예제 #1
// show but don't set into selColor, nor emit colorSelected
void KColorDialog::KColorDialogPrivate::showColor(const QColor &color, const QString &name)
    bRecursion = true;

    if (name.isEmpty())



    switch (chooserMode()) {
    case ChooserSaturation:
        hsSelector->setValues(color.hue(), color.value());
    case ChooserValue:
        hsSelector->setValues(color.hue(), color.saturation());
    case ChooserRed:
        hsSelector->setValues(color.green(), color.blue());
    case ChooserGreen:
        hsSelector->setValues(color.red(), color.blue());
    case ChooserBlue:
        hsSelector->setValues(color.green(), color.red());
    case ChooserHue:
        hsSelector->setValues(color.saturation(), color.value());


    bool blocked = valuePal->blockSignals(true);


    blocked = hsSelector->blockSignals(true);


    bRecursion = false;
예제 #2
파일: input_slider.cpp 프로젝트: AsamQi/vlc
SeekSlider::SeekSlider( Qt::Orientation q, QWidget *_parent, bool _static )
          : QSlider( q, _parent ), b_classic( _static )
    isSliding = false;
    f_buffering = 1.0;
    mHandleOpacity = 1.0;
    chapters = NULL;
    mHandleLength = -1;
    b_seekable = true;
    alternativeStyle = NULL;

    // prepare some static colors
    QPalette p = palette();
    QColor background = p.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Window );
    tickpointForeground = p.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText );
    tickpointForeground.setHsv( tickpointForeground.hue(),
            ( background.saturation() + tickpointForeground.saturation() ) / 2,
            ( background.value() + tickpointForeground.value() ) / 2 );

    // set the background color and gradient
    QColor backgroundBase( p.window().color() );
    backgroundGradient.setColorAt( 0.0, backgroundBase.darker( 140 ) );
    backgroundGradient.setColorAt( 1.0, backgroundBase );

    // set the foreground color and gradient
    QColor foregroundBase( 50, 156, 255 );
    foregroundGradient.setColorAt( 0.0,  foregroundBase );
    foregroundGradient.setColorAt( 1.0,  foregroundBase.darker( 140 ) );

    // prepare the handle's gradient
    handleGradient.setColorAt( 0.0, p.window().color().lighter( 120 ) );
    handleGradient.setColorAt( 0.9, p.window().color().darker( 120 ) );

    // prepare the handle's shadow gradient
    QColor shadowBase = p.shadow().color();
    if( shadowBase.lightness() > 100 )
        shadowBase = QColor( 60, 60, 60 ); // Palette's shadow is too bright
    shadowDark = shadowBase.darker( 150 );
    shadowLight = shadowBase.lighter( 180 );
    shadowLight.setAlpha( 50 );

    /* Timer used to fire intermediate updatePos() when sliding */
    seekLimitTimer = new QTimer( this );
    seekLimitTimer->setSingleShot( true );

    /* Tooltip bubble */
    mTimeTooltip = new TimeTooltip( this );
    mTimeTooltip->setMouseTracking( true );

    /* Properties */
    setRange( MINIMUM, MAXIMUM );
    setSingleStep( 2 );
    setPageStep( 10 );
    setMouseTracking( true );
    setTracking( true );
    setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );

    /* Use the new/classic style */
    if( !b_classic )
        alternativeStyle = new SeekStyle;
        setStyle( alternativeStyle );

    /* Init to 0 */
    setPosition( -1.0, 0, 0 );
    secstotimestr( psz_length, 0 );

    animHandle = new QPropertyAnimation( this, "handleOpacity", this );
    animHandle->setDuration( FADEDURATION );
    animHandle->setStartValue( 0.0 );
    animHandle->setEndValue( 1.0 );

    hideHandleTimer = new QTimer( this );
    hideHandleTimer->setSingleShot( true );
    hideHandleTimer->setInterval( FADEOUTDELAY );

    CONNECT( this, sliderMoved( int ), this, startSeekTimer() );
    CONNECT( seekLimitTimer, timeout(), this, updatePos() );
    CONNECT( hideHandleTimer, timeout(), this, hideHandle() );
    mTimeTooltip->installEventFilter( this );
예제 #3
void ColorLuminancePicker::setCol(const QColor& c) {
    setCol(c.hue(), c.saturation(), c.value());
예제 #4
		State Transformation::apply(const State& s, ColorPool* colorPool) const {
			State s2(s);
			s2.matrix = s.matrix*matrix; 

			if (absoluteColor) {
				// if the absolute hue is larger than 360, we will choose a random color.
				if (deltaH > 360) {

					QColor c = colorPool->drawColor();
					s2.hsv = Vector3f(c.hue(), c.saturation()/255.0, c.value()/255.0);
					s2.alpha = 1.0;
				} else {
					s2.hsv = Vector3f(deltaH,scaleS,scaleV);
					s2.alpha = scaleAlpha;
			} else {
				float h = s2.hsv[0] + deltaH;
				float sat = s2.hsv[1]*scaleS;
				float v = s2.hsv[2]*scaleV;
				float a = s2.alpha * scaleAlpha;
				if (sat<0) sat=0;
				if (v<0) v=0;
				if (a<0) a=0;
				if (sat>1) sat=1;
				if (v>1) v=1;
				if (a>1) a=1;
				while (h>360) h-=360;
				while (h<0) h+=360;
				s2.hsv = Vector3f(h,sat,v);
				s2.alpha = a;


			if (strength) {
				// We will blend the two colors (in RGB space)
				QColor original = QColor::fromHsv((int)(s2.hsv[0]),(int)(s2.hsv[1]*255.0),(int)(s2.hsv[2]*255.0));
				double r = original.red() + strength*blendColor.red();
				double g = original.green() + strength*blendColor.green();
				double b = original.blue() + strength*blendColor.blue();
				if (r<0) r=0;
				if (g<0) g=0;
				if (b<0) b=0;
				double max = r;
				if (g>max) max = g;
				if (b>max) max = b;
				if (max > 255) {
					r = r * 255 / max;
					g = g * 255 / max;
					b = b * 255 / max;

				QColor mixed(r,g,b);
				s2.hsv = Vector3f(mixed.hue(), mixed.saturation()/255.0,mixed.value()/255.0);

				// We will blend the two colors (in HSV space)
				Vector3f bl = Vector3f(blendColor.hue(), blendColor.saturation()/255.0,blendColor.value()/255.0);
				Vector3f b(s2.hsv[0]+strength*bl[0], s2.hsv[1]+strength*bl[1], s2.hsv[2]+strength*bl[2]);
				b = b/(1+strength);
				while (b[0] < 0) b[0]+= 360;
				while (b[0] > 360) b[0]-= 360;
				if (b[1]>1) b[1]=1;
				if (b[2]>1) b[2]=1;
				if (b[1]<0) b[1]=0;
				if (b[2]<0) b[2]=0;
				s2.hsv = b;

			return s2;
예제 #5
void ManhattanStyle::drawPrimitive(PrimitiveElement element, const QStyleOption *option,
                                   QPainter *painter, const QWidget *widget) const
    if (!panelWidget(widget))
        return QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);

    bool animating = (option->state & State_Animating);
    int state = option->state;
    QRect rect = option->rect;
    QRect oldRect;
    QRect newRect;
    if (widget && (element == PE_PanelButtonTool) && !animating) {
        QWidget *w = const_cast<QWidget *> (widget);
        int oldState = w->property("_q_stylestate").toInt();
        oldRect = w->property("_q_stylerect").toRect();
        newRect = w->rect();
        w->setProperty("_q_stylestate", (int)option->state);
        w->setProperty("_q_stylerect", w->rect());

