void GdbRemoteServerEngine::callTargetRemote() { QByteArray rawChannel = runParameters().remoteChannel.toLatin1(); QByteArray channel = rawChannel; // Don't touch channels with explicitly set protocols. if (!channel.startsWith("tcp:") && !channel.startsWith("udp:") && !channel.startsWith("file:") && channel.contains(':') && !channel.startsWith('|')) { // "Fix" the IPv6 case with host names without '['...']' if (!channel.startsWith('[') && channel.count(':') >= 2) { channel.insert(0, '['); channel.insert(channel.lastIndexOf(':'), ']'); } channel = "tcp:" + channel; } if (m_isQnxGdb) postCommand("target qnx " + channel, NoFlags, CB(handleTargetQnx)); else if (runParameters().multiProcess) postCommand("target extended-remote " + channel, NoFlags, CB(handleTargetExtendedRemote)); else postCommand("target remote " + channel, NoFlags, CB(handleTargetRemote)); }
void GdbRemoteServerEngine::callTargetRemote() { //m_breakHandler->clearBreakMarkers(); // "target remote" does three things: // (1) connects to the gdb server // (2) starts the remote application // (3) stops the remote application (early, e.g. in the dynamic linker) QByteArray channel = startParameters().remoteChannel.toLatin1(); // Don't touch channels with explicitly set protocols. if (!channel.startsWith("tcp:") && !channel.startsWith("udp:") && !channel.startsWith("file:") && channel.contains(':')) { // "Fix" the IPv6 case with host names without '['...']' if (!channel.startsWith('[') && channel.count(':') >= 2) { channel.insert(0, '['); channel.insert(channel.lastIndexOf(':'), ']'); } channel = "tcp:" + channel; } if (m_isQnxGdb) postCommand("target qnx " + channel, CB(handleTargetQnx)); else postCommand("target remote " + channel, CB(handleTargetRemote)); }
// convert MAC from hex string to binary // e.g. 00:11:22:dd:ee:ff -> 6-byte array QByteArray SettingDbus::macHex2Bin(const QByteArray &hexMac) { const int MAC_STR_LEN = 17; QByteArray ba = hexMac; if (ba.isEmpty()) { return ba; } // Check the MAC first and correct it. // Although fromHex() ignores invalid characters, it scans the array from // the end; so add missing zeroes to have even number of characters. for (int i = 0; i < MAC_STR_LEN; i++) { char ch = i < ba.size() ? ba.at(i) : ':'; int mod = i%3; if (mod != 2) { if (ch == ':') ba.insert(i-mod, "0"); else if (!isxdigit(ch)) ba[i] = '0'; } else { if (ch != ':') ba.insert(i, ":"); } } ba.resize(MAC_STR_LEN); return QByteArray::fromHex(ba); }
QByteArray WebSocketWorker::CreateFrame(WebSocketFrame::OpCode type, const QByteArray &payload) { QByteArray frame; int payloadSize = payload.length(); if (payloadSize >= qPow(2,64)) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker::CreateFrame() - Payload " "exceeds the allowed size for a single frame"); return frame; } if (type >= 0x08) { //if (!finalFrame) // SendClose(kCloseProtocolError, "Control frames MUST NOT be fragmented"); if (payloadSize > 125) { LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_ERR, "WebSocketWorker::CreateFrame() - Control frames MUST NOT have payload greater than 125bytes"); return frame; } } uint16_t header = 0; uint16_t extendedHeader = 0; // For payloads > 125 bytes uint64_t superHeader = 0; // For payloads > 65,535 bytes // Only support single frames for now header |= (1 << 15); // FIN (1 bit) // RSV 1 to RSV 3 (1 bit each) header |= (type << 8); // OpCode (4 bits) header |= (0 << 7); // Mask (1 bit) (Off) if (payloadSize < 126) { header |= payloadSize; frame.insert(2, payload.constData(), payloadSize); } else if (payloadSize <= 65535) { header |= 126; extendedHeader = payloadSize; frame.insert(4, payload.constData(), payloadSize); } else { header |= 127; superHeader = payloadSize; frame.insert(10, payload.constData(), payloadSize); } frame[0] = (uint8_t)((header >> 8) & 0xFF); frame[1] = (uint8_t)(header & 0xFF); if (extendedHeader > 0) { frame[2] = (extendedHeader >> 8) & 0xFF; frame[3] = extendedHeader & 0xFF; }
