コード例 #1
ファイル: cloner.cpp プロジェクト: catap/mongo
 virtual bool run(const char *ns, BSONObj& cmdObj, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
     BSONObj fromToken = cmdObj.getObjectField("finishCloneCollection");
     if ( fromToken.isEmpty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing finishCloneCollection finishToken spec";
         return false;
     string fromhost = fromToken.getStringField( "fromhost" );
     if ( fromhost.empty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing fromhost spec";
         return false;
     string collection = fromToken.getStringField("collection");
     if ( collection.empty() ) {
         errmsg = "missing collection spec";
         return false;
     BSONObj query = fromToken.getObjectField("query");
     if ( query.isEmpty() ) {
         query = BSONObj();
     long long cursorId = 0;
     BSONElement cursorIdToken = fromToken.getField( "cursorId" );
     if ( cursorIdToken.type() == Date ) {
         cursorId = cursorIdToken.date();
     setClient( collection.c_str() );
     log() << "finishCloneCollection.  db:" << ns << " collection:" << collection << " from: " << fromhost << " query: " << query << endl;
     Cloner c;
     return c.finishCloneCollection( fromhost.c_str(), collection.c_str(), query, cursorId, errmsg );
コード例 #2
ファイル: 2toku.cpp プロジェクト: 7segments/mongo
 void report() const {
     const OpTime &maxOpTimeSynced = _player->maxOpTimeSynced();
     LOG(0) << "synced up to " << fmtOpTime(maxOpTimeSynced);
     if (!_rconn) {
         LOG(0) << endl;
     Query lastQuery;
     lastQuery.sort("$natural", -1);
     BSONObj lastFields = BSON("ts" << 1);
     BSONObj lastObj = _rconn->conn().findOne(_oplogns, lastQuery, &lastFields);
     BSONElement tsElt = lastObj["ts"];
     if (!tsElt.ok()) {
         warning() << "couldn't find last oplog entry on remote host" << endl;
         LOG(0) << endl;
     OpTime lastOpTime = OpTime(tsElt.date());
     LOG(0) << ", source has up to " << fmtOpTime(lastOpTime);
     if (maxOpTimeSynced == lastOpTime) {
         LOG(0) << ", fully synced." << endl;
     else {
         int diff = lastOpTime.getSecs() - maxOpTimeSynced.getSecs();
         if (diff > 0) {
             LOG(0) << ", " << (lastOpTime.getSecs() - maxOpTimeSynced.getSecs())
                    << " seconds behind source." << endl;
         else {
             LOG(0) << ", less than 1 second behind source." << endl;
コード例 #3
StatusWith<DistLockCatalog::ServerInfo> DistLockCatalogImpl::getServerInfo(OperationContext* txn) {
    auto resultStatus = _client->getConfigShard()->runCommand(txn,
                                                              BSON("serverStatus" << 1),

    if (!resultStatus.isOK()) {
        return resultStatus.getStatus();
    if (!resultStatus.getValue().commandStatus.isOK()) {
        return resultStatus.getValue().commandStatus;

    BSONObj responseObj(std::move(resultStatus.getValue().response));

    BSONElement localTimeElem;
    auto localTimeStatus =
        bsonExtractTypedField(responseObj, kLocalTimeField, Date, &localTimeElem);

    if (!localTimeStatus.isOK()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat, localTimeStatus.reason()};

    auto electionIdStatus = extractElectionId(responseObj);

    if (!electionIdStatus.isOK()) {
        return {ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat, electionIdStatus.getStatus().reason()};

    return DistLockCatalog::ServerInfo(localTimeElem.date(), electionIdStatus.getValue());
コード例 #4
ファイル: type_mongos.cpp プロジェクト: i80and/mongo
StatusWith<MongosType> MongosType::fromBSON(const BSONObj& source) {
    MongosType mt;

        std::string mtName;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, name.name(), &mtName);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._name = mtName;

        BSONElement mtPingElem;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source, ping.name(), BSONType::Date, &mtPingElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._ping = mtPingElem.date();

        long long mtUptime;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(source, uptime.name(), &mtUptime);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._uptime = mtUptime;

        bool mtWaiting;
        Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(source, waiting.name(), &mtWaiting);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._waiting = mtWaiting;

    if (source.hasField(mongoVersion.name())) {
        std::string mtMongoVersion;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, mongoVersion.name(), &mtMongoVersion);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._mongoVersion = mtMongoVersion;

    if (source.hasField(configVersion.name())) {
        long long mtConfigVersion;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(source, configVersion.name(), &mtConfigVersion);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._configVersion = mtConfigVersion;

    return mt;
コード例 #5
ファイル: repl.cpp プロジェクト: CoolCloud/mongo
 void ReplSource::syncToTailOfRemoteLog() {
     string _ns = ns();
     BSONObjBuilder b;
     if ( !only.empty() ) {
         b.appendRegex("ns", string("^") + only);
     BSONObj last = oplogReader.findOne( _ns.c_str(), Query( b.done() ).sort( BSON( "$natural" << -1 ) ) );
     if ( !last.isEmpty() ) {
         BSONElement ts = last.getField( "ts" );
         massert( 10386 ,  "non Date ts found: " + last.toString(), ts.type() == Date || ts.type() == Timestamp );
         syncedTo = OpTime( ts.date() );
コード例 #6
ファイル: 2toku.cpp プロジェクト: 7segments/mongo
    bool attemptQuery(int queryOptions) {
        BSONObj res;
        auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor(_rconn->conn().query(
            _oplogns, QUERY("ts" << GTE << _player->maxOpTimeSynced()),
            0, 0, &res, queryOptions));

        if (!cursor->more()) {
            log() << "oplog query returned no results, sleeping 10 seconds..." << endl;
            log() << "retrying" << endl;
            return true;

        BSONObj firstObj = cursor->next();
            BSONElement tsElt = firstObj["ts"];
            if (!tsElt.ok()) {
                log() << "oplog format error: " << firstObj << " missing 'ts' field." << endl;
                return false;
            OpTime firstTime(tsElt.date());
            if (firstTime != _player->maxOpTimeSynced()) {
                throw CantFindTimestamp(firstTime);


        while (running && cursor->more()) {
            while (running && cursor->moreInCurrentBatch()) {
                BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
                LOG(2) << obj << endl;

                bool ok = _player->processObj(obj);
                if (!ok) {
                    return false;

            if (_reportingTimer.seconds() >= _reportingPeriod) {

        return true;
コード例 #7
StatusWith<ShardingMetadata> ShardingMetadata::readFromMetadata(const BSONObj& metadataObj) {
    BSONElement smElem;
    auto smExtractStatus =
        bsonExtractTypedField(metadataObj, kGLEStatsFieldName, mongol::Object, &smElem);
    if (!smExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return smExtractStatus;

    if (smElem.embeddedObject().nFields() != 2) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                      str::stream() << "The $gleStats object can only have 2 fields, but got "
                                    << smElem.embeddedObject().toString());

    repl::OpTime opTime;
    const BSONElement opTimeElement = smElem.embeddedObject()[kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName];
    if (opTimeElement.eoo()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey, "lastOpTime field missing");
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == bsonTimestamp) {
        opTime = repl::OpTime(opTimeElement.timestamp(), repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        opTime = repl::OpTime(Timestamp(opTimeElement.date()), repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Object) {
        Status status =
            bsonExtractOpTimeField(smElem.embeddedObject(), kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName, &opTime);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return status;
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kGLEStatsLastOpTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type "
                                    << typeName(opTimeElement.type()));

    BSONElement lastElectionIdElem;
    auto lastElectionIdExtractStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(
        smElem.embeddedObject(), kGLEStatsElectionIdFieldName, mongol::jstOID, &lastElectionIdElem);
    if (!lastElectionIdExtractStatus.isOK()) {
        return lastElectionIdExtractStatus;

    return ShardingMetadata(opTime, lastElectionIdElem.OID());
コード例 #8
    StatusWith<DistLockCatalog::ServerInfo> DistLockCatalogImpl::getServerInfo() {
        auto targetStatus = _targeter->findHost(kReadPref);

        if (!targetStatus.isOK()) {
            return targetStatus.getStatus();

        auto resultStatus = _cmdRunner->runCommand(RemoteCommandRequest(
                BSON("serverStatus" << 1)));

        if (!resultStatus.isOK()) {
            return resultStatus.getStatus();

        const RemoteCommandResponse& response = resultStatus.getValue();
        BSONObj responseObj(response.data);

        auto cmdStatus = getStatusFromCommandResult(responseObj);

        if (!cmdStatus.isOK()) {
            return cmdStatus;

        BSONElement localTimeElem;
        auto localTimeStatus = bsonExtractTypedField(responseObj,

        if (!localTimeStatus.isOK()) {
            return {ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat, localTimeStatus.reason()};

        auto electionIdStatus = extractElectionId(responseObj);

        if (!electionIdStatus.isOK()) {
            return {ErrorCodes::UnsupportedFormat, electionIdStatus.getStatus().reason()};

        return DistLockCatalog::ServerInfo(localTimeElem.date(), electionIdStatus.getValue());
コード例 #9
ファイル: d_logic.cpp プロジェクト: fes/mongo
    unsigned long long getVersion( BSONElement e , string& errmsg ){
        if ( e.eoo() ){
            errmsg = "no version";
            return 0;
        if ( e.isNumberLong() )
            return (unsigned long long)e.number64();
        if ( e.isNumber() )
            return (unsigned long long)e.number();
        if ( e.type() == Date || e.type() == Timestamp )
            return e.date();

        errmsg = "version is not a numberic type";
        return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: field_parser.cpp プロジェクト: stevelyall/mongol-db
FieldParser::FieldState FieldParser::extract(BSONElement elem,
                                             const BSONField<Date_t>& field,
                                             Date_t* out,
                                             string* errMsg) {
    if (elem.eoo()) {
        if (field.hasDefault()) {
            *out = field.getDefault();
            return FIELD_DEFAULT;
        } else {
            return FIELD_NONE;

    if (elem.type() == Date) {
        *out = elem.date();
        return FIELD_SET;

