void cSpace::movePointOutsideCSpace(btVector3& pt) { float angle=0; float zHeight = pt.z(); pt.setZ(0); btVector3 nudge(0.01,0,0); btVector3 npt = pt; while(isPointInsideCSpace(npt)) // check if the point is inside of the object { npt = pt + nudge.rotate(btVector3(0,0,1),angle); // calculate a new point a radius of vector nudge away at angle angle -= 0.2; // in radians, CCW search direction if(angle < -PI) { // if the search has gone a full rotation nudge.setX(nudge.x() + 0.01); // add another centemeter to the search vector radius if(nudge.length() > 1) { qDebug("Nudge length is greater than 1"); break; } angle = 0; } } pt = npt; pt.setZ(zHeight); }
btScalar btSphereBoxCollisionAlgorithm::getSpherePenetration( btVector3 const &boxHalfExtent, btVector3 const &sphereRelPos, btVector3 &closestPoint, btVector3& normal ) { //project the center of the sphere on the closest face of the box btScalar faceDist = boxHalfExtent.getX() - sphereRelPos.getX(); btScalar minDist = faceDist; closestPoint.setX( boxHalfExtent.getX() ); normal.setValue(btScalar(1.0f), btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(0.0f)); faceDist = boxHalfExtent.getX() + sphereRelPos.getX(); if (faceDist < minDist) { minDist = faceDist; closestPoint = sphereRelPos; closestPoint.setX( -boxHalfExtent.getX() ); normal.setValue(btScalar(-1.0f), btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(0.0f)); } faceDist = boxHalfExtent.getY() - sphereRelPos.getY(); if (faceDist < minDist) { minDist = faceDist; closestPoint = sphereRelPos; closestPoint.setY( boxHalfExtent.getY() ); normal.setValue(btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(1.0f), btScalar(0.0f)); } faceDist = boxHalfExtent.getY() + sphereRelPos.getY(); if (faceDist < minDist) { minDist = faceDist; closestPoint = sphereRelPos; closestPoint.setY( -boxHalfExtent.getY() ); normal.setValue(btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(-1.0f), btScalar(0.0f)); } faceDist = boxHalfExtent.getZ() - sphereRelPos.getZ(); if (faceDist < minDist) { minDist = faceDist; closestPoint = sphereRelPos; closestPoint.setZ( boxHalfExtent.getZ() ); normal.setValue(btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(1.0f)); } faceDist = boxHalfExtent.getZ() + sphereRelPos.getZ(); if (faceDist < minDist) { minDist = faceDist; closestPoint = sphereRelPos; closestPoint.setZ( -boxHalfExtent.getZ() ); normal.setValue(btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(0.0f), btScalar(-1.0f)); } return minDist; }
void btConeTwistConstraint::adjustSwingAxisToUseEllipseNormal(btVector3& vSwingAxis) const { // the swing axis is computed as the "twist-free" cone rotation, // but the cone limit is not circular, but elliptical (if swingspan1 != swingspan2). // so, if we're outside the limits, the closest way back inside the cone isn't // along the vector back to the center. better (and more stable) to use the ellipse normal. // convert swing axis to direction from center to surface of ellipse // (ie. rotate 2D vector by PI/2) btScalar y = -vSwingAxis.z(); btScalar z = vSwingAxis.y(); // do the math... if (fabs(z) > SIMD_EPSILON) // avoid division by 0. and we don't need an update if z == 0. { // compute gradient/normal of ellipse surface at current "point" btScalar grad = y/z; grad *= m_swingSpan2 / m_swingSpan1; // adjust y/z to represent normal at point (instead of vector to point) if (y > 0) y = fabs(grad * z); else y = -fabs(grad * z); // convert ellipse direction back to swing axis vSwingAxis.setZ(-y); vSwingAxis.setY( z); vSwingAxis.normalize(); } }
// dir = 1 for CCW search or clockwise around obstacle // dir = -1 for CW search or counter clockwise around obstacle bool cSpace::movePointAroundCSpace(btVector3& pt, btVector3 startVect, float stpMag, int dir) { float angle=0; float zHeight = pt.z(); pt.setZ(0); btVector3 nudge = stpMag * startVect.normalize(); btVector3 npt = pt + nudge; while(isPointInsideCSpace(npt)) // check if the point is inside of the object { npt = pt + nudge.rotate(btVector3(0,0,1),angle); // calculate a new point a radius of vector nudge away at angle angle += (dir * 0.1); // in radians if(fabs(angle) > TWOPI) // if the search has gone a full rotation return false; // and there is no path outside a C-Space return false, stuck } pt = npt; pt.setZ(zHeight); return true; }
ItemController::ItemController(btVector3 position, std::weak_ptr<PhysicsWorld> world, TroenGame* troenGame, LevelView* levelView) { AbstractController(); m_type = (ItemController::Type) (int) floor(randf(0, COUNT)); m_position = position; m_troenGame = troenGame; osg::Vec3 viewDimensions = getDimensions(); btVector3 modelDimensions(viewDimensions.x(), viewDimensions.y(), 10); position.setZ(position.z() + viewDimensions.z() / 2.f); m_model = m_itemModel = std::make_shared<ItemModel>(modelDimensions, position, world, this); m_view = m_itemView = std::make_shared<ItemView>(getDimensions(), btToOSGVec3(position), levelView, m_type); }
// Converts a quaternion to an euler angle void _Physics::QuaternionToEuler(const btQuaternion &Quat, btVector3 &Euler) { btScalar W = Quat.getW(); btScalar X = Quat.getX(); btScalar Y = Quat.getY(); btScalar Z = Quat.getZ(); float WSquared = W * W; float XSquared = X * X; float YSquared = Y * Y; float ZSquared = Z * Z; Euler.setX(atan2f(2.0f * (Y * Z + X * W), -XSquared - YSquared + ZSquared + WSquared)); Euler.setY(asinf(-2.0f * (X * Z - Y * W))); Euler.setZ(atan2f(2.0f * (X * Y + Z * W), XSquared - YSquared - ZSquared + WSquared)); Euler *= irr::core::RADTODEG; }