void UmlClass::addAssign(bool cte) { TRACE_FUNCTION; UmlOperation * op = UmlOperation::create(this, "operator="); if (op == 0) UmlCom::trace("can't add assignment contructor"); else { // add 'source' parameter UmlParameter param; param.name = "source"; param.dir = (cte) ? InputDirection : InputOutputDirection; param.type.type = this; op->addParameter(0, param); // set return type, add the parameter profile UmlTypeSpec t; t.type = this; op->set_ReturnType(t); QByteArray p = (cte) ? "const ${t0} & ${p0}" : "${t0} & ${p0}"; QByteArray s; int index; s = op->cppDecl(); if (s.isEmpty()) s = CppSettings::operationDecl(); if ((index = s.indexOf("${(}")) != -1) s.insert(index + 4, (const char *)p); //[rageek] cast because QByteArray if ((index = s.indexOf("${type}")) != -1) s.insert(index + 7, " &"); op->set_CppDecl(s); s = op->cppDef(); if (s.isEmpty()) s = CppSettings::operationDef(); if ((index = s.indexOf("${(}")) != -1) s.insert(index + 4, (const char *)p); //[rageek] cast because QByteArray if ((index = s.indexOf("${type}")) != -1) s.insert(index + 7, " &"); op->set_CppDef(s); } }
void UmlClass::addCopy(bool cte) { TRACE_FUNCTION; UmlOperation * op = UmlOperation::create(this, name()); if (op == 0) UmlCom::trace("can't add copy contructor"); else { // to see that it is a copy constructor op->set_Stereotype("copy"); // add 'source' parameter UmlParameter param; param.name = "source"; param.dir = (cte) ? InputDirection : InputOutputDirection; param.type.type = this; op->addParameter(0, param); // add the parameter profile, and // remove the useless "${type} " mainly to remove the space QByteArray p = (cte) ? "const ${t0} & ${p0}" : "${t0} & ${p0}"; QByteArray s; int index; s = op->cppDecl(); if (s.isEmpty()) s = CppSettings::operationDecl(); if ((index = s.indexOf("${(}")) != -1) s.insert(index + 4, (const char *)p); //[rageek] cast because QByteArray if ((index = s.indexOf("${type} ")) != -1) s.remove(index, 8); op->set_CppDecl(s); s = op->cppDef(); if (s.isEmpty()) s = CppSettings::operationDef(); if ((index = s.indexOf("${(}")) != -1) s.insert(index + 4, (const char *)p); //[rageek] cast because QByteArray if ((index = s.indexOf("${type} ")) != -1) s.remove(index, 8); op->set_CppDef(s); } }
// Add extra text in case of the empty line or the line starting with ')'. // Track such extra pieces of text in isInsideModifiedLine(). int forceIndentWithExtraText(QByteArray &buffer, const QTextBlock &block, bool secondTry) { const QString blockText = block.text(); int firstNonWhitespace = Utils::indexOf(blockText, [](const QChar &ch) { return !ch.isSpace(); }); int utf8Offset = Utils::Text::utf8NthLineOffset(block.document(), buffer, block.blockNumber() + 1); if (firstNonWhitespace > 0) utf8Offset += firstNonWhitespace; else utf8Offset += blockText.length(); const bool closingParenBlock = firstNonWhitespace >= 0 && blockText.at(firstNonWhitespace) == ')'; int extraLength = 0; if (firstNonWhitespace < 0 || closingParenBlock) { //This extra text works for the most cases. QByteArray dummyText("a;a;"); // Search for previous character QTextBlock prevBlock = block.previous(); bool prevBlockIsEmpty = prevBlock.position() > 