コード例 #1
ファイル: oplog.cpp プロジェクト: nvdnkpr/mongo
 // find all oplog entries for a given OID in the oplog.refs collection and apply them
 // TODO this should be a range query on oplog.refs where _id.oid == oid and applyOps to
 // each entry found.  The locking of the query interleaved with the locking in the applyOps
 // did not work, so it a sequence of point queries.  
 // TODO verify that the query plan is a indexed lookup.
 // TODO verify that the query plan does not fetch too many docs and then only process one of them.
 void applyRefOp(BSONObj entry) {
     OID oid = entry["ref"].OID();
     LOG(3) << "apply ref " << entry << " oid " << oid << endl;
     long long seq = 0; // note that 0 is smaller than any of the seq numbers
     while (1) {
         BSONObj entry;
             LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: finding oplog.refs entry to apply");
             Client::ReadContext ctx(rsOplogRefs, lockReason);
             // TODO: Should this be using rsOplogRefsDetails, verifying non-null?
             Collection *cl = getCollection(rsOplogRefs);
             if (cl == NULL || !cl->findOne(BSON("_id" << BSON("$gt" << BSON("oid" << oid << "seq" << seq))), entry, true)) {
         BSONElement e = entry.getFieldDotted("_id.seq");
         seq = e.Long();
         BSONElement eOID = entry.getFieldDotted("_id.oid");
         if (oid != eOID.OID()) {
         LOG(3) << "apply " << entry << " seq=" << seq << endl;
コード例 #2
ファイル: bson_extract.cpp プロジェクト: acmorrow/mongo
Status bsonExtractOIDField(const BSONObj& object, StringData fieldName, OID* out) {
    BSONElement element;
    Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(object, fieldName, jstOID, &element);
    if (status.isOK())
        *out = element.OID();
    return status;
コード例 #3
StatusWith<ShardingMetadata> ShardingMetadata::readFromMetadata(const BSONObj& metadataObj) {
    BSONElement smElem;
    auto smExtractStatus =
        bsonExtractTypedField(metadataObj, kGLEStatsFieldName, mongo::Object, &smElem);
    if (!smExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return smExtractStatus;

    if (smElem.embeddedObject().nFields() != 2) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                      str::stream() << "The $gleStats object can only have 2 fields, but got "
                                    << smElem.embeddedObject().toString());

    BSONElement lastOpTimeElem;
    auto lastOpTimeExtractStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(smElem.embeddedObject(),
    if (!lastOpTimeExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return lastOpTimeExtractStatus;

    BSONElement lastElectionIdElem;
    auto lastElectionIdExtractStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(
        smElem.embeddedObject(), kGLEStatsElectionIdFieldName, mongo::jstOID, &lastElectionIdElem);
    if (!lastElectionIdExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return lastElectionIdExtractStatus;

    return ShardingMetadata(lastOpTimeElem.timestamp(), lastElectionIdElem.OID());
コード例 #4
Status HandshakeArgs::initialize(const BSONObj& argsObj) {
    Status status = bsonCheckOnlyHasFields("HandshakeArgs", argsObj, kLegalHandshakeFieldNames);
    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    BSONElement oid;
    status = bsonExtractTypedField(argsObj, kRIDFieldName, jstOID, &oid);
    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;
    _rid = oid.OID();
    _hasRid = true;

    status = bsonExtractIntegerField(argsObj, kMemberIdFieldName, &_memberId);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        // field not necessary for master slave, do not return NoSuchKey Error
        if (status != ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
            return status;
        _memberId = -1;
    } else {
        _hasMemberId = true;

    return Status::OK();
コード例 #5
ファイル: type_locks.cpp プロジェクト: ShaneHarvey/mongo
StatusWith<LocksType> LocksType::fromBSON(const BSONObj& source) {
    LocksType lock;

        std::string lockName;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, name.name(), &lockName);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        lock._name = lockName;

        long long lockStateInt;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(source, state.name(), &lockStateInt);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        lock._state = static_cast<State>(lockStateInt);

    if (source.hasField(process.name())) {
        std::string lockProcess;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, process.name(), &lockProcess);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        lock._process = lockProcess;

    if (source.hasField(lockID.name())) {
        BSONElement lockIDElem;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source, lockID.name(), BSONType::jstOID, &lockIDElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        lock._lockID = lockIDElem.OID();

    if (source.hasField(who.name())) {
        std::string lockWho;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, who.name(), &lockWho);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        lock._who = lockWho;

    if (source.hasField(why.name())) {
        std::string lockWhy;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, why.name(), &lockWhy);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        lock._why = lockWhy;

    return lock;
コード例 #6
ファイル: oplog.cpp プロジェクト: aberg001/mongo
 // Copy a range of documents to the local oplog.refs collection
 static void copyOplogRefsRange(OplogReader &r, OID oid) {
     shared_ptr<DBClientCursor> c = r.getOplogRefsCursor(oid);
     Client::ReadContext ctx(rsOplogRefs);
     while (c->more()) {
         BSONObj b = c->next();
         BSONElement eOID = b.getFieldDotted("_id.oid");
         if (oid != eOID.OID()) {
         LOG(6) << "copyOplogRefsRange " << b << endl;
コード例 #7
ファイル: export.cpp プロジェクト: abhishekkumar1989/mongo
    // Gets the string representation of a BSON object that can be correctly written to a CSV file
    string csvString (const BSONElement& object) {
        const char* binData; // Only used with BinData type