        // Determine the animated transition
        bool doTransition = ((state & State_On)         != (oldState & State_On)     ||
                             (state & State_MouseOver)  != (oldState & State_MouseOver));
        if (oldRect != newRect)
            doTransition = false;

        if (doTransition) {
            QImage startImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
            QImage endImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
            Animation *anim = d->animator.widgetAnimation(widget);
            QStyleOption opt = *option;
            opt.state = (QStyle::State)oldState;
            opt.state |= State_Animating;
            Transition *t = new Transition;
            QPainter startPainter(&startImage);
            if (!anim) {
                drawPrimitive(element, &opt, &startPainter, widget);
            } else {
                anim->paint(&startPainter, &opt);
            QStyleOption endOpt = *option;
            endOpt.state |= State_Animating;
            QPainter endPainter(&endImage);
            drawPrimitive(element, &endOpt, &endPainter, widget);
            if (oldState & State_MouseOver)

    switch (element) {
    case PE_IndicatorDockWidgetResizeHandle:
        painter->fillRect(option->rect, creatorTheme()->color(Theme::DockWidgetResizeHandleColor));
    case PE_FrameDockWidget:
        QCommonStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);
    case PE_PanelLineEdit:

            // Fill the line edit background
            QRect filledRect = option->rect.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1);
            painter->fillRect(filledRect, option->palette.base());

            if (option->state & State_Enabled)
                StyleHelper::drawCornerImage(d->lineeditImage, painter, option->rect, 5, 5, 5, 5);
                StyleHelper::drawCornerImage(d->lineeditImage_disabled, painter, option->rect, 5, 5, 5, 5);

            if (option->state & State_HasFocus || option->state & State_MouseOver) {
                QColor hover = StyleHelper::baseColor();
                if (state & State_HasFocus)

                painter->setPen(QPen(hover, 1));
                painter->drawRect(QRectF(option->rect).adjusted(1.5, 1.5, -1.5, -1.5));

    case PE_FrameStatusBarItem:

    case PE_PanelButtonTool: {
            Animation *anim = d->animator.widgetAnimation(widget);
            if (!animating && anim) {
                anim->paint(painter, option);
            } else {
                bool pressed = option->state & State_Sunken || option->state & State_On;
                QColor shadow(0, 0, 0, 30);
                if (pressed) {
                    QColor shade = option->palette.base().color();
                    shade.setHsv(shade.hue(), shade.saturation(), 255 - shade.value(), 40);
                    painter->fillRect(rect, shade);
                    painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(1, 0), rect.topRight() - QPoint(1, 0));
                    painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.bottomLeft());
                    painter->drawLine(rect.topRight(), rect.bottomRight());
                } else if (option->state & State_Enabled && option->state & State_MouseOver) {
                    painter->fillRect(rect, creatorTheme()->color(Theme::PanelButtonToolBackgroundColorHover));
                } else if (widget && widget->property("highlightWidget").toBool()) {
                    QColor shade(0, 0, 0, 128);
                    painter->fillRect(rect, shade);
                if (option->state & State_HasFocus && (option->state & State_KeyboardFocusChange)) {
                    QColor highlight = option->palette.highlight().color();
                    painter->setPen(QPen(highlight.lighter(), 1));
                    const QRectF rect = option->rect;
                    painter->drawRoundedRect(rect.adjusted(2.5, 2.5, -2.5, -2.5), 2, 2);

    case PE_PanelStatusBar:
            if (creatorTheme()->widgetStyle() == Theme::StyleDefault) {
                QLinearGradient grad = StyleHelper::statusBarGradient(rect);
                painter->fillRect(rect, grad);
                painter->setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 60));
                painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft() + QPoint(0,1),
                                  rect.topRight()+ QPoint(0,1));
                painter->setPen(StyleHelper::borderColor().darker(110)); //TODO: make themable
                painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft(), rect.topRight());
            } else {
                painter->fillRect(rect, creatorTheme()->color(Theme::PanelStatusBarBackgroundColor));

    case PE_IndicatorToolBarSeparator:
            QColor separatorColor = StyleHelper::borderColor();
            const int margin = 6;
            if (option->state & State_Horizontal) {
                const int offset = rect.width()/2;
                painter->drawLine(rect.bottomLeft().x() + offset,
                            rect.bottomLeft().y() - margin,
                            rect.topLeft().x() + offset,
                            rect.topLeft().y() + margin);
            } else { //Draw vertical separator
                const int offset = rect.height()/2;
                painter->drawLine(rect.topLeft().x() + margin ,
                            rect.topLeft().y() + offset,
                            rect.topRight().x() - margin,
                            rect.topRight().y() + offset);

    case PE_IndicatorToolBarHandle:
            bool horizontal = option->state & State_Horizontal;
            QPainterPath path;
            int x = option->rect.x() + (horizontal ? 2 : 6);
            int y = option->rect.y() + (horizontal ? 6 : 2);
            static const int RectHeight = 2;
            if (horizontal) {
                while (y < option->rect.height() - RectHeight - 6) {
                    path.moveTo(x, y);
                    path.addRect(x, y, RectHeight, RectHeight);
                    y += 6;
            } else {
                while (x < option->rect.width() - RectHeight - 6) {
                    path.moveTo(x, y);
                    path.addRect(x, y, RectHeight, RectHeight);
                    x += 6;

            QColor dark = StyleHelper::borderColor();

            QColor light = StyleHelper::baseColor();

            painter->fillPath(path, light);
            painter->translate(1, 1);
            painter->fillPath(path, dark);
            painter->translate(3, 3);
            painter->fillPath(path, light);
            painter->translate(1, 1);
            painter->fillPath(path, dark);
    case PE_IndicatorArrowUp:
    case PE_IndicatorArrowDown:
    case PE_IndicatorArrowRight:
    case PE_IndicatorArrowLeft:
            StyleHelper::drawArrow(element, painter, option);

        QProxyStyle::drawPrimitive(element, option, painter, widget);
BaseLayer( QImage* img, QImage* canvas, int radius, double strength)
/// Covers the canvas in large points. Hues are taken from the palette
///  but no color distortion is added at this point.
/// @param img
///  The reference image.
/// @param canvas
///  The canvas to store the filtered image.
/// @param radius
///  The radius of the points being used for the pointillism algorithm 
///  (actual point radius used will be larger for this stage of the algorithm).
/// @param strength
///  The strength of the pointillistic filter, where 1.0 is very strong and 0.0 is very weak.
/// @return
///  Nothing.
	// Adjust the point radius based on the strength of the filter
	if(strength < 0.5) {
		int new_radius = (int)radius*strength*2;
		if(1.0*new_radius < radius*strength*2) new_radius++;
		radius = new_radius;
		if(radius < 3) radius = 3;

	// Clear the depth buffer ready for drawing
	uchar* depth_buffer = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	for( int i = 0; i < img->width()*img->height(); i++ )
		depth_buffer[i] = 0;

	// Get a poisson disk sampling of the area, and repaint the sampled areas with a brush of small radius
	int spacing = radius*2;
	std::vector<QPoint> poisson = ImageProcessing::GetPoissonDisks(canvas->width(), canvas->height(), spacing);

	while(!poisson.empty()) {
		QPoint pos = poisson.back();

