コード例 #1
void LLViewerCamera::updateCameraLocation(const LLVector3 &center,
											const LLVector3 &up_direction,
											const LLVector3 &point_of_interest)
	// do not update if avatar didn't move
	if (!LLViewerJoystick::getInstance()->getCameraNeedsUpdate())

	LLVector3 last_position;
	LLVector3 last_axis;
	last_position = getOrigin();
	last_axis = getAtAxis();

	mLastPointOfInterest = point_of_interest;

	// constrain to max distance from avatar
	LLVector3 camera_offset = center - gAgent.getPositionAgent();

	LLViewerRegion * regp = gAgent.getRegion();
	F32 water_height = (NULL != regp) ? regp->getWaterHeight() : 0.f;

	LLVector3 origin = center;
	if (origin.mV[2] > water_height)
		origin.mV[2] = llmax(origin.mV[2], water_height+0.20f);
		origin.mV[2] = llmin(origin.mV[2], water_height-0.20f);

	setOriginAndLookAt(origin, up_direction, point_of_interest);

	mVelocityDir = center - last_position ; 
	F32 dpos = mVelocityDir.normVec() ;
	LLQuaternion rotation;
	rotation.shortestArc(last_axis, getAtAxis());

	F32 x, y, z;
	F32 drot;
	rotation.getAngleAxis(&drot, &x, &y, &z);

	mAverageSpeed = mVelocityStat.getMeanPerSec() ;
	mAverageAngularSpeed = mAngularVelocityStat.getMeanPerSec() ;
	mCosHalfCameraFOV = cosf(0.5f * getView() * llmax(1.0f, getAspect()));

	// update pixel meter ratio using default fov, not modified one
	mPixelMeterRatio = getViewHeightInPixels()/ (2.f*tanf(mCameraFOVDefault*0.5));
	// update screen pixel area
	mScreenPixelArea =(S32)((F32)getViewHeightInPixels() * ((F32)getViewHeightInPixels() * getAspect()));
コード例 #2
void audio_update_wind(bool force_update)
	//  Extract height above water to modulate filter by whether above/below water 
	LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
	if (region)
		static F32 last_camera_water_height = -1000.f;
		LLVector3 camera_pos = gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionAgent();
		F32 camera_water_height = camera_pos.mV[VZ] - region->getWaterHeight();
		//  Don't update rolloff factor unless water surface has been crossed
		if (force_update || (last_camera_water_height * camera_water_height) < 0.f)
			static const LLCachedControl<F32> audio_level_rolloff("AudioLevelRolloff",1);
			if (camera_water_height < 0.f)
				gAudiop->setRolloffFactor(audio_level_rolloff * LL_ROLLOFF_MULTIPLIER_UNDER_WATER);
		// this line rotates the wind vector to be listener (agent) relative
		// unfortunately we have to pre-translate to undo the translation that
		// occurs in the transform call
		gRelativeWindVec = gAgent.getFrameAgent().rotateToLocal(gWindVec - gAgent.getVelocity());

		// don't use the setter setMaxWindGain() because we don't
		// want to screw up the fade-in on startup by setting actual source gain
		// outside the fade-in.
		static const LLCachedControl<bool> mute_audio("MuteAudio",false);
		static const LLCachedControl<bool> mute_ambient("MuteAmbient",false);
		static const LLCachedControl<F32> audio_level_master("AudioLevelMaster", 1.0f);
		static const LLCachedControl<F32> audio_level_ambient("AudioLevelAmbient",1.0f);
		F32 master_volume  = mute_audio ? 0.f : (F32)audio_level_master;
		F32 ambient_volume = mute_ambient ? 0.f : (F32)audio_level_ambient;

		F32 wind_volume = master_volume * ambient_volume;
		gAudiop->mMaxWindGain = wind_volume;
		last_camera_water_height = camera_water_height;
		gAudiop->updateWind(gRelativeWindVec, camera_water_height);
コード例 #3
void audio_update_wind(bool force_update)
	//  Extract height above water to modulate filter by whether above/below water 
	LLViewerRegion* region = gAgent.getRegion();
	if (region)
		static F32 last_camera_water_height = -1000.f;
		LLVector3 camera_pos = gAgentCamera.getCameraPositionAgent();
		F32 camera_water_height = camera_pos.mV[VZ] - region->getWaterHeight();
		//  Don't update rolloff factor unless water surface has been crossed
		if (force_update || (last_camera_water_height * camera_water_height) < 0.f)
            static LLUICachedControl<F32> rolloff("AudioLevelRolloff", 1.0f);
			if (camera_water_height < 0.f)
				gAudiop->setRolloffFactor(rolloff * LL_ROLLOFF_MULTIPLIER_UNDER_WATER);
        // Scale down the contribution of weather-simulation wind to the
        // ambient wind noise.  Wind velocity averages 3.5 m/s, with gusts to 7 m/s
        // whereas steady-state avatar walk velocity is only 3.2 m/s.
        // Without this the world feels desolate on first login when you are
        // standing still.
        static LLUICachedControl<F32> wind_level("AudioLevelWind", 0.5f);
        LLVector3 scaled_wind_vec = gWindVec * wind_level;
        // Mix in the avatar's motion, subtract because when you walk north,
        // the apparent wind moves south.
        LLVector3 final_wind_vec = scaled_wind_vec - gAgent.getVelocity();
		// rotate the wind vector to be listener (agent) relative
		gRelativeWindVec = gAgent.getFrameAgent().rotateToLocal( final_wind_vec );

		// don't use the setter setMaxWindGain() because we don't
		// want to screw up the fade-in on startup by setting actual source gain
		// outside the fade-in.
		static LLCachedControl<bool> MuteAudio(gSavedSettings,"MuteAudio");
		static LLCachedControl<bool> MuteAmbient(gSavedSettings,"MuteAmbient");
		static LLCachedControl<F32> AudioLevelMaster(gSavedSettings,"AudioLevelMaster");
		static LLCachedControl<F32> AudioLevelAmbient(gSavedSettings,"AudioLevelAmbient");
		F32 master_volume  = MuteAudio ? 0.f : AudioLevelMaster;
		F32 ambient_volume = MuteAmbient ? 0.f : AudioLevelAmbient;
		F32 max_wind_volume = master_volume * ambient_volume;

		// amount to change volume this frame
		F32 volume_delta = (LLFrameTimer::getFrameDeltaTimeF32() / WIND_SOUND_TRANSITION_TIME) * max_wind_volume;
		if (force_update) 
			// initialize wind volume (force_update) by using large volume_delta
			// which is sufficient to completely turn off or turn on wind noise
			volume_delta = 1.f;

		// mute wind when not flying
		if (gAgent.getFlying())
			// volume increases by volume_delta, up to no more than max_wind_volume
			gAudiop->mMaxWindGain = llmin(gAudiop->mMaxWindGain + volume_delta, max_wind_volume);
			// volume decreases by volume_delta, down to no less than 0
			gAudiop->mMaxWindGain = llmax(gAudiop->mMaxWindGain - volume_delta, 0.f);
		last_camera_water_height = camera_water_height;
		gAudiop->updateWind(gRelativeWindVec, camera_water_height);