        switch (object.type()) {
        case MinKey:
            return "$MinKey";
        case MaxKey:
            return "$MaxKey";
        case NumberInt:
        case NumberDouble:
        case NumberLong:
        case Bool:
            return object.toString(false);
        case String:
        case Symbol:
            return csvEscape(object.toString(false), true);
        case Object:
            return csvEscape(object.jsonString(Strict, false));
        case Array:
            return csvEscape(object.jsonString(Strict, false));
        case BinData:
            int len;
            binData = object.binDataClean(len);
            return toHex(binData, len);
        case jstOID:
            return "ObjectID(" + object.OID().toString() + ")"; // OIDs are always 24 bytes
        case Date:
            return timeToISOString(object.Date() / 1000);
        case Timestamp:
            return csvEscape(object.jsonString(Strict, false));
        case RegEx:
            return csvEscape("/" + string(object.regex()) + "/" + string(object.regexFlags()));
        case Code:
            return csvEscape(object.toString(false));
        case CodeWScope:
            if (string(object.codeWScopeScopeDataUnsafe()) == "") {
                return csvEscape(object.toString(false));
            } else {
                return csvEscape(object.jsonString(Strict, false));
        case EOO:
        case Undefined:
        case DBRef:
        case jstNULL:
            cerr << "Invalid BSON object type for CSV output: " << object.type() << endl;
            return "";
        // Can never get here
        return "";
コード例 #8
ファイル: bson_extract.cpp プロジェクト: acmorrow/mongo
Status bsonExtractOIDFieldWithDefault(const BSONObj& object,
                                      StringData fieldName,
                                      const OID& defaultValue,
                                      OID* out) {
    BSONElement element;
    Status status = bsonExtractTypedFieldImpl(object, fieldName, jstOID, &element, true);
    if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
        *out = defaultValue;
        return Status::OK();
    if (status.isOK())
        *out = element.OID();
    return status;
コード例 #9
ファイル: client.cpp プロジェクト: pombredanne/mongo
    void ClientInfo::_addWriteBack( vector<WBInfo>& all , const BSONObj& gle ) {
        BSONElement w = gle["writeback"];

        if ( w.type() != jstOID )

        BSONElement cid = gle["connectionId"];

        if ( cid.eoo() ) {
            error() << "getLastError writeback can't work because of version mis-match" << endl;

        all.push_back( WBInfo( cid.numberLong() , w.OID() ) );
コード例 #10
StatusWith<ShardingMetadata> ShardingMetadata::readFromMetadata(const BSONObj& metadataObj) {
    BSONElement smElem;
    auto smExtractStatus =
        bsonExtractTypedField(metadataObj, kGLEStatsFieldName, mongol::Object, &smElem);
    if (!smExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return smExtractStatus;

    if (smElem.embeddedObject().nFields() != 2) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                      str::stream() << "The $gleStats object can only have 2 fields, but got "
                                    << smElem.embeddedObject().toString());

    repl::OpTime opTime;
    const BSONElement opTimeElement = smElem.embeddedObject()[kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName];
    if (opTimeElement.eoo()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey, "lastOpTime field missing");
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == bsonTimestamp) {
        opTime = repl::OpTime(opTimeElement.timestamp(), repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        opTime = repl::OpTime(Timestamp(opTimeElement.date()), repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Object) {
        Status status =
            bsonExtractOpTimeField(smElem.embeddedObject(), kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName, &opTime);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type "
                                    << typeName(opTimeElement.type()));

    BSONElement lastElectionIdElem;
    auto lastElectionIdExtractStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(
        smElem.embeddedObject(), kGLEStatsElectionIdFieldName, mongol::jstOID, &lastElectionIdElem);
    if (!lastElectionIdExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return lastElectionIdExtractStatus;

    return ShardingMetadata(opTime, lastElectionIdElem.OID());
コード例 #11
ファイル: chunk_version.cpp プロジェクト: AshishSanju/mongo
StatusWith<ChunkVersion> ChunkVersion::parseFromBSONWithFieldForCommands(const BSONObj& obj,
                                                                         StringData field) {
    BSONElement versionElem;
    Status status = bsonExtractField(obj, field, &versionElem);
    if (!status.isOK())
        return status;

    if (versionElem.type() != Array) {
        return {ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                str::stream() << "Invalid type " << versionElem.type()
                              << " for shardVersion element. Expected an array"};

    BSONObjIterator it(versionElem.Obj());
    if (!it.more())
        return {ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Unexpected empty version"};

    ChunkVersion version;

    // Expect the timestamp
        BSONElement tsPart = it.next();
        if (tsPart.type() != bsonTimestamp)
            return {ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                    str::stream() << "Invalid type " << tsPart.type()
                                  << " for version timestamp part."};

        version._combined = tsPart.timestamp().asULL();

    // Expect the epoch OID
        BSONElement epochPart = it.next();
        if (epochPart.type() != jstOID)
            return {ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                    str::stream() << "Invalid type " << epochPart.type()
                                  << " for version epoch part."};

        version._epoch = epochPart.OID();

    return version;
コード例 #12
ファイル: client_info.cpp プロジェクト: 328500920/mongo
    void ClientInfo::_addWriteBack( vector<WBInfo>& all, const BSONObj& gle, bool fromLastOperation ) {
        BSONElement w = gle["writeback"];

        if ( w.type() != jstOID )