		// Get the hue at this point and find the closest hue in the color palette
		QColor hsv = QColor(img->pixel(pos)).toHsv();
		int hue = hsv.hue();
		int sat = hsv.saturation();
		int val = hsv.value();

		hue = chevreul[ GetPaletteHuePosition( hue ) ];

		// Paint a point of the chosen hue at a random depth value
		hsv.setHsv(hue, sat, val);
		int z = rand()%256;
		DrawRandomCircle(canvas, pos, hsv.toRgb(), radius, z, depth_buffer);
	delete [] depth_buffer;
예제 #7
// Hàm dùng lọc ảnh bằng các filter tương ứng
QImage ExtraFiltersPlugin::filterImage(const QString &filter,
                                       const QImage &image, QWidget *parent) {
    // Chuyển đổi định dạng ảnh sang RGB 32-bit để các hàm làm việc như mong
    // đợi
    QImage original = image.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB32);
    QImage result = original;

    if (filter == tr("Lật ngang")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Lật ngang" thì hoán đổi các pixel của ảnh theo chiều
        // ngang của ảnh
        for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); ++x) {
                int pixel = original.pixel(original.width() - x - 1, y);
                result.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
    } else if (filter == tr("Lật dọc")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Lật dọc" thì hoán đổi các pixel của ảnh theo chiều
        // dọc của ảnh
        for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); ++x) {
                int pixel = original.pixel(x, original.height() - y - 1);
                result.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
    } else if (filter == tr("Làm mờ")) {
        // Ta sẽ nhân từng điểm ảnh với ma trận tích chập để làm mờ
        // trừ các điểm ở biên.
        int kernel[5][5] = {{0, 0, 1, 0, 0},
            {0, 1, 3, 1, 0},
            {1, 3, 7, 3, 1},
            {0, 1, 3, 1, 0},
            {0, 0, 1, 0, 0}
        int kernelSize = 5;
        int sumKernel = 27;
        int r, g, b;
        int pixel;

        for (int x = kernelSize / 2; x < original.width() - (kernelSize / 2); ++x) {
            for (int y = kernelSize / 2; y < original.height() - (kernelSize / 2); ++y) {
                r = 0;
                g = 0;
                b = 0;
                // Tính tổng giá trị màu của điểm pixel và các điểm ảnh xung quanh
                for ( int i =  -kernelSize / 2 ; i <= kernelSize / 2 ; ++i) {
                    for ( int j =  -kernelSize / 2 ; j <= kernelSize / 2 ; ++j) {
                        pixel = original.pixel ( x + i , y + j );
                        r += qRed(pixel) * kernel[kernelSize / 2 + i][kernelSize / 2 + j] ;
                        g += qGreen(pixel) * kernel[kernelSize / 2 + i][kernelSize / 2 + j];
                        b += qBlue(pixel) * kernel[kernelSize / 2 + i][kernelSize / 2 + j];

                // Kiểm tra giá trị các màu trong khoảng giới hạn
                r = qBound ( 0 , r / sumKernel ,  255 );
                g = qBound ( 0 , g / sumKernel ,  255 );
                b = qBound ( 0 , b / sumKernel ,  255 );

                result.setPixel ( x, y, qRgba(r , g , b, qAlpha(pixel)));

    } else if (filter == tr("Ảnh nhị phân")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Ảnh nhị phân" thì bật QInputDialog lên cho người dùng
        // nhập vào giá trị ngưỡng, nằm trong khoảng 0 đến 255
        bool ok; // Kiểm tra giá trị nhập
        int threshold = QInputDialog::getInt(parent, tr("Ảnh nhị phân"),
                                             tr("Nhập ngưỡng:"),
                                             85, 0, 255, 1, &ok);
        // Đầu tiên ta chuyển ảnh về ảnh đa mức xám rồi so sánh từng pixel của
        // ảnh với giá trị ngưỡng.
        if (ok) {
            for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); ++y) {
                for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); ++x) {
                    int pixel = original.pixel(x, y);
                    int gray = qGray(pixel);
                    gray = gray > threshold ? 255 : 0;
                    pixel = qRgb(gray, gray, gray);
                    result.setPixel(x, y, pixel);
    } else if (filter == tr("Ảnh âm bản")) {
        // Dùng hàm invertPixels() để đảo ngược các pixel.
    } else if (filter == tr("Đảo màu (RGB->BGR)")) {
        // Dùng hàm rgbSwapped() để chuyển kênh màu của ảnh từ RGB sang BGR
        result = result.rgbSwapped();
    } else if (filter == tr("Đa mức xám")) {
        for (int y = 0; y < result.height(); ++y) {
            for (int x = 0; x < result.width(); ++x) {
                int pixel = result.pixel(x, y);
                int gray = qGray(pixel);
                int alpha = qAlpha(pixel);
                result.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(gray, gray, gray, alpha));
    } else if (filter == tr("Độ sáng")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Độ sáng" thì bật QInputDialog lên cho người dùng
        // nhập vào giá trị ngưỡng, giá trị này trong khoảng -255 đến 255
        bool ok;  // Kiểm tra giá trị nhập
        int brighness = QInputDialog::getInt(parent, tr("Độ sáng"),
                                             tr("Nhập độ sáng:"),
                                             10, -255, 255, 1, &ok);
        // Ta tăng hoặc giảm giá trị các màu của từng pixel
        if (ok) {
            int r, g, b;

            for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); y++) {

                    int pixel = original.pixel(x, y);

                    r = qRed(pixel) + brighness;
                    g = qGreen(pixel) + brighness;
                    b = qBlue(pixel) + brighness;

                    //Ta kiểm tra các giá trị mới trong khoảng cho phép.
                    r = qBound(0, r, 255);
                    g = qBound(0, g, 255);
                    b = qBound(0, b, 255);

                    result.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(r, g, b, qAlpha(pixel)));
    } else if (filter == tr("Làm ấm")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Làm ấm" thì bật QInputDialog lên cho người dùng
        // nhập vào giá trị, giá trị này trong khoảng 1 đến 255
        bool ok;  // Kiểm tra giá trị nhập
        int delta = QInputDialog::getInt(parent, tr("Lầm ấm"),
                                         tr("Nhập mức độ ấm:"),
                                         10, 1, 255, 1, &ok);
        // Hình sẽ trong ấm hơn nếu ta tăng độ vàng của ảnh, và màu vàng được
        // tổng hợp từ màu đỏ và xanh lục trong kênh màu RGB
        if (ok) {
            int r, g, b;

            for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); y++) {

                    int pixel = original.pixel(x, y);

                    r = qRed(pixel) + delta;
                    g = qGreen(pixel) + delta;
                    b = qBlue(pixel);

                    //Ta kiểm tra các giá trị mới trong khoảng cho phép.
                    r = qBound(0, r, 255);
                    g = qBound(0, g, 255);

                    result.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(r, g, b, qAlpha(pixel)));
    } else if (filter == tr("Làm mát...")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Làm mát" thì bật QInputDialog lên cho người dùng
        // nhập vào giá trị, giá trị này trong khoảng 1 đến 255
        bool ok;  // Kiểm tra giá trị nhập
        int delta = QInputDialog::getInt(parent, tr("Lầm mát"),
                                         tr("Nhập mức độ mát:"),
                                         10, 1, 256, 1, &ok);
        // Hình sẽ có cảm giác mát hơn khi ta tăng giá trị kênh màu xanh lam
        if (ok) {
            int r, g, b;

            for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); x++) {
                for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); y++) {

                    int pixel = original.pixel(x, y);

                    r = qRed(pixel);
                    g = qGreen(pixel);
                    b = qBlue(pixel) + delta;

