Exemple #1
Common::String Menu::prepareSaveNameForDisplay(const Common::String &name) {
	Common::String display = name;
	if (display.hasSuffix(".M3S")) {

	while (display.size() > 17)

	return display;
Exemple #2
void SavesSyncRequest::start() {
	_ignoreCallback = true;
	if (_workingRequest)
	_currentDownloadingFile = StorageFile();
	_currentUploadingFile = "";
	_totalFilesToHandle = 0;
	_ignoreCallback = false;

	//load timestamps
	_localFilesTimestamps = DefaultSaveFileManager::loadTimestamps();

	//list saves directory
	Common::String dir = _storage->savesDirectoryPath();
	if (dir.lastChar() == '/')
	_workingRequest = _storage->listDirectory(
		new Common::Callback<SavesSyncRequest, Storage::ListDirectoryResponse>(this, &SavesSyncRequest::directoryListedCallback),
		new Common::Callback<SavesSyncRequest, Networking::ErrorResponse>(this, &SavesSyncRequest::directoryListedErrorCallback)
	if (!_workingRequest) finishError(Networking::ErrorResponse(this));
Exemple #3
void Menu::handleInput(const Common::KeyState &e) {
	uint16 node = _vm->_state->getLocationNode();
	uint16 room = _vm->_state->getLocationRoom();
	uint16 item = _vm->_state->getMenuSaveLoadSelectedItem();

	if (room != 901 || node != 300 || item != 7)

	Common::String display = prepareSaveNameForDisplay(_saveName);

	if (e.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_BACKSPACE
			|| e.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_DELETE) {
		_saveName = display;
	} else if (e.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_RETURN
			|| e.keycode == Common::KEYCODE_KP_ENTER) {

	if (((e.ascii >= 'a' && e.ascii <= 'z')
			|| (e.ascii >= 'A' && e.ascii <= 'Z')
			|| (e.ascii >= '0' && e.ascii <= '9')
			|| e.ascii == ' ')
			&& (display.size() < 17)) {
		display += e.ascii;
		_saveName = display;
Exemple #4
void bringWordtoTop(char *str, int wordnum) {
	// This function reorders the words on the given pred.dic line
	// by moving the word at position 'wordnum' to the front (that is, right behind
	// right behind the numerical code word at the start of the line).
	Common::Array<Common::String> words;
	char buf[MAXLINELEN];

	if (!str)
	strncpy(buf, str, MAXLINELEN);
	buf[MAXLINELEN - 1] = 0;
	char *word = strtok(buf, " ");
	if (!word) {
		debug("Invalid dictionary line");

	while ((word = strtok(NULL, " ")) != NULL)
	words.insert_at(1, words.remove_at(wordnum + 1));

	Common::String tmp;
	for (uint8 i = 0; i < words.size(); i++)
			tmp += words[i] + " ";
	memcpy(str, tmp.c_str(), strlen(str));
Exemple #5
bool ThemeEngine::themeConfigParseHeader(Common::String header, Common::String &themeName) {
	// Check that header is not corrupted
	if ((byte)header[0] > 127) {
		warning("Corrupted theme header found");
		return false;


	if (header.empty())
		return false;

	if (header[0] != '[' || header.lastChar() != ']')
		return false;


	Common::StringTokenizer tok(header, ":");

	if (tok.nextToken() != SCUMMVM_THEME_VERSION_STR)
		return false;

	themeName = tok.nextToken();
	Common::String author = tok.nextToken();

	return tok.empty();
bool LabelCommandParser::parse(const Common::String &line, ScriptParseContext &parseCtx, Command *&command) {
	if (line.lastChar() != ':') {
		return false;

	Common::String label = line;

	LabelCommand *labelCmd = new LabelCommand(label);
	if (!parseCtx._labels.contains(label)) {
		parseCtx._labels[label] = labelCmd;
	} else {
		warning("Label '%s' already exists", label.c_str());

	if (parseCtx._pendingGotos.contains(label)) {
		GotoCommands &gotos = parseCtx._pendingGotos[label];
		for (GotoCommands::const_iterator it = gotos.begin(); it != gotos.end(); ++it) {

	command = labelCmd;
	return true;
Exemple #7
void SavesSyncRequest::directoryListedErrorCallback(Networking::ErrorResponse error) {
	_workingRequest = nullptr;
	if (_ignoreCallback)

	bool irrecoverable = error.interrupted || error.failed;
	if (error.failed) {
		Common::JSONValue *value = Common::JSON::parse(error.response.c_str());
		if (value) {
			if (value->isObject()) {
				Common::JSONObject object = value->asObject();

				//Dropbox-related error:
				if (object.contains("error_summary") && object.getVal("error_summary")->isString()) {
					Common::String summary = object.getVal("error_summary")->asString();
					if (summary.contains("not_found")) {
						irrecoverable = false;

				//OneDrive-related error:
				if (object.contains("error") && object.getVal("error")->isObject()) {
					Common::JSONObject errorNode = object.getVal("error")->asObject();
					if (Networking::CurlJsonRequest::jsonContainsString(errorNode, "code", "SavesSyncRequest")) {
						Common::String code = errorNode.getVal("code")->asString();
						if (code == "itemNotFound") {
							irrecoverable = false;
			delete value;

		//Google Drive and Box-related ScummVM-based error
		if (error.response.contains("subdirectory not found")) {
			irrecoverable = false; //base "/ScummVM/" folder not found
		} else if (error.response.contains("no such file found in its parent directory")) {
			irrecoverable = false; //"Saves" folder within "/ScummVM/" not found

	if (irrecoverable) {

	//we're lucky - user just lacks his "/cloud/" folder - let's create one
	Common::String dir = _storage->savesDirectoryPath();
	if (dir.lastChar() == '/')
	debug(9, "SavesSyncRequest: creating %s", dir.c_str());
	_workingRequest = _storage->createDirectory(
		new Common::Callback<SavesSyncRequest, Storage::BoolResponse>(this, &SavesSyncRequest::directoryCreatedCallback),
		new Common::Callback<SavesSyncRequest, Networking::ErrorResponse>(this, &SavesSyncRequest::directoryCreatedErrorCallback)
	if (!_workingRequest)
Exemple #8
bool GlulxeMetaEngine::detectGames(const Common::FSList &fslist, DetectedGames &gameList) {
	const char *const EXTENSIONS[3] = { ".ulx", ".blb", ".gblorb" };

	// Loop through the files of the folder
	for (Common::FSList::const_iterator file = fslist.begin(); file != fslist.end(); ++file) {
		// Check for a recognised filename
		if (file->isDirectory())
		Common::String filename = file->getName();
		bool hasExt = false;
		for (int idx = 0; idx < 3 && !hasExt; ++idx)
			hasExt = filename.hasSuffixIgnoreCase(EXTENSIONS[idx]);
		if (!hasExt)

