void configDialog::setColours(QColor main, QColor peak) { int r,g,b,opacity; QString style; mainGraph=main; peakGraph=peak; main.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &opacity); ui->mainColourPushbutton->setWindowOpacity(opacity); style="background-color: rgba(" + QString::number(r) + "," + QString::number(g) + "," + QString::number(b) + "," + QString::number(opacity) + "); color: rgb(0,0,0,)"; ui->mainColourPushbutton->setStyleSheet(style); peak.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &opacity); ui->peakColourPushbutton->setWindowOpacity(opacity); style="background-color: rgba(" + QString::number(r) + "," + QString::number(g) + "," + QString::number(b) + "," + QString::number(opacity) + "); color: rgb(0,0,0,)"; ui->peakColourPushbutton->setStyleSheet(style); }
QColor SerenityHandler::colorMix(QColor bgColor, QColor fgColor, int alpha) { if (alpha > 255) alpha = 255; if (alpha < 0) alpha = 0; int bred, bgrn, bblu, fred, fgrn, fblu; bgColor.getRgb(&bred, &bgrn, &bblu); fgColor.getRgb(&fred, &fgrn, &fblu); return QColor( fred + ((bred-fred)*alpha)/255, fgrn + ((bgrn-fgrn)*alpha)/255, fblu + ((bblu-fblu)*alpha)/255 ); }
bool FX::haveContrast(const QColor &a, const QColor &b) { int ar,ag,ab,br,bg,bb; a.getRgb(&ar,&ag,&ab); b.getRgb(&br,&bg,&bb); int diff = (299*(ar-br) + 587*(ag-bg) + 114*(ab-bb)); if (qAbs(diff) < 91001) return false; diff = (299*qAbs(ar - br) + 587*qAbs(ag - bg) + 114*qAbs(ab - bb)) / 300; return (diff > 300); }
ColorFormatDlg::ColorFormatDlg( JuffPlugin* plugin, const QColor& color, QWidget* parent) : QDialog(parent) { _ui.setupUi( this ); _plugin = plugin; connect( _ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(accepted()), SLOT(accept()) ); connect( _ui.buttonBox, SIGNAL(rejected()), SLOT(reject()) ); int r, g, b; color.getRgb( &r, &g, &b ); _ui.btnHtml->setText( color.name() ); _ui.btnHex->setText( color.name().replace("#", "0x") ); _ui.btnHexSplitted->setText( QString().sprintf("0x%02hX, 0x%02hX, 0x%02hX", r, g, b) ); _ui.btnSplitted->setText( QString().sprintf("%i, %i, %i", r, g, b) ); _ui.buttonGroup->setId( _ui.btnHtml, 0 ); _ui.buttonGroup->setId( _ui.btnHex, 1 ); _ui.buttonGroup->setId( _ui.btnHexSplitted, 2 ); _ui.buttonGroup->setId( _ui.btnSplitted, 3 ); // _ui.btnHtml->setChecked( true ); int id = PluginSettings::getInt( plugin, "format", 0 ); QAbstractButton* btn = _ui.buttonGroup->button( id ); if ( btn != 0 ) { btn->setChecked( true ); } else { _ui.btnHtml->setChecked( true ); } }
/** * Update the gradient bar colors */ void ColorDialog::updateBars() { QColor col = color(); int r,g,b; qreal h,s,v; col.getRgb(&r,&g,&b); col.getHsvF(&h,&s,&v); if(h<0) h = validhue_/360.0; ui_->red->setColor1(QColor(0,g,b)); ui_->red->setColor2(QColor(255,g,b)); ui_->green->setColor1(QColor(r,0,b)); ui_->green->setColor2(QColor(r,255,b)); ui_->blue->setColor1(QColor(r,g,0)); ui_->blue->setColor2(QColor(r,g,255)); ui_->hue->setColorSaturation(s); ui_->hue->setColorValue(v); ui_->saturation->setColor1(QColor::fromHsvF(h,0,v)); ui_->saturation->setColor2(QColor::fromHsvF(h,1,v)); ui_->value->setColor1(QColor::fromHsvF(h,s,0)); ui_->value->setColor2(QColor::fromHsvF(h,s,1)); if(showalpha_) { ui_->alpha->setColor1(QColor(r,g,b,0)); ui_->alpha->setColor2(QColor(r,g,b,255)); } }
void ConfigurationVector::setValue(QString _key, QColor _value) { QString currentValue; int red,green,blue; QString redHex, greenHex, blueHex; _value.getRgb(&red,&green,&blue); redHex.setNum(red,16); if (redHex.length() == 1) { redHex = "0" + redHex; } greenHex.setNum(green,16); if (greenHex.length() == 1) { greenHex = "0" + greenHex; } blueHex.setNum(blue,16); if (blueHex.length() == 1) { blueHex = "0" + blueHex; } currentValue = "C" + redHex + greenHex + blueHex; setValue(_key, currentValue); }
