LRESULT COption::ExtractProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CFolderDialog FolderDlg; static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp; // Extraction Settings static constexpr std::array<LPCTSTR, 3> ExtractCheckText{{ _T("Extract each folder"), _T("Fix the CRC of OGG files upon extraction"), _T("Enable simple decoding") }}; static const std::array<BOOL*, 4> ExtractCheckFlag{{ &pOption->bCreateFolder, &pOption->bFixOgg, &pOption->bEasyDecrypt, &pOption->bRenameScriptExt }}; static std::array<CCheckBox, ExtractCheckText.size()> ExtractCheck; static CCheckBox ExtractCheckAlpha; static CLabel ExtractLabelPng, ExtractLabelAlpha, ExtractLabelBuf, ExtractLabelTmp; static CRadioBtn ExtractRadioImage, ExtractRadioSave; static CUpDown ExtractUpDownPng; static CEditBox ExtractEditPng, ExtractEditAlpha, ExtractEditSave, ExtractEditBuf, ExtractEditTmp; static CButton ExtractBtnSave, ExtractBtnTmp; static CGroupBox ExtractGroupImage, ExtractGroupSave; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { UINT ID = 10000; const int x = 10; const int xx = 15; int y = 0; // Extraction Settings for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheckText.size(); i++) { ExtractCheck[i].Create(hWnd, ExtractCheckText[i], ID++, x, y += 20, 230, 20); ExtractCheck[i].SetCheck(*ExtractCheckFlag[i]); } // int y_image = y; ExtractGroupImage.Create(hWnd, _T("Output image format"), ID++, x, y_image += 34, 240, 110); ExtractRadioImage.Close(); ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("BMP"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 18, 50, 20); ExtractRadioImage.Create(hWnd, _T("PNG"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 20, 50, 20); ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(0, pOption->bDstBMP); ExtractRadioImage.SetCheck(1, pOption->bDstPNG); ExtractLabelPng.Create(hWnd, _T("Compression Level"), ID++, x + xx + 50, y_image + 3, 100, 20); ExtractEditPng.Create(hWnd, _T(""), ID++, x + xx + 150, y_image, 40, 22); ExtractEditPng.SetLimit(1); ExtractUpDownPng.Create(hWnd, ExtractEditPng.GetCtrlHandle(), pOption->CmplvPng, ID++, 9, 0); // ExtractCheckAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Enable alpha blending"), ID++, x + xx, y_image += 22, 140, 20); ExtractCheckAlpha.SetCheck(pOption->bAlphaBlend); ExtractLabelAlpha.Create(hWnd, _T("Background color"), ID++, x + xx * 2 + 4, y_image += 24, 100, 20); ExtractEditAlpha.Create(hWnd, pOption->szBgRGB, ID++, x + xx * 2 + 100, y_image - 4, 100, 22); ExtractEditAlpha.SetLimit(6); ExtractEditAlpha.Enable(pOption->bAlphaBlend); // const int x_save = x + 200; int y_save = y; ExtractGroupSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Destination"), ID++, x_save + 50, y_save += 34, 290, 110); ExtractRadioSave.Close(); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Specify each time"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 18, 220, 20); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Same folder as input source"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20); ExtractRadioSave.Create(hWnd, _T("The following folder"), ID++, x_save + xx + 50, y_save += 20, 200, 20); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(0, pOption->bSaveSel); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(1, pOption->bSaveSrc); ExtractRadioSave.SetCheck(2, pOption->bSaveDir); ExtractEditSave.Create(hWnd, pOption->SaveDir, ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 40, y_save += 20, 200, 22); ExtractEditSave.Enable(pOption->bSaveDir); ExtractBtnSave.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x_save + xx * 2 + 250, y_save + 1, 50, 20); ExtractBtnSave.Enable(pOption->bSaveDir); // y = (y_image > y_save) ? y_image : y_save; ExtractLabelBuf.Create(hWnd, _T("Buffer Size(KB)"), ID++, x, y += 44, 100, 20); ExtractEditBuf.Create(hWnd, pOption->BufSize, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 110, 22); // ExtractLabelTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Temporary Folder"), ID++, x, y += 24, 100, 20); ExtractEditTmp.Create(hWnd, pOption->TmpDir, ID++, x + 100, y - 4, 200, 22); ExtractBtnTmp.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x + 310, y - 3, 50, 20); break; } case WM_COMMAND: // Checkbox if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractCheck.front().GetID() && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractCheck.back().GetID()) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Alpha blend check box if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractCheckAlpha.GetID()) { ExtractEditAlpha.Enable(ExtractCheckAlpha.GetCheck()); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } //Output image format radio button if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractRadioImage.GetID(0) && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractRadioImage.GetID(1)) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Destination radio button if (LOWORD(wp) >= ExtractRadioSave.GetID(0) && LOWORD(wp) <= ExtractRadioSave.GetID(2)) { ExtractEditSave.Enable(ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2)); ExtractBtnSave.Enable(ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2)); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Output folder browse if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractBtnSave.GetID()) { TCHAR szSaveDir[_MAX_DIR]; ExtractEditSave.GetText(szSaveDir, sizeof(szSaveDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select the output folder"), szSaveDir)) ExtractEditSave.SetText(szSaveDir); break; } // Temporary folder browse if (LOWORD(wp) == ExtractBtnTmp.GetID()) { TCHAR szTmpDir[_MAX_DIR]; ExtractEditTmp.GetText(szTmpDir, sizeof(szTmpDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select a temporary folder"), szTmpDir)) ExtractEditTmp.SetText(szTmpDir); break; } // Contents of the edit box have been changed if (HIWORD(wp) == EN_CHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { const auto* const hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(lp); switch (hdr->code) { // OK/Apply, Tabbing case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: // Extraction Settings for (size_t i = 0; i < ExtractCheck.size(); i++) *ExtractCheckFlag[i] = ExtractCheck[i].GetCheck(); // pOption->bDstBMP = ExtractRadioImage.GetCheck(0); pOption->bDstPNG = ExtractRadioImage.GetCheck(1); ExtractEditPng.GetText(&pOption->CmplvPng, FALSE); // pOption->bAlphaBlend = ExtractCheckAlpha.GetCheck(); ExtractEditAlpha.GetText(&pOption->BgRGB, TRUE); _stprintf(pOption->szBgRGB, _T("%06x"), pOption->BgRGB); // pOption->bSaveSel = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(0); pOption->bSaveSrc = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(1); pOption->bSaveDir = ExtractRadioSave.GetCheck(2); ExtractEditSave.GetText(pOption->SaveDir); // ExtractEditBuf.GetText(&pOption->BufSize, FALSE); // ExtractEditTmp.GetText(pOption->TmpDir); // OK/Apply if (hdr->code == PSN_APPLY) Apply(); return TRUE; } break; } } return FALSE; }