        BSONElement cid = gle["connectionId"];

        if ( cid.eoo() ) {
            error() << "getLastError writeback can't work because of version mismatch" << endl;

        string ident = "";
        if ( gle["instanceIdent"].type() == String )
            ident = gle["instanceIdent"].String();

        all.push_back( WBInfo( WriteBackListener::ConnectionIdent( ident , cid.numberLong() ),
                               fromLastOperation ) );
コード例 #13
ファイル: oplog.cpp プロジェクト: nvdnkpr/mongo
 void rollbackRefOp(BSONObj entry) {
     OID oid = entry["ref"].OID();
     LOG(3) << "rollback ref " << entry << " oid " << oid << endl;
     long long seq = LLONG_MAX;
     while (1) {
         BSONObj currEntry;
             LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: rolling back entry from oplog.refs");
             Client::ReadContext ctx(rsOplogRefs, lockReason);
             verify(rsOplogRefsDetails != NULL);
             shared_ptr<Cursor> c(
                     KeyPattern::toKeyFormat(BSON( "_id" << BSON("oid" << oid << "seq" << seq))), // right endpoint
                     KeyPattern::toKeyFormat(BSON( "_id" << BSON("oid" << oid << "seq" << 0))), // left endpoint
                     -1 // direction
             if (c->ok()) {
                 currEntry = c->current().copy();
             else {
         BSONElement e = currEntry.getFieldDotted("_id.seq");
         seq = e.Long();
         BSONElement eOID = currEntry.getFieldDotted("_id.oid");
         if (oid != eOID.OID()) {
         LOG(3) << "apply " << currEntry << " seq=" << seq << endl;
         // decrement seq so next query gets the next value
コード例 #14
ファイル: oplog.cpp プロジェクト: aberg001/mongo
 // find all oplog entries for a given OID in the oplog.refs collection and apply them
 // TODO this should be a range query on oplog.refs where _id.oid == oid and applyOps to
 // each entry found.  The locking of the query interleaved with the locking in the applyOps
 // did not work, so it a sequence of point queries.  
 // TODO verify that the query plan is a indexed lookup.
 // TODO verify that the query plan does not fetch too many docs and then only process one of them.
 void applyRefOp(BSONObj entry) {
     OID oid = entry["ref"].OID();
     LOG(3) << "apply ref " << entry << " oid " << oid << endl;
     long long seq = 0; // note that 0 is smaller than any of the seq numbers
     while (1) {
         BSONObj entry;
             Client::ReadContext ctx(rsOplogRefs);
             // TODO: Should this be using rsOplogRefsDetails, verifying non-null?
             NamespaceDetails *d = nsdetails(rsOplogRefs);
             if (d == NULL || !d->findOne(BSON("_id" << BSON("$gt" << BSON("oid" << oid << "seq" << seq))), entry, true)) {
         BSONElement e = entry.getFieldDotted("_id.seq");
         seq = e.Long();
         BSONElement eOID = entry.getFieldDotted("_id.oid");
         if (oid != eOID.OID()) {
         LOG(3) << "apply " << entry << " seq=" << seq << endl;
コード例 #15
ファイル: rtnContextLob.cpp プロジェクト: 247687009/SequoiaDB
   INT32 _rtnContextLob::open( const BSONObj &lob,
                               BOOLEAN isLocal, 
                               _pmdEDUCB *cb,
                               SDB_DPSCB *dpsCB )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      BSONElement mode ;
      BSONElement oid ;
      BSONElement fullName = lob.getField( FIELD_NAME_COLLECTION ) ;
      if ( String != fullName.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "can not find collection name in lob[%s]",
                 lob.toString( FALSE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      oid = lob.getField( FIELD_NAME_LOB_OID ) ;
      if ( jstOID != oid.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "invalid oid in meta bsonobj:%s",
                 lob.toString( FALSE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      mode = lob.getField( FIELD_NAME_LOB_OPEN_MODE ) ;
      if ( NumberInt != mode.type() )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "invalid mode in meta bsonobj:%s",
                 lob.toString( FALSE, TRUE ).c_str() ) ;
         rc = SDB_INVALIDARG ;
         goto error ;

      if ( isLocal )
         _stream = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnLocalLobStream() ;
         _stream = SDB_OSS_NEW _rtnCoordLobStream() ;

      if ( NULL == _stream )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to allocate mem." ) ;
         rc = SDB_OOM ;
         goto error ;

      _stream->setDPSCB( dpsCB ) ;
      rc = _stream->open( fullName.valuestr(),
                          mode.Int(), cb ) ;
      if ( SDB_OK != rc )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to open lob stream:%d", rc ) ;
         goto error ;

      _isOpened = TRUE ;
      _hitEnd = FALSE ;
      return rc ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #16
Status IsMasterResponse::initialize(const BSONObj& doc) {
    Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(doc, kIsMasterFieldName, &_isMaster);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    _isMasterSet = true;
    status = bsonExtractBooleanField(doc, kSecondaryFieldName, &_secondary);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    _isSecondarySet = true;
    if (doc.hasField(kInfoFieldName)) {
        if (_isMaster || _secondary || !doc.hasField(kIsReplicaSetFieldName) ||
            !doc[kIsReplicaSetFieldName].booleanSafe()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                          str::stream() << "Expected presence of \"" << kInfoFieldName
                                        << "\" field to indicate no valid config loaded, but other "
                                           "fields weren't as we expected");
        _configSet = false;
        return Status::OK();
    } else {
        if (doc.hasField(kIsReplicaSetFieldName)) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                          str::stream() << "Found \"" << kIsReplicaSetFieldName
                                        << "\" field which should indicate that no valid config "
                                           "is loaded, but we didn't also have an \""
                                        << kInfoFieldName << "\" field as we expected");

