QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \internal Decode a data: URL into its mimetype and payload. Returns a null string if the URL could not be decoded. */ Q_CORE_EXPORT QPair<QString, QByteArray> qDecodeDataUrl(const QUrl &uri) { QString mimeType; QByteArray payload; if (uri.scheme() == QLatin1String("data") && uri.host().isEmpty()) { mimeType = QLatin1String("text/plain;charset=US-ASCII"); // the following would have been the correct thing, but // reality often differs from the specification. People have // data: URIs with ? and # //QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(uri.encodedPath()); QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromPercentEncoding(uri.toEncoded()); // remove the data: scheme data.remove(0, 5); // parse it: int pos = data.indexOf(','); if (pos != -1) { payload = data.mid(pos + 1); data.truncate(pos); data = data.trimmed(); // find out if the payload is encoded in Base64 if (data.endsWith(";base64")) { payload = QByteArray::fromBase64(payload); data.chop(7); } if (data.toLower().startsWith("charset")) { int i = 7; // strlen("charset") while (data.at(i) == ' ') ++i; if (data.at(i) == '=') data.prepend("text/plain;"); } if (!data.isEmpty()) mimeType = QLatin1String(data.trimmed()); } } return QPair<QString,QByteArray>(mimeType,payload); }
static void parseSharedLibs(const QByteArray &buffer, QStringList *libs) { #if defined(_WIN32) QList<QByteArray> lines = buffer.trimmed().split('\r'); #else QList<QByteArray> lines = buffer.trimmed().split('\n'); #endif foreach (const QByteArray &line, lines) { if (line.contains("(NEEDED)") && line.contains("Shared library:") ) { const int pos = line.lastIndexOf('[') + 1; (*libs) << QString::fromLatin1(line.mid(pos, line.length() - pos - 1)); } } }
void Oinv_cgrid::set_transparency( const QString& str ) { for( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { volrend_colormap_->colorMap.set1Value( 4*i+3, 1.0f ); } if( !cmap_ || str.isEmpty() ) return; float min = cmap_->lower_bound(); float max = cmap_->upper_bound(); if( min == max ) return; QString cleaned_intervals; const float alpha = 0.01f; // volrend_colormap_->colorMap.set1Value( 3, alpha ); // volrend_colormap_->colorMap.set1Value( 7, alpha ); QStringList intervals_str = str.split( ";", QString::SkipEmptyParts); QStringList::Iterator it = intervals_str.begin(); for ( ; it != intervals_str.end(); ++it ) { QStringList interval_str = (*it).split( ",",QString::SkipEmptyParts); if( interval_str.size() != 2 ) continue; cleaned_intervals += interval_str[0] + " , " + interval_str[1] + " ; "; QByteArray tmp = interval_str[0].toLatin1(); float low = std::max( tmp.trimmed().toFloat(), min ); tmp = interval_str[1].toLatin1(); float high= std::min( tmp.trimmed().toFloat(), max ); int a= (low - min) / ( max - min ) * 255; int b= (high - min) / ( max - min ) * 255; appli_assert( a >=0 && b < 256 ); for( int i = a; i <= b; i++ ) { volrend_colormap_->colorMap.set1Value( 4*i+3, alpha ); } } std::map< std::string, QString >::iterator found = transparency_map_.find( current_property_name_ ); if( found == transparency_map_.end() ) transparency_map_.insert( std::make_pair( current_property_name_, cleaned_intervals) ); else { found->second = cleaned_intervals; } }
