예제 #1
void QgsGradientColorRampDialog::plotMouseMove( QPointF point )
  QColor newColor = mStopEditor->selectedStop().color;

  if ( mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 0 )
    newColor = QColor::fromHslF( qBound( qreal( 0.0 ), point.y(), qreal( 1.0 ) ), newColor.hslSaturationF(), newColor.lightnessF(), newColor.alphaF() );
  else if ( mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 1 )
    newColor = QColor::fromHslF( newColor.hslHueF(), newColor.hslSaturationF(), qBound( qreal( 0.0 ), point.y(), qreal( 1.0 ) ), newColor.alphaF() );
  else if ( mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 2 )
    newColor = QColor::fromHslF( newColor.hslHueF(), qBound( qreal( 0.0 ), point.y(), qreal( 1.0 ) ), newColor.lightnessF(), newColor.alphaF() );
  else if ( mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 3 )
    newColor = QColor::fromHslF( newColor.hslHueF(), newColor.hslSaturationF(), newColor.lightnessF(), qBound( qreal( 0.0 ), point.y(), qreal( 1.0 ) ) );

  mStopEditor->setSelectedStopDetails( newColor, qBound( qreal( 0.0 ), point.x(), qreal( 1.0 ) ) );
예제 #2
static QColor darkShade(QColor c)
    qreal contrast = 0.7; // taken from kcolorscheme for the dark shade
    qreal darkAmount;

    if (c.lightnessF() < 0.006)
        /* too dark */
        darkAmount = 0.02 + 0.40 * contrast;
    else if (c.lightnessF() > 0.93)
        /* too bright */
        darkAmount = -0.06 - 0.60 * contrast;
        darkAmount = (-c.lightnessF()) * (0.55 + contrast * 0.35);

    qreal v = c.lightnessF() + darkAmount;
    v       = v > 0.0 ? (v < 1.0 ? v : 1.0) : 0.0;
    c.setHsvF(c.hslHueF(), c.hslSaturationF(), v);
    return c;
예제 #3
void QgsGradientColorRampDialog::addMarkersForColor( double x, const QColor &color, bool isSelected )
  if ( mPlotHueCheckbox->isChecked() )
    addPlotMarker( x, color.hslHueF(), color, isSelected && mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 0 );
  if ( mPlotLightnessCheckbox->isChecked() )
    addPlotMarker( x, color.lightnessF(), color, isSelected && mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 1 );
  if ( mPlotSaturationCheckbox->isChecked() )
    addPlotMarker( x, color.hslSaturationF(), color, isSelected && mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 2 );
  if ( mPlotAlphaCheckbox->isChecked() )
    addPlotMarker( x, color.alphaF(), color, isSelected && mCurrentPlotColorComponent == 3 );
예제 #4
// Tints an image with tintColor, while preserving alpha and lightness
void StyleHelper::tintImage(QImage &img, const QColor &tintColor)
    QPainter p(&img);

    for (int x = 0; x < img.width(); ++x) {
        for (int y = 0; y < img.height(); ++y) {
            QRgb rgbColor = img.pixel(x, y);
            int alpha = qAlpha(rgbColor);
            QColor c = QColor(rgbColor);

            if (alpha > 0) {
                qreal l = c.lightnessF();
                QColor newColor = QColor::fromHslF(tintColor.hslHueF(), tintColor.hslSaturationF(), l);
                img.setPixel(x, y, newColor.rgba());
예제 #5
void tst_QColor::setHsl()
    QColor color;

    for (int A = 0; A <= USHRT_MAX; ++A) {
            // 0-255
            int a = A >> 8;
            color.setHsl(0, 0, 0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alpha(), a);

            int h, s, l, a2;
            color.getHsv(&h, &s, &l, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal a = A / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHslF(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, a);
            QCOMPARE(color.alphaF(), a);

            qreal h, s, l, a2;
            color.getHslF(&h, &s, &l, &a2);
            QCOMPARE(a2, a);

    for (int H = 0; H < 36000; ++H) {
            // 0-255
            int h = H / 100;

            color.setHsl(h, 0, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslHue(), h);

            int h2, s, l, a;
            color.getHsl(&h2, &s, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(h2, h);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal h = H / 36000.0;
            color.setHslF(h, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslHueF(), h);

            qreal h2, s, l, a;
            color.getHslF(&h2, &s, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(h2, h);

    for (int S = 0; S <= USHRT_MAX; ++S) {
            // 0-255
            int s = S >> 8;
            color.setHsl(0, s, 0, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslSaturation(), s);

            int h, s2, l, a;
            color.getHsl(&h, &s2, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(s2, s);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal s = S / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHslF(0.0, s, 0.0, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.hslSaturationF(), s);

            qreal h, s2, l, a;
            color.getHslF(&h, &s2, &l, &a);
            QCOMPARE(s2, s);

    for (int L = 0; L <= USHRT_MAX; ++L) {
            // 0-255
            int l = L >> 8;
            color.setHsl(0, 0, l, 0);
            QCOMPARE(color.lightness(),  l);

            int h, s, l2, a;
            color.getHsl(&h, &s, &l2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(l2, l);

            // 0.0-1.0
            qreal l = L / qreal(USHRT_MAX);
            color.setHslF(0.0, 0.0, l, 0.0);
            QCOMPARE(color.lightnessF(), l);

            qreal h, s, l2, a;
            color.getHslF(&h, &s, &l2, &a);
            QCOMPARE(l2, l);
예제 #6
void QgsGradientColorRampDialog::plotMousePress( QPointF point )
  //find closest part

  double minDist = 1;
  mCurrentPlotColorComponent = -1;
  mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = -1;
  // first color

  for ( int i = 0; i < mRamp.count(); ++i )
    QColor currentCol;
    double currentOff = 0.0;
    if ( i == 0 )
      currentOff = 0.0;
      currentCol = mRamp.color1();
    else if ( i == mRamp.count() - 1 )
      currentOff = 1.0;
      currentCol = mRamp.color2();
      currentOff = mRamp.stops().at( i - 1 ).offset;
      currentCol = mRamp.stops().at( i - 1 ).color;

    double currentDist;
    if ( mPlotHueCheckbox->isChecked() )
      currentDist = std::pow( point.x() - currentOff, 2.0 ) + std::pow( point.y() - currentCol.hslHueF(), 2.0 );
      if ( currentDist < minDist )
        minDist = currentDist;
        mCurrentPlotColorComponent = 0;
        mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = i;
    if ( mPlotLightnessCheckbox->isChecked() )
      currentDist = std::pow( point.x() - currentOff, 2.0 ) + std::pow( point.y() - currentCol.lightnessF(), 2.0 );
      if ( currentDist < minDist )
        minDist = currentDist;
        mCurrentPlotColorComponent = 1;
        mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = i;
    if ( mPlotSaturationCheckbox->isChecked() )
      currentDist = std::pow( point.x() - currentOff, 2.0 ) + std::pow( point.y() - currentCol.hslSaturationF(), 2.0 );
      if ( currentDist < minDist )
        minDist = currentDist;
        mCurrentPlotColorComponent = 2;
        mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = i;
    if ( mPlotAlphaCheckbox->isChecked() )
      currentDist = std::pow( point.x() - currentOff, 2.0 ) + std::pow( point.y() - currentCol.alphaF(), 2.0 );
      if ( currentDist < minDist )
        minDist = currentDist;;
        mCurrentPlotColorComponent = 3;
        mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex = i;

  // watch out - selected stop index may differ if stops in editor are out of order!!!
  if ( mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex >= 0 )
    mStopEditor->selectStop( mCurrentPlotMarkerIndex );