    _genFieldErrMsg(elem, field, "date", errMsg);
    return FIELD_INVALID;
コード例 #11
ファイル: engine_spidermonkey.cpp プロジェクト: xrogaan/mongo
    jsval toval( const BSONElement& e ) {

        switch( e.type() ) {
        case EOO:
        case jstNULL:
        case Undefined:
            return JSVAL_NULL;
        case NumberDouble:
        case NumberInt:
            return toval( e.number() );
        case Symbol: // TODO: should we make a special class for this
        case String:
            return toval( e.valuestr() );
        case Bool:
            return e.boolean() ? JSVAL_TRUE : JSVAL_FALSE;
        case Object: {
            BSONObj embed = e.embeddedObject().getOwned();
            return toval( &embed );
        case Array: {

            BSONObj embed = e.embeddedObject().getOwned();

            if ( embed.isEmpty() ) {
                return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewArrayObject( _context , 0 , 0 ) );

            int n = embed.nFields();

            JSObject * array = JS_NewArrayObject( _context , n , 0 );
            assert( array );

            jsval myarray = OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( array );

            for ( int i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
                jsval v = toval( embed[i] );
                assert( JS_SetElement( _context , array , i , &v ) );

            return myarray;
        case jstOID: {
            OID oid = e.__oid();
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &object_id_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "str" , toval( oid.str().c_str() ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case RegEx: {
            const char * flags = e.regexFlags();
            uintN flagNumber = 0;
            while ( *flags ) {
                switch ( *flags ) {
                case 'g':
                    flagNumber |= JSREG_GLOB;
                case 'i':
                    flagNumber |= JSREG_FOLD;
                case 'm':
                    flagNumber |= JSREG_MULTILINE;
                //case 'y': flagNumber |= JSREG_STICKY; break;

                    log() << "warning: unknown regex flag:" << *flags << endl;

            JSObject * r = JS_NewRegExpObject( _context , (char*)e.regex() , strlen( e.regex() ) , flagNumber );
            assert( r );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( r );
        case Code: {
            JSFunction * func = compileFunction( e.valuestr() );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_GetFunctionObject( func ) );
        case CodeWScope: {
            JSFunction * func = compileFunction( e.codeWScopeCode() );

            BSONObj extraScope = e.codeWScopeObject();
            if ( ! extraScope.isEmpty() ) {
                log() << "warning: CodeWScope doesn't transfer to db.eval" << endl;

            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_GetFunctionObject( func ) );
        case Date:
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( js_NewDateObjectMsec( _context , (jsdouble) e.date().millis ) );

        case MinKey:
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewObject( _context , &minkey_class , 0 , 0 ) );

        case MaxKey:
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( JS_NewObject( _context , &maxkey_class , 0 , 0 ) );

        case Timestamp: {
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &timestamp_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "t" , toval( (double)(e.timestampTime()) ) );
            setProperty( o , "i" , toval( (double)(e.timestampInc()) ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case NumberLong: {
            boost::uint64_t val = (boost::uint64_t)e.numberLong();
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &numberlong_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "floatApprox" , toval( (double)(boost::int64_t)( val ) ) );
            if ( (boost::int64_t)val != (boost::int64_t)(double)(boost::int64_t)( val ) ) {
                // using 2 doubles here instead of a single double because certain double
                // bit patterns represent undefined values and sm might trash them
                setProperty( o , "top" , toval( (double)(boost::uint32_t)( val >> 32 ) ) );
                setProperty( o , "bottom" , toval( (double)(boost::uint32_t)( val & 0x00000000ffffffff ) ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case DBRef: {
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &dbpointer_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( o , "ns" , toval( e.dbrefNS() ) );

            JSObject * oid = JS_NewObject( _context , &object_id_class , 0 , 0 );
            setProperty( oid , "str" , toval( e.dbrefOID().str().c_str() ) );

            setProperty( o , "id" , OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( oid ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
        case BinData: {
            JSObject * o = JS_NewObject( _context , &bindata_class , 0 , 0 );
            int len;
            const char * data = e.binData( len );
            assert( JS_SetPrivate( _context , o , new BinDataHolder( data ) ) );

            setProperty( o , "len" , toval( len ) );
            setProperty( o , "type" , toval( (int)e.binDataType() ) );
            return OBJECT_TO_JSVAL( o );
コード例 #12
ファイル: jsobj.cpp プロジェクト: agiamas/mongo
 /* must be same type! */
 int compareElementValues(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r) {
     int f;
     double x;
     switch ( l.type() ) {
     case EOO:
     case Undefined:
     case jstNULL:
     case MaxKey:
     case MinKey:
         f = l.type() - r.type();
         if ( f<0 ) return -1;
         return f==0 ? 0 : 1;
     case Bool:
         return *l.value() - *r.value();
     case Timestamp:
     case Date:
         if ( l.date() < r.date() )
             return -1;
         return l.date() == r.date() ? 0 : 1;
     case NumberInt:
     case NumberDouble: {
         double left = l.number();
         double right = r.number();
         bool lNan = !( left <= numeric_limits< double >::max() &&
                      left >= -numeric_limits< double >::max() );
         bool rNan = !( right <= numeric_limits< double >::max() &&
                      right >= -numeric_limits< double >::max() );
         if ( lNan ) {
             if ( rNan ) {
                 return 0;
             } else {
                 return -1;
         } else if ( rNan ) {
             return 1;
         x = left - right;
         if ( x < 0 ) return -1;
         return x == 0 ? 0 : 1;
     case jstOID:
         return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), 12);
     case Code:
     case Symbol:
     case String:
         /* todo: utf version */
         return strcmp(l.valuestr(), r.valuestr());
     case Object:
     case Array:
         return l.embeddedObject().woCompare( r.embeddedObject() );
     case DBRef:
     case BinData: {
         int lsz = l.valuesize();
         int rsz = r.valuesize();
         if ( lsz - rsz != 0 ) return lsz - rsz;
         return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), lsz);
     case RegEx:
         int c = strcmp(l.regex(), r.regex());
         if ( c )
             return c;
         return strcmp(l.regexFlags(), r.regexFlags());
         out() << "compareElementValues: bad type " << (int) l.type() << endl;
     return -1;
コード例 #13
ファイル: MongoJS.cpp プロジェクト: tanfulai/mongo
Local<v8::Object> mongoToV8( BSONObj & m , bool array ){
    Local<v8::Object> o;
    if ( array )
        o = v8::Array::New();
        o = v8::Object::New();
    mongo::BSONObj sub;
    for ( BSONObjIterator i(m); i.more(); ) {
        BSONElement f = i.next();
        if ( f.eoo() )
        Local<Value> v;
        switch ( f.type() ){

        case mongo::Code:
            cout << "warning, code saved in database just turned into string right now" << endl;
        case mongo::String: 
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , v8::String::New( f.valuestr() ) );
        case mongo::jstOID: {
            v8::Function * idCons = getObjectIdCons();
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[1];
            argv[0] = v8::String::New( f.__oid().str().c_str() );
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , 
                    idCons->NewInstance( 1 , argv ) );
        case mongo::NumberDouble:
        case mongo::NumberInt:
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , v8::Number::New( f.number() ) );
        case mongo::Array:
        case mongo::Object:
            sub = f.embeddedObject();
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , mongoToV8( sub , f.type() == mongo::Array ) );
        case mongo::Date:
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , v8::Date::New( f.date() ) );

        case mongo::Bool:
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , v8::Boolean::New( f.boolean() ) );
        case mongo::jstNULL:
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , v8::Null() );
        case mongo::RegEx: {
            v8::Function * regex = getNamedCons( "RegExp" );
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[2];
            argv[0] = v8::String::New( f.regex() );
            argv[1] = v8::String::New( f.regexFlags() );
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , regex->NewInstance( 2 , argv ) );
        case mongo::BinData: {
            Local<v8::Object> b = v8::Object::New();

            int len;
            f.binData( len );
            b->Set( v8::String::New( "subtype" ) , v8::Number::New( f.binDataType() ) );
            b->Set( v8::String::New( "length" ) , v8::Number::New( len ) );
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , b );
        case mongo::Timestamp: {
            Local<v8::Object> sub = v8::Object::New();            

            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "time" ) , v8::Date::New( f.timestampTime() ) );
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "i" ) , v8::Number::New( f.timestampInc() ) );
            o->Set( v8::String::New( f.fieldName() ) , sub );

            cout << "can't handle type: ";
			cout  << f.type() << " ";
			cout  << f.toString();
			cout  << endl;

    return o;
コード例 #14
void BSONComparatorInterfaceBase<T>::hashCombineBSONElement(
    size_t& hash,
    BSONElement elemToHash,
    bool considerFieldName,
    const StringData::ComparatorInterface* stringComparator) {
    boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.canonicalType());

    const StringData fieldName = elemToHash.fieldNameStringData();
    if (considerFieldName && !fieldName.empty()) {
        SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, fieldName);

    switch (elemToHash.type()) {
        // Order of types is the same as in compareElementValues().