static void readQuality(U2OpStatus& os, IOAdapter *io, QByteArray &sequence, int count) { QByteArray buffArray(DocumentFormat::READ_BUFF_SIZE + 1, 0); char* buff = buffArray.data(); // reading quality sequence, ignoring whitespace at the beginning and the end of lines int readed = 0; while (!io->isEof() && (readed < count)) { bool eolnFound = false; int readedCount = io->readUntil(buff, DocumentFormat::READ_BUFF_SIZE, TextUtils::LINE_BREAKS, IOAdapter::Term_Include, &eolnFound); CHECK_EXT(readedCount >= 0, os.setError(U2::FastqFormat::tr("Error while reading sequence")),); QByteArray trimmed = QByteArray(buffArray.data(), readedCount); trimmed = trimmed.trimmed(); int qualitySize = sequence.size() + trimmed.size(); if (eolnFound && (qualitySize > count)) { // read quality sequence name line, reverting back io->skip(-readedCount); return; } sequence.append(trimmed); CHECK_OP(os,); } }
void HttpLabel::networkReplyFinished(QNetworkReply * reply) { QByteArray data = reply->readAll(); qDebug() << "HttpLabel::networkReplyFinished" << data.trimmed(); setText(d->pattern.arg(((QString)data).trimmed())); d->timer.start(d->interval, this); }
void UCHome_Main_SiteConst::clean_my_name_lable() { //<my:name uid="1673222" /> //<my:name uid="1673222"></my:name> //QString unis = this->codec->toUnicode(this->feed_page_html); //QByteArray u8s = this->u8codec->fromUnicode(unis); //unis = u8s; QByteArray tarr = this->feed_page_html; QRegExp exp1 ("<my:name uid=\"[0-9]{1,12}\" />"); QRegExp exp2 ( "<my:name uid=\"[0-9]{1,12}\"></my:name>"); tarr = tarr.trimmed(); if(tarr.startsWith("f5b")) { tarr = tarr.right(tarr.length()-3); } if(tarr.endsWith("0")) { tarr = tarr.left(tarr.length()-1); } //unis = unis.replace(exp1, QString("")); //unis = unis.replace(exp2, QString("")); //u8s = this->u8codec->fromUnicode(unis); QString unis = this->codec->toUnicode(tarr); this->feed_page_utf8_html = this->u8codec->fromUnicode(unis); this->feed_page_utf8_html = this->u8codec->fromUnicode(this->codec->toUnicode(this->feed_page_html)); }
//当客户端发送消息时触发的槽函数 void MainWindow::Ser_dataReceive() { //用于保存消息的临时对象 QByteArray message; //从tcpSocket获取消息 message=tcpSocket->readAll(); //向infopad追加状态信息 ui->infoPad->append(tcpSocket->peerAddress().toString()+":"); //向infopad追加状态信息 ui->infoPad->append("\t"+message); //在这里可以完成规则检查或协议解析过程 //目前并没有考虑协议优化等 //目前使用的不是一个较好的协议,而是字符串协议 //以下为命令解析的过程,解析成功返回SUCCESS,失败返回FAIL if( Ser_cmd_parser(message.trimmed())==Utils::SUCCESS) { //调试信息 qDebug()<<"SER:parser ok"; } else { //调试信息 qDebug()<<"SER:parser fail"; } //send back message or something other //调试信息 //tcpSocket->write(message); //调试信息 qDebug()<<"Ser:server receive ok"; }
/** * @brief Create an AWS V3 Signature canonical header string. * * @note Amazon documentation does not specify how to handle whitespace within * quotes for V3 signatures, so here we use the same approach as V3 * signatures. That is: * * In canonical form, header name and value are combined with a single semi-colon * separator, with all whitespace removed from both, _except_ for whitespace within * double-quotes. * * @note This function is only applicable to the `AWS3` format, not `AWS3-HTTPS`. * * @param headerName Name of the HTTP header to convert to canonical form. * @param headerValue Value of the HTTP header to convert to canonical form. * * @return An AWS V3 Signature canonical header string. * * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazonswf/latest/developerguide/HMACAuth-swf.html * @see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/sigV4-create-canonical-request.html * @see canonicalHeaders */ QByteArray AwsSignatureV3Private::canonicalHeader(const QByteArray &headerName, const QByteArray &headerValue) const { QByteArray header = headerName.toLower() + ':'; const QByteArray trimmedHeaderValue = headerValue.trimmed(); bool isInQuotes = false; char previousChar = '\0'; for (int index = 0; index < trimmedHeaderValue.size(); ++index) { char thisChar = trimmedHeaderValue.at(index); header += thisChar; if (isInQuotes) { if ((thisChar == '"') && (previousChar != '\\')) isInQuotes = false; } else { if ((thisChar == '"') && (previousChar != '\\')) { isInQuotes = true; } else if (isspace(thisChar)) { while ((index < trimmedHeaderValue.size()-1) && (isspace(trimmedHeaderValue.at(index+1)))) ++index; } } previousChar = thisChar; } return header; }
void tst_QUdpSocket::outOfProcessUnconnectedClientServerTest() { #if defined(Q_OS_WINCE) QSKIP("This test depends on reading data from QProcess (not supported on Qt/WinCE.", SkipAll); #endif #if defined(QT_NO_PROCESS) QSKIP("Qt was compiled with QT_NO_PROCESS", SkipAll); #else QProcess serverProcess; serverProcess.start(QLatin1String("clientserver/clientserver server 1 1"), QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text); // Wait until the server has started and reports success. while (!serverProcess.canReadLine()) QVERIFY(serverProcess.waitForReadyRead(3000)); QByteArray serverGreeting = serverProcess.readLine(); QVERIFY(serverGreeting != QByteArray("XXX\n")); int serverPort = serverGreeting.trimmed().toInt(); QVERIFY(serverPort > 0 && serverPort < 65536); QProcess clientProcess; clientProcess.start(QString::fromLatin1("clientserver/clientserver unconnectedclient %1 %2") .arg(QLatin1String("")).arg(serverPort), QIODevice::ReadWrite | QIODevice::Text); // Wait until the server has started and reports success. while (!clientProcess.canReadLine()) QVERIFY(clientProcess.waitForReadyRead(3000)); QByteArray clientGreeting = clientProcess.readLine(); QCOMPARE(clientGreeting, QByteArray("ok\n")); // Let the client and server talk for 3 seconds QTest::qWait(3000); QStringList serverData = QString::fromLocal8Bit(serverProcess.readAll()).split("\n"); QStringList clientData = QString::fromLocal8Bit(clientProcess.readAll()).split("\n"); QVERIFY(serverData.size() > 5); QVERIFY(clientData.size() > 5); for (int i = 0; i < clientData.size() / 2; ++i) { QCOMPARE(clientData.at(i * 2), QString("readData()")); QCOMPARE(serverData.at(i * 3), QString("readData()")); QString cdata = clientData.at(i * 2 + 1); QString sdata = serverData.at(i * 3 + 1); QVERIFY(cdata.startsWith(QLatin1String("got "))); QCOMPARE(cdata.mid(4).trimmed().toInt(), sdata.mid(4).trimmed().toInt() * 2); QVERIFY(serverData.at(i * 3 + 2).startsWith(QLatin1String("sending "))); QCOMPARE(serverData.at(i * 3 + 2).trimmed().mid(8).toInt(), sdata.mid(4).trimmed().toInt() * 2); } clientProcess.kill(); QVERIFY(clientProcess.waitForFinished()); serverProcess.kill(); QVERIFY(serverProcess.waitForFinished()); #endif }
