors[n], alpha * 0.1f));
Exemple #26
void FileListAdapter::drawItem(int item, int x, int y, int w, int h, bool selected) const
	int icon = -1;
	if ((*items_)[item].isDirectory) {
		icon = options_.folderIcon;
	} else {
		std::string extension = getFileExtension((*items_)[item].name);
		auto iter = options_.iconMapping.find(extension);
		if (iter != options_.iconMapping.end())
			icon = iter->second;

	float scaled_h = ui_atlas.images[I_BUTTON].h;
	float scaled_w = scaled_h * (144.f / 80.f);

	int iconSpace = scaled_w + 10;
	ui_draw2d.DrawImage2GridH(selected ? I_BUTTON_SELECTED: I_BUTTON, x, y, x + w);
	ui_draw2d.DrawTextShadow(UBUNTU24, (*items_)[item].name.c_str(), x + UI_SPACE + iconSpace, y + 25, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_LEFT | ALIGN_VCENTER);

	// This might create a texture so we must flush first.
	GameInfo *ginfo = 0;
	if (!(*items_)[item].isDirectory) {
		ginfo = g_gameInfoCache.GetInfo((*items_)[item].fullName, false);
		if (!ginfo) {
			ELOG("No ginfo :( %s", (*items_)[item].fullName.c_str());
	if (ginfo) {
		if (ginfo->iconTexture) {
			uint32_t color = whiteAlpha(ease((time_now_d() - ginfo->timeIconWasLoaded) * 2));
			ui_draw2d.DrawTexRect(x + 10, y, x + 10 + scaled_w, y + scaled_h, 0, 0, 1, 1, color);
	} else {
		if (icon != -1)
			ui_draw2d.DrawImage(icon, x + UI_SPACE, y + 25, 1.0f, 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_VCENTER | ALIGN_LEFT);
Exemple #27
void AsyncImageFileView::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	if (!texture_ && !textureFailed_) {
		texture_ = dc.GetThin3DContext()->CreateTextureFromFile(filename_.c_str(), DETECT);
		if (!texture_)
			textureFailed_ = true;

	// TODO: involve sizemode
	if (texture_) {
		dc.GetThin3DContext()->SetTexture(0, texture_);
		dc.Draw()->Rect(bounds_.x, bounds_.y, bounds_.w, bounds_.h, color_);
	} else {
		// draw a dark gray rectangle to represent the texture.
		dc.FillRect(UI::Drawable(0x50202020), GetBounds());
void JoystickHistoryView::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	if (xAxis_ > -1 && yAxis_ > -1) {
		const AtlasImage &image = dc.Draw()->GetAtlas()->images[I_CROSS];
		float minRadius = std::min(bounds_.w, bounds_.h) * 0.5f - image.w;

		int a = maxCount_ - (int)locations_.size();
		for (auto iter = locations_.begin(); iter != locations_.end(); ++iter) {
			float x = bounds_.centerX() + minRadius * iter->x;
			float y = bounds_.centerY() - minRadius * iter->y;
			float alpha = (float)a / maxCount_;
			if (alpha < 0.0f) alpha = 0.0f;
			dc.Draw()->DrawImage(I_CROSS, x, y, 0.8f, colorAlpha(0xFFFFFF, alpha), ALIGN_CENTER);
		dc.Draw()->RectOutline(bounds_.centerX() - minRadius, bounds_.centerY() - minRadius, minRadius * 2, minRadius * 2, 0x80FFFFFF);
	} else {
		dc.DrawText("N/A", bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), 0xFFFFFFFF, ALIGN_CENTER);
Exemple #29
void Choice::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	if (!IsSticky()) {
	} else {
		Style style =	dc.theme->itemStyle;
		if (highlighted_) {
			style = dc.theme->itemHighlightedStyle;
		if (down_) {
			style = dc.theme->itemDownStyle;
		if (HasFocus()) {
			style = dc.theme->itemFocusedStyle;
		dc.FillRect(style.background, bounds_);

	Style style = dc.theme->itemStyle;
	if (!IsEnabled()) {
		style = dc.theme->itemDisabledStyle;

	if (atlasImage_ != -1) {
		dc.Draw()->DrawImage(atlasImage_, bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), 1.0f, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
	} else {
		int paddingX = 12;
		if (centered_) {
			dc.DrawText(text_.c_str(), bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
		} else {
			if (iconImage_ != -1) {
				dc.Draw()->DrawImage(iconImage_, bounds_.x2() - 32 - paddingX, bounds_.centerY(), 0.5f, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
			dc.DrawText(text_.c_str(), bounds_.x + paddingX, bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_VCENTER);

	if (selected_) {
		dc.Draw()->DrawImage(dc.theme->checkOn, bounds_.x2() - 40, bounds_.centerY(), 1.0f, style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
Exemple #30
void Button::Draw(UIContext &dc) {
	Style style = dc.theme->buttonStyle;
	if (HasFocus()) style = dc.theme->buttonFocusedStyle;
	if (down_) style = dc.theme->buttonDownStyle;
	if (!enabled_) style = dc.theme->buttonDisabledStyle;

	// dc.Draw()->DrawImage4Grid(style.image, bounds_.x, bounds_.y, bounds_.x2(), bounds_.y2(), style.bgColor);
	dc.FillRect(style.background, bounds_);
	float tw, th;
	dc.MeasureText(dc.theme->uiFont, text_.c_str(), &tw, &th);
	if (tw > bounds_.w) {
	dc.DrawText(text_.c_str(), bounds_.centerX(), bounds_.centerY(), style.fgColor, ALIGN_CENTER);
	if (tw > bounds_.w) {