예제 #1
int Population::starSimulation(int timeSimulation, double maxThreshold){

    this->thresholdToBuy = maxThreshold;

    // Loop for time
    for(int time = 0; time < timeSimulation; time++) {
        // Loop for evaluate every agent
        cout << "Iteration #: " << time << endl;
        for (int i = 0; i < this->totalPopulation; i++) {
            Agent *testAgent = &listOfAgent.at(i);

                /*First, if Agent threshold is less than global threshold, Agent buys
                 if not, then Agent will question random agent
            if(!testAgent->getBuyState()) {
                if (testAgent->getThreshold() < thresholdToBuy) {
                    // Change Agent's buy state to TRUE
                    cout << "   Agent #: " << i << " Bought without ask" << endl;
                } else {

                    //Chose a random Agent
                    int randomAgent = (rand() % (int) (this->totalPopulation));
                    // Get a random Agent
                    Agent *toAskAgent = &listOfAgent.at(randomAgent);

                    // After Agent ask, It will take a desicion based on Random Agent's threshold
                    if (toAskAgent->getThreshold() < thresholdToBuy) {
                        // Change Agent's buy state to TRUE
                        cout << "   Agent #: " << i << " Bought asking to Agent " << randomAgent << endl;
