コード例 #1
ファイル: pdfiletests.cpp プロジェクト: kingfs/tokumxse
    void run() {
        BSONObj o;
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            b.appendTimestamp( "a" );
            b.appendTimestamp( "b" );
            b.append( "_id", 1 );
            o = b.obj();

        BSONObj fixed = fixDocumentForInsert( o ).getValue();
        ASSERT_EQUALS( 3, fixed.nFields() );
        ASSERT( fixed.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "_id" );
        ASSERT( fixed.firstElement().number() == 1 );

        BSONElement a = fixed["a"];
        ASSERT( o["a"].type() == Timestamp );
        ASSERT( o["a"].timestampValue() == 0 );
        ASSERT( a.type() == Timestamp );
        ASSERT( a.timestampValue() > 0 );

        BSONElement b = fixed["b"];
        ASSERT( o["b"].type() == Timestamp );
        ASSERT( o["b"].timestampValue() == 0 );
        ASSERT( b.type() == Timestamp );
        ASSERT( b.timestampValue() > 0 );
コード例 #2
    void run() {
        BSONObjBuilder b;
        b.append("_id", 1);
        BSONObj o = b.done();

        BSONObj fixed = fixDocumentForInsert(_opCtx.getServiceContext(), o).getValue();
        ASSERT_EQUALS(2, fixed.nFields());
        ASSERT(fixed.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "_id");
        ASSERT(fixed.firstElement().number() == 1);

        BSONElement a = fixed["a"];
        ASSERT(o["a"].type() == bsonTimestamp);
        ASSERT(o["a"].timestampValue() == 0);
        ASSERT(a.type() == bsonTimestamp);
        ASSERT(a.timestampValue() > 0);
コード例 #3
ファイル: insert.cpp プロジェクト: mpobrien/mongo
StatusWith<BSONObj> fixDocumentForInsert(ServiceContext* service, const BSONObj& doc) {
    if (doc.objsize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize)
        return StatusWith<BSONObj>(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                   str::stream() << "object to insert too large"
                                                 << ". size in bytes: "
                                                 << doc.objsize()
                                                 << ", max size: "
                                                 << BSONObjMaxUserSize);

    auto depthStatus = validateDepth(doc);
    if (!depthStatus.isOK()) {
        return depthStatus;

    bool firstElementIsId = false;
    bool hasTimestampToFix = false;
    bool hadId = false;
        BSONObjIterator i(doc);
        for (bool isFirstElement = true; i.more(); isFirstElement = false) {
            BSONElement e = i.next();

            if (e.type() == bsonTimestamp && e.timestampValue() == 0) {
                // we replace Timestamp(0,0) at the top level with a correct value
                // in the fast pass, we just mark that we want to swap
                hasTimestampToFix = true;

            auto fieldName = e.fieldNameStringData();

            if (fieldName[0] == '$') {
                return StatusWith<BSONObj>(
                    str::stream() << "Document can't have $ prefixed field names: " << fieldName);

            // check no regexp for _id (SERVER-9502)
            // also, disallow undefined and arrays
            // Make sure _id isn't duplicated (SERVER-19361).
            if (fieldName == "_id") {
                if (e.type() == RegEx) {
                    return StatusWith<BSONObj>(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "can't use a regex for _id");
                if (e.type() == Undefined) {
                    return StatusWith<BSONObj>(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                               "can't use a undefined for _id");
                if (e.type() == Array) {
                    return StatusWith<BSONObj>(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "can't use an array for _id");
                if (e.type() == Object) {
                    BSONObj o = e.Obj();
                    Status s = o.storageValidEmbedded();
                    if (!s.isOK())
                        return StatusWith<BSONObj>(s);
                if (hadId) {
                    return StatusWith<BSONObj>(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                               "can't have multiple _id fields in one document");
                } else {
                    hadId = true;
                    firstElementIsId = isFirstElement;

    if (firstElementIsId && !hasTimestampToFix)
        return StatusWith<BSONObj>(BSONObj());

    BSONObjIterator i(doc);

    BSONObjBuilder b(doc.objsize() + 16);
    if (firstElementIsId) {
    } else {
        BSONElement e = doc["_id"];
        if (e.type()) {
        } else {
            b.appendOID("_id", NULL, true);

    while (i.more()) {
        BSONElement e = i.next();
        if (hadId && e.fieldNameStringData() == "_id") {
            // no-op
        } else if (e.type() == bsonTimestamp && e.timestampValue() == 0) {
            auto nextTime = LogicalClock::get(service)->reserveTicks(1);
            b.append(e.fieldName(), nextTime.asTimestamp());
        } else {
    return StatusWith<BSONObj>(b.obj());
コード例 #4
ファイル: insert.cpp プロジェクト: EshaMaharishi/pubsub
    StatusWith<BSONObj> fixDocumentForInsert( const BSONObj& doc ) {
        if ( doc.objsize() > BSONObjMaxUserSize )
            return StatusWith<BSONObj>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                        << "object to insert too large"
                                        << ". size in bytes: " << doc.objsize()
                                        << ", max size: " << BSONObjMaxUserSize );

        bool firstElementIsId = doc.firstElement().fieldNameStringData() == "_id";
        bool hasTimestampToFix = false;
            BSONObjIterator i( doc );
            while ( i.more() ) {
                BSONElement e = i.next();

                if ( e.type() == Timestamp && e.timestampValue() == 0 ) {
                    // we replace Timestamp(0,0) at the top level with a correct value
                    // in the fast pass, we just mark that we want to swap
                    hasTimestampToFix = true;

                const char* fieldName = e.fieldName();

                if ( fieldName[0] == '$' ) {
                    return StatusWith<BSONObj>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                << "Document can't have $ prefixed field names: "
                                                << e.fieldName() );

                // check no regexp for _id (SERVER-9502)
                // also, disallow undefined and arrays
                if ( str::equals( fieldName, "_id") ) {
                    if ( e.type() == RegEx ) {
                        return StatusWith<BSONObj>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    "can't use a regex for _id" );
                    if ( e.type() == Undefined ) {
                        return StatusWith<BSONObj>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    "can't use a undefined for _id" );
                    if ( e.type() == Array ) {
                        return StatusWith<BSONObj>( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                                    "can't use an array for _id" );
                    if ( e.type() == Object ) {
                        BSONObj o = e.Obj();
                        Status s = o.storageValidEmbedded();
                        if ( !s.isOK() )
                            return StatusWith<BSONObj>( s );


        if ( firstElementIsId && !hasTimestampToFix )
            return StatusWith<BSONObj>( BSONObj() );

        bool hadId = firstElementIsId;

        BSONObjIterator i( doc );

        BSONObjBuilder b( doc.objsize() + 16 );
        if ( firstElementIsId ) {
            b.append( doc.firstElement() );
        else {
            BSONElement e = doc["_id"];
            if ( e.type() ) {
                b.append( e );
                hadId = true;
            else {
                b.appendOID( "_id", NULL, true );

        while ( i.more() ) {
            BSONElement e = i.next();
            if ( hadId && e.fieldNameStringData() == "_id" ) {
                // no-op
            else if ( e.type() == Timestamp && e.timestampValue() == 0 ) {
                mutex::scoped_lock lk(OpTime::m);
                b.append( e.fieldName(), OpTime::now(lk) );
            else {
                b.append( e );
        return StatusWith<BSONObj>( b.obj() );