static void readSequence(U2OpStatus& os, IOAdapter *io, QByteArray &sequence, char readUntil = '+') { QByteArray buffArray(DocumentFormat::READ_BUFF_SIZE + 1, 0); char* buff = buffArray.data(); // reading until readUntil symbol i.e. quality or dna sequence name start, ignoring whitespace at the beginning and the end of lines while (!io->isEof()) { bool eolnFound = false; int readedCount = io->readUntil(buff, DocumentFormat::READ_BUFF_SIZE, TextUtils::LINE_BREAKS, IOAdapter::Term_Include, &eolnFound); CHECK_EXT(!io->hasError(), os.setError(io->errorString()), ); CHECK_EXT(readedCount >= 0, os.setError(U2::FastqFormat::tr("Error while reading sequence")),); QByteArray trimmed = QByteArray(buffArray.data(), readedCount); trimmed = trimmed.trimmed(); if (eolnFound && checkFirstSymbol(trimmed, readUntil)) { // read quality sequence name line, reverting back io->skip(-readedCount); if (io->hasError()) { os.setError(io->errorString()); } return; } sequence.append(trimmed); CHECK_OP(os,); } if (io->hasError()) { os.setError(io->errorString()); } }
int SqlQuery::prepare(const QByteArray &sql, bool allow_failure) { _sql = sql.trimmed(); if (_stmt) { finish(); } if (!_sql.isEmpty()) { int n = 0; int rc; do { rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(_db, _sql.constData(), -1, &_stmt, 0); if ((rc == SQLITE_BUSY) || (rc == SQLITE_LOCKED)) { n++; OCC::Utility::usleep(SQLITE_SLEEP_TIME_USEC); } } while ((n < SQLITE_REPEAT_COUNT) && ((rc == SQLITE_BUSY) || (rc == SQLITE_LOCKED))); _errId = rc; if (_errId != SQLITE_OK) { _error = QString::fromUtf8(sqlite3_errmsg(_db)); qCWarning(lcSql) << "Sqlite prepare statement error:" << _error << "in" << _sql; ENFORCE(allow_failure, "SQLITE Prepare error"); } else { ASSERT(_stmt); _sqldb->_queries.insert(this); } } return _errId; }
QString ddMainWindow::getEnvPath(int type) { QString env = ""; switch (type) { case eSDCARD: env = "$EXTERNAL_STORAGE"; break; case eDATA: env = "$ANDROID_DATA"; break; case eSDCARD_EXT: env = "$EXTERNAL_STORAGE2"; break; } QProcess proc; QString cmd = "adb"; QStringList argAdb; argAdb << "shell" << "echo" << env ; proc.start(cmd, argAdb); qDebug() << " pid =" << proc.pid() << " process started" ; if (!proc.waitForFinished()) return false; QByteArray res = proc.readLine(); return res.trimmed(); }
void AsteriskManager::onReadyRead() { QRegExp keyValue("^([A-Za-z0-9\\-]+):\\s(.+)$"); QByteArray line; qDebug("<ami>"); while (canReadLine()) { line = readLine(); qDebug() << line.trimmed(); if (line != "\r\n") { if (keyValue.indexIn(line) > -1) { packetBuffer[keyValue.cap(1)] = stringValue(keyValue.cap(2).trimmed()); } else if (line.startsWith("Asterisk Call Manager")) { version_ = line.replace("Asterisk Call Manager/", QByteArray()).trimmed(); emit connected(version_); } } else if (!packetBuffer.isEmpty()) { dispatchPacket(); } } qDebug("</ami>"); }
bool mdtCsvFile::readLines(QByteArray separator, QByteArray dataProtection, QByteArray comment) { Q_ASSERT(separator != dataProtection); Q_ASSERT(separator != comment); Q_ASSERT(dataProtection != comment); QByteArray line; // Check if file was open if(!isOpen()){ setErrorString(tr("mdtCsvFile::readLines(): file is not open")); return false; } // Clear previous results clear(); // Travel the file while(!atEnd()){ // Read a line line = readLine(); // Remove begin and end whit space, end of line, etc... line = line.trimmed(); if(line.size() > 0){ // Check about comments if((comment.size() > 0)&&(line.startsWith(comment))){ continue; } // Parse the block pvLines << parseLine(line, separator, dataProtection); } } return true; }
void BcRequest::onProcessFinished() { qDebug() << "BC: Process finished"; QByteArray out; if (proc_->bytesAvailable() > 1024 ) { plugin()->reply(stanza(), "sorry, result is too long"); deleteLater(); return; } out.append( proc_->readAllStandardOutput() ); out.append( proc_->readAllStandardError() ); QString msg(out.trimmed()); int i = msg.length(); if (i <= 0 ) { deleteLater(); return; } if (msg.indexOf('.') != -1) { while (i--) { if (msg.at(i) != '0') break; } if (msg.at(i) != '.') i++; } plugin()->reply( stanza(), QString(msg.left(i).toUtf8()).trimmed()); deleteLater(); }