        case mongo::EOO:
        case mongo::Undefined:
        case mongo::jstNULL:
        case mongo::MaxKey:
        case mongo::MinKey:
            // These are valueless types

        case mongo::Bool:
            boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.boolean());

        case mongo::bsonTimestamp:
            boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.timestamp().asULL());

        case mongo::Date:
            boost::hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.date().asInt64());

        case mongo::NumberDecimal: {
            const Decimal128 dcml = elemToHash.numberDecimal();
            if (dcml.toAbs().isGreater(Decimal128(std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),
                                                  Decimal128::kRoundTowardZero)) &&
                !dcml.isInfinite() && !dcml.isNaN()) {
                // Normalize our decimal to force equivalent decimals
                // in the same cohort to hash to the same value
                Decimal128 dcmlNorm(dcml.normalize());
                boost::hash_combine(hash, dcmlNorm.getValue().low64);
                boost::hash_combine(hash, dcmlNorm.getValue().high64);
            // Else, fall through and convert the decimal to a double and hash.
            // At this point the decimal fits into the range of doubles, is infinity, or is NaN,
            // which doubles have a cheaper representation for.
        case mongo::NumberDouble:
        case mongo::NumberLong:
        case mongo::NumberInt: {
            // This converts all numbers to doubles, which ignores the low-order bits of
            // NumberLongs > 2**53 and precise decimal numbers without double representations,
            // but that is ok since the hash will still be the same for equal numbers and is
            // still likely to be different for different numbers. (Note: this issue only
            // applies for decimals when they are outside of the valid double range. See
            // the above case.)
            // SERVER-16851
            const double dbl = elemToHash.numberDouble();
            if (std::isnan(dbl)) {
                boost::hash_combine(hash, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
            } else {
                boost::hash_combine(hash, dbl);

        case mongo::jstOID:

        case mongo::String: {
            if (stringComparator) {
                stringComparator->hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.valueStringData());
            } else {

        case mongo::Code:
        case mongo::Symbol:
            SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.valueStringData());

        case mongo::Object:
        case mongo::Array:
                               true,  // considerFieldName

        case mongo::DBRef:
        case mongo::BinData:
            // All bytes of the value are required to be identical.
                hash, StringData(elemToHash.value(), elemToHash.valuesize()));

        case mongo::RegEx:
            SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.regex());
            SimpleStringDataComparator::kInstance.hash_combine(hash, elemToHash.regexFlags());

        case mongo::CodeWScope: {
                hash, StringData(elemToHash.codeWScopeCode(), elemToHash.codeWScopeCodeLen()));
                               true,  // considerFieldName
コード例 #15
ファイル: key.cpp プロジェクト: kzys/mongo
// fromBSON to Key format
KeyV1Owned::KeyV1Owned(const BSONObj& obj) {
    BSONObj::iterator i(obj);
    assert( i.more() );
    unsigned char bits = 0;
    while( 1 ) {
        BSONElement e = i.next();
        if( i.more() )
            bits |= cHASMORE;
        switch( e.type() ) {
        case MinKey:
        case jstNULL:
        case MaxKey:
        case Bool:
            b.appendUChar( (e.boolean()?ctrue:cfalse) | bits );
        case jstOID:
            b.appendBuf(&e.__oid(), sizeof(OID));
        case BinData:
            int t = e.binDataType();
            // 0-7 and 0x80 to 0x87 are supported by Key
            if( (t & 0x78) == 0 && t != ByteArrayDeprecated ) {
                int len;
                const char * d = e.binData(len);
                int code = BinDataLengthToCode[len];
                if( code >= 0 ) {
                    if( t >= 128 )
                        t = (t-128) | 0x08;
                    dassert( (code&t) == 0 );
                    b.appendUChar( cbindata|bits );
                    b.appendUChar( code | t );
                    b.appendBuf(d, len);
        case Date:
        case String:
            // note we do not store the terminating null, to save space.
            unsigned x = (unsigned) e.valuestrsize() - 1;
            if( x > 255 ) {
            b.appendBuf(e.valuestr(), x);
        case NumberInt:
            b.appendNum((double) e._numberInt());
        case NumberLong:
            long long n = e._numberLong();
            double d = (double) n;
            if( d != n ) {
        case NumberDouble:
            double d = e._numberDouble();
            bool nan = !( d <= numeric_limits< double >::max() &&
                          d >= -numeric_limits< double >::max() );
            if( !nan ) {
            // else fall through and return a traditional BSON obj so our compressed keys need not check for nan
            // if other types involved, store as traditional BSON
        if( !i.more() )
        bits = 0;
    _keyData = (const unsigned char *) b.buf();
    dassert( b.len() == dataSize() ); // check datasize method is correct
    dassert( (*_keyData & cNOTUSED) == 0 );
コード例 #16
ファイル: v8_wrapper.cpp プロジェクト: IlyaM/mongo
    Handle<v8::Value> mongoToV8Element( const BSONElement &f ) {
        Local< v8::ObjectTemplate > internalFieldObjects = v8::ObjectTemplate::New();
        internalFieldObjects->SetInternalFieldCount( 1 );

        switch ( f.type() ){

        case mongo::Code:
            return newFunction( f.valuestr() );
        case CodeWScope:
            if ( f.codeWScopeObject().isEmpty() )
                log() << "warning: CodeWScope doesn't transfer to db.eval" << endl;
            return newFunction( f.codeWScopeCode() );
        case mongo::String: 
            return v8::String::New( f.valuestr() );
        case mongo::jstOID:
            return newId( f.__oid() );
        case mongo::NumberDouble:
        case mongo::NumberInt:
            return v8::Number::New( f.number() );
        case mongo::Array:
        case mongo::Object:
            return mongoToV8( f.embeddedObject() , f.type() == mongo::Array );
        case mongo::Date:
            return v8::Date::New( f.date() );
        case mongo::Bool:
            return v8::Boolean::New( f.boolean() );

        case mongo::EOO:            
        case mongo::jstNULL:
        case mongo::Undefined: // duplicate sm behavior
            return v8::Null();
        case mongo::RegEx: {
            v8::Function * regex = getNamedCons( "RegExp" );
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[2];
            argv[0] = v8::String::New( f.regex() );
            argv[1] = v8::String::New( f.regexFlags() );
            return regex->NewInstance( 2 , argv );
        case mongo::BinData: {
            int len;
            const char *data = f.binData( len );
            v8::Function* binData = getNamedCons( "BinData" );
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[3];
            argv[0] = v8::Number::New( len );
            argv[1] = v8::Number::New( f.binDataType() );
            argv[2] = v8::String::New( data, len );
            return binData->NewInstance( 3, argv );
        case mongo::Timestamp: {
            Local<v8::Object> sub = internalFieldObjects->NewInstance();
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "time" ) , v8::Date::New( f.timestampTime() ) );
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "i" ) , v8::Number::New( f.timestampInc() ) );
            sub->SetInternalField( 0, v8::Uint32::New( f.type() ) );

            return sub;
        case mongo::NumberLong: {
            Local<v8::Object> sub = internalFieldObjects->NewInstance();
            unsigned long long val = f.numberLong();
            v8::Function* numberLong = getNamedCons( "NumberLong" );
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[2];
            argv[0] = v8::Integer::New( val >> 32 );
            argv[1] = v8::Integer::New( (unsigned long)(val & 0x00000000ffffffff) );
            return numberLong->NewInstance( 2, argv );
        case mongo::MinKey: {
            Local<v8::Object> sub = internalFieldObjects->NewInstance();
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "$MinKey" ), v8::Boolean::New( true ) );
            sub->SetInternalField( 0, v8::Uint32::New( f.type() ) );
            return sub;
        case mongo::MaxKey: {
            Local<v8::Object> sub = internalFieldObjects->NewInstance();
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "$MaxKey" ), v8::Boolean::New( true ) );
            sub->SetInternalField( 0, v8::Uint32::New( f.type() ) );
            return sub;
        case mongo::DBRef: {
            v8::Function* dbPointer = getNamedCons( "DBPointer" );
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[2];
            argv[0] = v8::String::New( f.dbrefNS() );
            argv[1] = newId( f.dbrefOID() );
            return dbPointer->NewInstance(2, argv);
            cout << "can't handle type: ";
			cout  << f.type() << " ";
			cout  << f.toString();
			cout  << endl;
        return v8::Undefined();
コード例 #17
ファイル: master_slave.cpp プロジェクト: blueskyjerry/mongo
    bool ReplSource::handleDuplicateDbName( const BSONObj &op, const char *ns, const char *db ) {
        if ( dbHolder()._isLoaded( ns, dbpath ) ) {
            // Database is already present.
            return true;   
        BSONElement ts = op.getField( "ts" );
        if ( ( ts.type() == Date || ts.type() == Timestamp ) && ___databaseIgnorer.ignoreAt( db, ts.date() ) ) {
            // Database is ignored due to a previous indication that it is
            // missing from master after optime "ts".
            return false;   
        if ( Database::duplicateUncasedName( false, db, dbpath ).empty() ) {
            // No duplicate database names are present.
            return true;
        OpTime lastTime;
        bool dbOk = false;
            dbtemprelease release;
            // We always log an operation after executing it (never before), so
            // a database list will always be valid as of an oplog entry generated
            // before it was retrieved.
            BSONObj last = oplogReader.findOne( this->ns().c_str(), Query().sort( BSON( "$natural" << -1 ) ) );
            if ( !last.isEmpty() ) {
	            BSONElement ts = last.getField( "ts" );
	            massert( 14032, "Invalid 'ts' in remote log", ts.type() == Date || ts.type() == Timestamp );
	            lastTime = OpTime( ts.date() );

            BSONObj info;
            bool ok = oplogReader.conn()->runCommand( "admin", BSON( "listDatabases" << 1 ), info );
            massert( 14033, "Unable to get database list", ok );
            BSONObjIterator i( info.getField( "databases" ).embeddedObject() );
            while( i.more() ) {
                BSONElement e = i.next();
                const char * name = e.embeddedObject().getField( "name" ).valuestr();
                if ( strcasecmp( name, db ) != 0 )
                if ( strcmp( name, db ) == 0 ) {
                    // The db exists on master, still need to check that no conflicts exist there.
                    dbOk = true;
                // The master has a db name that conflicts with the requested name.
                dbOk = false;
        if ( !dbOk ) {
            ___databaseIgnorer.doIgnoreUntilAfter( db, lastTime );
            return false;   
        // Check for duplicates again, since we released the lock above.
        set< string > duplicates;
        Database::duplicateUncasedName( false, db, dbpath, &duplicates );
        // The database is present on the master and no conflicting databases
        // are present on the master.  Drop any local conflicts.
        for( set< string >::const_iterator i = duplicates.begin(); i != duplicates.end(); ++i ) {
            ___databaseIgnorer.doIgnoreUntilAfter( *i, lastTime );
            Client::Context ctx(*i);
        massert( 14034, "Duplicate database names present after attempting to delete duplicates",
                Database::duplicateUncasedName( false, db, dbpath ).empty() );
        return true;
コード例 #18
bool BatchedCommandResponse::parseBSON(const BSONObj& source, string* errMsg) {

    std::string dummy;
    if (!errMsg)
        errMsg = &dummy;

