Esempio n. 1
File: OBB.cpp Progetto: Ilikia/naali
void OBB::SetFrom(const AABB &aabb)
    pos = aabb.CenterPoint();
    r = aabb.HalfSize();
    axis[0] = float3(1,0,0);
    axis[1] = float3(0,1,0);
    axis[2] = float3(0,0,1);
Esempio n. 2
File: OBB.cpp Progetto: Ilikia/naali
void OBBSetFrom(OBB &obb, const AABB &aabb, const Matrix &m)
    obb.pos = m.MulPos(aabb.CenterPoint());
    float3 size = aabb.HalfSize();
    obb.axis[0] = m.MulDir(float3(size.x, 0, 0));
    obb.axis[1] = m.MulDir(float3(0, size.y, 0));
    obb.axis[2] = m.MulDir(float3(0, 0, size.z));
    obb.r.x = obb.axis[0].Normalize();
    obb.r.y = obb.axis[1].Normalize();
    obb.r.z = obb.axis[2].Normalize();
Esempio n. 3
File: AABB.cpp Progetto: katik/naali
void AABBTransformAsAABB(AABB &aabb, Matrix &m)
	float3 newCenter = m.MulPos(aabb.CenterPoint());

	float3 newDir;
	float3 h = aabb.HalfSize();
	// The following is equal to taking the absolute value of the whole matrix m.
	newDir.x = ABSDOT3(m[0], h);
	newDir.y = ABSDOT3(m[1], h);
	newDir.z = ABSDOT3(m[2], h);
	aabb.minPoint = newCenter - newDir;
	aabb.maxPoint = newCenter + newDir;
Esempio n. 4
void OBBSetFrom(OBB &obb, const AABB &aabb, const Matrix &m)
	assume(m.IsColOrthogonal()); // We cannot convert transform an AABB to OBB if it gets sheared in the process.
	assume(m.HasUniformScale()); // Nonuniform scale will produce shear as well.
	obb.pos = m.MulPos(aabb.CenterPoint());
	obb.r = aabb.HalfSize();
	obb.axis[0] = DIR_VEC(m.Col(0));
	obb.axis[1] = DIR_VEC(m.Col(1));
	obb.axis[2] = DIR_VEC(m.Col(2));
	// If the matrix m contains scaling, propagate the scaling from the axis vectors to the half-length vectors,
	// since we want to keep the axis vectors always normalized in our representation.
	float matrixScale = obb.axis[0].LengthSq();
	matrixScale = Sqrt(matrixScale);
	obb.r *= matrixScale;
	matrixScale = 1.f / matrixScale;
	obb.axis[0] *= matrixScale;
	obb.axis[1] *= matrixScale;
	obb.axis[2] *= matrixScale;

//	mathassert(vec::AreOrthogonal(obb.axis[0], obb.axis[1], obb.axis[2]));
//	mathassert(vec::AreOrthonormal(obb.axis[0], obb.axis[1], obb.axis[2]));
	///@todo Would like to simply do the above, but instead numerical stability requires to do the following:
	vec::Orthonormalize(obb.axis[0], obb.axis[1], obb.axis[2]);