qreal MStyleSheetAttribute::attributeToFloat(const QByteArray &attribute, bool *conversionOk) { QByteArray value = attribute.trimmed(); if (attribute.endsWith(units[PIXELS_UNIT])) { // strip "px" from the end value.truncate(value.length() - 2); return value.toFloat(conversionOk); } if (attribute.endsWith(units[MM_UNIT])) { // strip "mm" from the end value.truncate(value.length() - 2); return MDeviceProfile::instance()->mmToPixelsF(value.toFloat(conversionOk)); } if (attribute.endsWith(units[PT_UNIT])) { // strip "pt" from the end value.truncate(value.length() - 2); return MDeviceProfile::instance()->ptToPixelsF(value.toFloat(conversionOk)); } return value.toFloat(conversionOk); }
void Asterisk::onSocketReadyRead() { // qDebug("<ready-read>"); QVariantHash headers; while (socket.canReadLine()) { QByteArray line = socket.readLine(); // qDebug() << "Line:" << line; if (line != "\r\n") { QStringList header = QString(line.trimmed()).split(':'); headers.insertMulti(header[0], decodeValue(header[1].trimmed())); } else { if (headers.contains("Response")) responses.insert(headers.take("ActionID").toString(), headers); else if (headers.contains("Event")) emit eventReceived(headers.take("Event").toString(), headers); headers.clear(); } } // qDebug("</ready-read>"); }
QVariantHash FSTReader::parseMapping(QIODevice* device) { QVariantHash properties; QByteArray line; while (!(line = device->readLine()).isEmpty()) { if ((line = line.trimmed()).startsWith('#')) { continue; // comment } QList<QByteArray> sections = line.split('='); if (sections.size() < 2) { continue; } QByteArray name = sections.at(0).trimmed(); if (sections.size() == 2) { properties.insertMulti(name, sections.at(1).trimmed()); } else if (sections.size() == 3) { QVariantHash heading = properties.value(name).toHash(); heading.insertMulti(sections.at(1).trimmed(), sections.at(2).trimmed()); properties.insert(name, heading); } else if (sections.size() >= 4) { QVariantHash heading = properties.value(name).toHash(); QVariantList contents; for (int i = 2; i < sections.size(); i++) { contents.append(sections.at(i).trimmed()); } heading.insertMulti(sections.at(1).trimmed(), contents); properties.insert(name, heading); } } return properties; }
void RawTextGui::ExecuteFile() { bool ok; uint i=0; QByteArray ascii_hex_val; QByteArray response; QByteArray byte; QList<QByteArray> byte_list; QString qmsg_start ="Exec: ASCII Script..."; QString qmsg_success = "Exec: ASCII Script...Success!"; QString str = "%1 | raw bytes text: %2 tx: %3 rx: %4"; QString qmsg; uint d; QFile file(raw_file->text()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QCoreApplication::sendEvent(parent->parent, new BPStatusMsgEvent(qmsg_start)); ascii_hex_val = file.readAll().trimmed(); byte_list = ascii_hex_val.replace('\n', ' ').split(' '); while(!byte_list.isEmpty()) { byte = byte_list.takeFirst(); d = byte.trimmed().toUShort(&ok, 0); response = parent->bp->command(d); qmsg = str.arg(i++, 3, 10, QChar('0')).arg(byte.data()) .arg(d, 3, 10, QChar('0')).arg(response.toHex().data()); QCoreApplication::sendEvent(this, new AsciiHexLogMsgEvent(qmsg)); } QCoreApplication::sendEvent(parent->parent, new BPStatusMsgEvent(qmsg_success)); }
