Exemplo n.º 1
 * Compute a distance metric between two columns of a
 * matrix. <b>Note that the indexes are *1* based (not 0) as that is
 * Newmat's convention</b>. Note that dist(M,i,j) must equal dist(M,j,i);
 * @param M - Matrix whose columns represent individual items to be clustered.
 * @param col1Ix - Column index to be compared (1 based).
 * @param col2Ix - Column index to be compared (1 based).
 * @return - "Distance" or "dissimilarity" metric between two columns of matrix.
double GuassianRadial::dist(const Matrix &M, int col1Ix, int col2Ix) const {
  double dist = 0;
  if(col1Ix == col2Ix) 
    return 0;
  ColumnVector V = M.Column(col1Ix) - M.Column(col2Ix);
  dist = V.SumSquare() / (2 * m_Sigma * m_Sigma);
  dist = exp(-1 * dist);
  return dist;
Exemplo n.º 2
ReturnMatrix Helmert(const Matrix& X, bool full)
   Tracer et("Helmert * Matrix");
   int m = X.nrows(); int n = X.ncols();
   if (m == 0) Throw(ProgramException("Matrix has 0 rows ", X));
   Matrix Y;
   if (full) Y.resize(m,n); else Y.resize(m-1, n);
   for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
      ColumnVector CV = X.Column(j);
      Y.Column(j) = Helmert(CV, full);
   Y.release(); return Y.for_return();
Exemplo n.º 3
std::vector<int> fiedler_reorder(const SymmetricMatrix& m)
  SymmetricMatrix absm=m;
  const int nrows=m.Nrows();
  for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i) {
    for (int j=0;j<=i;++j){
       //absolute value

  SymmetricMatrix lap(nrows);
  for (int i=0;i<nrows;++i)

  DiagonalMatrix eigs; 
  Matrix vecs;

  ColumnVector fvec=vecs.Column(2);
  std::vector<double> fvec_stl(nrows);
  //copies over fvec to fvec_stl
  std::vector<int> findices;
  //sorts the data by eigenvalue in ascending order
  return findices;
  /* BLOCK works with findices*/

Exemplo n.º 4
queue<vector<bool>> Filter_Indep_Col(queue<vector<bool>> q, Matrix A)
	queue<vector<bool>> indep_q;
	int nrow_A = A.Nrows();
	int ncol_A = A.Ncols();
	int rank_A = Rank(A);
	int size = q.size();

	while (size > 0)
		Matrix B(nrow_A, rank_A);
		int k = 1;
		for (int j = 0; j < ncol_A; j++)
			if (q.front().at(j) == true)
				B.Column(k) = A.Column(j+1);

		// see if columns of B are indepenent
		if (Rank(B) == min(B.Ncols(), B.Nrows()))
	return indep_q;
Exemplo n.º 5
Matrix Find_T_BFS(queue<vector<bool>> q, Matrix S_BFS)
	int rank_S = Rank(S_BFS);
	int nrow_S = S_BFS.Nrows();
	int ncol_S = S_BFS.Ncols();
	int size = q.size();
	Matrix T(nrow_S, rank_S);
	T = 0;
	while (size > 0)
		int r = 1;
		for (int i = 1; i < ncol_S; i++)
			if (q.front().at(i) == true)
				T.Column(r) = S_BFS.Column(i);