// Add a new column to current tab's list and // a button for the column. void CLoungeDlg::addColumn(LPCTSTR coltitle, int totalcolumns, BOOL inQueue) { const int BtnSizeY = (1.6f * Global::GetCharHeight()); int btnId = IDC_LD_BUTTONIDBASE; CRect r; listCtrl_.GetWindowRect(&r); int i = listCtrl_.GetHeaderCtrl()->GetItemCount(); int width = float(r.Width()) / float(totalcolumns); // force width between min and max width = min(width, MaxColumnWidth); width = max(width, MinColumnWidth); listCtrl_.InsertColumn(i, coltitle, LVCFMT_LEFT, width, i); if (buttons_.size() < (i + 1)) { CButton* pBtn = new CButton(); if (pBtn) { CRect rectBtn(r.left, r.bottom + 5, r.left + width, r.bottom + 5 + BtnSizeY); ScreenToClient(&rectBtn); rectBtn.OffsetRect(i * width, 0); UINT style = WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON; if (inQueue) pBtn->Create(g_szRemoveFromQueue, style, rectBtn, this, btnId + i); else pBtn->Create(g_szAddToQueue, style, rectBtn, this, btnId + i); pBtn->SetFont(CFont::FromHandle( (HFONT)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT))); buttons_.push_back(pBtn); } } }
void CdynControlDlg::CreateSpeedBundle(cJSON *json, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int idx = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "id")->valueint; int speed = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "speed")->valueint; int ptx = x; int width = w - SPEEDBTN_WIDTH - LOCKBTN_WIDTH; CString str; CEdit *edit = new CEdit(); edit->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_TOP, CRect(ptx, y, ptx + width, y + h), this, SPEED_ID_OFFSET + idx); str.Format(_T("%d"), speed); edit->SetWindowText(str); ptx += width; width = SPEEDBTN_WIDTH; CButton *btn = new CButton(); btn->Create(_T("set"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_TOP, CRect(ptx, y, ptx + width, y + h), this, SPEEDBTN_ID_OFFSET + idx); ptx += width; width = LOCKBTN_WIDTH; btn = new CButton(); btn->Create(_T("lock"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_TOP, CRect(ptx, y, ptx + width, y + h), this, LOCKBTN_ID_OFFSET + idx); }
void CGestionMineralesDlg::NuevoGrupoControles(int nIndice) { const unsigned __int8 nFilasMax = 20; const unsigned __int8 nTamCheck = 15; const unsigned __int8 nEspaciado = 25; const unsigned __int8 nDistanciaColumnas = 200; const unsigned __int8 nSangriaInicial = 40; const unsigned __int8 nTamBotones = 15; const unsigned __int8 nEspaciadoBotones = 25; // lista para enlazar los indices iniciales con los reales de los vectores //m_vecMap.push_back(nIndice); unsigned int fila, columna; CButton* pButton; CString csInfo; HBITMAP hBitmapEditar= (HBITMAP) m_bitmapEditar.GetSafeHandle(); HBITMAP hBitmapBorrar= (HBITMAP) m_bitmapBorrar.GetSafeHandle(); fila = nIndice % nFilasMax; columna = nIndice / nFilasMax; csInfo.Format("%-4s - %s",theApp.m_minerales.GetAbreviatura(nIndice), theApp.m_minerales.GetNombre(nIndice)); // Delete pButton = new CButton; pButton->Create("x",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |BS_BITMAP/*| BS_LEFTTEXT*/, CRect(nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2), m_rect.bottom + nEspaciado*fila, nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2) + nTamBotones, m_rect.bottom + nEspaciado*fila + nTamBotones ), this, CONTROLES_DINAMICOS_MIN + nIndice*3 +2); pButton->SetBitmap(hBitmapBorrar); m_vecDelete.push_back(pButton); //Edit pButton = new CButton; pButton->Create("e",WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE |BS_BITMAP /*| BS_LEFTTEXT*/, CRect(nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2)+ nEspaciadoBotones, m_rect.bottom + nEspaciado*fila, nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2)+ nEspaciadoBotones + nTamBotones, m_rect.bottom + nTamBotones + nEspaciado*fila), this, CONTROLES_DINAMICOS_MIN + nIndice*3 +1); pButton->SetBitmap(hBitmapEditar); m_vecEdit.push_back(pButton); //Check pButton = new CButton; pButton->Create(csInfo,WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX /*| BS_LEFTTEXT*/, CRect(nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2)+ nEspaciadoBotones*2, m_rect.bottom + nEspaciado*fila, nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2)+ nEspaciadoBotones*2 + nDistanciaColumnas, m_rect.bottom + nTamCheck + nEspaciado*fila), this, CONTROLES_DINAMICOS_MIN + nIndice*3); pButton->SetCheck(theApp.m_minerales.m_list[nIndice]->m_bActivo); m_vecCheck.push_back(pButton); this->SetWindowPos(NULL,0,0,max(nSangriaInicial + columna*(nDistanciaColumnas+nEspaciadoBotones*2)+ nEspaciadoBotones*2 + nDistanciaColumnas + 50, m_rect.right), m_rect.bottom + nTamCheck + nEspaciado*nFilasMax + 50, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER); //+50 para el menu y barra de titulo }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Function name : _InsertPage // Description : Called by InsertPage(...) methods // Return -1 if an error occurs //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CRollupCtrl::_InsertPage(const TCHAR* caption, CDialog* pwndTemplate, int idx, BOOL bAutoDestroyTpl) { ASSERT(pwndTemplate!=NULL); ASSERT(pwndTemplate->m_hWnd!