LinearCombinationObjective(const std::vector<Teuchos::RCP<Objective<Real> > > &obj)
   : Objective<Real>(), obj_(obj),
     xdual_(Teuchos::null), initialized_(false) {
   size_ = obj_.size();
   weights_.clear(); weights_.assign(size_,static_cast<Real>(1));
Пример #2
	GLuint Normals(std::vector<T>& dest) const
		auto n = _normals();
		dest.assign(n.begin(), n.end());
		return 3;
Пример #3
	GLuint TexCoordinates(std::vector<T>& dest) const
		auto t = _tex_coords();
		dest.assign(t.begin(), t.end());
		return 3;
Пример #4
//FIXME: improve performance
void filter_matches_by_lis(const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> src_keypoints,
		const std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> dst_keypoints,
		const std::vector<cv::DMatch> &matches,
		std::vector<char> &mask) {

	if(matches.size() != mask.size()) return;

	int valid_before = 0;
	for(size_t i=0; i<mask.size(); i++) {
		if(mask[i]) valid_before++;

	std::vector<int> sequence(matches.size());
	//determine horizontal order of matches (with respect to src_keypoints)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
		if(mask[i] == 0) {
		const float x_min = src_keypoints[matches[i].queryIdx].pt.x; // minimum of current match
		size_t x_min_counter = 0; // how many matches are smaller than current match
		for(size_t j = 0; j < matches.size(); j++) {
			size_t kp_index = matches[j].queryIdx;
			if(src_keypoints[kp_index].pt.x < x_min) {
		sequence[i] = x_min_counter;

	float last_min = 0.0;
	std::vector<int> sorted_sequence;
	std::map<int,int> seq2index_map; //maps sequence index to matches index
	//sort matches (with respect to dst_keypoints)
	for(size_t i = 0; i < matches.size(); i++) {
		float x_min = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
		size_t x_min_index = 0;
		for(size_t j = 0; j < matches.size(); j++) {
			if(mask[j] == 0) continue;
			size_t kp_index = matches[j].trainIdx;
			if(dst_keypoints[kp_index].pt.x < x_min
			&& dst_keypoints[kp_index].pt.x > last_min) {
				x_min = dst_keypoints[kp_index].pt.x;
				x_min_index = j;
		seq2index_map.insert( std::make_pair(sequence[x_min_index], x_min_index));
		last_min = x_min;

	std::vector<int> lis;
	find_lis(sorted_sequence, lis);
	mask.assign(mask.size(), 0);
	for(size_t i = 0; i < lis.size(); i++) {
		mask[ seq2index_map[lis[i]] ] = 1;

	int valid_after = 0;
	for(size_t i=0; i<mask.size(); i++) {
		if(mask[i]) valid_after++;
	dout << "filtered " << valid_before - valid_after << " matches by lis" << std::endl;
Пример #5
 void EvaluateYDerivatives(double time, const std::vector<double>& rY, std::vector<double>& rDY)
     rDY.assign(rY.begin(), rY.end());
Пример #6
		// callback for the complete message
		void complete_message_callback(const homog_track::HomogComplete& msg)
			/********** Begin splitting up the incoming message *********/
			// getting boolean indicating the reference has been set
			reference_set = msg.reference_set;