		if (Rank(T) == rank_S)
	return T;
Exemplo n.º 6
// Matrix A's first n columns are orthonormal
// so A.Columns(1,n).t() * A.Columns(1,n) is the identity matrix.
// Fill out the remaining columns of A to make them orthonormal
// so A.t() * A is the identity matrix 
void extend_orthonormal(Matrix& A, int n)
   Tracer et("extend_orthonormal");
   int nr = A.nrows(); int nc = A.ncols();
   if (nc > nr) Throw(IncompatibleDimensionsException(A));
   if (n > nc) Throw(IncompatibleDimensionsException(A));
   ColumnVector SSR;
   { Matrix A1 = A.Columns(1,n); SSR = A1.sum_square_rows(); }
   for (int i = n; i < nc; ++i)
      // pick row with smallest SSQ
      int k; SSR.minimum1(k);
      // orthogonalise column with 1 at element k, 0 elsewhere
      // next line is rather inefficient
      ColumnVector X = - A.Columns(1, i) * A.SubMatrix(k, k, 1, i).t();
      X(k) += 1.0;
      // normalise
      X /= sqrt(X.SumSquare());
      // update row sums of squares
      for (k = 1; k <= nr; ++k) SSR(k) += square(X(k));
      // load new column into matrix
      A.Column(i+1) = X;
Exemplo n.º 7
//Predict on a chunk of data.
ReturnMatrix SOGP::predictM(const Matrix& in, ColumnVector &sigconf,bool conf){
  //printf("SOGP::Predicting on %d points\n",in.Ncols());
  Matrix out(alpha.Ncols(),in.Ncols());
  for(int c=1;c<=in.Ncols();c++)
    out.Column(c) = predict(in.Column(c),sigconf(c),conf);
  return out;
Exemplo n.º 8
void CircularShift(const Matrix& X1, int first, int last)
      Matrix X; UpperTriangularMatrix U1, U2;
      int n = X1.Ncols();

      // Try right circular shift of columns
      X = X1; QRZ(X, U1);
      RightCircularUpdateCholesky(U1, first, last);
      X = X1.Columns(1,first-1) | X1.Column(last)
         | X1.Columns(first,last-1) | X1.Columns(last+1,n);
      QRZ(X, U2);
      X = U1 - U2; Clean(X, 0.000000001); Print(X);

      // Try left circular shift of columns
      X = X1; QRZ(X, U1);
      LeftCircularUpdateCholesky(U1, first, last);
      X = X1.Columns(1,first-1) | X1.Columns(first+1,last)
         | X1.Column(first) | X1.Columns(last+1,n);
      QRZ(X, U2);
      X = U1 - U2; Clean(X, 0.000000001); Print(X);
Exemplo n.º 9
ReturnMatrix Helmert_transpose(const Matrix& Y, bool full)
   Tracer et("Helmert_transpose * Matrix ");
   int m = Y.nrows(); int n = Y.ncols(); if (!full) ++m;
   Matrix X(m, n);
   for (int j = 1; j <= n; ++j)
      ColumnVector CV = Y.Column(j);
      X.Column(j) = Helmert_transpose(CV, full);
   X.release(); return X.for_return();
Exemplo n.º 10
Matrix Find_S_BFS(queue<vector<bool>> q, Matrix A, ColumnVector y)
	int nrow_A = A.Nrows();
	int ncol_A = A.Ncols();
	int rank_A = Rank(A);
	int size = q.size();

	Matrix S_BFS(ncol_A, size);
	S_BFS = 0;
	int S_j = 1; // column index for S
	while (size > 0)
		int k = 1;
		Matrix B(nrow_A, rank_A);
		for (int j = 0; j < ncol_A; j++)
			if (q.front().at(j) == true)
				for (int i = 1; i <= nrow_A; i++)
					B.Column(k) = A.Column(j + 1);
		// Find B already, and then find solution
		ColumnVector s(rank_A);
        s = Find_Solution(B, y);