                    //Ta kiểm tra giá trị mới trong khoảng cho phép.
                    b = qBound(0, b, 255);

                    result.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(r, g, b, qAlpha(pixel)));
    } else if (filter == tr("Độ bão hòa")) {
        // Nếu filter là "Độ bão hòa" thì bật QInputDialog lên cho người dùng
        // nhập vào giá trị, giá trị này trong khoảng -255 đến 255
        bool ok; // Kiểm tra giá trị nhập vào
        int delta = QInputDialog::getInt(parent, tr("Độ bão hòa"),
                                         tr("Nhập độ bão hòa:"),
                                         10, -255, 255, 1, &ok);
        QColor newClolor;
        QColor oldColor;
        int h, s, l;

        // Ta chuyển hình về kênh màu HSL rồi sau đó tăng hoặc giảm kênh
        // saturation để tăng hoặc giảm độ bão hòa sau đó lại chuyển ảnh về RGB
        if (ok) {
            for (int y = 0; y < original.height(); ++y) {
                for (int x = 0; x < original.width(); ++x) {

                    oldColor = QColor(original.pixel(x, y));
                    newClolor = oldColor.toHsl();

                    h = newClolor.hue();
                    s = newClolor.saturation() + delta;
                    l = newClolor.lightness();

                    // Ta kiểm tra giá trị mới trong khoảng cho phép
                    s = qBound(0, s, 255);

                    newClolor.setHsl(h, s, l);

                    result.setPixel(x, y, qRgba(newClolor.red(),
    return result;
예제 #8
void Manager::initDefaults()
    QPalette appPlt( QApplication::palette() );


    setDefault("startWithSession", "last");

    setDefault("autoStart", true);

    setDefault("postWindow/scrollback", 1000);


    setDefault("spaceIndent", false);
    setDefault("indentWidth", 4);
    setDefault("stepForwardEvaluation", false);
    setDefault("lineWrap", true);
    setDefault("disableBlinkingCursor", false);
    setDefault("highlightBracketContents", true);
    setDefault("inactiveEditorFadeAlpha", 64);
    setDefault("insertMatchingTokens", false);

    setDefault("blinkDuration", 600);

    setDefault("font/family", "monospace");
    setDefault("font/antialias", true);


    QTextCharFormat matchingBracketsFormat;
    setDefault("matchingBrackets", QVariant::fromValue(matchingBracketsFormat));

    QTextCharFormat bracketMismatchFormat;
    setDefault("mismatchedBrackets", QVariant::fromValue(bracketMismatchFormat));

    QTextCharFormat evaluatedCodeFormat;
    setDefault("evaluatedCode", QVariant::fromValue(evaluatedCodeFormat));

    QTextCharFormat currentLineFormat;
        QColor bkg = appPlt.color(QPalette::Base);
        int value = bkg.value();
        if (value > 40)
            bkg.setHsv( bkg.hue(), bkg.saturation(), value - 11);
            bkg.setHsv( bkg.hue(), bkg.saturation(), value + 20 );
    setDefault("currentLine", QVariant::fromValue(currentLineFormat));

    QTextCharFormat searchResultFormat;
    setDefault("searchResult", QVariant::fromValue(searchResultFormat));

    endGroup(); // colors

    endGroup(); // highlighting

    endGroup(); // editor

    endGroup(); // IDE
예제 #9
void drawDial ( const QStyleOptionSlider *option, QPainter *painter )
	QPalette pal = option->palette;
	QColor buttonColor = pal.button().color();
	const int width = option->rect.width();
	const int height = option->rect.height();
	const bool enabled = option->state & QStyle::State_Enabled;
	qreal r = qMin(width, height) / 2;
	r -= r/50;
	const qreal penSize = r/20.0;


	// Draw notches
	if (option->subControls & QStyle::SC_DialTickmarks) {

	// Cache dial background
	QString a = QString::fromLatin1("qdial");
	QRect rect = option->rect;
	QPixmap internalPixmapCache;
	QImage imageCache;
	QPainter *p = painter;
	QString unique = uniqueName((a), option, option->rect.size());
	int txType = painter->deviceTransform().type() | painter->worldTransform().type();
	bool doPixmapCache = txType <= QTransform::TxTranslate;
	if (doPixmapCache && QPixmapCache::find(unique, internalPixmapCache)) {
		painter->drawPixmap(option->rect.topLeft(), internalPixmapCache);
	} else {
		if (doPixmapCache) {
			rect.setRect(0, 0, option->rect.width(), option->rect.height());
			imageCache = QImage(option->rect.size(), QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied);
			p = new QPainter(&imageCache);


		const qreal d_ = r / 6;
		const qreal dx = option->rect.x() + d_ + (width - 2 * r) / 2 + 1;
		const qreal dy = option->rect.y() + d_ + (height - 2 * r) / 2 + 1;

		QRectF br = QRectF(dx + 0.5, dy + 0.5,
						   int(r * 2 - 2 * d_ - 2),
						   int(r * 2 - 2 * d_ - 2));
		buttonColor.setHsv(buttonColor .hue(),
						   qMin(140, buttonColor .saturation()),
						   qMax(180, buttonColor.value()));
		QColor shadowColor(0, 0, 0, 20);

		if (enabled) {
			// Drop shadow
			qreal shadowSize = qMax(1.0, penSize/2.0);
			QRectF shadowRect= br.adjusted(-2*shadowSize, -2*shadowSize,
										   2*shadowSize, 2*shadowSize);
			QRadialGradient shadowGradient(shadowRect.center().x(),
										   shadowRect.center().y(), shadowRect.width()/2.0,
										   shadowRect.center().x(), shadowRect.center().y());
			shadowGradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.91), QColor(0, 0, 0, 40));
			shadowGradient.setColorAt(qreal(1.0), Qt::transparent);
			p->translate(shadowSize, shadowSize);
			p->translate(-shadowSize, -shadowSize);

			// Main gradient
			QRadialGradient gradient(br.center().x() - br.width()/3, dy,
									 br.width()*1.3, br.center().x(),
									 br.center().y() - br.height()/2);
			gradient.setColorAt(0, buttonColor.lighter(110));
			gradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.5), buttonColor);
			gradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.501), buttonColor.darker(102));
			gradient.setColorAt(1, buttonColor.darker(115));
		} else {

		p->drawEllipse(br.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1));

		if (option->state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) {
			QColor highlight = pal.highlight().color();
							 qMin(160, highlight.saturation()),
							 qMax(230, highlight.value()));
			p->setPen(QPen(highlight, 2.0));
			p->drawEllipse(br.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
		if (doPixmapCache) {
			delete p;
			internalPixmapCache = QPixmap::fromImage(imageCache);
			painter->drawPixmap(option->rect.topLeft(), internalPixmapCache);
			QPixmapCache::insert(unique, internalPixmapCache);