// Converts a quaternion to an euler angle void QuaternionToEuler(const btQuaternion &tQuat, btVector3 &tEuler) { btScalar w = tQuat.getW(); btScalar x = tQuat.getX(); btScalar y = tQuat.getY(); btScalar z = tQuat.getZ(); float wSquared = w * w; float xSquared = x * x; float ySquared = y * y; float zSquared = z * z; tEuler.setX(atan2f(2.0f * (y * z + x * w), -xSquared - ySquared + zSquared + wSquared)); tEuler.setY(asinf(-2.0f * (x * z - y * w))); tEuler.setZ(atan2f(2.0f * (x * y + z * w), xSquared - ySquared - zSquared + wSquared)); tEuler *= SIMD_DEGS_PER_RAD; }
void Physics::QuaternionToEuler( const CIwFQuat& TQuat, btVector3 &TEuler ) { float a[3]; const float w = TQuat.s; const float x = TQuat.x; const float y = TQuat.y; const float z = TQuat.z; QuaternionToEuler( w, x, y, z, a ); TEuler.setX( a[0] ); TEuler.setY( a[1] ); TEuler.setZ( a[2] ); }
// Converts a quaternion to an euler angle void CTBulletHelper::QuaternionToEuler(const btQuaternion &TQuat, btVector3 &TEuler) { btScalar W = TQuat.getW(); btScalar X = TQuat.getX(); btScalar Y = TQuat.getY(); btScalar Z = TQuat.getZ(); float WSquared = W * W; float XSquared = X * X; float YSquared = Y * Y; float ZSquared = Z * Z; TEuler.setX(atan2f(2.0f * (Y * Z + X * W), -XSquared - YSquared + ZSquared + WSquared)); TEuler.setY(asinf(-2.0f * (X * Z - Y * W))); TEuler.setZ(atan2f(2.0f * (X * Y + Z * W), XSquared - YSquared - ZSquared + WSquared)); TEuler *= core::RADTODEG; }
void Physics::QuaternionToEuler( const btQuaternion &TQuat, btVector3 &TEuler ) { float a[3]; const float w = TQuat.getW(); const float x = TQuat.getX(); const float y = TQuat.getY(); const float z = TQuat.getZ(); QuaternionToEuler( w, x, y, z, a ); TEuler.setX( a[0] ); TEuler.setY( a[1] ); TEuler.setZ( a[2] ); }
void ConvertPosToBull(const Vector& pos, btVector3& bull) { bull.setX(HL2BULL(pos.x)); bull.setY(HL2BULL(pos.z)); bull.setZ(-HL2BULL(pos.y)); }
void ConvexDecompositionDemo::initPhysics(const char* filename) { gContactAddedCallback = &MyContactCallback; setupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); getDynamicsWorld()->setDebugDrawer(&gDebugDrawer); setTexturing(true); setShadows(true); setCameraDistance(26.f); #ifndef NO_OBJ_TO_BULLET ConvexDecomposition::WavefrontObj wo; tcount = 0; const char* prefix[]={"./","../","../../","../../../","../../../../", "ConvexDecompositionDemo/", "Demos/ConvexDecompositionDemo/", "../Demos/ConvexDecompositionDemo/","../../Demos/ConvexDecompositionDemo/"}; int numPrefixes = sizeof(prefix)/sizeof(const char*); char relativeFileName[1024]; for (int i=0;i<numPrefixes;i++) { sprintf(relativeFileName,"%s%s",prefix[i],filename); tcount = wo.loadObj(relativeFileName); if (tcount) break; } btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,-4.5,0)); btCollisionShape* boxShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(30,2,30)); m_collisionShapes.push_back(boxShape); localCreateRigidBody(0.f,startTransform,boxShape); class MyConvexDecomposition : public ConvexDecomposition::ConvexDecompInterface { ConvexDecompositionDemo* m_convexDemo; public: btAlignedObjectArray<btConvexHullShape*> m_convexShapes; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> m_convexCentroids; MyConvexDecomposition (FILE* outputFile,ConvexDecompositionDemo* demo) :m_convexDemo(demo), mBaseCount(0), mHullCount(0), mOutputFile(outputFile) { } virtual void ConvexDecompResult(ConvexDecomposition::ConvexResult &result) { btTriangleMesh* trimesh = new btTriangleMesh(); m_convexDemo->m_trimeshes.push_back(trimesh); btVector3 localScaling(6.f,6.f,6.f); //export data to .obj printf("ConvexResult. "); if (mOutputFile) { fprintf(mOutputFile,"## Hull Piece %d with %d vertices and %d triangles.\r\n", mHullCount, result.mHullVcount, result.mHullTcount ); fprintf(mOutputFile,"usemtl Material%i\r\n",mBaseCount); fprintf(mOutputFile,"o Object%i\r\n",mBaseCount); for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { const float *p = &result.mHullVertices[i*3]; fprintf(mOutputFile,"v %0.9f %0.9f %0.9f\r\n", p[0], p[1], p[2] ); } //calc centroid, to shift vertices around center of mass centroid.setValue(0,0,0); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vertices; if ( 1 ) { //const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { btVector3 vertex(result.mHullVertices[i*3],result.mHullVertices[i*3+1],result.mHullVertices[i*3+2]); vertex *= localScaling; centroid += vertex; } } centroid *= 1.f/(float(result.mHullVcount) ); if ( 1 ) { //const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { btVector3 vertex(result.mHullVertices[i*3],result.mHullVertices[i*3+1],result.mHullVertices[i*3+2]); vertex *= localScaling; vertex -= centroid ; vertices.push_back(vertex); } } if ( 1 ) { const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullTcount; i++) { unsigned int index0 = *src++; unsigned int index1 = *src++; unsigned int index2 = *src++; btVector3 vertex0(result.mHullVertices[index0*3], result.mHullVertices[index0*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index0*3+2]); btVector3 