    status = bsonExtractStringField(doc, kSetNameFieldName, &_setName);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    _setNameSet = true;
    status = bsonExtractIntegerField(doc, kSetVersionFieldName, &_setVersion);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    _setVersionSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kHostsFieldName)) {
        BSONElement hostsElement;
        status = bsonExtractTypedField(doc, kHostsFieldName, Array, &hostsElement);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        for (BSONObjIterator it(hostsElement.Obj()); it.more();) {
            BSONElement hostElement = it.next();
            if (hostElement.type() != String) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                              str::stream() << "Elements in \"" << kHostsFieldName
                                            << "\" array of isMaster response must be of type "
                                            << typeName(String) << " but found type "
                                            << typeName(hostElement.type()));
        _hostsSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kPassivesFieldName)) {
        BSONElement passivesElement;
        status = bsonExtractTypedField(doc, kPassivesFieldName, Array, &passivesElement);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        for (BSONObjIterator it(passivesElement.Obj()); it.more();) {
            BSONElement passiveElement = it.next();
            if (passiveElement.type() != String) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                              str::stream() << "Elements in \"" << kPassivesFieldName
                                            << "\" array of isMaster response must be of type "
                                            << typeName(String) << " but found type "
                                            << typeName(passiveElement.type()));
        _passivesSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kArbitersFieldName)) {
        BSONElement arbitersElement;
        status = bsonExtractTypedField(doc, kArbitersFieldName, Array, &arbitersElement);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        for (BSONObjIterator it(arbitersElement.Obj()); it.more();) {
            BSONElement arbiterElement = it.next();
            if (arbiterElement.type() != String) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                              str::stream() << "Elements in \"" << kArbitersFieldName
                                            << "\" array of isMaster response must be of type "
                                            << typeName(String) << " but found type "
                                            << typeName(arbiterElement.type()));
        _arbitersSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kPrimaryFieldName)) {
        std::string primaryString;
        status = bsonExtractStringField(doc, kPrimaryFieldName, &primaryString);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _primary = HostAndPort(primaryString);
        _primarySet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kArbiterOnlyFieldName)) {
        status = bsonExtractBooleanField(doc, kArbiterOnlyFieldName, &_arbiterOnly);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _arbiterOnlySet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kPassiveFieldName)) {
        status = bsonExtractBooleanField(doc, kPassiveFieldName, &_passive);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _passiveSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kHiddenFieldName)) {
        status = bsonExtractBooleanField(doc, kHiddenFieldName, &_hidden);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _hiddenSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kBuildIndexesFieldName)) {
        status = bsonExtractBooleanField(doc, kBuildIndexesFieldName, &_buildIndexes);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _buildIndexesSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kSlaveDelayFieldName)) {
        long long slaveDelaySecs;
        status = bsonExtractIntegerField(doc, kSlaveDelayFieldName, &slaveDelaySecs);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _slaveDelaySet = true;
        _slaveDelay = Seconds(slaveDelaySecs);

    if (doc.hasField(kTagsFieldName)) {
        BSONElement tagsElement;
        status = bsonExtractTypedField(doc, kTagsFieldName, Object, &tagsElement);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        for (BSONObjIterator it(tagsElement.Obj()); it.more();) {
            BSONElement tagElement = it.next();
            if (tagElement.type() != String) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                              str::stream() << "Elements in \"" << kTagsFieldName
                                            << "\" obj "
                                               "of isMaster response must be of type "
                                            << typeName(String) << " but found type "
                                            << typeName(tagsElement.type()));
            _tags[tagElement.fieldNameStringData().toString()] = tagElement.String();
        _tagsSet = true;

    if (doc.hasField(kElectionIdFieldName)) {
        BSONElement electionIdElem;
        status = bsonExtractTypedField(doc, kElectionIdFieldName, jstOID, &electionIdElem);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        _electionId = electionIdElem.OID();

    std::string meString;
    status = bsonExtractStringField(doc, kMeFieldName, &meString);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    _me = HostAndPort(meString);
    _meSet = true;

    return Status::OK();
コード例 #17
StatusWith<MoveChunkRequest> MoveChunkRequest::createFromCommand(NamespaceString nss,
                                                                 const BSONObj& obj) {
    auto secondaryThrottleStatus = MigrationSecondaryThrottleOptions::createFromCommand(obj);
    if (!secondaryThrottleStatus.isOK()) {
        return secondaryThrottleStatus.getStatus();

    auto rangeStatus = ChunkRange::fromBSON(obj);
    if (!rangeStatus.isOK()) {
        return rangeStatus.getStatus();

    MoveChunkRequest request(std::move(nss),

        std::string shardStr;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(obj, kFromShardId, &shardStr);
        request._fromShardId = shardStr;
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        std::string shardStr;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(obj, kToShardId, &shardStr);
        request._toShardId = shardStr;
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        BSONElement epochElem;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(obj, kEpoch, BSONType::jstOID, &epochElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        request._versionEpoch = epochElem.OID();

        Status status =
            bsonExtractBooleanFieldWithDefault(obj, kWaitForDelete, false, &request._waitForDelete);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

    // Check for the deprecated name '_waitForDelete' if 'waitForDelete' was false.
    if (!request._waitForDelete) {
        Status status = bsonExtractBooleanFieldWithDefault(
            obj, kWaitForDeleteDeprecated, false, &request._waitForDelete);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        long long maxChunkSizeBytes;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(obj, kMaxChunkSizeBytes, &maxChunkSizeBytes);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        request._maxChunkSizeBytes = static_cast<int64_t>(maxChunkSizeBytes);

    {  // TODO: delete this block in 3.8
        bool takeDistLock = false;
        Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(obj, kTakeDistLock, &takeDistLock);
        if (status.isOK() && takeDistLock) {
            return Status{ErrorCodes::IncompatibleShardingConfigVersion,
                              << "Request received from an older, incompatible mongodb version"};

    return request;
コード例 #18
StatusWith<ShardCollectionType> ShardCollectionType::fromBSON(const BSONObj& source) {
    NamespaceString uuid;
        std::string ns;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, ShardCollectionType::uuid.name(), &ns);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        uuid = NamespaceString{ns};

    NamespaceString nss;
        std::string ns;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, ShardCollectionType::ns.name(), &ns);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
        nss = NamespaceString{ns};

    OID epoch;
        BSONElement oidElem;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(
            source, ShardCollectionType::epoch.name(), BSONType::jstOID, &oidElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        epoch = oidElem.OID();

    BSONElement collKeyPattern;
    Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(
        source, ShardCollectionType::keyPattern.name(), Object, &collKeyPattern);
    if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    BSONObj obj = collKeyPattern.Obj();
    if (obj.isEmpty()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::ShardKeyNotFound,
                      str::stream() << "Empty shard key. Failed to parse: " << source.toString());
    KeyPattern pattern(obj.getOwned());