			// if the reference is set then will break out the points
			if (reference_set)
				// initializer temp scalar to zero
				temp_scalar = cv::Mat::zeros(1,1,CV_64F);
				// getting the current marker points
				circles_curr = msg.current_points;
				// getting the refernce marker points
				circles_ref = msg.reference_points;
				// setting the current points to the point vector
				curr_red_p.x = circles_curr.red_circle.x;
				curr_green_p.x = circles_curr.green_circle.x;
				curr_cyan_p.x = circles_curr.cyan_circle.x;
				curr_purple_p.x = circles_curr.purple_circle.x;
				curr_red_p.y = circles_curr.red_circle.y;
				curr_green_p.y = circles_curr.green_circle.y;
				curr_cyan_p.y = circles_curr.cyan_circle.y;
				curr_purple_p.y = circles_curr.purple_circle.y;
				// converting the points to be the projective coordinates
				for (int ii = 0; ii < curr_points_m.size(); ii++)
					curr_points_m[ii] = K.inv(cv::DECOMP_LU)*curr_points_m[ii];
					std::cout << "currpoints at " << ii << " is: " << curr_points_m[ii] << std::endl;
				// setting the reference points to the point vector
				ref_red_p.x = circles_ref.red_circle.x;
				ref_green_p.x = circles_ref.green_circle.x;
				ref_cyan_p.x = circles_ref.cyan_circle.x;
				ref_purple_p.x = circles_ref.purple_circle.x;
				ref_red_p.y = circles_ref.red_circle.y;
				ref_green_p.y = circles_ref.green_circle.y;
				ref_cyan_p.y = circles_ref.cyan_circle.y;
				ref_purple_p.y = circles_ref.purple_circle.y;
				// setting the reference points to the matrix vector, dont need to do the last one because its already 1<double>(0,0) = ref_red_p.x;<double>(1,0) = ref_red_p.y;<double>(0,0) = ref_green_p.x;<double>(1,0) = ref_green_p.y;<double>(0,0) = ref_cyan_p.x;<double>(1,0) = ref_cyan_p.y;<double>(0,0) = ref_purple_p.x;<double>(1,0) = ref_purple_p.y;
				// converting the points to be the projective coordinates
				for (int ii = 0; ii < ref_points_m.size(); ii++)
					ref_points_m[ii] = K.inv(cv::DECOMP_LU)*ref_points_m[ii];
					//std::cout << "refpoints at " << ii << " is: " << ref_points_m[ii] << std::endl;
				// if any of the points have a -1 will skip over the homography
				if (curr_red_p.x != -1 && curr_green_p.x != -1 && curr_cyan_p.x != -1 && curr_purple_p.x != -1)
					//std::cout << "hi" << std::endl;
					// finding the perspective homography
					G = cv::findHomography(curr_points_p,ref_points_p,0);
					//G = cv::findHomography(ref_points_p,ref_points_p,0);
					std::cout << "G: " << G << std::endl;
					// decomposing the homography into the four solutions
					// G and K are 3x3
					// R is 3x3
					// 3x1
					// 3x1
					// successful_decomp is the number of solutions found
					successful_decomp = cv::decomposeHomographyMat(G,K,R,T,n);
					std::cout << "successful_decomp: " << successful_decomp << std::endl;
					// if the decomp is successful will find the best matching
					if (successful_decomp > 0)
						std::cout << std::endl << std::endl << " begin check for visibility" << std::endl;
						// finding the alphas = 1/(<double>(2,0)*ref_red_p.x +<double>(2,1)*ref_red_p.y + 1); = 1/(<double>(2,0)*ref_green_p.x +<double>(2,1)*ref_green_p.y + 1); = 1/(<double>(2,0)*ref_cyan_p.x +<double>(2,1)*ref_cyan_p.y + 1); = 1/(<double>(2,0)*ref_purple_p.x +<double>(2,1)*ref_purple_p.y + 1);
						// finding the solutions that give the positive results
						for (int ii = 0; ii < successful_decomp; ii++)
							std::cout << "solution set number " << ii << std::endl;
							// performing the operation transpose(m)*R*n to check if greater than 0 later
							// order operating on is red green cyan purple
							for (int jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++)
								//std::cout << " T size: " << T[ii].size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " T type: " << T[ii].type() << std::endl;
								std::cout << " T value: " << T[ii] << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar 1 " << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								temp_scalar = curr_points_m[jj].t();
								//std::cout << " temp scalar 2 " << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								//std::cout << " R size: " << R[ii].size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " R type: " << R[ii].type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " R value: " << R[ii] << std::endl;
								temp_scalar = temp_scalar*R[ii];
								//std::cout << " temp scalar 3 " << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								//std::cout << " n size: " << n[ii].size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " n type: " << n[ii].type() << std::endl;
								std::cout << " n value: " << n[ii] << std::endl;
								temp_scalar = temp_scalar*n[ii];
								//std::cout << " temp scalar size: " << temp_scalar.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar type: " << temp_scalar.type() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value " << temp_scalar <<std::endl;
								//std::cout << " temp scalar value at 0,0" <<<double>(0,0) << std::endl;
								////std::cout << " scalar value check size: " << scalar_value_check.size() << std::endl;
								//std::cout << " \tthe value for the " << jj << " visibility check is: " << scalar_value_check[4*ii+jj] << std::endl;
						std::cout << " end check for visibility" << std::endl << std::endl;
						// restting first solution found and second solution found
						first_solution_found = false;
						second_solution_found = false;
						fc_found = false;
						// getting the two solutions or only one if there are not two
						for (int ii = 0; ii < successful_decomp; ii++)
							// getting the values onto the temporary vector
							// getting the start and end of the next solution
							temp_solution_start = scalar_value_check.begin() + 4*ii;
							temp_solution_end = scalar_value_check.begin() + 4*ii+4;
							// checking if all the values are positive
							all_positive = true;
							current_temp_index = 0;
							while (all_positive && current_temp_index < 4)
								if (temp_solution[current_temp_index] >= 0)
									all_positive = false;
							// if all the values were positive and a first solution has not been found will assign 
							// to first solution. if all positive and first solution has been found will assign
							// to second solution. if all positive is false then will not do anything
							if (all_positive && first_solution_found && !second_solution_found)
								// setting it to indicate a solution has been found
								second_solution_found = true;
								// setting the rotation, translation, and normal to be the second set
								second_R = R[ii];
								second_T = T[ii];
								second_n = n[ii];
								// setting the projected values
								second_solution = temp_solution;
							else if (all_positive && !first_solution_found)
								// setting it to indicate a solution has been found
								first_solution_found = true;
								// setting the rotation, translation, and normal to be the first set
								first_R = R[ii];
								first_T = T[ii];
								first_n = n[ii];
								// setting the projected values
								first_solution = temp_solution;
							// erasing all the values from the temp solution
						// erasing all the scalar values from the check
						// displaying the first solution if it was found
						if (first_solution_found)
							std::cout << std::endl << "first R: " << first_R << std::endl;
							std::cout << "first T: " << first_T << std::endl;
							std::cout << "first n: " << first_n << std::endl;
							for (double ii : first_solution)
								std::cout << ii << " ";
							std::cout << std::endl;
						// displaying the second solution if it was found
						if (second_solution_found)
							std::cout << std::endl << "second R: " << second_R << std::endl;
							std::cout << "second T: " << second_T << std::endl;
							std::cout << "second n: " << second_n << std::endl;
							for (double ii : second_solution)
								std::cout << ii << " ";
							std::cout << std::endl;
						// because the reference is set to the exact value when when n should have only a z componenet, the correct
						// choice should be the one closest to n_ref = [0,0,1]^T which will be the one with the greatest dot product with n_ref
						if (first_solution_found && second_solution_found)
							if ( >=
								R_fc = first_R;
								T_fc = first_T;
								R_fc = second_R;
								T_fc = second_T;
							fc_found = true;
						else if(first_solution_found)
							R_fc = first_R;
							T_fc = first_T;
							fc_found = true;
						//if a solution was found will publish
						// need to convert to pose message so use
						if (fc_found)
							// converting the rotation from a cv matrix to quaternion, first need it as a matrix3x3
							R_fc_tf[0][0] =<double>(0,0);
							R_fc_tf[0][1] =<double>(0,1);
							R_fc_tf[0][2] =<double>(0,2);
							R_fc_tf[1][0] =<double>(1,0);
							R_fc_tf[1][1] =<double>(1,1);
							R_fc_tf[1][2] =<double>(1,2);
							R_fc_tf[2][0] =<double>(2,0);
							R_fc_tf[2][1] =<double>(2,1);
							R_fc_tf[2][2] =<double>(2,2);
							std::cout << "Final R:\n" << R_fc << std::endl;
							// converting the translation to a vector 3
							std::cout << "Final T :\n" << T_fc << std::endl;
							// getting the rotation as a quaternion
							std::cout << "current orientation:" << "\n\tx:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getX() 
																<< "\n\ty:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getY() 
																<< "\n\tz:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getZ() 
																<< "\n\tw:\t" << Q_fc_tf.getW() 
																<< std::endl;
							std::cout << "norm of quaternion:\t" << Q_fc_tf.length() << std::endl;
							// getting the negated version of the quaternion for the check
							Q_fc_tf_negated = tf::Quaternion(-Q_fc_tf.getX(),-Q_fc_tf.getY(),-Q_fc_tf.getZ(),-Q_fc_tf.getW());
							std::cout << "negated orientation:" << "\n\tx:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getX() 
																<< "\n\ty:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getY() 
																<< "\n\tz:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getZ() 
																<< "\n\tw:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.getW() 
																<< std::endl;
							std::cout << "norm of negated quaternion:\t" << Q_fc_tf_negated.length() << std::endl;
							// showing the last orientation
							std::cout << "last orientation:" << "\n\tx:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getX() 
															 << "\n\ty:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getY() 
															 << "\n\tz:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getZ() 
															 << "\n\tw:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.getW() 
															 << std::endl;
							std::cout << "norm of last quaternion:\t" << Q_fc_tf_last.length() << std::endl;
							// checking if the quaternion has flipped
							Q_norm_current_diff = std::sqrt(std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getX() - Q_fc_tf_last.getX(),2.0)
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getY() - Q_fc_tf_last.getY(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getZ() - Q_fc_tf_last.getZ(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf.getW() - Q_fc_tf_last.getW(),2.0));
							std::cout << "current difference:\t" << Q_norm_current_diff << std::endl;
							Q_norm_negated_diff = std::sqrt(std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getX() - Q_fc_tf_last.getX(),2.0)
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getY() - Q_fc_tf_last.getY(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getZ() - Q_fc_tf_last.getZ(),2.0) 
														  + std::pow(Q_fc_tf_negated.getW() - Q_fc_tf_last.getW(),2.0));
							std::cout << "negated difference:\t" << Q_norm_negated_diff << std::endl;
							if (Q_norm_current_diff > Q_norm_negated_diff)
								Q_fc_tf = Q_fc_tf_negated;
							// updating the last
							Q_fc_tf_last = Q_fc_tf;
							// converting the tf quaternion to a geometry message quaternion
							Q_fc_gm.x = Q_fc_tf.getX();
							Q_fc_gm.y = Q_fc_tf.getY();
							Q_fc_gm.z = Q_fc_tf.getZ();
							Q_fc_gm.w = Q_fc_tf.getW();
							// converting the tf vector3 to a point
							P_fc_gm.x = T_fc_tf.getX();
							P_fc_gm.y = T_fc_tf.getY();
							P_fc_gm.z = T_fc_tf.getZ();
							// setting the transform with the values
							tf_broad.sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(fc_tf, msg.header.stamp,"f_star","f_current"));
							// setting the decomposed message
							pose_fc_gm.position = P_fc_gm;
							pose_fc_gm.orientation = Q_fc_gm;
							decomposed_msg.pose = pose_fc_gm;
							decomposed_msg.header.stamp = msg.header.stamp;
							decomposed_msg.header.frame_id = "current_frame_normalized";
							decomposed_msg.alpha_red = alpha_red;
							decomposed_msg.alpha_green = alpha_green;
							decomposed_msg.alpha_cyan = alpha_cyan;
							decomposed_msg.alpha_purple = alpha_purple;
							std::cout << "complete message\n" << decomposed_msg << std::endl << std::endl;
							// publish the marker
							marker.pose = pose_fc_gm;