vertex1(result.mHullVertices[index1*3], result.mHullVertices[index1*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index1*3+2]); btVector3 vertex2(result.mHullVertices[index2*3], result.mHullVertices[index2*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index2*3+2]); vertex0 *= localScaling; vertex1 *= localScaling; vertex2 *= localScaling; vertex0 -= centroid; vertex1 -= centroid; vertex2 -= centroid; trimesh->addTriangle(vertex0,vertex1,vertex2); index0+=mBaseCount; index1+=mBaseCount; index2+=mBaseCount; fprintf(mOutputFile,"f %d %d %d\r\n", index0+1, index1+1, index2+1 ); } } // float mass = 1.f; //this is a tools issue: due to collision margin, convex objects overlap, compensate for it here: //#define SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS 1 #ifdef SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS float collisionMargin = 0.01f; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> planeEquations; btGeometryUtil::getPlaneEquationsFromVertices(vertices,planeEquations); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> shiftedPlaneEquations; for (int p=0;p<planeEquations.size();p++) { btVector3 plane = planeEquations[p]; plane[3] += collisionMargin; shiftedPlaneEquations.push_back(plane); } btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> shiftedVertices; btGeometryUtil::getVerticesFromPlaneEquations(shiftedPlaneEquations,shiftedVertices); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(&(shiftedVertices[0].getX()),shiftedVertices.size()); #else //SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(&(vertices[0].getX()),vertices.size()); #endif if (sEnableSAT) convexShape->initializePolyhedralFeatures(); convexShape->setMargin(0.01f); m_convexShapes.push_back(convexShape); m_convexCentroids.push_back(centroid); m_convexDemo->m_collisionShapes.push_back(convexShape); mBaseCount+=result.mHullVcount; // advance the 'base index' counter. } } int mBaseCount; int mHullCount; FILE* mOutputFile; }; if (tcount) { btTriangleMesh* trimesh = new btTriangleMesh(); m_trimeshes.push_back(trimesh); btVector3 localScaling(6.f,6.f,6.f); int i; for ( i=0;i<wo.mTriCount;i++) { int index0 = wo.mIndices[i*3]; int index1 = wo.mIndices[i*3+1]; int index2 = wo.mIndices[i*3+2]; btVector3 vertex0(wo.mVertices[index0*3], wo.mVertices[index0*3+1],wo.mVertices[index0*3+2]); btVector3 vertex1(wo.mVertices[index1*3], wo.mVertices[index1*3+1],wo.mVertices[index1*3+2]); btVector3 vertex2(wo.mVertices[index2*3], wo.mVertices[index2*3+1],wo.mVertices[index2*3+2]); vertex0 *= localScaling; vertex1 *= localScaling; vertex2 *= localScaling; trimesh->addTriangle(vertex0,vertex1,vertex2); } btConvexShape* tmpConvexShape = new btConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh); printf("old numTriangles= %d\n",wo.mTriCount); printf("old numIndices = %d\n",wo.mTriCount*3); printf("old numVertices = %d\n",wo.mVertexCount); printf("reducing vertices by creating a convex hull\n"); //create a hull approximation btShapeHull* hull = new btShapeHull(tmpConvexShape); btScalar margin = tmpConvexShape->getMargin(); hull->buildHull(margin); tmpConvexShape->setUserPointer(hull); printf("new numTriangles = %d\n", hull->numTriangles ()); printf("new numIndices = %d\n", hull->numIndices ()); printf("new numVertices = %d\n", hull->numVertices ()); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(); bool updateLocalAabb = false; for (i=0;i<hull->numVertices();i++) { convexShape->addPoint(hull->getVertexPointer()[i],updateLocalAabb); } convexShape->recalcLocalAabb(); if (sEnableSAT) convexShape->initializePolyhedralFeatures(); delete tmpConvexShape; delete hull; m_collisionShapes.push_back(convexShape); float mass = 1.f; btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,2,14)); localCreateRigidBody(mass, startTransform,convexShape); bool useQuantization = true; btCollisionShape* concaveShape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh,useQuantization); startTransform.setOrigin(convexDecompositionObjectOffset); localCreateRigidBody(0.f,startTransform,concaveShape); m_collisionShapes.push_back (concaveShape); } if (tcount) { //----------------------------------- // Bullet Convex Decomposition //----------------------------------- char outputFileName[512]; strcpy(outputFileName,filename); char *dot = strstr(outputFileName,"."); if ( dot ) *dot = 0; strcat(outputFileName,"_convex.obj"); FILE* outputFile = fopen(outputFileName,"wb"); unsigned int depth = 5; float cpercent = 5; float ppercent = 15; unsigned int maxv = 16; float skinWidth = 0.0; printf("WavefrontObj num triangles read %i\n",tcount); ConvexDecomposition::DecompDesc desc; desc.mVcount = wo.mVertexCount; desc.mVertices = wo.mVertices; desc.mTcount = wo.mTriCount; desc.mIndices = (unsigned int *)wo.mIndices; desc.mDepth = depth; desc.mCpercent = cpercent; desc.mPpercent = ppercent; desc.mMaxVertices = maxv; desc.mSkinWidth = skinWidth; MyConvexDecomposition convexDecomposition(outputFile,this); desc.mCallback = &convexDecomposition; //----------------------------------------------- // HACD //----------------------------------------------- std::vector< HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> > points; std::vector< HACD::Vec3<long> > triangles; for(int