	    // Insert zero into appropriate positions
	    // Find S_BFS matrix
		int kk = 1;
		ColumnVector soln(ncol_A);
		for (int i = 0; i < ncol_A; i++)
			if (q.front().at(i) == true)
				S_BFS(i + 1, S_j) = s(kk);
				S_BFS(i + 1, S_j) = 0;
	return S_BFS;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool SpectClust::findNLargestSymEvals(const SymmetricMatrix &W, int numLamda, std::vector<Numeric> &eVals, Matrix &EVec) {
  bool converged = false;
  DiagonalMatrix D(W.Ncols());
  Matrix E;
  try {
    EigenValues(W, D, E);
    converged = true;
    EVec.ReSize(W.Ncols(), numLamda);
    int count = 0;
    for(int i = W.Ncols(); i > W.Ncols() - numLamda; i--) {
      EVec.Column(++count) << E.Column(i);
  catch(const Exception &e) {
    Err::errAbort("Exception: " + ToStr(e.what()));
  catch(...) {
    Err::errAbort("Yikes couldn't calculate eigen vectors.");
  return converged;
Exemplo n.º 12
Matrix& operator *(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) {
	if (a.Column() != b.Row()) {
		throw "Exception : Invailed matrix size.\n";

	Matrix *re = new Matrix(a.Row(), b.Column());
	for (int i = 0; i < re->Row(); i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < re->Column(); j++) {
			register double f = 0.0;
			for (int k = 0; k < a.Column(); k++) {
				f += a(i, k) * b(k, j);
			(*re)(i, j) = f;
	return *re;
// produces the Cholesky decomposition of EAE where A = chol.t() * chol
// and E produces a LEFT circular shift of the rows and columns from
// 1,...,k-1,k,k+1,...l,l+1,...,p to
// 1,...,k-1,k+1,...l,k,l+1,...,p to
void left_circular_update_Cholesky(UpperTriangularMatrix &chol, int k, int l)
   int nRC = chol.Nrows();
   int i, j;

   // I. compute shift of column k to the lth position
   Matrix cholCopy = chol;
   // a. grab column k
   ColumnVector columnK = cholCopy.Column(k);
   // b. shift columns k+1,...l to the LEFT
   for(j = k+1; j <= l; ++j)
      cholCopy.Column(j-1) = cholCopy.Column(j);
   // c. copy the elements of columnK into the lth column of cholCopy
   cholCopy.Column(l) = 0.0;
   for(i = 1; i <= k; ++i)
      cholCopy(i,l) = columnK(i);

   // II. apply and compute Given's rotations
   int nGivens = l-k;
   ColumnVector cGivens(nGivens); cGivens = 0.0;
   ColumnVector sGivens(nGivens); sGivens = 0.0;
   for(j = k; j <= nRC; ++j)
      ColumnVector columnJ = cholCopy.Column(j);

      // apply the previous Givens rotations to columnJ
      int imax = j - k; if (imax > nGivens) imax = nGivens;
      for(int i = 1; i <= imax; ++i)
         int gIndex = i;
         int topRowIndex = k + i - 1;
         GivensRotationR(cGivens(gIndex), sGivens(gIndex),
            columnJ(topRowIndex), columnJ(topRowIndex+1));

      // compute a new Given's rotation when j < l
      if(j < l)
         int gIndex = j-k+1;
         columnJ(j) = pythag(columnJ(j), columnJ(j+1), cGivens(gIndex),
         columnJ(j+1) = 0.0;

      cholCopy.Column(j) = columnJ;

   chol << cholCopy;
// produces the Cholesky decomposition of EAE where A = chol.t() * chol
// and E produces a RIGHT circular shift of the rows and columns from
// 1,...,k-1,k,k+1,...l,l+1,...,p to
// 1,...,k-1,l,k,k+1,...l-1,l+1,...p
void right_circular_update_Cholesky(UpperTriangularMatrix &chol, int k, int l)
   int nRC = chol.Nrows();
   int i, j;
   // I. compute shift of column l to the kth position
   Matrix cholCopy = chol;
   // a. grab column l
   ColumnVector columnL = cholCopy.Column(l);
   // b. shift columns k,...l-1 to the RIGHT
   for(j = l-1; j >= k; --j)
      cholCopy.Column(j+1) = cholCopy.Column(j);
   // c. copy the top k-1 elements of columnL into the kth column of cholCopy
   cholCopy.Column(k) = 0.0;
   for(i = 1; i < k; ++i) cholCopy(i,k) = columnL(i);