=NULL); //Get client rect CRect r; GetClientRect(r); //Create GroupBox CButton* groupbox = new CButton; groupbox->Create(_T(""), WS_CHILD|BS_GROUPBOX, r, this, 0 ); //Create Button CButton* but = new CButton; but->Create(caption, WS_CHILD|BS_AUTOCHECKBOX|BS_PUSHLIKE|BS_FLAT, r, this, 0 ); //Change Button's font HFONT hfont= (HFONT)::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); CFont* font = CFont::FromHandle(hfont); but->SetFont(font); //Add page at pagelist RC_PAGEINFO* pi = new RC_PAGEINFO; pi->cstrCaption = caption; pi->bExpanded = FALSE; pi->bEnable = TRUE; pi->pwndTemplate = pwndTemplate; pi->pwndButton = but; pi->pwndGroupBox = groupbox; pi->pOldDlgProc = (WNDPROC)::GetWindowLong(pwndTemplate->m_hWnd, DWL_DLGPROC); pi->pOldButProc = (WNDPROC)::GetWindowLong(but->m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC); pi->bAutoDestroyTpl = bAutoDestroyTpl; int newidx; if (idx<0) newidx = (int)m_PageList.Add(pi); else { m_PageList.InsertAt(idx, pi); newidx=idx; } //Set Dlg Window datas ::SetWindowLong(pwndTemplate->m_hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)m_PageList[newidx]); ::SetWindowLong(pwndTemplate->m_hWnd, DWL_USER, (LONG)this); //Set But Window data ::SetWindowLong(but->m_hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)m_PageList[newidx]); //SubClass Template window proc ::SetWindowLong(pwndTemplate->m_hWnd, DWL_DLGPROC, (LONG)CRollupCtrl::DlgWindowProc); //SubClass Button window proc ::SetWindowLong(but->m_hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)CRollupCtrl::ButWindowProc); //Update m_PageHeight+=RC_PGBUTTONHEIGHT+(RC_GRPBOXINDENT/2); RecalLayout(); return newidx; }
void CScroll::MoveAdjust() { CButton* pc; Math::Point pos, dim; if ( m_dim.y < m_dim.x*2.0f ) // very short lift? { delete m_buttonUp; m_buttonUp = 0; delete m_buttonDown; m_buttonDown = 0; } else { if ( m_buttonUp == 0 ) { m_buttonUp = new CButton(); pc = m_buttonUp; pc->Create(Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f), Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f), 49, EVENT_NULL); pc->SetRepeat(true); m_eventUp = pc->GetEventType(); } if ( m_buttonDown == 0 ) { m_buttonDown = new CButton(); pc = m_buttonDown; pc->Create(Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f), Math::Point(0.0f, 0.0f), 50, EVENT_NULL); pc->SetRepeat(true); m_eventDown = pc->GetEventType(); } } if ( m_buttonUp != 0 ) { pos.x = m_pos.x; pos.y = m_pos.y+m_dim.y-m_dim.x/0.75f; dim.x = m_dim.x; dim.y = m_dim.x/0.75f; m_buttonUp->SetPos(pos); m_buttonUp->SetDim(dim); } if ( m_buttonDown != 0 ) { pos.x = m_pos.x; pos.y = m_pos.y; dim.x = m_dim.x; dim.y = m_dim.x/0.75f; m_buttonDown->SetPos(pos); m_buttonDown->SetDim(dim); } AdjustGlint(); }
void COptionSheet::AddButton(wchar_t *txt, int x, int w, UINT id, BOOL showButton) { CButton *btn; CRect rect; CRect rcClient; GetClientRect(rcClient); rect.left = x; rect.right = x + w; = rcClient.Height() - (PAGE_SPACING2 + m_ButtonHeight); rect.bottom = + m_ButtonHeight; btn = new CButton(); DWORD style = WS_TABSTOP | BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON; if(TRUE == showButton) { style |= WS_VISIBLE; } btn->Create(txt, style, rect, this, id); btn->SetFont(&m_Font); m_Buttons.AddTail(btn); }
void CDBSchemaTableView::CreateButton(CButton& btn, UINT id, CWnd* pParent, LPCTSTR lpTitle, UINT width, UINT height, DWORD dwStyle, CFont* pFont) { static CFont* pDefaultFont = 0; if(!pDefaultFont) { pDefaultFont = new CFont; pDefaultFont->CreateFont(16, // nHeight 0, // nWidth 0, // nEscapement 0, // nOrientation 0, // nWeight FALSE, // bItalic FALSE, // bUnderline 0, // cStrikeOut ANSI_CHARSET, // nCharSet OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision DEFAULT_QUALITY, // nQuality DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily _T( "Arial ")); // lpszFac } RECT rect = {0, 0, width, height}; btn.Create(lpTitle, dwStyle, rect, pParent, id); if(!pFont) pFont = pDefaultFont; btn.SetFont(pFont); btn.ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); }
BOOL CToolMonsterShow::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); skin.SetButtonSkin( m_OK); int x; int y; for (x=0;x<2*10+1;x++) { for (y=0;y<2*8+1;y++) { CButton *but = new CMonsterButton(x,y); RECT rect;*20; rect.left=20+x*20; rect.right=rect.left+14;; but->Create("test",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_RADIOBUTTON|BS_FLAT|BS_3STATE,rect,this,IDC_MONSTERSHOW_FIRSTBUTTON); m_monsterButtons[x][y]=but; } } refreshVisibleCreatures(); SetTimer(1001,500,NULL); return TRUE; }
int CPicContainer::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; //创建按钮 CRect ClientRect; GetClientRect(&ClientRect); CRect rect; long lButtonSizeX=70; long lButtonSizeY=60; long lDelta =20; int PosX,PosY; for(size_t i=0;i<m_ButtonInfo.size();i++) { CButton *pButton =new CButton; rect.left =lDelta*(i+1)+lButtonSizeX*i; =ClientRect.Height()-lDelta-lButtonSizeY; rect.bottom; rect.right =rect.left+lButtonSizeX; m_ButtonInfo[i].rect =rect; pButton->Create(NULL, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON/*|BS_OWNERDRAW*/ , rect, this, ID_FB+i); m_buttons.push_back(pButton); } return 0; }
int CControlPanel::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; // TODO: 여기에 특수화된 작성 코드를 추가합니다. CRect rect; GetWindowRect(&rect); list<GroundControl::Node*>& nodelist = GroundControlManager.getNodeList(); int idx = 0; for (list<GroundControl::Node*>::iterator iter = nodelist.begin(); iter != nodelist.end(); ++iter) { GroundControl::Node* node = *iter; m_nodelist.push_back(node); CButton* rButton = new CButton(); wstring wstr = wstring(node->name().begin(), node->name().end()); rButton->Create(wstr.c_str(), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_RADIOBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 20, + 20 * (idx + 1), rect.left + 20 + 100, + 20 * (idx + 1) + 20), this, ID_NODE_LIST_BTN_BASE+idx); if (idx == 0) { rButton->SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); m_curnode = node; } else { rButton->SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); } m_nodelistBtn.push_back(rButton); idx++; } m_rnoneBtn.Create(_T("None"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_RADIOBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 160, + 20, rect.left + 160 + 100, + 20 + 20), this, ID_CONTROLLER_BTN_BASE); m_rmouseBtn.Create(_T("Mouse"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_RADIOBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 