    BSONObj collation;
        BSONElement defaultCollation;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(
            source, ShardCollectionType::defaultCollation.name(), Object, &defaultCollation);
        if (status.isOK()) {
            BSONObj obj = defaultCollation.Obj();
            if (obj.isEmpty()) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "empty defaultCollation");

            collation = obj.getOwned();
        } else if (status != ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
            return status;

    bool unique;
        Status status =
            bsonExtractBooleanField(source, ShardCollectionType::unique.name(), &unique);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;

    ShardCollectionType shardCollectionType(uuid, nss, epoch, pattern, collation, unique);

    // Below are optional fields.

    bool refreshing;
        Status status =
            bsonExtractBooleanField(source, ShardCollectionType::refreshing.name(), &refreshing);
        if (status.isOK()) {
        } else if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
            // The field is not set yet, which is okay.
        } else {
            return status;

    long long refreshSequenceNumber;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(
            source, ShardCollectionType::refreshSequenceNumber.name(), &refreshSequenceNumber);
        if (status.isOK()) {
        } else if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
            // The field is not set yet, which is okay.
        } else {
            return status;

    return shardCollectionType;
コード例 #19
/* ****************************************************************************
* SubscriptionCache::insert - 
void SubscriptionCache::insert(const std::string& tenant, BSONObj bobj)
  BSONElement  idField = bobj.getField("_id");

  if (idField.eoo() == true)
    LM_E(("Database Error (error retrieving _id field in doc: '%s')", bobj.toString().c_str()));

  // 01. Extract values from database object 'bobj'
  std::string               subId             = idField.OID().toString();
  int64_t                   expiration        = bobj.hasField(CSUB_EXPIRATION)? bobj.getField(CSUB_EXPIRATION).Long() : 0;
  std::string               reference         = bobj.getField(CSUB_REFERENCE).String();
  int64_t                   throttling        = bobj.hasField(CSUB_THROTTLING)? bobj.getField(CSUB_THROTTLING).Long() : -1;
  std::vector<BSONElement>  eVec              = bobj.getField(CSUB_ENTITIES).Array();
  std::vector<BSONElement>  attrVec           = bobj.getField(CSUB_ATTRS).Array();
  std::vector<BSONElement>  condVec           = bobj.getField(CSUB_CONDITIONS).Array();
  std::string               formatString      = bobj.hasField(CSUB_FORMAT)? bobj.getField(CSUB_FORMAT).String() : "XML";
  std::string               servicePath       = bobj.hasField(CSUB_SERVICE_PATH)? bobj.getField(CSUB_SERVICE_PATH).String() : "/";
  Format                    format            = stringToFormat(formatString);
  int                       lastNotification  = bobj.hasField(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION)? bobj.getField(CSUB_LASTNOTIFICATION).Int() : 0;
  std::vector<EntityInfo*>  eiV;
  std::vector<std::string>  attrV;
  Restriction               restriction;
  NotifyConditionVector     notifyConditionVector;

  // 02. Push Entity-data names to EntityInfo Vector (eiV)
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < eVec.size(); ++ix)
    BSONObj entity = eVec[ix].embeddedObject();

    if (!entity.hasField(CSUB_ENTITY_ID))
      LM_W(("Runtime Error (got a subscription without id)"));

    std::string id = entity.getStringField(ENT_ENTITY_ID);
    if (!entity.hasField(CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN))

    std::string isPattern = entity.getStringField(CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN);
    if (isPattern != "true")

    std::string  type = "";
    if (entity.hasField(CSUB_ENTITY_TYPE))
      type = entity.getStringField(CSUB_ENTITY_TYPE);

    EntityInfo* eiP = new EntityInfo(id, type);

  if (eiV.size() == 0)

  // 03. Push attribute names to Attribute Vector (attrV)
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < attrVec.size(); ++ix)
    std::string attributeName = attrVec[ix].String();


  // 04. FIXME P4: Restriction not implemented

  // 05. Fill in notifyConditionVector from condVec
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < condVec.size(); ++ix)
    BSONObj                   condition = condVec[ix].embeddedObject();
    std::string               condType;
    std::vector<BSONElement>  valueVec;

    condType = condition.getStringField(CSUB_CONDITIONS_TYPE);
    if (condType != "ONCHANGE")

    NotifyCondition* ncP = new NotifyCondition();
    ncP->type = condType;

    valueVec = condition.getField(CSUB_CONDITIONS_VALUE).Array();
    for (unsigned int vIx = 0; vIx < valueVec.size(); ++vIx)
      std::string condValue;

      condValue = valueVec[vIx].String();


  if (notifyConditionVector.size() == 0)
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < eiV.size(); ++ix)



  // 06. Create Subscription and add it to the subscription-cache
  Subscription* subP = new Subscription(tenant,

  notifyConditionVector.release();  // Subscription constructor makes a copy
コード例 #20
ファイル: local_grid_file.cpp プロジェクト: aksaharan/mgridfs
int LocalMemoryGridFile::flush() {
	trace() << " -> LocalMemoryGridFile::flush {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
	if (!_dirty) {
		// Since, there are no dirty chunks, this does not need a flush
		info() << "buffers are not dirty.. need not flush {filename: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
		return 0;

	size_t bufferLen = 0;
	boost::shared_array<char> buffer = createFlushBuffer(bufferLen);
	if (!buffer.get() && bufferLen > 0) {
		// Failed to create flush buffer
		return -ENOMEM;