i=0; i<wo.mVertexCount; i++ ) { int index = i*3; HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> vertex(wo.mVertices[index], wo.mVertices[index+1],wo.mVertices[index+2]); points.push_back(vertex); } for(int i=0;i<wo.mTriCount;i++) { int index = i*3; HACD::Vec3<long> triangle(wo.mIndices[index], wo.mIndices[index+1], wo.mIndices[index+2]); triangles.push_back(triangle); } HACD::HACD myHACD; myHACD.SetPoints(&points[0]); myHACD.SetNPoints(points.size()); myHACD.SetTriangles(&triangles[0]); myHACD.SetNTriangles(triangles.size()); myHACD.SetCompacityWeight(0.1); myHACD.SetVolumeWeight(0.0); // HACD parameters // Recommended parameters: 2 100 0 0 0 0 size_t nClusters = 2; double concavity = 100; bool invert = false; bool addExtraDistPoints = false; bool addNeighboursDistPoints = false; bool addFacesPoints = false; myHACD.SetNClusters(nClusters); // minimum number of clusters myHACD.SetNVerticesPerCH(100); // max of 100 vertices per convex-hull myHACD.SetConcavity(concavity); // maximum concavity myHACD.SetAddExtraDistPoints(addExtraDistPoints); myHACD.SetAddNeighboursDistPoints(addNeighboursDistPoints); myHACD.SetAddFacesPoints(addFacesPoints); myHACD.Compute(); nClusters = myHACD.GetNClusters(); myHACD.Save("output.wrl", false); //convexDecomposition.performConvexDecomposition(desc); // ConvexBuilder cb(desc.mCallback); // cb.process(desc); //now create some bodies if (1) { btCompoundShape* compound = new btCompoundShape(); m_collisionShapes.push_back (compound); btTransform trans; trans.setIdentity(); for (int c=0;c<nClusters;c++) { //generate convex result size_t nPoints = myHACD.GetNPointsCH(c); size_t nTriangles = myHACD.GetNTrianglesCH(c); float* vertices = new float[nPoints*3]; unsigned int* triangles = new unsigned int[nTriangles*3]; HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real> * pointsCH = new HACD::Vec3<HACD::Real>[nPoints]; HACD::Vec3<long> * trianglesCH = new HACD::Vec3<long>[nTriangles]; myHACD.GetCH(c, pointsCH, trianglesCH); // points for(size_t v = 0; v < nPoints; v++) { vertices[3*v] = pointsCH[v].X(); vertices[3*v+1] = pointsCH[v].Y(); vertices[3*v+2] = pointsCH[v].Z(); } // triangles for(size_t f = 0; f < nTriangles; f++) { triangles[3*f] = trianglesCH[f].X(); triangles[3*f+1] = trianglesCH[f].Y(); triangles[3*f+2] = trianglesCH[f].Z(); } delete [] pointsCH; delete [] trianglesCH; ConvexResult r(nPoints, vertices, nTriangles, triangles); convexDecomposition.ConvexDecompResult(r); } for (int i=0;i<convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes.size();i++) { btVector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.m_convexCentroids[i]; trans.setOrigin(centroid); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes[i]; compound->addChildShape(trans,convexShape); btRigidBody* body; body = localCreateRigidBody( 1.0, trans,convexShape); } /* for (int i=0;i<convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes.size();i++) { btVector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.m_convexCentroids[i]; trans.setOrigin(centroid); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes[i]; compound->addChildShape(trans,convexShape); btRigidBody* body; body = localCreateRigidBody( 1.0, trans,convexShape); }*/ #if 1 btScalar mass=10.f; trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); btRigidBody* body = localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setZ(6); trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); body = localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setZ(-6); trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); body = localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); #endif } if (outputFile) fclose(outputFile); } #ifdef TEST_SERIALIZATION //test serializing this int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024*1024*5; btDefaultSerializer* serializer = new btDefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize); m_dynamicsWorld->serialize(serializer); FILE* f2 = fopen("testFile.bullet","wb"); fwrite(serializer->getBufferPointer(),serializer->getCurrentBufferSize(),1,f2); fclose(f2); exitPhysics(); //now try again from the loaded file setupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); #endif //TEST_SERIALIZATION #endif //NO_OBJ_TO_BULLET #ifdef TEST_SERIALIZATION btBulletWorldImporter* fileLoader = new btBulletWorldImporter(m_dynamicsWorld); //fileLoader->setVerboseMode(true); fileLoader->loadFile("testFile.bullet"); //fileLoader->loadFile("testFile64Double.bullet"); //fileLoader->loadFile("testFile64Single.bullet"); //fileLoader->loadFile("testFile32Single.bullet"); #endif //TEST_SERIALIZATION }
void ConvertAngularImpulseToBull(const AngularImpulse& angularimp, btVector3& bull) { bull.setX(DEG2RAD(angularimp.x)); bull.setY(DEG2RAD(angularimp.z)); bull.setZ(-DEG2RAD(angularimp.y)); }
