Exemple #1
void nlfilter(image& img, std::size_t w, std::size_t h,
              std::function<image::pixel_t(const ublas::matrix<image::pixel_t>&)> f)
    auto iw = img.width();
    auto ih = img.height();
    // The number of rows above/aside the center element
    auto top = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(h / 2.0));
    auto left = static_cast<std::size_t>(std::floor(w / 2.0));
    // We must store the result and set the image to it after we have processed
    // the image as subsequent regions may need to use the unchanged pixel at
    // a location we have already modified.
    ublas::matrix<image::pixel_t> result(iw, ih);

    for(decltype(iw) x = 0; x < iw; ++x) {
        for(decltype(ih) y = 0; y < ih; ++y) {
            // img.region works from the top left of the region so we must
            // offset it so that (x, y) is at the center.
            result(x, y) = f(img.region(x - left, y - top, w, h));

    img.set(0, 0, result);