bool MohawkEngine_Riven::checkDatafiles() { Common::String missingFiles; const char **datafiles = listExpectedDatafiles(); for (int i = 0; datafiles[i] != nullptr; i++) { if (!SearchMan.hasFile(datafiles[i])) { if (strcmp(datafiles[i], "j_Data3.mhk") == 0 || strcmp(datafiles[i], "b_Data1.mhk") == 0) { // j_Data3.mhk and b_Data1.mhk come from the 1.02 patch. They are not required to play. continue; } if (!missingFiles.empty()) { missingFiles += ", "; } missingFiles += datafiles[i]; } } if (missingFiles.empty()) { return true; } Common::String message = _("You are missing the following required Riven data files:\n") + missingFiles; warning("%s", message.c_str()); GUIErrorMessage(message); return false; }
void Win32TaskbarManager::setOverlayIcon(const Common::String &name, const Common::String &description) { //warning("[Win32TaskbarManager::setOverlayIcon] Setting overlay icon to: %s (%s)", name.c_str(), description.c_str()); if (_taskbar == NULL) return; if (name.empty()) { _taskbar->SetOverlayIcon(getHwnd(), NULL, L""); return; } // Compute full icon path Common::String path = getIconPath(name); if (path.empty()) return; HICON pIcon = (HICON)::LoadImage(NULL, path.c_str(), IMAGE_ICON, 16, 16, LR_LOADFROMFILE); if (!pIcon) { warning("[Win32TaskbarManager::setOverlayIcon] Cannot load icon!"); return; } // Sets the overlay icon LPWSTR desc = ansiToUnicode(description.c_str()); _taskbar->SetOverlayIcon(getHwnd(), pIcon, desc); DestroyIcon(pIcon); delete[] desc; }
Common::String Win32TaskbarManager::getIconPath(Common::String target) { // We first try to look for a iconspath configuration variable then // fallback to the extra path // // Icons can be either in a subfolder named "icons" or directly in the path Common::String iconsPath = ConfMan.get("iconspath"); Common::String extraPath = ConfMan.get("extrapath"); #define TRY_ICON_PATH(path) { \ Common::FSNode node((path)); \ if (node.exists()) \ return (path); \ } if (!iconsPath.empty()) { TRY_ICON_PATH(iconsPath + "/" + target + ".ico"); TRY_ICON_PATH(iconsPath + "/" + ConfMan.get("gameid") + ".ico"); TRY_ICON_PATH(iconsPath + "/icons/" + target + ".ico"); TRY_ICON_PATH(iconsPath + "/icons/" + ConfMan.get("gameid") + ".ico"); } if (!extraPath.empty()) { TRY_ICON_PATH(extraPath + "/" + target + ".ico"); TRY_ICON_PATH(extraPath + "/" + ConfMan.get("gameid") + ".ico"); TRY_ICON_PATH(extraPath + "/icons/" + target + ".ico"); TRY_ICON_PATH(extraPath + "/icons/" + ConfMan.get("gameid") + ".ico"); } return ""; }
Common::String OSystem_POSIX::getDefaultConfigFileName() { Common::String configFile; Common::String prefix; #ifdef MACOSX prefix = getenv("HOME"); #elif !defined(SAMSUNGTV) const char *envVar; // Our old configuration file path for POSIX systems was ~/.scummvmrc. // If that file exists, we still use it. envVar = getenv("HOME"); if (envVar && *envVar) { configFile = envVar; configFile += '/'; configFile += ".scummvmrc"; if (configFile.size() < MAXPATHLEN) { struct stat sb; if (stat(configFile.c_str(), &sb) == 0) { return configFile; } } } // On POSIX systems we follow the XDG Base Directory Specification for // where to store files. The version we based our code upon can be found // over here: envVar = getenv("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (!envVar || !*envVar) { envVar = getenv("HOME"); if (!envVar) { return 0; } if (Posix::assureDirectoryExists(".config", envVar)) { prefix = envVar; prefix += "/.config"; } } else { prefix = envVar; } if (!prefix.empty() && Posix::assureDirectoryExists("scummvm", prefix.c_str())) { prefix += "/scummvm"; } #endif if (!prefix.empty() && (prefix.size() + 1 + _baseConfigName.size()) < MAXPATHLEN) { configFile = prefix; configFile += '/'; configFile += _baseConfigName; } else { configFile = _baseConfigName; } return configFile; }
