コード例 #1
ファイル: replset_commands.cpp プロジェクト: calexandre/mongo
 virtual bool run(const string& , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
     if( cmdObj.hasElement("expireOplogDays") || cmdObj.hasElement("expireOplogHours") ) {
         uint32_t expireOplogDays = cmdLine.expireOplogDays;
         uint32_t expireOplogHours = cmdLine.expireOplogHours;
         if (cmdObj.hasElement("expireOplogHours")) {
             BSONElement e = cmdObj["expireOplogHours"];
             if (!e.isNumber()) {
                 errmsg = "bad expireOplogHours";
                 return false;
             expireOplogHours = e.numberLong();
         if (cmdObj.hasElement("expireOplogDays")) {
             BSONElement e = cmdObj["expireOplogDays"];
             if (!e.isNumber()) {
                 errmsg = "bad expireOplogDays";
                 return false;
             expireOplogDays = e.numberLong();
         theReplSet->changeExpireOplog(expireOplogDays, expireOplogHours);
     return true;
コード例 #2
 bool GeoParser::isLegacyCenterSphere(const BSONObj &obj) {
     BSONObjIterator typeIt(obj);
     BSONElement type = typeIt.next();
     if (!type.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
     bool isCenterSphere = mongoutils::str::equals(type.fieldName(), "$centerSphere");
     if (!isCenterSphere) { return false; }
     BSONObjIterator objIt(type.embeddedObject());
     BSONElement center = objIt.next();
     if (!center.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
     if (!isLegacyPoint(center.Obj())) { return false; }
     if (!objIt.more()) { return false; }
     BSONElement radius = objIt.next();
     if (!radius.isNumber()) { return false; }
     return true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: jsobj.cpp プロジェクト: erickt/mongo
 /* wo = "well ordered" */
 int BSONElement::woCompare( const BSONElement &e,
                             bool considerFieldName ) const {
     int lt = (int) canonicalType();
     int rt = (int) e.canonicalType();
     int x = lt - rt;
     if( x != 0 && (!isNumber() || !e.isNumber()) )
         return x;
     if ( considerFieldName ) {
         x = strcmp(fieldName(), e.fieldName());
         if ( x != 0 )
             return x;
     x = compareElementValues(*this, e);
     return x;
コード例 #4
ファイル: geoparser.cpp プロジェクト: Andiry/mongo
bool GeoParser::parsePointWithMaxDistance(const BSONObj& obj, PointWithCRS* out, double* maxOut) {
    BSONObjIterator it(obj);
    if (!it.more()) {
        return false;

    BSONElement lng = it.next();
    if (!lng.isNumber()) {
        return false;
    if (!it.more()) {
        return false;

    BSONElement lat = it.next();
    if (!lat.isNumber()) {
        return false;
    if (!it.more()) {
        return false;

    BSONElement dist = it.next();
    if (!dist.isNumber()) {
        return false;
    if (it.more()) {
        return false;

    out->oldPoint.x = lng.number();
    out->oldPoint.y = lat.number();
    out->crs = FLAT;
    *maxOut = dist.number();
    return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.cpp プロジェクト: alanw/mongo
 MongoProgramRunner( const BSONObj &args ) {
     assert( args.nFields() > 0 );
     string program( args.firstElement().valuestrsafe() );
     assert( !program.empty() );
     boost::filesystem::path programPath = ( boost::filesystem::path( argv0 ) ).branch_path() / program;
     massert( "couldn't find " + programPath.native_file_string(), boost::filesystem::exists( programPath ) );
     port_ = -1;
     argv_ = new char *[ args.nFields() + 1 ];
         string s = programPath.native_file_string();
         if ( s == program )
             s = "./" + s;
         argv_[ 0 ] = copyString( s.c_str() );
     BSONObjIterator j( args );
     for( int i = 1; i < args.nFields(); ++i ) {
         BSONElement e = j.next();
         string str;
         if ( e.isNumber() ) {
             stringstream ss;
             ss << e.number();
             str = ss.str();
         } else {
             assert( e.type() == mongo::String );
             str = e.valuestr();
         char *s = copyString( str.c_str() );
         if ( string( "--port" ) == s )
             port_ = -2;
         else if ( port_ == -2 )
             port_ = strtol( s, 0, 10 );
         argv_[ i ] = s;
     argv_[ args.nFields() ] = 0;
     if ( program != "mongod" && program != "mongos" && program != "mongobridge" )
         port_ = 0;
         assert( port_ > 0 );
     if ( port_ > 0 && dbs.count( port_ ) != 0 ){
         cerr << "count for port: " << port_ << " is not 0 is: " << dbs.count( port_ ) << endl;
         assert( dbs.count( port_ ) == 0 );        
コード例 #6
ファイル: dbclient_rs.cpp プロジェクト: cangove/mongo
    auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> DBClientReplicaSet::checkSlaveQueryResult( auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> result ){
        BSONObj error;
        bool isError = result->peekError( &error );
        if( ! isError ) return result;

