void SlidersController::updateYellowValues(QColor color) { slidersView->ui->ySlider->setY(color); yellowSpinManualEdit = false; slidersView->ui->spYellow->setValue(color.yellow()); slidersView->ui->cSlider->changeYellow(color); slidersView->ui->mSlider->changeYellow(color); slidersView->ui->kSlider->changeYellow(color); }
void ContinuousColorRange::add(const QVariant &v) { if ( contains(v)) return; QColor clr = toColor(v, defaultColorModel()); if ( !clr.isValid()) return; if ( defaultColorModel() == ColorRangeBase::cmRGBA){ _limit1.setRed(std::min(_limit1.red(), clr.red())); _limit1.setGreen(std::min(_limit1.green(), clr.green())); _limit1.setBlue(std::min(_limit1.blue(), clr.blue())); _limit1.setAlpha(std::min(_limit1.alpha(), clr.alpha())); _limit2.setRed(std::max(_limit2.red(), clr.red())); _limit2.setGreen(std::max(_limit2.green(), clr.green())); _limit2.setBlue(std::max(_limit2.blue(), clr.blue())); _limit2.setAlpha(std::max(_limit2.alpha(), clr.alpha())); }else if (defaultColorModel() == ColorRangeBase::cmHSLA) { _limit1.setHsl(std::min(_limit1.hue(), clr.hue()), std::min(_limit1.saturation(), clr.saturation()), std::min(_limit1.lightness(), clr.lightness())); _limit1.setAlpha(std::min(_limit1.alpha(), clr.alpha())); _limit2.setHsl(std::max(_limit2.hue(), clr.hue()), std::max(_limit2.saturation(), clr.saturation()), std::max(_limit2.lightness(), clr.lightness())); _limit2.setAlpha(std::max(_limit2.alpha(), clr.alpha())); } else if ( defaultColorModel() == ColorRangeBase::cmCYMKA){ _limit1.setCmyk(std::min(_limit1.cyan(), clr.cyan()), std::min(_limit1.magenta(), clr.magenta()), std::min(_limit1.yellow(), clr.yellow()), std::min(_limit1.black(), clr.black())); _limit1.setAlpha(std::min(_limit1.alpha(), clr.alpha())); _limit2.setCmyk(std::max(_limit2.cyan(), clr.cyan()), std::max(_limit2.magenta(), clr.magenta()), std::max(_limit2.yellow(), clr.yellow()), std::max(_limit2.black(), clr.black())); _limit2.setAlpha(std::max(_limit2.alpha(), clr.alpha())); } }
void ColorRangeBase::storeColor(const QColor& clr, QDataStream &stream) { switch (defaultColorModel()){ case ColorRangeBase::cmRGBA: stream << clr.red() << clr.green() << clr.blue() << clr.alpha(); break; case ColorRangeBase::cmHSLA: stream << clr.hue() << clr.saturation() << clr.lightness() << clr.alpha(); break; case ColorRangeBase::cmCYMKA: stream << clr.yellow() << clr.magenta() << clr.cyan() << clr.black(); break; case ColorRangeBase::cmGREYSCALE: stream << clr.red(); default: break; } }
void tst_QColor::setCmyk() { QColor color; for (int A = 0; A <= USHRT_MAX; ++A) { { // 0-255 int a = A >> 8; color.setCmyk(0, 0, 0, 0, a); QCOMPARE(color.alpha(), a); int c, m, y, k, a2; color.getCmyk(&c, &m, &y, &k, &a2); QCOMPARE(a2, a); } { // 0.0-1.0 qreal a = A / qreal(USHRT_MAX); color.setCmykF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a); QCOMPARE(color.alphaF(), a); qreal c, m, y, k, a2; color.getCmykF(&c, &m, &y, &k, &a2); QCOMPARE(a2, a); } } for (int C = 0; C <= USHRT_MAX; ++C) { { // 0-255 int c = C >> 8; color.setCmyk(c, 0, 0, 0, 0); QCOMPARE(color.cyan(), c); int c2, m, y, k, a; color.getCmyk(&c2, &m, &y, &k, &a); QCOMPARE(c2, c); } { // 0.0-1.0 qreal c = C / qreal(USHRT_MAX); color.setCmykF(c, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); QCOMPARE(color.cyanF(), c); qreal c2, m, y, k, a; color.getCmykF(&c2, &m, &y, &k, &a); QCOMPARE(c2, c); } } for (int M = 0; M <= USHRT_MAX; ++M) { { // 0-255 int m = M >> 8; color.setCmyk(0, m, 0, 0, 0); QCOMPARE(color.magenta(), m); int c, m2, y, k, a; color.getCmyk(&c, &m2, &y, &k, &a); QCOMPARE(m2, m); } { // 0.0-1.0 qreal m = M / qreal(USHRT_MAX); color.setCmykF(0.0, m, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); QCOMPARE(color.magentaF(), m); qreal c, m2, y, k, a; color.getCmykF(&c, &m2, &y, &k, &a); QCOMPARE(m2, m); } } for (int Y = 0; Y <= USHRT_MAX; ++Y) { { // 0-255 int y = Y >> 8; color.setCmyk(0, 0, y, 0, 0); QCOMPARE(color.yellow(), y); int c, m, y2, k, a; color.getCmyk(&c, &m, &y2, &k, &a); QCOMPARE(y2, y); } { // 0.0-1.0 qreal y = Y / qreal(USHRT_MAX); color.setCmykF(0.0, 0.0, y, 0.0, 0.0); QCOMPARE(color.yellowF(), y); qreal c, m, y2, k, a; color.getCmykF(&c, &m, &y2, &k, &a); QCOMPARE(y2, y); } } for (int K = 0; K <= USHRT_MAX; ++K) { { // 0-255 int k = K >> 8; color.setCmyk(0, 0, 0, k, 0); QCOMPARE(color.black(), k); int c, m, y, k2, a; color.getCmyk(&c, &m, &y, &k2, &a); QCOMPARE(k2, k); } { // 0.0-1.0 qreal k = K / qreal(USHRT_MAX); color.setCmykF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, k, 0.0); QCOMPARE(color.blackF(), k); qreal c, m, y, k2, a; color.getCmykF(&c, &m, &y, &k2, &a); QCOMPARE(k2, k); } } }