bool Win32AudioCDManager::openCD(const Common::String &drive) { // Just some bounds checking if (drive.empty() || drive.size() > 3) return false; if (!Common::isAlpha(drive[0]) || drive[1] != ':') return false; if (drive[2] != 0 && drive[2] != '\\') return false; DriveList drives; if (!tryAddDrive(toupper(drive[0]), drives)) return false; // Construct the drive path and try to open it Common::String drivePath = Common::String::format("\\\\.\\%c:", drives[0]); _driveHandle = CreateFileA(drivePath.c_str(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if (_driveHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { warning("Failed to open drive %c:\\, error %d", drives[0], (int)GetLastError()); return false; } if (!loadTOC()) { close(); return false; } return true; }
void AboutDialog::addLine(const char *str) { if (*str == 0) { _lines.push_back(""); } else { Common::String format(str, 2); str += 2; static Common::String asciiStr; if (format[0] == 'A') { bool useAscii = false; #ifdef USE_TRANSLATION // We could use TransMan.getCurrentCharset() but rather than compare strings // it is easier to use TransMan.getCharsetMapping() (non null in case of non // ISO-8859-1 mapping) useAscii = (TransMan.getCharsetMapping() != NULL); #endif if (useAscii) asciiStr = str; return; } StringArray wrappedLines; if (!asciiStr.empty()) { g_gui.getFont().wordWrapText(asciiStr, _w - 2 * _xOff, wrappedLines); asciiStr.clear(); } else g_gui.getFont().wordWrapText(str, _w - 2 * _xOff, wrappedLines); for (StringArray::const_iterator i = wrappedLines.begin(); i != wrappedLines.end(); ++i) { _lines.push_back(format + *i); } } }
void ScriptManager::parseScrFile(const Common::String &fileName, bool isGlobal) { Common::File file; if (! { warning("Script file not found: %s", fileName.c_str()); return; } while(!file.eos()) { Common::String line = file.readLine(); if (file.err()) { warning("Error parsing scr file: %s", fileName.c_str()); return; } trimCommentsAndWhiteSpace(&line); if (line.empty()) continue; if (line.matchString("puzzle:*", true)) { Puzzle *puzzle = new Puzzle(); sscanf(line.c_str(),"puzzle:%u",&(puzzle->key)); parsePuzzle(puzzle, file); if (isGlobal) { _globalPuzzles.push_back(puzzle); } else { _activePuzzles.push_back(puzzle); } } else if (line.matchString("control:*", true)) { parseControl(line, file); } } }
void TeenAgentEngine::displayMessage(const Common::String &str, byte color, uint16 position) { if (str.empty()) { return; } if (color == 0xd1) { //mark's SceneEvent e(SceneEvent::kPlayAnimation); e.animation = 0; e.slot = 0x80; scene->push(e); } { SceneEvent event(SceneEvent::kMessage); event.message = str; event.color = color; event.slot = 0; event.dst.x = position % 320; event.dst.y = position / 320; scene->push(event); } { SceneEvent e(SceneEvent::kPauseAnimation); e.animation = 0; e.slot = 0x80; scene->push(e); } }
bool ThemeEngine::themeConfigParseHeader(Common::String header, Common::String &themeName) { // Check that header is not corrupted if ((byte)header[0] > 127) { warning("Corrupted theme header found"); return false; } header.trim(); if (header.empty()) return false; if (header[0] != '[' || header.lastChar() != ']') return false; header.deleteChar(0); header.deleteLastChar(); Common::StringTokenizer tok(header, ":"); if (tok.nextToken() != SCUMMVM_THEME_VERSION_STR) return false; themeName = tok.nextToken(); Common::String author = tok.nextToken(); return tok.empty(); }
