Пример #1
void CameraBlurListener::notifyMaterialRender(Ogre::uint32 pass_id, Ogre::MaterialPtr &mat)
	if (pass_id == 999) 
		if(mApp->pGame->pause == false)
			//acquire the texture flipping attribute in the first frame
				mRequiresTextureFlipping  = compositorinstance->getRenderTarget("previousscene")->requiresTextureFlipping();
			// this is the camera you're using
			#ifndef ROAD_EDITOR
			Ogre::Camera *cam = mApp->mSplitMgr->mCameras.front();
			Ogre::Camera *cam = mApp->mCamera;
			// get the pass
			Ogre::Pass *pass = mat->getBestTechnique()->getPass(0);
			Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr  params = pass->getFragmentProgramParameters();
			const Ogre::RenderTarget::FrameStats& stats =  mApp->getWindow()->getStatistics();
			float m_lastFPS =stats.lastFPS;
			Ogre::Matrix4 projectionMatrix   = cam->getProjectionMatrix();
			if (mRequiresTextureFlipping)
                // Because we're not using setProjectionMatrix, this needs to be done here
                // Invert transformed y
                projectionMatrix[1][0] = -projectionMatrix[1][0];
                projectionMatrix[1][1] = -projectionMatrix[1][1];
                projectionMatrix[1][2] = -projectionMatrix[1][2];
                projectionMatrix[1][3] = -projectionMatrix[1][3];
			Ogre::Matrix4 iVP = (projectionMatrix * cam->getViewMatrix()).inverse();

			if (params->_findNamedConstantDefinition("EPF_ViewProjectionInverseMatrix"))
				 params->setNamedConstant("EPF_ViewProjectionInverseMatrix", iVP);
			if (params->_findNamedConstantDefinition("EPF_PreviousViewProjectionMatrix"))
				params->setNamedConstant("EPF_PreviousViewProjectionMatrix", prevviewproj);
			if (params->_findNamedConstantDefinition("intensity"))
				params->setNamedConstant("intensity", mApp->pSet->motionblurintensity);
			float interpolationFactor = m_lastFPS * 0.03f ; //* m_timeScale m_timeScale is a multiplier to control motion blur interactively
			Ogre::Quaternion current_orientation = cam->getDerivedOrientation();
			Ogre::Vector3 current_position = cam->getDerivedPosition();
			Ogre::Quaternion estimatedOrientation = Ogre::Quaternion::Slerp(interpolationFactor, current_orientation, (m_pPreviousOrientation));
			Ogre::Vector3 estimatedPosition    = (1-interpolationFactor) * current_position + interpolationFactor * (m_pPreviousPosition);
			Ogre::Matrix4 prev_viewMatrix = Ogre::Math::makeViewMatrix(estimatedPosition, estimatedOrientation);//.inverse().transpose();
			// compute final matrix
			prevviewproj = projectionMatrix * prev_viewMatrix;

			// update position and orientation for next update time
			m_pPreviousOrientation = current_orientation;
			m_pPreviousPosition = current_position;			

Пример #2
void Stall::SetPosition(Ogre::Rectangle2D *rect, Ogre::Vector3 pos, float size)
    Ogre::Camera *camera =  CommonDeclarations::GetCamera()->GetOgreCamera();
    Ogre::Matrix4 vm = camera->getViewMatrix();
    Ogre::Matrix4 pm = camera->getProjectionMatrix();
    Ogre::Vector3 vpos = vm*pos;
    Ogre::Vector3 ppos = pm*vpos;

    rect->setCorners(ppos.x-size, ppos.y+size, ppos.x+size/AspectRatio, ppos.y-size);
Пример #3
Ogre::Vector2 DemoApp::GetScreenspaceCoords(const Ogre::Vector3& iPoint, const Ogre::Camera& iCamera)
    Ogre:: Vector3 point = iCamera.getProjectionMatrix() * (iCamera.getViewMatrix() * iPoint);