QStringList Helper::loadTextFile(QSharedPointer<QFile> file, bool trim_lines, QChar skip_header_char, bool skip_empty_lines) { QStringList output; while (!file->atEnd()) { QByteArray line = file->readLine(); //remove newline or trim if (trim_lines) { line = line.trimmed(); } else { while (line.endsWith('\n') || line.endsWith('\r')) line.chop(1); } //skip empty lines if (skip_empty_lines && line.count()==0) continue; //skip header lines if (skip_header_char!=QChar::Null && line.count()!=0 && line[0]==skip_header_char.toLatin1()) continue; output.append(line); } return output; }
ImapMailbox *ImapPrivate::parseMessages (ImapMailbox *mailbox) { QByteArray response; while (true) { // Read Message response.clear(); do { if (response.size() > 0) { response.remove(response.lastIndexOf('}'), response.size() - response.lastIndexOf('{')); } response.append(readLine()); } while (isMultiline(response)); // Break if End Response Found. if (isResponseEnd(response)) break; // Parse and Add Message to Mailbox ImapMessage *message = _imapParseMessage(response.trimmed()); if (message != NULL) mailbox->addMessage(message); } return(mailbox); }
static void readLine( IOAdapter* io, QByteArray& to, QStringList* tokens = NULL ) { assert( NULL != io ); to.clear(); QByteArray buf( BUF_SZ, TERM_SYM ); bool there = false; int bytes = 0; while( !there ) { int ret = io->readUntil( buf.data(), BUF_SZ, TextUtils::LINE_BREAKS, IOAdapter::Term_Include, &there ); if( 0 > ret ) { throw QString( "read_error_occurred" ); } if( 0 == ret ) { break; } to.append( QByteArray( buf.data(), ret ) ); bytes += ret; } to = to.trimmed(); if( 0 == bytes ) { throw QString( "unexpected_end_of_file_found" ); } if( NULL != tokens ) { *tokens = QString( to ).split( QRegExp( "\\s+" ), QString::SkipEmptyParts ); } }
void ScrobSocket::onReadyRead() { QByteArray bytes = readAll(); if (bytes != "OK\n") qWarning() << bytes.trimmed(); disconnectFromHost(); }
void ServerCliant::ExecuteCommand(QByteArray ClientCommand) { try { QByteArray Command = ""; QByteArray Arg = ""; if(ClientCommand.contains(" ")) { //Contains arquments int pos = ClientCommand.indexOf(" "); Command = ClientCommand.mid(0,pos).trimmed(); Arg = ClientCommand.mid(pos + 1); } else { //No arquments Command = ClientCommand.trimmed(); } qDebug() << "ServerReplay: " << Command << " " << Arg<<"\n"; if(Command=="INIT") { DoINIT(Arg.trimmed()); } else if(Command=="DOWNSTART") { DoNewDownload(Arg); } } catch(QString err) { //SendResponse(550,err); } catch(...) { //SendResponse(550,"Unknown error in ExecuteCommand()"); } }
UsbIds::UsbIds(QObject *parent): QObject(parent) { QFile file(":/libuvc/share/usbdb/usb.ids"); file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); QByteArray line; bool end = false; while (!end && !file.atEnd()) { line = file.readLine().trimmed(); if (line.startsWith('#') || line.isEmpty()) continue; auto start = line.indexOf(' '); auto vendorId = quint16(line.mid(0, start).toUInt(Q_NULLPTR, 16)); auto vendor = line.mid(start).trimmed(); QMap<quint16, QString> products; while (!file.atEnd()) { auto pos = file.pos(); line = file.readLine(); if (!line.startsWith('\t')) { if (line.trimmed().isEmpty()) end = true; file.seek(pos); break; } line = line.trimmed(); auto start = line.indexOf(' '); auto productId = quint16(line.mid(0, start).toUInt(Q_NULLPTR, 16)); auto product = line.mid(start).trimmed(); products[productId] = product; } this->m_ids << UsbIdsElement {vendorId, vendor, products}; } file.close(); }