int32 NotesHandler::getSize() { Common::String fileName = _file->build(); if (fileName.empty()) return -1; Common::InSaveFile *saveFile; SaveConverter_Notes converter(_vm, _notesSize, fileName); if (converter.isOldSave(&saveFile)) { // Old save, get the size olden-style int32 size = saveFile->size(); delete saveFile; return size; } SaveReader reader(1, 0, fileName); SaveHeader header; if (!reader.load()) return -1; if (!reader.readPartHeader(0, &header)) return -1; // Return the part's size return header.getSize(); }
bool ThemeParser::resolutionCheck(const Common::String &resolution) { if (resolution.empty()) return true; Common::StringTokenizer globTokenizer(resolution, ", "); Common::String cur, w, h; bool definedRes = false; while (!globTokenizer.empty()) { bool ignore = false; cur = globTokenizer.nextToken(); if (cur[0] == '-') { ignore = true; cur.deleteChar(0); } else { definedRes = true; } Common::StringTokenizer resTokenizer(cur, "x"); w = resTokenizer.nextToken(); h = resTokenizer.nextToken(); if ((w == "X" || atoi(w.c_str()) == g_system->getOverlayWidth()) && (h == "Y" || atoi(h.c_str()) == g_system->getOverlayHeight())) return !ignore; } return !definedRes; }
bool LabEngine::saveRestoreGame() { bool isOK = false; // The original had one screen for saving/loading. We have two. // Ask the user which screen to use. GUI::MessageDialog saveOrLoad(_("Would you like to save or restore a game?"), _("Save"), _("Restore")); int choice = saveOrLoad.runModal(); if (choice == GUI::kMessageOK) { // Save GUI::SaveLoadChooser *dialog = new GUI::SaveLoadChooser(_("Save game:"), _("Save"), true); int slot = dialog->runModalWithCurrentTarget(); if (slot >= 0) { Common::String desc = dialog->getResultString(); if (desc.empty()) { // create our own description for the saved game, the user didn't enter it desc = dialog->createDefaultSaveDescription(slot); } isOK = saveGame(slot, desc); } delete dialog; } else { // Restore GUI::SaveLoadChooser *dialog = new GUI::SaveLoadChooser(_("Restore game:"), _("Restore"), false); int slot = dialog->runModalWithCurrentTarget(); if (slot >= 0) { isOK = loadGame(slot); } delete dialog; } return isOK; }
void MemoryObject::loadFile(const Common::String &filename) { debugC(5, kDebugLoading, "MemoryObject::loadFile(<%s>)", filename.c_str()); if (filename.empty()) return; if (!_data) { NGIArchive *arr = g_fp->_currArchive; if (g_fp->_currArchive != _libHandle && _libHandle) g_fp->_currArchive = _libHandle; Common::SeekableReadStream *s = g_fp->_currArchive->createReadStreamForMember(filename); if (s) { assert(s->size() > 0); _dataSize = s->size(); debugC(5, kDebugLoading, "Loading %s (%d bytes)", filename.c_str(), _dataSize); _data = (byte *)calloc(_dataSize, 1); s->read(_data, _dataSize); delete s; } else { // We have no object to read. This is fine } g_fp->_currArchive = arr; } }
Common::String BuriedEngine::getFilePath(uint32 stringID) { Common::String path = getString(stringID); Common::String output; if (path.empty()) return output; uint i = 0; // The non-demo paths have CD info followed by a backslash. // We ignore this. // In the demo, we remove the "BITDATA" prefix because the // binaries are in the same directory. if (isDemo()) i += 8; else i += 2; for (; i < path.size(); i++) { if (path[i] == '\\') output += '/'; else output += path[i]; } return output; }
FilesystemNode::FilesystemNode(const Common::String &p) { if (p.empty() || p == ".") _realNode = AbstractFilesystemNode::getCurrentDirectory(); else _realNode = AbstractFilesystemNode::getNodeForPath(p); _refCount = new int(1); }
