Exemplo n.º 1
bool SlaveTrainer::LayerActivation(double* up_ao, const double* low_ao, Matrix& w, const EActType eActType)
	if(!up_ao || !low_ao || w.IsNull())
		return false; 

	double e = 0.0; 
	for(int32_t j = 0; j < w.Cols(); j++) 
		// forward propagation
		up_ao[j] = w[w.Rows()-1][j]; 	// bias
		for(int32_t i = 0; i < w.Rows() - 1; i++)
			up_ao[j] += w[i][j] * low_ao[i];

		// activation	
		if(eActType == _ACT_SOFTMAX)
			e += exp(up_ao[j]); 
			up_ao[j] = Activation::Activate(up_ao[j], eActType); 
	if(eActType == _ACT_SOFTMAX)
	{ // softmax
		for(int32_t j = 0; j < w.Cols(); j++) 
			up_ao[j] = exp(up_ao[j]) / e; 

	return true; 
Exemplo n.º 2
Matrix operator-(Matrix a,Matrix b){
	Matrix result(a.Rows(),a.Cols());
	for(int i = 0 ; i < a.Rows() ; i++)
		for( int j = 0 ; j < a.Cols() ; j++)
			result.Set(j,i,a.Get(j,i) - b.Get(j,i));
	return result;
// C = A*b
Matrix operator*(const Matrix& A, const double b) {
  Matrix C(A.Rows(),A.Cols());
  for (size_t j=0; j<A.Cols(); j++)
    for (size_t i=0; i<A.Rows(); i++)
      C.data[j][i] = A.data[j][i] * b;
  return C;
// C = a*B
Matrix operator*(const double a, const Matrix& B) {
  Matrix C(B.Rows(),B.Cols());
  for (size_t j=0; j<B.Cols(); j++)
    for (size_t i=0; i<B.Rows(); i++)
      C.data[j][i] = a * B.data[j][i];
  return C;
Exemplo n.º 5
Matrix operator*(const Matrix &left, const double right)
   Matrix M(left.Rows(), left.Cols());
   int i, j;
   for(i=0; i<left.Rows(); i++)
      for(j=0; j<left.Cols(); j++)
         M[i][j] = left[i][j] * right;
   return M;
Exemplo n.º 6
Matrix operator*(Matrix a,double b){
	Matrix result(a.Rows(),a.Cols());
	for( int i = 0 ; i < a.Rows() ; i++ ){
		for( int j = 0 ; j < a.Cols() ; j++ ){
			result.Set(j,i,a.Get(j,i) * b);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 7
Matrix TransposeMatrix(const Matrix& other)
   Matrix M(other.Cols(), other.Rows());
   int i, j;
   for(i=0; i<other.Rows(); i++)
      for(j=0; j<other.Cols(); j++)
         M[j][i] = other[i][j];
   return M;
// standard matrix-vector product
vector<double> MatVec(const Matrix& A, const vector<double>& v) {
  vector<double> res(0.0, A.Rows());
  if (A.Cols() != v.size()) {
    cerr << "MatVec: incompatible matrix/vector sizes in A*v\n";
  } else {
    for (size_t i=0; i<A.Rows(); i++) 
      for (size_t j=0; j<A.Cols(); j++)
	res[i] += A(i,j)*v[j];
  return res;
// column/row vector dot product, something else for matrices?
double Dot(const Matrix& A, const Matrix& B) {
  double sum=0.0;
  if ((A.Cols() != B.Cols()) || (A.Rows() != B.Rows())) {
    cerr << "Dot error, matrix objects must be the same size\n";
  } else {
    for (size_t j=0; j<A.Cols(); j++) 
      for (size_t i=0; i<A.Rows(); i++)
	sum += A(i,j) * B(i,j);
  return sum;
Exemplo n.º 10
Matrix ScalarMultiply(const Matrix &left, const Matrix &right)
   wxASSERT(left.Rows() == right.Rows());
   wxASSERT(left.Cols() == right.Cols());
   Matrix M(left.Rows(), left.Cols());
   int i, j;
   for(i=0; i<left.Rows(); i++)
      for(j=0; j<left.Cols(); j++)
         M[i][j] = left[i][j] * right[i][j];
   return M;
Exemplo n.º 11
Matrix operator+(const Matrix &left, const Matrix &right)
   wxASSERT(left.Rows() == right.Rows());
   wxASSERT(left.Cols() == right.Cols());
   Matrix M(left.Rows(), left.Cols());
   int i, j;
   for(i=0; i<left.Rows(); i++)
      for(j=0; j<left.Cols(); j++)
         M[i][j] = left[i][j] + right[i][j];
   return M;
Exemplo n.º 12
Vector operator*(const Matrix &left, const Vector &right)
   wxASSERT(left.Cols() == right.Len());
   Vector v(left.Rows());
   int i, j;
   for(i=0; i<left.Rows(); i++) {
      v[i] = 0.0;
      for(j=0; j<left.Cols(); j++)
         v[i] += left[i][j] * right[j];
   return v;
Exemplo n.º 13
Matrix operator*(const Matrix &mat1, const Matrix &mat2)
	Matrix result;
	for (int ix = 0; ix < mat1.Rows(); ++ix) {
		for (int jx = 0; jx < mat1.Cols(); ++jx) {
			result(ix, jx) = 0;
			for (int kx = 0; kx < mat1.Cols(); ++kx)
				result(ix, jx) += mat1(ix, kx) * mat2(kx, jx);
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 14
Matrix MatrixConcatenateCols(const Matrix& left, const Matrix& right)
   wxASSERT(left.Rows() == right.Rows());
   Matrix M(left.Rows(), left.Cols() + right.Cols());
   int i, j;
   for(i=0; i<left.Rows(); i++) {
      for(j=0; j<left.Cols(); j++)
         M[i][j] = left[i][j];
      for(j=0; j<right.Cols(); j++)
         M[i][j+left.Cols()] = right[i][j];
   return M;
Exemplo n.º 15
Matrix MatrixMultiply(const Matrix &left, const Matrix &right)
   wxASSERT(left.Cols() == right.Rows());
   Matrix M(left.Rows(), right.Cols());
   int i, j, k;
   for(i=0; i<left.Rows(); i++)
      for(j=0; j<right.Cols(); j++) {
         M[i][j] = 0.0;
         for(k=0; k<left.Cols(); k++)
            M[i][j] += left[i][k] * right[k][j];
   return M;
// backward substitution on U*x = b, returning x as a new vector<double>
//    U and b remain unchanged in this operation
vector<double> BackSub(const Matrix& U, const vector<double>& b) {
  if (U.Rows() != b.size() || U.Rows() != U.Cols()) {
    cerr << "BackSub error, illegal matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << U.Rows() << " x " << U.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << b.size() << " x 1\n";
    return vector<double>(0);