    FieldParser::FieldState fieldState;
    fieldState = FieldParser::extractNumber(source, ok, &_ok, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;
    _isOkSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;

    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, errCode, &_errCode, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;
    _isErrCodeSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;

    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, errMessage, &_errMessage, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;
    _isErrMessageSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;

    // We're using appendNumber on generation so we'll try a smaller type
    // (int) first and then fall back to the original type (long long).
    BSONField<int> fieldN(n());
    int tempN;
    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, fieldN, &tempN, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) {
        // try falling back to a larger type
        fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, n, &_n, errMsg);
        if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
            return false;
        _isNSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
    } else if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET) {
        _isNSet = true;
        _n = tempN;

    // We're using appendNumber on generation so we'll try a smaller type
    // (int) first and then fall back to the original type (long long).
    BSONField<int> fieldNModified(nModified());
    int intNModified;
    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, fieldNModified, &intNModified, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID) {
        // try falling back to a larger type
        fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, nModified, &_nModified, errMsg);
        if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
            return false;
        _isNModifiedSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;
    } else if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET) {
        _isNModifiedSet = true;
        _nModified = intNModified;

    std::vector<BatchedUpsertDetail*>* tempUpsertDetails = NULL;
    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, upsertDetails, &tempUpsertDetails, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;

    const BSONElement opTimeElement = source["opTime"];
    _isLastOpSet = true;
    if (opTimeElement.eoo()) {
        _isLastOpSet = false;
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == bsonTimestamp) {
        _lastOp = repl::OpTime(opTimeElement.timestamp(), repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        _lastOp = repl::OpTime(Timestamp(opTimeElement.date()), repl::OpTime::kUninitializedTerm);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Object) {
        Status status = bsonExtractOpTimeField(source, "opTime", &_lastOp);
        if (!status.isOK()) {
            return false;
    } else {
        return false;

    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, electionId, &_electionId, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;
    _isElectionIdSet = fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_SET;

    std::vector<WriteErrorDetail*>* tempErrDetails = NULL;
    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, writeErrors, &tempErrDetails, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;

    WCErrorDetail* wcError = NULL;
    fieldState = FieldParser::extract(source, writeConcernError, &wcError, errMsg);
    if (fieldState == FieldParser::FIELD_INVALID)
        return false;

    return true;
コード例 #19
ファイル: MongoJS.cpp プロジェクト: alanw/mongo
Handle<v8::Value> mongoToV8Element( const BSONElement &f ) {
    assert( !f.eoo() );
    switch ( f.type() ){
        case mongo::Code:
            cout << "warning, code saved in database just turned into string right now" << endl;
        case mongo::String: 
            return v8::String::New( f.valuestr() );
        case mongo::jstOID: {
            v8::Function * idCons = getObjectIdCons();
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[1];
            argv[0] = v8::String::New( f.__oid().str().c_str() );
            return idCons->NewInstance( 1 , argv );
        case mongo::NumberDouble:
        case mongo::NumberInt:
            return v8::Number::New( f.number() );
        case mongo::Array:
        case mongo::Object:
            return mongoToV8( f.embeddedObject() , f.type() == mongo::Array );
        case mongo::Date:
            return v8::Date::New( f.date() );
        case mongo::Bool:
            return v8::Boolean::New( f.boolean() );
        case mongo::jstNULL:
            return v8::Null();
        case mongo::RegEx: {
            v8::Function * regex = getNamedCons( "RegExp" );
            v8::Handle<v8::Value> argv[2];
            argv[0] = v8::String::New( f.regex() );
            argv[1] = v8::String::New( f.regexFlags() );
            return regex->NewInstance( 2 , argv );
        case mongo::BinData: {
            Local<v8::Object> b = v8::Object::New();
            int len;
            f.binData( len );
            b->Set( v8::String::New( "subtype" ) , v8::Number::New( f.binDataType() ) );
            b->Set( v8::String::New( "length" ) , v8::Number::New( len ) );
            return b;
        case mongo::Timestamp: {
            Local<v8::Object> sub = v8::Object::New();            
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "time" ) , v8::Date::New( f.timestampTime() ) );
            sub->Set( v8::String::New( "i" ) , v8::Number::New( f.timestampInc() ) );
            return sub;
        case mongo::MinKey:
            // TODO: make a special type
            return v8::String::New( "MinKey" );
        case mongo::MaxKey:
            // TODO: make a special type
            return v8::String::New( "MaxKey" );
        case mongo::Undefined:
            return v8::Undefined();
            cout << "can't handle type: ";
			cout  << f.type() << " ";
			cout  << f.toString();
			cout  << endl;
    return v8::Undefined();
コード例 #20
ファイル: type_mongos.cpp プロジェクト: acmorrow/mongo
StatusWith<MongosType> MongosType::fromBSON(const BSONObj& source) {
    MongosType mt;

        std::string mtName;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, name.name(), &mtName);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._name = mtName;

        BSONElement mtPingElem;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source, ping.name(), BSONType::Date, &mtPingElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._ping = mtPingElem.date();

        long long mtUptime;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(source, uptime.name(), &mtUptime);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._uptime = mtUptime;

        bool mtWaiting;
        Status status = bsonExtractBooleanField(source, waiting.name(), &mtWaiting);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._waiting = mtWaiting;

    if (source.hasField(mongoVersion.name())) {
        std::string mtMongoVersion;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, mongoVersion.name(), &mtMongoVersion);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._mongoVersion = mtMongoVersion;

    if (source.hasField(configVersion.name())) {
        long long mtConfigVersion;
        Status status = bsonExtractIntegerField(source, configVersion.name(), &mtConfigVersion);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        mt._configVersion = mtConfigVersion;

    if (source.hasField(advisoryHostFQDNs.name())) {
        mt._advisoryHostFQDNs = std::vector<std::string>();
        BSONElement array;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source, advisoryHostFQDNs.name(), Array, &array);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;

        BSONObjIterator it(array.Obj());
        while (it.more()) {
            BSONElement arrayElement = it.next();
            if (arrayElement.type() != String) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                              str::stream() << "Elements in \"" << advisoryHostFQDNs.name()
                                            << "\" array must be strings but found "
                                            << typeName(arrayElement.type()));

    return mt;
コード例 #21
ファイル: BsonUtils.cpp プロジェクト: strogo/robomongo
        std::string jsonString(BSONElement &elem, JsonStringFormat format, bool includeFieldNames, int pretty, UUIDEncoding uuidEncoding)
            BSONType t = elem.type();
            int sign;
            if ( t == Undefined )
                return "undefined";

            stringstream s;
            if ( includeFieldNames )
                s << '"' << escape( elem.fieldName() ) << "\" : ";
            switch ( elem.type() ) {
            case mongo::String:
            case Symbol:
                s << '"' << escape( string(elem.valuestr(), elem.valuestrsize()-1) ) << '"';
            case NumberLong:
                s << "NumberLong(" << elem._numberLong() << ")";
            case NumberInt:
            case NumberDouble:
                if ( elem.number() >= -numeric_limits< double >::max() &&
                        elem.number() <= numeric_limits< double >::max() ) {
                    s.precision( 16 );
                    s << elem.number();
                else if ( mongo::isNaN(elem.number()) ) {
                    s << "NaN";
                else if ( mongo::isInf(elem.number(), &sign) ) {
                    s << ( sign == 1 ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity");
                else {
                    StringBuilder ss;
                    ss << "Number " << elem.number() << " cannot be represented in JSON";
                    string message = ss.str();
                    //massert( 10311 ,  message.c_str(), false );
            case mongo::Bool:
                s << ( elem.boolean() ? "true" : "false" );
            case jstNULL:
                s << "null";
            case Object: {
                BSONObj obj = elem.embeddedObject();
                s << jsonString(obj, format, pretty, uuidEncoding);
            case mongo::Array: {
                if ( elem.embeddedObject().isEmpty() ) {
                    s << "[]";
                s << "[ ";
                BSONObjIterator i( elem.embeddedObject() );
                BSONElement e = i.next();
                if ( !e.eoo() ) {
                    int count = 0;
                    while ( 1 ) {
                        if( pretty ) {
                            s << '\n';
                            for( int x = 0; x < pretty; x++ )
                                s << "    ";

                        if (strtol(e.fieldName(), 0, 10) > count) {
                            s << "undefined";
                        else {
                            s << jsonString(e, format, false, pretty?pretty+1:0, uuidEncoding);
                            e = i.next();
                        if ( e.eoo() ) {
                            s << '\n';
                            for( int x = 0; x < pretty - 1; x++ )
                                s << "    ";
                            s << "]";
                        s << ", ";
                //s << " ]";
            case DBRef: {
                mongo::OID *x = (mongo::OID *) (elem.valuestr() + elem.valuestrsize());
                if ( format == TenGen )
                    s << "Dbref( ";
                    s << "{ \"$ref\" : ";
                s << '"' << elem.valuestr() << "\", ";
                if ( format != TenGen )
                    s << "\"$id\" : ";
                s << '"' << *x << "\" ";
                if ( format == TenGen )
                    s << ')';
                    s << '}';
            case jstOID:
                if ( format == TenGen ) {
                    s << "ObjectId(";
                else {
                    s << "{ \"$oid\" : ";
                s << '"' << elem.__oid() << '"';
                if ( format == TenGen ) {
                    s << ")";
                else {
                    s << " }";
            case BinData: {
                int len = *(int *)( elem.value() );
                BinDataType type = BinDataType( *(char *)( (int *)( elem.value() ) + 1 ) );

                if (type == mongo::bdtUUID || type == mongo::newUUID) {
                    s << HexUtils::formatUuid(elem, uuidEncoding);

                s << "{ \"$binary\" : \"";
                char *start = ( char * )( elem.value() ) + sizeof( int ) + 1;
                base64::encode( s , start , len );
                s << "\", \"$type\" : \"" << hex;
                s.width( 2 );
                s.fill( '0' );
                s << type << dec;
                s << "\" }";
            case mongo::Date:
                if ( format == Strict )
                    s << "{ \"$date\" : ";
                    s << "ISODate(";
                if( pretty ) {
                    Date_t d = elem.date();

                    long long ms = (long long) d.millis;
                    boost::posix_time::ptime epoch(boost::gregorian::date(1970,1,1));
                    boost::posix_time::time_duration diff = boost::posix_time::millisec(ms);
                    boost::posix_time::ptime time = epoch + diff;
                    std::string timestr = miutil::isotimeString(time, true, true);
                    s << '"' << timestr << '"';

