//we add the case to test dump function by creating medatedata object with file name from other team. void ut_metadata::testSetOrientationTag() { QVERIFY(QuillMetadata::canRead("/usr/share/libquillmetadata-tests/images/exif.jpg")); metadata->setEntry(QuillMetadata::Tag_Orientation, QVariant(short(7))); QByteArray result = metadata->dump(QuillMetadata::ExifFormat); QVERIFY(!result.isNull()); }
QByteArray QWget::exec(QUrl url, QByteArray postData) { QNetworkAccessManager * manager = network_manager(); manager->setProxy(_proxy); connect(manager,SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),this,SLOT(onFinished(QNetworkReply*))); QNetworkRequest * nr = new QNetworkRequest(url); //nr->setRawHeader("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1"); nr->setRawHeader("User-Agent","Opera/9.0"); qDebug() << url; finished = false; if(postData.isNull()) manager->get(*nr); else manager->post(*nr,postData); while(!finished) { QCoreApplication::instance()->processEvents(); #ifdef WIN32 Sleep(50); #else usleep(50000); #endif } delete nr; QCoreApplication::instance()->processEvents(); //qDebug() << "Ans: " << ans; // delete nr; return ans; return QByteArray(); }
void Serializer::serialize( const QVariant& v, QIODevice* io, bool* ok ) { Q_ASSERT( io ); if (!io->isOpen()) { if (!io->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { if ( ok != 0 ) *ok = false; qCritical ("Error opening device"); return; } } if (!io->isWritable()) { if (ok != 0) *ok = false; qCritical ("Device is not readable"); io->close(); return; } const QByteArray str = serialize( v ); if ( !str.isNull() ) { QDataStream stream( io ); stream << str; } else { if ( ok ) *ok = false; } }
void EditorWindow::loadSettings() { QSettings settings; /* Main Window location */ settings.beginGroup("EditorWindow"); QSize size = settings.value("size").toSize(); QPoint pos = settings.value("position").toPoint(); QByteArray state = settings.value("state").toByteArray(); /* Recent docs/projects */ recentDocs = settings.value("recentDocs", QStringList()).toStringList(); recentProjects = settings.value("recentProjects", QStringList()).toStringList(); settings.endGroup(); if(!(size.isNull() || pos.isNull() || state.isNull())) { resize(size); move(pos); restoreState(state); } }
void EditTOC::ReadSettings() { SettingsStore settings; settings.beginGroup(SETTINGS_GROUP); // The size of the window and it's full screen status QByteArray geometry = settings.value("geometry").toByteArray(); if (!geometry.isNull()) { restoreGeometry(geometry); } // Column widths int size = settings.beginReadArray("column_data"); for (int column = 0; column < size && column < ui.TOCTree->header()->count(); column++) { settings.setArrayIndex(column); int column_width = settings.value("width").toInt(); if (column_width) { ui.TOCTree->setColumnWidth(column, column_width); } } settings.endArray(); settings.endGroup(); }
void PhotosEngine::resultFlickr( const KUrl &url, QByteArray data, NetworkAccessManagerProxy::Error e ) { if( !m_flickrUrls.contains( url ) ) return; DEBUG_BLOCK m_flickrUrls.remove( url ); if( e.code != QNetworkReply::NoError ) { setData( "photos", "message", i18n( "Unable to retrieve from Flickr.com: %1", e.description ) ); debug() << "Unable to retrieve Flickr information:" << e.description; return; } if( data.isNull() ) { debug() << "Got bad xml!"; return; } removeAllData( "photos" ); QXmlStreamReader xml( data ); PhotosInfo::List photosInfo = photosListFromXml( xml ); debug() << "got" << photosInfo.size() << "photo info"; setData( "photos", "artist", m_artist ); setData( "photos", "data", qVariantFromValue( photosInfo ) ); }