    Ogre::Vector2 screenSpacePoint = Ogre::Vector2::ZERO;
    screenSpacePoint.x = (point.x / 2.f) + 0.5f;
    screenSpacePoint.y = (point.y / 2.f) + 0.5f;

    return screenSpacePoint;
Пример #4
void TextComponent::OnUpdate(double time_diff) {
    if(mRefresh && mFont != "") {
        // calculate the text width
        mTextWidth = 0;
        Ogre::Font* font = dynamic_cast<Ogre::Font*>(Ogre::FontManager::getSingleton().getByName(Utils::ToStdString(mFont)).getPointer());
        if(font == nullptr) {
            Logger::Get().Warning("Cannot find font: \"" + mFont + "\".");
        } else {
            std::string str = Utils::ToStdString(mText);
            for(Ogre::String::iterator iter = str.begin(); iter < str.end(); ++iter) {
                if(*iter == 0x0020) {
                    mTextWidth += font->getGlyphAspectRatio(0x0030);
                } else {
                    mTextWidth += font->getGlyphAspectRatio(*iter);
            mTextWidth *= mFontSize;
        mRefresh = false;

    // set the position

    if(DisplayManager::Get()->GetMainCamera() == nullptr) {
        Logger::Get().Error("Cannot get main camera for text component: no main camera set. Disabling text component " + mName + ".");
    Ogre::Camera* camera = DisplayManager::Get()->GetMainCamera()->GetCamera();
    Ogre::Vector3 screen_pos(camera->getProjectionMatrix() * camera->getViewMatrix() * GetNode()->GetPosition(Node::SCENE));

    if(screen_pos.z >= 1) {
        // behind or in the camera, hide
    } else {

    float x = 1.0f - ((-screen_pos.x * 0.5f) + 0.5f);   // 0 <= x <= 1 // left := 0,right := 1
    float y = ((-screen_pos.y * 0.5f) + 0.5f);          // 0 <= y <= 1 // bottom := 0,top := 1

    x *= camera->getViewport()->getActualWidth();
    y *= camera->getViewport()->getActualHeight();

    mPanel->setWidth(mTextWidth + 2 * mPadding.x);
    mPanel->setHeight(mFontSize + 2 * mPadding.y);
    mPanel->setLeft(x - mTextWidth / 2 - mPadding.x);
    mPanel->setTop(y - mFontSize / 2 - mPadding.y);

    mLabel->setPosition(mPadding.x, mPadding.y);
    mLabel->setDimensions(mTextWidth, mFontSize);
Пример #5
MovableTextArea::getWorldTransforms(Ogre::Matrix4 *xform) const
    Ogre::Camera* camera = Ogre::Root::getSingleton().getAutoCreatedWindow()->getViewport(0)->getCamera();

    Ogre::Vector3 p = m_Position;
    p.z = p.z + m_AdditionalHeight;
    p = camera->getProjectionMatrix() * camera->getViewMatrix() * p;

    //p.x = 1 + p.x;
    //p.y = -1 + p.y;
    // we round aligment to pixel border to reduce blurring
    int width = Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().getViewportWidth() / 2;
    int height = Ogre::OverlayManager::getSingleton().getViewportHeight() / 2;
    p.x = (float)((int)((1 + p.x) * width)) / width;
    p.y = (float)((int)((-1 + p.y) * height)) / height;
    p.z = 0;

    *xform = Ogre::Matrix3::IDENTITY;
Пример #6
void GodRaysListener::notifyMaterialRender(Ogre::uint32 pass_id, Ogre::MaterialPtr &mat)
	if(pass_id !=1 
		&& pass_id !=2
		&& pass_id !=3
		return ;
	 // this is the camera you're using
    #ifndef ROAD_EDITOR
	Ogre::Camera *cam = mApp->mSplitMgr->mCameras.front();
	Ogre::Camera *cam = mApp->mCamera;