  // create output vector, call existing BackSub routine, and return
  vector<double> x(0.0, U.Cols());
  if (BackSub(U, x, b) != 0)
    cerr << "BackSub Warning: error in BackSub call\n";
  return x;
// forward substitution on L*x = b, returning x as a new vector<double>
//    L and b remain unchanged in this operation
vector<double> FwdSub(const Matrix& L, const vector<double>& b) {
  // check that matrix sizes match
  if (L.Rows() != b.size() || L.Rows() != L.Cols()) {
    cerr << "FwdSub error, illegal matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << L.Rows() << " x " << L.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << b.size() << " x 1\n";
    return vector<double>(0);

  // create output vector and return
  vector<double> x(0.0, L.Cols());
  if (FwdSub(L, x, b) != 0)
    cerr << "FwdSub Warning: error in FwdSub call\n";
  return x;
// forward substitution on the linear system L*X = B, returning X as a new Matrix
//    L and B remain unchanged in this operation
Matrix FwdSub(const Matrix& L, const Matrix& B) {

  // check that matrix sizes match
  if (L.Rows() != B.Rows() || L.Rows() != L.Cols()) {
    cerr << "FwdSub error, illegal matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << L.Rows() << " x " << L.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << B.Rows() << " x " << B.Cols() << endl;
    return Matrix(0,0);
  } else {
    // create new Matrix for output and call existing BackSub routine
    Matrix X(L.Rows(),B.Cols());
    if (FwdSub(L, X, B) != 0)
      cerr << "FwdSub Warning: error in FwdSub call\n";
    return X;
Exemplo n.º 19
    //exponential of a matrix (element-wise)
Matrix exp(const Matrix& A){