0 && prevBlock.text().trimmed().isEmpty(); while (prevBlockIsEmpty) { prevBlock = prevBlock.previous(); prevBlockIsEmpty = prevBlock.position() > 0 && prevBlock.text().trimmed().isEmpty(); } if (closingParenBlock || prevBlock.text().endsWith(',')) dummyText = "&& a"; buffer.insert(utf8Offset, dummyText); extraLength += dummyText.length(); } if (secondTry) { int nextLinePos = buffer.indexOf('\n', utf8Offset); if (nextLinePos < 0) nextLinePos = buffer.size() - 1; if (nextLinePos > 0) { // If first try was not successful try to put ')' in the end of the line to close possibly // unclosed parentheses. // TODO: Does it help to add different endings depending on the context? buffer.insert(nextLinePos, ')'); extraLength += 1; } } return extraLength; }
void Output_Thread::Send(QByteArray out_data)//посылка данных { //реализовать добавление 0 после D7 в теле протокола quint8 i,j=3; //--------------------------------------------------- while((out_data.indexOf((char)0xD7,j))!=-1) { i=out_data.indexOf((char)0xD7,j); out_data.insert(i+1,(char)0x0); j=i+1; qDebug() << "D7 DETECTED"; } //--------------------------------------------------- if(port->isOpen()) { data=out_data; qint64 snd=port->write(data.data(),data.size()); qDebug() << "Write is : " << out_data.size() << " bytes"; if(snd==data.size()) { emit Send_OK(true);//передан весь буфер } else { emit Send_OK(false);//передан не весь буфер } } else { emit Send_OK(false);//порт был закрыт } usleep(2000); }
QByteArray CDataFrame::formatOutputDataStream() { QByteArray d; //***填充数据帧 int size = _data.size(); d.insert(0,_DLE_BYTE_); d.insert(1,_STX_BYTE_); d.insert(2,_command); d.insert(3,_data); d.insert(3+size,_crc); d.insert(4+size,_DLE_BYTE_); d.insert(5+size,_ETX_BYTE_); return d; }
QByteArray BtClient::translateBtKeyEvent(QByteArray base) { char length[1]; length[0] = (char) base.size(); base.insert(0, length, 1); return base; }
QString fingerprintify(const QByteArray &ba) { const QByteArray &baHex = ba.toHex(); QByteArray result = baHex; for (int i = baHex.size() - 2; i > 0; i -= 2) result.insert(i, ':'); return result; }
void HttpWindow::upload(QString _file) { this->uploadFlag = true; QString bound; QString crlf; QString data; QByteArray dataToSend; QFile file(_file); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); bound = "---------------------------7d935033608e2"; crlf = 0x0d; crlf += 0x0a; data = "--" + bound + crlf + "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"uploaded_file\"; "; data += "filename=\"" + file.fileName() + "\""; data += crlf + "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" + crlf + crlf; dataToSend.insert(0, data); dataToSend.append(file.readAll()); dataToSend.append(crlf + "--" + bound + "--" + crlf); //QUrl url(THE_REPO->getUrl() + "test.php"); QUrl url(THE_REPO->getUrl() + "uploader_FantaCalcGui.php"); QNetworkRequest * req = new QNetworkRequest(); req->setUrl(url); req->setHeader(QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader, "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + bound); file.close(); progressDialog->setLabelText( tr("Uploading %1.").arg(QFileInfo(file).fileName())); reply = qnam.post(*req, dataToSend); }
