Пример #1
AnchoredSpring::preStep( double step )
   DBG_BLOCK( os_spr, "AnchoredSpring::prePositionStep(" << step << ")" );

   // Compute world anchors.
   Vec3f worldAnchorA = _bodyA->transform() * _anchorA;

   Vec3f x    = (_anchorB.position() - worldAnchorA);
   float dist = x.length();

   if( dist > CGConstf::epsilon() )
      x *= (1.0f/dist);
      x = Vec3f( 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f );
   x *= (dist - _restLength);

   // Apply friction using the velocity from B to A.
   Vec3f deltaV = -_bodyA->velocity( worldAnchorA );

   // Compute impulse to apply.
   // F = -kx - dv = k*(-x) + d*(-v)
   // p = F * t
   Vec3f p = x * (_stiffness * (float)step) + deltaV * (_damping * (float)step);

   _bodyA->applyImpulse( p, worldAnchorA );
   StdErr << "anchorA=" << _anchorA
          << " worldAnchorA=" << worldAnchorA
          << " deltaV=" << deltaV
          << " bodyA=" << _bodyA->referential()
          << " vel=" << _bodyA->linearVelocity()
          << " p=" << p
          << nl;

   // Compute the transformation needed to end a the desired orientation.
   Quatf curO = _bodyA->referential().orientation();
   Quatf desO = _anchorB.orientation();
   Quatf trfO = desO * curO.getInversed();
   // Compute the angular velocity related to this transformation.
   Vec3f axis;
   float angle;
   trfO.toAxisAngle( axis, angle );
   Vec3f angularVelocity = axis*(angle/(float)step);
   Vec3f diffAV = angularVelocity - _bodyA->angularVelocity();
   // Clamp angular velocity.
   float maxAV = _maxTorque*(float)step/_bodyA->mass();
   float diffAVLen = diffAV.length();
   if(  diffAVLen > maxAV )
      diffAV *= maxAV/diffAVLen;

   // Apply angular velocity.
   _bodyA->angularVelocity( _bodyA->angularVelocity() + diffAV );
   StdErr << "curO=" << curO
          << " desO=" << desO
          << " angVel=" << angularVelocity
          << " body=" << _bodyA->angularVelocity()
          << " diffAV=" << diffAV
          << nl;
   // FIXME.
   _bodyA->angularVelocity( Vec3f(0.0f) );