160, + 40, rect.left + 160 + 100, + 40 + 20), this, ID_CONTROLLER_BTN_BASE+1); m_rjoystickBtn.Create(_T("Joystick"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_RADIOBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 160, + 60, rect.left + 160 + 100, + 60 + 20), this, ID_CONTROLLER_BTN_BASE+2); m_rnoneBtn.SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); m_rmouseBtn.SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); m_rjoystickBtn.SetCheck(BST_UNCHECKED); m_goForwardBtn.Create(_T("전진"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 110, + 100, rect.left + 110 + BUTTON_SIZE_X, + 100 + BUTTON_SIZE_Y), this, ID_GO_FORWARD_BTN); m_stopBtn.Create(_T("정지"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 110, + 200, rect.left + 110 + BUTTON_SIZE_X, + 200 + BUTTON_SIZE_Y), this, ID_STOP_BTN); m_goBackwardBtn.Create(_T("후진"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 110, + 300, rect.left + 110 + BUTTON_SIZE_X, + 300 + BUTTON_SIZE_Y), this, ID_GO_BACKWARD_BTN); m_goLeftBtn.Create(_T("좌회전"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 10, + 200, rect.left + 10 + BUTTON_SIZE_X, + 200 + BUTTON_SIZE_Y), this, ID_GO_LEFT_BTN); m_goRightBtn.Create(_T("우회전"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON, CRect(rect.left + 210, + 200, rect.left + 210 + BUTTON_SIZE_X, +200 + BUTTON_SIZE_Y), this, ID_GO_RIGHT_BTN); m_mouseControlPanel.Create( NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | SS_NOTIFY | WS_BORDER, CRect(rect.left + 310, + 0, rect.left + 310 + 400, + 0 + 400), this, ID_MOUSE_CONTROL_PANEL); SetTimer(100, 30, NULL); m_curController = &m_mouseControlPanel; return 0; }
BOOL CExampleDemoDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialogEx::OnInitDialog(); // Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically // when the application's main window is not a dialog SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon // TODO: Add extra initialization here // 设置窗口为屏幕宽高 MoveWindow(0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN)); SetDlgItemInt(ID_MSG, 0); m_tempplate=LoadTemplateImg("template"); //1、动态创建进入下一张图片按钮 CRect rcBtn(20, 0, 120, 15); //按钮高度为15,间隔高度为10 DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | BS_PUSHBUTTON; m_nextimageb = new CButton(); m_nextimageb->Create("下一张", dwStyle, rcBtn, this, IDC_NEXT_BUTTON); //2、动态创建单选框按钮 for (int i = 0; i < m_tempplate.size(); i++) { DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON; += 25; rcBtn.bottom += 25; CButton *pButton = new CButton(); if (0 == i) { dwStyle |= WS_GROUP; //第一个按钮时添加分组风格 } CString index; index.Format("%d", i); pButton->Create(index, dwStyle, rcBtn, this, IDC_GROUP_BUTTON + i); pButton->SetFont(GetFont()); //设置为父窗口的字体 m_radioList.push_back(pButton); } ::SetWindowPos(this->m_hWnd, HWND_BOTTOM, 200, 0, 1400, 1000, SWP_NOZORDER); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control }
CRDdialog::CRDdialog(std::vector<string> ids):_ids(ids),RDbuttons() { int id =0; for(std::vector<string>::iterator it=_ids.begin();it!=_ids.end();++it) { CButton rd; rd.Create(_T((*it).c_str()), WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_RADIOBUTTON, CRect(10,40,100,70), this, id++); RDbuttons.push_back(&rd); } }
void CMyGroupBox::NewRadio(CString sCaption, UINT nID) { CFont* font = GetFont(); CButton* pBtn = new CButton(); int nCount = GetRadioCount(); int t = 20 + m_nRadioHeight * nCount; pBtn->Create(sCaption, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_AUTORADIOBUTTON, CRect(10, t, 400, t + m_nRadioHeight), this, nID); if (nCount == 0) { pBtn->SetCheck(1); } pBtn->SetFont(font); m_RadioList.Add(pBtn); }
// add a check box at the specified column void CCustomListRowWnd::AddCheck(INT32 col) { CButton* pBut = new CButton(); m_ColumnObjects[col] = pBut ; CRect cr; GetClientRect(&cr); ASSERT(cr.Height() == CCustomList::ROWHEIGHT); CRect rect; rect.left = m_Parent->m_Parent->m_ColumnOffsetsArray[col] ; rect.right = rect.left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXMENUCHECK); = (CCustomList::ROWHEIGHT - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK))/2; rect.bottom = + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMENUCHECK) ; pBut->Create(NULL, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, rect, this, 4); }
void CdynControlDlg::CreatePositionBundle(cJSON *json, int x, int y, int w, int h) { int idx = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "id")->valueint; ids.push_back(idx); CString str; char *name = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "name")->valuestring; int min = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "min")->valueint; int max = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "max")->valueint; str.Format(_T("0x%x: %s\n [%d, %d]"), idx, charTotchar(name), min, max); CButton *checkBox = new CButton(); checkBox->Create(str, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX | BS_TOP | BS_MULTILINE, CRect(x, y, x + CHECK_WIDTH, y + h), this, CHECK_ID_OFFSET + idx); checkBox->SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); CSliderCtrl *slider = new CSliderCtrl(); int width = w - (CHECK_WIDTH + VIEW_WIDTH); int ptx = x + CHECK_WIDTH; slider->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_TOP, CRect(ptx, y, ptx + width, y + h), this, SLIDER_ID_OFFSET + idx); slider->SetRange(min, max); slider->SetTicFreq(1); int initPos = cJSON_GetObjectItem(json, "init")->valueint; slider->SetPos(initPos); CEdit *edit = new CEdit(); ptx += width; width = VIEW_WIDTH; edit->Create(WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_TOP, CRect(ptx, y, ptx + width, y + 30), this, VIEW_ID_OFFSET + idx); str.Format(_T("%d"), initPos); edit->SetWindowText(str); }
int myframe::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lp) { if (CWnd::OnCreate (lp) == -1) return -1; CClientDC dc (this); CButton *but; but=new CButton; but->Create("Show fonts",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|BS_PUSHBUTTON,CRect(10,10,100,50),this,10); fonttitle.Create("",WS_VISIBLE | WS_CHILD,CRect(50,100,500,500),this); TEXTMETRIC tm; dc.GetTextMetrics (&tm); m_cxChar = tm.tmAveCharWidth; m_cyChar = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading; return 0; }