	QPointF dp = calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.70));
	buttonColor = buttonColor.lighter(104);
	const qreal ds = r/qreal(7.0);
	QRectF dialRect(dp.x() - ds, dp.y() - ds, 2*ds, 2*ds);
	QRadialGradient dialGradient(dialRect.center().x() + dialRect.width()/2,
								 dialRect.center().y() + dialRect.width(),
								 dialRect.center().x(), dialRect.center().y());
	dialGradient.setColorAt(1, buttonColor.darker(140));
	dialGradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.4), buttonColor.darker(120));
	dialGradient.setColorAt(0, buttonColor.darker(110));
	if (penSize > 3.0) {
		painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 25), penSize));
		painter->drawLine(calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.90)), calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.96)));

	painter->setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 150));
	painter->drawEllipse(dialRect.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
	painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 80));
예제 #10
static inline QColor invertColor(const QColor color)
    QColor c = color.toHsv();
    c.setHsv(c.hue(), c.saturation(), 255 - c.value());
    return c;
예제 #11
파일: save.cpp 프로젝트: trisyoungs/uchroma
// Write CollectionBlock keywords
bool UChromaSession::writeCollectionBlock(LineParser& parser, Collection* collection, Collection::CollectionType type, int indentLevel)
	// Construct indent string
	char* indent = new char[indentLevel*2+1];
	for (int n=0; n<indentLevel*2; ++n) indent[n] = ' ';
	indent[indentLevel*2] = '\0';

	if (type == Collection::MasterCollection) parser.writeLineF("%s%s '%s'\n", indent, UChromaSession::inputBlock(UChromaSession::CollectionBlock), qPrintable(collection->name()));
	else if (type == Collection::FitCollection) parser.writeLineF("%s%s '%s'\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::FitBlockKeyword), qPrintable(collection->name()));
	else if (type == Collection::ExtractedCollection) parser.writeLineF("%s%s '%s'\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::SliceBlockKeyword), qPrintable(collection->name()));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s \"%s\"\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::DataDirectoryKeyword), qPrintable(collection->dataFileDirectory().absolutePath()));

	// -- Transforms
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::TransformXKeyword), stringBool(collection->transformEnabled(0)), qPrintable(collection->transformEquation(0)));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::TransformYKeyword), stringBool(collection->transformEnabled(1)), qPrintable(collection->transformEquation(1)));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::TransformZKeyword), stringBool(collection->transformEnabled(2)), qPrintable(collection->transformEquation(2)));

	// -- Interpolation
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::InterpolateKeyword), stringBool(collection->interpolate(0)), stringBool(collection->interpolate(2)));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::InterpolateConstrainKeyword), stringBool(collection->interpolateConstrained(0)), stringBool(collection->interpolateConstrained(2)));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f %f\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::InterpolateStepKeyword), collection->interpolationStep(0), collection->interpolationStep(2));

	// Colour Setup
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s '%s'\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourSourceKeyword), Collection::colourSource(collection->colourSource()));
	ColourScalePoint* csp;
	QColor colour;
	double value;
	// -- Single Colour
	colour = collection->colourScalePointColour(Collection::SingleColourSource);
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %i %i %i %i\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourSingleKeyword), colour.red(), colour.green(), colour.blue(), colour.alpha());
	// -- RGB Gradient
	colour = collection->colourScalePointColour(Collection::RGBGradientSource, 0);
	value = collection->colourScalePointValue(Collection::RGBGradientSource, 0);
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f %i %i %i %i\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourRGBGradientAKeyword), value, colour.red(), colour.green(), colour.blue(), colour.alpha());
	colour = collection->colourScalePointColour(Collection::RGBGradientSource, 1);
	value = collection->colourScalePointValue(Collection::RGBGradientSource, 1);
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f %i %i %i %i\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourRGBGradientBKeyword), value, colour.red(), colour.green(), colour.blue(), colour.alpha());
	// -- HSV Gradient
	colour = collection->colourScalePointColour(Collection::HSVGradientSource, 0);
	value = collection->colourScalePointValue(Collection::HSVGradientSource, 0);
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f %i %i %i %i\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourHSVGradientAKeyword), value, colour.hue(), colour.saturation(), colour.value(), colour.alpha());
	colour = collection->colourScalePointColour(Collection::HSVGradientSource, 1);
	value = collection->colourScalePointValue(Collection::HSVGradientSource, 1);
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f %i %i %i %i\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourHSVGradientBKeyword), value, colour.hue(), colour.saturation(), colour.value(), colour.alpha());
	// -- Custom Gradient
	for (csp = collection->customColourScalePoints(); csp != NULL; csp = csp->next)
		parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f %i %i %i %i\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourCustomGradientKeyword), csp->value(), csp->colour().red(), csp->colour().green(), csp->colour().blue(), csp->colour().alpha());
	// -- Alpha control
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s '%s'\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourAlphaControlKeyword), Collection::alphaControl(collection->alphaControl()));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ColourAlphaFixedKeyword), collection->fixedAlpha());

	// Display
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f '%s'\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::LineStyleKeyword), collection->displayLineStyle().width(), LineStipple::stipple[collection->displayLineStyle().stipple()].name);
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %f\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::ShininessKeyword), collection->displaySurfaceShininess());
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::StyleKeyword), Collection::displayStyle(collection->displayStyle()));
	parser.writeLineF("%s  %s %s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::VisibleCollectionKeyword), stringBool(collection->visible()));

	// Loop over datasets
	for (DataSet* dataSet = collection->dataSets(); dataSet != NULL; dataSet = dataSet->next) writeDataSetBlock(parser, dataSet, indentLevel);

	// Write FitKernel data if present
	if (collection->fitKernel()) writeFitParametersBlock(parser, collection->fitKernel(), indentLevel);

	// Additional data
	// -- Fits
	for (Collection* fit = collection->fits(); fit != NULL; fit = fit->next) writeCollectionBlock(parser, fit, Collection::FitCollection, indentLevel+1);
	// -- Extracted Data
	for (Collection* extract = collection->slices(); extract != NULL; extract = extract->next) writeCollectionBlock(parser, extract, Collection::ExtractedCollection, indentLevel+1);

	parser.writeLineF("%s%s\n", indent, UChromaSession::collectionKeyword(UChromaSession::EndCollectionKeyword));

	return true;
예제 #12
void SectionViewWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event)
	QPainter painter(this);

	MainFrame* pMainFrame = (MainFrame*)s_pMainFrame;

	QPen LinePen;
	painter.fillRect(rect(), pMainFrame->m_BackgroundColor);


	if(m_bZoomIn&& !m_ZoomRect.isEmpty())
		QRect ZRect = m_ZoomRect.normalized();
		QPen ZoomPen(QColor(100,100,100));

		QPen NPen(m_NeutralColor);

		painter.drawLine(rect().right(), m_ptOffset.y(), rect().left(), m_ptOffset.y());
		painter.drawLine(m_ptOffset.x(), rect().bottom(), m_ptOffset.x(), rect().top());

	if(!s_bCurrentOnly && m_pSail /* && m_pSail->IsSailcutSail()*/)
		QColor clr = m_pSailSection->m_SCSpline.m_SplineColor;
		clr.setHsv(clr.hue(), (int)(clr.saturation()), (int)(clr.value()*.29));
		QPen OtherPen(clr);

		for(int is=0; is<m_pSail->m_oaSection.size(); is++)
			SailSection *pSection = (SailSection*)m_pSail->m_oaSection.at(is);
			if(pSection != m_pSailSection)
				if(m_pSail->IsSailcutSail()) pSection->DrawSpline(painter, m_Scale,m_Scale*m_ScaleY, m_ptOffset, false);
					NURBSSail *pNSail = (NURBSSail*)m_pSail;
					int index = m_pSail->m_oaSection.indexOf(m_pSailSection);
					if(is!=index) pNSail->DrawFrame(is, painter, m_Scale, m_Scale*m_ScaleY, m_ptOffset);