		// Open up the file and calculate the md5
		Common::File gameFile;
		if (!gameFile.open(*file))
		Common::String md5 = Common::computeStreamMD5AsString(gameFile, 5000);
		size_t filesize = gameFile.size();

		// Check for known games
		const GlulxeGameDescription *p = GLULXE_GAMES;
		while (p->_gameId && (md5 != p->_md5 || filesize != p->_filesize))

		DetectedGame gd;
		if (!p->_gameId) {
			if (filename.hasSuffixIgnoreCase(".blb"))

			if (gDebugLevel > 0) {
				// Print an entry suitable for putting into the detection_tables.h, using the
				// name of the parent folder the game is in as the presumed game Id
				Common::String folderName = file->getParent().getName();
				if (folderName.hasSuffix("\\"))
				Common::String fname = filename;
				const char *dot = strchr(fname.c_str(), '.');
				if (dot)
					fname = Common::String(fname.c_str(), dot);

				debug("ENTRY0(\"%s\", \"%s\", %u),", fname.c_str(), md5.c_str(), (uint)filesize);
			const PlainGameDescriptor &desc = GLULXE_GAME_LIST[0];
			gd = DetectedGame(desc.gameId, desc.description, Common::UNK_LANG, Common::kPlatformUnknown);
		} else {
			PlainGameDescriptor gameDesc = findGame(p->_gameId);
			gd = DetectedGame(p->_gameId, gameDesc.description, p->_language, Common::kPlatformUnknown, p->_extra);

		gd.addExtraEntry("filename", filename);

	return !gameList.empty();
Exemple #9
void MacFontManager::loadFontsBDF() {
	Common::Archive *dat;

	dat = Common::makeZipArchive("classicmacfonts.dat");

	if (!dat) {
		warning("Could not find classicmacfonts.dat. Falling back to built-in fonts");
		_builtInFonts = true;


	Common::ArchiveMemberList list;

	for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it) {
		Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = dat->createReadStreamForMember((*it)->getName());

		Graphics::BdfFont *font = Graphics::BdfFont::loadFont(*stream);

		delete stream;

		Common::String fontName;
		MacFont *macfont;

		if (font->getFamilyName() && *font->getFamilyName()) {
			fontName = Common::String::format("%s-%s-%d", font->getFamilyName(), font->getFontSlant(), font->getFontSize());

			macfont = new MacFont(_fontNames.getVal(font->getFamilyName(), kMacFontNonStandard), font->getFontSize(), parseFontSlant(font->getFontSlant()));
		} else { // Get it from the file name
			fontName = (*it)->getName();

			// Trim the .bdf extension
			for (int i = fontName.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
				if (fontName[i] == '.') {
					while ((uint)i < fontName.size()) {

			macfont = new MacFont(kMacFontNonStandard);

		FontMan.assignFontToName(fontName, font);
		_fontRegistry.setVal(fontName, macfont);

		debug(2, " %s", fontName.c_str());

	_builtInFonts = false;

	delete dat;
Exemple #10
Common::String ScummEngine_v60he::convertFilePath(const byte *src) {
	debug(2, "convertFilePath in: '%s'", (const char *)src);

	int srcSize = resStrLen(src);
	int start = 0;

	if (srcSize > 2) {
		if (src[0] == ':') { // Game Data Path (Macintosh)
			// The default game data path is set to ':' by ScummVM
			start = 1;
		} else if (src[0] == '.' && src[1] == '\\') { // Game Data Path (Windows)
			// The default game data path is set to '.\\' by ScummVM
			start = 2;
		} else if (src[0] == '*' && src[1] == '\\') { // Save Game Path (Windows HE72 - HE100)
			// The default save game path is set to '*\\' by ScummVM
			start = 2;
		} else if (src[0] == '*' && src[1] == ':') { // Save Game Path (Macintosh HE72 - HE100)
			// The default save game path is set to '*:' by ScummVM
			start = 2;
		} else if (src[0] == 'c' && src[1] == ':') { // Save Game Path (HE60 - HE71)
			// The default save path is game path (DOS) or 'c:\\hegames\\' (Windows)
			for (start = srcSize; start != 0; start--)
				if (src[start - 1] == '\\')
		} else if (src[0] == 'u' && src[1] == 's') { // Save Game Path (Moonbase Commander)
			// The default save path is 'user\\'
			start = 5;

	Common::String dst;

	for (int i = start; i < srcSize; i++) {
		// Convert path separators
		if (src[i] == '\\' || src[i] == ':')
			dst += '/';
			dst += src[i];

	// Sanity check
	if (dst.lastChar() == '/')

	debug(2, "convertFilePath out: '%s'", dst.c_str());

	return dst;
void OneDriveListDirectoryRequest::listNextDirectory() {
	if (_directoriesQueue.empty()) {

	_currentDirectory = _directoriesQueue.back();

	if (_currentDirectory != "" && _currentDirectory.lastChar() != '/' && _currentDirectory.lastChar() != '\\')
		_currentDirectory += '/';

	Common::String dir = _currentDirectory;
	Common::String url = Common::String::format(ONEDRIVE_API_SPECIAL_APPROOT_CHILDREN, ConnMan.urlEncode(dir).c_str());
Exemple #12
bool Debugger::cmd_lua_do(int argc, const char **argv) {
	if (argc < 2) {
		DebugPrintf("Usage: lua_do <lua command>\n");
		return true;

	Common::String cmd;
	for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
		cmd += argv[i];
		cmd += " ";
	DebugPrintf("Executing command: <%s>\n", cmd.c_str());
	cmd = Common::String::format("__temp_fn__ = function()\n%s\nend\nstart_script(__temp_fn__)", cmd.c_str());
	return true;
Exemple #13
SaveStateList BuriedMetaEngine::listSaves(const char *target) const {
	// The original had no pattern, so the user must rename theirs
	// Note that we ignore the target because saves are compatible between
	// all versions
	Common::StringArray fileNames = Buried::BuriedEngine::listSaveFiles();

	SaveStateList saveList;
	for (uint32 i = 0; i < fileNames.size(); i++) {
		// Isolate the description from the file name
		Common::String desc = fileNames[i].c_str() + 7;
		for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)

		saveList.push_back(SaveStateDescriptor(i, desc));

	return saveList;
void RemoteBrowserDialog::goUp() {
	if (_rememberedNodeContents.contains(_node.path()))

	Common::String path = _node.path();
	if (path.size() && (path.lastChar() == '/' || path.lastChar() == '\\'))
	if (path.empty()) {
	} else {
		for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
			if (i == 0 || path[i] == '/' || path[i] == '\\') {

	listDirectory(Cloud::StorageFile(path, 0, 0, true));
Exemple #15
Common::String ThemeEngine::getThemeId(const Common::String &filename) {
	// If no filename has been given we will initialize the builtin theme
	if (filename.empty())
		return "builtin";