void CMYKChoose::setColor2(int h, int s, bool ende) { ScColor tmp; if (Farbe.getColorModel() == colorModelLab) { if (isHLC) tmp = ScColor(MagentaSp->value(), static_cast<double>(h), static_cast<double>(s)); else tmp = ScColor(CyanSp->value(), static_cast<double>(h), static_cast<double>(s)); } else { QColor tm = QColor::fromHsv(qMax(qMin(359,h),0), qMax(qMin(255,255-s),0), 255-BlackComp, QColor::Hsv); int r, g, b; tm.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); tmp.fromQColor(tm); if (Farbe.getColorModel() == colorModelCMYK) { CMYKColor cmyk; ScColorEngine::getCMYKValues(tmp, m_doc, cmyk); tmp.setColor(cmyk.c, cmyk.m, cmyk.y, cmyk.k); } } imageN.fill( ScColorEngine::getDisplayColor(tmp, m_doc) ); if ( ScColorEngine::isOutOfGamut(tmp, m_doc) ) paintAlert(alertIcon, imageN, 2, 2, false); NewC->setPixmap( imageN ); Farbe = tmp; if (ende) setValues(); }
void KHueSaturationSelector::drawPalette( QPixmap *pixmap ) { int xSize = contentsRect().width(), ySize = contentsRect().height(); QImage image( QSize( xSize, ySize ), QImage::Format_RGB32 ); QColor col; int h, s; uint *p; col.setHsv( hue(), saturation(), colorValue() ); int _h, _s, _v, _r, _g, _b; col.getHsv( &_h, &_s, &_v ); col.getRgb( &_r, &_g, &_b ); for ( s = ySize-1; s >= 0; s-- ) { p = ( uint * ) image.scanLine( ySize - s - 1 ); for( h = 0; h < xSize; h++ ) { switch ( chooserMode() ) { case ChooserClassic: default: col.setHsv( 359 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ), 192 ); break; case ChooserHue: col.setHsv( _h, 255 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ) ); break; case ChooserSaturation: col.setHsv( 359 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), _s, 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ) ); break; case ChooserValue: col.setHsv( 359 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ), _v ); break; case ChooserRed: col.setRgb( _r, 255 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ) ); break; case ChooserGreen: col.setRgb( 255 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), _g, 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ) ); break; case ChooserBlue: col.setRgb( 255 * s / ( ( ySize == 1 ) ? 1 : ySize - 1 ), 255 * h / ( xSize - 1 ), _b ); break; } *p = col.rgb(); p++; } } /* if ( pixmap->depth() <= 8 ) { const QVector<QColor> standardPalette = kdeui_standardPalette(); KImageEffect::dither( image, standardPalette.data(), standardPalette.size() ); } */ *pixmap = QPixmap::fromImage( image ); }
/* * Update the QtHtmSublayer grid display after running the CLA. */ void QtFront::UpdateHtmDisplay() { QGridLayout *currGrid = (QGridLayout *)smiLayerGroup->layout(); QGridLayout *newHtmGrid = HtmDisplay->UnitGrid(objHtm); HtmSublayer **sublayers = htm->GetSublayers(); unsigned int h = sublayers[0]->GetHeight(); unsigned int w = sublayers[0]->GetWidth(); unsigned int d = sublayers[0]->GetDepth(); QtUnit *colUnit = NULL; QList<QtCell *> qtCells; //QGridLayout *cellGrid = NULL; QColor rgb[d+1]; int r[d+1], g[d+1], b[d+1]; for (unsigned int i=0; i<h; i++) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<w; j++) { colUnit = (QtUnit *)newHtmGrid->itemAtPosition(i, j)->widget(); //cellGrid = colUnit->GetCellGrid(); rgb[0] = colUnit->getBrushColor(); rgb[0].getRgb(&r[0], &g[0], &b[0]); qtCells = colUnit->findChildren<QtCell *>(); for (unsigned int c=1; c<=d; c++) { rgb[c] = qtCells.at(c-1)->getBrushColor(); rgb[c].getRgb(&r[c], &g[c], &b[c]); } colUnit = (QtUnit *)currGrid->itemAtPosition(i, j)->widget(); colUnit->setBrushColor(QColor(r[0], g[0], b[0])); qtCells = colUnit->findChildren<QtCell *>(); for (unsigned int c=1; c<=d; c++) qtCells.at(c-1)->setBrushColor( QColor(r[c], g[c], b[c]) ); } } QGridLayout *currPoolingGrid = (QGridLayout *)poolGroup->layout(); QGridLayout *newPoolingGrid = HtmDisplay->PoolUnitGrid(objHtm); PoolingLayer *p = htm->GetPoolingLayer(); h = p->GetHeight(); w = p->GetWidth(); QColor rgbPool; int rP, gP, bP; for (unsigned int i=0; i<h; i++) { for (unsigned int j=0; j<w; j++) { colUnit = (QtUnit *)newPoolingGrid->itemAtPosition(i, j)->widget(); rgbPool = colUnit->getBrushColor(); rgbPool.getRgb(&rP, &gP, &bP); colUnit = (QtUnit *)currPoolingGrid->itemAtPosition(i, j)->widget(); colUnit->setBrushColor( QColor(rP, gP, bP)); } } }