void Ffmpeg::saveSoundTrack(TSoundTrack *st) { m_sampleRate = st->getSampleRate(); m_channelCount = st->getChannelCount(); m_bitsPerSample = st->getBitPerSample(); // LONG count = st->getSampleCount(); int bufSize = st->getSampleCount() * st->getSampleSize(); const UCHAR *buffer = st->getRawData(); m_audioPath = getFfmpegCache().getQString() + "//" + QString::fromStdString(m_path.getName()) + "tempOut.raw"; m_audioFormat = "s" + QString::number(m_bitsPerSample); if (m_bitsPerSample > 8) m_audioFormat = m_audioFormat + "le"; std::string strPath = m_audioPath.toStdString(); QByteArray data; data.insert(0, (char *)buffer, bufSize); QFile file(m_audioPath); file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly); file.write(data); file.close(); m_hasSoundTrack = true; m_audioArgs << "-f"; m_audioArgs << m_audioFormat; m_audioArgs << "-ar"; m_audioArgs << QString::number(m_sampleRate); m_audioArgs << "-ac"; m_audioArgs << QString::number(m_channelCount); m_audioArgs << "-i"; m_audioArgs << m_audioPath; // add file to framesWritten for cleanup m_cleanUpList.push_back(m_audioPath); }
void FileSender::connected(void) { QByteArray data = id.toLocal8Bit(); data.insert(0, "FILE"); // insert indicator that this socket handles file transfer // send an id message and then wait for a START message // from receiver, which will trigger readyRead signal socket->write(data); }
void TcpClient::sendTestResultToServer(const StudentResult &result) { //create msg string QString studentResult = result.testName + divSymbol + result.firstName + divSymbol + result.secondName + divSymbol + result.surname + divSymbol + result.group + divSymbol + QString::number(result.score) + divSymbol + QString::number(result.maxPosibleScore); for (int i = 0; i < result.answerInfo.count(); i++) { studentResult += divSymbol; studentResult += result.answerInfo.at(i).statement; studentResult += divSymbol; studentResult += result.answerInfo.at(i).chosenAnswer; studentResult += divSymbol; studentResult += QString::number(result.answerInfo.at(i).isCorrectAnswer); studentResult += divSymbol; studentResult += QString::number(result.answerInfo.at(i).assurance); } //non latin symbols have more size then latin, //so string length != real symbols array size QByteArray bytes = studentResult.toUtf8(); //calculate msg sum int msgSize = headerMsgSize + bytes.length(); //put data to bytearray QByteArray arrBlock; arrBlock.fill(0, msgSize); arrBlock.insert(0, QString::number(msgSize)); arrBlock.insert(headerMsgSize, studentResult); arrBlock.resize(msgSize); //send data to server qDebug() << m_pTcpSocket->write(arrBlock); m_pTcpSocket->waitForBytesWritten(3000); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc <= 1) qFatal("Usage: %s FILES", argc ? argv[0] : "fixnonlatin1"); for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { QString fileName = QString::fromLocal8Bit(argv[i]); if ( fileName.endsWith(".gif") || fileName.endsWith(".jpg") || fileName.endsWith(".tif") || fileName.endsWith(".tiff") || fileName.endsWith(".png") || fileName.endsWith(".mng") || fileName.endsWith(".ico") || fileName.endsWith(".zip") || fileName.endsWith(".gz") || fileName.endsWith(".qpf") || fileName.endsWith(".ttf") || fileName.endsWith(".pfb") || fileName.endsWith(".exe") || fileName.endsWith(".nib") || fileName.endsWith(".o") ) continue; QFile file(fileName); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) qFatal("Cannot open '%s': %s", argv[i], qPrintable(file.errorString())); QByteArray ba = file.readAll(); bool mod = false; for (int j = 0; j < ba.count(); ++j) { uchar c = ba.at(j); if (c > 127) { ba[j] = '\\'; ba.insert(j + 1, QByteArray::number(c, 8).rightJustified(3, '0', true)); j += 3; mod = true; } } file.close(); if (!mod) continue; qWarning("found non-latin1 characters in '%s'", argv[i]); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { qWarning("Cannot open '%s' for writing: %s", argv[i], qPrintable(file.errorString())); continue; } if (file.write(ba) < 0) qFatal("Error while writing into '%s': %s", argv[i], qPrintable(file.errorString())); file.close(); } return 0; }
