bool FilesPageHandler::listDirectory(Common::String path, Common::String &content, const Common::String &itemTemplate) { if (path == "" || path == "/") { if (ConfMan.hasKey("rootpath", "cloud")) addItem(content, itemTemplate, IT_DIRECTORY, "/root/", _("File system root")); addItem(content, itemTemplate, IT_DIRECTORY, "/saves/", _("Saved games")); return true; } if (HandlerUtils::hasForbiddenCombinations(path)) return false; Common::String prefixToRemove = "", prefixToAdd = ""; if (!transformPath(path, prefixToRemove, prefixToAdd)) return false; Common::FSNode node = Common::FSNode(path); if (path == "/") node = node.getParent(); // absolute root if (!HandlerUtils::permittedPath(node.getPath())) return false; if (!node.isDirectory()) return false; // list directory Common::FSList _nodeContent; if (!node.getChildren(_nodeContent, Common::FSNode::kListAll, false)) // do not show hidden files _nodeContent.clear(); else Common::sort(_nodeContent.begin(), _nodeContent.end()); // add parent directory link { Common::String filePath = path; if (filePath.hasPrefix(prefixToRemove)) filePath.erase(0, prefixToRemove.size()); if (filePath == "" || filePath == "/" || filePath == "\\") filePath = "/"; else filePath = parentPath(prefixToAdd + filePath); addItem(content, itemTemplate, IT_PARENT_DIRECTORY, filePath, _("Parent directory")); } // fill the content for (Common::FSList::iterator i = _nodeContent.begin(); i != _nodeContent.end(); ++i) { Common::String name = i->getDisplayName(); if (i->isDirectory()) name += "/"; Common::String filePath = i->getPath(); if (filePath.hasPrefix(prefixToRemove)) filePath.erase(0, prefixToRemove.size()); filePath = prefixToAdd + filePath; addItem(content, itemTemplate, detectType(i->isDirectory(), name), filePath, name); } return true; }
void FMVScreen::play(const Common::String &name) { Common::SeekableReadStream *stream = nullptr; // Play the low-resolution video, if possible if (!StarkSettings->getBoolSetting(Settings::kHighFMV) && StarkSettings->hasLowResFMV()) { Common::String lowResName = name; lowResName.erase(lowResName.size() - 4); lowResName += "_lo_res.bbb"; stream = StarkArchiveLoader->getExternalFile(lowResName, "Global/"); if (!stream) { debug("Could not open %s", lowResName.c_str()); } } // Play the original video if (!stream) { stream = StarkArchiveLoader->getExternalFile(name, "Global/"); } if (!stream) { warning("Could not open %s", name.c_str()); return; } _decoder->loadStream(stream); if (!_decoder->isVideoLoaded()) { error("Could not open %s", name.c_str()); } _decoder->start(); }
void Music::getSongNames(Common::StringArray &songs) { songs.clear(); if (IS_SERRATED_SCALPEL) { if (IS_3DO) { Common::FSDirectory gameDirectory(ConfMan.get("path")); Common::FSDirectory *musicDirectory = gameDirectory.getSubDirectory("music"); Common::ArchiveMemberList files; musicDirectory->listMatchingMembers(files, "*_mw22.aifc"); for (Common::ArchiveMemberList::iterator i = files.begin(); i != files.end(); ++i) { Common::String name = (*i)->getName(); name.erase(name.size() - 10); songs.push_back(name); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(SONG_NAMES); i++) { songs.push_back(SONG_NAMES[i]); } } } else { Common::StringArray fileList; _vm->_res->getResourceNames("music.lib", fileList); for (Common::StringArray::iterator i = fileList.begin(); i != fileList.end(); ++i) { if ((*i).matchString("*.XMI", true)) { (*i).erase((*i).size() - 4); songs.push_back(*i); } } } Common::sort(songs.begin(), songs.end()); }