			NURBSSail *pNSail = (NURBSSail*)m_pSail;
			int index = m_pSail->m_oaSection.indexOf(m_pSailSection);
			QPen SplinePen;

//			if(index==0 || index==m_pSail->m_oaSection.size()-1)
				pNSail->DrawFrame(index, painter, m_Scale, m_Scale*m_ScaleY, m_ptOffset);

			m_pSailSection->DrawCtrlPoints(painter, m_Scale, m_Scale*m_ScaleY, m_ptOffset);
			m_pSailSection->DrawSpline(painter, m_Scale, m_Scale*m_ScaleY, m_ptOffset);

	QPen TextPen(pMainFrame->m_TextColor);

	QString str;

	str = QString("X-Scale = %1").arg(m_Scale/m_RefScale,4,'f',1);
	painter.drawText(5,10, str);
	str = QString("Y-Scale = %1").arg(m_ScaleY*m_Scale/m_RefScale,4,'f',1);
	painter.drawText(5,22, str);
	str = QString("x  = %1").arg(m_MousePos.x,7,'f',4);
	painter.drawText(5,34, str);
	str = QString("y  = %1").arg(m_MousePos.y,7,'f',4);
	painter.drawText(5,46, str);

예제 #13
QColor StyleHelper::borderColor(bool lightColored) {
  QColor result = baseColor(lightColored);
  result.setHsv(result.hue(), result.saturation(), result.value() / 2);
  return result;
예제 #14
QColor StyleHelper::shadowColor(bool lightColored) {
  QColor result = baseColor(lightColored);
  result.setHsv(result.hue(), clamp(result.saturation() * 1.1),
                clamp(result.value() * 0.70));
  return result;
MainLayer( QImage* img, QImage* canvas, int radius, double strength )
/// Paint the main pointillism layer, adding smaller details and more color distortion.
/// Points are painted where the color error between the canvas and the original image
/// is high. Color difference is based on color intensity (i.e. brightness) to avoid
/// difference due to hue distortion. Saturation distortion and divisionism are applied
/// in addition to palette restriction.
/// @param img
///  The reference image.
/// @param canvas
///  The canvas to be painted to.
/// @param radius
///  The radius of the points being painted.
/// @param strength
///  The strength of the pointillistic filter, where 1.0 is very strong and 0.0 is very weak.
/// @return
///  Nothing.
	// Adjust the point radius based on the strength of the filter
	if(strength < 0.5) 
		int new_radius = (int)radius*strength*2;
		if(1.0*new_radius < radius*strength*2) new_radius++;
		radius = new_radius;
		if(radius < 1) radius = 1;

	// Get gray scale of original image
	uchar* gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	ImageProcessing::ConvertToOneChannel( img->bits(), gray, img->width(), img->height() );

	// Blur the grayscale image
	uchar* smoothed_gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	int kernel = radius;
	if(kernel%2 == 0) kernel++;
	if(kernel < 3) kernel = 3;
	ImageProcessing::GaussianBlur( gray, smoothed_gray, img->width(), img->height(), 1, kernel );
	delete [] gray;

	// Clear the depth buffer ready for painting
	uchar* depth_buffer = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	for( int i = 0; i < img->width()*img->height(); i++ )
		depth_buffer[i] = 0;

	// At each grid point, find maximum error based on difference
	// between intensity at canvas and intensity of blurred image
	// Paint stroke at this location
	for( int y = (int)radius/2; y < img->height(); y += radius ) 
		for( int x = (int)radius/2; x < img->width(); x += radius ) 
			int total_error = 0;
			int max_error = 0;
			QPoint max_error_at = QPoint(0, 0);

			// Get error of each pixel in the neighbourhood
			int min_x = x - radius/2;
			int min_y = y - radius/2;
			int max_x = x + radius/2;
			int max_y = y + radius/2;

			if(min_x < 0) min_x = 0;
			if(min_y < 0) min_y = 0;
			if(max_x >= img->width()) max_x = img->width() - 1;
			if(max_y >= img->height()) max_y = img->height() - 1;

			for( int j = min_y; j <= max_y; j++ ) 
				for( int i = min_x; i <= max_x; i++ ) 
					// Get error at this pixel
					int intensity = QColor(canvas->pixel( i, j )).toHsv().value();
					int error = abs(intensity - smoothed_gray[j*img->width() + i]);

					// Update error stats
					total_error += error;
					if( error > max_error ) 
						max_error = error;
						max_error_at = QPoint( i, j );

			// If the total error is above a threshold
			// Paint a stroke at the area of max error
			if( total_error > 10*strength ) 
				QColor hsv = QColor(img->pixel( x, y )).toHsv();
				int hue = hsv.hue();
				int sat = hsv.saturation();
				int v = hsv.value();

				// Find closest hue in palette, make a method that does this
				int new_pos = GetPaletteHuePosition( hsv.hue() );
				if( (rand()%100)/100.0 < strength ) 
					hue = GetRandomNeighbour(new_pos);
					hue = chevreul[new_pos];
				sat = ChangeSaturation(sat, v, 0.35*strength, strength);
				hsv.setHsv( hue, sat, v );

				int z = rand()%256;
				DrawRandomCircle(canvas, max_error_at, hsv.toRgb(), radius, z, depth_buffer);
	delete [] smoothed_gray;
	delete [] depth_buffer;
예제 #16
void drawDial(const QStyleOptionSlider *option, QPainter *painter)
    QPalette pal = option->palette;
    QColor buttonColor = pal.button().color();
    const int width = option->rect.width();
    const int height = option->rect.height();
    const bool enabled = option->state & QStyle::State_Enabled;
    qreal r = qMin(width, height) / 2;
    r -= r/50;
    const qreal penSize = r/20.0;


    // Draw notches
    if (option->subControls & QStyle::SC_DialTickmarks) {

    // Cache dial background

    const qreal d_ = r / 6;
    const qreal dx = option->rect.x() + d_ + (width - 2 * r) / 2 + 1;
    const qreal dy = option->rect.y() + d_ + (height - 2 * r) / 2 + 1;

    QRectF br = QRectF(dx + 0.5, dy + 0.5,
                       int(r * 2 - 2 * d_ - 2),
                       int(r * 2 - 2 * d_ - 2));
    buttonColor.setHsv(buttonColor .hue(),
                       qMin(140, buttonColor .saturation()),
                       qMax(180, buttonColor.value()));
    QColor shadowColor(0, 0, 0, 20);

    if (enabled) {
        // Drop shadow
        qreal shadowSize = qMax(1.0, penSize/2.0);
        QRectF shadowRect= br.adjusted(-2*shadowSize, -2*shadowSize,
                                       2*shadowSize, 2*shadowSize);
        QRadialGradient shadowGradient(shadowRect.center().x(),
                                       shadowRect.center().y(), shadowRect.width()/2.0,
                                       shadowRect.center().x(), shadowRect.center().y());
        shadowGradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.91), QColor(0, 0, 0, 40));
        shadowGradient.setColorAt(qreal(1.0), Qt::transparent);
        p->translate(shadowSize, shadowSize);
        p->translate(-shadowSize, -shadowSize);

