void WorldSession::HandleBattlemasterJoinOpcode(WorldPacket& recvData) { uint32 bgTypeId_; uint32 instanceId; uint8 asGroup; bool isPremade = false; Group* grp = NULL; ObjectGuid guid; recvData >> instanceId; // Instance Id guid[2] = recvData.ReadBit(); guid[0] = recvData.ReadBit(); guid[3] = recvData.ReadBit(); guid[1] = recvData.ReadBit(); guid[5] = recvData.ReadBit(); asGroup = recvData.ReadBit(); // As Group guid[4] = recvData.ReadBit(); guid[6] = recvData.ReadBit(); guid[7] = recvData.ReadBit(); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[2]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[6]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[4]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[3]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[7]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[0]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[5]); recvData.ReadByteSeq(guid[1]); //extract from guid bgTypeId_ = GUID_LOPART(guid); if (!sBattlemasterListStore.LookupEntry(bgTypeId_)) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "Battleground: invalid bgtype (%u) received. possible cheater? player guid %u", bgTypeId_, _player->GetGUIDLow()); return; } if (DisableMgr::IsDisabledFor(DISABLE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND, bgTypeId_, NULL)) { ChatHandler(this).PSendSysMessage(LANG_BG_DISABLED); return; } BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = BattlegroundTypeId(bgTypeId_); //TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: Recvd CMSG_BATTLEMASTER_JOIN Message from (GUID:"UI64FMTD" TypeId:%u)", guid, bgTypeId_); // can do this, since it's battleground, not arena BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, 0); BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeIdRandom = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(BATTLEGROUND_RB, 0); // ignore if player is already in BG if (_player->InBattleground()) return; // get bg instance or bg template if instance not found Battleground* bg = NULL; if (instanceId) bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundThroughClientInstance(instanceId, bgTypeId); if (!bg) bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId); if (!bg) return; // expected bracket entry PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel()); if (!bracketEntry) return; GroupJoinBattlegroundResult err = ERR_BATTLEGROUND_NONE; // check queue conditions if (!asGroup) { if (GetPlayer()->isUsingLfg()) { WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, ERR_LFG_CANT_USE_BATTLEGROUND); GetPlayer()->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); return; } // check Deserter debuff if (!_player->CanJoinToBattleground(bg)) { WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, ERR_GROUP_JOIN_BATTLEGROUND_DESERTERS); _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); return; } if (_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeIdRandom) < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES) { // player is already in random queue WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, ERR_IN_RANDOM_BG); _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); return; } if (_player->InBattlegroundQueue() && bgTypeId == BATTLEGROUND_RB) { // player is already in queue, can't start random queue WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, ERR_IN_NON_RANDOM_BG); _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); return; } // check if already in queue if (_player->GetBattlegroundQueueIndex(bgQueueTypeId) < PLAYER_MAX_BATTLEGROUND_QUEUES) // player is already in this queue return; // check if has free queue slots if (!_player->HasFreeBattlegroundQueueId()) { WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, ERR_BATTLEGROUND_TOO_MANY_QUEUES); _player->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); return; } BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId); GroupQueueInfo* ginfo = bgQueue.AddGroup(_player, NULL, bgTypeId, bracketEntry, 0, false, isPremade, 0, 0); uint32 avgTime = bgQueue.GetAverageQueueWaitTime(ginfo, bracketEntry->GetBracketId()); uint32 queueSlot = _player->AddBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId); // add joined time data _player->AddBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId, ginfo->JoinTime); WorldPacket data; // send status packet (in queue) sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, _player, queueSlot, STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE, avgTime, ginfo->JoinTime, ginfo->ArenaType); SendPacket(&data); TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player joined queue for bg queue type %u bg type %u: GUID %u, NAME %s", bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, _player->GetGUIDLow(), _player->GetName().c_str()); } else { grp = _player->GetGroup(); if (!grp) return; if (grp->GetLeaderGUID() != _player->GetGUID()) return; err = grp->CanJoinBattlegroundQueue(bg, bgQueueTypeId, 0, bg->GetMaxPlayersPerTeam(), false, 0); isPremade = (grp->GetMembersCount() >= bg->GetMinPlayersPerTeam()); BattlegroundQueue& bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId); GroupQueueInfo* ginfo = NULL; uint32 avgTime = 0; if (!err) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: the following players are joining as group:"); ginfo = bgQueue.AddGroup(_player, grp, bgTypeId, bracketEntry, 0, false, isPremade, 0, 0); avgTime = bgQueue.GetAverageQueueWaitTime(ginfo, bracketEntry->GetBracketId()); } for (GroupReference* itr = grp->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->GetSource(); if (!member) continue; // this should never happen if (err) { WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, err); member->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); continue; } // add to queue uint32 queueSlot = member->AddBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId); // add joined time data member->AddBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId, ginfo->JoinTime); WorldPacket data; // send status packet (in queue) sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, member, queueSlot, STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE, avgTime, ginfo->JoinTime, ginfo->ArenaType); member->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player joined queue for bg queue type %u bg type %u: GUID %u, NAME %s", bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, member->GetGUIDLow(), member->GetName().c_str()); } TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: group end"); } sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(0, 0, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId()); }
void WorldSession::HandleBattlemasterJoinArena(WorldPacket& recvData) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("network", "WORLD: CMSG_BATTLEMASTER_JOIN_ARENA"); uint8 arenaslot; // 2v2, 3v3 or 5v5 recvData >> arenaslot; // ignore if we already in BG or BG queue if (_player->InBattleground()) return; uint32 arenaRating = 0; uint32 matchmakerRating = 0; uint8 arenatype = ArenaTeam::GetTypeBySlot(arenaslot); //check existance Battleground* bg = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundTemplate(BATTLEGROUND_AA); if (!bg) { TC_LOG_ERROR("network", "Battleground: template bg (all arenas) not found"); return; } if (DisableMgr::IsDisabledFor(DISABLE_TYPE_BATTLEGROUND, BATTLEGROUND_AA, NULL)) { ChatHandler(this).PSendSysMessage(LANG_ARENA_DISABLED); return; } BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = bg->GetTypeID(); BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = BattlegroundMgr::BGQueueTypeId(bgTypeId, arenatype); PvPDifficultyEntry const* bracketEntry = GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg->GetMapId(), _player->getLevel()); if (!bracketEntry) return; GroupJoinBattlegroundResult err = ERR_BATTLEGROUND_NONE; Group* grp = _player->GetGroup(); // no group found, error if (!grp) return; if (grp->GetLeaderGUID() != _player->GetGUID()) return; uint32 ateamId = _player->GetArenaTeamId(arenaslot); // check real arenateam existence only here (if it was moved to group->CanJoin .. () then we would ahve to get it twice) ArenaTeam* at = sArenaTeamMgr->GetArenaTeamById(ateamId); if (!at) { _player->GetSession()->SendNotInArenaTeamPacket(arenatype); return; } // get the team rating for queueing arenaRating = at->GetRating(); matchmakerRating = at->GetAverageMMR(grp); // the arenateam id must match for everyone in the group if (arenaRating <= 0) arenaRating = 1; BattlegroundQueue &bgQueue = sBattlegroundMgr->GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId); uint32 avgTime = 0; GroupQueueInfo* ginfo = NULL; err = grp->CanJoinBattlegroundQueue(bg, bgQueueTypeId, arenatype, arenatype, true, arenaslot); if (!err) { TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: arena team id %u, leader %s queued with matchmaker rating %u for type %u", _player->GetArenaTeamId(arenaslot), _player->GetName().c_str(), matchmakerRating, arenatype); ginfo = bgQueue.AddGroup(_player, grp, bgTypeId, bracketEntry, arenatype, true, false, arenaRating, matchmakerRating, ateamId); avgTime = bgQueue.GetAverageQueueWaitTime(ginfo, bracketEntry->GetBracketId()); } for (GroupReference* itr = grp->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player* member = itr->GetSource(); if (!member) continue; if (err) { WorldPacket data; sBattlegroundMgr->BuildStatusFailedPacket(&data, bg, _player, 0, err); member->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); continue; } // add to queue uint32 queueSlot = member->AddBattlegroundQueueId(bgQueueTypeId); // add joined time data member->AddBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgTypeId, ginfo->JoinTime); WorldPacket data; // send status packet (in queue) sBattlegroundMgr->BuildBattlegroundStatusPacket(&data, bg, member, queueSlot, STATUS_WAIT_QUEUE, avgTime, ginfo->JoinTime, arenatype); member->GetSession()->SendPacket(&data); TC_LOG_DEBUG("bg.battleground", "Battleground: player joined queue for arena as group bg queue type %u bg type %u: GUID %u, NAME %s", bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, member->GetGUIDLow(), member->GetName().c_str()); } sBattlegroundMgr->ScheduleQueueUpdate(matchmakerRating, arenatype, bgQueueTypeId, bgTypeId, bracketEntry->GetBracketId()); }