Пример #1
void StarDatabase::findVisibleStars(StarHandler& starHandler,
                                    const Point3f& position,
                                    const Quatf& orientation,
                                    float fovY,
                                    float aspectRatio,
                                    float limitingMag) const
    // Compute the bounding planes of an infinite view frustum
    Planef frustumPlanes[5];
    Vec3f planeNormals[5];
    Mat3f rot = orientation.toMatrix3();
    float h = (float) tan(fovY / 2);
    float w = h * aspectRatio;
    planeNormals[0] = Vec3f(0, 1, -h);
    planeNormals[1] = Vec3f(0, -1, -h);
    planeNormals[2] = Vec3f(1, 0, -w);
    planeNormals[3] = Vec3f(-1, 0, -w);
    planeNormals[4] = Vec3f(0, 0, -1);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        planeNormals[i] = planeNormals[i] * rot;
        frustumPlanes[i] = Planef(planeNormals[i], position);

Пример #2
void Galaxy::renderGalaxyPointSprites(const GLContext&,
                                      const Vec3f& offset,
                                      const Quatf& viewerOrientation,
                                      float brightness,
                                      float pixelSize)
    if (form == NULL)

    /* We'll first see if the galaxy's apparent size is big enough to
       be noticeable on screen; if it's not we'll break right here,
       avoiding all the overhead of the matrix transformations and
       GL state changes: */
        float distanceToDSO = offset.length() - getRadius();
        if (distanceToDSO < 0)
            distanceToDSO = 0;

        float minimumFeatureSize = pixelSize * distanceToDSO;
        float size  = 2 * getRadius();

        if (size < minimumFeatureSize)

    if (galaxyTex == NULL)
        galaxyTex = CreateProceduralTexture(width, height, GL_RGBA,
    assert(galaxyTex != NULL);


    Mat3f viewMat = viewerOrientation.toMatrix3();
    Vec3f v0 = Vec3f(-1, -1, 0) * viewMat;
    Vec3f v1 = Vec3f( 1, -1, 0) * viewMat;
    Vec3f v2 = Vec3f( 1,  1, 0) * viewMat;
    Vec3f v3 = Vec3f(-1,  1, 0) * viewMat;

    //Mat4f m = (getOrientation().toMatrix4() *
    //           Mat4f::scaling(form->scale) *
    //           Mat4f::scaling(getRadius()));

    Mat3f m =

    // Note: fixed missing factor of 2 in getRadius() scaling of galaxy diameter!
    // Note: fixed correct ordering of (non-commuting) operations!

    int   pow2  = 1;

    vector<Blob>* points = form->blobs;
    unsigned int nPoints = (unsigned int) (points->size() * clamp(getDetail()));
    // corrections to avoid excessive brightening if viewed e.g. edge-on

    float brightness_corr = 1.0f;
    float cosi;

    if (type < E0 || type > E3) //all galaxies, except ~round elliptics
        cosi = Vec3f(0,1,0) * getOrientation().toMatrix3()
                            * offset/offset.length();
        brightness_corr = (float) sqrt(abs(cosi));
        if (brightness_corr < 0.2f)
            brightness_corr = 0.2f;
    if (type > E3) // only elliptics with higher ellipticities
        cosi = Vec3f(1,0,0) * getOrientation().toMatrix3()
                            * offset/offset.length();
        brightness_corr = brightness_corr * (float) abs((cosi));
        if (brightness_corr < 0.45f)
            brightness_corr = 0.45f;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nPoints; ++i)
        if ((i & pow2) != 0)
            pow2 <<= 1;
            size /= 1.55f;
            if (size < minimumFeatureSize)

        Blob    b  = (*points)[i];
        Point3f p  = b.position * m;
        float   br = b.brightness / 255.0f;

        Color   c      = colorTable[b.colorIndex];     // lookup static color table
        Point3f relPos = p + offset;

        float screenFrac = size / relPos.distanceFromOrigin();
        if (screenFrac < 0.1f)
            float btot = ((type > SBc) && (type < Irr))? 2.5f: 5.0f;
            float a  = btot * (0.1f - screenFrac) * brightness_corr * brightness * br;

            glColor4f(c.red(), c.green(), c.blue(), (4.0f*lightGain + 1.0f)*a);

            glTexCoord2f(0, 0);          glVertex(p + (v0 * size));
            glTexCoord2f(1, 0);          glVertex(p + (v1 * size));
            glTexCoord2f(1, 1);          glVertex(p + (v2 * size));
            glTexCoord2f(0, 1);          glVertex(p + (v3 * size));