예제 #1
static duk_ret_t RigidBody_GetLinearVelocity(duk_context* ctx)
    RigidBody* thisObj = GetThisWeakObject<RigidBody>(ctx);
    float3 ret = thisObj->GetLinearVelocity();
    PushValueObjectCopy<float3>(ctx, ret, float3_ID, float3_Finalizer);
    return 1;
예제 #2
void SnowBall::ObjectCollision(GameObject* otherObject, VariantMap& eventData)
	if (hitDamage > 0)
		RigidBody* body = node_->GetComponent<RigidBody>();
		float l = body->GetLinearVelocity().Length();
		if ((body->GetLinearVelocity().Length() >= snowballMinHitSpeed))
			if (side != otherObject->GetSide())
				otherObject->Damage(this, hitDamage);
				// Create a temporary node for the hit sound
				SpawnSound(node_, node_->GetPosition(), "Sounds/PlayerFistHit.wav", 0.2);
			hitDamage = 0;
	if (duration > snowballObjectHitDuration)
		duration = snowballObjectHitDuration;
예제 #3
void SnowBall::FixedUpdate(float timeStep)
	// Apply damping when rolling on the ground, or near disappearing
	RigidBody* body = node_->GetComponent<RigidBody>();
	if ((onGround) || (duration < snowballGroundHitDuration))
		Vector3 vel = body->GetLinearVelocity();
		body->ApplyForce(Vector3(-snowballDampingForce * vel.x_, 0, -snowballDampingForce * vel.z_));
	// Disappear when duration expired
	if (duration >= 0)
		duration -= timeStep;
		if (duration <= 0)
			SpawnParticleEffect(node_, node_->GetPosition(), "Particle/SnowExplosion.xml", 1);
예제 #4
void Character::FixedUpdate(float timeStep)
    /// \todo Could cache the components for faster access instead of finding them each frame
    RigidBody* body = GetComponent<RigidBody>();
    AnimationController* animCtrl = GetComponent<AnimationController>();
    // Update the in air timer. Reset if grounded
    if (!onGround_)
        inAirTimer_ += timeStep;
        inAirTimer_ = 0.0f;
    // When character has been in air less than 1/10 second, it's still interpreted as being on ground
    bool softGrounded = inAirTimer_ < INAIR_THRESHOLD_TIME;
    // Update movement & animation
    const Quaternion& rot = node_->GetRotation();
    Vector3 moveDir = Vector3::ZERO;
    const Vector3& velocity = body->GetLinearVelocity();
    // Velocity on the XZ plane
    Vector3 planeVelocity(velocity.x_, 0.0f, velocity.z_);
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_FORWARD))
        moveDir += Vector3::FORWARD;
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_BACK))
        moveDir += Vector3::BACK;
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_LEFT))
        moveDir += Vector3::LEFT;
    if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_RIGHT))
        moveDir += Vector3::RIGHT;
    // Normalize move vector so that diagonal strafing is not faster
    if (moveDir.LengthSquared() > 0.0f)
    // If in air, allow control, but slower than when on ground
    body->ApplyImpulse(rot * moveDir * (softGrounded ? MOVE_FORCE : INAIR_MOVE_FORCE));
    if (softGrounded)
        // When on ground, apply a braking force to limit maximum ground velocity
        Vector3 brakeForce = -planeVelocity * BRAKE_FORCE;
        // Jump. Must release jump control inbetween jumps
        if (controls_.IsDown(CTRL_JUMP))
            if (okToJump_)
                body->ApplyImpulse(Vector3::UP * JUMP_FORCE);
                okToJump_ = false;
            okToJump_ = true;
    // Play walk animation if moving on ground, otherwise fade it out
    if (softGrounded && !moveDir.Equals(Vector3::ZERO))
        animCtrl->PlayExclusive("Models/Jack_Walk.ani", 0, true, 0.2f);
        animCtrl->Stop("Models/Jack_Walk.ani", 0.2f);
    // Set walk animation speed proportional to velocity
    animCtrl->SetSpeed("Models/Jack_Walk.ani", planeVelocity.Length() * 0.3f);
    // Reset grounded flag for next frame
    onGround_ = false;