	Common::FSNode node(filename);
	if (!node.exists())
		return "builtin";

	if (node.getName().matchString("*.zip", true)) {
		Common::String id = node.getName();

		for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)

		return id;
	} else {
		return node.getName();
static void composeFileHashMap(const Common::FSList &fslist, FileMap &allFiles, int depth, const char * const *directoryGlobs) {
    if (depth <= 0)

    if (fslist.empty())

    // First we compose a hashmap of all files in fslist.
    // Includes nifty stuff like removing trailing dots and ignoring case.
    for (Common::FSList::const_iterator file = fslist.begin(); file != fslist.end(); ++file) {
        if (file->isDirectory()) {
            Common::FSList files;

            if (!directoryGlobs)

            bool matched = false;
            for (const char * const *glob = directoryGlobs; *glob; glob++)
                if (file->getName().matchString(*glob, true)) {
                    matched = true;

            if (!matched)

            if (!file->getChildren(files, Common::FSNode::kListAll))

            composeFileHashMap(files, allFiles, depth - 1, directoryGlobs);

        Common::String tstr = file->getName();

        // Strip any trailing dot
        if (tstr.lastChar() == '.')

        allFiles[tstr] = *file;	// Record the presence of this file
Exemple #17
Common::Error GlkEngine::run() {
	// Open up the game file
	Common::String filename = getFilename();
	if (!Common::File::exists(filename))
		return Common::kNoGameDataFoundError;

	if (Blorb::isBlorb(filename)) {
		// Blorb archive
		_blorb = new Blorb(filename, getInterpreterType());
		SearchMan.add("blorb", _blorb, 99, false);

		if (!_gameFile.open("game", *_blorb))
			return Common::kNoGameDataFoundError;
	} else {
		// Check for a secondary blorb file with the same filename
		Common::String baseName = filename;
		while (baseName.contains('.'))

		if (Common::File::exists(baseName + ".blorb")) {
			_blorb = new Blorb(baseName + ".blorb", getInterpreterType());
			SearchMan.add("blorb", _blorb, 99, false);
		} else if (Common::File::exists(baseName + ".blb")) {
			_blorb = new Blorb(baseName + ".blb", getInterpreterType());
			SearchMan.add("blorb", _blorb, 99, false);

		// Open up the game file
		if (!_gameFile.open(filename))
			return Common::kNoGameDataFoundError;

	// Perform initialization

	// Play the game

	return Common::kNoError;
Exemple #18
bool ThemeEngine::themeConfigParseHeader(Common::String header, Common::String &themeName) {

	if (header.empty())
		return false;

	if (header[0] != '[' || header.lastChar() != ']')
		return false;


	Common::StringTokenizer tok(header, ":");

	if (tok.nextToken() != RESIDUAL_THEME_VERSION_STR)
		return false;

	themeName = tok.nextToken();
	Common::String author = tok.nextToken();

	return tok.empty();
Exemple #19
void AdvancedMetaEngine::composeFileHashMap(FileMap &allFiles, const Common::FSList &fslist, int depth, const Common::String &parentName) const {
	if (depth <= 0)

	if (fslist.empty())

	for (Common::FSList::const_iterator file = fslist.begin(); file != fslist.end(); ++file) {
		Common::String tstr = (_matchFullPaths && !parentName.empty() ? parentName + "/" : "") + file->getName();

		if (file->isDirectory()) {
			Common::FSList files;

			if (!_directoryGlobs)

			bool matched = false;
			for (const char * const *glob = _directoryGlobs; *glob; glob++)
				if (file->getName().matchString(*glob, true)) {
					matched = true;

			if (!matched)

			if (!file->getChildren(files, Common::FSNode::kListAll))

			composeFileHashMap(allFiles, files, depth - 1, tstr);

		// Strip any trailing dot
		if (tstr.lastChar() == '.')

		allFiles[tstr] = *file;	// Record the presence of this file
Exemple #20
bool FrotzMetaEngine::detectGames(const Common::FSList &fslist, DetectedGames &gameList) {
	const char *const EXTENSIONS[] = { ".z1", ".z2", ".z3", ".z4", ".z5", ".z6", ".z7", ".z8",
		".dat", ".zip", nullptr };

	// Loop through the files of the folder
	for (Common::FSList::const_iterator file = fslist.begin(); file != fslist.end(); ++file) {
		// Check for a recognised filename
		if (file->isDirectory())
		Common::String filename = file->getName();
		bool hasExt = Blorb::hasBlorbExt(filename), isBlorb = false;
		for (const char *const *ext = &EXTENSIONS[0]; *ext && !hasExt; ++ext)
			hasExt = filename.hasSuffixIgnoreCase(*ext);
		if (!hasExt)

		// Open up the file and calculate the md5, and get the serial
		Common::File gameFile;
		if (!gameFile.open(*file))
		Common::String md5 = Common::computeStreamMD5AsString(gameFile, 5000);
		size_t filesize = gameFile.size();
		char serial[9] = "";
		bool emptyBlorb = false;
		isBlorb = Blorb::isBlorb(gameFile, ID_ZCOD);

		if (!isBlorb) {
			if (Blorb::hasBlorbExt(filename)) {
			strcpy(&serial[0], "\"");
			gameFile.read(&serial[1], 6);
			strcpy(&serial[7], "\"");
		} else {
			Blorb b(*file, INTERPRETER_FROTZ);
			Common::SeekableReadStream *f = b.createReadStreamForMember("game");
			emptyBlorb = f == nullptr;

			if (!emptyBlorb) {
				strcpy(&serial[0], "\"");
				f->read(&serial[1], 6);
				strcpy(&serial[7], "\"");
				delete f;

		// Check for known games. Note that there has been some variation in exact filesizes
		// for Infocom games due to padding at the end of files. So we match on md5s for the
		// first 5Kb, and only worry about filesize for more recent Blorb based Zcode games
		const FrotzGameDescription *p = FROTZ_GAMES;
		while (p->_gameId && p->_md5 && (md5 != p->_md5 ||
				(filesize != p->_filesize && isBlorb)))

		DetectedGame gd;
		if (!p->_gameId) {
			// Generic .dat/.zip files don't get reported as matches unless they have a known md5
			if (filename.hasSuffixIgnoreCase(".dat") || filename.hasSuffixIgnoreCase(".zip") || emptyBlorb)

			if (gDebugLevel > 0) {
				// Print an entry suitable for putting into the detection_tables.h, using the
				// name of the parent folder the game is in as the presumed game Id
				Common::String folderName = file->getParent().getName();
				if (folderName.hasSuffix("\\"))
				Common::String fname = filename;
				const char *dot = strchr(fname.c_str(), '.');
				if (dot)
					fname = Common::String(fname.c_str(), dot);

				debug("ENTRY0(\"%s\", %s, \"%s\", %u),",
					fname.c_str(), strlen(serial) ? serial : "nullptr", md5.c_str(), (uint)filesize);
			const PlainGameDescriptor &desc = ZCODE_GAME_LIST[0];
			gd = DetectedGame(desc.gameId, desc.description, Common::UNK_LANG, Common::kPlatformUnknown);
		} else {
			GameDescriptor gameDesc = findGame(p->_gameId);
			gd = DetectedGame(p->_gameId, gameDesc._description, p->_language, Common::kPlatformUnknown, p->_extra);

		gd.addExtraEntry("filename", filename);

	return !gameList.empty();
Exemple #21
void TextObject::setupText() {
	Common::String msg = LuaBase::instance()->parseMsgText(_textID.c_str(), NULL);
	Common::String message;