    size_t zeros = UNDEFINED;
    Matrix E(A.Rows(), A.Cols());
    for (size_t a = 0; a < A.Rows(); a++)
        for (size_t b = 0; b < A.Cols(); b++) {
            E.M[a * (A.Cols()) + b] = exp(A.M[a * (A.Cols()) + b]);
            CheckZero(&zeros, E.M[a * (A.Cols()) + b]);
    if (zeros == ZERO)
        E._isZero = true;
    return E;
// solves a linear system A*x = b, returning x as a new vector<double>
//    A and b are modified in this operation; x holds the result
vector<double> Solve(Matrix& A, vector<double>& b) {

  // check that matrix sizes match
  if (A.Rows() != b.size() || A.Rows() != A.Cols()) {
    cerr << "Solve error, illegal matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << A.Rows() << " x " << A.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << b.size() << " x 1\n";
    return vector<double>(0);

  // create output, call existing Solve routine and return
  vector<double> x = b;
  if (Solve(A, x, b) != 0)
    cerr << "Solve: error in in-place Solve call\n";
  return x;
// matrix Frobenius norm (column/row vector 2-norm)
double Norm(const Matrix& A) {
  double sum=0.0;
  for (size_t j=0; j<A.Cols(); j++) 
    for (size_t i=0; i<A.Rows(); i++)
      sum += A(i,j)*A(i,j);
  return sqrt(sum);
// solves a linear system A*X = B, returning X as a new Matrix
Matrix Solve(Matrix& A, Matrix& B) {

  // check that matrix sizes match
  if (A.Rows() != B.Rows() || A.Rows() != A.Cols()) {
    cerr << "Solve error, illegal matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << A.Rows() << " x " << A.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << B.Rows() << " x " << B.Cols() << endl;
    return Matrix(0,0);
  } else {
    // create new Mat for output, and call existing Solve routine
    Matrix X(A.Rows(),B.Cols());
    if (Solve(A, X, B) != 0)
      cerr << "Solve: error in in-place Solve call\n";
    return X;
Exemplo n.º 23
Matrix operator*(Matrix a,Matrix b){
	int i,j,k;
	Matrix result(a.Rows(),b.Cols());

	if(a.Cols() != b.Rows())
		cerr << "WARNING : matrix inner dimen. not equal\n";
				result.Set(i,k,(a.Get(i,j) * b.Get(j,k)) + result.Get(i,k));
	return result;
Exemplo n.º 24
bool InvertMatrix(const Matrix& input, Matrix& Minv)
   // Very straightforward implementation of
   // Gauss-Jordan elimination to invert a matrix.
   // Returns true if successful

   wxASSERT(input.Rows() == input.Cols());
   int N = input.Rows();
   int i, j, k;

   Matrix M = input;
   Minv = IdentityMatrix(N);

   // Do the elimination one column at a time
   for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
      // Pivot the row with the largest absolute value in
      // column i, into row i
      double absmax = 0.0;
      int argmax=0;

      for(j=i; j<N; j++)
         if (fabs(M[j][i]) > absmax) {
            absmax = fabs(M[j][i]);
            argmax = j;

      // If no row has a nonzero value in that column,
      // the matrix is singular and we have to give up.
      if (absmax == 0)
         return false;

      if (i != argmax) {
         M.SwapRows(i, argmax);
         Minv.SwapRows(i, argmax);

      // Divide this row by the value of M[i][i]
      double factor = 1.0 / M[i][i];
      M[i] = M[i] * factor;
      Minv[i] = Minv[i] * factor;

      // Eliminate the rest of the column
      for(j=0; j<N; j++) {
         if (j==i)
         if (fabs(M[j][i]) > 0) {
            // Subtract a multiple of row i from row j
            double factor = M[j][i];
            for(k=0; k<N; k++) {
               M[j][k] -= (M[i][k] * factor);
               Minv[j][k] -= (Minv[i][k] * factor);