void SceneEditor::slotColorTool() { FixtureConsole* fc; Fixture* fxi; QColor color; quint32 cyan, magenta, yellow; quint32 red, green, blue; /* QObject cast fails unless the widget is a FixtureConsole */ fc = qobject_cast<FixtureConsole*> (m_tab->currentWidget()); if (fc == NULL) return; fxi = _app->doc()->fixture(fc->fixture()); Q_ASSERT(fxi != NULL); cyan = fxi->channel("cyan", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QLCChannel::Colour); magenta = fxi->channel("magenta", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QLCChannel::Colour); yellow = fxi->channel("yellow", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QLCChannel::Colour); red = fxi->channel("red", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QLCChannel::Colour); green = fxi->channel("green", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QLCChannel::Colour); blue = fxi->channel("blue", Qt::CaseInsensitive, QLCChannel::Colour); if (cyan != QLCChannel::invalid() && magenta != QLCChannel::invalid() && yellow != QLCChannel::invalid()) { color.setCmyk(fc->channel(cyan)->sliderValue(), fc->channel(magenta)->sliderValue(), fc->channel(yellow)->sliderValue(), 0); color = QColorDialog::getColor(color); if (color.isValid() == true) { fc->channel(cyan)->setValue(color.cyan()); fc->channel(magenta)->setValue(color.magenta()); fc->channel(yellow)->setValue(color.yellow()); fc->channel(cyan)->enable(true); fc->channel(magenta)->enable(true); fc->channel(yellow)->enable(true); } } else if (red != QLCChannel::invalid() && green != QLCChannel::invalid() && blue != QLCChannel::invalid()) { color.setRgb(fc->channel(red)->sliderValue(), fc->channel(green)->sliderValue(), fc->channel(blue)->sliderValue(), 0); color = QColorDialog::getColor(color); if (color.isValid() == true) { fc->channel(red)->setValue(color.red()); fc->channel(green)->setValue(color.green()); fc->channel(blue)->setValue(color.blue()); fc->channel(red)->enable(true); fc->channel(green)->enable(true); fc->channel(blue)->enable(true); } } }
void VCSlider::writeDMXLevel(MasterTimer* timer, UniverseArray* universes) { Q_UNUSED(timer); m_levelValueMutex.lock(); uchar modLevel = m_levelValue; int r = 0, g = 0, b = 0, c = 0, m = 0, y = 0; if (m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::RGB) { float f = 0; if (m_slider) f = SCALE(float(m_levelValue), float(m_slider->minimum()), float(m_slider->maximum()), float(0), float(200)); if ((uchar)f != 0) { QColor modColor = m_cngRGBvalue.lighter((uchar)f); r = modColor.red(); g = modColor.green(); b = modColor.blue(); } } else if (m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::CMY) { float f = 0; if (m_slider) f = SCALE(float(m_levelValue), float(m_slider->minimum()), float(m_slider->maximum()), float(0), float(200)); if ((uchar)f != 0) { QColor modColor = m_cngRGBvalue.lighter((uchar)f); c = modColor.cyan(); m = modColor.magenta(); y = modColor.yellow(); } } QListIterator <LevelChannel> it(m_levelChannels); while (it.hasNext() == true) { LevelChannel lch(it.next()); Fixture* fxi = m_doc->fixture(lch.fixture); if (fxi != NULL) { const QLCChannel* qlcch = fxi->channel(lch.channel); if (qlcch == NULL) continue; if (qlcch->group() != QLCChannel::Intensity && m_levelValueChanged == false) { /* Value has not changed and this is not an intensity channel. LTP in effect. */ continue; } if (qlcch->group() == QLCChannel::Intensity) { if (m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::RGB) { if (qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Red) modLevel = (uchar)r; else if (qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Green) modLevel = (uchar)g; else if (qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Blue) modLevel = (uchar)b; } else if (m_cngType == ClickAndGoWidget::CMY) { if (qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Cyan) modLevel = (uchar)c; else if (qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Magenta) modLevel = (uchar)m; else if (qlcch->colour() == QLCChannel::Yellow) modLevel = (uchar)y; } } quint32 dmx_ch = fxi->channelAddress(lch.channel); universes->write(dmx_ch, modLevel, qlcch->group()); } } m_levelValueChanged = false; m_levelValueMutex.unlock(); }