				// erasing all the temporary points
				if (first_solution_found || second_solution_found)
					// erasing all the point vectors and matrix vectors
			/********** End splitting up the incoming message *********/
void BsplinesCurveEvaluator::evaluateCurve(const std::vector<Point>& ptvCtrlPts,
                                         std::vector<Point>& ptvEvaluatedCurvePts,
                                         const float& fAniLength,
                                         const bool& bWrap) const
    if (s_AddNewPt) return; 
    int iCtrlPtCount = ptvCtrlPts.size();
    ptvEvaluatedCurvePts.assign(ptvCtrlPts.begin(), ptvCtrlPts.end());
    float x = 0.0;
    float y1;
    // Bezier
    if (bWrap) {
        for (int i = 0; i < iCtrlPtCount; i++) {
            std::cout << "i" << i << std::endl;
            int p0 = (i) % iCtrlPtCount;
            int p1 = (i + 1) % iCtrlPtCount;
            int p2 = (i + 2) % iCtrlPtCount;
            int p3 = (i + 3) % iCtrlPtCount;
            for(float n=0; n < s_iSegCount; n++){
                float u = ((float)n)/((float)s_iSegCount-1);
                float y = (-1.0 / 6.0 * pow(u, 3) + 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 2) -  1.0 / 2.0 * u + 1.0 / 6.0) * ptvCtrlPts[p0].y + \
                    ( 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 3) -  pow(u, 2) + 2.0 / 3.0) * ptvCtrlPts[p1].y + \
                    (-1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 3) + 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 2) +  1.0 / 2.0 * u + 1.0 / 6.0) * ptvCtrlPts[p2].y + \
                    (1.0 / 6.0 * pow(u, 3) ) * ptvCtrlPts[p3].y;
                float len = ptvCtrlPts[p2].x - ptvCtrlPts[p1].x;
                if (len < 0) len += fAniLength;
                float x = ptvCtrlPts[p1].x + u * len;
                if (x > fAniLength)
                    x = x - fAniLength;
    } else {
        std::vector<Point> newPtvCtrlPts;
        for(int i=0;i<iCtrlPtCount;i++){
        int i = 0;
        for(; i < newPtvCtrlPts.size()-3; i++){
            for(float n=0; n < s_iSegCount; n++){
                float u = ((float)n)/((float)s_iSegCount-1);
                float x=0.0;
                float y=0.0;
                x = (-1.0 / 6.0 * pow(u, 3) + 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 2) -  1.0 / 2.0 * u + 1.0 / 6.0) * newPtvCtrlPts[i].x + \
                    ( 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 3) -  pow(u, 2) + 2.0 / 3.0) * newPtvCtrlPts[i + 1].x + \
                    (-1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 3) + 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 2) +  1.0 / 2.0 * u + 1.0 / 6.0) * newPtvCtrlPts[i + 2].x + \
                    (1.0 / 6.0 * pow(u, 3) ) * newPtvCtrlPts[i + 3].x;
                y = (-1.0 / 6.0 * pow(u, 3) + 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 2) -  1.0 / 2.0 * u + 1.0 / 6.0) * newPtvCtrlPts[i].y + \
                    ( 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 3) -  pow(u, 2) + 2.0 / 3.0) * newPtvCtrlPts[i + 1].y + \
                    (-1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 3) + 1.0 / 2.0 * pow(u, 2) +  1.0 / 2.0 * u + 1.0 / 6.0) * newPtvCtrlPts[i + 2].y + \
                    (1.0 / 6.0 * pow(u, 3) ) * newPtvCtrlPts[i + 3].y;
        // start
        ptvEvaluatedCurvePts.push_back(Point(0, ptvCtrlPts[0].y));
        // end
        ptvEvaluatedCurvePts.push_back(Point(fAniLength, ptvCtrlPts[iCtrlPtCount-1].y));
Пример #8
bool Updater::_readContentsFromZip(const char* szZipFile, const char* szFileName, 
					const char* szDiskFileName, char** ppMemoryBuf, unsigned int& nFileSize)
	assert(szZipFile && szFileName && (szDiskFileName || ppMemoryBuf) );
	if(!szZipFile || szZipFile[0]==0 || !szFileName || szFileName[0]==0 || (!szDiskFileName && !ppMemoryBuf))
		return false;

	PATCHFILE_MAP::iterator itPatch = 

	assert(itPatch != m_mapPatchFile.end());
	if(itPatch == m_mapPatchFile.end()) 
		setLastError(AXP_ERR_PARAM, "%s not inserted", szZipFile);
		return false;

	ZZIP_DIR* mZzipDir = (ZZIP_DIR*)(itPatch->second);

	std::string norFileName = normaliseName(szFileName, false, true);

	ZZIP_STAT zstat;
	memset(&zstat, 0, sizeof(ZZIP_STAT));

	ZZIP_FILE* zzipFile = zzip_file_open(mZzipDir, norFileName.c_str(), ZZIP_ONLYZIP | ZZIP_CASELESS);
		int zip_err = zzip_dir_stat(mZzipDir, norFileName.c_str(), &zstat, ZZIP_CASEINSENSITIVE);

			setLastError(AXP_ERR_ZIPFILE, "ziperr=%d", mZzipDir->errcode);
			return false;

		char szDiskFilePath[MAX_PATH] = {0};
		strncpy(szDiskFilePath, szDiskFileName, MAX_PATH);
		if(szDiskFilePath[0]!=0 && !forceCreatePath(szDiskFilePath))

			setLastError(AXP_ERR_FILE_ACCESS, "Path=%s, WinErr=%d", szDiskFilePath, ::GetLastError());
			return false;

		HANDLE hDiskFile = ::CreateFile(szDiskFileName, 


			setLastError(AXP_ERR_FILE_ACCESS, "File=%s, WinErr=%d", szDiskFileName, ::GetLastError());
			return false;

		if(zstat.st_size > 0)
			const int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096;
			char buffer[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};

			zzip_seek(zzipFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
			zzip_ssize_t zReadSize = zzip_file_read(zzipFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
			unsigned int nActWriteSize = 0;

				if(zReadSize==0) break;