	// remove spaces (NULL_TEXT) from the end of the string,
	// while this helps make the string unique it screws up
	// text justification
	// remove char of id 13 from the end of the string,
	int pos = msg.size() - 1;
	while (pos >= 0 && (msg[pos] == ' ' || msg[pos] == 13)) {
		pos = msg.size() - 1;
	delete[] _lines;
	if (msg.size() == 0) {
		_lines = NULL;

	if (g_grim->getGameType() == GType_MONKEY4) {
		if (_x == 0)
			_x = 320;
		if (_y == 0)
			_y = 240;

	// format the output message to incorporate line wrapping
	// (if necessary) for the text object
	const int SCREEN_WIDTH = _width ? _width : 640;
	const int SCREEN_MARGIN = 75;

	// If the speaker is too close to the edge of the screen we have to make
	// some room for the subtitles.
	if (_isSpeech){
		if (_x < SCREEN_MARGIN) {
		} else if (SCREEN_WIDTH - _x < SCREEN_MARGIN) {

	// The maximum width for any line of text is determined by the justification
	// mode. Note that there are no left/right margins -- this is consistent
	// with GrimE.
	int maxWidth = 0;
	if (_justify == CENTER) {
		maxWidth = 2 * MIN(_x, SCREEN_WIDTH - _x);
	} else if (_justify == LJUSTIFY) {
		maxWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH - _x;
	} else if (_justify == RJUSTIFY) {
		maxWidth = _x;

	// We break the message to lines not longer than maxWidth
	Common::String currLine;
	_numberLines = 1;
	int lineWidth = 0;
	int maxLineWidth = 0;
	for (uint i = 0; i < msg.size(); i++) {
		lineWidth += MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
		if (lineWidth > maxWidth) {
			bool wordSplit = false;
			if (currLine.contains(' ')) {
				while (msg[i] != ' ' && i > 0) {
					lineWidth -= MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
			} else if (msg[i] != ' ') { // if it is a unique word
				int dashWidth = MAX(_font->getCharWidth('-'), _font->getCharDataWidth('-'));
				while (lineWidth + dashWidth > maxWidth) {
					lineWidth -= MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
				message += '-';
				wordSplit = true;
			message += '\n';

			if (lineWidth > maxLineWidth) {
				maxLineWidth = lineWidth;
			lineWidth = 0;

			if (wordSplit) {
				lineWidth += MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
			} else {
				continue; // don't add the space back

		if (lineWidth > maxLineWidth)
			maxLineWidth = lineWidth;

		message += msg[i];
		currLine += msg[i];

	// If the text object is a speech subtitle, the y parameter is the
	// coordinate of the bottom of the text block (instead of the top). It means
	// that every extra line pushes the previous lines up, instead of being
	// printed further down the screen.
	const int SCREEN_TOP_MARGIN = 16;
	if (_isSpeech) {
		_y -= _numberLines * _font->getHeight();
		if (_y < SCREEN_TOP_MARGIN) {

	_lines = new Common::String[_numberLines];

	for (int j = 0; j < _numberLines; j++) {
		int nextLinePos, cutLen;
		const char *breakPos = strchr(message.c_str(), '\n');
		if (breakPos) {
			nextLinePos = breakPos - message.c_str();
			cutLen = nextLinePos + 1;
		} else {
			nextLinePos = message.size();
			cutLen = nextLinePos;
		Common::String currentLine(message.c_str(), message.c_str() + nextLinePos);
		_lines[j] = currentLine;
		int width = _font->getStringLength(currentLine);
		if (width > _maxLineWidth)
			_maxLineWidth = width;
		for (int count = 0; count < cutLen; count++)
	_elapsedTime = 0;
Exemple #22
void MassAddDialog::handleTickle() {
	if (_scanStack.empty())
		return;	// We have finished scanning

	uint32 t = g_system->getMillis();

	// Perform a breadth-first scan of the filesystem.
	while (!_scanStack.empty() && (g_system->getMillis() - t) < kMaxScanTime) {
		Common::FSNode dir = _scanStack.pop();

		Common::FSList files;
		if (!dir.getChildren(files, Common::FSNode::kListAll)) {

		// Run the detector on the dir
		GameList candidates(EngineMan.detectGames(files));

		// Just add all detected games / game variants. If we get more than one,
		// that either means the directory contains multiple games, or the detector
		// could not fully determine which game variant it was seeing. In either
		// case, let the user choose which entries he wants to keep.
		// However, we only add games which are not already in the config file.
		for (GameList::const_iterator cand = candidates.begin(); cand != candidates.end(); ++cand) {
			GameDescriptor result = *cand;
			Common::String path = dir.getPath();

			// Remove trailing slashes
			while (path != "/" && path.lastChar() == '/')

			// Check for existing config entries for this path/gameid/lang/platform combination
			if (_pathToTargets.contains(path)) {
				bool duplicate = false;
				const StringArray &targets = _pathToTargets[path];
				for (StringArray::const_iterator iter = targets.begin(); iter != targets.end(); ++iter) {
					// If the gameid, platform and language match -> skip it
					Common::ConfigManager::Domain *dom = ConfMan.getDomain(*iter);

					if ((*dom)["gameid"] == result["gameid"] &&
					    (*dom)["platform"] == result["platform"] &&
					    (*dom)["language"] == result["language"]) {
						duplicate = true;
				if (duplicate) {
					break;	// Skip duplicates
			result["path"] = path;


		// Recurse into all subdirs
		for (Common::FSList::const_iterator file = files.begin(); file != files.end(); ++file) {
			if (file->isDirectory()) {


	// Update the dialog
	Common::String buf;

	if (_scanStack.empty()) {
		// Enable the OK button

		buf = _("Scan complete!");

		buf = Common::String::format(_("Discovered %d new games, ignored %d previously added games."), _games.size(), _oldGamesCount);

	} else {
		buf = Common::String::format(_("Scanned %d directories ..."), _dirsScanned);

		buf = Common::String::format(_("Discovered %d new games, ignored %d previously added games ..."), _games.size(), _oldGamesCount);

	if (_games.size() > 0) {

Exemple #23
void Menu::createCommandsMenu(MenuItem *menu) {
	Common::String string(_gui->_engine->_world->_commandsMenu);