void ConvexDecompositionDemo::initPhysics(const char* filename) { setTexturing(true); setShadows(true); setCameraDistance(26.f); ConvexDecomposition::WavefrontObj wo; tcount = wo.loadObj(filename); if (!tcount) { //when running this app from visual studio, the default starting folder is different, so make a second attempt... tcount = wo.loadObj("../../file.obj"); } m_collisionConfiguration = new btDefaultCollisionConfiguration(); #ifdef USE_PARALLEL_DISPATCHER #ifdef USE_WIN32_THREADING int maxNumOutstandingTasks = 4;//number of maximum outstanding tasks Win32ThreadSupport* threadSupport = new Win32ThreadSupport(Win32ThreadSupport::Win32ThreadConstructionInfo( "collision", processCollisionTask, createCollisionLocalStoreMemory, maxNumOutstandingTasks)); #else ///@todo other platform threading ///Playstation 3 SPU (SPURS) version is available through PS3 Devnet ///Libspe2 SPU support will be available soon ///pthreads version ///you can hook it up to your custom task scheduler by deriving from btThreadSupportInterface #endif m_dispatcher = new SpuGatheringCollisionDispatcher(threadSupport,maxNumOutstandingTasks,m_collisionConfiguration); #else m_dispatcher = new btCollisionDispatcher(m_collisionConfiguration); #endif//USE_PARALLEL_DISPATCHER convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setValue(10,0,0); btVector3 worldAabbMin(-10000,-10000,-10000); btVector3 worldAabbMax(10000,10000,10000); m_broadphase = new btAxisSweep3(worldAabbMin,worldAabbMax); //m_broadphase = new btSimpleBroadphase(); m_solver = new btSequentialImpulseConstraintSolver(); m_dynamicsWorld = new btDiscreteDynamicsWorld(m_dispatcher,m_broadphase,m_solver,m_collisionConfiguration); #ifdef USE_PARALLEL_DISPATCHER m_dynamicsWorld->getDispatchInfo().m_enableSPU = true; #endif //USE_PARALLEL_DISPATCHER btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,-4.5,0)); btCollisionShape* boxShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(30,2,30)); m_collisionShapes.push_back(boxShape); localCreateRigidBody(0.f,startTransform,boxShape); class MyConvexDecomposition : public ConvexDecomposition::ConvexDecompInterface { ConvexDecompositionDemo* m_convexDemo; public: btAlignedObjectArray<btConvexHullShape*> m_convexShapes; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> m_convexCentroids; MyConvexDecomposition (FILE* outputFile,ConvexDecompositionDemo* demo) :m_convexDemo(demo), mBaseCount(0), mHullCount(0), mOutputFile(outputFile) { } virtual void ConvexDecompResult(ConvexDecomposition::ConvexResult &result) { btTriangleMesh* trimesh = new btTriangleMesh(); m_convexDemo->m_trimeshes.push_back(trimesh); btVector3 localScaling(6.f,6.f,6.f); //export data to .obj printf("ConvexResult. "); if (mOutputFile) { fprintf(mOutputFile,"## Hull Piece %d with %d vertices and %d triangles.\r\n", mHullCount, result.mHullVcount, result.mHullTcount ); fprintf(mOutputFile,"usemtl Material%i\r\n",mBaseCount); fprintf(mOutputFile,"o Object%i\r\n",mBaseCount); for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { const float *p = &result.mHullVertices[i*3]; fprintf(mOutputFile,"v %0.9f %0.9f %0.9f\r\n", p[0], p[1], p[2] ); } //calc centroid, to shift vertices around center of mass centroid.setValue(0,0,0); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vertices; if ( 1 ) { //const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { btVector3 vertex(result.mHullVertices[i*3],result.mHullVertices[i*3+1],result.mHullVertices[i*3+2]); vertex *= localScaling; centroid += vertex; } } centroid *= 1.f/(float(result.mHullVcount) ); if ( 1 ) { //const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { btVector3 vertex(result.mHullVertices[i*3],result.mHullVertices[i*3+1],result.mHullVertices[i*3+2]); vertex *= localScaling; vertex -= centroid ; vertices.push_back(vertex); } } if ( 1 ) { const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullTcount; i++) { unsigned int index0 = *src++; unsigned int index1 = *src++; unsigned int index2 = *src++; btVector3 vertex0(result.mHullVertices[index0*3], result.mHullVertices[index0*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index0*3+2]); btVector3 vertex1(result.mHullVertices[index1*3], result.mHullVertices[index1*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index1*3+2]); btVector3 vertex2(result.mHullVertices[index2*3], result.mHullVertices[index2*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index2*3+2]); vertex0 *= localScaling; vertex1 *= localScaling; vertex2 *= localScaling; vertex0 -= centroid; vertex1 -= centroid; vertex2 -= centroid; trimesh->addTriangle(vertex0,vertex1,vertex2); index0+=mBaseCount; index1+=mBaseCount; index2+=mBaseCount; fprintf(mOutputFile,"f %d %d %d\r\n", index0+1, index1+1, index2+1 ); } } float mass = 1.f; //float collisionMargin = 0.01f; //this is a tools issue: due to collision margin, convex objects overlap, compensate for it here: //#define SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS 1 #ifdef SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS std::vector<btVector3> planeEquations; btGeometryUtil::getPlaneEquationsFromVertices(vertices,planeEquations); std::vector<btVector3> shiftedPlaneEquations; for (int p=0;p<planeEquations.size();p++) { btVector3 plane = planeEquations[p]; plane[3] += 5*collisionMargin; shiftedPlaneEquations.push_back(plane); } std::vector<btVector3> shiftedVertices; btGeometryUtil::getVerticesFromPlaneEquations(shiftedPlaneEquations,shiftedVertices); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(&(shiftedVertices[0].getX()),shiftedVertices.size()); #else //SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(&(vertices[0].getX()),vertices.size()); #endif