				DWORD dwBytesWrite;
				if(!WriteFile(hDiskFile, buffer, (DWORD)zReadSize, &dwBytesWrite, 0) || 
					dwBytesWrite != (DWORD)zReadSize)

					setLastError(AXP_ERR_FILE_WRITE, "File=%s, WinErr: %d", szDiskFileName, GetLastError());
					return false;

				if(zzip_tell(zzipFile) >=zstat.st_size) break;

				zReadSize = zzip_file_read(zzipFile, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
		CloseHandle(hDiskFile); hDiskFile=0;

		unsigned int nMemoryNeed = (unsigned int)zstat.st_size+1;
		while(nMemoryNeed%4)nMemoryNeed++;	//upbound 4

		static std::vector< unsigned char > s_autoMemory;
		if(s_autoMemory.size() < nMemoryNeed) 
		s_autoMemory.assign(s_autoMemory.size(), 0);

		if(zstat.st_size > 0)
			zzip_seek(zzipFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
			zzip_ssize_t nZipSize = zzip_file_read(zzipFile, (char*)&(s_autoMemory[0]), zstat.st_size);
			if(nZipSize != zstat.st_size)
				setLastError(AXP_ERR_ZIPFILE, "ziperr=%d", mZzipDir->errcode);
				return false;
		*ppMemoryBuf = (char *)(&(s_autoMemory[0]));

	if(zzipFile)zzip_file_close(zzipFile);	zzipFile=0;

	nFileSize = (unsigned int)zstat.st_size;
	return true;
Пример #9
// helpers
static void resetLightUniformValues()
    const auto& conf = Configuration::getInstance();
    int maxDirLight = conf->getMaxSupportDirLightInShader();
    int maxPointLight = conf->getMaxSupportPointLightInShader();
    int maxSpotLight = conf->getMaxSupportSpotLightInShader();

    s_dirLightUniformColorValues.assign(maxDirLight, Vec3::ZERO);
    s_dirLightUniformDirValues.assign(maxDirLight, Vec3::ZERO);

    s_pointLightUniformColorValues.assign(maxPointLight, Vec3::ZERO);
    s_pointLightUniformPositionValues.assign(maxPointLight, Vec3::ZERO);
    s_pointLightUniformRangeInverseValues.assign(maxPointLight, 0.0f);

    s_spotLightUniformColorValues.assign(maxSpotLight, Vec3::ZERO);
    s_spotLightUniformPositionValues.assign(maxSpotLight, Vec3::ZERO);
    s_spotLightUniformDirValues.assign(maxSpotLight, Vec3::ZERO);
    s_spotLightUniformInnerAngleCosValues.assign(maxSpotLight, 0.0f);
    s_spotLightUniformOuterAngleCosValues.assign(maxSpotLight, 0.0f);
    s_spotLightUniformRangeInverseValues.assign(maxSpotLight, 0.0f);
Пример #10
void PHG4HoughTransform::projectToRadius(const SvtxTrackState* state,
					 int charge,
					 double B,
					 double radius,
					 std::vector<double>& intersection) {
  // find 2d intersections in x,y plane
  std::set<std::vector<double> > intersections;
  if (B != 0.0) {
    // magentic field present, project track as a circle leaving the state position
    // compute the center of rotation and the helix parameters
    // x(u) = r*cos(q*u+cphi) + cx
    // y(u) = r*sin(q*u+cphi) + cy
    // z(u) = b*u + posz;
    double cr = state->get_pt() * 333.6 / B;                                  // radius of curvature
    double cx = state->get_x() - (state->get_py()*cr)/charge/state->get_pt(); // center of rotation, x
    double cy = (state->get_px()*cr)/charge/state->get_pt() + state->get_y(); // center of rotation, y
    double cphi = atan2(state->get_y()-cy,state->get_x()-cx);                 // phase of state position
    double b = state->get_pz()/state->get_pt()*cr;                            // pitch along z

    if (!circle_circle_intersections(0.0,0.0,radius,
				     &intersections)) {

    if (intersections.empty()) return;
    // downselect solutions based on track direction
    // we want the solution where the state vector would exit the cylinder
    // this can be determined by the direction that the track circulates in

    // rotate the px,py to the postion of the solution
    // then ask if the dot product of the displacement vector between the solution
    // and the cylinder center with the rotated momentum vector is positive
    std::set<std::vector<double> >::iterator remove_iter = intersections.end();
    double intersection_z = 0.0;
    for (std::set<std::vector<double> >::iterator iter = intersections.begin();
	 iter != intersections.end();
	 ++iter) {
      double x = iter->at(0);
      double y = iter->at(1);

      // find the azimuthal rotation about the center of rotation between the state vector and the solution

      // displacement between center of rotation and solution
      double dx = x - cx;
      double dy = y - cy;
      double dphi = atan2(dy,dx);
      // displacement between center of rotation and state position
      double state_dx = state->get_x() - cx;
      double state_dy = state->get_y() - cy;
      double state_dphi = atan2(state_dy,state_dx);

      // relative rotation angle
      double rotphi = (dphi-state_dphi);
      // rotated momentum at the solution
      double rotpx = cos(rotphi)*state->get_px() - sin(rotphi)*state->get_py();
      double rotpy = sin(rotphi)*state->get_px() + cos(rotphi)*state->get_py();
      // assumes cylinder is centered at 0,0
      double dot = rotpx*x + rotpy*y;

      // our solution will have a momentum vector leaving the cylinder surface
      if (dot >= 0.0) {
	// find the solution for z
	double u = (dphi - cphi)/charge;
	// look only along the projection (not backward)
	if (u > 2.0*M_PI) {
	  u = u - 2.0*M_PI;
	} else if (u < 0.0) {
	  u = u + 2.0*M_PI;

	intersection_z = b*u+state->get_z();      
      } else {
	remove_iter = iter;

    if (remove_iter != intersections.end()) {

    if (intersections.empty()) return;
    intersection[0] = intersections.begin()->at(0);
    intersection[1] = intersections.begin()->at(1);
    intersection[2] = intersection_z;

  } else {
    // no magnetic field project track as a line

    if (intersections.empty()) return;
    // downselect solutions based on track direction
    // we want the solution where the state vector would point outward
    // since the track doesn't bend this will be the solution where
    // the dot product of the displacement between the solution and the cylinder center
    // and the momentum vector is positive
    std::set<std::vector<double> >::iterator remove_iter = intersections.end();
    double intersection_z = 0.0;
    for (std::set<std::vector<double> >::iterator iter = intersections.begin();
      	 iter != intersections.end();
      	 ++iter) {
      double x = iter->at(0);
      double y = iter->at(1);

      // assumes cylinder is centered at 0,0
      double dot = state->get_px()*x + state->get_py()*y;
      if (dot >= 0.0) {

	// x(u) = px*u + x1
	// y(u) = py*u + y1
	// z(u) = pz*u + z1
	double u = NAN;
	if (state->get_px() != 0) {
	  u = (intersection[0] - state->get_x()) / state->get_px();
	} else if (state->get_py() != 0) {
	  u = (intersection[1] - state->get_y()) / state->get_py();      

	intersection_z = state->get_pz()*u+state->get_z();    
      } else {
	remove_iter = iter;

    if (remove_iter != intersections.end()) {

    if (intersections.empty()) return;

    intersection[0] = intersections.begin()->at(0);
    intersection[1] = intersections.begin()->at(1);
    intersection[2] = intersection_z;