    // II. determine the l-k Given's rotations
   int nGivens = l-k;
   ColumnVector cGivens(nGivens); cGivens = 0.0;
   ColumnVector sGivens(nGivens); sGivens = 0.0;
   for(i = l; i > k; i--)
      int givensIndex = l-i+1;
      columnL(i-1) = pythag(columnL(i-1), columnL(i),
         cGivens(givensIndex), sGivens(givensIndex));
      columnL(i) = 0.0;
   // the kth entry of columnL is the new diagonal element in column k of cholCopy
   cholCopy(k,k) = columnL(k);
   // III. apply these Given's rotations to subsequent columns
   // for columns k+1,...,l-1 we only need to apply the last nGivens-(j-k) rotations
   for(j = k+1; j <= nRC; ++j)
      ColumnVector columnJ = cholCopy.Column(j);
      int imin = nGivens - (j-k) + 1; if (imin < 1) imin = 1;
      for(int gIndex = imin; gIndex <= nGivens; ++gIndex)
         // apply gIndex Given's rotation
         int topRowIndex = k + nGivens - gIndex;
         GivensRotationR(cGivens(gIndex), sGivens(gIndex),
            columnJ(topRowIndex), columnJ(topRowIndex+1));
      cholCopy.Column(j) = columnJ;