convexShape->setMargin(0.01); m_convexShapes.push_back(convexShape); m_convexCentroids.push_back(centroid); m_convexDemo->m_collisionShapes.push_back(convexShape); mBaseCount+=result.mHullVcount; // advance the 'base index' counter. } } int mBaseCount; int mHullCount; FILE* mOutputFile; }; if (tcount) { btTriangleMesh* trimesh = new btTriangleMesh(); m_trimeshes.push_back(trimesh); btVector3 localScaling(6.f,6.f,6.f); int i; for ( i=0;i<wo.mTriCount;i++) { int index0 = wo.mIndices[i*3]; int index1 = wo.mIndices[i*3+1]; int index2 = wo.mIndices[i*3+2]; btVector3 vertex0(wo.mVertices[index0*3], wo.mVertices[index0*3+1],wo.mVertices[index0*3+2]); btVector3 vertex1(wo.mVertices[index1*3], wo.mVertices[index1*3+1],wo.mVertices[index1*3+2]); btVector3 vertex2(wo.mVertices[index2*3], wo.mVertices[index2*3+1],wo.mVertices[index2*3+2]); vertex0 *= localScaling; vertex1 *= localScaling; vertex2 *= localScaling; trimesh->addTriangle(vertex0,vertex1,vertex2); } btConvexShape* tmpConvexShape = new btConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh); printf("old numTriangles= %d\n",wo.mTriCount); printf("old numIndices = %d\n",wo.mTriCount*3); printf("old numVertices = %d\n",wo.mVertexCount); printf("reducing vertices by creating a convex hull\n"); //create a hull approximation btShapeHull* hull = new btShapeHull(tmpConvexShape); btScalar margin = tmpConvexShape->getMargin(); hull->buildHull(margin); tmpConvexShape->setUserPointer(hull); printf("new numTriangles = %d\n", hull->numTriangles ()); printf("new numIndices = %d\n", hull->numIndices ()); printf("new numVertices = %d\n", hull->numVertices ()); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(); for (i=0;i<hull->numVertices();i++) { convexShape->addPoint(hull->getVertexPointer()[i]); } delete tmpConvexShape; delete hull; m_collisionShapes.push_back(convexShape); float mass = 1.f; btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,2,0)); localCreateRigidBody(mass, startTransform,convexShape); bool useQuantization = true; btCollisionShape* concaveShape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh,useQuantization); startTransform.setOrigin(convexDecompositionObjectOffset); localCreateRigidBody(0.f,startTransform,concaveShape); m_collisionShapes.push_back (concaveShape); } if (tcount) { char outputFileName[512]; strcpy(outputFileName,filename); char *dot = strstr(outputFileName,"."); if ( dot ) *dot = 0; strcat(outputFileName,"_convex.obj"); FILE* outputFile = fopen(outputFileName,"wb"); unsigned int depth = 5; float cpercent = 5; float ppercent = 15; unsigned int maxv = 16; float skinWidth = 0.0; printf("WavefrontObj num triangles read %i\n",tcount); ConvexDecomposition::DecompDesc desc; desc.mVcount = wo.mVertexCount; desc.mVertices = wo.mVertices; desc.mTcount = wo.mTriCount; desc.mIndices = (unsigned int *)wo.mIndices; desc.mDepth = depth; desc.mCpercent = cpercent; desc.mPpercent = ppercent; desc.mMaxVertices = maxv; desc.mSkinWidth = skinWidth; MyConvexDecomposition convexDecomposition(outputFile,this); desc.mCallback = &convexDecomposition; //convexDecomposition.performConvexDecomposition(desc); ConvexBuilder cb(desc.mCallback); cb.process(desc); //now create some bodies { btCompoundShape* compound = new btCompoundShape(); m_collisionShapes.push_back (compound); btTransform trans; trans.setIdentity(); for (int i=0;i<convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes.size();i++) { btVector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.m_convexCentroids[i]; trans.setOrigin(centroid); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes[i]; compound->addChildShape(trans,convexShape); } btScalar mass=10.f; trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setZ(6); trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setZ(-6); trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); } if (outputFile) fclose(outputFile); } }
void ConvexDecompositionDemo::initPhysics(const char* filename) { gContactAddedCallback = &MyContactCallback; setupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); setTexturing(true); setShadows(true); setCameraDistance(26.f); #ifndef NO_OBJ_TO_BULLET ConvexDecomposition::WavefrontObj wo; tcount = wo.loadObj(filename); if (!tcount) { //when running this app from visual studio, the default starting folder is different, so make a second attempt... tcount = wo.loadObj("../../file.obj"); } if (!tcount) { //cmake generated msvc files need 4 levels deep back... so make a 3rd attempt... tcount = wo.loadObj("../../../../file.obj"); } btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,-4.5,0)); btCollisionShape* boxShape = new btBoxShape(btVector3(30,2,30)); m_collisionShapes.push_back(boxShape); localCreateRigidBody(0.f,startTransform,boxShape); class MyConvexDecomposition : public ConvexDecomposition::ConvexDecompInterface { ConvexDecompositionDemo* m_convexDemo; public: btAlignedObjectArray<btConvexHullShape*> m_convexShapes; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> m_convexCentroids; MyConvexDecomposition (FILE* outputFile,ConvexDecompositionDemo* demo) :m_convexDemo(demo), mBaseCount(0), mHullCount(0), mOutputFile(outputFile) { } virtual void ConvexDecompResult(ConvexDecomposition::ConvexResult &result) { btTriangleMesh* trimesh = new btTriangleMesh(); m_convexDemo->m_trimeshes.push_back(trimesh); btVector3 localScaling(6.f,6.f,6.f); //export data to .obj printf("ConvexResult. "); if (mOutputFile) { fprintf(mOutputFile,"## Hull Piece %d with %d vertices and %d triangles.