Esempio n. 1
/** Creates 2 groups: one from winners and one from loosers
QList< Group* > SwissGroup::split( ) const
  if ( _matches.count() < 2 ) { // nothing to split
    return QList< Group* >();

  QList< Group* > ret;
  PlayerList w = winners(), l = loosers();

  // number of winnders and loosers can be non-even, when group consists,
  // for example, from 6 persons. We need to add 'bye' players 
  if ( w.count() & 1 ) w << byePlayer;
  if ( l.count() & 1 ) l << byePlayer;

  qDebug() << "Winners:";
  for ( int i = 0; i < w.count(); i ++ ) {
    qDebug() << i ).name();

  qDebug() << "Loosers:";
  for ( int i = 0; i < l.count(); i ++ ) {
    qDebug() << i ).name();

  // winners group
  if ( !isPlayerListByed( w ) ) {
    ret << new SwissGroup( _fromPlace, _stage + 1, w ); 

  // loosers group
  if ( !isPlayerListByed( l ) ) {
    ret << new SwissGroup( _fromPlace + _players.count() / 2, 
                           _stage + 1, l );

  foreach( Group *g, ret ) {
    const TournAlgo *a = _tournData->algo();
    Q_CHECK_PTR( a );
    g->setTournData( _tournData );
    g->setQualif( isQualif() );
    dynamic_cast<SwissGroup*>(g)->permuteMatches( a->breakAlgo() );

    // if there is at least one bye player, we should notify that
    // at least one game is fakely played.
    if ( g->const_players().contains( byePlayer ) ) {
      _tournData->groupChanged( g );
  return ret; 
/** Writes match result and earned rating into specified cell.
void RatingsTable::updateMatchCell( int row, int col )
  int aIndex = row - 1;
  int bIndex = col - 1;

  PlayerList players = _group->const_validPlayers();

  if ( aIndex >= players.count() || bIndex >= players.count() ) {
    qCritical() << __FUNCTION__ << "invalid row&col indexes: " << row << col;

  Player a = aIndex );
  Player b = bIndex );
  MatchList matches = _group->matchList( a, b );
  QString text = item( row, col )->text();
  QString toolTip = item( row, col )->toolTip();
  foreach( Match m, matches ) {
    if ( m.played() ) {
       if ( !text.isEmpty() ) {
         text += " ";
       text += m.toString();
       text += " (+" + QString().setNum( m.earnedRating( a ), 'g', 2 ) + ")";
       item( row, col )->setBackground( SPRING_GREEN1 ); 
       if ( !toolTip.isEmpty() ) {
         toolTip += "\n\n";
       toolTip += m.gamesToString(); 
    } else {
      item( row, col )->setBackground( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, QPalette::Base ) );
  item( row, col )->setToolTip( toolTip );
  item( row, col )->setText( text );
Esempio n. 3
/** \brief rebuild player list accordingly with break algorithm. 
 *         assumed that pls.count() is even.
PlayerList TournAlgo::permutePlayers( PlayerList pls ) const
  PlayerList out;
  if ( _break == BreakAlgo::ADBC ) {
    // first - last
    // second - pre-last
		for ( int i = 0; i < pls.count() / 2; i ++ ) {
			out << i ) << pls.count() - i - 1 );
  } else if ( _break == BreakAlgo::ACBD ) {
    // first - middle
    // second - middle + 1
		for ( int i = 0; i < pls.count() / 2; i ++ ) {
			out << i ) << pls.count() / 2 + i );
  } else {
    // ABCD does not require permutation

  return out;
/** calls updateMatchCell for each match cell ;)
void RatingsTable::updateMatchCells( )
  PlayerList players = _group->const_validPlayers();

  int plCnt = players.count();

  for ( int i = 1; i < rowCount(); i ++ ) {
    for ( int j = 1; j < plCnt + 1; j ++ ) {
      if ( i != j ) {
        updateMatchCell( i, j );
Esempio n. 5
 * Asks user to select a file with players in a plain text format:
 * Player, rating\nPlayer2, rating\n etc...
void PlayerTable::mouseDoubleClickEvent( QMouseEvent * )
  QString fName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,
                  tr("Open players list file"), QDir::homePath(), 
                  tr("Txt Files (*.txt)"));

  if ( !fName.isNull() ) {
    PlayerList players = loadPlayerList( fName );
    if ( players.count() > 0 ) {
      setPlayerList( players );
    } else {
      QMessageBox msg;
      msg.setText( tr( "I cannot find any player in '" ) + fName + "'" );
/** should be called in constructor for basic setup of 
 * table cells.
void RatingsTable::setupCells()
  PlayerList players = _group->const_validPlayers();

  int plCnt = players.count();
  setRowCount( plCnt + 1 );
  setColumnCount( plCnt + 1 + 1 ); // 1 column for total rating results

  for ( int i = 0; i < rowCount(); i ++ ) {
    for ( int j = 0; j < plCnt + 1; j ++ ) {
      QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem( );
      QString text;
      if ( i == j ) {
        item->setBackground( palette().brush( QPalette::Disabled,
                                              QPalette::Background ) );
        if ( i == 0 )  {
          text = _group->name();
        item->setFlags( Qt::NoItemFlags );
      } else if ( i == 0 ) { // 0th row
        text = j - 1 ).name();
        item->setFlags( Qt::NoItemFlags );
      } else if ( j == 0 ) { // 0th column
        Player p = i - 1 );
        text =;
        text += " (" + QString::number( p.rating(), 'f', 1 ) + ")";
        item->setFlags( Qt::NoItemFlags );
      } else {
        item->setFlags( Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled );

      item->setText( text );

      setItem( i, j, item );
    QTableWidgetItem *item = new QTableWidgetItem( );
    if ( i == 0 ) {
      item->setText( tr( "New rating" ) );
    item->setFlags( Qt::NoItemFlags );
    setItem( i, plCnt + 1, item );
/** Update total rating for each player
void RatingsTable::updateTotalRatings()
  PlayerList players = _group->const_validPlayers();

  int plCnt = players.count();
  int col = plCnt + 1;

  for ( int i = 1; i < rowCount(); i ++ ) {
    Player p = i - 1 );
    double earned = _group->earnedRating( p );
    double total = p.rating() + earned;    

    QString text;
    text += QString().setNum( total, 'f', 1 );
    text += " (+" + QString().setNum( earned, 'f', 1 ) + ")";
    item( i, col )->setText( text );
    item( i, col )->setBackground( SPRING_GREEN1 ); 