	Common::String item;

	for (uint i = 0; i < string.size(); i++) {
		while(i < string.size() && string[i] != ';') // Read token
			item += string[i++];

		if (item == "(-") {
			menu->subitems.push_back(new MenuSubItem(NULL, 0));
		} else {
			bool enabled = true;
			int style = 0;
			char shortcut = 0;
			const char *shortPtr = strrchr(item.c_str(), '/');
			if (shortPtr != NULL) {
				if (strlen(shortPtr) >= 2) {
					shortcut = shortPtr[1];
					item.deleteChar(shortPtr - item.c_str());
					item.deleteChar(shortPtr - item.c_str());
				} else {
					error("Unexpected shortcut: '%s', item '%s' in menu '%s'", shortPtr, item.c_str(), string.c_str());

			while (item.size() >= 2 && item[item.size() - 2] == '<') {
				char c = item.lastChar();
				if (c == 'B') {
					style |= kFontStyleBold;
				} else if (c == 'I') {
					style |= kFontStyleItalic;
				} else if (c == 'U') {
					style |= kFontStyleUnderline;
				} else if (c == 'O') {
					style |= kFontStyleOutline;
				} else if (c == 'S') {
					style |= kFontStyleShadow;
				} else if (c == 'C') {
					style |= kFontStyleCondensed;
				} else if (c == 'E') {
					style |= kFontStyleExtended;

			Common::String tmpitem(item);
			if (tmpitem[0] == '(') {
				enabled = false;

				for (uint j = 0; j < item.size(); j++)
					if (item[j] == '(') {

			menu->subitems.push_back(new MenuSubItem(item.c_str(), kMenuActionCommand, style, shortcut, enabled));

Exemple #24
Common::String Font::handleEllipsis(const Common::String &input, int w) const {
	Common::String s = input;
	int width = getStringWidth(s);

	if (width > w && s.hasSuffix("...")) {
		// String is too wide. Check whether it ends in an ellipsis
		// ("..."). If so, remove that and try again!
		width = getStringWidth(s);

	if (width > w) {
		Common::String str;

		// String is too wide. So we shorten it "intelligently" by
		// replacing parts of the string by an ellipsis. There are
		// three possibilities for this: replace the start, the end, or
		// the middle of the string. What is best really depends on the
		// context; but unless we want to make this configurable,
		// replacing the middle seems to be a good compromise.

		const int ellipsisWidth = getStringWidth("...");

		// SLOW algorithm to remove enough of the middle. But it is good enough
		// for now.
		const int halfWidth = (w - ellipsisWidth) / 2;
		int w2 = 0;
		Common::String::unsigned_type last = 0;
		uint i = 0;

		for (; i < s.size(); ++i) {
			const Common::String::unsigned_type cur = s[i];
			int charWidth = getCharWidth(cur) + getKerningOffset(last, cur);
			if (w2 + charWidth > halfWidth)
			last = cur;
			w2 += charWidth;
			str += cur;

		// At this point we know that the first 'i' chars are together 'w2'
		// pixels wide. We took the first i-1, and add "..." to them.
		str += "...";
		last = '.';

		// The original string is width wide. Of those we already skipped past
		// w2 pixels, which means (width - w2) remain.
		// The new str is (w2+ellipsisWidth) wide, so we can accommodate about
		// (w - (w2+ellipsisWidth)) more pixels.
		// Thus we skip ((width - w2) - (w - (w2+ellipsisWidth))) =
		// (width + ellipsisWidth - w)
		int skip = width + ellipsisWidth - w;
		for (; i < s.size() && skip > 0; ++i) {
			const Common::String::unsigned_type cur = s[i];
			skip -= getCharWidth(cur) + getKerningOffset(last, cur);
			last = cur;

		// Append the remaining chars, if any
		for (; i < s.size(); ++i) {
			str += s[i];

		return str;
	} else {
		return s;
Exemple #25
 * Load Sprite Bank
int AnimationManager::loadSpriteBank(int idx, const Common::String &filename) {
	int result = 0;
	Bank[idx]._loadedFl = true;
	Bank[idx]._filename = filename;

	byte *fileDataPtr = _vm->_fileIO->loadFile(filename);

	Bank[idx]._fileHeader = 0;
	if (fileDataPtr[1] == 'L' && fileDataPtr[2] == 'E')
		Bank[idx]._fileHeader = 1;
	else if (fileDataPtr[1] == 'O' && fileDataPtr[2] == 'R')
		Bank[idx]._fileHeader = 2;

	if (!Bank[idx]._fileHeader) {
		Bank[idx]._loadedFl = false;
		result = -1;

	Bank[idx]._data = fileDataPtr;

	int objectDataIdx = 0;
	for(objectDataIdx = 0; objectDataIdx <= 249; objectDataIdx++) {
		int width = _vm->_objectsMan->getWidth(fileDataPtr, objectDataIdx);
		int height = _vm->_objectsMan->getHeight(fileDataPtr, objectDataIdx);
		if (!width && !height)

	if (objectDataIdx > 249) {
		Bank[idx]._loadedFl = false;
		result = -2;
	Bank[idx]._objDataIdx = objectDataIdx;

	Common::String ofsFilename = Bank[idx]._filename;
	char ch;
	do {
		ch = ofsFilename.lastChar();
	} while (ch != '.');
	ofsFilename += ".OFS";

	Common::File f;
	if (f.exists(ofsFilename)) {
		byte *ofsData = _vm->_fileIO->loadFile(ofsFilename);
		byte *curOfsData = ofsData;
		for (int objIdx = 0; objIdx < Bank[idx]._objDataIdx; ++objIdx, curOfsData += 8) {
			int x1 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData);
			int y1 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData + 2);
			int x2 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData + 4);
			int y2 = READ_LE_INT16(curOfsData + 6);

			_vm->_objectsMan->setOffsetXY(Bank[idx]._data, objIdx, x1, y1, 0);
			if (Bank[idx]._fileHeader == 2)
				_vm->_objectsMan->setOffsetXY(Bank[idx]._data, objIdx, x2, y2, 1);

		result = 0;

	return result;
Exemple #26
bool AgiEngine::predictiveDialog() {
	int key = 0, active = -1, lastactive = 0;
	bool rc = false;
	uint8 x;
	int y;
	int bx[17], by[17];
	Common::String prefix;
	char temp[MAXWORDLEN + 1], repeatcount[MAXWORDLEN];
	AgiBlock tmpwindow;
	bool navigationwithkeys = false;
	bool processkey;

	const char *buttonStr[] = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0" };
	const char *buttons[] = {
		"(1)'-.&",  "(2)abc", "(3)def",
		"(4)ghi",  "(5)jkl", "(6)mno",
		"(7)pqrs", "(8)tuv", "(9)wxyz",
		"(#)next",    "add",
		"Cancel",  "OK",
		"Pre", "(0) ", NULL
	const int colors[] = {
		15, 0, 15, 0, 15, 0,
		15, 0, 15, 0, 15, 0,
		15, 0, 15, 0, 15, 0,
		15, 12, 15, 12,
		15, 0,
		15, 0, 15, 0,
		14, 0, 15, 0, 0, 0
	const char *modes[] = { "(*)Pre", "(*)123", "(*)Abc" };