\r\n", mHullCount, result.mHullVcount, result.mHullTcount ); fprintf(mOutputFile,"usemtl Material%i\r\n",mBaseCount); fprintf(mOutputFile,"o Object%i\r\n",mBaseCount); for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { const float *p = &result.mHullVertices[i*3]; fprintf(mOutputFile,"v %0.9f %0.9f %0.9f\r\n", p[0], p[1], p[2] ); } //calc centroid, to shift vertices around center of mass centroid.setValue(0,0,0); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> vertices; if ( 1 ) { //const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { btVector3 vertex(result.mHullVertices[i*3],result.mHullVertices[i*3+1],result.mHullVertices[i*3+2]); vertex *= localScaling; centroid += vertex; } } centroid *= 1.f/(float(result.mHullVcount) ); if ( 1 ) { //const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullVcount; i++) { btVector3 vertex(result.mHullVertices[i*3],result.mHullVertices[i*3+1],result.mHullVertices[i*3+2]); vertex *= localScaling; vertex -= centroid ; vertices.push_back(vertex); } } if ( 1 ) { const unsigned int *src = result.mHullIndices; for (unsigned int i=0; i<result.mHullTcount; i++) { unsigned int index0 = *src++; unsigned int index1 = *src++; unsigned int index2 = *src++; btVector3 vertex0(result.mHullVertices[index0*3], result.mHullVertices[index0*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index0*3+2]); btVector3 vertex1(result.mHullVertices[index1*3], result.mHullVertices[index1*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index1*3+2]); btVector3 vertex2(result.mHullVertices[index2*3], result.mHullVertices[index2*3+1],result.mHullVertices[index2*3+2]); vertex0 *= localScaling; vertex1 *= localScaling; vertex2 *= localScaling; vertex0 -= centroid; vertex1 -= centroid; vertex2 -= centroid; trimesh->addTriangle(vertex0,vertex1,vertex2); index0+=mBaseCount; index1+=mBaseCount; index2+=mBaseCount; fprintf(mOutputFile,"f %d %d %d\r\n", index0+1, index1+1, index2+1 ); } } // float mass = 1.f; //this is a tools issue: due to collision margin, convex objects overlap, compensate for it here: //#define SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS 1 #ifdef SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS float collisionMargin = 0.01f; btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> planeEquations; btGeometryUtil::getPlaneEquationsFromVertices(vertices,planeEquations); btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> shiftedPlaneEquations; for (int p=0;p<planeEquations.size();p++) { btVector3 plane = planeEquations[p]; plane[3] += collisionMargin; shiftedPlaneEquations.push_back(plane); } btAlignedObjectArray<btVector3> shiftedVertices; btGeometryUtil::getVerticesFromPlaneEquations(shiftedPlaneEquations,shiftedVertices); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(&(shiftedVertices[0].getX()),shiftedVertices.size()); #else //SHRINK_OBJECT_INWARDS btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(&(vertices[0].getX()),vertices.size()); #endif convexShape->setMargin(0.01f); m_convexShapes.push_back(convexShape); m_convexCentroids.push_back(centroid); m_convexDemo->m_collisionShapes.push_back(convexShape); mBaseCount+=result.mHullVcount; // advance the 'base index' counter. } } int mBaseCount; int mHullCount; FILE* mOutputFile; }; if (tcount) { btTriangleMesh* trimesh = new btTriangleMesh(); m_trimeshes.push_back(trimesh); btVector3 localScaling(6.f,6.f,6.f); int i; for ( i=0;i<wo.mTriCount;i++) { int index0 = wo.mIndices[i*3]; int index1 = wo.mIndices[i*3+1]; int index2 = wo.mIndices[i*3+2]; btVector3 vertex0(wo.mVertices[index0*3], wo.mVertices[index0*3+1],wo.mVertices[index0*3+2]); btVector3 vertex1(wo.mVertices[index1*3], wo.mVertices[index1*3+1],wo.mVertices[index1*3+2]); btVector3 vertex2(wo.mVertices[index2*3], wo.mVertices[index2*3+1],wo.mVertices[index2*3+2]); vertex0 *= localScaling; vertex1 *= localScaling; vertex2 *= localScaling; trimesh->addTriangle(vertex0,vertex1,vertex2); } btConvexShape* tmpConvexShape = new btConvexTriangleMeshShape(trimesh); printf("old numTriangles= %d\n",wo.mTriCount); printf("old numIndices = %d\n",wo.mTriCount*3); printf("old numVertices = %d\n",wo.mVertexCount); printf("reducing vertices by creating a convex hull\n"); //create a hull approximation btShapeHull* hull = new btShapeHull(tmpConvexShape); btScalar margin = tmpConvexShape->getMargin(); hull->buildHull(margin); tmpConvexShape->setUserPointer(hull); printf("new numTriangles = %d\n", hull->numTriangles ()); printf("new numIndices = %d\n", hull->numIndices ()); printf("new numVertices = %d\n", hull->numVertices ()); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = new btConvexHullShape(); for (i=0;i<hull->numVertices();i++) { convexShape->addPoint(hull->getVertexPointer()[i]); } delete tmpConvexShape; delete hull; m_collisionShapes.push_back(convexShape); float mass = 1.f; btTransform startTransform; startTransform.setIdentity(); startTransform.setOrigin(btVector3(0,2,14)); localCreateRigidBody(mass, startTransform,convexShape); bool