コード例 #1
ファイル: Socket.cpp プロジェクト: tashia/Tiny-Web-Server
int main() {
    /*test of socket assistant*/
    SocketAssistant sa;
    string addr = sa.getAddrByName("www.syr.edu");
    cout << "address is " << addr << endl;
    string hostname = sa.getNameByAddr(addr);
    cout << "host name is " << hostname << endl;
    addr = sa.getAddrByName(hostname);
    cout << "address is " << addr << endl;

    /*test of socket and server socket*/

    Socket client;
    ServerSocket server;
    server.Bind(3491, "");
    client.Connect("", 3491);
    Socket commuSock = server.Accept();
    /*client communicates with commuSock*/
    string sendMsg = "msg sent";
    string respMsg = "msg recevd";
    string sigClient = "from client";
    string sigServer = "from server";
    char rbuf[100];
    int sentBytes = client.Send((sendMsg + " " + sigClient).c_str(), 7);
    cout << "sent bytes is " << sentBytes << endl;
    int recvBytes; 
    sentBytes = client.Send((sendMsg + " " + sigClient).c_str(), 50, 0, 30);
    cout << "sent bytes is " << sentBytes << endl;
    recvBytes = commuSock.Receive(rbuf, 50, 0, 30);
    rbuf[recvBytes] = '\0';
    cout << "recevd bytes is " << recvBytes << "\n message is "
            << rbuf << endl;
    cout << "client connecting to " << client.getRemoteIP() << " and the port is "
            << client.getRemotePort() << endl;
    cout  << "  the local port is "
            << server.getLocalPort() << " local ip is " << server.getLocalIP() << endl;

    client.Connect("", 3491);
    commuSock = server.Accept();
    commuSock.Send((respMsg + " " + sigServer).c_str(), 50);
    client.Receive(rbuf, 50);
    cout << "\n message is " << rbuf << endl;

    cout << "client connecting to " << client.getRemoteIP() << " and the port is "
            << client.getRemotePort() << endl;
    cout << " and the local port is "
            << server.getLocalPort() << " local ip is " << server.getLocalIP() << endl;

    client.Connect("", 80);
    cout << client.getRemoteIP() << endl;
    cout << client.getRemotePort() << endl;
    cout<<"open the browse type to call the socket\n";
    Socket ns = server.Accept();
    cout << ns.getRemoteIP() << endl;
    cout << ns.getRemotePort() << endl;
    cout<<"server ip address is : "<<server.getLocalIP()<<"\n";
    cout<<"server monitori port is : "<<server.getLocalPort()<<"\n";
    /*   commuSock = server.Accept();
         char webSockBuf[1024];
         int recSize = commuSock.Receive(webSockBuf,1023);
         webSockBuf[recSize] = '\0';  
         cout<<"receive size is "<<recSize<<" "<<webSockBuf<<endl;*/
    /* For the purpose of testing post method of tiny web server*/
       Socket postSock;
       char* msgBody;
       int size = ResourceRetrieve("/3rd_front.jpg",&msgBody);
       std::string postHeader= "POST /Post/post.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\n"
       "Host: localhost:3490\r\n"
       "Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate\r\n"
       "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n"
       "Content-Length: 21292\r\n\r\n";

    return 0;