   chol << cholCopy;
Exemplo n.º 15
bool GenSetBase::generateAll(Matrix& M, ColumnVector& X, double D){ 
  if (Size<=0 || Vdim<=0) {
    cerr << "***ERROR: GenSetBase::generateAll(Matrix,...) "
	 << "called with size=" << Size << ", vdim=" << Vdim << endl;
    return false;
  if (M.Ncols() != Size || M.Nrows() != Vdim) {
    cerr << "***ERROR: GenSetBase::generateAll(Matrix,...) "
	 << "dimesion of M expected to be "
	 << Vdim << "-by-" << Size 
	 << " but is " << M.Nrows() << "-by-" << M.Ncols()
	 << endl;
    return false;
  ColumnVector xi(Vdim);
  for (int i=1; i<=Size; i++) {
    generate(i, D, X, xi);
    M.Column(i) = xi;
  return true;
Exemplo n.º 16
bool SpectClust::findNLargestEvals(const Matrix &M, int numLamda, std::vector<Numeric> &eVals, Matrix &EVec, int maxIterations) {
  bool converged = true;
  EVec.ReSize(M.Ncols(), numLamda);
  Matrix W = M;
  for(int i = 1; i <= numLamda; i++) {
    ColumnVector maxVec;
    double maxVal;
    /* Get the maximum eigen vector. */
    converged = MaxEigen(W, maxVal, maxVec, maxIterations) && converged;
    EVec.Column(i) << maxVec;
    /* Now subtract of the largest eigen value to get the next
       largest in next iteration. */
    Matrix ToSub = maxVal * (maxVec * maxVec.t());
    W = W - ToSub;
  return converged;
Exemplo n.º 17
 * Set the matrix. This precalculates the norms for each column so
 * they are only calculated once.
 * @param M - Matrix to be used.
void AngleMetric::setMatrix(const Matrix &M) {
  for(int i=1; i <= M.Ncols(); i++) {
    m_Norms[i-1] = sqrt(M.Column(i).SumSquare());
Exemplo n.º 18
void SpectClustTest::testAngleDist() {
  Matrix M, Gold;
  SymmetricMatrix Dist;
  RFileToMatrix(M, "data/spike-in.b12.txt");
  RFileToMatrix(Gold, "data/spike-in.norm.angleDist.b12.0-2.txt");
  M = M.t();
  AngleMetric metric(M);
  SpectClust::fillInDistance(Dist, M, metric, false);
  Matrix Diff = Gold - Dist;
  double maxDiff = MaximumAbsoluteValue(Diff);
  if(maxDiff > .00001) {
  Matrix GoldVec;
  RFileToMatrix(GoldVec, "data/spike-in.norm.angleDist.eVec.b12.0-2.txt");
  bool converged = false;
  vector<double> eVals;
  Matrix EVec;
  converged = SpectClust::findNLargestEvals(Dist, 2, eVals, EVec, 200);
  // just so happens that our eigen vector finder gives a different
  // sign than R's.
  GoldVec.Column(1) = GoldVec.Column(1) * -1;
  //  GoldVec.Column(2) = GoldVec.Column(2) * -1;
  Diff = EVec - GoldVec;
  maxDiff = MaximumAbsoluteValue(Diff);
  if(maxDiff > .00001) {
  vector<int> clusters;
  SpectClust::partitionClusters(Dist, EVec, eVals, 2, clusters, 4, 0, 1);
  vector<int> pos, neg;
  for(int i = 0; i < clusters.size(); i++) {
    if(clusters[i] == 0) {
    else if(clusters[i] == 1) {
    else {
      Err::errAbort("Only expecting 0 or 1");
  Matrix Pos(pos.size(), 1), Neg(neg.size(),1);
  for(int i = 0; i < pos.size(); i++) {
    Pos.element(i,0) = pos[i] + 1;
  for(int i = 0; i < neg.size(); i++) {
    Neg.element(i,0) = neg[i] + 1;
  Matrix GoldPos, GoldNeg;
  RFileToMatrix(GoldPos, "data/spike-in.norm.angleDist.pos.b12.txt");
  RFileToMatrix(GoldNeg, "data/spike-in.norm.angleDist.neg.b12.txt");
  Diff = Pos - GoldPos;
  maxDiff = MaximumAbsoluteValue(Diff);
  if(maxDiff > .00001) {
  Diff = Neg - GoldNeg;
  maxDiff = MaximumAbsoluteValue(Diff);
  if(maxDiff > .00001) {
  vector<double> clusterVals;
  SpectClust::orderIntraClusterCorr(M, clusters, 2, clusterVals);
Exemplo n.º 19
inline ColumnVector col(Matrix const& m, size_t n)
  return m.Column(n);
Exemplo n.º 20
int unsupervised::estimate(int k_max, const Matrix& obs){
	if(FLAG) return 0;
	Dim = obs.Nrows();
	best_k_nz = k_max;
	int n=obs.Ncols();
	int k_min=1;
	int k_nz=k_max;
	int t=0;
	int tmp_int = 0;
	int N = Dim+Dim*(Dim+1)/2;
	double L_min = L_MAX;
	double tmp = 0.0;
	double tmp2 = 0.0;
	double criterion = 0.0;
	double previous = 0.0;
	Double2D u = AllocDouble_2D(n, k_max);
	Double2D w = AllocDouble_2D(n, k_max);
	Double1D alpha = AllocDouble_1D(k_max);
	best_alpha = AllocDouble_1D(k_max);
	bool flag = false;
	bool first_flag = true;
	mu = new ColumnVector [k_max];
	sigma = new Matrix [k_max];
	for(int i=0;i<k_max;i++){
	Double2D tmp4 = AllocDouble_2D(Dim,n);
	Double2D tmp_vectors = AllocDouble_2D(n,Dim);

	Int1D tmp5 = AllocInt_1D(n);
	for(int j=0;j<n;j++){  
		for(int i=0;i<Dim;i++){
			tmp4[i][j] = obs.element(i,j);
		tmp5[j] = 0;