QByteArray StarDictDictionaryManager::poNextWord(QByteArray searchWord, int* iCurrent) { // the input can be: // (word,iCurrent),read word,write iNext to iCurrent,and return next word. used by TopWin::NextCallback(); // (NULL,iCurrent),read iCurrent,write iNext to iCurrent,and return next word. used by AppCore::ListWords(); QByteArray currentWord = NULL; QVector<Dictionary *>::size_type iCurrentLib = 0; const char *word; for (QVector<Dictionary *>::size_type iLib = 0; iLib < d->dictionaryList.size(); ++iLib) { if (!searchWord.isEmpty()) iCurrent[iLib] = d->dictionaryList.at(iLib)->lookup(searchWord); if (iCurrent[iLib] == invalidIndex) continue; if (iCurrent[iLib] >= articleCount(iLib) || iCurrent[iLib] < 0) continue; if (currentWord.isNull()) { currentWord = key(iCurrent[iLib], iLib); iCurrentLib = iLib; } else { word = key(iCurrent[iLib], iLib); if (stardictStringCompare(currentWord, word) > 0 ) { currentWord = word; iCurrentLib = iLib; } } } if (!currentWord.isEmpty()) { iCurrent[iCurrentLib]++; for (QVector<Dictionary *>::size_type iLib = 0; iLib < d->dictionaryList.size(); ++iLib) { if (iLib == iCurrentLib) continue; if (iCurrent[iLib] == invalidIndex) continue; if ( iCurrent[iLib] >= articleCount(iLib) || iCurrent[iLib] < 0) continue; if (strcmp(currentWord, key(iCurrent[iLib], iLib)) == 0 ) iCurrent[iLib]++; } currentWord = poCurrentWord(iCurrent); } return currentWord; }
qlonglong ddMainWindow::getSizeWithDU(const QString &folder) { qlonglong folderSize = 0; // -------------использем утилиту du для получения размера-------------------- QProcess* adb = new QProcess(this); QString cmd = "adb"; QStringList argAdb; argAdb << "shell" << "du" <<"-Lcs" << folder; adb->start(cmd, argAdb); if (!adb->waitForFinished()) return 0; QByteArray res = adb->readLine(); while (!res.isNull()) { QString strLine = res; if (strLine.contains("total")) { QStringList list = strLine.split("\t"); folderSize = list.at(0).toLongLong(); break; } res = adb->readLine(); } return folderSize; }
void tst_QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment() { static const char envname[] = "THIS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE_HOPEFULLY_DOESNT_EXIST"; QByteArray path = qgetenv("PATH"); QByteArray nonexistant = qgetenv(envname); QProcessEnvironment system = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment(); QVERIFY(nonexistant.isNull()); #ifdef Q_WS_WINCE // Windows CE has no environment QVERIFY(path.isEmpty()); QVERIFY(!system.contains("PATH")); QVERIFY(system.isEmpty()); #else // all other system have environments if (path.isEmpty()) QFAIL("Could not find the PATH environment variable -- please correct the test environment"); QVERIFY(system.contains("PATH")); QCOMPARE(system.value("PATH"), QString::fromLocal8Bit(path)); QVERIFY(!system.contains(envname)); # ifdef Q_OS_WIN // check case-insensitive too QVERIFY(system.contains("path")); QCOMPARE(system.value("path"), QString::fromLocal8Bit(path)); QVERIFY(!system.contains(QString(envname).toLower())); # endif #endif }
/* calculate request-digest/response-digest as per HTTP Digest spec */ static QByteArray digestMd5Response( const QByteArray &alg, const QByteArray &userName, const QByteArray &realm, const QByteArray &password, const QByteArray &nonce, /* nonce from server */ const QByteArray &nonceCount, /* 8 hex digits */ const QByteArray &cNonce, /* client nonce */ const QByteArray &qop, /* qop-value: "", "auth", "auth-int" */ const QByteArray &method, /* method from the request */ const QByteArray &digestUri, /* requested URL */ const QByteArray &hEntity /* H(entity body) if qop="auth-int" */ ) { QCryptographicHash hash(QCryptographicHash::Md5); hash.addData(userName); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(realm); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(password); QByteArray ha1 = hash.result(); if (alg.toLower() == "md5-sess") { hash.reset(); hash.addData(ha1); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(nonce); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(cNonce); ha1 = hash.result(); }; ha1 = ha1.toHex(); // calculate H(A2) hash.reset(); hash.addData(method); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(digestUri); if (qop.toLower() == "auth-int") { hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(hEntity); } QByteArray ha2hex = hash.result().toHex(); // calculate response hash.reset(); hash.addData(ha1); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(nonce); hash.addData(":", 1); if (!qop.isNull()) { hash.addData(nonceCount); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(cNonce); hash.addData(":", 1); hash.addData(qop); hash.addData(":", 1); } hash.addData(ha2hex); return hash.result().toHex(); }
/*! Creates a QByteArray of the \a environment. */ static QByteArray qt_create_environment(const QStringList &environment) { QByteArray envlist; if (environment.isEmpty()) return envlist; int pos = 0; // add PATH if necessary (for DLL loading) QByteArray path = qgetenv("PATH"); if (environment.filter(QRegExp("^PATH=",Qt::CaseInsensitive)).isEmpty() && !path.isNull()) { QString tmp = QString(QLatin1String("PATH=%1")).arg(QString::fromLocal8Bit(path)); uint tmpSize = sizeof(wchar_t) * (tmp.length() + 1); envlist.resize(envlist.size() + tmpSize); memcpy(envlist.data() + pos, tmp.utf16(), tmpSize); pos += tmpSize; } // add the user environment for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = environment.begin(); it != environment.end(); it++ ) { QString tmp = *it; uint tmpSize = sizeof(wchar_t) * (tmp.length() + 1); envlist.resize(envlist.size() + tmpSize); memcpy(envlist.data() + pos, tmp.utf16(), tmpSize); pos += tmpSize; } // add the 2 terminating 0 (actually 4, just to be on the safe side) envlist.resize(envlist.size() + 4); envlist[pos++] = 0; envlist[pos++] = 0; envlist[pos++] = 0; envlist[pos++] = 0; return envlist; }
/*! Sets the raw header \a key to be of value \a value. If \a key was previously set, it is added multiply. */ void TInternetMessageHeader::addRawHeader(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { if (key.isEmpty() || value.isNull()) return; headerPairList << RawHeaderPair(key, value); }
bool ZeroCopyInputStreamQIODevice::Skip(int count) { if (this->pos != this->buffer + this->nbLastRead) // There is still some data into the buffer. See 'BackUp(..)'. { if (this->pos + count > this->buffer + this->nbLastRead) { count -= (this->buffer + this->nbLastRead) - this->pos; this->pos = this->buffer + this->nbLastRead; } else { this->pos += count; count = 0; } } if (this->device->bytesAvailable() == 0) return false; if (count == 0) return true; QByteArray data = this->device->read(count); if (data.isNull()) return false; this->bytesRead += data.size(); return this->device->bytesAvailable() > 0; }
ByteArrayReply::ByteArrayReply(const QNetworkRequest &request, const QByteArray &ba, const QString& mimeType, QObject *parent) : QNetworkReply(parent), origLen(ba.size()), data(ba) { setRequest(request); setOpenMode(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (ba.isNull()) { setError(QNetworkReply::ContentNotFoundError, "Not found"); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SLOT(signalError())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SIGNAL(finished())); } else { if (mimeType.isEmpty()) { setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "application/octet-stream"); } else { setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, mimeType); } setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader, QByteArray::number(origLen)); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SIGNAL(metaDataChanged())); QTimer::singleShot(0, this, SIGNAL(readyRead())); } }
