void DataFeed::parse ( char *dataFeedPage,
		       long  dataFeedPageLen ) {
	// use Xml Class to parse up the page
	Xml xml;
	xml.set ( csUTF8, dataFeedPage, dataFeedPageLen, false, 0, false,
	// get the nodes
	long numNodes  = xml.getNumNodes();
	XmlNode *nodes = xml.getNodes();
	// to count the tiers, result levels, and level costs
	long currTier = 0;
	long currResultLevel = 0;
	long currLevelCost = 0;
	// pull out the keywords for the data feed
	for (long i = 0; i < numNodes; i++) {
		// skip if this isn't a meta tag, shouldn't happen
		if (nodes[i].m_nodeId != 68)
		// get the meta tag name
		//long tagLen;
		//char *tag = xml.getString(i, "name", &tagLen);
		long  ucTagLen;
		char *ucTag = xml.getString(i, "name", &ucTagLen);
		char tag[256];
		long tagLen = utf16ToLatin1 ( tag, 256,
					      (UChar*)ucTag, ucTagLen>>1 );
		// skip if empty
		if (!tag || tagLen <= 0)
		// get the content
		long ucConLen;
		char *ucCon = xml.getString(i, "content", &ucConLen);
		char con[1024];
		long conLen = utf16ToLatin1 ( con, 1024,
					      (UChar*)ucCon, ucConLen>>1 );
		if (!con || conLen <= 0)
		// match the meta tag to its local var and copy content
		if (tagLen == 10 && strncasecmp(tag, "customerid", 10) == 0)
			m_customerId = atoll(con);
		else if (tagLen == 11 && strncasecmp(tag, "datafeedurl", 11) == 0)
			setUrl(con, conLen);
		else if (tagLen == 8 && strncasecmp(tag, "passcode", 8) == 0)
			m_passcodeLen = setstr(m_passcode, MAX_PASSCODELEN, con, conLen);
		else if (tagLen == 6 && strncasecmp(tag, "status", 6) == 0)
			m_isActive = (bool)atoi(con);
		else if (tagLen == 6 && strncasecmp(tag, "locked", 6) == 0)
			m_isLocked = (bool)atoi(con);
		else if (tagLen == 14 && 
			 strncasecmp(tag, "dfcreationtime", 14) == 0)
			m_creationTime = atol(con);
		else if (tagLen == 8 && strncasecmp(tag, "numtiers", 8) == 0)
			m_priceTable.m_numTiers = atol(con);
		else if (tagLen == 15 && strncasecmp(tag, "numresultlevels", 15) == 0)
			m_priceTable.m_numResultLevels = atol(con);
		else if (tagLen == 10 && strncasecmp(tag, "monthlyfee", 10) == 0)
			m_priceTable.m_monthlyFee = atol(con);
		else if (tagLen == 7 && strncasecmp(tag, "tiermax", 7) == 0) {
			m_priceTable.m_tierMax[currTier] = (unsigned long)atol(con);
		else if (tagLen == 11 && strncasecmp(tag, "resultlevel", 11) == 0) {
			m_priceTable.m_resultLevels[currResultLevel] = (unsigned long)atol(con);
		else if (tagLen == 9 && strncasecmp(tag, "levelcost", 9) == 0) {
			m_priceTable.m_levelCosts[currLevelCost] = (unsigned long)atol(con);
			log(LOG_INFO, "datafeed: Invalid Meta Tag Parsed [%li]:"
			    " %s", tagLen, tag);
// returns length of stripped content, but will set g_errno and return -1
// on error
int32_t stripHtml( char *content, int32_t contentLen, int32_t version, int32_t strip ) {
	if ( !strip ) {
		log( LOG_WARN, "query: html stripping not required!" );
		return contentLen;
	if ( ! content )
		return 0;
	if ( contentLen == 0 )
		return 0;

	// filter content if we should
	// keep this on the big stack so "content" still references something
	Xml tmpXml;
	// . get the content as xhtml (should be NULL terminated)
	// . parse as utf8 since all we are doing is messing with 
	//   the tags...content manipulation comes later
	if ( !tmpXml.set( content, contentLen, version, CT_HTML ) ) {
		return -1;