        // We only check for "not master or secondary" errors here

        // If the error code here ever changes, we need to change this code also
        BSONElement code = error["code"];
        if( code.isNumber() && code.Int() == 13436 /* not master or secondary */ ){
            throw DBException( str::stream() << "slave " << _slaveHost.toString() << " is no longer secondary", 14812 );

        return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: d_state.cpp プロジェクト: Kenterfie/mongo
    unsigned long long extractVersion( BSONElement e , string& errmsg ) {
        if ( e.eoo() ) {
            errmsg = "no version";
            return 0;

        if ( e.isNumber() )
            return (unsigned long long)e.number();

        if ( e.type() == Date || e.type() == Timestamp )
            return e._numberLong();

        errmsg = "version is not a numeric type";
        return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: haystack.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
        bool run(OperationContext* txn, const string& dbname, BSONObj& cmdObj, int,
                 string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {
            const string ns = dbname + "." + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestr();
            Client::ReadContext ctx(ns);

            Database* db = ctx.ctx().db();
            if ( !db ) {
                errmsg = "can't find ns";
                return false;

            Collection* collection = db->getCollection( ns );
            if ( !collection ) {
                errmsg = "can't find ns";
                return false;

            vector<IndexDescriptor*> idxs;
            collection->getIndexCatalog()->findIndexByType(IndexNames::GEO_HAYSTACK, idxs);
            if (idxs.size() == 0) {
                errmsg = "no geoSearch index";
                return false;
            if (idxs.size() > 1) {
                errmsg = "more than 1 geosearch index";
                return false;

            BSONElement nearElt = cmdObj["near"];
            BSONElement maxDistance = cmdObj["maxDistance"];
            BSONElement search = cmdObj["search"];

            uassert(13318, "near needs to be an array", nearElt.isABSONObj());
            uassert(13319, "maxDistance needs a number", maxDistance.isNumber());
            uassert(13320, "search needs to be an object", search.type() == Object);

            unsigned limit = 50;
            if (cmdObj["limit"].isNumber())
                limit = static_cast<unsigned>(cmdObj["limit"].numberInt());

            IndexDescriptor* desc = idxs[0];
            HaystackAccessMethod* ham =
                static_cast<HaystackAccessMethod*>( collection->getIndexCatalog()->getIndex(desc) );
            ham->searchCommand(collection, nearElt.Obj(), maxDistance.numberDouble(), search.Obj(),
                               &result, limit);
            return 1;
コード例 #9
ファイル: modifier_inc.cpp プロジェクト: 7segments/mongo-1
    Status ModifierInc::init(const BSONElement& modExpr, const Options& opts,
                             bool* positional) {

        // field name analysis

        // Perform standard field name and updateable checks.
        Status status = fieldchecker::isUpdatable(_fieldRef);
        if (! status.isOK()) {
            return status;

        // If a $-positional operator was used, get the index in which it occurred
        // and ensure only one occurrence.
        size_t foundCount;
        bool foundDollar = fieldchecker::isPositional(_fieldRef, &_posDollar, &foundCount);

        if (positional)
            *positional = foundDollar;

        if (foundDollar && foundCount > 1) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          str::stream() << "Too many positional (i.e. '$') elements found in path '"
                                        << _fieldRef.dottedField() << "'");