        // Main gradient
        QRadialGradient gradient(br.center().x() - br.width()/3, dy,
                                 br.width()*1.3, br.center().x(),
                                 br.center().y() - br.height()/2);
        gradient.setColorAt(0, buttonColor.lighter(110));
        gradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.5), buttonColor);
        gradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.501), buttonColor.darker(102));
        gradient.setColorAt(1, buttonColor.darker(115));
    } else {

    p->drawEllipse(br.adjusted(1, 1, -1, -1));

    if (option->state & QStyle::State_HasFocus) {
        QColor highlight = pal.highlight().color();
                         qMin(160, highlight.saturation()),
                         qMax(230, highlight.value()));
        p->setPen(QPen(highlight, 2.0));
        p->drawEllipse(br.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));


    QPointF dp = calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.70));
    buttonColor = buttonColor.lighter(104);
    const qreal ds = r/qreal(7.0);
    QRectF dialRect(dp.x() - ds, dp.y() - ds, 2*ds, 2*ds);
    QRadialGradient dialGradient(dialRect.center().x() + dialRect.width()/2,
                                 dialRect.center().y() + dialRect.width(),
                                 dialRect.center().x(), dialRect.center().y());
    dialGradient.setColorAt(1, buttonColor.darker(140));
    dialGradient.setColorAt(qreal(0.4), buttonColor.darker(120));
    dialGradient.setColorAt(0, buttonColor.darker(110));
    if (penSize > 3.0) {
        painter->setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 25), penSize));
        painter->drawLine(calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.90)), calcRadialPos(option, qreal(0.96)));

    painter->setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 150));
    painter->drawEllipse(dialRect.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
    painter->setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 80));
EdgeLayer(QImage* img, QImage* canvas, int radius, double hue_distortion, double strength)
/// This final layer repaints over areas determined to be edges in order to bring smaller details
/// that have been covered by points back into the picture. The same color distortions are used
/// as in the main layer.
/// @param img
///  The reference image.
/// @param canvas
///  The canvas to be painted to.
/// @param radius
///  The radius of the points to be painted.
/// @param hue_distortion
///  Determines the strength of the hue distortion where 1.0 is very distorted and 0.0 is not distorted.
/// @param strength
///  The strength of the pointillistic filter, where 1.0 is very strong and 0.0 is very weak.
/// @return
///  Nothing.
	hue_distortion = hue_distortion*strength;
	if( strength < 0.5 ) 
		int new_radius = (int)radius*strength*2;
		if( 1.0*new_radius < radius*strength*2 ) new_radius++;
		radius = new_radius;
		if( radius < 1 ) radius = 1;
	uchar* edges = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	ImageProcessing::CannyEdgeDetection( img->bits(), edges, img->width(), img->height(), 4 );

	uchar* gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	ImageProcessing::ConvertToOneChannel( img->bits(), gray, img->width(), img->height());

	uchar* smoothed_gray = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	int kernel = radius;
	if(kernel%2 == 0) kernel++;
	if(kernel < 3) kernel = 3;
	ImageProcessing::GaussianBlur( gray, smoothed_gray, img->width(), img->height(), 1, kernel );
	delete [] gray;

	// Clear the depth buffer ready for painting
	uchar* depth_buffer = new uchar[img->width()*img->height()];
	for( int i = 0; i < img->width()*img->height(); i++ )
		depth_buffer[i] = 0;

	// If there is an edge, find the greatest error in the edge's neighbourhood
	// and at a new stroke at this point.
	for( int y = 0; y < img->height(); y++ ) 
		for( int x = 0; x < img->width(); x++ ) 
			if( edges[y*img->width() + x] > 0 ) 

				// Find the brightest and and darkest spots in the neighbourhood
				int brightest = 0;
				int darkest = 255;
				QPoint brightest_pos = QPoint(0, 0);
				QPoint darkest_pos = QPoint(0, 0);
				for( int j = y - radius; j <= y + radius; j++ ) {
					for( int i = x - radius; i <= x + radius; i++ ) {
						if( i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < img->width() && j < img->height() ) {
							int intensity = smoothed_gray[j*img->width() + i];
							if(intensity > brightest) {
								brightest_pos = QPoint(i, j);
								brightest = intensity;
							if(intensity < darkest) {
								darkest_pos = QPoint(i, j);
								darkest = intensity;

				// For each position in the neighbourhood, find if most spots
				// are closer to the brightest or darkest
				int dark = 0;
				int bright = 0;
				for( int j = y - radius; j <= y + radius; j++ ) 
					for( int i = x - radius; i <= x + radius; i++ ) 
						if( i >= 0 && j >= 0 && i < img->width() && j < img->height() ) {
							int intensity = smoothed_gray[j*img->width() + i];
							int bright_diff = brightest - intensity;
							int dark_diff = intensity - darkest;
							if(bright_diff < dark_diff) 

				// Paint at the side that needs defining
				QPoint new_point;
				if(bright < dark && bright != 0) 
					new_point = brightest_pos;
				else if(dark != 0) 
					new_point = darkest_pos;
					new_point = QPoint(x, y);

				// Paint circle at this position
				QColor hsv = QColor(img->pixel( new_point )).toHsv();
				int hue = hsv.hue();
				int val = hsv.value();
				int sat = hsv.saturation();

				// Find closest hue in palette
				int new_pos = GetPaletteHuePosition( hsv.hue() );

				if( ( rand()%100)/100.0 < strength ) 
					hue = GetRandomNeighbour( new_pos );
					hue = chevreul[new_pos];

				// Hue distortion
				double r = ( rand()%100 )/100.0;
				if( ( r < hue_distortion && new_pos != 8 ) || r < hue_distortion/3 ) 
					int n = ChangeHue(smoothed_gray[new_point.y()*img->width() + new_point.x()]/256.0)*2;
					if( n > -1 ) 
						new_pos = n;
						if( sat < 70 && val < 0.3 ) sat = 70;
					hue = chevreul[new_pos];
				sat = ChangeSaturation( sat, val, 0.35*strength, strength );
				int z = rand()%256;
				hsv.setHsv( hue, sat, val );
				DrawRandomCircle( canvas, new_point, hsv.toRgb(), radius - 1, z, depth_buffer );

	delete [] smoothed_gray;
	delete [] edges;
	delete [] depth_buffer;
예제 #18
bool navproCore::getStdDeviation(int rangeX, int rangeY, int *hue, int *sat, int *cb, int *cr)
    QColor hsv;
    int i,j;

    *hue = 0;
    *sat = 0;
    *cb  = 0;
    *cr  = 0;

    if (rangeX < 0 || rangeX > image.width()) return false;
    if (rangeY < 0 || rangeY > image.height()) return false;

    for (i = posX; i < rangeX + posX; ++i)
        for (j = posY; j < rangeY + posY; ++j)
            hsv = QColor::fromRgb(image.pixel(i,j));

            *hue += hsv.hue();
            *sat += hsv.saturation();

            *cb += RGB2CB(image.pixel(i,j));
            *cr += RGB2CR(image.pixel(i,j));

    //mean == average value
    int meanHue = *hue/(rangeX * rangeY); 
    int meanSat = *sat/(rangeX * rangeY); 
    int meanCb  = *cb/(rangeX * rangeY); 
    int meanCr  = *cr/(rangeX * rangeY); 