const ExtraGuiOptions AdvancedMetaEngine::getExtraGuiOptions(const Common::String &target) const { if (!_extraGuiOptions) return ExtraGuiOptions(); ExtraGuiOptions options; // If there isn't any target specified, return all available GUI options. // Only used when an engine starts in order to set option defaults. if (target.empty()) { for (const ADExtraGuiOptionsMap *entry = _extraGuiOptions; entry->guioFlag; ++entry) options.push_back(entry->option); return options; } // Query the GUI options const Common::String guiOptionsString = ConfMan.get("guioptions", target); const Common::String guiOptions = parseGameGUIOptions(guiOptionsString); // Add all the applying extra GUI options. for (const ADExtraGuiOptionsMap *entry = _extraGuiOptions; entry->guioFlag; ++entry) { if (guiOptions.contains(entry->guioFlag)) options.push_back(entry->option); } return options; }
/** * This dialog class provides a simple message display with support for either one or two buttons. */ MessageDialog::MessageDialog(const Common::String &message, const Common::String &btn1Message, const Common::String &btn2Message) : GfxDialog() { // Set up the message addElements(&_msg, &_btn1, NULL); _msg.set(message, 200, ALIGN_LEFT); _msg._bounds.moveTo(0, 0); _defaultButton = &_btn1; // Set up the first button _btn1.setText(btn1Message); _btn1._bounds.moveTo(_msg._bounds.right - _btn1._bounds.width(), _msg._bounds.bottom + 2); if (!btn2Message.empty()) { // Set up the second button add(&_btn2); _btn2.setText(btn2Message); _btn2._bounds.moveTo(_msg._bounds.right - _btn2._bounds.width(), _msg._bounds.bottom + 2); _btn1._bounds.translate(-(_btn2._bounds.width() + 4), 0); } // Do post setup for the dialog setDefaults(); // Set the dialog's center setCenter(g_globals->_dialogCenter.x, g_globals->_dialogCenter.y); }
Common::String TinyTSA::getBriefingMovie() { Common::String movieName = Neighborhood::getBriefingMovie(); if (movieName.empty()) { switch (getCurrentActivation()) { case kActivationTinyTSAJumpToNorad: g_AIChip->showBriefingClicked(); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37PegasusAI7, kHintInterruption); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37AI7ToNorad, kFilterNoInput); g_AIChip->clearClicked(); movieName = ""; break; case kActivationTinyTSAJumpToMars: g_AIChip->showBriefingClicked(); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37PegasusAI6, kHintInterruption); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37AI6ToMars, kFilterNoInput); g_AIChip->clearClicked(); movieName = ""; break; case kActivationTinyTSAJumpToWSC: g_AIChip->showBriefingClicked(); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37PegasusAI5, kHintInterruption); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37AI5ToWSC, kFilterNoInput); g_AIChip->clearClicked(); movieName = ""; break; default: movieName = "Images/AI/TSA/XT04"; break; } } return movieName; }
Common::String TinyTSA::getEnvScanMovie() { Common::String movieName = Neighborhood::getEnvScanMovie(); if (movieName.empty()) { g_AIChip->showEnvScanClicked(); startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37EnvironmentalScan, kHintInterruption); switch (getCurrentActivation()) { case kActivationTinyTSAJumpToNorad: startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37AI7ToNorad, kFilterNoInput); showExtraView(kTinyTSA37JumpToNoradMenu); break; case kActivationTinyTSAJumpToMars: startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37AI6ToMars, kFilterNoInput); showExtraView(kTinyTSA37JumpToMarsMenu); break; case kActivationTinyTSAJumpToWSC: startExtraSequenceSync(kTinyTSA37AI5ToWSC, kFilterNoInput); showExtraView(kTinyTSA37JumpToWSCMenu); break; default: showMainJumpMenu(); break; } g_AIChip->clearClicked(); } return movieName; }
bool SaveLoad_v4::GameHandler::createReader(int slot) { // If slot < 0, just check if a reader exists if (slot < 0) return (_reader != 0); if (!_reader || (_reader->getSlot() != ((uint32) slot))) { Common::String slotFile = _slotFile->build(slot); if (slotFile.empty()) return false; delete _reader; SaveConverter_v4 converter(_vm, slotFile); if (converter.isOldSave()) { // Old save, plug the converter in if (!converter.load()) { return false; } _reader = new SaveReader(3, slot, converter); } else _reader = new SaveReader(3, slot, slotFile); if (!_reader->load()) { delete _reader; _reader = 0; return false; } } return true; }