Пример #11
ICOOutput::write_scanline(int y, int z, TypeDesc format, const void* data,
                          stride_t xstride)
    m_spec.auto_stride(xstride, format, spec().nchannels);
    const void* origdata = data;
    data = to_native_scanline(format, data, xstride, m_scratch, m_dither, y, z);
    if (data == origdata) {
        m_scratch.assign((unsigned char*)data,
                         (unsigned char*)data + m_spec.scanline_bytes());
        data = &m_scratch[0];

    if (m_want_png) {
        if (!PNG_pvt::write_row(m_png, (png_byte*)data)) {
            error("PNG library error");
            return false;
    } else {
        unsigned char* bdata = (unsigned char*)data;
        unsigned char buf[4];

              m_offset + sizeof(ico_bitmapinfo)
                  + (m_spec.height - y - 1) * m_xor_slb,
        // write the XOR mask
        size_t buff_size = 0;
        for (int x = 0; x < m_spec.width; x++) {
            switch (m_color_type) {
                // reuse PNG constants
            case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY:
                buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = bdata[x];
                buff_size                = 3;
            case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA:
                buf[0] = buf[1] = buf[2] = bdata[x * 2 + 0];
                buf[3]                   = bdata[x * 2 + 1];
                buff_size                = 4;
            case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB:
                buf[0]    = bdata[x * 3 + 2];
                buf[1]    = bdata[x * 3 + 1];
                buf[2]    = bdata[x * 3 + 0];
                buff_size = 3;
            case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA:
                buf[0]    = bdata[x * 4 + 2];
                buf[1]    = bdata[x * 4 + 1];
                buf[2]    = bdata[x * 4 + 0];
                buf[3]    = bdata[x * 4 + 3];
                buff_size = 4;

            if (!fwrite(buf, 1, buff_size)) {
                return false;

              m_offset + sizeof(ico_bitmapinfo) + m_spec.height * m_xor_slb
                  + (m_spec.height - y - 1) * m_and_slb,
        // write the AND mask
        // It's required even for 32-bit images because it can be used when
        // drawing at colour depths lower than 24-bit. If it's not present,
        // Windows will read out-of-bounds, treating any data that it
        // encounters as the AND mask, resulting in ugly transparency effects.
        // Only need to do this for images with alpha, becasue 0 is opaque,
        // and we've already filled the file with zeros.
        if (m_color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY
            && m_color_type != PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB) {
            for (int x = 0; x < m_spec.width; x += 8) {
                buf[0] = 0;
                for (int b = 0; b < 8 && x + b < m_spec.width; b++) {
                    switch (m_color_type) {
                    case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA:
                        buf[0] |= bdata[(x + b) * 2 + 1] <= 127 ? (1 << (7 - b))
                                                                : 0;
                    case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA:
                        buf[0] |= bdata[(x + b) * 4 + 3] <= 127 ? (1 << (7 - b))
                                                                : 0;

                if (!fwrite(&buf[0], 1, 1)) {
                    return false;

    return true;
Пример #12
bool IOStub::write(const uint8_t* buff, size_t bytes)
  if(bytes == 0)
    return true;

  size_t last_index = _input.size();
  _input.insert(_input.end(), buff, buff + bytes);

  auto start = _input.begin() + last_index;
  auto match = std::find(start, _input.end(), '\n');

  if(match == _input.end())
    return true;

  std::string data = std::string(start, match);

  bool is_query = false;
    case '?':
      is_query = true;
    case '=':
      is_query = false;
      return false;
  std::string cmd;
  std::string args;

    cmd = data.substr(1);
    size_t end = data.find(',');
    cmd = data.substr(1, end - 1);
    //apparent fencepost error here is to remove the newline
    args = data.substr(end + 1);


  const auto& processor = _processors.find(cmd);

  std::string resp = "";
  if(processor != _processors.end())
    resp = processor->second(processor->first, args);

    _response_data.assign(resp.begin(), resp.end());
  return true;
Пример #13
		void Train(mxnet::NDArray data_array, mxnet::NDArray label_array,
			int max_epoches, int val_fold, float start_learning_rate, std::vector<mxnet::NDArray> &argsl) {
			/*prepare ndarray*/
			learning_rate = start_learning_rate;
			size_t data_count = data_array.shape()[0];
			size_t val_data_count = data_count * val_fold / 10;
			size_t train_data_count = data_count - val_data_count;
			train_data = data_array.Slice(0, train_data_count);
			train_label = label_array.Slice(0, train_data_count);
			val_data = data_array.Slice(train_data_count, data_count);
			val_label = label_array.Slice(train_data_count, data_count);
			size_t batch_size = in_args[0].shape()[0];

			/*start the training*/
			for (int iter = 0; iter < max_epoches; ++iter) {
				size_t start_index = 0;
				in_args[0] =
					train_data.Slice(start_index, start_index + batch_size).Copy(ctx_dev);
				in_args[in_args.size() - 1] =
					train_label.Slice(start_index, start_index + batch_size)
				in_args[in_args.size() - 1].WaitToRead();
				while (start_index < train_data_count) {
					/*rebind the excutor*/
					delete exe;
					exe = mxnet::Executor::Bind(net, ctx_dev, g2c, in_args, arg_grad_store,
						grad_req_type, aux_states);



					start_index += batch_size;
					if (start_index < train_data_count) {
						if (start_index + batch_size >= train_data_count)
							start_index = train_data_count - batch_size;
						in_args[0] = train_data.Slice(start_index, start_index + batch_size)
						in_args[in_args.size() - 1] =
							train_label.Slice(start_index, start_index + batch_size)

					for (size_t i = 1; i < in_args.size() - 1; ++i) {
						optimizer->Update(i, &in_args[i], &arg_grad_store[i], learning_rate);
					for (size_t i = 1; i < in_args.size() - 1; ++i) {
					in_args[in_args.size() - 1].WaitToRead();

				/*call every iter*/
				TrainingCallBack(iter, exe);
			argsl.assign(in_args.begin(), in_args.end());
Пример #14
/**get vector of minimal and maximal values from the class */
void MDWSDescription::getMinMax(std::vector<double> &min,
                                std::vector<double> &max) const {
  min.assign(m_DimMin.begin(), m_DimMin.end());
  max.assign(m_DimMax.begin(), m_DimMax.end());
Пример #15
	GLuint Bitangents(std::vector<T>& dest) const
		auto v = _bitangents();
		dest.assign(v.begin(), v.end());
		return 3;
/// Encode translation and structure linear program with slack variables
///  in order to handle noisy measurements.
void EncodeTiXi_withNoise
  const Mat & M, //Scene representation
  const std::vector<Mat3> & Ri,
  double sigma, // Start upper bound
  sRMat & A, Vec & C,
  std::vector<LP_Constraints::eLP_SIGN> & vec_sign,
  std::vector<double> & vec_costs,
  std::vector<std::pair<double,double>> & vec_bounds
  // Build Constraint matrix.

  const size_t Ncam = (size_t) M.row(3).maxCoeff()+1;
  const size_t N3D  = (size_t) M.row(2).maxCoeff()+1;
  const size_t Nobs = M.cols();

  assert(Ncam == Ri.size());

  A.resize(5*Nobs+3, 3 * (Ncam + N3D + Nobs));