        /*            if( d == 0 ) s << '0';
                        //P s << '"' << elem.date().toString() << '"';
                        s << '"' << elem.date().millis << '"';*/

                    s << elem.date();
                if ( format == Strict )
                    s << " }";
                    s << ")";
            case RegEx:
                if ( format == Strict ) {
                    s << "{ \"$regex\" : \"" << escape( elem.regex() );
                    s << "\", \"$options\" : \"" << elem.regexFlags() << "\" }";
                else {
                    s << "/" << escape( elem.regex() , true ) << "/";
                    // FIXME Worry about alpha order?
                    for ( const char *f = elem.regexFlags(); *f; ++f ) {
                        switch ( *f ) {
                        case 'g':
                        case 'i':
                        case 'm':
                            s << *f;

            case CodeWScope: {
                BSONObj scope = elem.codeWScopeObject();
                if ( ! scope.isEmpty() ) {
                    s << "{ \"$code\" : " << elem._asCode() << " , "
                      << " \"$scope\" : " << scope.jsonString() << " }";

            case Code:
                s << elem._asCode();

            case Timestamp:
                if ( format == TenGen ) {
                    s << "Timestamp(" << ( elem.timestampTime() / 1000 ) << ", " << elem.timestampInc() << ")";
                else {
                    s << "{ \"$timestamp\" : { \"t\" : " << ( elem.timestampTime() / 1000 ) << ", \"i\" : " << elem.timestampInc() << " } }";

            case MinKey:
                s << "{ \"$minKey\" : 1 }";

            case MaxKey:
                s << "{ \"$maxKey\" : 1 }";

                StringBuilder ss;
                ss << "Cannot create a properly formatted JSON string with "
                   << "element: " << elem.toString() << " of type: " << elem.type();
                string message = ss.str();
                //massert( 10312 ,  message.c_str(), false );
            return s.str();
コード例 #22
ファイル: type_changelog.cpp プロジェクト: acmorrow/mongo
StatusWith<ChangeLogType> ChangeLogType::fromBSON(const BSONObj& source) {
    ChangeLogType changeLog;

        std::string changeLogId;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, changeId.name(), &changeLogId);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._changeId = changeLogId;

        std::string changeLogServer;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, server.name(), &changeLogServer);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._server = changeLogServer;

        std::string changeLogShard;
        Status status =
            bsonExtractStringFieldWithDefault(source, shard.name(), "", &changeLogShard);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._shard = changeLogShard;

        std::string changeLogClientAddr;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, clientAddr.name(), &changeLogClientAddr);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._clientAddr = changeLogClientAddr;

        BSONElement changeLogTimeElem;
        Status status = bsonExtractTypedField(source, time.name(), Date, &changeLogTimeElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._time = changeLogTimeElem.date();

        std::string changeLogWhat;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringField(source, what.name(), &changeLogWhat);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._what = changeLogWhat;

        std::string changeLogNs;
        Status status = bsonExtractStringFieldWithDefault(source, ns.name(), "", &changeLogNs);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._ns = changeLogNs;

        BSONElement changeLogDetailsElem;
        Status status =
            bsonExtractTypedField(source, details.name(), Object, &changeLogDetailsElem);
        if (!status.isOK())
            return status;
        changeLog._details = changeLogDetailsElem.Obj().getOwned();

    return changeLog;
コード例 #23
    Status ReplSetHeartbeatResponse::initialize(const BSONObj& doc) {
        const BSONElement electionTimeElement = doc[kElectionTimeFieldName];
        if (electionTimeElement.eoo()) {
            _electionTimeSet = false;
        else if (electionTimeElement.type() == Timestamp) {
            _electionTimeSet = true;
            _electionTime = electionTimeElement._opTime();
        else if (electionTimeElement.type() == Date) {
            _electionTime = true;
            _electionTime = OpTime(electionTimeElement.date());
        else {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kElectionTimeFieldName << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                          "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type " <<

        const BSONElement timeElement = doc[kTimeFieldName];
        if (timeElement.eoo()) {
            _timeSet = false;
        else if (timeElement.isNumber()) {
            _timeSet = true;
            _time = Seconds(timeElement.numberLong());
        else {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kTimeFieldName << "\" field in reponse to replSetHeartbeat "
                          "command to have a numeric type, but found type " <<

        const BSONElement opTimeElement = doc[kOpTimeFieldName];
        if (opTimeElement.eoo()) {
            _opTimeSet = false;
        else if (opTimeElement.type() == Timestamp) {
            _opTimeSet = true;
            _opTime = opTimeElement._opTime();
        else if (opTimeElement.type() == Date) {
            _opTimeSet = true;
            _opTime = OpTime(opTimeElement.date());
        else {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kOpTimeFieldName << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                          "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type " <<

        const BSONElement electableElement = doc[kIsElectableFieldName];
        if (electableElement.eoo()) {
            _electableSet = false;
        else {
            _electableSet = true;
            _electable = electableElement.trueValue();

        _mismatch = doc[kMismatchFieldName].trueValue();
        _isReplSet = doc[kIsReplSetFieldName].trueValue();

        const BSONElement memberStateElement = doc[kMemberStateFieldName];
        if (memberStateElement.eoo()) {
            _stateSet = false;
        else if (memberStateElement.type() != NumberInt &&
                 memberStateElement.type() != NumberLong) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kMemberStateFieldName << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                          " command to have type NumberInt or NumberLong, but found type " <<
        else {
            long long stateInt = memberStateElement.numberLong();
            if (stateInt < 0 || stateInt > MemberState::RS_MAX) {
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, str::stream() << "Value for \"" <<
                              kMemberStateFieldName << "\" in response to replSetHeartbeat is "
                              " out of range; legal values are non-negative and no more than " <<
            _state = MemberState(static_cast<int>(stateInt));

        _stateDisagreement = doc[kHasStateDisagreementFieldName].trueValue();

        const BSONElement versionElement = doc[kConfigVersionFieldName];
        if (versionElement.eoo()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey, str::stream() <<
                          "Response to replSetHeartbeat missing required \"" <<
                          kConfigVersionFieldName << " field");
        if (versionElement.type() != NumberInt) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kConfigVersionFieldName <<
                          "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                          "type NumberInt, but found " << typeName(versionElement.type()));
        _version = versionElement.numberInt();

        const BSONElement replSetNameElement = doc[kReplSetFieldName];
        if (replSetNameElement.eoo()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey, str::stream() <<
                          "Response to replSetHeartbeat missing required \"" <<
                          kReplSetFieldName << "\" field");
        if (replSetNameElement.type() != String) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kReplSetFieldName << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                          "type String, but found " << typeName(replSetNameElement.type()));
        _setName = replSetNameElement.String();

        const BSONElement hbMsgElement = doc[kHbMessageFieldName];
        if (hbMsgElement.eoo()) {
        else if (hbMsgElement.type() != String) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kHbMessageFieldName << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                          "type String, but found " << typeName(hbMsgElement.type()));
        _hbmsg = hbMsgElement.String();

        const BSONElement syncingToElement = doc[kSyncSourceFieldName];
        if (syncingToElement.eoo()) {
        else if (syncingToElement.type() != String) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kSyncSourceFieldName << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to "
                          "have type String, but found " << typeName(syncingToElement.type()));
        _syncingTo = syncingToElement.String();

        const BSONElement rsConfigElement = doc[kConfigFieldName];
        if (rsConfigElement.eoo()) {
            _configSet = false;
            _config = ReplicaSetConfig();
        else if (rsConfigElement.type() != Object) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, str::stream() << "Expected \"" <<
                          kConfigFieldName << "\" in response to replSetHeartbeat to have type "
                          "Object, but found " << typeName(rsConfigElement.type()));
        _configSet = true;
        return _config.initialize(rsConfigElement.Obj());
コード例 #24
ファイル: jsobj.cpp プロジェクト: erickt/mongo
    /* must be same type when called, unless both sides are #s
    int compareElementValues(const BSONElement& l, const BSONElement& r) {
        int f;
        double x;