	// FIXME: Move this to a more appropriate place.
	if (!_predictiveDictText) {
		if (!_predictiveDictText)
			return false;
	_predictiveDictActLine = NULL;
	uint8 numMatchingWords = 0;

	_predictiveDialogRunning = true;
	_system->setFeatureState(OSystem::kFeatureDisableKeyFiltering, true);

	memset(repeatcount, 0, sizeof(repeatcount));

	// show the predictive dialog.
	// if another window is already in display, save its state into tmpwindow
	memset(&tmpwindow, 0, sizeof(tmpwindow));
	tmpwindow.active = false;
	if (_game.window.active)
		memcpy(&tmpwindow, &(_game.window), sizeof(AgiBlock));
	drawWindow(50, 40, 269, 159);
	_gfx->drawRectangle(62, 54, 249, 66, MSG_BOX_TEXT);
	_gfx->flushBlock(62, 54, 249, 66);

	bx[15] = 73; // Zero/space
	by[15] = 120;
	bx[9] = 110; // next
	by[9] = 120;
	bx[10] = 172; // add
	by[10] = 120;
	bx[14] = 200; // Mode
	by[14] = 120;
	bx[11] = 252; // Backspace
	by[11] = 57;
	bx[12] = 180; // Cancel
	by[12] = 140;
	bx[13] = 240; // OK
	by[13] = 140;

	x = 73;
	y = 75;
	for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
		bx[i] = x;
		by[i] = y;
		x += 60;
		if (i % 3 == 2) {
			y += 15;
			x = 73;


	_wordNumber = 0;

	int mode = kModePre;

	bool needRefresh = true;

	for (;;) {
		if (needRefresh) {
			for (int i = 0; buttons[i]; i++) {
				int color1 = colors[i * 2];
				int color2 = colors[i * 2 + 1];

				if (i == 9 && !((mode != kModeAbc && _predictiveDictActLine && numMatchingWords > 1)
							|| (mode == kModeAbc && _currentWord.size() && _currentWord.lastChar() != ' '))) { // Next
					color2 = 7;

				// needs fixing, or remove it!
				bool _addIsActive = false; // FIXME: word adding is not implemented
				if (i == 10 && !_addIsActive) { // Add
					color2 = 7;
				if (i == 14) {
					_gfx->drawDefaultStyleButton(bx[i], by[i], modes[mode], i == active, 0, color1, color2);
				} else {
					_gfx->drawDefaultStyleButton(bx[i], by[i], buttons[i], i == active, 0, color1, color2);

			Common::strlcpy(temp, prefix.c_str(), sizeof(temp));
			Common::strlcat(temp, _currentWord.c_str(), sizeof(temp));

			for (int i = prefix.size() + _currentCode.size(); i < MAXWORDLEN; i++)
				temp[i] = ' ';
			temp[MAXWORDLEN] = 0;

			printText(temp, 0, 8, 7, MAXWORDLEN, 15, 0);
			_gfx->flushBlock(62, 54, 249, 66);

			if (active >= 0 && !navigationwithkeys) {
				// provide visual feedback only when not navigating with the arrows
				// so that the user can see the active button.
				active = -1;
				needRefresh = true;
			} else
				needRefresh = false;


		key = doPollKeyboard();
		processkey = false;
		switch (key) {
		case KEY_ENTER:
			if (navigationwithkeys) {
				// when the user has utilized arrow key navigation,
				// interpret enter as 'click' on the active button
				active = lastactive;
			} else {
				// else it is a shortcut for 'Ok'
				active = 13;
			processkey = true;
		case KEY_ESCAPE:
			rc = false;
			goto getout;
			navigationwithkeys = false;
			for (int i = 0; buttons[i]; i++) {
				if (_gfx->testButton(bx[i], by[i], buttons[i])) {
					active = i;
					processkey = true;
			active = 11;
			processkey = true;
		case '#':
			active = 9;
			processkey = true;
		case '*':
			active = 14;
			processkey = true;
		case 0x09:	// Tab
			navigationwithkeys = true;
			debugC(3, kDebugLevelText, "Focus change");
			lastactive = active = lastactive + 1;
			active %= ARRAYSIZE(buttons) - 1;
			needRefresh = true;
		case KEY_LEFT:
			navigationwithkeys = true;
			if (lastactive == 0 || lastactive == 3 || lastactive == 6)
				active = lastactive + 2;
			else if (lastactive == 9)
				active = 15;
			else if (lastactive == 11)
				active = 11;
			else if (lastactive == 12)
				active = 13;
			else if (lastactive == 14)
				active = 10;
				active = lastactive - 1;
			lastactive = active;
			needRefresh = true;
		case KEY_RIGHT:
			navigationwithkeys = true;
			if (lastactive == 2 || lastactive == 5 || lastactive == 8)
				active = lastactive - 2;
			else if (lastactive == 10)
				active = 14;
			else if (lastactive == 11)
				active = 11;
			else if (lastactive == 13)
				active = 12;
			else if (lastactive == 15)
				active = 9;
				active = lastactive + 1;
			lastactive = active;
			needRefresh = true;
		case KEY_UP:
			navigationwithkeys = true;
			if (lastactive <= 2)
				active = 11;
			else if (lastactive == 9 || lastactive == 10)
				active = lastactive - 2;
			else if (lastactive == 11)
				active = 13;
			else if (lastactive == 14)
				active = 8;
			else if (lastactive == 15)
				active = 6;
				active = lastactive - 3;
			lastactive = active;
			needRefresh = true;
		case KEY_DOWN:
			navigationwithkeys = true;
			if (lastactive == 6)
				active = 15;
			else if (lastactive == 7 || lastactive == 8)
				active = lastactive + 2;
			else if (lastactive == 11)
				active = 0;
			else if (lastactive == 12 || lastactive == 13)
				active = 11;
			else if (lastactive == 14 || lastactive == 15)
				active = lastactive - 2;
				active = lastactive + 3;
			lastactive = active;
			needRefresh = true;
			// handle numeric buttons
			if (key >= '1' && key <= '9') {
				active = key - '1';
				processkey = true;
			} else if (key == '0') {
				active = 15;
				processkey = true;