/** * Add a ready-made domain based on its name and contents * The domain name should not already exist in the ConfigManager. **/ void ConfigManager::addDomain(const Common::String &domainName, const ConfigManager::Domain &domain) { if (domainName.empty()) return; if (domainName == kApplicationDomain) { _appDomain = domain; #ifdef ENABLE_KEYMAPPER } else if (domainName == kKeymapperDomain) { _keymapperDomain = domain; #endif } else if (domain.contains("gameid")) { // If the domain contains "gameid" we assume it's a game domain if (_gameDomains.contains(domainName)) warning("Game domain %s already exists in ConfigManager", domainName.c_str()); _gameDomains[domainName] = domain; _domainSaveOrder.push_back(domainName); // Check if we have the same misc domain. For older config files // we could have 'ghost' domains with the same name, so delete // the ghost domain if (_miscDomains.contains(domainName)) _miscDomains.erase(domainName); } else { // Otherwise it's a miscellaneous domain if (_miscDomains.contains(domainName)) warning("Misc domain %s already exists in ConfigManager", domainName.c_str()); _miscDomains[domainName] = domain; } }
bool StarTrekEngine::showSaveMenu() { GUI::SaveLoadChooser *dialog; Common::String desc; int slot; dialog = new GUI::SaveLoadChooser(_("Save game:"), _("Save"), true); slot = dialog->runModalWithCurrentTarget(); desc = dialog->getResultString(); if (desc.empty()) { // create our own description for the saved game, the user didnt enter it desc = dialog->createDefaultSaveDescription(slot); } if (desc.size() > 28) desc = Common::String(desc.c_str(), 28); delete dialog; if (slot < 0) return true; return saveGame(slot, desc); }
bool VideoPlayer::reopenVideo(Video &video) { if (video.isEmpty()) return true; if (video.fileName.empty()) { video.close(); return false; } Properties properties; properties.type =; Common::String fileName = findFile(video.fileName, properties); if (fileName.empty()) { video.close(); return false; } Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = _vm->_dataIO->getFile(fileName); if (!stream) { video.close(); return false; } if (!video.decoder->reloadStream(stream)) { delete stream; return false; } return true; }
void SoundTownsPC98_v2::playTrack(uint8 track) { if (track == _lastTrack && _musicEnabled) return; int trackNum = -1; if (_vm->gameFlags().platform == Common::kPlatformFMTowns) { for (uint i = 0; i < res()->cdaTableSize; i++) { if (track == (uint8)READ_LE_UINT16(&res()->cdaTable[i * 2])) { trackNum = (int)READ_LE_UINT16(&res()->cdaTable[i * 2 + 1]) - 1; break; } } } beginFadeOut(); Common::String musicFile = res()->pattern ? Common::String::format(res()->pattern, track) : (res()->fileList ? res()->fileList[track] : 0); if (musicFile.empty()) return; delete[] _musicTrackData; _musicTrackData = _vm->resource()->fileData(musicFile.c_str(), 0); _driver->loadMusicData(_musicTrackData, true); if (_musicEnabled == 2 && trackNum != -1) { g_system->getAudioCDManager()->play(trackNum+1, _driver->looping() ? -1 : 1, 0, 0); g_system->getAudioCDManager()->update(); } else if (_musicEnabled) { _driver->cont(); } _lastTrack = track; }