QList<QByteArray> QAudioDeviceInfoInternal::availableDevices(QAudio::Mode mode) { QList<QByteArray> devices; UInt32 propSize = 0; if (AudioHardwareGetPropertyInfo(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &propSize, 0) == noErr) { const int dc = propSize / sizeof(AudioDeviceID); if (dc > 0) { AudioDeviceID* audioDevices = new AudioDeviceID[dc]; if (AudioHardwareGetProperty(kAudioHardwarePropertyDevices, &propSize, audioDevices) == noErr) { for (int i = 0; i < dc; ++i) { QByteArray info = get_device_info(audioDevices[i], mode); if (!info.isNull()) devices << info; } } delete audioDevices; } } return devices; }
void QCustomNetworkReply::setHttpStatusCode( int code, const QByteArray &statusText ) { setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpStatusCodeAttribute, code ); if ( statusText.isNull() ) return; setAttribute( QNetworkRequest::HttpReasonPhraseAttribute, statusText ); }
QByteArray contentChecksumType() { static QByteArray type = qgetenv("OWNCLOUD_CONTENT_CHECKSUM_TYPE"); if (!type.isNull()) { // can set to "" to disable checksumming return type; } return "SHA1"; }
template <> optional<std::string> Query::get(int offset) { assert(stmt.impl && stmt.impl->query.isValid()); QByteArray value = stmt.impl->query.value(offset).toByteArray(); checkQueryError(stmt.impl->query); if (value.isNull()) return {}; return { std::string(value.constData(), value.size()) }; }
QByteArray Kleo::hexencode(const QByteArray &in) { if (in.isNull()) { return QByteArray(); } const std::string result = hexencode(std::string(in.constData())); return QByteArray(result.data(), result.size()); }
void tst_QByteArrayList::joinEmptiness() const { QByteArrayList list; QByteArray string = list.join(QByteArray()); QVERIFY(string.isEmpty()); QVERIFY(string.isNull()); }
void KConfigGroup::writeEntry( const char* key, const QByteArray& value, WriteConfigFlags flags ) { Q_ASSERT_X(isValid(), "KConfigGroup::writeEntry", "accessing an invalid group"); Q_ASSERT_X(!d->bConst, "KConfigGroup::writeEntry", "writing to a read-only group"); config()->d_func()->putData(d->fullName(), key, value.isNull()? QByteArray(""): value, flags); }
QByteArray StarDictDictionaryManager::poPreviousWord(long *iCurrent) { // used by TopWin::PreviousCallback(); the iCurrent is cached by AppCore::TopWinWordChange(); QByteArray poCurrentWord = NULL; QVector<Dictionary *>::size_type iCurrentLib = 0; const char *word; for (QVector<Dictionary *>::size_type iLib = 0; iLib < d->dictionaryList.size(); ++iLib) { if (iCurrent[iLib] == invalidIndex) iCurrent[iLib] = articleCount(iLib); else { if ( iCurrent[iLib] > articleCount(iLib) || iCurrent[iLib] <= 0) continue; } if ( poCurrentWord.isNull() ) { poCurrentWord = key(iCurrent[iLib] - 1, iLib); iCurrentLib = iLib; } else { word = key(iCurrent[iLib] - 1, iLib); if (stardictStringCompare(poCurrentWord, word) < 0 ) { poCurrentWord = word; iCurrentLib = iLib; } } } if (!poCurrentWord.isEmpty()) { iCurrent[iCurrentLib]--; for (QVector<Dictionary *>::size_type iLib = 0; iLib < d->dictionaryList.size(); ++iLib) { if (iLib == iCurrentLib) continue; if (iCurrent[iLib] > articleCount(iLib) || iCurrent[iLib] <= 0) continue; if (poCurrentWord == key(iCurrent[iLib] - 1, iLib)) { iCurrent[iLib]--; } else { if (iCurrent[iLib] == articleCount(iLib)) iCurrent[iLib] = invalidIndex; } } } return poCurrentWord; }
void InitializationThread::selfTest(void) { const unsigned int cpu[4] = {CPU_TYPE_X86_GEN, CPU_TYPE_X86_SSE, CPU_TYPE_X64_GEN, CPU_TYPE_X64_SSE}; LockedFile::selfTest(); for(size_t k = 0; k < 4; k++) { qDebug("[TEST]"); switch(cpu[k]) { PRINT_CPU_TYPE(CPU_TYPE_X86_GEN); break; PRINT_CPU_TYPE(CPU_TYPE_X86_SSE); break; PRINT_CPU_TYPE(CPU_TYPE_X64_GEN); break; PRINT_CPU_TYPE(CPU_TYPE_X64_SSE); break; default: MUTILS_THROW("CPU support undefined!"); } unsigned int n = 0; for(int i = 0; true; i++) { if(!