		if (processkey) {
			if (active >= 0) {
				needRefresh = true;
				lastactive = active;
				if (active == 15 && mode != kModeNum) { // Space
					// bring MRU word at the top of the list when changing words
					if (mode == kModePre && _predictiveDictActLine && numMatchingWords > 1 && _wordNumber != 0)
						bringWordtoTop(_predictiveDictActLine, _wordNumber);
					strncpy(temp, _currentWord.c_str(), _currentCode.size());
					temp[_currentCode.size()] = 0;
					prefix += temp;
					prefix += " ";
					numMatchingWords = 0;
					memset(repeatcount, 0, sizeof(repeatcount));
				} else if (active < 9 || active == 11 || active == 15) { // number or backspace
					if (active == 11) { // backspace
						if (_currentCode.size()) {
							repeatcount[_currentCode.size() - 1] = 0;
						} else {
							if (prefix.size())
					} else if (prefix.size() + _currentCode.size() < MAXWORDLEN - 1) { // don't overflow the dialog line
						if (active == 15) { // zero
							_currentCode += buttonStr[9];
						} else {
							_currentCode += buttonStr[active];

					switch (mode) {
					case kModeNum:
						_currentWord = _currentCode;
					case kModePre:
						if (!matchWord() && _currentCode.size()) {
						numMatchingWords = countWordsInString(_predictiveDictActLine);
					case kModeAbc:
						for (x = 0; x < _currentCode.size(); x++)
							if (_currentCode[x] >= '1')
								temp[x] = buttons[_currentCode[x] - '1'][3 + repeatcount[x]];
						temp[_currentCode.size()] = 0;
						_currentWord = temp;
				} else if (active == 9) { // next
					if (mode == kModePre) {
						if (_predictiveDictActLine && numMatchingWords > 1) {
							_wordNumber = (_wordNumber + 1) % numMatchingWords;
							char tmp[MAXLINELEN];
							strncpy(tmp, _predictiveDictActLine, MAXLINELEN);
							tmp[MAXLINELEN - 1] = 0;
							char *tok = strtok(tmp, " ");
							for (uint8 i = 0; i <= _wordNumber; i++)
								tok = strtok(NULL, " ");
							_currentWord = Common::String(tok, _currentCode.size());
					} else if (mode == kModeAbc){
						x = _currentCode.size();
						if (x) {
							if (_currentCode.lastChar() == '1' || _currentCode.lastChar() == '7' || _currentCode.lastChar() == '9')
								repeatcount[x - 1] = (repeatcount[x - 1] + 1) % 4;
								repeatcount[x - 1] = (repeatcount[x - 1] + 1) % 3;
							if (_currentCode.lastChar() >= '1')
								_currentWord.setChar(buttons[_currentCode[x - 1] - '1'][3 + repeatcount[x - 1]], x-1);
				} else if (active == 10) { // add
					debug(0, "add");
				} else if (active == 13) { // Ok
					// bring MRU word at the top of the list when ok'ed out of the dialog
					if (mode == kModePre && _predictiveDictActLine && numMatchingWords > 1 && _wordNumber != 0)
						bringWordtoTop(_predictiveDictActLine, _wordNumber);
					rc = true;
					goto press;
				} else if (active == 14) { // Mode
					if (mode > kModeAbc)
						mode = kModePre;

					// truncate current input at mode change
					strncpy(temp, _currentWord.c_str(), _currentCode.size());
					temp[_currentCode.size()] = 0;
					prefix += temp;
					memset(repeatcount, 0, sizeof(repeatcount));
				} else {
					goto press;

	Common::strlcpy(_predictiveResult, prefix.c_str(), sizeof(_predictiveResult));
	Common::strlcat(_predictiveResult, _currentWord.c_str(), sizeof(_predictiveResult));

	// if another window was shown, bring it up again
	if (!tmpwindow.active)
	else {
		_gfx->restoreBlock(_game.window.x1, _game.window.y1,
				_game.window.x2, _game.window.y2, _game.window.buffer);

		memcpy(&(_game.window), &tmpwindow, sizeof(AgiBlock));

	_system->setFeatureState(OSystem::kFeatureDisableKeyFiltering, false);
	_predictiveDialogRunning = false;

	return rc;
Exemple #27
void Font::drawString(Surface *dst, const Common::String &sOld, int x, int y, int w, uint32 color, TextAlign align, int deltax, bool useEllipsis) const {
	assert(dst != 0);
	const int leftX = x, rightX = x + w;
	uint i;
	Common::String s = sOld;
	int width = getStringWidth(s);
	Common::String str;

	if (useEllipsis && width > w && s.hasSuffix("...")) {
		// String is too wide. Check whether it ends in an ellipsis
		// ("..."). If so, remove that and try again!
		width = getStringWidth(s);

	if (useEllipsis && width > w) {
		// String is too wide. So we shorten it "intelligently" by
		// replacing parts of the string by an ellipsis. There are
		// three possibilities for this: replace the start, the end, or
		// the middle of the string. What is best really depends on the
		// context; but unless we want to make this configurable,
		// replacing the middle seems to be a good compromise.

		const int ellipsisWidth = getStringWidth("...");

		// SLOW algorithm to remove enough of the middle. But it is good enough
		// for now.
		const int halfWidth = (w - ellipsisWidth) / 2;
		int w2 = 0;
		uint last = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) {
			const uint cur = s[i];
			int charWidth = getCharWidth(cur) + getKerningOffset(last, cur);
			if (w2 + charWidth > halfWidth)
			last = cur;
			w2 += charWidth;
			str += cur;

		// At this point we know that the first 'i' chars are together 'w2'
		// pixels wide. We took the first i-1, and add "..." to them.
		str += "...";
		last = '.';

		// The original string is width wide. Of those we already skipped past
		// w2 pixels, which means (width - w2) remain.
		// The new str is (w2+ellipsisWidth) wide, so we can accommodate about
		// (w - (w2+ellipsisWidth)) more pixels.
		// Thus we skip ((width - w2) - (w - (w2+ellipsisWidth))) =
		// (width + ellipsisWidth - w)
		int skip = width + ellipsisWidth - w;
		for (; i < s.size() && skip > 0; ++i) {
			const uint cur = s[i];
			skip -= getCharWidth(cur) + getKerningOffset(last, cur);
			last = cur;

		// Append the remaining chars, if any
		for (; i < s.size(); ++i) {
			str += s[i];

		width = getStringWidth(str);
	} else {
		str = s;

	if (align == kTextAlignCenter)
		x = x + (w - width)/2;
	else if (align == kTextAlignRight)
		x = x + w - width;
	x += deltax;

	uint last = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < str.size(); ++i) {
		const uint cur = str[i];
		x += getKerningOffset(last, cur);
		last = cur;
		w = getCharWidth(cur);
		if (x+w > rightX)
		if (x >= leftX)
			drawChar(dst, str[i], x, y, color);
		x += w;
Exemple #28
void TextObject::createBitmap() {
	if (_created)

	Common::String msg = parseMsgText(_textID, NULL);
	Common::String message;
	const char *c = msg.c_str();

	// remove spaces (NULL_TEXT) from the end of the string,
	// while this helps make the string unique it screws up
	// text justification
	for (int i = (int)msg.size() - 1; c[i] == TEXT_NULL; i--)

	// remove char of id 13 from the end of the string,
	for (int i = (int)msg.size() - 1; c[i] == 13; i--)