  C.resize(5 * Nobs + 3, 1);

  const size_t transStart  = 0;
  const size_t pointStart  = transStart + 3*Ncam;
  const size_t offsetStart = pointStart + 3*N3D;
# define TVAR(i, el) (0 + 3*(i) + (el))
# define XVAR(j, el) (pointStart + 3*(j) + (el))
# define OFSVAR(k, el) (offsetStart + 3*(k) + (el))

  // Set objective coefficients.
  vec_costs = std::vector<double>(3 * (Ncam + N3D + Nobs), 0.0);
  for (size_t k = 0; k < Nobs; ++k)
     vec_costs[OFSVAR(k, 0)] = 1.0;
     vec_costs[OFSVAR(k, 1)] = 1.0;
     vec_costs[OFSVAR(k, 2)] = 1.0;

  // By default set free variable:
  vec_bounds.assign( 3 * (Ncam + N3D + Nobs),
    {std::numeric_limits<double>::lowest(), std::numeric_limits<double>::max()});
  // Change the offset to be positive
  for (size_t k = 0; k < 3*Nobs; ++k)
    vec_bounds[offsetStart + k].first = 0;

  size_t rowPos = 0;
  // Add the cheirality conditions (R_i*X_j + T_i)_3 >= 1
  for (size_t k = 0; k < Nobs; ++k)
    const size_t indexPt3D = M(2,k);
    const size_t indexCam  = M(3,k);
    const Mat3 & R = Ri[indexCam];

    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 0)) = R(2,0);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 1)) = R(2,1);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 2)) = R(2,2);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 2)) = 1.0;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, OFSVAR(k, 2)) = 1.0;
    C(rowPos) = 1.0;
    vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL;
  } // end for (k)

  // Add conic constraint:
  for (size_t k = 0; k < Nobs; ++k)
    const Vec2 pt   = M.block<2,1>(0,k);
    const double u = pt(0);
    const double v = pt(1);
    const size_t indexPt3D = M(2,k);
    const size_t indexCam  = M(3,k);
    const Mat3 & R = Ri[indexCam];

    // x-residual =>
    // (R_i*X_j + T_i)_1 / (R_i*X_j + T_i)_3 - u >= -sigma
    // (R_i*X_j + T_i)_1 - u * (R_i*X_j + T_i)_3  + sigma (R_i*X_j + T_i)_3  >= 0.0
    // R_i_3 * (sigma-u) + R_i_1 + t_i_1 + t_i_3 * (sigma-u) >= 0

    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 0)) = R(0,0) + (sigma-u) * R(2,0);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 1)) = R(0,1) + (sigma-u) * R(2,1);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 2)) = R(0,2) + (sigma-u) * R(2,2);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 0)) = 1.0;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 2)) = sigma-u;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, OFSVAR(k, 0)) = 1.0;
    C(rowPos) = 0.0;
    vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL;

    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 0)) = R(0,0) - (sigma+u) * R(2,0);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 1)) = R(0,1) - (sigma+u) * R(2,1);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 2)) = R(0,2) - (sigma+u) * R(2,2);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 0)) = 1.0;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 2)) = -(sigma + u);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, OFSVAR(k, 0)) = -1.0;
    C(rowPos) = 0.0;
    vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_LESS_OR_EQUAL;

    // y-residual =>
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 0)) = R(1,0) + (sigma-v) * R(2,0);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 1)) = R(1,1) + (sigma-v) * R(2,1);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 2)) = R(1,2) + (sigma-v) * R(2,2);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, OFSVAR(k, 1)) = 1.0;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 1)) = 1.0;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 2)) = sigma-v;

    C(rowPos) = 0.0;
    vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_GREATER_OR_EQUAL;

    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 0)) = R(1,0) - (sigma+v) * R(2,0);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 1)) = R(1,1) - (sigma+v) * R(2,1);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, XVAR(indexPt3D, 2)) = R(1,2) - (sigma+v) * R(2,2);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 1)) = 1.0;
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(indexCam, 2)) = -(sigma + v);
    A.coeffRef(rowPos, OFSVAR(k, 1)) = -1.0;
    C(rowPos) = 0.0;
    vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_LESS_OR_EQUAL;
  // Fix the translation ambiguity. (set first cam at (0,0,0)
  A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(0, 0)) = 1.0; C(rowPos) = 0.0; vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_EQUAL; ++rowPos;
  A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(0, 1)) = 1.0; C(rowPos) = 0.0; vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_EQUAL; ++rowPos;
  A.coeffRef(rowPos, TVAR(0, 2)) = 1.0; C(rowPos) = 0.0; vec_sign[rowPos] = LP_Constraints::LP_EQUAL; ++rowPos;

# undef TVAR
# undef XVAR
# undef OFSVAR
Пример #17
	GLuint TexCoordinates(std::vector<T>& dest) const
		auto v = _tex_coords();
		dest.assign(v.begin(), v.end());
		return 2;
Пример #18
void ETHZParser::getStateVectorNames(std::vector<std::string>& stateVecNames)
	stateVecNames.assign(_vStateVectorNames.begin(), _vStateVectorNames.end());
TensorMechanicsPlasticWeakPlaneShear::activeConstraints(const std::vector<Real> & f, const RankTwoTensor & stress, const Real & intnl, const RankFourTensor & Eijkl, std::vector<bool> & act, RankTwoTensor & returned_stress) const
  act.assign(1, false);
  returned_stress = stress;

  if (f[0] <= _f_tol)

  // in the following i will derive returned_stress for the case smoother=0

  Real tanpsi = tan_psi(intnl);
  Real tanphi = tan_phi(intnl);

  // norm is the normal to the yield surface
  // with f having psi (dilation angle) instead of phi:
  // norm(0) = df/dsig(2,0) = df/dsig(0,2)
  // norm(1) = df/dsig(2,1) = df/dsig(1,2)
  // norm(2) = df/dsig(2,2)
  std::vector<Real> norm(3, 0.0);
  Real tau = std::sqrt(std::pow((stress(0,2) + stress(2,0))/2, 2) + std::pow((stress(1,2) + stress(2,1))/2, 2));
  if (tau > 0.0)
    norm[0] = 0.25*(stress(0, 2)+stress(2,0))/tau;
    norm[1] = 0.25*(stress(1, 2)+stress(2,1))/tau;
    returned_stress(2, 2) = cohesion(intnl)/tanphi;
    act[0] = true;
  norm[2] = tanpsi;

  // to get the flow directions, we have to multiply norm by Eijkl.
  // I assume that E(0,2,0,2) = E(1,2,1,2), and E(2,2,0,2) = 0 = E(0,2,1,2), etc
  // with the usual symmetry.  This makes finding the returned_stress
  // much easier.
  // returned_stress = stress - alpha*n
  // where alpha is chosen so that f = 0
  Real alpha = f[0]/(Eijkl(0,2,0,2) + Eijkl(2,2,2,2)*tanpsi*tanphi);

  if (1 - alpha*Eijkl(0,2,0,2)/tau >= 0)
    // returning to the "surface" of the cone
    returned_stress(2, 2) = stress(2, 2) - alpha*Eijkl(2, 2, 2, 2)*norm[2];
    returned_stress(0, 2) = returned_stress(2, 0) = stress(0, 2) - alpha*2*Eijkl(0, 2, 0, 2)*norm[0];
    returned_stress(1, 2) = returned_stress(2, 1) = stress(1, 2) - alpha*2*Eijkl(1, 2, 1, 2)*norm[1];
    // returning to the "tip" of the cone
    returned_stress(2, 2) = cohesion(intnl)/tanphi;
    returned_stress(0, 2) = returned_stress(2, 0) = returned_stress(1, 2) = returned_stress(2, 1) = 0;
  returned_stress(0, 0) = stress(0, 0) - Eijkl(0, 0, 2, 2)*(stress(2, 2) - returned_stress(2, 2))/Eijkl(2, 2, 2, 2);
  returned_stress(1, 1) = stress(1, 1) - Eijkl(1, 1, 2, 2)*(stress(2, 2) - returned_stress(2, 2))/Eijkl(2, 2, 2, 2);

  act[0] = true;
Пример #20
// Extract the input data from the specified file and save the data in the data container.
// Returns the nonzero image size if successful, else returns 0,0.
xySize ImageReaderBMP::getData(std::string const &filename, std::vector<float> &dataContainer, ColorChannel_t colorChannel)
	FILE* f;
	fopen_s(&f, filename.c_str(), "rb");

    if (f == NULL) {
        return { 0, 0 };