    //initial estimate. reestimate in case a cluster is empty, and reduce maximum number of clusters
	int r,roop;
	/*Initialization of average and variance*/
	for(int j=0;j<k_max;j++){
		mu[j] = 0.0;
		sigma[j] = 0.0;
		for(int k=0;k<n;k++){
			if(tmp5[k] == j){
				for(int l=0;l<Dim;l++){
					mu[j].element(l) += tmp4[l][k];
					tmp_vectors[k][l] = tmp4[l][k];
		/*The routine for avoiding the non-positive definite matrix, in case of data<dimension,*/
		roop = 0;
		while(r <= Dim){
			for(int check=1; roop<n || check; roop++){
					for(int l=0;l<Dim;l++){
						mu[j].element(l) += tmp4[l][roop];
						tmp_vectors[r][l] = tmp4[l][roop];
						check = 0;
		best_alpha[j] = alpha[j] = (double) r / n;
        //std::cout<<"j "<<j<<" "<<alpha[j]<<std::endl;
		if (r) mu[j] /= r;
		for(int k=0;k<Dim;k++){
			for(int l=0;l<Dim;l++){
				for(int m=0;m<r;m++) 
                    sigma[j].element(k,l) += (tmp_vectors[m][k] - mu[j].element(k)) * 	(tmp_vectors[m][l] - mu[j].element(l));
				if (r) sigma[j].element(k,l) /= r;
				sigma[j].element(k,l) *= 2;
		/*previous routine is not perfect scheme, 
          finally we check if the covariance is positive definite*/
			for(int k=0;k<Dim;k++){
				for(int l=0;l<Dim;l++){
					if(k==l) sigma[j].element(k,l) = 1.0;
					else sigma[j].element(k,l) = 0.0;
	ColumnVector *mix_mu = new ColumnVector [k_max];
	Matrix *mix_sigma = new Matrix [k_max];
	for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
		for(int d=0;d<Dim;d++){
			mix_mu[m].element(d) = mu[m].element(d);
			for(int dd=0;dd<Dim;dd++){
				mix_sigma[m].element(d,dd) = sigma[m].element(d,dd);
	for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
		for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
			u[i][m] = gaussian(m, obs.Column(i+1));
			if(u[i][m]<UNDER_PROB) u[i][m] = UNDER_PROB;
#if 1 
		if(!t) criterion = L_MAX;
		first_flag = true;
			if(!first_flag) previous = criterion;
				previous = L_MAX;
				first_flag = false;
			flag = false;
			t += 1;
			for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
                //std::cout<<"m "<<m<<" "<<alpha[m]<<std::endl;
				if(!alpha[m]) flag = true;
				for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
					tmp = 0.0;
					for(int j=0;j<k_max;j++) {
                        tmp += alpha[j]*u[i][j];
                        //std::cout<<j<<" "<<tmp<<" "<<alpha[j]<<" "<<u[i][j]<<std::endl;
					if(tmp  ) {
                        //std::cout<<"tmp2 "<<tmp<<" "<< alpha[m] * u[i][m] / tmp<<std::endl;
                        w[i][m] = alpha[m] * u[i][m] / tmp;
                    alpha[m] = 0.0;
                    for(int i=0;i<n;i++) {
                        alpha[m] += w[i][m];
                        //std::cout<<i<<" "<<alpha[m]<<" "<<w[i][m]<<std::endl;
                    alpha[m] = max(0.0, alpha[m] - (double) N / 2.0);
                    tmp = 0.0;
                    for(int j=0;j<k_max;j++){
                        tmp2 = 0.0;
                        for(int i=0;i<n;i++) tmp2 += w[i][j];
                        //std::cout<<j<<" "<<tmp2<<" "<<N<<std::endl;
                        tmp += max(0.0, tmp2 - (double) N / 2.0);
                    //std::cout<<"tmp "<<tmp<<" "<<alpha[m]<<std::endl;
                    if(tmp ) alpha[m] = alpha[m] / tmp;
                    else alpha[m] = 0.0;
                tmp = 0.0;
                for(int l=0;l<k_max;l++) tmp += alpha[l];
                for(int l=0;l<k_max;l++) alpha[l] /= tmp;
                if(alpha[m] ){
                    mix_mu[m] = 0.0;
                    mix_sigma[m] = 0.0;
                    tmp = 0.0;
                    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
                        tmp += w[i][m];
                        mix_mu[m] += w[i][m] * obs.Column(i+1);
                    if(tmp  ) mix_mu[m] /= tmp;
                    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)
                        mix_sigma[m] += w[i][m] * (obs.Column(i+1)-mix_mu[m])*(obs.Column(i+1)-mix_mu[m]).t();
                    if(tmp  ) mix_sigma[m] /= tmp;
                    for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
                        u[i][m] = gaussian(obs.Column(i+1), mix_mu[m], mix_sigma[m]);
                        if(u[i][m]<UNDER_PROB) u[i][m] = UNDER_PROB;
                    if(!flag) k_nz--;
            tmp = 0.0;
            flag = false;
            criterion = (double) k_nz*log((double) n/12.0) / 2.0 + (double) k_nz*(N+1)/2.0;
            for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
                //std::cout<<tmp<<" "<<alpha[m]<<" "<<n<<" "<<log((double) n*alpha[m] / 12.0) << std::endl;
                if(alpha[m]) tmp += log((double) n*alpha[m] / 12.0);
            //std::cout<<tmp<<" "<<criterion<<std::endl;
            criterion += (double) N * tmp / 2.0;
            tmp = 0.0;
            for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
                tmp2 = 0.0;
                for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++) tmp2 += alpha[m]*u[i][m];
                if(tmp2>UNDER_PROB ) tmp += log(tmp2);
                else flag = true;
            if(flag) criterion = previous; 
            else criterion -= tmp;
            /*output the progression
              if(criterion==L_MAX) fprintf(stderr,"%d L_MAX(%d)\n",t, best_k_nz);
              else if(criterion<L_min) fprintf(stderr,"%d %lf(%d)\n",t, criterion, best_k_nz);
              else fprintf(stderr,"%d %lf(%d)\n",t, L_min, best_k_nz);