BOOL OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct ){ m_pWorkItem = CreateThreadpoolWork( WorkerThread, this, NULL ); if( m_pWorkItem == NULL ){ return FALSE; } m_btnStart.Create(this, 10, 10, 100, 25, IDC_START_BTN, _T("START")); m_btnStart.SetFont(); m_ListBox.Create(this, 10, 30, 200, 200, IDC_LISTBOX); m_ListBox.SetFont(); cmd.Initialize( this ); cmd.Register( IDC_START_BTN, &CMainForm::OnStartBatch ); msg.Initialize( this ); msg.Register( WM_APP_COMPLETED, &CMainForm::OnCompleted ); return TRUE; }
void CGeneralMsgBox::CreateBtns() { // The minimum button's dimension m_dimBtn = CSize(FromDlgX(m_aMetrics[CX_MIN_BTN]), 0); // DC and Font for use in some dimension calculations CClientDC dc(this); CFont *pWndFont = GetFont(); CFont *poldFont = dc.SelectObject(pWndFont); CRect rcDummy; // dimesion doesn't matter here INT_PTR cBtns = m_aBtns.GetSize(); for (int i = 0; i < cBtns; ++i) { BTNDATA &btndata = m_aBtns[i]; // Finding the minimum dimension needed to properly show any button CSize dimBtn = dc.GetTextExtent(btndata.strBtn); = max(,; = max(,; // Creating the button with MFC's CButton help. CButton btnCtrl; btnCtrl.Create(btndata.strBtn, WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|WS_TABSTOP, rcDummy, this, btndata.uiIDC); btnCtrl.SetFont(pWndFont); btnCtrl.UnsubclassWindow(); } dc.SelectObject(poldFont); // Add the button margins += 2 * FromDlgX(m_aMetrics[CX_BTN_BORDER]); += 2 * FromDlgY(m_aMetrics[CY_BTN_BORDER]); }
LRESULT CFolderInputDialog::WndProc(HWND window, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CButton btn_dir, btn_ok, btn_cancel; static CEditBox edit_dir; static CLabel label_dir; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { // Allow D&D (Drag & Drop) DragAcceptFiles(window, TRUE); UINT id = 10000; int x = 10; int y = -10; SetWindowText(window, _T("Select a destination")); label_dir.Create(window, _T("Input folder name"), id++, x, y += 20, 100, 20); edit_dir.Create(window, m_save_dir, id++, x, y += 20, 300, 22); btn_dir.Create(window, _T("Browse"), id++, x + 300, y + 1, 40, 20); btn_ok.Create(window, _T("OK"), IDOK, 110, y += 30, 70, 23); btn_cancel.Create(window, _T("Cancel"), IDCANCEL, 190, y, 70, 23); edit_dir.SetFocus(); btn_ok.SetDef(); Init(380, y + 60); return FALSE; } case WM_DROPFILES: { TCHAR save_dir[_MAX_DIR]; HDROP drop = reinterpret_cast<HDROP>(wp); DragQueryFile(drop, 0, save_dir, sizeof(save_dir)); edit_dir.SetText(save_dir); return FALSE; } case WM_COMMAND: // Browse button is pressed if (LOWORD(wp) == btn_dir.GetID()) { TCHAR save_dir[_MAX_DIR]; lstrcpy(save_dir, m_save_dir); CFolderDialog folder_dialog; if (folder_dialog.DoModal(window, _T("Select a folder"), save_dir) == TRUE) edit_dir.SetText(save_dir); return FALSE; } // OK button is pressed if (LOWORD(wp) == IDOK) { edit_dir.GetText(m_save_dir, _MAX_DIR); PathRemoveBackslash(m_save_dir); EndDialog(window, IDOK); return TRUE; } // Cancel button is pressed if (LOWORD(wp) == IDCANCEL) { EndDialog(window, IDCANCEL); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return FALSE; }
//creates the appropriate controls for a property void CPropertyWnd::CreatePropertyControls(CPackerProperty* pProp, uint32 nProp, uint32 nID, const CRect& rOrigArea) { ASSERT(pProp); //flags for all controls DWORD nBaseFlags = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_TABSTOP; //a working area rectangle CRect rArea(rOrigArea); switch(pProp->GetType()) { case PROPERTY_REAL: { //create the edit box for editing the number CEdit* pNewEdit = new CEdit; if(pNewEdit) { pNewEdit->CreateEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "Edit", "", nBaseFlags | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, rArea.left,, rArea.Width(), rArea.Height(), GetSafeHwnd(), (HMENU)nID); CPackerRealProperty* pReal = (CPackerRealProperty*)pProp; //set the default CString sText; sText.Format((pReal->IsInteger()) ? "%.0f" : "%.2f", pReal->GetValue()); pNewEdit->SetWindowText(sText); //save it in the list m_pPropControl[nProp][0] = pNewEdit; //setup the tooltip m_ToolTip.AddWindowTool(pNewEdit, pProp->GetHelp()); } } break; case PROPERTY_STRING: { CPackerStringProperty* pString = (CPackerStringProperty*)pProp; //rectangle for the edit control CRect rEditArea(rArea); //see if this is going to be a filename if(pString->IsFilename()) { rEditArea.DeflateRect(0, 0, BROWSE_BUTTON_WIDTH, 0); } //create the edit box for editing the string CEdit* pNewEdit = new CEdit; if(pNewEdit) { pNewEdit->CreateEx(WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, "Edit", "", nBaseFlags | ES_AUTOHSCROLL, rEditArea.left,, rEditArea.Width(), rEditArea.Height(), GetSafeHwnd(), (HMENU)nID); //set the default pNewEdit->SetWindowText(pString->GetValue()); //save it in the list m_pPropControl[nProp][0] = pNewEdit; } //setup the tooltip m_ToolTip.AddWindowTool(pNewEdit, pProp->GetHelp()); //create the browse button if needed if(pString->IsFilename()) { CButton* pNewButton = new CButton; if(pNewButton) { pNewButton->Create("...", nBaseFlags, CRect(rEditArea.right,, rArea.right, rArea.bottom), this, nID + 1); m_pPropControl[nProp][1] = pNewButton; //setup the button's tooltip m_ToolTip.AddWindowTool(pNewButton, IDS_TOOLTIP_BROWSE_FOR_FILE); } } } break; case PROPERTY_ENUM: { //create the combo box for the drop down of selections CComboBox* pNewCombo = new CComboBox; if(pNewCombo) { CPackerEnumProperty* pEnum = (CPackerEnumProperty*)pProp; CRect rFullArea(rArea); rFullArea.InflateRect(0, 0, 0, PROPERTY_HEIGHT * min(3, pEnum->GetNumItems())); pNewCombo->Create(nBaseFlags | CBS_DROPDOWNLIST, rFullArea, this, nID); //add the items for(uint32 nCurrItem = 0; nCurrItem < pEnum->GetNumItems(); nCurrItem++) { pNewCombo->InsertString(nCurrItem, pEnum->GetItem(nCurrItem)); } //select the item pNewCombo->SetCurSel(pEnum->GetSelection()); //save it in the list m_pPropControl[nProp][0] = pNewCombo; //setup the tooltip m_ToolTip.AddWindowTool(pNewCombo, pProp->GetHelp()); } } break; case PROPERTY_BOOL: { //create a check box for checking/unchecking items CButton* pNewButton = new CButton; if(pNewButton) { pNewButton->Create("", nBaseFlags | BS_AUTOCHECKBOX, rArea, this, nID); m_pPropControl[nProp][0] = pNewButton; //init the default value CPackerBoolProperty* pBoolProp = (CPackerBoolProperty*)pProp; pNewButton->SetCheck(pBoolProp->GetValue() ? 