	// Get the existing gridfile from GridFS to get metadata and delete the
	// file from the system
	try {
		ScopedDbConnection dbc(globalFSOptions._connectString);
		GridFS gridFS(dbc.conn(), globalFSOptions._db, globalFSOptions._collPrefix);
		GridFile origGridFile = gridFS.findFile(BSON("filename" << _filename));

		if (!origGridFile.exists()) {
			warn() << "Requested file not found for flushing back data {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
			return -EBADF;

		//TODO: Make checks for appropriate object correctness
		//i.e. do not update anything that is not a Regular File
		//Check what happens in case of a link

		trace() << "Removing the current file from GridFS {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
		//TODO: Check for remove status if that was successfull or not
		//TODO: Rather have an update along with active / passive flag for the

		try {
			GridFS gridFS(dbc.conn(), globalFSOptions._db, globalFSOptions._collPrefix);

			// Create an empty file to signify the file creation and open a local file for the same
			trace() << "Adding new file to GridFS {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
			BSONObj fileObj = gridFS.storeFile(buffer.get(), bufferLen, _filename);
			if (!fileObj.isValid()) {
				warn() << "Failed to save file object in data flush {file: " << _filename << "}" << std::endl;
				return -EBADF;

			// Update the last updated date for the document
			BSONObj metadata = origGridFile.getMetadata();
			BSONElement fileObjId = fileObj.getField("_id");
			dbc->update(globalFSOptions._filesNS, BSON("_id" << fileObjId.OID()), 
					BSON("$set" << BSON(
								"uploadDate" << origGridFile.getUploadDate() 
								<< "metadata.type" << "file"
								<< "metadata.filename" << mgridfs::getPathBasename(_filename)
								<< "metadata.directory" << mgridfs::getPathDirname(_filename)
								<< "metadata.lastUpdated" << jsTime()
								<< "metadata.uid" << metadata["uid"]
								<< "metadata.gid" << metadata["gid"]
								<< "metadata.mode" << metadata["mode"]
	} catch (DBException& e) {
			error() << "Caught exception in saving remote file in flush {code: " << e.getCode() << ", what: " << e.what()
				<< ", exception: " << e.toString() << "}" << endl;
			return -EIO;

	} catch (DBException& e) {
		// Something failed in getting the file from GridFS
		error() << "Caught exception in getting remote file for flush {code: " << e.getCode() << ", what: " << e.what()
			<< ", exception: " << e.toString() << "}" << endl;
		return -EIO;

	_dirty = false;
	debug() << "Completed flushing the file content to GridFS {file: " << _filename << "}" << endl;
	return 0;
コード例 #21
ファイル: writeback_listener.cpp プロジェクト: ALFIO/mongo
    void WriteBackListener::run(){
        OID lastID;
        int secsToSleep = 0;
        while ( ! inShutdown() && Shard::isMember( _addr ) ){
            if ( lastID.isSet() ){
                scoped_lock lk( _seenWritebacksLock );
                _seenWritebacks.insert( lastID );

            try {
                ScopedDbConnection conn( _addr );
                BSONObj result;
                    BSONObjBuilder cmd;
                    cmd.appendOID( "writebacklisten" , &serverID ); // Command will block for data
                    if ( ! conn->runCommand( "admin" , cmd.obj() , result ) ){
                        log() <<  "writebacklisten command failed!  "  << result << endl;

                log(1) << "writebacklisten result: " << result << endl;
                BSONObj data = result.getObjectField( "data" );
                if ( data.getBoolField( "writeBack" ) ){
                    string ns = data["ns"].valuestrsafe();
                        BSONElement e = data["id"];
                        if ( e.type() == jstOID )
                            lastID = e.OID();
                    int len;

                    Message m( (void*)data["msg"].binData( len ) , false );
                    massert( 10427 ,  "invalid writeback message" , m.header()->valid() );                        

                    DBConfigPtr db = grid.getDBConfig( ns );
                    ShardChunkVersion needVersion( data["version"] );
                    log(1) << "writeback id: " << lastID << " needVersion : " << needVersion.toString() 
                           << " mine : " << db->getChunkManager( ns )->getVersion().toString() << endl;// TODO change to log(3)
                    if ( logLevel ) log(1) << debugString( m ) << endl;

                    if ( needVersion.isSet() && needVersion <= db->getChunkManager( ns )->getVersion() ){
                        // this means when the write went originally, the version was old
                        // if we're here, it means we've already updated the config, so don't need to do again
                        //db->getChunkManager( ns , true ); // SERVER-1349
                    else {
                        // we received a writeback object that was sent to a previous version of a shard
                        // the actual shard may not have the object the writeback operation is for 
                        // we need to reload the chunk manager and get the new shard versions
                        db->getChunkManager( ns , true );
                    Request r( m , 0 );
                else if ( result["noop"].trueValue() ){
                    // no-op
                else {
                    log() << "unknown writeBack result: " << result << endl;
                secsToSleep = 0;
            catch ( std::exception e ){

                if ( inShutdown() ){
                    // we're shutting down, so just clean up

                log() << "WriteBackListener exception : " << e.what() << endl;
                // It's possible this shard was removed
            catch ( ... ){
                log() << "WriteBackListener uncaught exception!" << endl;
            if ( secsToSleep > 10 )
                secsToSleep = 0;

        log() << "WriteBackListener exiting : address no longer in cluster " << _addr;

コード例 #22
ファイル: commands_admin.cpp プロジェクト: ALFIO/mongo
            void addWriteBack( vector<OID>& all , const BSONObj& o ){
                BSONElement e = o["writeback"];

                if ( e.type() == jstOID )
                    all.push_back( e.OID() );
コード例 #23
/* ****************************************************************************
* addTriggeredSubscriptions -
static bool addTriggeredSubscriptions
  ContextRegistration                   cr,
  map<string, TriggeredSubscription*>&  subs,
  std::string&                          err,
  std::string                           tenant

  BSONArrayBuilder          entitiesNoPatternA;
  std::vector<std::string>  idJsV;
  std::vector<std::string>  typeJsV;