useQuantization = true; btCollisionShape* concaveShape = new btBvhTriangleMeshShape(trimesh,useQuantization); startTransform.setOrigin(convexDecompositionObjectOffset); localCreateRigidBody(0.f,startTransform,concaveShape); m_collisionShapes.push_back (concaveShape); } if (tcount) { char outputFileName[512]; strcpy(outputFileName,filename); char *dot = strstr(outputFileName,"."); if ( dot ) *dot = 0; strcat(outputFileName,"_convex.obj"); FILE* outputFile = fopen(outputFileName,"wb"); unsigned int depth = 5; float cpercent = 5; float ppercent = 15; unsigned int maxv = 16; float skinWidth = 0.0; printf("WavefrontObj num triangles read %i\n",tcount); ConvexDecomposition::DecompDesc desc; desc.mVcount = wo.mVertexCount; desc.mVertices = wo.mVertices; desc.mTcount = wo.mTriCount; desc.mIndices = (unsigned int *)wo.mIndices; desc.mDepth = depth; desc.mCpercent = cpercent; desc.mPpercent = ppercent; desc.mMaxVertices = maxv; desc.mSkinWidth = skinWidth; MyConvexDecomposition convexDecomposition(outputFile,this); desc.mCallback = &convexDecomposition; //convexDecomposition.performConvexDecomposition(desc); ConvexBuilder cb(desc.mCallback); cb.process(desc); //now create some bodies if (1) { btCompoundShape* compound = new btCompoundShape(); m_collisionShapes.push_back (compound); btTransform trans; trans.setIdentity(); for (int i=0;i<convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes.size();i++) { btVector3 centroid = convexDecomposition.m_convexCentroids[i]; trans.setOrigin(centroid); btConvexHullShape* convexShape = convexDecomposition.m_convexShapes[i]; compound->addChildShape(trans,convexShape); btRigidBody* body; body = localCreateRigidBody( 1.0, trans,convexShape); } #if 1 btScalar mass=10.f; trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); btRigidBody* body = localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setZ(6); trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); body = localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); convexDecompositionObjectOffset.setZ(-6); trans.setOrigin(-convexDecompositionObjectOffset); body = localCreateRigidBody( mass, trans,compound); body->setCollisionFlags(body->getCollisionFlags() | btCollisionObject::CF_CUSTOM_MATERIAL_CALLBACK); #endif } if (outputFile) fclose(outputFile); } #ifdef TEST_SERIALIZATION //test serializing this int maxSerializeBufferSize = 1024*1024*5; btDefaultSerializer* serializer = new btDefaultSerializer(maxSerializeBufferSize); m_dynamicsWorld->serialize(serializer); FILE* f2 = fopen("testFile.bullet","wb"); fwrite(serializer->getBufferPointer(),serializer->getCurrentBufferSize(),1,f2); fclose(f2); exitPhysics(); //now try again from the loaded file setupEmptyDynamicsWorld(); #endif //TEST_SERIALIZATION #endif //NO_OBJ_TO_BULLET #ifdef TEST_SERIALIZATION btBulletWorldImporter* fileLoader = new btBulletWorldImporter(m_dynamicsWorld); //fileLoader->setVerboseMode(true); fileLoader->loadFile("testFile.bullet"); //fileLoader->loadFile("testFile64Double.bullet"); //fileLoader->loadFile("testFile64Single.bullet"); //fileLoader->loadFile("testFile32Single.bullet"); #endif //TEST_SERIALIZATION }
void ConvertDirectionToBull(const Vector& dir, btVector3& bull) { bull.setX(dir.x); bull.setY(dir.z); bull.setZ(-dir.y); }
inline void Assign( btVector3& vec, const Vec3D& other ) { vec.setX( other.X ); vec.setY( other.Y ); vec.setZ( other.Z ); }
// clips an obstacle shape if it is within range of the sensors // if not returns false bool cSpace::clipShape(btVector3 cc, QList<btVector3>& ls) { if(ls.size() < 2) return false; int j=0; cc.setZ(0); // check if the whole obstacle is in range do{ if(cc.distance2(ls[j]) > m_detectRangeSq) break; // check if the point is in-range j++; }while(j<ls.size()); if(j == ls.size()) return true; // the whole obstacle is in range int i; int nexti; int arcType; btVector3 xpoint1,xpoint2; bool outofrange = true; i=0; while(i<ls.size()) { if(i == ls.size()-1) nexti = 0; else nexti = i+1; arcType = arcIntersection(cc, m_detectRange, ls[i], ls[nexti], &xpoint1, &xpoint2); if(arcType == 0) // NO intersection i++; else if(arcType == 1 || arcType == 2){ // ONE intersection if(arcType == 2) xpoint1 = xpoint2; if(nexti == 0) ls.append(xpoint1); // append new point ls if at the wraparound point else ls.insert(nexti,xpoint1); // insert the intersection point to the ls i+=2; outofrange = false; } else{ // TWO intersections if(nexti == 0){ // add the two intersect points between i and nexti if(ls[i].distance2(xpoint1) < ls[i].distance2(xpoint2)){ // append them in order ls << xpoint1; ls << xpoint2; } else{ ls << xpoint2; ls << xpoint1; } } else{ if(ls[i].distance2(xpoint1) < ls[i].distance2(xpoint2)){ // insert them in order ls.insert(nexti,xpoint1); ls.insert(nexti+1,xpoint2); } else{ ls.insert(nexti,xpoint2); ls.insert(nexti+1,xpoint1); } } i+=3; outofrange = false; } } if(outofrange) return false; // the entire obstacle is out of range // remove any points outside of the sensor range i=0; while(i<ls.size()){ if(cc.distance2(ls[i]) > m_detectRangeSq+0.001) ls.removeAt(i); else i++; } if(ls.size() == 2){ btVector3 cx; cx = (ls[1] - ls[0]).cross((ls[0]-btVector3(0,0,1)) - ls[0]); cx.normalize(); ls << (ls[1]+(cx*0.1)); ls << (ls[0]+(cx*0.1)); } return true; }