        // value analysis

        if (!modExpr.isNumber()) {
            // TODO: Context for mod error messages would be helpful
            // include mod code, etc.
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                          str::stream() << "Cannot "
                                        << (_mode == MODE_INC ? "increment" : "multiply")
                                        << " with non-numeric argument: {"
                                        << modExpr << "}");

        _val = modExpr;

        return Status::OK();
コード例 #10
ファイル: document_source_skip.cpp プロジェクト: 3rf/mongo
    intrusive_ptr<DocumentSource> DocumentSourceSkip::createFromBson(
            BSONElement elem,
            const intrusive_ptr<ExpressionContext> &pExpCtx) {
        uassert(15972, str::stream() << DocumentSourceSkip::skipName <<
                ":  the value to skip must be a number",

        intrusive_ptr<DocumentSourceSkip> pSkip(

        pSkip->_skip = elem.numberLong();
        uassert(15956, str::stream() << DocumentSourceSkip::skipName <<
                ":  the number to skip cannot be negative",
                pSkip->_skip >= 0);

        return pSkip;
コード例 #11
ファイル: dbclient.cpp プロジェクト: RyokoAkizuki/freshcity
    string DBClientWithCommands::genIndexName( const BSONObj& keys ) {
        stringstream ss;

        bool first = 1;
        for ( BSONObjIterator i(keys); i.more(); ) {
            BSONElement f = i.next();

            if ( first )
                first = 0;
                ss << "_";

            ss << f.fieldName() << "_";
            if( f.isNumber() )
                ss << f.numberInt();
        return ss.str();
コード例 #12
    static double twoDSphereBoundsIncrement(const IndexDescriptor* s2Index) {

        // The user can override this so we honor it.  We could ignore it though -- it's just used
        // to set _radiusIncrement, not to do any covering.
        // TODO: Make this parsed somewhere else
        int finestIndexedLevel;
        BSONElement finestLevelEl = s2Index->infoObj()["finestIndexedLevel"];
        if (finestLevelEl.isNumber()) {
            finestIndexedLevel = finestLevelEl.numberInt();
        else {
            finestIndexedLevel = S2::kAvgEdge.GetClosestLevel(500.0 / kRadiusOfEarthInMeters);

        // Start with a conservative bounds increment.  When we're done searching a shell we
        // increment the two radii by this.
        return 5 * S2::kAvgEdge.GetValue(finestIndexedLevel) * kRadiusOfEarthInMeters;
コード例 #13
ファイル: haystack.cpp プロジェクト: 89snake89/mongo
        bool run(const string& dbname , BSONObj& cmdObj, int, string& errmsg, BSONObjBuilder& result, bool fromRepl) {

            string ns = dbname + "." + cmdObj.firstElement().valuestr();

            NamespaceDetails * d = nsdetails( ns.c_str() );
            if ( ! d ) {
                errmsg = "can't find ns";
                return false;

            vector<int> idxs;
            d->findIndexByType( GEOSEARCHNAME , idxs );
            if ( idxs.size() == 0 ) {
                errmsg = "no geoSearch index";
                return false;
            if ( idxs.size() > 1 ) {
                errmsg = "more than 1 geosearch index";
                return false;

            int idxNum = idxs[0];

            IndexDetails& id = d->idx( idxNum );
            GeoHaystackSearchIndex * si = (GeoHaystackSearchIndex*)id.getSpec().getType();
            verify( &id == si->getDetails() );

            BSONElement n = cmdObj["near"];
            BSONElement maxDistance = cmdObj["maxDistance"];
            BSONElement search = cmdObj["search"];

            uassert( 13318 , "near needs to be an array" , n.isABSONObj() );
            uassert( 13319 , "maxDistance needs a number" , maxDistance.isNumber() );
            uassert( 13320 , "search needs to be an object" , search.type() == Object );

            unsigned limit = 50;
            if ( cmdObj["limit"].isNumber() )
                limit = (unsigned)cmdObj["limit"].numberInt();

            si->searchCommand( d , idxNum , n.Obj() , maxDistance.numberDouble() , search.Obj() , result , limit );

            return 1;
コード例 #14
ファイル: planner_ixselect.cpp プロジェクト: Benguang/mongo
    // static
    void QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndices(
        MatchExpression* node,
        const vector<IndexEntry>& indices) {

        for (size_t i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i) {
            const IndexEntry& index = indices[i];

