static QByteArray deriveKeyPbkdf2(QCryptographicHash::Algorithm algorithm, const QByteArray &data, const QByteArray &salt, int iterations, quint64 dkLen) { QByteArray key; quint32 currentIteration = 1; QMessageAuthenticationCode hmac(algorithm, data); QByteArray index(4, Qt::Uninitialized); while (quint64(key.length()) < dkLen) { hmac.addData(salt); qToBigEndian(currentIteration, reinterpret_cast<uchar*>(; hmac.addData(index); QByteArray u = hmac.result(); hmac.reset(); QByteArray tkey = u; for (int iter = 1; iter < iterations; iter++) { hmac.addData(u); u = hmac.result(); hmac.reset(); std::transform(tkey.cbegin(), tkey.cend(), u.cbegin(), tkey.begin(), std::bit_xor<char>()); } key += tkey; currentIteration++; } return key.left(dkLen); }
void EditDialog::generate_password(int count, bool capital, bool small, bool digits) { qsrand(QDateTime::currentMSecsSinceEpoch()); int remain = count; QString password; while(remain > 0) { QByteArray sampleArray; for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { sampleArray.append((char)(qrand() % 256)); } QByteArray destArray = QCryptographicHash::hash(sampleArray, QCryptographicHash::Md5).toBase64(); for(auto iter = destArray.cbegin(); iter != destArray.cend(); iter++) { char c = *iter; if((capital && c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (small && c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (digits && c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { password.append(c); remain--; if(remain == 0) break; } } } ui->passwordEdit->setText(password); ui->passwordAgainEdit->setText(password); }
bool QXmppSaslClientScram::respond(const QByteArray &challenge, QByteArray &response) { Q_UNUSED(challenge); if (m_step == 0) { m_gs2Header = "n,,"; m_clientFirstMessageBare = "n=" + username().toUtf8() + ",r=" + m_nonce; response = m_gs2Header + m_clientFirstMessageBare; m_step++; return true; } else if (m_step == 1) { // validate input const QMap<char, QByteArray> input = parseGS2(challenge); const QByteArray nonce = input.value('r'); const QByteArray salt = QByteArray::fromBase64(input.value('s')); const int iterations = input.value('i').toInt(); if (!nonce.startsWith(m_nonce) || salt.isEmpty() || iterations < 1) { return false; } // calculate proofs const QByteArray clientFinalMessageBare = "c=" + m_gs2Header.toBase64() + ",r=" + nonce; const QByteArray saltedPassword = deriveKeyPbkdf2(m_algorithm, password().toUtf8(), salt, iterations, m_dklen); const QByteArray clientKey = QMessageAuthenticationCode::hash("Client Key", saltedPassword, m_algorithm); const QByteArray storedKey = QCryptographicHash::hash(clientKey, m_algorithm); const QByteArray authMessage = m_clientFirstMessageBare + "," + challenge + "," + clientFinalMessageBare; QByteArray clientProof = QMessageAuthenticationCode::hash(authMessage, storedKey, m_algorithm); std::transform(clientProof.cbegin(), clientProof.cend(), clientKey.cbegin(), clientProof.begin(), std::bit_xor<char>()); const QByteArray serverKey = QMessageAuthenticationCode::hash("Server Key", saltedPassword, m_algorithm); m_serverSignature = QMessageAuthenticationCode::hash(authMessage, serverKey, m_algorithm); response = clientFinalMessageBare + ",p=" + clientProof.toBase64(); m_step++; return true; } else if (m_step == 2) { const QMap<char, QByteArray> input = parseGS2(challenge); response = QByteArray(); m_step++; return QByteArray::fromBase64(input.value('v')) == m_serverSignature; } else { warning("QXmppSaslClientPlain : Invalid step"); return false; } }
std::function<bool(u32)> CheatsManager::CreateMatchFunction() { const QString text = m_match_value->text(); if (text.isEmpty()) { m_result_label->setText(tr("No search value entered.")); return nullptr; } const CompareType op = static_cast<CompareType>(m_match_operation->currentIndex()); const int base = (m_match_decimal->isChecked() ? 10 : (m_match_hexadecimal->isChecked() ? 16 : 8)); bool conversion_succeeded = false; std::function<bool(u32)> matches_func; switch (static_cast<DataType>(m_match_length->currentIndex())) { case DataType::Byte: { u8 comparison_value = text.toUShort(&conversion_succeeded, base) & 0xFF; matches_func = [=](u32 addr) { return Compare<u8>(PowerPC::HostRead_U8(addr), comparison_value, op); }; break; } case DataType::Short: { u16 comparison_value = text.toUShort(&conversion_succeeded, base); matches_func = [=](u32 addr) { return Compare(PowerPC::HostRead_U16(addr), comparison_value, op); }; break; } case DataType::Int: { u32 comparison_value = text.toUInt(&conversion_succeeded, base); matches_func = [=](u32 addr) { return Compare(PowerPC::HostRead_U32(addr), comparison_value, op); }; break; } case DataType::Float: { float comparison_value = text.toFloat(&conversion_succeeded); matches_func = [=](u32 addr) { return Compare(PowerPC::HostRead_F32(addr), comparison_value, op); }; break; } case DataType::Double: { double comparison_value = text.toDouble(&conversion_succeeded); matches_func = [=](u32 addr) { return Compare(PowerPC::HostRead_F64(addr), comparison_value, op); }; break; } case DataType::String: { if (op != CompareType::Equal && op != CompareType::NotEqual) { m_result_label->setText(tr("String values can only be compared using equality.")); return nullptr; } conversion_succeeded = true; const QString lambda_text = m_match_value->text(); const QByteArray utf8_bytes = lambda_text.toUtf8(); matches_func = [op, utf8_bytes](u32 addr) { bool is_equal = std::equal(utf8_bytes.cbegin(), utf8_bytes.cend(), reinterpret_cast<char*>(Memory::m_pRAM + addr - 0x80000000)); switch (op) { case CompareType::Equal: return is_equal; case CompareType::NotEqual: return !is_equal; default: // This should never occur since we've already checked the type of op return false; } }; break; } } if (conversion_succeeded) return matches_func; m_result_label->setText(tr("Cannot interpret the given value.\nHave you chosen the right type?")); return nullptr; }
std::string KulloClient2Qt::fromUtf8(const QByteArray &in) { return std::string(in.cbegin(), in.cend()); }