void TorControlSocket::sendCommand(TorControlCommand *command, const QByteArray &data) { commandQueue.append(command); Q_ASSERT(data.endsWith("\r\n")); write(data); qDebug() << "torctrl: Sent" << data.trimmed(); }
bool DiagnosticsDialog::isPCSCRunning() { #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX QByteArray result = runProcess( "pidof", QStringList() << "pcscd" ); #else QByteArray result = runProcess( "sh -c \"ps ax | grep -v grep | grep pcscd\"" ); #endif return !result.trimmed().isEmpty(); }
QString blockify(const QByteArray& s) { const char* indent = "\n | "; QByteArray block = s.trimmed(); block.replace('\n', indent); block.prepend(indent); block.append('\n'); return block; }
QStringList Registry::readExcludedKeys(const QString sysfile, const QString path, const QStringList keys, const int count) const{ QStringList ret; QString searchPath; searchPath="["; searchPath.append(path); searchPath.append("]"); searchPath.replace("\\","\\\\"); QString sfile = regfile; sfile.append(sysfile); sfile.append(".reg"); QFile file(sfile); if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)){ qDebug()<<" [EE] Can't open reg file: "<<regfile; return ret; } bool readFlag=false; int readed=1; while (!file.atEnd()) { QByteArray line = file.readLine(); if ((readFlag) && (!line.trimmed().isEmpty())){ QList<QByteArray> key = line.trimmed().split('='); int index = keys.indexOf(key.at(0)); if (index==-1){ ret.append(line.trimmed()); readed++; if (readed>count) return ret; } } else { if ((line.indexOf(searchPath)>-1) and (!readFlag)) readFlag=true; } if (((line=="\n") or (line.isEmpty())) and (readFlag)) readFlag=false; } return ret; }
void HTTPConnection::readHeaders() { while (_socket->canReadLine()) { QByteArray line = _socket->readLine(); QByteArray trimmed = line.trimmed(); if (trimmed.isEmpty()) { _socket->disconnect(this, SLOT(readHeaders())); QByteArray clength = requestHeader("Content-Length"); if (clength.isEmpty()) { _parentManager->handleHTTPRequest(this, _requestUrl); } else { bool success = false; auto length = clength.toInt(&success); if (!success) { qWarning() << "Invalid header." << _address << trimmed; respond("400 Bad Request", "The header was malformed."); return; } // Storing big requests in memory gets expensive, especially on servers // with limited memory. So we store big requests in a temporary file on disk // and map it to faster read/write access. static const int MAX_CONTENT_SIZE_IN_MEMORY = 10 * 1000 * 1000; if (length < MAX_CONTENT_SIZE_IN_MEMORY) { _requestContent = MemoryStorage::make(length); } else { _requestContent = FileStorage::make(length); } connect(_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(readContent())); // read any content immediately available readContent(); } return; } char first = line.at(0); if (first == ' ' || first == '\t') { // continuation _requestHeaders[_lastRequestHeader].append(trimmed); continue; } int idx = trimmed.indexOf(':'); if (idx == -1) { qWarning() << "Invalid header." << _address << trimmed; respond("400 Bad Request", "The header was malformed."); return; } _lastRequestHeader = trimmed.left(idx).toLower(); QByteArray& value = _requestHeaders[_lastRequestHeader]; if (!value.isEmpty()) { value.append(", "); } value.append(trimmed.mid(idx + 1).trimmed()); } }