    // Read the BMP header to get the image dimensions:

    unsigned char info[54];
    if (fread(info, sizeof(unsigned char), 54, f) != 54) {
        return { 0, 0 };

    if (info[0] != 'B' || info[1] != 'M') {
        return { 0, 0 };

    // Verify the offset to the pixel data. It should be the same size as the info[] data read above.

    size_t dataOffset = (info[13] << 24)
                      + (info[12] << 16)
                      + (info[11] << 8)
                      +  info[10];

    // Verify that the file contains 24 bits (3 bytes) per pixel (red, green blue at 8 bits each):

    int pixelDepth = (info[29] << 8) + info[28];
    if (pixelDepth != 24) {
        return { 0, 0 };

    // This method of converting 4 bytes to a uint32_t is portable for little- or
    // big-endian environments:

    uint32_t width = (info[21] << 24)
                   + (info[20] << 16)
                   + (info[19] << 8)
                   +  info[18];

    uint32_t height = (info[25] << 24)
                    + (info[24] << 16)
                    + (info[23] << 8)
                    +  info[22];

    // Position the read pointer to the first byte of pixel data:

    if (fseek(f, dataOffset, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        return { 0, 0 };

    uint32_t rowLen_padded = (width*3 + 3) & (~3);
    std::unique_ptr<unsigned char[]> imageData {new unsigned char[rowLen_padded]};

    dataContainer.assign(width * height, 0); // Pre-allocate to make random access easy

    // Fill the data container with 8-bit data taken from the image data:

    for (uint32_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
        if (fread(imageData.get(), sizeof(unsigned char), rowLen_padded, f) != rowLen_padded) {
            return { 0, 0 };

        // BMP pixels are arranged in memory in the order (B, G, R):

        unsigned val = 0;

        for (uint32_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
            if (colorChannel == NNet::R) {
                val = imageData[x * 3 + 2]; // Red
            } else if (colorChannel == NNet::G) {
                val = imageData[x * 3 + 1]; // Green
            } else if (colorChannel == NNet::B) {
                val = imageData[x * 3 + 0]; // Blue
            } else if (colorChannel == NNet::BW) {
                // Rounds down:
                val = (unsigned)(0.3 * imageData[x*3 + 2] +   // Red
                                 0.6 * imageData[x*3 + 1] +   // Green
                                 0.1 * imageData[x*3 + 0]);   // Blue
            } else {
                err << "Error: unknown pixel conversion" << endl;
                throw exceptionImageFile();

            // Convert the pixel from the range 0..256 to a smaller
            // range that we can input into the neural net:
            // Also we'll invert the rows so that the origin is the upper left at 0,0:

            dataContainer[flattenXY(x, (height - y) - 1, height)] = pixelToNetworkInputRange(val);


    return { width, height };
Пример #21
bool ReduceCrashingFunctions::TestFuncs(std::vector<Function*> &Funcs) {
  // If main isn't present, claim there is no problem.
  if (KeepMain && std::find(Funcs.begin(), Funcs.end(),
                            BD.getProgram()->getFunction("main")) ==
    return false;

  // Clone the program to try hacking it apart...
  ValueToValueMapTy VMap;
  Module *M = CloneModule(BD.getProgram(), VMap).release();

  // Convert list to set for fast lookup...
  std::set<Function*> Functions;
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Funcs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    Function *CMF = cast<Function>(VMap[Funcs[i]]);
    assert(CMF && "Function not in module?!");
    assert(CMF->getFunctionType() == Funcs[i]->getFunctionType() && "wrong ty");
    assert(CMF->getName() == Funcs[i]->getName() && "wrong name");

  outs() << "Checking for crash with only these functions: ";
  outs() << ": ";
  if (!ReplaceFuncsWithNull) {
    // Loop over and delete any functions which we aren't supposed to be playing
    // with...
    for (Function &I : *M)
      if (!I.isDeclaration() && !Functions.count(&I))
  } else {
    std::vector<GlobalValue*> ToRemove;
    // First, remove aliases to functions we're about to purge.
    for (GlobalAlias &Alias : M->aliases()) {
      Constant *Root = Alias.getAliasee()->stripPointerCasts();
      Function *F = dyn_cast<Function>(Root);
      if (F) {
        if (Functions.count(F))
          // We're keeping this function.
      } else if (Root->isNullValue()) {
        // This referenced a globalalias that we've already replaced,
        // so we still need to replace this alias.
      } else if (!F) {
        // Not a function, therefore not something we mess with.

      PointerType *Ty = cast<PointerType>(Alias.getType());
      Constant *Replacement = ConstantPointerNull::get(Ty);

    for (Function &I : *M) {
      if (!I.isDeclaration() && !Functions.count(&I)) {
        PointerType *Ty = cast<PointerType>(I.getType());
        Constant *Replacement = ConstantPointerNull::get(Ty);

    for (auto *F : ToRemove) {

    // Finally, remove any null members from any global intrinsic.
    RemoveFunctionReferences(M, "llvm.used");
    RemoveFunctionReferences(M, "llvm.compiler.used");
  // Try running the hacked up program...
  if (TestFn(BD, M)) {
    BD.setNewProgram(M);        // It crashed, keep the trimmed version...

    // Make sure to use function pointers that point into the now-current
    // module.
    Funcs.assign(Functions.begin(), Functions.end());
    return true;
  delete M;
  return false;
Пример #22
 void assign(T value)
   data.assign(width * height, value);
Пример #23
 void assign(const char* beg, const char* end)
   _data.assign(beg, end);
   _beg = _data.begin();
   _end = _data.end();
Пример #24
/// Split - Splits a string of comma separated items in to a vector of strings.
static void Split(std::vector<std::string> &V, StringRef S) {
  SmallVector<StringRef, 3> Tmp;
  S.split(Tmp, ',', -1, false /* KeepEmpty */);
  V.assign(Tmp.begin(), Tmp.end());
Пример #25
	GLuint Positions(std::vector<T>& dest) const
		auto p = _positions();
		dest.assign(p.begin(), p.end());
		return 3;
void Player_AlphaBeta::getMoves(GameState & state, const MoveArray & moves, std::vector<Action> & moveVec)
    moveVec.assign(alphaBeta->getResults().bestMoves.begin(), alphaBeta->getResults().bestMoves.end());
Пример #27
	GLuint Tangents(std::vector<T>& dest) const
		auto t = _tangents();
		dest.assign(t.begin(), t.end());
		return 3;
Пример #28
void AsmWriterEmitter::
FindUniqueOperandCommands(std::vector<std::string> &UniqueOperandCommands, 
                          std::vector<unsigned> &InstIdxs,
                          std::vector<unsigned> &InstOpsUsed) const {
  InstIdxs.assign(NumberedInstructions.size(), ~0U);
  // This vector parallels UniqueOperandCommands, keeping track of which
  // instructions each case are used for.  It is a comma separated string of
  // enums.
  std::vector<std::string> InstrsForCase;
  InstOpsUsed.assign(UniqueOperandCommands.size(), 0);
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = NumberedInstructions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    const AsmWriterInst *Inst = getAsmWriterInstByID(i);
    if (Inst == 0) continue;  // PHI, INLINEASM, LABEL, etc.
    std::string Command;
    if (Inst->Operands.empty())
      continue;   // Instruction already done.