            // We only worry about 2dsphere indices.
            if (INDEX_2DSPHERE != index.type) {

            // They also have to be V2.  Both ignore the sparse flag but V1 is
            // never-sparse, V2 geo-sparse.
            BSONElement elt = index.infoObj["2dsphereIndexVersion"];
            if (elt.eoo()) {
            if (!elt.isNumber()) {
            if (2 != elt.numberInt()) {

            // If every field is geo don't bother doing anything.
            bool allFieldsGeo = true;
            BSONObjIterator it(index.keyPattern);
            while (it.more()) {
                BSONElement elt = it.next();
                if (String != elt.type()) {
                    allFieldsGeo = false;
            if (allFieldsGeo) {

            // Remove bad assignments from this index.
            stripInvalidAssignmentsTo2dsphereIndex(node, i);
コード例 #15
ファイル: parsed_query.cpp プロジェクト: bob0wang/mongo
 /* This is for languages whose "objects" are not well ordered (JSON is well ordered).
  [ { a : ... } , { b : ... } ] -> { a : ..., b : ... }
 static BSONObj transformOrderFromArrayFormat(BSONObj order) {
     /* note: this is slow, but that is ok as order will have very few pieces */
     BSONObjBuilder b;
     char p[2] = "0";
     while ( 1 ) {
         BSONObj j = order.getObjectField(p);
         if ( j.isEmpty() )
         BSONElement e = j.firstElement();
         uassert( 10102 , "bad order array", !e.eoo());
         uassert( 10103 , "bad order array [2]", e.isNumber());
         uassert( 10104 , "too many ordering elements", *p <= '9');
     return b.obj();
コード例 #16
 // static
 bool LiteParsedQuery::isValidSortOrder(const BSONObj& sortObj) {
     BSONObjIterator i(sortObj);
     while (i.more()) {
         BSONElement e = i.next();
         // fieldNameSize() includes NULL terminator. For empty field name,
         // we should be checking for 1 instead of 0.
         if (1 == e.fieldNameSize()) {
             return false;
         if (isTextScoreMeta(e)) {
         long long n = e.safeNumberLong();
         if (!(e.isNumber() && (n == -1LL || n == 1LL))) {
             return false;
     return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: dbclient.cpp プロジェクト: jamesgolick/mongo
    bool DBClientBase::ensureIndex( const string &ns , BSONObj keys , bool unique, const string & name ) {
        BSONObjBuilder toSave;
        toSave.append( "ns" , ns );
        toSave.append( "key" , keys );

        string cacheKey(ns);
        cacheKey += "--";

        if ( name != "" ) {
            toSave.append( "name" , name );
            cacheKey += name;
        else {
            stringstream ss;
            bool first = 1;
            for ( BSONObjIterator i(keys); i.more(); ) {
                BSONElement f = i.next();

                if ( first )
                    first = 0;
                    ss << "_";

                ss << f.fieldName() << "_";
                if( f.isNumber() )
                    ss << f.numberInt();

            toSave.append( "name" , ss.str() );
            cacheKey += ss.str();
        if ( unique )
            toSave.appendBool( "unique", unique );

        if ( _seenIndexes.count( cacheKey ) )
            return 0;
        _seenIndexes.insert( cacheKey );

        insert( Namespace( ns.c_str() ).getSisterNS( "system.indexes"  ).c_str() , toSave.obj() );
        return 1;
コード例 #18
ファイル: query_stage_distinct.cpp プロジェクト: ramgtv/mongo
         * Returns the projected value from the working set that would
         * be returned in the 'values' field of the distinct command result.
         * Limited to NumberInt BSON types because this is the only
         * BSON type used in this suite of tests.
        static int getIntFieldDotted(const WorkingSet& ws, WorkingSetID wsid,
                                     const std::string& field) {
            // For some reason (at least under OS X clang), we cannot refer to INVALID_ID
            // inside the test assertion macro.
            WorkingSetID invalid = WorkingSet::INVALID_ID;
            ASSERT_NOT_EQUALS(invalid, wsid);

            WorkingSetMember* member = ws.get(wsid);