(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcName || g_lamexp_tools[i].pcHash || g_lamexp_tools[i].uiVersion)) { break; } else if(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcName && g_lamexp_tools[i].pcHash && g_lamexp_tools[i].uiVersion) { const QString toolName = QString::fromLatin1(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcName); const QByteArray expectedHash = QByteArray(g_lamexp_tools[i].pcHash); if(g_lamexp_tools[i].uiCpuType & cpu[k]) { qDebug("%02i -> %s", ++n, MUTILS_UTF8(toolName)); QFile resource(QString(":/tools/%1").arg(toolName)); if(!resource.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { qFatal("The resource for \"%s\" could not be opened!", MUTILS_UTF8(toolName)); break; } QByteArray hash = LockedFile::fileHash(resource); if(hash.isNull() || _stricmp(hash.constData(), expectedHash.constData())) { qFatal("Hash check for tool \"%s\" has failed!", MUTILS_UTF8(toolName)); break; } resource.close(); } } else { qFatal("Inconsistent checksum data detected. Take care!"); } } if(n != EXPECTED_TOOL_COUNT) { qFatal("Tool count mismatch for CPU type %u !!!", cpu[k]); } qDebug("Done.\n"); } }
void MjpegPlayer::readImg() { if (m_reply->bytesAvailable()) { QByteArray array = m_multiPartReader->read( m_reply->readAll() ); if ( !array.isNull() && m_currentPixmap->loadFromData(array)) { emit( frameReady(m_currentPixmap) ); } } }
void ComputeChecksum::slotCalculationDone() { QByteArray checksum = _watcher.future().result(); if (!checksum.isNull()) { emit done(_checksumType, checksum); } else { emit done(QByteArray(), QByteArray()); } }
QList<Course> IversityClient::courses(const QString &query) { QList<Course> list; QByteArray data; net::Uri::Path path; net::Uri::QueryParameters params; qCDebug(Iversity) << "Download started..."; if (data.isNull()) get( path, params, data); qCDebug(Iversity) << "Data received:" << data.length() << "bytes"; QJsonDocument root = QJsonDocument::fromJson(data); QVariantMap variant = root.toVariant().toMap(); QList<QVariant> courses = variant["courses"].toList(); qCDebug(Iversity) << "Element count:" << courses.length(); SearchEngine se(query); for (const QVariant &i : courses) { QVariantMap map = i.toMap(); Course course; course.id = map["id"].toString(); course.slug = map["url"].toString(); course.title = map["title"].toString(); course.description = map["description"].toString(); course.headline = map["subtitle"].toString(); course.art = map["cover"].toString(); course.link = map["url"].toString(); course.extra = grabExtra(map); course.video = map["trailer_video"].toString(); QList<QVariant> instructors = map["instructors"].toList(); for (const QVariant& j : instructors) { QVariantMap imap = j.toMap(); Instructor instr; instr.image = imap["image"].toString(); instr.bio = imap["biography"].toString(); instr.name = imap["name"].toString(); course.instructors.append(instr); } course.departments.append(map["discipline"].toString()); //qCDebug(Iversity) << "Category count: " << course.departments; //qCDebug(Iversity) << "Instr count: " << course.instructors.size(); if (query.isEmpty() || se.isMatch(course)) list.append(course); } return list; }
bool PluginTV::Init() { QByteArray ceSoir = TTSManager::CreateNewSound("Programme télé de ce soir", "claire"); if(ceSoir.isNull()) return false; ceSoirMessage = "MU " + ceSoir + "\nPL 3\nMW\n"; return true; }
void TlenAvatarService::avatarReady(ContactAccountData *contactAccountData, const QByteArray &avatar) { InProgress.removeAll(contactAccountData); if (avatar.isNull()) return; emit avatarFetched(contactAccountData, avatar); qDebug() << "Tlen Have Avatar" << contactAccountData->id(); }
QString SessionPrivate::readString(const QByteArray& data) const { QByteArray enc = encoding; if (enc.isNull()) enc = detectEncoding(data); QTextCodec *codec = QTextCodec::codecForName(enc); if (!codec) codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale(); return codec->toUnicode(data); }
qint64 TcpServerClient::send(QByteArray data) { if(!data.isNull()) { serverClientMessage(this, 7, data); return socket->write(data); } return 0; }