void IdCreateDirectoryRequest::idResolveFailedCallback(Networking::ErrorResponse error) { _workingRequest = nullptr; if (_ignoreCallback) return; if (error.request) _date = error.request->date(); //not resolved => folder not exists if (error.response.contains("no such file found in its parent directory")) { //parent's id after the '\n' Common::String parentId = error.response; for (uint32 i = 0; i < parentId.size(); ++i) if (parentId[i] == '\n') { parentId.erase(0, i + 1); break; } Storage::BoolCallback callback = new Common::Callback<IdCreateDirectoryRequest, Storage::BoolResponse>(this, &IdCreateDirectoryRequest::createdDirectoryCallback); Networking::ErrorCallback failureCallback = new Common::Callback<IdCreateDirectoryRequest, Networking::ErrorResponse>(this, &IdCreateDirectoryRequest::createdDirectoryErrorCallback); _workingRequest = _storage->createDirectoryWithParentId(parentId, _requestedDirectoryName, callback, failureCallback); return; } finishError(error); }
void PDAMgr::calculateIndexes() { Common::String country = Common::String::format("%.3s", _page->getName().c_str()); for (uint i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { if (country == g_countries[i]) { _countryIndex = i; break; } } Common::String domain = _page->getName(); domain.erase(0, 3); if (domain.size() >= 4) domain.erase(3); for (uint i = 0; i < 8; ++i) { if (domain == g_domains[i]) { _domainIndex = i; break; } } }
void FolderDownloadRequest::downloadNextFile() { do { if (_pendingFiles.empty()) { sendCommand(GUI::kDownloadEndedCmd, 0); finishDownload(_failedFiles); return; } _currentFile = _pendingFiles.back(); _pendingFiles.pop_back(); } while (_currentFile.isDirectory()); // directories are actually removed earlier, in the directoryListedCallback() sendCommand(GUI::kDownloadProgressCmd, (int)(getProgress() * 100)); Common::String remotePath = _currentFile.path(); Common::String localPath = remotePath; if (_remoteDirectoryPath == "" || remotePath.hasPrefix(_remoteDirectoryPath)) { localPath.erase(0, _remoteDirectoryPath.size()); if (_remoteDirectoryPath != "" && (_remoteDirectoryPath.lastChar() != '/' && _remoteDirectoryPath.lastChar() != '\\')) localPath.erase(0, 1); } else { warning("FolderDownloadRequest: Can't process the following paths:"); warning("remote directory: %s", _remoteDirectoryPath.c_str()); warning("remote file under that directory: %s", remotePath.c_str()); } if (_localDirectoryPath != "") { if (_localDirectoryPath.lastChar() == '/' || _localDirectoryPath.lastChar() == '\\') localPath = _localDirectoryPath + localPath; else localPath = _localDirectoryPath + "/" + localPath; } debug(9, "FolderDownloadRequest: %s -> %s", remotePath.c_str(), localPath.c_str()); _workingRequest = _storage->downloadById(, localPath, new Common::Callback<FolderDownloadRequest, Storage::BoolResponse>(this, &FolderDownloadRequest::fileDownloadedCallback), new Common::Callback<FolderDownloadRequest, Networking::ErrorResponse>(this, &FolderDownloadRequest::fileDownloadedErrorCallback) ); }
Networking::Request *IdStorage::createDirectory(Common::String path, BoolCallback callback, Networking::ErrorCallback errorCallback) { if (!errorCallback) errorCallback = getErrorPrintingCallback(); if (!callback) callback = new Common::Callback<IdStorage, BoolResponse>(this, &IdStorage::printBool); //find out the parent path and directory name Common::String parentPath = "", directoryName = path; for (uint32 i = path.size(); i > 0; --i) { if (path[i - 1] == '/' || path[i - 1] == '\\') { parentPath = path; parentPath.erase(i - 1); directoryName.erase(0, i); break; } } return addRequest(new IdCreateDirectoryRequest(this, parentPath, directoryName, callback, errorCallback)); }
void RemoteBrowserDialog::goUp() { if (_rememberedNodeContents.contains(_node.path())) _rememberedNodeContents.erase(_node.path()); Common::String path = _node.path(); if (path.size() && (path.lastChar() == '/' || path.lastChar() == '\\')) path.deleteLastChar(); if (path.empty()) { _rememberedNodeContents.erase(""); } else { for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) if (i == 0 || path[i] == '/' || path[i] == '\\') { path.erase(i); break; } } listDirectory(Cloud::StorageFile(path, 0, 0, true)); }