  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < cr.entityIdVector.size(); ++ix)
    // FIXME: take into account subscriptions with no type
    EntityId* enP = cr.entityIdVector[ix];

    // The registration of isPattern=true entities is not supported, so we don't include them here
    if (enP->isPattern == "false")
      entitiesNoPatternA.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << enP->id <<
                                     CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE << enP->type <<
                                     CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << "false"));

  BSONArrayBuilder attrA;
  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < cr.contextRegistrationAttributeVector.size(); ++ix)
    ContextRegistrationAttribute* craP = cr.contextRegistrationAttributeVector[ix];

  BSONObjBuilder queryNoPattern;
  queryNoPattern.append(CASUB_ENTITIES, BSON("$in" << entitiesNoPatternA.arr()));
  if (attrA.arrSize() > 0)
    // If we don't do this checking, the {$in: [] } in the attribute name part will
    // make the query fail

    // queryB.append(CASUB_ATTRS, BSON("$in" << attrA.arr()));
    queryNoPattern.append("$or", BSON_ARRAY(
                            BSON(CASUB_ATTRS << BSON("$in" << attrA.arr())) <<
                            BSON(CASUB_ATTRS << BSON("$size" << 0))));
    queryNoPattern.append(CASUB_ATTRS, BSON("$size" << 0));
  queryNoPattern.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, BSON("$gt" << (long long) getCurrentTime()));

  // This is JavaScript code that runs in MongoDB engine. As far as I know, this is the only
  // way to do a "reverse regex" query in MongoDB (see
  // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15966991/mongodb-reverse-regex/15989520).
  // Note that although we are using a isPattern=true in the MongoDB query besides $where, we
  // also need to check that in the if statement in the JavaScript function given that a given
  // sub document could include both isPattern=true and isPattern=false documents
  std::string idJsString = "[ ";

  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < idJsV.size(); ++ix)
    if (ix != idJsV.size() - 1)
      idJsString += "\""+idJsV[ix]+ "\" ,";
      idJsString += "\"" +idJsV[ix]+ "\"";
  idJsString += " ]";

  std::string typeJsString = "[ ";

  for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < typeJsV.size(); ++ix)
    if (ix != typeJsV.size() - 1)
      typeJsString += "\"" +typeJsV[ix] + "\" ,";
      typeJsString += "\"" + typeJsV[ix] + "\"";
  typeJsString += " ]";

  std::string function = std::string("function()") +
    "{" +
      "enId = " + idJsString + ";" +
      "enType = " + typeJsString + ";" +
      "for (var i=0; i < this." + CASUB_ENTITIES + ".length; i++) {" +
        "if (this." + CASUB_ENTITIES + "[i]." + CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN + " == \"true\") {" +
          "for (var j = 0; j < enId.length; j++) {" +
            "if (enId[j].match(this." + CASUB_ENTITIES + "[i]." + CASUB_ENTITY_ID +
              ") && this." + CASUB_ENTITIES + "[i]." + CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE + " == enType[j]) {" +
              "return true; " +
            "}" +
          "}" +
        "}" +
      "}" +
      "return false; " +
  LM_T(LmtMongo, ("JS function: %s", function.c_str()));

  std::string     entPatternQ = CSUB_ENTITIES "." CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN;
  BSONObjBuilder  queryPattern;

  queryPattern.append(entPatternQ, "true");
  queryPattern.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, BSON("$gt" << (long long) getCurrentTime()));
  queryPattern.appendCode("$where", function);

  auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor;
  BSONObj                  query = BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(queryNoPattern.obj() << queryPattern.obj()));

  DBClientBase* connection = getMongoConnection();
  if (!collectionQuery(connection, getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant), query, &cursor, &err))
    return false;

  /* For each one of the subscriptions found, add it to the map (if not already there) */
  while (moreSafe(cursor))
    BSONObj     sub;
    std::string err;
    if (!nextSafeOrErrorF(cursor, &sub, &err))
      LM_E(("Runtime Error (exception in nextSafe(): %s - query: %s)", err.c_str(), query.toString().c_str()));
    BSONElement idField = getFieldF(sub, "_id");

    // BSONElement::eoo returns true if 'not found', i.e. the field "_id" doesn't exist in 'sub'
    // Now, if 'getFieldF(sub, "_id")' is not found, if we continue, calling OID() on it, then we get
    // an exception and the broker crashes.
    if (idField.eoo() == true)
      std::string details = std::string("error retrieving _id field in doc: '") + sub.toString() + "'";

    std::string subIdStr = idField.OID().toString();

    if (subs.count(subIdStr) == 0)
      LM_T(LmtMongo, ("adding subscription: '%s'", sub.toString().c_str()));

      // FIXME P4: Once ctx availability notification formats get defined for NGSIv2,
      //           the first parameter for TriggeredSubscription will have "normalized" as default value
      TriggeredSubscription* trigs = new TriggeredSubscription(
        sub.hasField(CASUB_FORMAT)? stringToRenderFormat(getStringFieldF(sub, CASUB_FORMAT)) : NGSI_V1_LEGACY,
        getStringFieldF(sub, CASUB_REFERENCE),

      subs.insert(std::pair<string, TriggeredSubscription*>(subIdStr, trigs));

  return true;
コード例 #24
/* ****************************************************************************
* addTriggeredSubscriptions
static bool addTriggeredSubscriptions(ContextRegistration                  cr,
                                      map<string, TriggeredSubscription*>& subs,
                                      std::string&                         err,
                                      std::string                          tenant)
    DBClientBase* connection = NULL;

    BSONArrayBuilder entitiesNoPatternA;
    std::vector<std::string> idJsV;
    std::vector<std::string> typeJsV;