        switch ( l.type() ) {
        case EOO:
        case Undefined:
        case jstNULL:
        case MaxKey:
        case MinKey:
            f = l.canonicalType() - r.canonicalType();
            if ( f<0 ) return -1;
            return f==0 ? 0 : 1;
        case Bool:
            return *l.value() - *r.value();
        case Timestamp:
        case Date:
            if ( l.date() < r.date() )
                return -1;
            return l.date() == r.date() ? 0 : 1;
        case NumberLong:
            if( r.type() == NumberLong ) {
                long long L = l._numberLong();
                long long R = r._numberLong();
                if( L < R ) return -1;
                if( L == R ) return 0;
                return 1;
            // else fall through
        case NumberInt:
        case NumberDouble: {
            double left = l.number();
            double right = r.number();
            bool lNan = !( left <= numeric_limits< double >::max() &&
                         left >= -numeric_limits< double >::max() );
            bool rNan = !( right <= numeric_limits< double >::max() &&
                         right >= -numeric_limits< double >::max() );
            if ( lNan ) {
                if ( rNan ) {
                    return 0;
                } else {
                    return -1;
            } else if ( rNan ) {
                return 1;
            x = left - right;
            if ( x < 0 ) return -1;
            return x == 0 ? 0 : 1;
        case jstOID:
            return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), 12);
        case Code:
        case Symbol:
        case String:
            /* todo: utf version */
            return strcmp(l.valuestr(), r.valuestr());
        case Object:
        case Array:
            return l.embeddedObject().woCompare( r.embeddedObject() );
        case DBRef: {
            int lsz = l.valuesize();
            int rsz = r.valuesize();
            if ( lsz - rsz != 0 ) return lsz - rsz;
            return memcmp(l.value(), r.value(), lsz);
        case BinData: {
            int lsz = l.objsize(); // our bin data size in bytes, not including the subtype byte
            int rsz = r.objsize();
            if ( lsz - rsz != 0 ) return lsz - rsz;
            return memcmp(l.value()+4, r.value()+4, lsz+1);
        case RegEx:
            int c = strcmp(l.regex(), r.regex());
            if ( c )
                return c;
            return strcmp(l.regexFlags(), r.regexFlags());
        case CodeWScope : {
            f = l.canonicalType() - r.canonicalType();
            if ( f )
                return f;
            f = strcmp( l.codeWScopeCode() , r.codeWScopeCode() );
            if ( f )
                return f;
            f = strcmp( l.codeWScopeScopeData() , r.codeWScopeScopeData() );
            if ( f )
                return f;
            return 0;
            out() << "compareElementValues: bad type " << (int) l.type() << endl;
        return -1;
コード例 #25
ファイル: repl.cpp プロジェクト: CoolCloud/mongo
    /* slave: pull some data from the master's oplog
       note: not yet in db mutex at this point.
       @return -1 error
               0 ok, don't sleep
               1 ok, sleep
    int ReplSource::sync_pullOpLog(int& nApplied) {
        int okResultCode = 1;
        string ns = string("local.oplog.$") + sourceName();
        log(2) << "repl: sync_pullOpLog " << ns << " syncedTo:" << syncedTo.toStringLong() << '\n';

        bool tailing = true;

        bool initial = syncedTo.isNull();

        if ( !oplogReader.haveCursor() || initial ) {
            if ( initial ) {
                // Important to grab last oplog timestamp before listing databases.
                BSONObj info;
                bool ok = oplogReader.conn()->runCommand( "admin", BSON( "listDatabases" << 1 ), info );
                massert( 10389 ,  "Unable to get database list", ok );
                BSONObjIterator i( info.getField( "databases" ).embeddedObject() );
                while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
                    BSONElement e = i.next();
                    if ( e.eoo() )
                    string name = e.embeddedObject().getField( "name" ).valuestr();
                    if ( !e.embeddedObject().getBoolField( "empty" ) ) {
                        if ( name != "local" ) {
                            if ( only.empty() || only == name ) {
                                log( 2 ) << "adding to 'addDbNextPass': "******"$gte", syncedTo.asDate());
            BSONObjBuilder query;
            query.append("ts", q.done());
            if ( !only.empty() ) {
                // note we may here skip a LOT of data table scanning, a lot of work for the master.
                query.appendRegex("ns", string("^") + only); // maybe append "\\." here?
            BSONObj queryObj = query.done();
            // e.g. queryObj = { ts: { $gte: syncedTo } }

            oplogReader.tailingQuery(ns.c_str(), queryObj);
            tailing = false;
        else {
            log(2) << "repl: tailing=true\n";

        if( !oplogReader.haveCursor() ) {
            problem() << "repl: dbclient::query returns null (conn closed?)" << endl;
            return -1;

        // show any deferred database creates from a previous pass
            set<string>::iterator i = addDbNextPass.begin();
            if ( i != addDbNextPass.end() ) {
                BSONObjBuilder b;
                b.append("ns", *i + '.');
                b.append("op", "db");
                BSONObj op = b.done();
                sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation(op, false);

        if ( !oplogReader.more() ) {
            if ( tailing ) {
                log(2) << "repl: tailing & no new activity\n";
                if( oplogReader.awaitCapable() )
                    okResultCode = 0; // don't sleep

            else {
                log() << "repl:   " << ns << " oplog is empty\n";
                dblock lk;
            return okResultCode;

        OpTime nextOpTime;
            BSONObj op = oplogReader.next();
            BSONElement ts = op.getField("ts");
            if ( ts.type() != Date && ts.type() != Timestamp ) {
                string err = op.getStringField("$err");
                if ( !err.empty() ) {
                    // 13051 is "tailable cursor requested on non capped collection"
                    if (op.getIntField("code") == 13051) {
                        problem() << "trying to slave off of a non-master" << '\n';
                        massert( 13344 ,  "trying to slave off of a non-master", false );
                    else {
                        problem() << "repl: $err reading remote oplog: " + err << '\n';
                        massert( 10390 ,  "got $err reading remote oplog", false );
                else {
                    problem() << "repl: bad object read from remote oplog: " << op.toString() << '\n';
                    massert( 10391 , "repl: bad object read from remote oplog", false);

            nextOpTime = OpTime( ts.date() );
            log(2) << "repl: first op time received: " << nextOpTime.toString() << '\n';
            if ( initial ) {
                log(1) << "repl:   initial run\n";
            if( tailing ) {
                if( !( syncedTo < nextOpTime ) ) {
                    log() << "repl ASSERTION failed : syncedTo < nextOpTime" << endl;
                    log() << "repl syncTo:     " << syncedTo.toStringLong() << endl;
                    log() << "repl nextOpTime: " << nextOpTime.toStringLong() << endl;
                oplogReader.putBack( op ); // op will be processed in the loop below
                nextOpTime = OpTime(); // will reread the op below
            else if ( nextOpTime != syncedTo ) { // didn't get what we queried for - error
                Nullstream& l = log();
                l << "repl:   nextOpTime " << nextOpTime.toStringLong() << ' ';
                if ( nextOpTime < syncedTo )
                    l << "<??";
                    l << ">";

                l << " syncedTo " << syncedTo.toStringLong() << '\n';
                log() << "repl:   time diff: " << (nextOpTime.getSecs() - syncedTo.getSecs()) << "sec\n";
                log() << "repl:   tailing: " << tailing << '\n';
                log() << "repl:   data too stale, halting replication" << endl;
                replInfo = replAllDead = "data too stale halted replication";
                assert( syncedTo < nextOpTime );
                throw SyncException();
            else {
                /* t == syncedTo, so the first op was applied previously or it is the first op of initial query and need not be applied. */

        // apply operations
            int n = 0;
            time_t saveLast = time(0);
            while ( 1 ) {

                bool moreInitialSyncsPending = !addDbNextPass.empty() && n; // we need "&& n" to assure we actually process at least one op to get a sync point recorded in the first place.

                if ( moreInitialSyncsPending || !oplogReader.more() ) {
                    dblock lk;

                    // NOTE aaron 2011-03-29 This block may be unnecessary, but I'm leaving it in place to avoid changing timing behavior.
                        dbtemprelease t;
                        if ( !moreInitialSyncsPending && oplogReader.more() ) {
                        // otherwise, break out of loop so we can set to completed or clone more dbs
                    if( oplogReader.awaitCapable() && tailing )
                        okResultCode = 0; // don't sleep
                    syncedTo = nextOpTime;
                    save(); // note how far we are synced up to now
                    log() << "repl:   applied " << n << " operations" << endl;
                    nApplied = n;
                    log() << "repl:  end sync_pullOpLog syncedTo: " << syncedTo.toStringLong() << endl;
                else {

                OCCASIONALLY if( n > 0 && ( n > 100000 || time(0) - saveLast > 60 ) ) {
                    // periodically note our progress, in case we are doing a lot of work and crash
                    dblock lk;
                    syncedTo = nextOpTime;
                    // can't update local log ts since there are pending operations from our peer
                    log() << "repl:   checkpoint applied " << n << " operations" << endl;
                    log() << "repl:   syncedTo: " << syncedTo.toStringLong() << endl;
                    saveLast = time(0);
                    n = 0;

                BSONObj op = oplogReader.next();

                unsigned b = replApplyBatchSize;
                bool justOne = b == 1;
                scoped_ptr<writelock> lk( justOne ? 0 : new writelock() );
                while( 1 ) {

                    BSONElement ts = op.getField("ts");
                    if( !( ts.type() == Date || ts.type() == Timestamp ) ) {
                        log() << "sync error: problem querying remote oplog record" << endl;
                        log() << "op: " << op.toString() << endl;
                        log() << "halting replication" << endl;
                        replInfo = replAllDead = "sync error: no ts found querying remote oplog record";
                        throw SyncException();
                    OpTime last = nextOpTime;
                    nextOpTime = OpTime( ts.date() );
                    if ( !( last < nextOpTime ) ) {
                        log() << "sync error: last applied optime at slave >= nextOpTime from master" << endl;
                        log() << " last:       " << last.toStringLong() << endl;
                        log() << " nextOpTime: " << nextOpTime.toStringLong() << endl;
                        log() << " halting replication" << endl;
                        replInfo = replAllDead = "sync error last >= nextOpTime";
                        uassert( 10123 , "replication error last applied optime at slave >= nextOpTime from master", false);
                    if ( replSettings.slavedelay && ( unsigned( time( 0 ) ) < nextOpTime.getSecs() + replSettings.slavedelay ) ) {
                        assert( justOne );
                        oplogReader.putBack( op );
                        _sleepAdviceTime = nextOpTime.getSecs() + replSettings.slavedelay + 1;
                        dblock lk;
                        if ( n > 0 ) {
                            syncedTo = last;
                        log() << "repl:   applied " << n << " operations" << endl;
                        log() << "repl:   syncedTo: " << syncedTo.toStringLong() << endl;
                        log() << "waiting until: " << _sleepAdviceTime << " to continue" << endl;
                        return okResultCode;

                    sync_pullOpLog_applyOperation(op, !justOne);

                    if( --b == 0 )
                    // if to here, we are doing mulpile applications in a singel write lock acquisition
                    if( !oplogReader.moreInCurrentBatch() ) {
                        // break if no more in batch so we release lock while reading from the master
                    op = oplogReader.next();


        return okResultCode;
Status ReplSetHeartbeatResponse::initialize(const BSONObj& doc, long long term) {
    // Old versions set this even though they returned not "ok"
    _mismatch = doc[kMismatchFieldName].trueValue();
    if (_mismatch)
        return Status(ErrorCodes::InconsistentReplicaSetNames, "replica set name doesn't match.");