	// format the output message to incorporate line wrapping
	// (if necessary) for the text object
	const int SCREEN_WIDTH = _width ? _width : 640;
	const int SCREEN_MARGIN = 75;

	// If the speaker is too close to the edge of the screen we have to make
	// some room for the subtitles.
	if (_isSpeech){
		if (_x < SCREEN_MARGIN) {
		} else if (SCREEN_WIDTH - _x < SCREEN_MARGIN) {

	// The maximum width for any line of text is determined by the justification
	// mode. Note that there are no left/right margins -- this is consistent
	// with GrimE.
	int maxWidth;
	if (_justify == CENTER) {
		maxWidth = 2 * MIN(_x, SCREEN_WIDTH - _x);
	} else if (_justify == LJUSTIFY) {
		maxWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH - _x;
	} else if (_justify == RJUSTIFY) {
		maxWidth = _x;

	// We break the message to lines not longer than maxWidth
	_numberLines = 1;
	int lineWidth = 0;
	int maxLineWidth = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < (int)msg.size(); i++) {
		lineWidth += MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
		if (lineWidth > maxWidth) {
			if (message.contains(' ')) {
				while (msg[i] != ' ' && i > 0) {
					lineWidth -= MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
			} else if (msg[i] != ' ') { // if it is a unique word
				int dashWidth = MAX(_font->getCharWidth('-'), _font->getCharDataWidth('-'));
				while (lineWidth + dashWidth > maxWidth) {
					lineWidth -= MAX(_font->getCharWidth(msg[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(msg[i]));
				message += '-';
			message += '\n';

			if (lineWidth > maxLineWidth) {
				maxLineWidth = lineWidth;
			lineWidth = 0;

			continue; // don't add the space back

		if (lineWidth > maxLineWidth)
			maxLineWidth = lineWidth;

		message += msg[i];

	// If the text object is a speech subtitle, the y parameter is the
	// coordinate of the bottom of the text block (instead of the top). It means
	// that every extra line pushes the previous lines up, instead of being
	// printed further down the screen.
	const int SCREEN_TOP_MARGIN = 16;
	if (_isSpeech) {
		_y -= _numberLines * _font->getHeight();
		if (_y < SCREEN_TOP_MARGIN) {

	_textObjectHandle = (GfxBase::TextObjectHandle **)malloc(sizeof(long) * _numberLines);
	_bitmapWidthPtr = new int[_numberLines];

	for (int j = 0; j < _numberLines; j++) {
		int nextLinePos, cutLen;
		const char *pos = strchr(message.c_str(), '\n');
		if (pos) {
			nextLinePos = pos - message.c_str();
			cutLen = nextLinePos + 1;
		} else {
			nextLinePos = message.size();
			cutLen = nextLinePos;
		Common::String currentLine(message.c_str(), message.c_str() + nextLinePos);

		_bitmapWidthPtr[j] = 0;
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currentLine.size(); ++i) {
			_bitmapWidthPtr[j] += MAX(_font->getCharWidth(currentLine[i]), _font->getCharDataWidth(currentLine[i]));

		_textBitmap = new uint8[_font->getHeight() * (_bitmapWidthPtr[j] + 1)];
		memset(_textBitmap, 0, _font->getHeight() * (_bitmapWidthPtr[j] + 1));

		// Fill bitmap
		int startOffset = 0;
		for (unsigned int d = 0; d < currentLine.size(); d++) {
			int ch = currentLine[d];
			int8 startingLine = _font->getCharStartingLine(ch) + _font->getBaseOffsetY();
			int32 charDataWidth = _font->getCharDataWidth(ch);
			int32 charWidth = _font->getCharWidth(ch);
			int8 startingCol = _font->getCharStartingCol(ch);
			for (int line = 0; line < _font->getCharDataHeight(ch); line++) {
				int offset = startOffset + ((_bitmapWidthPtr[j] + 1) * (line + startingLine));
				for (int r = 0; r < charDataWidth; r++) {
					const byte pixel = *(_font->getCharData(ch) + r + (charDataWidth * line));
					byte *dst = _textBitmap + offset + startingCol + r;
					if (*dst == 0 && pixel != 0)
						_textBitmap[offset + startingCol + r] = pixel;
				if (line + startingLine >= _font->getHeight())
			startOffset += charWidth;

		_textObjectHandle[j] = g_driver->createTextBitmap(_textBitmap, _bitmapWidthPtr[j] + 1, _font->getHeight(), _fgColor);
		delete[] _textBitmap;
		for (int count = 0; count < cutLen; count++)
	_created = true;
Exemple #29
bool WintermuteEngine::getGameInfo(const Common::FSList &fslist, Common::String &name, Common::String &caption) {
	bool retVal = false;
	caption = name = "(invalid)";
	Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = NULL;
	// Quick-fix, instead of possibly breaking the persistence-system, let's just roll with it
	BaseFileManager *fileMan = new BaseFileManager(Common::UNK_LANG);
	stream = fileMan->openFile("startup.settings", false, false);

	// The process is as follows: Check the "GAME=" tag in startup.settings, to decide where the
	// game-settings are (usually "default.game"), then look into the game-settings to find
	// the NAME = and CAPTION = tags, to use them to generate a gameid and extras-field

	Common::String settingsGameFile = "default.game";
	// If the stream-open failed, lets at least attempt to open the default game file afterwards
	// so, we don't call it a failure yet.
	if (stream) {
		while (!stream->eos() && !stream->err()) {
			Common::String line = stream->readLine();
			line.trim(); // Get rid of indentation
			// Expect "SETTINGS {" or comment, or empty line
			if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == ';' || (line.contains("{"))) {
			} else {
				// We are looking for "GAME ="
				Common::StringTokenizer token(line, "=");
				Common::String key = token.nextToken();
				Common::String value = token.nextToken();
				if (value.size() == 0) {
				if (value[0] == '\"') {
				} else {
				if (value.lastChar() == '\"') {
				if (key == "GAME") {
					settingsGameFile = value;

	delete stream;
	stream = fileMan->openFile(settingsGameFile, false, false);
	if (stream) {
		// We do some manual parsing here, as the engine needs gfx to be initalized to do that.
		while (!stream->eos() && !stream->err()) {
			Common::String line = stream->readLine();
			line.trim(); // Get rid of indentation
			// Expect "GAME {" or comment, or empty line
			if (line.size() == 0 || line[0] == ';' || (line.contains("{"))) {
			} else {
				Common::StringTokenizer token(line, "=");
				Common::String key = token.nextToken();
				Common::String value = token.nextToken();
				if (value.size() == 0) {
				if (value[0] == '\"') {
				} else {
					continue;    // not a string
				if (value.lastChar() == '\"') {
				if (key == "NAME") {
					retVal = true;
					name = value;
				} else if (key == "CAPTION") {
					retVal = true;
					caption = value;
		delete stream;
	delete fileMan;
	return retVal;