void SciEngine::loadMacExecutable() { if (getPlatform() != Common::kPlatformMacintosh || getSciVersion() < SCI_VERSION_1_EARLY || getSciVersion() > SCI_VERSION_1_1) return; Common::String filename; switch (getGameId()) { case GID_KQ6: filename = "King's Quest VI"; break; case GID_FREDDYPHARKAS: filename = "Freddy Pharkas"; break; default: break; } if (filename.empty()) return; if (! || !_macExecutable.hasResFork()) { // KQ6/Freddy require the executable to load their icon bar palettes if (hasMacIconBar()) error("Could not load Mac resource fork '%s'", filename.c_str()); // TODO: Show some sort of warning dialog saying they can't get any // high-res Mac fonts, when we get to that point ;) } }
GameDescriptor::GameDescriptor(const PlainGameDescriptor &pgd, Common::String guioptions) { setVal("gameid", pgd.gameid); setVal("description", pgd.description); if (!guioptions.empty()) setVal("guioptions", Common::getGameGUIOptionsDescription(guioptions)); }
void RemoteBrowserDialog::updateListing() { // Update the path display Common::String path = _node.path(); if (path.empty()) path = "/"; //root if (_navigationLocked) path = "Loading... " + path; _currentPath->setLabel(path); if (!_navigationLocked) { // Populate the ListWidget ListWidget::StringArray list; ListWidget::ColorList colors; for (Common::Array<Cloud::StorageFile>::iterator i = _nodeContent.begin(); i != _nodeContent.end(); ++i) { if (i->isDirectory()) { list.push_back(i->name() + "/"); colors.push_back(ThemeEngine::kFontColorNormal); } else { list.push_back(i->name()); colors.push_back(ThemeEngine::kFontColorAlternate); } } _fileList->setList(list, &colors); _fileList->scrollTo(0); } _fileList->setEnabled(!_navigationLocked); // Finally, redraw g_gui.scheduleTopDialogRedraw(); }
Ps2FilesystemNode::Ps2FilesystemNode(const Common::String &path) { dbg_printf("NEW FSNODE(%s)\n", path.c_str()); _path = path; if (path.empty()) { _isHere = true; _isDirectory = true; /* root is always a dir */ _isRoot = true; _displayName = Common::String("PlayStation 2"); _verified = true; } else if (path.lastChar() == ':') { _isHere = true; _isDirectory = true; /* devs are always a dir */ _isRoot = false; _displayName = getDeviceDescription(); _verified = true; } else { _verified = false; doverify(); if (!_isHere) return; _displayName = _lastPathComponent(_path); if (_isDirectory && _path.lastChar() != '/') _path+= '/'; _isRoot = false; } }
// returns true if something has been completed // completion has to be delete[]-ed then bool Debugger::tabComplete(const char *input, Common::String &completion) const { // very basic tab completion // for now it just supports command completions // adding completions of command parameters would be nice (but hard) :-) // maybe also give a list of possible command completions? // (but this will require changes to console) if (strchr(input, ' ')) return false; // already finished the first word const uint inputlen = strlen(input); completion.clear(); CommandsMap::const_iterator i, e = _cmds.end(); for (i = _cmds.begin(); i != e; ++i) { if (i->_key.hasPrefix(input)) { uint commandlen = i->_key.size(); if (commandlen == inputlen) { // perfect match, so no tab completion possible return false; } if (commandlen > inputlen) { // possible match // no previous match if (completion.empty()) { completion = i->_key.c_str() + inputlen; } else { // take common prefix of previous match and this command for (uint j = 0; j < completion.size(); j++) { if (inputlen + j >= i->_key.size() || completion[j] != i->_key[inputlen + j]) { completion = Common::String(completion.begin(), completion.begin() + j); // If there is no unambiguous completion, abort if (completion.empty()) return false; break; } } } } } } if (completion.empty()) return false; return true; }
Common::OutSaveFile *SlotFileStatic::openWrite() const { Common::String name = build(); if (name.empty()) return 0; Common::SaveFileManager *saveMan = g_system->getSavefileManager(); Common::OutSaveFile *result = saveMan->openForSaving(name); return result; }