    // Old versions sometimes set the replica set name ("set") but ok:0
    const BSONElement replSetNameElement = doc[kReplSetFieldName];
    if (replSetNameElement.eoo()) {
    } else if (replSetNameElement.type() != String) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kReplSetFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                                       "type String, but found "
                                    << typeName(replSetNameElement.type()));
    } else {
        _setName = replSetNameElement.String();

    if (_setName.empty() && !doc[kOkFieldName].trueValue()) {
        std::string errMsg = doc[kErrMsgFieldName].str();

        BSONElement errCodeElem = doc[kErrorCodeFieldName];
        if (errCodeElem.ok()) {
            if (!errCodeElem.isNumber())
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Error code is not a number!");

            int errorCode = errCodeElem.numberInt();
            return Status(ErrorCodes::Error(errorCode), errMsg);
        return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errMsg);

    const BSONElement hasDataElement = doc[kHasDataFieldName];
    _hasDataSet = !hasDataElement.eoo();
    _hasData = hasDataElement.trueValue();

    const BSONElement electionTimeElement = doc[kElectionTimeFieldName];
    if (electionTimeElement.eoo()) {
        _electionTimeSet = false;
    } else if (electionTimeElement.type() == bsonTimestamp) {
        _electionTimeSet = true;
        _electionTime = electionTimeElement.timestamp();
    } else if (electionTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        _electionTimeSet = true;
        _electionTime = Timestamp(electionTimeElement.date());
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kElectionTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type "
                                    << typeName(electionTimeElement.type()));

    const BSONElement timeElement = doc[kTimeFieldName];
    if (timeElement.eoo()) {
        _timeSet = false;
    } else if (timeElement.isNumber()) {
        _timeSet = true;
        _time = Seconds(timeElement.numberLong());
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have a numeric type, but found type "
                                    << typeName(timeElement.type()));

    _isReplSet = doc[kIsReplSetFieldName].trueValue();

    Status termStatus = bsonExtractIntegerField(doc, kTermFieldName, &_term);
    if (!termStatus.isOK() && termStatus != ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
        return termStatus;

    // In order to support both the 3.0(V0) and 3.2(V1) heartbeats we must parse the OpTime
    // field based on its type. If it is a Date, we parse it as the timestamp and use
    // initialize's term argument to complete the OpTime type. If it is an Object, then it's
    // V1 and we construct an OpTime out of its nested fields.
    const BSONElement opTimeElement = doc[kOpTimeFieldName];
    if (opTimeElement.eoo()) {
        _opTimeSet = false;
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == bsonTimestamp) {
        _opTimeSet = true;
        _opTime = OpTime(opTimeElement.timestamp(), term);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        _opTimeSet = true;
        _opTime = OpTime(Timestamp(opTimeElement.date()), term);
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Object) {
        Status status = bsonExtractOpTimeField(doc, kOpTimeFieldName, &_opTime);
        _opTimeSet = true;
        // since a v1 OpTime was in the response, the member must be part of a replset
        _isReplSet = true;
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kOpTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type "
                                    << typeName(opTimeElement.type()));

    const BSONElement electableElement = doc[kIsElectableFieldName];
    if (electableElement.eoo()) {
        _electableSet = false;
    } else {
        _electableSet = true;
        _electable = electableElement.trueValue();

    const BSONElement memberStateElement = doc[kMemberStateFieldName];
    if (memberStateElement.eoo()) {
        _stateSet = false;
    } else if (memberStateElement.type() != NumberInt && memberStateElement.type() != NumberLong) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                          << "Expected \"" << kMemberStateFieldName
                          << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                             "command to have type NumberInt or NumberLong, but found type "
                          << typeName(memberStateElement.type()));
    } else {
        long long stateInt = memberStateElement.numberLong();
        if (stateInt < 0 || stateInt > MemberState::RS_MAX) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              << "Value for \"" << kMemberStateFieldName
                              << "\" in response to replSetHeartbeat is "
                                 "out of range; legal values are non-negative and no more than "
                              << MemberState::RS_MAX);
        _stateSet = true;
        _state = MemberState(static_cast<int>(stateInt));

    _stateDisagreement = doc[kHasStateDisagreementFieldName].trueValue();

    // Not required for the case of uninitialized members -- they have no config
    const BSONElement configVersionElement = doc[kConfigVersionFieldName];

    // If we have an optime then we must have a configVersion
    if (_opTimeSet && configVersionElement.eoo()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey,
                      str::stream() << "Response to replSetHeartbeat missing required \""
                                    << kConfigVersionFieldName
                                    << "\" field even though initialized");

    // If there is a "v" (config version) then it must be an int.
    if (!configVersionElement.eoo() && configVersionElement.type() != NumberInt) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kConfigVersionFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                                       "type NumberInt, but found "
                                    << typeName(configVersionElement.type()));
    _configVersion = configVersionElement.numberInt();

    const BSONElement hbMsgElement = doc[kHbMessageFieldName];
    if (hbMsgElement.eoo()) {
    } else if (hbMsgElement.type() != String) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kHbMessageFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                                       "type String, but found " << typeName(hbMsgElement.type()));
    } else {
        _hbmsg = hbMsgElement.String();

    const BSONElement syncingToElement = doc[kSyncSourceFieldName];
    if (syncingToElement.eoo()) {
        _syncingTo = HostAndPort();
    } else if (syncingToElement.type() != String) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kSyncSourceFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to "
                                       "have type String, but found "
                                    << typeName(syncingToElement.type()));
    } else {
        _syncingTo = HostAndPort(syncingToElement.String());

    const BSONElement rsConfigElement = doc[kConfigFieldName];
    if (rsConfigElement.eoo()) {
        _configSet = false;
        _config = ReplicaSetConfig();
        return Status::OK();
    } else if (rsConfigElement.type() != Object) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kConfigFieldName
                                    << "\" in response to replSetHeartbeat to have type "
                                       "Object, but found " << typeName(rsConfigElement.type()));
    _configSet = true;

    return _config.initialize(rsConfigElement.Obj());
コード例 #27
ファイル: key.cpp プロジェクト: 10genReviews/mongo
 // fromBSON to Key format
 KeyV1Owned::KeyV1Owned(const BSONObj& obj) {
     BSONObj::iterator i(obj);
     unsigned char bits = 0;
     while( 1 ) { 
         BSONElement e = i.next();
         if( i.more() )
             bits |= cHASMORE;
         switch( e.type() ) { 
         case MinKey:
         case jstNULL:
         case MaxKey:
         case Bool:
             b.appendUChar( (e.boolean()?ctrue:cfalse) | bits );
         case jstOID:
             b.appendBuf(&e.__oid(), sizeof(OID));
         case BinData:
                 int t = e.binDataType();
                 // 0-7 and 0x80 to 0x87 are supported by Key
                 if( (t & 0x78) == 0 && t != ByteArrayDeprecated ) {
                     int len;
                     const char * d = e.binData(len);
                     if( len <= BinDataLenMax ) {
                         int code = BinDataLengthToCode[len];
                         if( code >= 0 ) {
                             if( t >= 128 )
                                 t = (t-128) | 0x08;
                             dassert( (code&t) == 0 );
                             b.appendUChar( cbindata|bits );
                             b.appendUChar( code | t );
                             b.appendBuf(d, len);
         case Date:
         case String:
                 // note we do not store the terminating null, to save space.
                 unsigned x = (unsigned) e.valuestrsize() - 1;
                 if( x > 255 ) { 
                 b.appendBuf(e.valuestr(), x);
         case NumberInt:
             b.appendNum((double) e._numberInt());
         case NumberLong:
                 long long n = e._numberLong();
                 long long m = 2LL << 52;
                 DEV {
                     long long d = m-1;
                     verify( ((long long) ((double) -d)) == -d );
                 if( n >= m || n <= -m ) {
                     // can't represent exactly as a double
                 b.appendNum((double) n);
         case NumberDouble:
                 double d = e._numberDouble();
                 if( isNaN(d) ) {
             // if other types involved, store as traditional BSON
         if( !i.more() )
         bits = 0;
     _keyData = (const unsigned char *) b.buf();
     dassert( b.len() == dataSize() ); // check datasize method is correct
     dassert( (*_keyData & cNOTUSED) == 0 );
コード例 #28
Status ReplSetHeartbeatResponse::initialize(const BSONObj& doc) {
    // Old versions set this even though they returned not "ok"
    _mismatch = doc[kMismatchFieldName].trueValue();
    if (_mismatch)
        return Status(ErrorCodes::InconsistentReplicaSetNames, "replica set name doesn't match.");

    // Old versions sometimes set the replica set name ("set") but ok:0
    const BSONElement replSetNameElement = doc[kReplSetFieldName];
    if (replSetNameElement.eoo()) {
    } else if (replSetNameElement.type() != String) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kReplSetFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                                       "type String, but found "
                                    << typeName(replSetNameElement.type()));
    } else {
        _setName = replSetNameElement.String();

    if (_setName.empty() && !doc[kOkFieldName].trueValue()) {
        std::string errMsg = doc[kErrMsgFieldName].str();