            // Distinct hack execution is always covered.
            // Key value is retrieved from working set key data
            // instead of RecordId.
            BSONElement keyElt;
            ASSERT_TRUE(member->getFieldDotted(field, &keyElt));

            return keyElt.numberInt();
コード例 #19
ファイル: catSplit.cpp プロジェクト: jasonsungblog/SequoiaDB
   INT32 catSplitCleanup( const BSONObj & splitInfo, pmdEDUCB * cb, INT16 w )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      UINT64 taskID = 0 ;
      INT32 status = CLS_TASK_STATUS_READY ;

      BSONElement ele = splitInfo.getField( CAT_TASKID_NAME ) ;
      PD_CHECK( ele.isNumber(), SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                "Failed to get field[%s], type: %d", CAT_TASKID_NAME,
                ele.type() ) ;
      taskID = ( UINT64 )ele.numberLong() ;

      rc = catGetTaskStatus( taskID, status, cb ) ;
      if ( rc )
         goto error ;

      if ( CLS_TASK_STATUS_META == status )
         rc = catUpdateTaskStatus( taskID, CLS_TASK_STATUS_FINISH, cb, w ) ;
         if ( rc )
            goto error ;
      else if ( CLS_TASK_STATUS_FINISH == status )
         PD_LOG( PDERROR, "Task[%ll] status error in clean up step",
                 taskID, status ) ;
         rc = SDB_SYS ;
         goto error ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #20
Status SortKeyGenerator::getSortKey(const WorkingSetMember& member, BSONObj* objOut) const {
    StatusWith<BSONObj> sortKey = BSONObj();

    if (member.hasObj()) {
        sortKey = getSortKeyFromObject(member);
    } else {
        sortKey = getSortKeyFromIndexKey(member);
    if (!sortKey.isOK()) {
        return sortKey.getStatus();

    if (!_sortHasMeta) {
        *objOut = sortKey.getValue();
        return Status::OK();

    BSONObjBuilder mergedKeyBob;

    // Merge metadata into the key.
    BSONObjIterator it(_rawSortSpec);
    BSONObjIterator sortKeyIt(sortKey.getValue());
    while (it.more()) {
        BSONElement elt = it.next();
        if (elt.isNumber()) {
            // Merge btree key elt.
        } else if (LiteParsedQuery::isTextScoreMeta(elt)) {
            // Add text score metadata
            double score = 0.0;
            if (member.hasComputed(WSM_COMPUTED_TEXT_SCORE)) {
                const TextScoreComputedData* scoreData = static_cast<const TextScoreComputedData*>(
                score = scoreData->getScore();
            mergedKeyBob.append("$metaTextScore", score);

    *objOut = mergedKeyBob.obj();
    return Status::OK();
コード例 #21
ファイル: hasher.cpp プロジェクト: 10genReviews/mongo
    void BSONElementHasher::recursiveHash( Hasher* h ,
                                           const BSONElement& e ,
                                           bool includeFieldName ) {

        int canonicalType = e.canonicalType();
        h->addData( &canonicalType , sizeof( canonicalType ) );

        if ( includeFieldName ){
            h->addData( e.fieldName() , e.fieldNameSize() );

        if ( !e.mayEncapsulate() ){
            //if there are no embedded objects (subobjects or arrays),
            //compute the hash, squashing numeric types to 64-bit ints
            if ( e.isNumber() ){
                long long int i = e.safeNumberLong(); //well-defined for troublesome doubles
                h->addData( &i , sizeof( i ) );
            else {
                h->addData( e.value() , e.valuesize() );
        else {
            //else identify the subobject.
            //hash any preceding stuff (in the case of codeWscope)
            //then each sub-element
            //then finish with the EOO element.
            BSONObj b;
            if ( e.type() == CodeWScope ) {
                h->addData( e.codeWScopeCode() , e.codeWScopeCodeLen() );
                b = e.codeWScopeObject();
            else {
                b = e.embeddedObject();
            BSONObjIterator i(b);
            while( i.moreWithEOO() ) {
                BSONElement el = i.next();
                recursiveHash( h , el ,  true );
コード例 #22
ファイル: geoparser.cpp プロジェクト: ashleybrener/mongo
 static bool isLegacyCenterSphere(const BSONObj &obj) {
     BSONObjIterator typeIt(obj);
     BSONElement type = typeIt.next();
     if (!type.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
     bool isCenterSphere = mongoutils::str::equals(type.fieldName(), "$centerSphere");
     if (!isCenterSphere) { return false; }
     BSONObjIterator objIt(type.embeddedObject());
     BSONElement center = objIt.next();
     if (!center.isABSONObj()) { return false; }
     if (!isLegacyPoint(center.Obj())) { return false; }
     // Check to make sure the points are valid lng/lat.
     BSONObjIterator coordIt(center.Obj());
     BSONElement lng = coordIt.next();
     BSONElement lat = coordIt.next();
     if (!isValidLngLat(lng.Number(), lat.Number())) { return false; }
     if (!objIt.more()) { return false; }
     BSONElement radius = objIt.next();
     if (!radius.isNumber()) { return false; }
     return true;
コード例 #23
ファイル: catSplit.cpp プロジェクト: jasonsungblog/SequoiaDB
   INT32 catSplitFinish( const BSONObj & splitInfo, pmdEDUCB * cb, INT16 w )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK ;
      UINT64 taskID = 0 ;