   return true;
Exemplo n.º 25
EqSys::EqSys(const Matrix& coeff, const Vector& res)
	if((coeff.Rows() != coeff.Cols()) || (res.Size() != coeff.Rows()))
		std::cout << "Zle wymiary macierzy/wektora do ukl rown\n";
	A=coeff; b=res; size=A.Rows();
// matrix one norm (column vector one norm, row vector infinity norm)
double OneNorm(const Matrix& A) {
  double mx=0.0;
  for (size_t j=0; j<A.Cols(); j++) {
    double sum=0.0;
    for (size_t i=0; i<A.Rows(); i++)
      sum += std::abs(A(i,j));
    mx = std::max(mx,sum);
  return mx;
Exemplo n.º 27
static void MakeWater (Matrix& M, float waterlevel = 0.0,
		float scale_x = 80, float scale_y = 120, float scale_z = 0.1)
  for (int i = M.Rlo(); i <= M.Rhi(); i++)
    for (int j = M.Clo(); j <= M.Chi(); j++)
      if (M(i,j) < waterlevel) {		   // apply noise to values below
	float x = scale_x * (i-M.Rlo())/M.Rows(),  // the water level to simulate
	      y = scale_y * (j-M.Clo())/M.Cols();	      // waves on the sea
	M(i,j) =  scale_z * Noise(x,y,0);
Exemplo n.º 28
void Activation::InitTransformMatrix(Matrix& w, const EActType eActType)
	if(eActType == _ACT_SIGMOID)
		w.Init_RandNormal(0.0, sqrt(1.0 / (double)w.Rows())); 
	else if(eActType == _ACT_TANH)
		w.Init_RandNormal(0.0, sqrt(1.0 / (double)w.Rows())); 
	else if(eActType == _ACT_RELU)
		w.Init_RandNormal(0.0, sqrt(1.0 / (double)w.Rows())); 
	else if(eActType == _ACT_SOFTMAX)
		w.Init_RandNormal(0.0, sqrt(1.0 / (double)w.Rows())); 
		w.Init_RandUni(-4.0 * sqrt(6.0 / (double)(w.Rows() + w.Cols())), 4.0 * sqrt(6.0 / (double)(w.Rows() + w.Cols()))); 
// forward substitution on L*x = b, filling in an existing vector<double) x
//    L and b remain unchanged in this operation; x holds the result
int FwdSub(const Matrix& L, vector<double>& x, const vector<double>& b) {

  // check that matrix sizes match
  if (L.Rows() != b.size() || L.Rows() != L.Cols() || 
      x.size() != L.Rows()) {
    cerr << "FwdSub error, illegal matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << L.Rows() << " x " << L.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << b.size() << " x 1"
	 << ",  solution is " << x.size() << " x 1\n";
    return 1;
  // copy B into X
  x = b;

  // analyze matrix for magnitude
  double Lmax = InfNorm(L);

  // perform column-oriented Forwards Substitution algorithm
  for (long int j=0; j<L.Rows(); j++) {

    // check for nonzero matrix diagonal
    if (fabs(L.data[j][j]) < STOL*Lmax) {
      cerr << "FwdSub error: singular matrix!\n";
      return 1;

    // solve for this row of solution
    x[j] /= L.data[j][j];

    // update all remaining rhs
    for (long int i=j+1; i<L.Rows(); i++)
      x[i] -= L.data[j][i]*x[j];


  // return success
  return 0;
// backward substitution on U*x = b, filling in an existing vector<double> x
int BackSub(const Matrix& U, vector<double>& x, const vector<double>& b) {

  // check that matrix sizes match
  if (U.Rows() != b.size() || U.Rows() != U.Cols() || x.size() != U.Rows()) {
    cerr << "BackSub error, incompatible matrix/vector dimensions\n";
    cerr << "  Matrix is " << U.Rows() << " x " << U.Cols() 
	 << ",  rhs is " << b.size() << " x 1"
	 << ",  solution is " << x.size() << " x 1\n";
    return 1;
  // copy b into x
  x = b;

  // analyze matrix for magnitude
  double Umax = InfNorm(U);

  // perform column-oriented Backward Substitution algorithm
  for (long int j=U.Rows()-1; j>=0; j--) {

    // check for nonzero matrix diagonal
    if (fabs(U.data[j][j]) < STOL*Umax) {
      cerr << "BackSub error: numerically singular matrix!\n";
      return 1;

    // solve for this row of solution
    x[j] /= U.data[j][j];

    // update all remaining rhs
    for (long int i=0; i<j; i++)
      x[i] -= U.data[j][i]*x[j];


  // return success
  return 0;