        BSONElement errCodeElem = doc[kErrorCodeFieldName];
        if (errCodeElem.ok()) {
            if (!errCodeElem.isNumber())
                return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "Error code is not a number!");

            int errorCode = errCodeElem.numberInt();
            return Status(ErrorCodes::Error(errorCode), errMsg);
        return Status(ErrorCodes::UnknownError, errMsg);

    const BSONElement hasDataElement = doc[kHasDataFieldName];
    _hasDataSet = !hasDataElement.eoo();
    _hasData = hasDataElement.trueValue();

    const BSONElement electionTimeElement = doc[kElectionTimeFieldName];
    if (electionTimeElement.eoo()) {
        _electionTimeSet = false;
    } else if (electionTimeElement.type() == Timestamp) {
        _electionTimeSet = true;
        _electionTime = electionTimeElement._opTime();
    } else if (electionTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        _electionTimeSet = true;
        _electionTime = OpTime(electionTimeElement.date());
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kElectionTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type "
                                    << typeName(electionTimeElement.type()));

    const BSONElement timeElement = doc[kTimeFieldName];
    if (timeElement.eoo()) {
        _timeSet = false;
    } else if (timeElement.isNumber()) {
        _timeSet = true;
        _time = Seconds(timeElement.numberLong());
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have a numeric type, but found type "
                                    << typeName(timeElement.type()));

    const BSONElement opTimeElement = doc[kOpTimeFieldName];
    if (opTimeElement.eoo()) {
        _opTimeSet = false;
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Timestamp) {
        _opTimeSet = true;
        _opTime = opTimeElement._opTime();
    } else if (opTimeElement.type() == Date) {
        _opTimeSet = true;
        _opTime = OpTime(opTimeElement.date());
    } else {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kOpTimeFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                                       "command to have type Date or Timestamp, but found type "
                                    << typeName(opTimeElement.type()));

    const BSONElement electableElement = doc[kIsElectableFieldName];
    if (electableElement.eoo()) {
        _electableSet = false;
    } else {
        _electableSet = true;
        _electable = electableElement.trueValue();

    _isReplSet = doc[kIsReplSetFieldName].trueValue();

    const BSONElement memberStateElement = doc[kMemberStateFieldName];
    if (memberStateElement.eoo()) {
        _stateSet = false;
    } else if (memberStateElement.type() != NumberInt && memberStateElement.type() != NumberLong) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                          << "Expected \"" << kMemberStateFieldName
                          << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat "
                             "command to have type NumberInt or NumberLong, but found type "
                          << typeName(memberStateElement.type()));
    } else {
        long long stateInt = memberStateElement.numberLong();
        if (stateInt < 0 || stateInt > MemberState::RS_MAX) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                              << "Value for \"" << kMemberStateFieldName
                              << "\" in response to replSetHeartbeat is "
                                 "out of range; legal values are non-negative and no more than "
                              << MemberState::RS_MAX);
        _stateSet = true;
        _state = MemberState(static_cast<int>(stateInt));

    _stateDisagreement = doc[kHasStateDisagreementFieldName].trueValue();

    // Not required for the case of uninitialized members -- they have no config
    const BSONElement versionElement = doc[kConfigVersionFieldName];

    // If we have an optime then we must have a version
    if (_opTimeSet && versionElement.eoo()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey,
                      str::stream() << "Response to replSetHeartbeat missing required \""
                                    << kConfigVersionFieldName
                                    << "\" field even though initialized");

    // If there is a "v" (config version) then it must be an int.
    if (!versionElement.eoo() && versionElement.type() != NumberInt) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kConfigVersionFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                                       "type NumberInt, but found "
                                    << typeName(versionElement.type()));
    _version = versionElement.numberInt();

    const BSONElement hbMsgElement = doc[kHbMessageFieldName];
    if (hbMsgElement.eoo()) {
    } else if (hbMsgElement.type() != String) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kHbMessageFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to have "
                                       "type String, but found " << typeName(hbMsgElement.type()));
    } else {
        _hbmsg = hbMsgElement.String();

    const BSONElement syncingToElement = doc[kSyncSourceFieldName];
    if (syncingToElement.eoo()) {
    } else if (syncingToElement.type() != String) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kSyncSourceFieldName
                                    << "\" field in response to replSetHeartbeat to "
                                       "have type String, but found "
                                    << typeName(syncingToElement.type()));
    } else {
        _syncingTo = syncingToElement.String();

    const BSONElement rsConfigElement = doc[kConfigFieldName];
    if (rsConfigElement.eoo()) {
        _configSet = false;
        _config = ReplicaSetConfig();
        return Status::OK();
    } else if (rsConfigElement.type() != Object) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      str::stream() << "Expected \"" << kConfigFieldName
                                    << "\" in response to replSetHeartbeat to have type "
                                       "Object, but found " << typeName(rsConfigElement.type()));
    _configSet = true;
    return _config.initialize(rsConfigElement.Obj());
コード例 #29
ファイル: 2toku.cpp プロジェクト: aberg001/mongo
    int run() {
        if (!hasParam("from")) {
            log() << "need to specify --from" << endl;
            return -1;

        _oplogns = getParam("oplogns");

        Client::initThread( "mongo2toku" );

        LOG(1) << "going to connect" << endl;

        LOG(1) << "connected" << endl;

            string tsString;
            if (hasParam("ts")) {
                tsString = getParam("ts");
            else {
                try {
                    ifstream tsFile;
                    tsFile.exceptions(std::ifstream::badbit | std::ifstream::failbit);
                    tsFile >> tsString;
                } catch (std::exception &e) {
                    warning() << "Couldn't read OpTime from file " << _tsFilename << ": " << e.what() << endl;
            if (tsString.empty()) {
                warning() << "No starting OpTime provided. "
                          << "Please find the right starting point and run again with --ts." << endl;
                return -1;
            unsigned secs, i;
            OpTime maxOpTimeSynced;
            int r = sscanf(tsString.c_str(), "%u:%u", &secs, &i);
            if (r != 2) {
                warning() << "need to specify --ts as <secs>:<inc>" << endl;
                return -1;
            maxOpTimeSynced = OpTime(secs, i);

            _player.reset(new VanillaOplogPlayer(conn(), _host, maxOpTimeSynced, running, _logAtExit));

        const int reportingPeriod = getParam("reportingPeriod", 10);

        try {
            while (running) {
                const int tailingQueryOptions = QueryOption_SlaveOk | QueryOption_CursorTailable | QueryOption_OplogReplay | QueryOption_AwaitData;

                BSONObjBuilder queryBuilder;
                BSONObjBuilder gteBuilder(queryBuilder.subobjStart("ts"));
                gteBuilder.appendTimestamp("$gte", _player->maxOpTimeSynced().asDate());
                BSONObj query = queryBuilder.done();

                BSONObj res;
                auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor(_rconn->conn().query(_oplogns, query, 0, 0, &res, tailingQueryOptions));

                if (!cursor->more()) {
                    log() << "oplog query returned no results, sleeping 10 seconds..." << endl;
                    log() << "retrying" << endl;

                BSONObj firstObj = cursor->next();
                    BSONElement tsElt = firstObj["ts"];
                    if (!tsElt.ok()) {
                        log() << "oplog format error: " << firstObj << " missing 'ts' field." << endl;
                        return -1;
                    OpTime firstTime(tsElt.date());
                    if (firstTime != _player->maxOpTimeSynced()) {
                        warning() << "Tried to start at OpTime " << _player->maxOpTimeSyncedStr()
                                  << ", but didn't find anything before " << fmtOpTime(firstTime) << "!" << endl;
                        warning() << "This may mean your oplog has been truncated past the point you are trying to resume from." << endl;
                        warning() << "Either retry with a different value of --ts, or restart your migration procedure." << endl;
                        return -1;


                while (running && cursor->more()) {
                    while (running && cursor->moreInCurrentBatch()) {
                        BSONObj obj = cursor->next();
                        LOG(2) << obj << endl;

                        bool ok = _player->processObj(obj);
                        if (!ok) {
                            return -1;

                    if (_reportingTimer.seconds() >= reportingPeriod) {
        catch (DBException &e) {
            warning() << "Caught exception " << e.what() << " while processing.  Exiting..." << endl;
            return -1;
        catch (...) {
            warning() << "Caught unknown exception while processing.  Exiting..." << endl;
            return -1;

        if (_logAtExit) {

            return 0;
        else {
            return -1;
コード例 #30
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: daurnimator/luamongo
void lua_push_value(lua_State *L, const BSONElement &elem) {
    int type = elem.type();

    switch(type) {
    case mongo::Undefined:
    case mongo::NumberInt:
        lua_pushinteger(L, elem.numberInt());
    case mongo::NumberLong:
    case mongo::NumberDouble:
        lua_pushnumber(L, elem.number());
    case mongo::Bool:
        lua_pushboolean(L, elem.boolean());
    case mongo::String:
        lua_pushstring(L, elem.valuestr());
    case mongo::Array:
        bson_to_array(L, elem.embeddedObject());
    case mongo::Object:
        bson_to_table(L, elem.embeddedObject());
    case mongo::Date:
        push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::Date);
        lua_pushnumber(L, elem.date());
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
    case mongo::Timestamp:
        push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::Date);
        lua_pushnumber(L, elem.timestampTime());
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
    case mongo::Symbol:
        push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::Symbol);
        lua_pushstring(L, elem.valuestr());
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
    case mongo::RegEx:
        push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::RegEx);
        lua_pushstring(L, elem.regex());
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
        lua_pushstring(L, elem.regexFlags());
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 2);
    case mongo::jstOID:
        push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::jstOID);
        lua_pushstring(L, elem.__oid().str().c_str());
        lua_rawseti(L, -2, 1);
    case mongo::jstNULL:
        push_bsontype_table(L, mongo::jstNULL);
    case mongo::EOO:
        luaL_error(L, LUAMONGO_UNSUPPORTED_BSON_TYPE, bson_name(type));