      BSONElement ele = splitInfo.getField( CAT_TASKID_NAME ) ;
      PD_CHECK( ele.isNumber(), SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                "Failed to get field[%s], type: %d", CAT_TASKID_NAME,
                ele.type() ) ;
      taskID = ( UINT64 )ele.numberLong() ;

      rc = catRemoveTask( taskID, cb, w ) ;
      PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR, "Remove task[%lld] failed, rc: %d",
                   taskID, rc ) ;

      return rc ;
      goto done ;
コード例 #24
ファイル: sort.cpp プロジェクト: DieterLutz/mongo
    Status SortStageKeyGenerator::getSortKey(const WorkingSetMember& member,
                                             BSONObj* objOut) const {
        BSONObj btreeKeyToUse;

        Status btreeStatus = getBtreeKey(member.obj, &btreeKeyToUse);
        if (!btreeStatus.isOK()) {
            return btreeStatus;

        if (!_sortHasMeta) {
            *objOut = btreeKeyToUse;
            return Status::OK();

        BSONObjBuilder mergedKeyBob;

        // Merge metadata into the key.
        BSONObjIterator it(_rawSortSpec);
        BSONObjIterator btreeIt(btreeKeyToUse);
        while (it.more()) {
            BSONElement elt = it.next();
            if (elt.isNumber()) {
                // Merge btree key elt.
            else if (LiteParsedQuery::isTextScoreMeta(elt)) {
                // Add text score metadata
                double score = 0.0;
                if (member.hasComputed(WSM_COMPUTED_TEXT_SCORE)) {
                    const TextScoreComputedData* scoreData
                        = static_cast<const TextScoreComputedData*>(
                    score = scoreData->getScore();
                mergedKeyBob.append("$metaTextScore", score);

        *objOut = mergedKeyBob.obj();
        return Status::OK();
コード例 #25
ファイル: commands.cpp プロジェクト: wjin/mongo
    Status Command::parseCommandCursorOptions(const BSONObj& cmdObj,
                                              long long defaultBatchSize,
                                              long long* batchSize) {
        *batchSize = defaultBatchSize;

        BSONElement cursorElem = cmdObj["cursor"];
        if (cursorElem.eoo()) {
            return Status::OK();

        if (cursorElem.type() != mongo::Object) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, "cursor field must be missing or an object");

        BSONObj cursor = cursorElem.embeddedObject();
        BSONElement batchSizeElem = cursor["batchSize"];

        const int expectedNumberOfCursorFields = batchSizeElem.eoo() ? 0 : 1;
        if (cursor.nFields() != expectedNumberOfCursorFields) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                          "cursor object can't contain fields other than batchSize");

        if (batchSizeElem.eoo()) {
            return Status::OK();

        if (!batchSizeElem.isNumber()) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch, "cursor.batchSize must be a number");

        // This can change in the future, but for now all negatives are reserved.
        if (batchSizeElem.numberLong() < 0) {
            return Status(ErrorCodes::BadValue, "cursor.batchSize must not be negative");