QString BookmarksProtocol::htmlColor(const QColor &col) { int r, g, b; col.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); QString num; num.sprintf("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b); return num; }
void FX::setColor(XRenderColor &xc, QColor qc) { uint a, r, g, b; qc.getRgb((int*)&r, (int*)&g, (int*)&b, (int*)&a); a = xc.alpha = (a | a << 8); xc.red = (r | r << 8) * a / 0x10000; xc.green = (g | g << 8) * a / 0x10000; xc.blue = (b | b << 8) * a / 0x10000; }
int FX::contrastOf(const QColor &a, const QColor &b) { int ar,ag,ab,br,bg,bb; a.getRgb(&ar,&ag,&ab); b.getRgb(&br,&bg,&bb); int diff = 299*(ar-br) + 587*(ag-bg) + 114*(ab-bb); diff = (diff < 0) ? -diff : 90*diff/100; int perc = diff / 2550; diff = qMax(ar,br) + qMax(ag,bg) + qMax(ab,bb) - (qMin(ar,br) + qMin(ag,bg) + qMin(ab,bb)); perc += diff/765; perc /= 2; return perc; }
void msl::colorChanged(const QColor & color) { //Get RGB values of the current color int r, g, b, h, s, v; color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); color.getHsv(&h, &s, &v); updateLEDs(); }
// Open color selector, and take color if it is valid void ColorSelector::qtSelectorPressed() { QColor retColor = QColorDialog::getColor(QColor(mCurrentRGB[0], mCurrentRGB[1], mCurrentRGB[2]), this); if (!retColor.isValid()) return; retColor.getRgb(&mCurrentRGB[0], &mCurrentRGB[1], &mCurrentRGB[2]); imposeColor(true, true); }
void KColorDialog::KColorDialogPrivate::setHtmlEdit(const QColor &col) { if (bEditHtml) return; int r, g, b; col.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); QString num; num.sprintf("#%02X%02X%02X", r, g, b); htmlName->setText(num); }
void KColorDialog::KColorDialogPrivate::setRgbEdit(const QColor &col) { if (bEditRgb) return; int r, g, b; col.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); redit->setValue(r); gedit->setValue(g); bedit->setValue(b); }
QString coloredText(const QString &text, QColor color){ int r, b, g, a; color.getRgb(&r,&g,&b, &a); qDebug() << r << g << b; QString c = "rgb(" + QString::number(r) + "," + QString::number(g) + "," + QString::number(b) + ")"; qDebug() << c; QString res = "<pre style=\" font-weight: bold; color:" + c + ";\">" + text + " </pre>"; return res; }
QColor LCGraphicsItem::getScreenColor(const QColor& color) const { int r, g, b, a; color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b, &a); // FIXME: If the background of the screen is dark, or light swap or not swap collors accordingly for dark and light pens if (r < 0x10 && g < 0x10 && b < 0x10) { return QColor(0xff - r, 0xff - g, 0xff - b); } return color; }
inline QRgb color_to_pixel( const QColor & color ) { int r, g, b, a; color.getRgb( &r, &g, &b, &a ); qreal k = a / 255.f; r *= k; g *= k; b *= k; QRgb pixel = (a << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; return pixel; }
void MainWindow::on_toolButtonColor_clicked() { const QColor color = QColorDialog::getColor(); if (color.isValid()) { int red, green, blue, alpha; color.getRgb(&red, &green, &blue, &alpha); ui->lineEditColor->setText(color.name()); this->setColor(red, green, blue); } }
void YZPrinter::convertColor(const QColor& c, double &r, double &g, double &b) { int r0, g0, b0; c.getRgb(&r0, &g0, &b0); r = r0; r /= 255; g = g0; g /= 255; b = b0; b /= 255; }
void QmitkColorPropertyEditor::onColorSelected(QColor c) { if (m_ColorProperty) { int r,g,b; c.getRgb( &r, &g, &b ); const_cast<mitk::ColorProperty*>(m_ColorProperty)->SetColor( r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0 ); const_cast<mitk::ColorProperty*>(m_ColorProperty)->Modified(); mitk::RenderingManager::GetInstance()->RequestUpdateAll(); } }