	//if( strip == 4 )
	//	return tmpXml.getText( content, contentLen );

	// go tag by tag
	int32_t     n       = tmpXml.getNumNodes();
	XmlNode *nodes   = tmpXml.getNodes();
	// Xml class may have converted to utf16
	content    = tmpXml.getContent();
	contentLen = tmpXml.getContentLen();
	char    *x       = content;
	char    *xend    = content + contentLen;
	int32_t     stackid = -1;
	int32_t     stackc  =  0;
	char     skipIt  =  0;
	// . hack COL tag to NOT require a back tag
	// . do not leave it that way as it could mess up our parsing
	//g_nodes[25].m_hasBackTag = 0;
	for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i++ ) {
		// get id of this node
		int32_t id = nodes[i].m_nodeId;
		// if strip is 4, just remove the script tag
		if( strip == 4 ){
			if ( id ){
				if ( id == TAG_SCRIPT ){
					skipIt ^= 1;
			else if ( skipIt ) continue;
			goto keepit;
		// if strip is 3, ALL tags will be removed!
		if( strip == 3 ) {
			if( id ) {
				// . we dont want anything in between:
				//   - script tags (83)
				//   - style tags  (111)
				if ((id == TAG_SCRIPT) || (id == TAG_STYLE)) skipIt ^= 1;
				// save img to have alt text kept.
				if ( id == TAG_IMG  ) goto keepit;
			else {
				if( skipIt ) continue;
				goto keepit;
		// get it
		int32_t fk;
		if   ( strip == 1 ) fk = g_nodes[id].m_filterKeep1;
		else                fk = g_nodes[id].m_filterKeep2;
		// if tag is <link ...> only keep it if it has
		// rel="stylesheet" or rel=stylesheet
		if ( strip == 2 && id == TAG_LINK ) { // <link> tag id
			int32_t   fflen;
			char *ff = nodes[i].getFieldValue ( "rel" , &fflen );
			if ( ff && fflen == 10 &&
			     strncmp(ff,"stylesheet",10) == 0 )
				goto keepit;
		// just remove just the tag if this is 2
		if ( fk == 2 ) continue;
		// keep it if not in a stack
		if ( ! stackc && fk ) goto keepit;
		// if no front/back for tag, just skip it
		if ( ! nodes[i].m_hasBackTag ) continue;
		// start stack if none
		if ( stackc == 0 ) {
			// but not if this is a back tag
			if ( nodes[i].m_node[1] == '/' ) continue;
			// now start the stack
			stackid = id;
			stackc  =  1;
		// skip if this tag does not match what is on stack
		if ( id != stackid ) continue;
		// if ANOTHER front tag, inc stack
		if ( nodes[i].m_node[1] != '/' ) stackc++;
		// otherwise, dec the stack count
		else                             stackc--;
		// . ensure not negative from excess back tags
		// . reset stackid to -1 to indicate no stack
		if ( stackc <= 0 ) { stackid= -1; stackc = 0; }
		// skip it
		// replace images with their alt text
		int32_t vlen;
		char *v;
		if ( id == TAG_IMG ) {
			v = nodes[i].getFieldValue("alt", &vlen );
			// try title if no alt text
			if ( ! v )
				v = nodes[i].getFieldValue("title", &vlen );
			if ( v ) { gbmemcpy ( x, v, vlen ); x += vlen; }
		// remove background image from body,table,td tags
		if ( id == TAG_BODY || id == TAG_TABLE || id == TAG_TD ) {
			v = nodes[i].getFieldValue("background", &vlen);
			// remove background, just sabotage it
			if ( v ) v[-4] = 'x';
		// store it
		gbmemcpy ( x , nodes[i].m_node , nodes[i].m_nodeLen );
		x += nodes[i].m_nodeLen;
		// sanity check
		if ( x > xend ) { g_process.shutdownAbort(true);}
	contentLen = x - content;
	content [ contentLen ] = '\0';
	// unhack COL tag
	//g_nodes[25].m_hasBackTag = 1;
	return contentLen;