/** * This method handles the actual details of saving an assertion report. It will * bring up the "File save as..." dialog and then write the report out to * whichever file the user selects * * \return True if the user saved the file, false if they aborted the action */ bool AssertionDialog::SaveCrashDump() const { bool didSaveFile = false; // Create the file save as dialog Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IFileDialog> fileDialog; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileSaveDialog, nullptr, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_PPV_ARGS(&fileDialog)); if (!SUCCEEDED(hr)) { return false; } // File types supported COMDLG_FILTERSPEC filters[] = { { L"Text Files", L"*.txt" } }; // Configure the save dialog with useful defaults fileDialog->SetTitle(L"Save crash dump to a file"); fileDialog->SetFileTypes(ARRAYSIZE(filters), filters); fileDialog->SetDefaultExtension(L"*.txt"); fileDialog->SetFileName(L"crash details.txt"); // Show the file save as dialog fileDialog->Show(mWindowHandle); // Find the name of the file they want to save the assertion report to. // If the user didn't give an appropriate response, simply leave the filename // to be null Microsoft::WRL::ComPtr<IShellItem> dialogResult; PWSTR filepath = nullptr; hr = fileDialog->GetResult(&dialogResult); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HRESULT hr = dialogResult->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &filepath); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { std::string fileContents = Utils::ConvertWideStringToUtf8(GetFileReportString()); // First we have to create the file HANDLE fileHandle = CreateFile( filepath, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nullptr, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, nullptr); // Convert the text file to UTF8 and then write the string to disk. WriteFile( fileHandle, fileContents.c_str(), static_cast<DWORD>(fileContents.size()), nullptr, nullptr); // Remember that we wrote the file out didSaveFile = true; } } // Now clean up. Release the dialog window and close the file stream. CoTaskMemFree(filepath); return didSaveFile; }
void EnsureGamePath() { std::wstring fpath = MakeRelativeCitPath(L"CitizenFX.ini"); const wchar_t* pathKey = L"IVPath"; if (wcsstr(GetCommandLine(), L"cl2")) { pathKey = L"PathCL2"; } if (GetFileAttributes(fpath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { wchar_t path[256]; GetPrivateProfileString(L"Game", pathKey, L"", path, _countof(path), fpath.c_str()); if (path[0] != L'\0') { return; } } ScopedCoInitialize coInit(COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); if (!coInit) { MessageBox(nullptr, va(L"CoInitializeEx failed. HRESULT = 0x%08x.", coInit.GetResult()), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); ExitProcess(coInit.GetResult()); } WRL::ComPtr<IFileDialog> fileDialog; HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FileOpenDialog, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IFileDialog, (void**)fileDialog.GetAddressOf()); if (FAILED(hr)) { MessageBox(nullptr, va(L"CoCreateInstance(IFileDialog) failed. HRESULT = 0x%08x.", hr), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); ExitProcess(hr); } FILEOPENDIALOGOPTIONS opts; fileDialog->GetOptions(&opts); opts |= FOS_FORCEFILESYSTEM | FOS_PICKFOLDERS; fileDialog->SetOptions(opts); #ifndef GTA_FIVE fileDialog->SetTitle(L"Select the folder containing " GAME_EXECUTABLE); #else fileDialog->SetTitle(L"Select the folder containing Grand Theft Auto V"); // set the default folder, if we can find one { wchar_t gameRootBuf[1024]; DWORD gameRootLength = sizeof(gameRootBuf); // 5 is the amount of characters to strip off the end const std::tuple<std::wstring, std::wstring, int> folderAttempts[] = { { L"InstallFolderSteam", L"SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Rockstar Games\\GTAV", 5 }, { L"InstallFolder", L"SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Rockstar Games\\Grand Theft Auto V", 0 } }; for (const auto& folder : folderAttempts) { if (RegGetValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, std::get<1>(folder).c_str(), std::get<0>(folder).c_str(), RRF_RT_REG_SZ, nullptr, gameRootBuf, &gameRootLength) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { WRL::ComPtr<IShellItem> item; std::wstring gameRoot(gameRootBuf); // strip \GTAV if needed gameRoot = gameRoot.substr(0, gameRoot.length() - std::get<int>(folder)); if (SUCCEEDED(SHCreateItemFromParsingName(gameRoot.c_str(), nullptr, IID_IShellItem, (void**)item.GetAddressOf()))) { auto checkFile = [&](const std::wstring& path) { return GetFileAttributesW((gameRoot + (L"\\" + path)).c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES; }; fileDialog->SetFolder(item.Get()); if (checkFile(L"x64a.rpf") && checkFile(L"x64b.rpf") && checkFile(L"x64g.rpf") && checkFile(L"common.rpf") && checkFile(L"bink2w64.dll") && checkFile(L"x64\\audio\\audio_rel.rpf") && checkFile(L"GTA5.exe")) { WritePrivateProfileString(L"Game", pathKey, gameRoot.c_str(), fpath.c_str()); return; } } } } } #endif hr = fileDialog->Show(nullptr); if (FAILED(hr)) { if (hr != HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED)) { MessageBox(nullptr, va(L"Could not show game folder selection window: IFileDialog::Show failed. HRESULT = 0x%08x.", hr), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } ExitProcess(0); } WRL::ComPtr<IShellItem> result; hr = fileDialog->GetResult(result.GetAddressOf()); if (!result) { MessageBox(nullptr, va(L"You did not select a game folder: IFileDialog::GetResult failed. HRESULT = 0x%08x.", hr), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); ExitProcess(0); } PWSTR resultPath; if (FAILED(hr = result->GetDisplayName(SIGDN_FILESYSPATH, &resultPath))) { MessageBox(nullptr, va(L"Could not get game directory: IShellItem::GetDisplayName failed. HRESULT = 0x%08x.", hr), L"Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); ExitProcess(0); } // check if there's a game EXE in the path std::wstring gamePath = std::wstring(resultPath) + L"\\" GAME_EXECUTABLE; if (GetFileAttributes(gamePath.c_str()) == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { #if defined(GTA_NY) std::wstring eflcPath = std::wstring(resultPath) + L"\\EFLC.exe"; if (GetFileAttributes(eflcPath.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { MessageBox(nullptr, L"The selected path does not contain a GTAIV.exe file. As this is an EFLC installation, placing a GTAIV.exe (version from any source will work as well.", PRODUCT_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } else #endif { MessageBox(nullptr, L"The selected path does not contain a " GAME_EXECUTABLE L" file.", PRODUCT_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONWARNING); } ExitProcess(0); } WritePrivateProfileString(L"Game", pathKey, resultPath, fpath.c_str()); CoTaskMemFree(resultPath); }