/*! * \param a Button pointer * \param ad Data * * Sets custom data for specified button. */ void IButtonBar::setActionData(QAction *a, action_data_t ad) { char data[sizeof(action_data_t)]; memcpy(data, (char*)&ad, sizeof(action_data_t)); QByteArray ba; ba.insert(0, data, sizeof(action_data_t)); a->setData(ba); }
void TcpClient::sendFilesGettingRequest() { QString cmd = cmdMsg; QByteArray bytes(cmd.toStdString().c_str()); //calculate msg sum int msgSize = headerMsgSize + bytes.length(); //put data to bytearray QByteArray arrBlock; arrBlock.fill(0, msgSize); arrBlock.insert(0, QString::number(msgSize)); arrBlock.insert(headerMsgSize, cmd); arrBlock.resize(msgSize); qDebug() << "client arr = " << arrBlock; //send data to server qDebug() << m_pTcpSocket->write(arrBlock); m_pTcpSocket->waitForBytesWritten(3000); }
// convert binary MAC to hex string (human readable) // e.g. 6-byte array -> 00:11:22:dd:ee:ff QByteArray SettingDbus::macBin2Hex(const QByteArray &binMac) { const int MAC_STR_LEN = 17; QByteArray ba = binMac; if (ba.isEmpty()) { return ba; } ba = ba.toHex().toUpper(); ba.insert(2, ':'); ba.insert(5, ':'); ba.insert(8, ':'); ba.insert(11, ':'); ba.insert(14, ':'); ba.resize(MAC_STR_LEN); return ba; }
void IsimControl::sendInstruction(quint8 length, quint8 instruction, float* params){ QByteArray* instructionByteArray = new QByteArray(); int instIndex = 0; /*Insert Start Index*/ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++, 0x55); } /*Insert ID, Length, Instruction*/ instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++,(char)(this->id) ); instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++, length); instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++, instruction); /*Insert Data*/ for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { bool isPostive; if (params[i] > 0){ isPostive = true; } else{ isPostive = false; params[i] = 0 - params[i]; } qint16 param_H ; qint16 param_L ; param_H = (qint16)(((int)(params[i])) % 10000); param_L = (qint16)(((int)(params[i] * 10000.0)) % 10000); if (isPostive){ } else{ param_H = -(param_H); param_L = -(param_L); } instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++, ((char*)¶m_H) , 2); instIndex++; instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++, ((char*)¶m_L) , 2); instIndex++; } /*Insert CheckSum*/ instructionByteArray->insert(instIndex++,0xFE); /*Send Data after checking port*/ if (xbee->isOpen()){ xbee->write(*instructionByteArray); xbee->waitForBytesWritten(-1); } else{ } delete(instructionByteArray); }
void UmlOperation::setParams(const char * s) { QByteArray d; int index; d = cppDecl(); if (((index = d.indexOf("${(}")) != -1) && (d.mid(index + 4, 4) == "${)}")) { d.insert(d.indexOf("${(}") + 4, s); set_CppDecl(d); } d = cppDef(); if (((index = d.indexOf("${(}")) != -1) && (d.mid(index + 4, 4) == "${)}")) { d.insert(d.indexOf("${(}") + 4, s); set_CppDef(d); } }
/** * Method called by plugins to generate a signature string from a base string * @param aBaseString The base string * @return The md5 hash of the base string */ QString FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::generateSignature(const QString aBaseString) { qDebug()<<"Inside FlickrContactFetcherPlugin::generateSignature()"; // Create md5 hash of the signature string QByteArray byteArray; byteArray.insert(0, aBaseString.toAscii()); QByteArray md5Hash = QCryptographicHash::hash(byteArray,QCryptographicHash::Md5 ).toHex(); QString returnString (md5Hash); qDebug()<<"generated signature = "<<QString(returnString); return returnString; }