void PaletteGrid::dropEvent(QDropEvent * event) { VoxelFile * voxel = window->get_voxel(); if (!voxel) return; int r, g, b; QColor color = event->mimeData()->colorData().value<QColor>(); color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); int i = get_index(event->pos()); global_palette[i] = RGBColor(r, g, b); event->acceptProposedAction(); update(); window->model_changed(); }
void mW::on_btnSelectBgColor_clicked() { int r,g,b; QColor myColor; myColor.setRgba(QColorDialog::getRgba(0x00)); myColor.getRgb(&r,&g,&b); QString bgColorStyleSheet; char sh[64]; sprintf(sh, "background-color: rgb(%i, %i, %i);", r,g,b); bgColorStyleSheet=sh; btnSelectBgColor->setStyleSheet(bgColorStyleSheet); sprintf(sh, "%02x%02x%02x",r,g,b); osggBackgroundColor=sh; }
// Process a colorization and update resultant HSL & RGB values void QgsHueSaturationFilter::processColorization( int &r, int &g, int &b, int &h, int &s, int &l ) { QColor myColor; // Overwrite hue and saturation with values from colorize color h = mColorizeH; s = mColorizeS; QColor colorizedColor = QColor::fromHsl( h, s, l ); if ( mColorizeStrength == 100 ) { // Full strength myColor = colorizedColor; // RGB may have changed, update them myColor.getRgb( &r, &g, &b ); } else { // Get rgb for colorized color int colorizedR, colorizedG, colorizedB; colorizedColor.getRgb( &colorizedR, &colorizedG, &colorizedB ); // Now, linearly scale by colorize strength double p = ( double ) mColorizeStrength / 100.; r = p * colorizedR + ( 1 - p ) * r; g = p * colorizedG + ( 1 - p ) * g; b = p * colorizedB + ( 1 - p ) * b; // RGB changed, so update HSL values myColor = QColor::fromRgb( r, g, b ); myColor.getHsl( &h, &s, &l ); } }
void ScColor::fromQColor(QColor color) { if (color.spec() == QColor::Cmyk) { int c, m, y, k; color.getCmyk(&c, &m, &y, &k); setColor(c, m, y, k); } else { int r, g, b; color.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); setColorRGB(r, g, b); } }
/*Gray scale colors have roughly the same r,g, and b values*/ bool ColorListEditor::notGreyScale(QColor col) { int red, green, blue; col.getRgb(&red, &green, &blue); float average = (red + green + blue) / 3.0; int min = (int)(average * .8); int max = (int)(average * 1.2); if( red > max || red < min ) return true; if( green > max || green < min ) return true; if( blue > max || blue < min ) return true; return false; }
void CSchemas::on_tableView_pressed ( const QModelIndex & index ) { if ( index.column() < 2 ) { m_activeIndex = index; int iRed, iGreen, iBlue; QColor color = m_model->data ( m_activeIndex, Qt::BackgroundColorRole ).value<QColor>(); color.getRgb ( &iRed, &iGreen, &iBlue ); slRed->setValue ( iRed ); slGreen->setValue ( iGreen ); slBlue->setValue ( iBlue ); } }
void MainWindow::on_lineEditColor_editingFinished() { QColor color; color.setNamedColor(ui->lineEditColor->text()); if (color.isValid()) { int red, green, blue, alpha; color.getRgb(&red, &green, &blue, &alpha); this->setColor(red, green, blue); } else { QColor oldColor = ui->SFMLWidget->getColor(); ui->lineEditColor->setText(oldColor.name()); } }
void FX::desaturate(QImage &img, const QColor &c) { int r,g,b; c.getRgb(&r, &g, &b); uchar reds[256], greens[256], blues[256]; for (int i=0; i<128; ++i) { reds[i] = uchar((r * (i<<1)) >> 8); greens[i] = uchar((g * (i<<1)) >> 8); blues[i] = uchar((b * (i<<1)) >> 8); } for (int i=0; i<128; ++i) { reds[i+128] = uchar(qMin(r + (i << 1), 255)); greens[i+128] = uchar(qMin(g + (i << 1), 255)); blues[i+128] = uchar(qMin(b + (i << 1), 255)); } int intensity = qt_intensity(r, g, b); const int f = 191; if ((r - f > g && r - f > b) || (g - f > r && g - f > b) || (b - f > r && b - f > g)) intensity = qMin(255, intensity + 91); else if (intensity <= 128) intensity -= 51; for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); ++y) { QRgb *scanLine = (QRgb*)img.scanLine(y); for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); ++x) { QRgb pixel = *scanLine; uint ci = uint(qGray(pixel)/3 + (130 - intensity / 3)); *scanLine = qRgba(reds[ci], greens[ci], blues[ci], qAlpha(pixel)); ++scanLine; } } }