Exemple #1
Stxt::Stxt(Common::SeekableSubReadStreamEndian &textStream) {
	// TODO: Side effects on textStream make this a little hard to understand in context?
	uint32 unk1 = textStream.readUint32();
	uint32 strLen = textStream.readUint32();
	uint32 dataLen = textStream.readUint32();
	Common::String text;

	for (uint32 i = 0; i < strLen; i++) {
		byte ch = textStream.readByte();
		if (ch == 0x0d) {
			ch = '\n';
		text += ch;
	debugC(3, kDebugText, "Stxt init: unk1: %d strLen: %d dataLen: %d textlen: %u", unk1, strLen, dataLen, text.size());
	if (strLen < 200)
		debugC(3, kDebugText, "text: '%s'", text.c_str());

	uint16 formattingCount = textStream.readUint16();
	uint32 prevPos = 0;

	while (formattingCount) {
		uint32 formatStartOffset = textStream.readUint32();
		uint16 unk1f = textStream.readUint16();
		uint16 unk2f = textStream.readUint16();

		_fontId = textStream.readUint16();
		_textSlant = textStream.readByte();
		byte unk3f = textStream.readByte();
		_fontSize = textStream.readUint16();

		_palinfo1 = textStream.readUint16();
		_palinfo2 = textStream.readUint16();
		_palinfo3 = textStream.readUint16();

		debugC(3, kDebugText, "Stxt init: formattingCount: %u, formatStartOffset: %d, unk1: %d unk2: %d, fontId: %d, textSlant: %d",
			   formattingCount, formatStartOffset, unk1f, unk2f, _fontId, _textSlant);

		debugC(3, kDebugText, "        unk3: %d, fontSize: %d, p0: %x p1: %x p2: %x", unk3f, _fontSize, _palinfo1, _palinfo2, _palinfo3);

		assert(prevPos <= formatStartOffset);  // If this is triggered, we have to implement sorting

		while (prevPos != formatStartOffset) {
			char f = text.firstChar();
			_ftext += text.firstChar();

			if (f == '\001')    // Insert two \001s as a replacement
				_ftext += '\001';


			debugCN(4, kDebugText, "%c", f);

		debugCN(4, kDebugText, "*");

		_ftext += Common::String::format("\001\015%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
										 (_fontId >> 8) & 0xff, _fontId & 0xff,
										 _textSlant & 0xff, unk3f & 0xff,
										 (_fontSize >> 8) & 0xff, _fontSize & 0xff,
										 (_palinfo1 >> 8) & 0xff, _palinfo1 & 0xff,
										 (_palinfo2 >> 8) & 0xff, _palinfo2 & 0xff,
										 (_palinfo3 >> 8) & 0xff, _palinfo3 & 0xff);


	debugC(4, kDebugText, "%s", text.c_str());
	_ftext += text;