void WebSocketOutput::write(QByteArray &bytes) { if (m_file) { if (m_firstWrite) { int pos = bytes.indexOf("\n"); bytes.insert(pos+1, "X-OwNet-CachedOn: " + QDateTime::currentDateTimeUtc().toString(Qt::ISODate) + "\r\n"); m_firstWrite = false; } m_file->write(bytes); } else if (m_socketHandler) m_socketHandler->write(bytes); }
void TcpClient::sendDownLoadFileRequest(const QString &filename) { qDebug() << "sendDownLoadFileRequest" << filename; if (!filename.isEmpty()) { //non latin symbols have more size then latin, //so string length != real symbols array size QByteArray bytes = filename.toUtf8(); //calculate msg sum int msgSize = headerMsgSize + downloadMsg.length() + bytes.length(); //put data to bytearray QByteArray arrBlock; arrBlock.fill(0, msgSize); arrBlock.insert(0, QString::number(msgSize)); arrBlock.insert(headerMsgSize, downloadMsg); arrBlock.insert(headerMsgSize + downloadMsg.length(), filename); arrBlock.resize(msgSize); //send data to server qDebug() << m_pTcpSocket->write(arrBlock); m_pTcpSocket->waitForBytesWritten(3000); } }
QString encodePassword(QString const &str) { if (!str.isEmpty()) { char tmp[4]; uint32_t t = QTime::currentTime().msecsSinceStartOfDay(); tmp[0] = t >> 24; tmp[1] = t >> 16; tmp[2] = t >> 8; tmp[3] = t; QByteArray ba = str.toUtf8(); ba.insert(0, tmp, 4); pseudo_crypto_encode(ba.data(), ba.size()); ba = ba.toHex(); return QString::fromUtf8(ba); }
//??? void Capture::readFrame() { //frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); //??? // ?????QImage?QImage::Format_RGB888??ò??? //img = QImage((const uchar*)frame->imageData,frame->width,frame->height,QImage::Format_RGB888); //ui->video_label->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(img)); //video_label??? //send_frame_flag?1?PC??? if(1 == send_frame_flag) { QByteArray buf; QBuffer buffer(&buf); buffer.open(QIODevice::ReadWrite); this->image.save(&buffer, "JPG"); qint64 res; ///111 if(take_photo_flag) { buf.insert(0,'y'); take_photo_flag=0; } else buf.insert(0,'n'); ///111 if((res = send_socket->writeDatagram(buf.data(),buf.size(),QHostAddress(""),port)) != buf.length()) { qDebug()<<"error"; return; } } //videoWrite(frame); }
void UmlOperation::java(QHash<QByteArray, QByteArray*> & prop) { QByteArray d = JavaSettings::operationDef(); QByteArray * v; if ((v = prop.value("Java/Final")) != 0) { if (*v == "TRUE") set_isJavaFinal(TRUE); prop.remove("Java/Final"); } if ((v = prop.value("Java/Synchronized")) != 0) { if (*v == "TRUE") set_isJavaSynchronized(TRUE); prop.remove("Java/Synchronized"); } if ((v = prop.value("Java/Static")) != 0) { if (*v == "TRUE") set_isClassMember(TRUE); prop.remove("Java/Static"); } if ((v = prop.value("Java/Abstract")) != 0) { if (*v == "TRUE") set_isAbstract(TRUE); prop.remove("Java/Abstract"); } if ((v = prop.value("Java/Strictfp")) != 0) { if (*v == "TRUE") { int index = d.indexOf("${final}"); if (index != -1) d.insert(index, "strictfp "); } prop.remove("Java/Strictfp"); } set_JavaDef(d); }