	//update the sun position
	Ogre::Light* sun =((App*)mApp)->sun;
	Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr params= mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getVertexProgramParameters();
	Ogre::GpuProgramParametersSharedPtr fparams= mat->getTechnique(0)->getPass(0)->getFragmentProgramParameters();
	//disable god rays when the sun is not facing us
	float enable=0.0f;
	if(sun != NULL)
		Ogre::Vector3 sunPosition = sun->getDirection() *100;
		Ogre::Vector3 worldViewPosition = cam->getViewMatrix() * sunPosition;
		Ogre::Vector3 hcsPosition = cam->getProjectionMatrix() * worldViewPosition;
		float unclampedLuminance = abs(hcsPosition.x)+abs(hcsPosition.y);
		Ogre::Vector2 sunScreenSpacePosition = Ogre::Vector2(0.5f + (0.5f * hcsPosition.x), 0.5f + (0.5f * -hcsPosition.y));
		SunScreenSpacePosition = Ogre::Vector4 ( sunScreenSpacePosition.x, sunScreenSpacePosition.y, 0, 1 );
		enable = (1.0f / ((unclampedLuminance > 1.0f) ? unclampedLuminance : 1.0f)) * (hcsPosition.z < 1 ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
	params->setNamedConstant("lightPosition", SunScreenSpacePosition);
	fparams->setNamedConstant("enableEffect", enable);
Пример #7
BOOL CEngineInterface::Axis_Trans(AXIS_TYPE typeSource, const fVector3& fvSource, AXIS_TYPE typeTar, fVector3& fvTarget)
	register Fairy::TerrainData*	pTerrainData = m_pFairySystem->getTerrainData();
	// 尚未加载
	if(pTerrainData && (pTerrainData->getXSize()==0 || pTerrainData->getZSize()==0))
		pTerrainData = 0;

	fVector3 fvScale = GetSacle();

	fvTarget = fvSource;
	if(!Axis_CheckValid(typeSource, fvSource)) return FALSE;
	if(typeSource == typeTar) return TRUE;

	case AX_GAME:
			if(AX_PLAN==typeTar) return TRUE;
			else if(AX_GFX == typeTar)
					fvTarget.x = pTerrainData->mPosition.x + (FLOAT)fvSource.x * pTerrainData->mScale.x;
					fvTarget.y = pTerrainData->mPosition.y + (FLOAT)fvSource.y * pTerrainData->mScale.y;
					fvTarget.z = pTerrainData->mPosition.z + (FLOAT)fvSource.z * pTerrainData->mScale.z;
					fvTarget.x = (FLOAT)fvSource.x * fvScale.x;
					fvTarget.y = (FLOAT)fvSource.y * fvScale.y;
					fvTarget.z = (FLOAT)fvSource.z * fvScale.z;
				return TRUE;
			else if(AX_SCREEN==typeTar)
				KLThrow("(AX_GAME->AX_SCREEN) Not support yet!");
	case AX_PLAN:
			if(!pTerrainData) return FALSE;

			FLOAT fGfxX = pTerrainData->mPosition.x + (FLOAT)fvSource.x * pTerrainData->mScale.x;
			FLOAT fGfxZ = pTerrainData->mPosition.z + (FLOAT)fvSource.z * pTerrainData->mScale.z;

				fvTarget.y = (pTerrainData->getHeightAtGrid(fvSource.x, fvSource.z)-pTerrainData->mPosition.y)/ pTerrainData->mScale.y;
				return TRUE;
			else if(AX_GFX == typeTar)
				fvTarget.x = fGfxX;
				fvTarget.z = fGfxZ;
				fvTarget.y = pTerrainData->getHeightAtGrid(fvSource.x, fvSource.z);
				return TRUE;
			else if(AX_SCREEN==typeTar)
				KLThrow("(AX_PLAN->AX_SCREEN) Not support yet!");

	case AX_GFX:
			if(AX_GAME==typeTar || AX_PLAN==typeTar)
					fvTarget.x = (fvSource.x-pTerrainData->mPosition.x)/pTerrainData->mScale.x;
					fvTarget.y = (fvSource.y-pTerrainData->mPosition.y)/pTerrainData->mScale.y;
					fvTarget.z = (fvSource.z-pTerrainData->mPosition.z)/pTerrainData->mScale.z;
					fvTarget.x = (fvSource.x)/fvScale.x;
					fvTarget.y = (fvSource.y)/fvScale.y;
					fvTarget.z = (fvSource.z)/fvScale.z;
				return TRUE;
			else if(AX_SCREEN==typeTar)
				//KLThrow("(AX_GFX->AX_SCREEN) Not support yet!");
				if(!pTerrainData) return FALSE;
				Ogre::Camera* pOgreCamera = m_pCamera_Current->GetOgreCamera();
				if(!pOgreCamera) return FALSE;
				if(!(pOgreCamera->isVisible(Ogre::Vector3(fvSource.x, fvSource.y, fvSource.z)))) return FALSE;