1 : 0); //setup the tooltip m_ToolTip.AddWindowTool(pNewButton, pProp->GetHelp()); } } break; case PROPERTY_INTERFACE: { CPackerInterfaceProperty* pIntf = (CPackerInterfaceProperty*)pProp; DWORD nTextStyle = 0; bool bDisplayName = true; switch(pIntf->GetInterfaceType()) { case CPackerInterfaceProperty::TEXT_LEFT: nTextStyle = SS_LEFT; break; case CPackerInterfaceProperty::TEXT_RIGHT: nTextStyle = SS_RIGHT; break; case CPackerInterfaceProperty::TEXT_CENTER: nTextStyle = SS_CENTER; break; case CPackerInterfaceProperty::SEPARATOR: nTextStyle = SS_GRAYFRAME; bDisplayName = false; rArea.bottom -= rArea.Height() * 3 / 4; break; default: break; } if(pIntf->GetInterfaceType() != CPackerInterfaceProperty::BLANK) { CStatic* pStatic = new CStatic; if(pStatic) { if(bDisplayName) { = rArea.bottom - GetAbsoluteFontHeight(); } pStatic->Create(bDisplayName ? pProp->GetName() : "", nBaseFlags | nTextStyle, rArea, this, nID); m_pPropControl[nProp][0] = pStatic; } } } break; default: ASSERT(FALSE); break; } //setup the fonts for all the new properties for(uint32 nCurrCtrl = 0; nCurrCtrl < MAX_CONTROLS_PER_PROP; nCurrCtrl++) { if(m_pPropControl[nProp][nCurrCtrl]) { m_pPropControl[nProp][nCurrCtrl]->SetFont(&m_Font); } } }
LRESULT COption::SusieProc(HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { static CFolderDialog FolderDlg; static SOption* pOption = &m_option_tmp; static CCheckBox SusieCheckUse, SusieCheckFirst; static CLabel SusieLabelDir; static CEditBox SusieEditDir; static CButton SusieBtnDir, SusieBtnUpdate; static std::array<CButton, 2> SusieBtn; static CSusieListView SusieListView; static CSusie susie; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { UINT ID = 10000; const int x = 10; const int xx = 15; int y = 0; SusieCheckUse.Create(hWnd, _T("Use Susie Plugins"), ID++, x + 15, y += 20, 200, 20); SusieCheckUse.SetCheck(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieLabelDir.Create(hWnd, _T("Susie Folder"), ID++, x + xx, y += 24, 75, 20); SusieEditDir.Create(hWnd, pOption->SusieDir, ID++, x + xx + 75, y - 4, 200, 22); SusieEditDir.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieBtnDir.Create(hWnd, _T("Browse"), ID++, x + xx + 280, y - 3, 50, 20); SusieBtnDir.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieCheckFirst.Create(hWnd, _T("Give Susie plugins priority when decoding"), ID++, x + xx, y += 20, 250, 20); SusieCheckFirst.SetCheck(pOption->bSusieFirst); SusieCheckFirst.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieListView.Create(hWnd, *pOption, x + xx, y += 30, 500, 190); SusieListView.Close(); SusieListView.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieListView.Show(); SusieBtnUpdate.Create(hWnd, _T("Update"), ID++, x + 290, y += 200, 50, 20); SusieBtnUpdate.Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieBtn[0].Create(hWnd, _T("All ON"), ID++, x + 350, y, 80, 20); SusieBtn[0].Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); SusieBtn[1].Create(hWnd, _T("All OFF"), ID++, x + 430, y, 80, 20); SusieBtn[1].Enable(pOption->bSusieUse); break; } case WM_COMMAND: // Use Susie plugins if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieCheckUse.GetID()) { const BOOL flag = SusieCheckUse.GetCheck(); SusieEditDir.Enable(flag); SusieBtnDir.Enable(flag); SusieCheckFirst.Enable(flag); SusieListView.Enable(flag); SusieBtnUpdate.Enable(flag); SusieBtn[0].Enable(flag); SusieBtn[1].Enable(flag); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); // Click here to show / hide the list of checkboxes, de-selected state pOption->bSusieUse = flag; SusieListView.SetItemSelAll(0); break; } // Susie Folder Browse if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtnDir.GetID()) { TCHAR szSusieDir[_MAX_DIR]; SusieEditDir.GetText(szSusieDir, sizeof(szSusieDir)); if (FolderDlg.DoModal(hWnd, _T("Select the Susie folder"), szSusieDir)) SusieEditDir.SetText(szSusieDir); } // Give Susie plugins priority on decoding if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieCheckFirst.GetID()) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Update if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtnUpdate.GetID()) { susie.LoadSpi(pOption->SusieDir); susie.Init(); SusieListView.Show(); SusieListView.Update(); break; } // All ON if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtn[0].GetID()) { SusieListView.SetCheckAll(true); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // All OFF if (LOWORD(wp) == SusieBtn[1].GetID()) { SusieListView.SetCheckAll(false); PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } // Settings if (LOWORD(wp) == IDM_SUSIE_SET) { const SSusieInfo* const susie_info = SusieListView.GetFocusSusieInfo(); // Get ConfigurationDlg() const auto ConfigurationDlg = reinterpret_cast<ConfigurationDlgProc>(susie_info->plugin.GetProcAddress(_T("ConfigurationDlg"))); if (ConfigurationDlg == nullptr) break; // Call settings ConfigurationDlg(hWnd, 1); break; } // Contents of the editbox have changed if (HIWORD(wp) == EN_CHANGE) { PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } break; case WM_NOTIFY: { const auto* const hdr = reinterpret_cast<LPNMHDR>(lp); switch (hdr->code) { // OK/Apply, Tabbing case PSN_APPLY: case PSN_KILLACTIVE: pOption->bSusieUse = SusieCheckUse.GetCheck(); pOption->bSusieFirst = SusieCheckFirst.GetCheck(); SusieEditDir.GetText(pOption->SusieDir); SusieListView.SaveIni(); // OK/Apply if (hdr->code == PSN_APPLY) { const bool update = m_option.SusieDir == pOption->SusieDir; Apply(); // Re-acquire plugin folder only when Susie has been changed if (pOption->bSusieUse && update) { susie.LoadSpi(pOption->SusieDir); susie.Init(); SusieListView.Show(); SusieListView.Update(); } } return TRUE; // Check processing case NM_CLICK: case NM_DBLCLK: if (hdr->idFrom == idsSusieList) { if (SusieListView.SetCheck()) PropSheet_Changed(::GetParent(hWnd), hWnd); break; } } // List view if (wp == idsSusieList) { const auto* const plv = reinterpret_cast<LPNMLISTVIEW>(lp); switch (plv->hdr.code) { // Custom draw case NM_CUSTOMDRAW: return SusieListView.CustomDraw(reinterpret_cast<LPNMLVCUSTOMDRAW>(lp)); // Show tool tip case LVN_GETINFOTIP: SusieListView.ShowTip(reinterpret_cast<LPNMLVGETINFOTIP>(lp)); break; // View case LVN_GETDISPINFO: SusieListView.Show(reinterpret_cast<NMLVDISPINFO*>(lp)); break; } } break; } case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { POINT pos; GetCursorPos(&pos); HWND pWnd = WindowFromPoint(pos); if (pWnd == SusieListView.GetHandle()) SendMessage(pWnd, WM_MOUSEWHEEL, wp, lp); break; } // Right-click menu (Context menu) case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { if (wp == reinterpret_cast<WPARAM>(SusieListView.GetHandle())) SusieListView.CreateMenu(lp); break; } } return FALSE; }