    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < cr.entityIdVector.size(); ++ix ) {
        //FIXME: take into account subscriptions with no type
        EntityId* enP = cr.entityIdVector.get(ix);
        /* The registration of isPattern=true entities is not supported, so we don't include them here */
        if (enP->isPattern == "false") {
            entitiesNoPatternA.append(BSON(CASUB_ENTITY_ID << enP->id << CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE << enP->type << CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN << "false"));
    BSONArrayBuilder attrA;
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < cr.contextRegistrationAttributeVector.size(); ++ix) {
        ContextRegistrationAttribute* craP = cr.contextRegistrationAttributeVector.get(ix);

    BSONObjBuilder queryNoPattern;
    queryNoPattern.append(CASUB_ENTITIES, BSON("$in" << entitiesNoPatternA.arr()));
    if (attrA.arrSize() > 0) {
        /* If we don't do this checking, the {$in: [] } in the attribute name part will
         * make the query fail*/
        //queryB.append(CASUB_ATTRS, BSON("$in" << attrA.arr()));
        queryNoPattern.append("$or", BSON_ARRAY(
                          BSON(CASUB_ATTRS << BSON("$in" << attrA.arr())) <<
                          BSON(CASUB_ATTRS << BSON("$size" << 0))
    else {
        queryNoPattern.append(CASUB_ATTRS, BSON("$size" << 0));
    queryNoPattern.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, BSON("$gt" << (long long) getCurrentTime()));

    /* This is JavaScript code that runs in MongoDB engine. As far as I know, this is the only
     * way to do a "reverse regex" query in MongoDB (see
     * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15966991/mongodb-reverse-regex/15989520).
     * Note that although we are using a isPattern=true in the MongoDB query besides $where, we
     * also need to check that in the if statement in the JavaScript function given that a given
     * sub document could include both isPattern=true and isPattern=false documents */
    std::string idJsString = "[ ";
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < idJsV.size(); ++ix ) {
        if (ix != idJsV.size()-1) {
            idJsString += "\""+idJsV[ix]+ "\" ,";
        else {
            idJsString += "\"" +idJsV[ix]+ "\"";
    idJsString += " ]";

    std::string typeJsString = "[ ";
    for (unsigned int ix = 0; ix < typeJsV.size(); ++ix ) {
        if (ix != typeJsV.size()-1) {
            typeJsString += "\"" +typeJsV[ix] + "\" ,";
        else {
            typeJsString += "\"" + typeJsV[ix] + "\"";
    typeJsString += " ]";

    std::string function = std::string("function()") +
         "{" +
            "enId = "+idJsString+ ";" +
            "enType = "+typeJsString+ ";" +
            "for (var i=0; i < this."+CASUB_ENTITIES+".length; i++) {" +
                "if (this."+CASUB_ENTITIES+"[i]."+CASUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN+" == \"true\") {" +
                    "for (var j=0; j < enId.length; j++) {" +
                       "if (enId[j].match(this."+CASUB_ENTITIES+"[i]."+CASUB_ENTITY_ID+") && this."+CASUB_ENTITIES+"[i]."+CASUB_ENTITY_TYPE+" == enType[j]) {" +
                          "return true; " +
                       "}" +
                    "}" +
                "}" +
            "}" +
            "return false; " +
    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("JS function: %s", function.c_str()));

    std::string entPatternQ = CSUB_ENTITIES "." CSUB_ENTITY_ISPATTERN;

    BSONObjBuilder queryPattern;
    queryPattern.append(entPatternQ, "true");
    queryPattern.append(CASUB_EXPIRATION, BSON("$gt" << (long long) getCurrentTime()));
    queryPattern.appendCode("$where", function);

    BSONObj query = BSON("$or" << BSON_ARRAY(queryNoPattern.obj() << queryPattern.obj()));

    /* Do the query */
    auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor;
    LM_T(LmtMongo, ("query() in '%s' collection: '%s'", getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), query.toString().c_str()));
        connection = getMongoConnection();
        cursor = connection->query(getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str(), query);

         * We have observed that in some cases of DB errors (e.g. the database daemon is down) instead of
         * raising an exception, the query() method sets the cursor to NULL. In this case, we raise the
         * exception ourselves
        if (cursor.get() == NULL)
            throw DBException("Null cursor from mongo (details on this is found in the source code)", 0);


        LM_I(("Database Operation Successful (%s)", query.toString().c_str()));
    catch (const DBException &e)

        err = std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
               " - query(): " + query.toString() +
               " - exception: " + e.what();
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));

        return false;
    catch (...)

        err = std::string("collection: ") + getSubscribeContextAvailabilityCollectionName(tenant).c_str() +
               " - query(): " + query.toString() +
               " - exception: " + "generic";
        LM_E(("Database Error (%s)", err.c_str()));
        return false;

    /* For each one of the subscriptions found, add it to the map (if not already there) */
    while (cursor->more())
        BSONObj     sub     = cursor->next();
        BSONElement idField = sub.getField("_id");

        // BSONElement::eoo returns true if 'not found', i.e. the field "_id" doesn't exist in 'sub'
        // Now, if 'sub.getField("_id")' is not found, if we continue, calling OID() on it, then we get
        // an exception and the broker crashes.
        if (idField.eoo() == true)
          LM_E(("Database Error (error retrieving _id field in doc: %s)", sub.toString().c_str()));

        std::string subIdStr = idField.OID().toString();

        if (subs.count(subIdStr) == 0) {
            LM_T(LmtMongo, ("adding subscription: '%s'", sub.toString().c_str()));

            TriggeredSubscription* trigs = new TriggeredSubscription(sub.hasField(CASUB_FORMAT) ? stringToFormat(STR_FIELD(sub, CASUB_FORMAT)) : XML,
                                                                     STR_FIELD(sub, CASUB_REFERENCE),

            subs.insert(std::pair<string, TriggeredSubscription*>(subIdStr, trigs));

    return true;