    Command = "    " + Inst->Operands[0].getCode() + "\n";

    // If this is the last operand, emit a return.
    if (Inst->Operands.size() == 1)
      Command += "    return true;\n";
    // Check to see if we already have 'Command' in UniqueOperandCommands.
    // If not, add it.
    bool FoundIt = false;
    for (unsigned idx = 0, e = UniqueOperandCommands.size(); idx != e; ++idx)
      if (UniqueOperandCommands[idx] == Command) {
        InstIdxs[i] = idx;
        InstrsForCase[idx] += ", ";
        InstrsForCase[idx] += Inst->CGI->TheDef->getName();
        FoundIt = true;
    if (!FoundIt) {
      InstIdxs[i] = UniqueOperandCommands.size();

      // This command matches one operand so far.
  // For each entry of UniqueOperandCommands, there is a set of instructions
  // that uses it.  If the next command of all instructions in the set are
  // identical, fold it into the command.
  for (unsigned CommandIdx = 0, e = UniqueOperandCommands.size();
       CommandIdx != e; ++CommandIdx) {
    for (unsigned Op = 1; ; ++Op) {
      // Scan for the first instruction in the set.
      std::vector<unsigned>::iterator NIT =
        std::find(InstIdxs.begin(), InstIdxs.end(), CommandIdx);
      if (NIT == InstIdxs.end()) break;  // No commonality.

      // If this instruction has no more operands, we isn't anything to merge
      // into this command.
      const AsmWriterInst *FirstInst = 
      if (!FirstInst || FirstInst->Operands.size() == Op)

      // Otherwise, scan to see if all of the other instructions in this command
      // set share the operand.
      bool AllSame = true;
      for (NIT = std::find(NIT+1, InstIdxs.end(), CommandIdx);
           NIT != InstIdxs.end();
           NIT = std::find(NIT+1, InstIdxs.end(), CommandIdx)) {
        // Okay, found another instruction in this command set.  If the operand
        // matches, we're ok, otherwise bail out.
        const AsmWriterInst *OtherInst = 
        if (!OtherInst || OtherInst->Operands.size() == Op ||
            OtherInst->Operands[Op] != FirstInst->Operands[Op]) {
          AllSame = false;
      if (!AllSame) break;
      // Okay, everything in this command set has the same next operand.  Add it
      // to UniqueOperandCommands and remember that it was consumed.
      std::string Command = "    " + FirstInst->Operands[Op].getCode() + "\n";
      // If this is the last operand, emit a return after the code.
      if (FirstInst->Operands.size() == Op+1)
        Command += "    return true;\n";
      UniqueOperandCommands[CommandIdx] += Command;
  // Prepend some of the instructions each case is used for onto the case val.
  for (unsigned i = 0, e = InstrsForCase.size(); i != e; ++i) {
    std::string Instrs = InstrsForCase[i];
    if (Instrs.size() > 70) {
      Instrs.erase(Instrs.begin()+70, Instrs.end());
      Instrs += "...";
    if (!Instrs.empty())
      UniqueOperandCommands[i] = "    // " + Instrs + "\n" + 
Пример #29

    // Asyn manager doesn't like it if we try to reuse the same port name for multiple drivers
    // (even if only one is ever instantiated at once), so we change it slightly for each test case.
    std::string simport("simTS"), testport("TS");

    // We need some upstream driver for our test plugin so that calls to connectArrayPort
    // don't fail, but we can then ignore it and send arrays by calling processCallbacks directly.
    driver = boost::shared_ptr<asynNDArrayDriver>(new asynNDArrayDriver(simport.c_str(),
                                                                     1, true, 0,
                                                                     0, 0, 0, 0));
    arrayPool = driver->pNDArrayPool;

    // This is the plugin under test
    ts = boost::shared_ptr<TimeSeriesPluginWrapper>(new TimeSeriesPluginWrapper(testport.c_str(),
    // This is the mock downstream plugin
    downstream_plugin = new TestingPlugin(testport.c_str(), 0);

    // Enable the plugin
    ts->start(); // start the plugin thread although not required for this unittesting
    ts->write(NDPluginDriverEnableCallbacksString, 1);
    ts->write(NDPluginDriverBlockingCallbacksString, 1);

    client = boost::shared_ptr<asynGenericPointerClient>(new asynGenericPointerClient(testport.c_str(), 0, NDArrayDataString));

    // 1D: 8 channels with a single scalar sample element in each one
    size_t tmpdims_1d[] = {8};
    dims_1d.assign(tmpdims_1d, tmpdims_1d + sizeof(tmpdims_1d)/sizeof(tmpdims_1d[0]));
    arrays_1d.resize(200); // We create 200 samples
    fillNDArraysFromPool(dims_1d, NDFloat32, arrays_1d, arrayPool); // Fill some NDArrays with unimportant data

    // 2D: three time series channels, each with 20 elements
    size_t tmpdims_2d[] = {3,20};
    dims_2d.assign(tmpdims_2d, tmpdims_2d + sizeof(tmpdims_2d)/sizeof(tmpdims_2d[0]));
    fillNDArraysFromPool(dims_2d, NDFloat32, arrays_2d, arrayPool);

    // 3D: four channels with 2D images of 5x6 pixel (like an RGB image)
    // Not valid input for the Time Series plugin
    size_t tmpdims_3d[] = {4,5,6};
    dims_3d.assign(tmpdims_3d, tmpdims_3d + sizeof(tmpdims_3d)/sizeof(tmpdims_3d[0]));
    fillNDArraysFromPool(dims_3d, NDFloat32, arrays_3d, arrayPool);

    // Plugin setup: TimePerPoint=0.001 and AveragingTime=0.01 thus NumAverage=10
    BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(ts->write(TSTimePerPointString, 0.001));
    BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(ts->write(TSAveragingTimeString, 0.01));
    BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(ts->write(TSNumPointsString, 20));
    BOOST_REQUIRE_NO_THROW(ts->write(TSAcquireModeString, 0)); // TSAcquireModeFixed=0

    // Double check plugin setup
    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ts->readInt(TSNumAverageString), 10);
    BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(ts->readInt(TSNumPointsString), 20);
Пример #30
 UF(int num_elements) {
     rank.assign(num_elements, 0);
     parent.assign(num_elements, 0);
     for (int i = 0; i < num_elements; i++)
         parent[i] = i;      //All separate sets, each is its own root