void CRoom::draw() { POSITION pos; CButton* Button; CStatic* staticText; CString btnText[2]; CDevice* tmpDevice; int top = 10; int bottom = 30; int i = 0; int countButtonID = 3001; int countStaticID = 2001; CObList* list = phandleData->get_deviceList(); for (pos = list->GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL;) { tmpDevice = (CDevice*)list->GetNext(pos); if(tmpDevice->get_room() != room) continue; if(tmpDevice->get_typ() == _T("fs20rsu")) { btnText[0] = _T("Auf"); btnText[1] = _T("Ab"); } else { btnText[0] = _T("An"); btnText[1] = _T("Aus"); } staticText = new CStatic(); DWORD dwStyleStatic = WS_EX_STATICEDGE; staticText->Create(tmpDevice->get_name(),dwStyleStatic,CRect(10,top,260,bottom),this,countStaticID); staticText->ShowWindow(TRUE); Button = new CButton(); DWORD dwStyle = WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | BS_PUSHBUTTON; Button->Create(btnText[0], dwStyle, CRect(300,top,340,bottom), this, countButtonID); Button->ShowWindow(TRUE); Button = NULL; buttonIDs[i][i] = countButtonID; countButtonID++; Button = new CButton(); Button->Create(btnText[1], dwStyle, CRect(360,top,400,bottom), this, countButtonID); Button->ShowWindow(TRUE); Button = NULL; buttonIDs[i][i+1] = countButtonID; countButtonID++; Button = new CButton(); Button->Create(_T("Details"), dwStyle, CRect(420,top,480,bottom), this, countButtonID); Button->ShowWindow(TRUE); Button = NULL; buttonIDs[i][i+2] = countButtonID; top += 30; bottom += 30; staticText = NULL; countButtonID++; countStaticID++; i++; } }
BOOL CBaseDlg::OnInitDialog() { //CDialog::OnInitDialog(); if (m_hIcon) { SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // 设置大图标 SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // 设置小图标 } m_bInit = TRUE; for (int i = 0; i < m_vecCtrl.size(); i++) { switch (m_vecCtrl[i].type) { case BASE_BUTTON: case BASE_CHECK_BUTTON: { CButton* pCtrl = (CButton*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_COMMOM_BUTTON: { CCommonButton* pCtrl = (CCommonButton*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_STATIC: { CStatic* pCtrl = (CStatic*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_MY_CHECK_BUTTON: { CMyCheckButton* pCtrl = (CMyCheckButton*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_INDICATOR: { CIndicator* pCtrl = (CIndicator*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_GROUPBOX: { CGroupBox* pCtrl = (CGroupBox*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_EDIT_CSTRING: case BASE_EDIT_DOUBLE: { CEdit* pCtrl = (CEdit*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); break; } case BASE_COLOR_TEXT: { CColorText* pCtrl = (CColorText*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); break; } case BASE_DRAWVIEW: { CDrawView* pCtrl = (CDrawView*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); break; } case BASE_LIST: { CListCtrl* pCtrl = (CListCtrl*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); break; } case BASE_TABVIEW: { CTabViewCtrl* pCtrl = (CTabViewCtrl*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); break; } case BASE_GRADIENT_BACKGROUND: { CGradientBackground* pCtrl = (CGradientBackground*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); break; } case BASE_COMBOBOX: { CComboBox* pCtrl = (CComboBox*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); pCtrl->SetFont(&mFont); CString caption = m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption; for (int j = 0; j < m_vecCtrl[i].nDataCount; j++) { int endpos = caption.Find(L"\n"); CString item = caption.Mid(0, endpos); pCtrl->AddString(item); caption = caption.Right(caption.GetLength()-endpos-1); } pCtrl->SetCurSel(0); break; } case BASE_PROGRESS: { CProgressCtrl* pCtrl = (CProgressCtrl*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); if (m_vecCtrl[i].pInOutData != NULL) { pCtrl->SetRange32((int)m_vecCtrl[i].dMinVal,(int)m_vecCtrl[i].dMaxVal); } break; } case BASE_SLIDER: { CSliderCtrl* pCtrl = (CSliderCtrl*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); if (m_vecCtrl[i].pInOutData != NULL) { pCtrl->SetRangeMax((int)m_vecCtrl[i].dMaxVal); pCtrl->SetRangeMin((int)m_vecCtrl[i].dMinVal); } break; } case BASE_SLIDER_GROUP: { CSliderGroup* pCtrl = (CSliderGroup*)m_vecCtrl[i].pCtrl; pCtrl->Create(m_vecCtrl[i].sCaption, m_vecCtrl[i].dwStyle, m_vecCtrl[i].rect, m_vecCtrl[i].pParent, m_vecCtrl[i].nID); if (m_vecCtrl[i].pInOutData!=NULL) { pCtrl->GetSlider()->SetRangeMax((int)m_vecCtrl[i].dMaxVal); pCtrl->GetSlider()->SetRangeMin((int)m_vecCtrl[i].dMinVal); } break; } default: break; } } UpdateData(FALSE); return TRUE; }