bool DumpFile::open(const String &filename, bool createPath) { assert(!filename.empty()); assert(!_handle); if (createPath) { for (uint32 i = 0; i < filename.size(); ++i) { if (filename[i] == '/' || filename[i] == '\\') { Common::String subpath = filename; subpath.erase(i); if (subpath.empty()) continue; AbstractFSNode *node = g_system->getFilesystemFactory()->makeFileNodePath(subpath); if (node->exists()) continue; if (!node->create(true)) warning("DumpFile: unable to create directories from path prefix"); } } } FSNode node(filename); return open(node); }
void IdCreateDirectoryRequest::start() { //cleanup _ignoreCallback = true; if (_workingRequest) _workingRequest->finish(); _workingRequest = nullptr; _ignoreCallback = false; //the only exception when we create parent folder - is when it's ScummVM/ base folder Common::String prefix = _requestedParentPath; if (prefix.size() > 7) prefix.erase(7); if (prefix.equalsIgnoreCase("ScummVM")) { Storage::BoolCallback callback = new Common::Callback<IdCreateDirectoryRequest, Storage::BoolResponse>(this, &IdCreateDirectoryRequest::createdBaseDirectoryCallback); Networking::ErrorCallback failureCallback = new Common::Callback<IdCreateDirectoryRequest, Networking::ErrorResponse>(this, &IdCreateDirectoryRequest::createdBaseDirectoryErrorCallback); _workingRequest = _storage->createDirectory("ScummVM", callback, failureCallback); return; } resolveId(); }
void GoogleDriveUploadRequest::idResolveFailedCallback(Networking::ErrorResponse error) { _workingRequest = nullptr; if (_ignoreCallback) return; //not resolved => error or no such file if (error.response.contains("no such file found in its parent directory")) { //parent's id after the '\n' Common::String parentId = error.response; for (uint32 i = 0; i < parentId.size(); ++i) if (parentId[i] == '\n') { parentId.erase(0, i + 1); break; } _parentId = parentId; startUpload(); return; } finishError(error); }
void GoogleDriveUploadRequest::startUpload() { Common::String name = _savePath; for (uint32 i = name.size(); i > 0; --i) { if (name[i - 1] == '/' || name[i - 1] == '\\') { name.erase(0, i); break; } } Common::String url = GOOGLEDRIVE_API_FILES; if (_resolvedId != "") url += "/" + ConnMan.urlEncode(_resolvedId); url += "?uploadType=resumable&fields=id,mimeType,modifiedTime,name,size"; Networking::JsonCallback callback = new Common::Callback<GoogleDriveUploadRequest, Networking::JsonResponse>(this, &GoogleDriveUploadRequest::startUploadCallback); Networking::ErrorCallback failureCallback = new Common::Callback<GoogleDriveUploadRequest, Networking::ErrorResponse>(this, &GoogleDriveUploadRequest::startUploadErrorCallback); Networking::CurlJsonRequest *request = new GoogleDriveTokenRefresher(_storage, callback, failureCallback, url.c_str()); request->addHeader("Authorization: Bearer " + _storage->accessToken()); request->addHeader("Content-Type: application/json"); if (_resolvedId != "") request->usePatch(); Common::JSONObject jsonRequestParameters; if (_resolvedId != "") { jsonRequestParameters.setVal("id", new Common::JSONValue(_resolvedId)); } else { Common::JSONArray parentsArray; parentsArray.push_back(new Common::JSONValue(_parentId)); jsonRequestParameters.setVal("parents", new Common::JSONValue(parentsArray)); } jsonRequestParameters.setVal("name", new Common::JSONValue(name)); Common::JSONValue value(jsonRequestParameters); request->addPostField(Common::JSON::stringify(&value)); _workingRequest = ConnMan.addRequest(request); }