            //fprintf(stderr,"%d %lf(%d)\n",t, criterion, k_nz);
        }while((previous - criterion > THRESHOLD*fabs(previous)));
        if(criterion < L_min){
            L_min = criterion;
            for(int k=0;k<best_k_nz;k++){
            delete [] mu;
            delete [] sigma;
            best_alpha = AllocDouble_1D(k_nz);
            mu = new ColumnVector [k_nz];
            sigma = new Matrix [k_nz];
            for(int k=0, l=0;k<k_max;k++){
                if(alpha[k] ){
                    best_alpha[l] = alpha[k];
                    mu[l] = mix_mu[k];
                    sigma[l] = mix_sigma[k];
            best_k_nz = k_nz;
        tmp = 1e306;
        tmp2 = 0.0;
        tmp_int = 0;
        for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
            if(alpha[m] ){
                tmp2 += alpha[m];
                    tmp = alpha[m];
                    tmp_int = m;
        alpha[tmp_int] = 0.0;
        k_nz = 0;
        tmp2 -= tmp;
        if(tmp2  ){
            for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
                    alpha[m] /= tmp2;
    FreeDouble_2D(u, n, k_max);
    FreeDouble_2D(w, n, k_max);
    for(int m=0;m<k_max;m++){
    delete [] mix_mu;
    delete [] mix_sigma;
    FLAG = true;  //estimation is done.
    return best_k_nz;
Exemplo n.º 21
//Add a chunk of data
void SOGP::addM(const Matrix& in,const Matrix& out){
  for(int i=1;i<=in.Ncols();i++)
Exemplo n.º 22
bool Matrix::EqualsType(const Matrix& matrix) const {
	return Row() == matrix.Row() && Column() == matrix.Column();
Exemplo n.º 23
Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix& matrix) : Matrix(matrix.Row(), matrix.Column(), matrix.Values(), matrix.Size()) {
Exemplo n.º 24
double DistanceMetric::dist(const Matrix &M, int col1Ix, int col2Ix) const {
  Numeric dist = DotProduct(M.Column(col1Ix), M.Column(col2Ix));
  return dist;