LRESULT EmoticonsDlg::onInitDialog(UINT /*uMsg*/, WPARAM /*wParam*/, LPARAM /*lParam*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); WNDPROC temp = reinterpret_cast<WNDPROC>(::SetWindowLongPtr(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, GWLP_WNDPROC, reinterpret_cast<LONG_PTR>(NewWndProc))); if (!g_MFCWndProc) g_MFCWndProc = temp; g_pDialog = this; ::EnableWindow(WinUtil::g_mainWnd, true); bool bUseAnimation = BOOLSETTING(SMILE_SELECT_WND_ANIM_SMILES); if (CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup) { const CAGEmotion::Array& Emoticons = CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->getEmoticonsArray(); unsigned int pocet = 0; int l_count_emotion = 0; string lastEmotionPath, lastAnimEmotionPath; for (auto pEmotion = Emoticons.cbegin(); pEmotion != Emoticons.cend() && l_count_emotion < CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->m_CountSelEmotions; ++pEmotion, ++l_count_emotion) { if (bUseAnimation) { if ((*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath || (*pEmotion)->getEmotionGifPath() != lastAnimEmotionPath) pocet++; lastEmotionPath = (*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath(); lastAnimEmotionPath = (*pEmotion)->getEmotionGifPath(); } else { if ((*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath) pocet++; lastEmotionPath = (*pEmotion)->getEmotionBmpPath(); } } // x, y jen pro for cyklus const unsigned int l_Emoticons_size = CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->m_CountSelEmotions; unsigned int i = (unsigned int)sqrt(double(l_Emoticons_size)); unsigned int nXfor = i; unsigned int nYfor = i; if ((i * i) != l_Emoticons_size) //[+]PPA { nXfor = i + 1; if ((i * nXfor) < l_Emoticons_size) nYfor = i + 1; else nYfor = i; } // x, y pro korektni vkladani ikonek za sebou i = (unsigned int)sqrt((double)pocet); unsigned int nX = i; unsigned int nY = i; if ((i * i) != pocet) //[+]PPA { nX = i + 1; if ((i * nX) < pocet) nY = i + 1; else nY = i; } if (Emoticons.empty() || !*Emoticons.begin()) //[+]PPA return 0; // [~] brain-ripper // If first icon failed to load, h_bm will be zero, and all icons will be drawn extremely small. // So cycle through Emoticons and find first loaded icon. //HBITMAP h_bm = (*Emoticons.begin())->getEmotionBmp(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); DWORD iSW = 0, iSH = 0, dwCount = 0; l_count_emotion = 0; for (auto i = Emoticons.cbegin(); i != Emoticons.cend() && l_count_emotion < CAGEmotionSetup::g_pEmotionsSetup->m_CountSelEmotions; ++i, ++l_count_emotion) { int w = 0, h = 0; CGDIImage *pImage = nullptr; if (bUseAnimation) pImage = (*i)->getAnimatedImage(MainFrame::getMainFrame()->m_hWnd, WM_ANIM_CHANGE_FRAME); if (pImage) { w = pImage->GetWidth(); h = pImage->GetHeight(); dwCount++; } else { if ((*i)->getDimensions(&w, &h)) { if (bUseAnimation) dwCount++; else { iSW = w; iSH = h; break; } } } iSW += w * w; iSH += h * h; } if (bUseAnimation && dwCount) { // Get mean square of all icon dimensions iSW = DWORD(sqrt(float(iSW / dwCount))); iSH = DWORD(sqrt(float(iSH / dwCount))); } pos.bottom = - 3; pos.left = pos.right - nX * (iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN) - 2; = pos.bottom - nY * (iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN) - 2; // [+] brain-ripper // Fit window in screen's work area RECT rcWorkArea; SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcWorkArea, 0); if (pos.right > rcWorkArea.right) { pos.left -= pos.right - rcWorkArea.right; pos.right = rcWorkArea.right; } if (pos.bottom > rcWorkArea.bottom) { -= pos.bottom - rcWorkArea.bottom; pos.bottom = rcWorkArea.bottom; } if (pos.left < rcWorkArea.left) { pos.right += rcWorkArea.left - pos.left; pos.left = rcWorkArea.left; } if ( < { pos.bottom += -; =; } MoveWindow(pos); lastEmotionPath.clear(); lastAnimEmotionPath.clear(); m_ctrlToolTip.Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, rcDefault, NULL, WS_POPUP | TTS_NOPREFIX | TTS_ALWAYSTIP | TTS_BALLOON, WS_EX_TOPMOST); m_ctrlToolTip.SetDelayTime(TTDT_AUTOMATIC, 1000); pos.left = 0; pos.right = iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; = 0; pos.bottom = iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; cleanHandleList(); auto l_Emotion = Emoticons.begin(); for (unsigned int iY = 0; iY < nYfor; iY++) for (unsigned int iX = 0; iX < nXfor; iX++) { if (l_Emotion != Emoticons.end()) // TODO - merge { const auto i = *l_Emotion; if ((iY * nXfor) + iX + 1 > l_Emoticons_size) break; bool bNotDuplicated = (bUseAnimation ? (i->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath || i->getEmotionGifPath() != lastAnimEmotionPath) : i->getEmotionBmpPath() != lastEmotionPath); // dve stejne emotikony za sebou nechceme if (bNotDuplicated) { bool bCreated = false; CGDIImage *pImage = nullptr; if (bUseAnimation) pImage = i->getAnimatedImage(MainFrame::getMainFrame()->m_hWnd, WM_ANIM_CHANGE_FRAME); if (pImage) { const tstring smajl = i->getEmotionText(); CAnimatedButton *pemoButton = new CAnimatedButton(pImage); m_BtnList.push_back(pemoButton); pemoButton->Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, pos, smajl.c_str(), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_FLAT | BS_BITMAP, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT); m_ctrlToolTip.AddTool(*pemoButton, smajl.c_str()); bCreated = true; } else { if (const HBITMAP l_h_bm = i->getEmotionBmp(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE))) { CButton emoButton; const tstring smajl = i->getEmotionText(); emoButton.Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, pos, smajl.c_str(), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_FLAT | BS_BITMAP | BS_CENTER); m_HandleList.push_back(l_h_bm); emoButton.SetBitmap(l_h_bm); m_ctrlToolTip.AddTool(emoButton, smajl.c_str()); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)emoButton); bCreated = true; } } if (bCreated) { // Calculate position of next button pos.left = pos.left + iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; pos.right = pos.left + iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; if (pos.left >= (LONG)(nX * (iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN))) { pos.left = 0; pos.right = iSW + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; = + iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; pos.bottom = + iSH + EMOTICONS_ICONMARGIN; } } } lastEmotionPath = i->getEmotionBmpPath(); if (bUseAnimation) lastAnimEmotionPath = i->getEmotionGifPath(); ++l_Emotion; } } pos.left = -128; pos.right = pos.left; = -128; pos.bottom =; CButton emoButton; emoButton.Create(EmoticonsDlg::m_hWnd, pos, _T(""), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | BS_FLAT); emoButton.SetFocus(); DeleteObject((HGDIOBJ)emoButton); ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); for (auto i = m_BtnList.cbegin(); i != m_BtnList.cend(); ++i) { (*i)->Update(); } } else PostMessage(WM_CLOSE); return 0; }