void UmlClass::addContructor(bool expl) { TRACE_FUNCTION; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.1"; UmlOperation * op = UmlOperation::create(this, name()); QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.2"; if (op == 0) UmlCom::trace("can't add contructor"); else { QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.3"; QByteArray s; int index; // remove the useless "${type} " mainly to remove the space s = op->cppDecl(); QLOG_INFO() << s; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.4"; if (s.isEmpty()) s = CppSettings::operationDecl(); QLOG_INFO() << s; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.5"; if ((index = s.indexOf("${type} ")) != -1) s.remove(index, 8); QLOG_INFO() << s; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.6"; if (expl && ((index = s.indexOf("${name}")) != -1)) s.insert(index, "explicit "); QLOG_INFO() << s; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.7"; op->set_CppDecl(s); QLOG_INFO() << s; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.8"; s = op->cppDef(); QLOG_INFO() << s; QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.81"; if (s.isEmpty()) s = CppSettings::operationDef(); QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.9"; if ((index = s.indexOf("${type} ")) != -1) s.remove(index, 8); QLOG_INFO() << "1.1.10"; op->set_CppDef(s); } }
QByteArray PublicKeyCrypto::boxAfterNM(const QByteArray &data, const QByteArray &nonce, const QByteArray &key) { if(key.length() != boxBeforeNMBytes) { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxAfterNM failed due to key length"; return QByteArray(); } if(nonce.length() != boxNonceBytes) { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxAfterNM failed due to nonce length"; return QByteArray(); } QByteArray message ;//= data.leftJustified(boxZeroBytes); message.resize(boxZeroBytes); message.insert(boxZeroBytes, data); unsigned char * msg = toUnsignedChar(message.data()); sodium_memzero(msg, boxZeroBytes); QByteArray cipher; size_t clen = message.length(); cipher.resize(clen); if((size_t)cipher.length() != clen) { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxAfterNM failed to resize ciphertext buffer"; return QByteArray(); } unsigned char *ctxt = toUnsignedChar(cipher.data()); int result = crypto_box_afternm( ctxt, (const unsigned char *)msg, message.length(), toConstUnsignedChar(nonce.constData()), toConstUnsignedChar(key.constData())); if(result == TEARS_SODIUM_SUCCESS) { // Skip box zero bytes return cipher.mid(boxBoxZeroBytes); } else { qDebug()<<"PublicKeyCrypto::boxAfterNM call to crypto_box_afternm() failed"; return QByteArray(); } }
QByteArray PublicKeyCrypto::boxOpenAfterNM(const QByteArray &cipherData, const QByteArray &nonce, const QByteArray &key) { if(key.length() != boxBeforeNMBytes) { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxOpenAfterNM failed due to key length"; return QByteArray(); } if(nonce.length() != boxNonceBytes) { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxOpenAfterNM failed due to nonce length"; return QByteArray(); } QByteArray ciphertext; ciphertext.resize(boxBoxZeroBytes); ciphertext.insert(boxBoxZeroBytes, cipherData); unsigned char * ctxt = toUnsignedChar(ciphertext.data()); sodium_memzero(ctxt, boxBoxZeroBytes); QByteArray message; message.resize(ciphertext.length()); if(message.length() != ciphertext.length()) { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxOpenAfterNM failed to allocate message buffer."; return QByteArray(); } int result = crypto_box_open_afternm( toUnsignedChar(message.data()), ctxt, ciphertext.length(), toConstUnsignedChar(nonce.constData()), toConstUnsignedChar(key.constData()) ); if(result == TEARS_SODIUM_SUCCESS) { // Skip zero bytes return message.mid(boxZeroBytes); } else { qDebug()<< "PublicKeyCrypto::boxOpenAfterNM call to crypto_box_open_afternm() failed."; return QByteArray(); } }