        *batchSize = batchSizeElem.numberLong();

        return Status::OK();
コード例 #26
ファイル: field_parser.cpp プロジェクト: stevelyall/mongol-db
FieldParser::FieldState FieldParser::extractNumber(BSONElement elem,
                                                   const BSONField<double>& field,
                                                   double* out,
                                                   string* errMsg) {
    if (elem.eoo()) {
        if (field.hasDefault()) {
            *out = field.getDefault();
            return FIELD_DEFAULT;
        } else {
            return FIELD_NONE;

    if (elem.isNumber()) {
        *out = elem.numberDouble();
        return FIELD_SET;

    _genFieldErrMsg(elem, field, "number", errMsg);
    return FIELD_INVALID;
コード例 #27
ファイル: shard.cpp プロジェクト: billzhangjingle/mongo
ShardStatus Shard::getStatus() const {
    BSONObj listDatabases;
            str::stream() << "call to listDatabases on " << getConnString().toString()
                          << " failed: " << listDatabases,
            runCommand("admin", BSON("listDatabases" << 1), listDatabases));

    BSONElement totalSizeElem = listDatabases["totalSize"];
    uassert(28590, "totalSize field not found in listDatabases", totalSizeElem.isNumber());

    BSONObj serverStatus;
            str::stream() << "call to serverStatus on " << getConnString().toString()
                          << " failed: " << serverStatus,
            runCommand("admin", BSON("serverStatus" << 1), serverStatus));

    BSONElement versionElement = serverStatus["version"];
    uassert(28599, "version field not found in serverStatus", versionElement.type() == String);

    return ShardStatus(totalSizeElem.numberLong(), versionElement.str());
コード例 #28
 virtual bool run(const string &db, BSONObj &cmdObj, int options, string &errmsg, BSONObjBuilder &result, bool fromRepl) {
     BSONElement e = cmdObj.firstElement();
     long long bps;
     if (e.type() == String) {
         Status status = BytesQuantity<long long>::fromString(e.Stringdata(), bps);
         if (!status.isOK()) {
             stringstream ss;
             ss << "error parsing number " << e.Stringdata() << ": " << status.codeString() << " " << status.reason();
             errmsg = ss.str();
             return false;
     else {
         if (!e.isNumber()) {
             errmsg = "backupThrottle argument must be a number";
             return false;
         bps = e.safeNumberLong();
     return Manager::throttle(bps, errmsg, result);
コード例 #29
ファイル: s2_access_method.cpp プロジェクト: Albert-B-P/mongo
    // static
    BSONObj S2AccessMethod::fixSpec(const BSONObj& specObj) {
        // If the spec object has the field "2dsphereIndexVersion", validate it.  If it doesn't, add
        // {2dsphereIndexVersion: 2}, which is the default for newly-built indexes.

        BSONElement indexVersionElt = specObj[kIndexVersionFieldName];
        if (indexVersionElt.eoo()) {
            BSONObjBuilder bob;
            bob.append(kIndexVersionFieldName, S2_INDEX_VERSION_2);
            return bob.obj();

        const int indexVersion = indexVersionElt.numberInt();
                str::stream() << "unsupported geo index version { " << kIndexVersionFieldName
                              << " : " << indexVersionElt << " }, only support versions: ["
                              << S2_INDEX_VERSION_1 << "," << S2_INDEX_VERSION_2 << "]",
                indexVersionElt.isNumber() && (indexVersion == S2_INDEX_VERSION_2
                                               || indexVersion == S2_INDEX_VERSION_1));
        return specObj;
コード例 #30
Status bsonExtractBooleanFieldWithDefault(const BSONObj& object,
                                          StringData fieldName,
                                          bool defaultValue,
                                          bool* out) {
    BSONElement value;
    Status status = bsonExtractField(object, fieldName, &value);
    if (status == ErrorCodes::NoSuchKey) {
        *out = defaultValue;
        return Status::OK();
    } else if (!status.isOK()) {
        return status;
    } else if (!value.isNumber() && !value.isBoolean()) {
        return Status(ErrorCodes::TypeMismatch,
                      mongoutils::str::stream() << "Expected boolean or number type for field \""
                                                << fieldName << "\", found "
                                                << typeName(value.type()));
    } else {
        *out = value.trueValue();
        return Status::OK();