    //std::cout<<"mean: H: "<<meanHue<<" S: "<<meanSat<<" cb: "<<meanCb<<" cr: "<<meanCr<<std::endl;

    quint32 varianceHue = 0;
    quint32 varianceSat = 0;
    quint32 varianceCb  = 0;
    quint32 varianceCr  = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < rangeX; ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < rangeY; ++j)
            hsv = QColor::fromRgb(image.pixel(i,j));

            varianceHue += qAbs(meanHue - hsv.hue()) * qAbs(meanHue - hsv.hue());
            varianceSat += qAbs(meanSat - hsv.saturation()) * qAbs(meanSat - hsv.saturation());

            varianceCb  += qAbs(meanCb - RGB2CB(image.pixel(i,j))) * qAbs(meanHue - RGB2CB(image.pixel(i,j)));
            varianceCr  += qAbs(meanCr - RGB2CR(image.pixel(i,j))) * qAbs(meanHue - RGB2CR(image.pixel(i,j)));

    *hue = qSqrt(varianceHue/(rangeX * rangeY));
    *sat = qSqrt(varianceSat/(rangeX * rangeY));
    *cb = qSqrt(varianceCb/(rangeX * rangeY));
    *cr = qSqrt(varianceCr/(rangeX * rangeY));

    //std::cout<<"variance: H: "<<varianceHue<<" S: "<<varianceSat<<" cb: "<<varianceCb<<" cr: "<<varianceCr<<std::endl;
    //std::cout<<"SD: H: "<<*hue<<" S: "<<*sat<<" cb: "<<*cb<<" cr: "<<*cr<<std::endl;

    return true;
예제 #19
void LoadShotsWithinAVBox (MISC *misc, OPTIONS *options, nvMap *map, NV_I32_COORD2 targetPt)
  NV_FLOAT64 dz;
  NV_INT32 xyz_x, xyz_y, xyz_z, lock_point;
  NV_I32_COORD2 llSquare, urSquare;
  int numShots = 0;
  NV_BOOL hitMax = NVFalse;

  QColor color;

  QColor GetAVShotColor (NV_INT32 index, MISC *misc, OPTIONS *options);

  if (misc->nearest_point != -1)
      llSquare.x = targetPt.x - misc->avb.avInterfacePixelBuffer;
      llSquare.y = targetPt.y + misc->avb.avInterfacePixelBuffer;

      urSquare.x = targetPt.x + misc->avb.avInterfacePixelBuffer;
      urSquare.y = targetPt.y - misc->avb.avInterfacePixelBuffer;

      //  load the target pt first

      lock_point = misc->nearest_point;

      //  Get the screen coordinates of the primary cursor.  Make sure it is within the AV ROI box.
      //  It is possible that it could be outside in the event that everything within the AV box is deleted by the AV

      map->map_to_screen (1, &misc->data[lock_point].x, &misc->data[lock_point].y, &dz, &xyz_x, &xyz_y, &xyz_z);

      if ((xyz_x <= urSquare.x) && (xyz_x >= llSquare.x) && (xyz_y >= urSquare.y) && (xyz_y <= llSquare.y) && misc->data[lock_point].type == PFM_CZMIL_DATA)
          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].recordNumber = misc->data[lock_point].rec;
          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].pfmHandle = misc->pfm_handle[misc->data[lock_point].pfm];
          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].fileNo = misc->data[lock_point].file;
          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].type = misc->data[lock_point].type;

          //  Save the master idx

          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].masterIdx = lock_point;

          color = GetAVShotColor (lock_point, misc, options);

          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].colorH = color.hue ();
          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].colorS = color.saturation();
          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].colorV = color.value();


      for (NV_INT32 i = 0 ; i < misc->abe_share->point_cloud_count ; i++)
          if (i != lock_point)
              //  Check for single line display.

              if (!misc->num_lines || check_line (misc, misc->data[i].line))
                  //  Do not use null points.  Do not use invalid points unless the 
                  //  display_invalid flag is set.  Do not check points that are not on the 
                  //  display.

                  if (!check_bounds (options, misc, i, NVTrue, misc->slice))
                      map->map_to_screen (1, &misc->data[i].x, &misc->data[i].y, &dz, &xyz_x, &xyz_y, &xyz_z);

                      //  Check the area and the data type ('cause there might be mixed types in the editor).

                      if ((xyz_x <= urSquare.x) && (xyz_x >= llSquare.x) && (xyz_y >= urSquare.y) && (xyz_y <= llSquare.y) && 
                          misc->data[i].type == PFM_CZMIL_DATA)
                          if (numShots == MAX_ATTRIBUTE_SHOTS)
                              hitMax = NVTrue;

                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].recordNumber = misc->data[i].rec;
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].subRecordNumber = misc->data[i].sub;
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].pfmHandle = misc->pfm_handle[misc->data[i].pfm];
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].fileNo = misc->data[i].file;
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].masterIdx = i;
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].type = misc->data[i].type;

                          color = GetAVShotColor (i, misc, options);

                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].colorH = color.hue ();
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].colorS = color.saturation();
                          misc->avb.shotArray[numShots].colorV = color.value();


  misc->abeShare->lock ();

  for (int i = 0; i < numShots; i++) misc->abe_share->avShare.shots[i] = misc->avb.shotArray[i];

  misc->abe_share->avShare.numShots = numShots;
  misc->abe_share->avShare.avNewData = NVTrue;
  misc->abe_share->avShare.hitMax = hitMax;

  misc->abeShare->unlock ();
void tst_QColor::setHsv()
    QColor color;

    for (int A = 0; A <= USHRT_MAX; ++A) {
            // 0-255
            int a = A >> 8;
            color.setHsv(0, 0, 0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alpha(), a);

            int h, s, v, a2;
            color.getHsv(&h, &s, &v, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal a = A / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHsvF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a); QCOMPARE(color.alphaF(), a);

            qreal h, s, v, a2;
            color.getHsvF(&h, &s, &v, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

    for (int H = 0; H < 36000; ++H) {
            // 0-255
            int h = H / 100;

            color.setHsv(h, 0, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hue(), h);

            int h2, s, v, a;
            color.getHsv(&h2, &s, &v, &a);
            QCOMPARE(h2, h);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal h = H / 36000.0;
            color.setHsvF(h, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hueF(), h);

            qreal h2, s, v, a;
            color.getHsvF(&h2, &s, &v, &a);
            QCOMPARE(h2, h);

    for (int S = 0; S <= USHRT_MAX; ++S) {
            // 0-255
            int s = S >> 8;
            color.setHsv(0, s, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.saturation(), s);

            int h, s2, v, a;
            color.getHsv(&h, &s2, &v, &a);
            QCOMPARE(s2, s);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal s = S / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHsvF(0.0, s, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.saturationF(), s);

            qreal h, s2, v, a;
            color.getHsvF(&h, &s2, &v, &a);
            QCOMPARE(s2, s);

    for (int V = 0; V <= USHRT_MAX; ++V) {
            // 0-255
            int v = V >> 8;
            color.setHsv(0, 0, v, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.value(),  v);

            int h, s, v2, a;
            color.getHsv(&h, &s, &v2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(v2, v);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal v = V / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHsvF(0.0, 0.0, v, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.valueF(), v);

            qreal h, s, v2, a;
            color.getHsvF(&h, &s, &v2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(v2, v);