				// x:[-1w, 1w]	z:[-1h, 1h]
				Ogre::Vector3 vRet = pOgreCamera->getProjectionMatrix()* pOgreCamera->getViewMatrix() * Ogre::Vector3(fvSource.x, fvSource.y, fvSource.z);

				int nWidth  = m_pFairySystem->getViewport()->getActualWidth();
				int nHeight = m_pFairySystem->getViewport()->getActualHeight();

				fvTarget.x = (( vRet.x + 1.0f)*nWidth/2.0f);
				fvTarget.y = ((-vRet.y + 1.0f)*nHeight/2.0f);
				return TRUE;

	case AX_SCREEN:
			if(!pTerrainData) return FALSE;

			Ogre::Vector3 vRenderPos;
			BOOL bRet = m_pFairySystem->getTerrainIntersects(Fairy::Point((INT)fvSource.x, fvSource.y), vRenderPos);
			if(!bRet) return FALSE;

			if(AX_GAME==typeTar || AX_PLAN==typeTar)
				return Axis_Trans(AX_GFX, fVector3(vRenderPos.x, vRenderPos.y, vRenderPos.z), AX_GAME, fvTarget);
			else if(AX_GFX==typeTar)
				fvTarget = fVector3(vRenderPos.x, vRenderPos.y, vRenderPos.z);
				return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
void EC_OgreMovableTextOverlay::Update()
    if (!node_ || !visible_ || !placeable_ || renderer_.expired())


    Ogre::Camera* camera = renderer_.lock()->GetCurrentCamera();
    if (!camera)

    Ogre::Viewport* viewport = camera->getViewport();
    Ogre::Vector3 point = node_->_getDerivedPosition();

    // Is the camera facing that point? If not, hide the overlay and return.
    Ogre::Plane cameraPlane = Ogre::Plane(Ogre::Vector3(camera->getDerivedOrientation().zAxis()), camera->getDerivedPosition());
    if(cameraPlane.getSide(point) != Ogre::Plane::NEGATIVE_SIDE)

    // Hide the overlay if it's too far.
    Ogre::Vector3 res = camera->getDerivedPosition() - point;
    float distance = sqrt(res.x * res.x + res.y * res.y + res.z * res.z);

    if (distance > MAX_VISIBILITY_DISTANCE)

    // Set the alpha channel for the overlay.
    if (materialHasAlpha_)

    // Derive the 2D screen-space coordinates for node point.
    point = camera->getProjectionMatrix() * (camera->getViewMatrix() * point);

    // Transform from coordinate space [-1, 1] to [0, 1]
    float x = (point.x / 2) + 0.5f;
    float y = 1 - ((point.y / 2) + 0.5f);

    // Update the position (centering the text)
    container_->setPosition(x - (textDim_.x / 2), y);

    // Update the dimensions also if the window is resized.
    if (windowWidth_ != viewport->getActualWidth() ||
        windowHeight_ != viewport->getActualHeight())
        windowWidth_ = viewport->getActualWidth();
        windowHeight_ = viewport->getActualHeight();
        textDim_ = GetTextDimensions(text_);
        container_->setDimensions(textDim_.x, textDim_.y);

    ///\todo Scale the text and width and height of the container?
//        text_element_->setMetricsMode(Ogre::GMM_RELATIVE);
//        text_element_->setPosition(textDim_.x, textDim_.y);
//        text_element_->setPosition(textDim_.x / 10, 0.01);
//        text_element_->setCharHeight(max_x - min_x/*2*0.0175f*///);
