int main(int argc, char **argv) { Var x; { Func f; f(x) = print(x * x, "the answer is", 42.0f, "unsigned", cast<uint32_t>(145)); f.set_custom_print(halide_print); Image<int32_t> result = f.realize(10); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (result(i) != i * i) { return -1; } } assert(messages.size() == 10); for (size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { long long square; float forty_two; unsigned long long one_forty_five; int scan_count = sscanf(messages[i].c_str(), "%lld the answer is %f unsigned %llu", &square, &forty_two, &one_forty_five); assert(scan_count == 3); assert(square == i * i); assert(forty_two == 42.0f); assert(one_forty_five == 145); } } messages.clear(); { Func f; Param<int> param; param.set(127); // Test a string containing a printf format specifier (It should print it as-is). f(x) = print_when(x == 3, x * x, "g", 42.0f, "%s", param); f.set_custom_print(halide_print); Image<int32_t> result = f.realize(10); for (int32_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (result(i) != i * i) { return -1; } } assert(messages.size() == 1); long long nine; float forty_two; long long p; int scan_count = sscanf(messages[0].c_str(), "%lld g %f %%s %lld", &nine, &forty_two, &p); assert(scan_count == 3); assert(nine == 9); assert(forty_two == 42.0f); assert(p == 127); } messages.clear(); { Func f; // Test a single message longer than 8K. std::vector<Expr> args; for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { uint64_t n = i; n *= n; n *= n; n *= n; n *= n; n += 100; int32_t hi = n >> 32; int32_t lo = n & 0xffffffff; args.push_back((cast<uint64_t>(hi) << 32) | lo); Expr dn = cast<double>((float)(n)); args.push_back(dn); } f(x) = print(args); f.set_custom_print(halide_print); Image<uint64_t> result = f.realize(1); if (result(0) != 100) { return -1; } assert(messages.back().size() == 8191); } messages.clear(); // Check that Halide's stringification of floats and doubles // matches %f and %e respectively. #ifndef _MSC_VER // msvc's library has different ideas about how %f and %e should come out. { Func f, g; const int N = 1000000; Expr e = reinterpret(Float(32), random_int()); // Make sure we cover some special values. e = select(x == 0, 0.0f, x == 1, -0.0f, x == 2, std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), x == 3, -std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), x == 4, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), x == 5, -std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN(), e); e = select(x == 5, std::numeric_limits<float>::denorm_min(), x == 6, -std::numeric_limits<float>::denorm_min(), x == 7, std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), x == 8, -std::numeric_limits<float>::min(), x == 9, std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), x == 10, -std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), e); f(x) = print(e); f.set_custom_print(halide_print); Image<float> imf = f.realize(N); assert(messages.size() == N); char correct[1024]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { snprintf(correct, sizeof(correct), "%f\n", imf(i)); // OS X prints -nan as nan #ifdef __APPLE__ if (messages[i] == "-nan\n") messages[i] = "nan\n"; #endif if (messages[i] != correct) { printf("float %d: %s vs %s for %10.20e\n", i, messages[i].c_str(), correct, imf(i)); return -1; } } messages.clear(); g(x) = print(reinterpret(Float(64), (cast<uint64_t>(random_int()) << 32) | random_int())); g.set_custom_print(halide_print); Image<double> img = g.realize(N); assert(messages.size() == N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { snprintf(correct, sizeof(correct), "%e\n", img(i)); #ifdef __APPLE__ if (messages[i] == "-nan\n") messages[i] = "nan\n"; #endif if (messages[i] != correct) { printf("double %d: %s vs %s for %10.20e\n", i, messages[i].c_str(), correct, img(i)); return -1; } } } #endif printf("Success!\n"); return 0; }
BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam){ switch(msg){ case WM_CLOSE:{ DestroyWindow(hwnd); break; } case WM_DESTROY:{ PostQuitMessage(0); break; } case WM_COMMAND:{ if(HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE){ const int ID = LOWORD(wParam); switch(ID){ case IDC_CDLEFT:{ Globals::PreviewCD.Left = GetDlgItemFloat(hwnd, ID); break; } case IDC_CDRIGHT:{ Globals::PreviewCD.Right = GetDlgItemFloat(hwnd, ID); break; } case IDC_CDTOP:{ Globals::PreviewCD.Top = GetDlgItemFloat(hwnd, ID); break; } case IDC_CDBOTTOM:{ Globals::PreviewCD.Bottom = GetDlgItemFloat(hwnd, ID); break; } default: break; } } switch(LOWORD(wParam)){ case IDM_EXIT1:{ DestroyWindow(hwnd); } case IDM_OPEN1:{ OPENFILENAME sfn; char sfPath[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory( &sfn , sizeof( sfn)); sfn.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); sfn.lpstrFile = sfPath; sfn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0'; sfn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; sfn.lpstrFilter = "Foof Level Tile Set\0*.fts\0\0"; sfn.nFilterIndex = 1; sfn.hwndOwner = hwnd; if(GetOpenFileName(&sfn) != 0){ LevelTileSet.clear(); AnimationSet.clear(); DynamicSet.clear(); DecoSet.clear(); HazardousSet.clear(); ifstream FileIn(sfPath); if(FileIn.is_open()){ string Reader; FileIn >> Reader; if(Reader == "Foof72"){ int Size = 0; FileIn >> Size; HWND hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_COLLIST); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0,0); for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){ LevelTile * pLevelTile = new LevelTile; FileIn >> pLevelTile->SpriteID; FileIn >> pLevelTile->IsCeiling; FileIn >> pLevelTile->IsNotWall; for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++){ FileIn >> pLevelTile->HeightMask[i]; } FileIn >> pLevelTile->Name; LevelTileSet.push_back(*pLevelTile); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pLevelTile->Name.c_str()); } FileIn >> Size; hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIMLIST); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0,0); for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){ AnimationTrack * pAnim = new AnimationTrack; FileIn >> pAnim->Name; FileIn >> pAnim->iStartingFrame; FileIn >> pAnim->nFrames; FileIn >> pAnim->fDefaultSpeed; char TruncName[7]; size_t TruncNameLength = pAnim->Name.copy(TruncName, 6,0); TruncName[TruncNameLength] = '\0'; string Name = TruncName; char strFrames[50]; sprintf(strFrames, "%i", pAnim->nFrames); char strFPS[50]; sprintf(strFPS, "%f", pAnim->fDefaultSpeed); string ListEntry = Name + "..." + " - " + strFrames + " Frames" + ", " + strFPS + " FPS"; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ListEntry.c_str()); AnimationSet.push_back(*pAnim); } FileIn >> Size; hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DYNLIST); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0,0); for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){ DynamicObject * pDyn = NULL; int Type; FileIn >> Type; switch(Type){ case 0:{ //Walker pDyn = new EnemyWalker; EnemyWalker * pWalker = (EnemyWalker*)pDyn; FileIn >> pWalker->AttackAnimationIndex >> pWalker->DeathAnimationIndex >> pWalker->JumpStrength >> pWalker->Speed >> pWalker->HP >> pWalker->Aggressiveness >> pWalker->bIsDormant >> pWalker->ShotType >> pWalker->ShotDirection >> pWalker->nBurstDelay >> pWalker->nShotsPerBurst; break; } case 1:{ //Flyer pDyn = new EnemyFlyer; EnemyFlyer * pWalker = (EnemyFlyer*)pDyn; FileIn >> pWalker->AttackAnimationIndex >> pWalker->DeathAnimationIndex >> pWalker->Speed >> pWalker->HP >> pWalker->FlightType >> pWalker->bIsDormant >> pWalker->ShotType >> pWalker->ShotDirection >> pWalker->nBurstDelay >> pWalker->nShotsPerBurst; break; } case 2: { //MOver pDyn = new Mover; Mover * pMover = (Mover*)pDyn; FileIn >> pMover->iMovingAnimationIndex >> pMover->HP >> pMover->bIsHazard; break; } case 5: { //Destructible pDyn = new DestructibleObject; DestructibleObject * pDest = (DestructibleObject*)pDyn; FileIn >> pDest->HP >> pDest->Type >> pDest->SpawnID; break; } default: pDyn = new DynamicObject; break; } FileIn >> pDyn->Name >> pDyn->iDefaultAnimationIndex >> pDyn->iSpriteIndex >> pDyn->fDefaultScale >> pDyn->CD.Left >> pDyn->CD.Right >> pDyn->CD.Top >> pDyn->CD.Bottom; pDyn->Type = Type; DynamicSet.push_back(pDyn); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pDyn->Name.c_str()); } FileIn >> Size; hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_HAZLIST); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0,0); for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){ HazardousObject * pHaz = new HazardousObject(); FileIn >> pHaz->Name; FileIn >> pHaz->SpriteID; FileIn >> pHaz->Damage; FileIn >> pHaz->fDefaultScale >> pHaz->CD.Left >> pHaz->CD.Right >> pHaz->CD.Top >> pHaz->CD.Bottom; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pHaz->Name.c_str()); HazardousSet.push_back(*pHaz); } FileIn >> Size; hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DECOLIST); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0,0); for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){ StaticDeco * pDeco = new StaticDeco(); FileIn >> pDeco->Name; FileIn >> pDeco->iSpriteID; FileIn >> pDeco->fDefaultScale >> pDeco->CD.Left >> pDeco->CD.Right >> pDeco->CD.Top >> pDeco->CD.Bottom;; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pDeco->Name.c_str()); DecoSet.push_back(*pDeco); } FileIn >> Size; hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PROJECTILELIST); SendMessage(hListBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); for(int i = 0; i < Size; i++){ DynamicObject * pProj = new DynamicObject(); FileIn >> pProj->Name >> pProj->iDefaultAnimationIndex >> pProj->fDefaultScale >> pProj->CD.Left >> pProj->CD.Right >> pProj->CD.Top >> pProj->CD.Bottom; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pProj->Name.c_str()); ProjectileSet.push_back(pProj); } } FileIn.close(); } } break; } case IDM_SAVE1:{ OPENFILENAME sfn; char sfPath[MAX_PATH]; ZeroMemory( &sfn , sizeof( sfn)); sfn.lStructSize = sizeof (OPENFILENAME); sfn.lpstrFile = sfPath; sfn.lpstrFile[0] = '\0'; sfn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; sfn.lpstrFilter = "Foof Level Tile Set\0*.fts\0\0"; sfn.nFilterIndex = 1; sfn.hwndOwner = hwnd; if(GetSaveFileName(&sfn) != 0){ ofstream FileOut(sfPath); if(FileOut.is_open()){ FileOut << "Foof72" << endl << LevelTileSet.size() << endl; for(vector<LevelTile>::iterator it = LevelTileSet.begin(); it < LevelTileSet.end(); it++){ const LevelTile * pLevelTile = &(*it); FileOut << pLevelTile->SpriteID << endl; FileOut << pLevelTile->IsCeiling << endl; FileOut << pLevelTile->IsNotWall << endl; for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++){ FileOut << pLevelTile->HeightMask[i] << endl; } FileOut << pLevelTile->Name << endl; } FileOut << AnimationSet.size() << endl; for(vector<AnimationTrack>::iterator it = AnimationSet.begin(); it < AnimationSet.end(); it++){ const AnimationTrack * pAnim = &(*it); FileOut << pAnim->Name << endl << pAnim->iStartingFrame << endl << pAnim->nFrames << endl << pAnim->fDefaultSpeed << endl; } FileOut << DynamicSet.size() << endl; for(vector<DynamicObject*>::iterator it = DynamicSet.begin(); it < DynamicSet.end(); it++){ DynamicObject * pDyn = (*it); FileOut << pDyn->Type << endl; switch(pDyn->Type){ case 0:{ //Walker EnemyWalker * pWalker = (EnemyWalker*)pDyn; FileOut << pWalker->AttackAnimationIndex << endl << pWalker->DeathAnimationIndex << endl << pWalker->JumpStrength << endl << pWalker->Speed << endl << pWalker->HP << endl << pWalker->Aggressiveness << endl << pWalker->bIsDormant << endl << pWalker->ShotType << endl << pWalker->ShotDirection << endl << pWalker->nBurstDelay << endl << pWalker->nShotsPerBurst << endl; break; } case 1:{ //Flyer EnemyFlyer * pWalker = (EnemyFlyer*)pDyn; FileOut << pWalker->AttackAnimationIndex << endl << pWalker->DeathAnimationIndex << endl << pWalker->Speed << endl << pWalker->HP << endl << pWalker->FlightType << endl << pWalker->bIsDormant << endl << pWalker->ShotType << endl << pWalker->ShotDirection << endl << pWalker->nBurstDelay << endl << pWalker->nShotsPerBurst << endl; break; } case 2:{ Mover * pMover = (Mover*)pDyn; FileOut << pMover->iMovingAnimationIndex << endl << pMover->HP << endl << pMover->bIsHazard << endl; break; } case 5:{ DestructibleObject * pDest = (DestructibleObject*)pDyn; FileOut << pDest->HP << endl << pDest->Type << endl << pDest->SpawnID << endl; } default: break; } FileOut << pDyn->Name << endl << pDyn->iDefaultAnimationIndex << endl << pDyn->iSpriteIndex << endl << pDyn->fDefaultScale << endl << pDyn->CD.Left << endl << pDyn->CD.Right << endl << pDyn->CD.Top << endl << pDyn->CD.Bottom << endl; } FileOut << HazardousSet.size() << endl; for(vector<HazardousObject>::iterator it = HazardousSet.begin(); it < HazardousSet.end(); it++){ const HazardousObject * pHaz = &(*it); FileOut << pHaz->Name << endl << pHaz->SpriteID << endl << pHaz->Damage << endl << pHaz->fDefaultScale << endl << pHaz->CD.Left << endl << pHaz->CD.Right << endl << pHaz->CD.Top << endl << pHaz->CD.Bottom << endl; } FileOut << DecoSet.size() << endl; for(vector<StaticDeco>::iterator it = DecoSet.begin(); it < DecoSet.end(); it++){ const StaticDeco * pDeco = &(*it); FileOut << pDeco->Name << endl << pDeco->iSpriteID << endl << pDeco->fDefaultScale << endl << pDeco->CD.Left << endl << pDeco->CD.Right << endl << pDeco->CD.Top << endl << pDeco->CD.Bottom << endl; } FileOut << ProjectileSet.size() << endl; for(vector<DynamicObject*>::iterator it = ProjectileSet.begin(); it < ProjectileSet.end(); it++){ const DynamicObject* pProj = *it; FileOut << pProj->Name << endl << pProj->iDefaultAnimationIndex << endl << pProj->fDefaultScale << endl << pProj->CD.Left << endl << pProj->CD.Right << endl << pProj->CD.Top << endl << pProj->CD.Bottom << endl; } FileOut.close(); } } break; } case IDC_REMHAZ:{ HWND hHazList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_HAZLIST); const int Selection = SendMessage(hHazList, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if(Selection != LB_ERR){ HazardousSet.erase(HazardousSet.begin() + Selection); SendMessage(hHazList, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)Selection, (LPARAM)0); } break; } case IDC_ADDHAZ:{ HazardousObject * pHaz = new HazardousObject(); pHaz->CD.Copy(Globals::PreviewCD); string LineEntry; pHaz->Damage = GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_HAZDMG, NULL, false); char strScale[8]; GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_HAZSCALE, strScale, 6); pHaz->fDefaultScale = (float)atof(strScale); pHaz->Name = "H:" + TextureAtlas.TextureList[SpriteID]; pHaz->SpriteID = SpriteID; HazardousSet.push_back(*pHaz); LineEntry = pHaz->Name; HWND hHazList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_HAZLIST); SendMessage(hHazList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)LineEntry.c_str()); break; } case IDC_ADDDYNAMIC:{ HWND hDynamicList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DYNLIST); const int Type = SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DYNAMICCOMBO), CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if(pEditObject){ pEditObject = NULL; } int Result = IDCANCEL; switch(Type){ case 0: Result = DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDWALKER), hwnd, AddDlgProc); break; case 1: Result = DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDFLYER), hwnd, AddFlyerDlgProc); break; case 2: Result = DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDMOVER), hwnd, AddMoverDlgProc); break; case 5: Result = DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDEST), hwnd, AddDestructibleDlgProc); break; default: Result = DialogBox(GetModuleHandle(NULL), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ADDDEFAULT), hwnd, AddDefault); break; } if(Result == IDOK){ DynamicObject * pDyn = DynamicSet.back(); pDyn->CD.Copy(Globals::PreviewCD); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DYNLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pDyn->Name.c_str()); pDyn->Type = Type; } break; } case IDC_EDITDYNAMIC:{ break; } case IDC_DECOREMOVE:{ HWND hDecoList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DECOLIST); const int Selection = SendMessage(hDecoList, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if(Selection != LB_ERR){ DecoSet.erase(DecoSet.begin() + Selection); SendMessage(hDecoList, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)Selection, (LPARAM)0); } } case IDC_REMOVEDYNAMIC:{ HWND hDynList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DYNLIST); const int Selection = SendMessage(hDynList, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if(Selection != LB_ERR){ DynamicSet.erase(DynamicSet.begin() + Selection); SendMessage(hDynList, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)Selection, (LPARAM)0); } } case IDC_REMOVEANIM:{ HWND hAnimList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIMLIST); const int Selection = SendMessage(hAnimList, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if(Selection != LB_ERR){ AnimationSet.erase(AnimationSet.begin() + Selection); SendMessage(hAnimList, LB_DELETESTRING, (WPARAM)Selection, (LPARAM)0); } break; } case IDC_ADDPROJ:{ HWND hAnimList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIMLIST); const int Selection = SendMessage(hAnimList, LB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if(Selection != LB_ERR){ DynamicObject *pProj = new DynamicObject(); pProj->fDefaultScale = GetDlgItemFloat(hwnd, IDC_PROJSCALE); pProj->Name = AnimationSet[Selection].Name; pProj->CD.Copy(Globals::PreviewCD); pProj->iDefaultAnimationIndex = Selection; ProjectileSet.push_back(pProj); HWND hProjectileList = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_PROJECTILELIST); SendMessage(hProjectileList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pProj->Name.c_str()); } break; } case IDC_DECOADD:{ StaticDeco *pDeco = new StaticDeco(); char strScale[8]; GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_DECOSCALE, strScale, 6); pDeco->fDefaultScale = (float)atof(strScale); pDeco->iSpriteID = SpriteID; pDeco->Name = "S:" + TextureAtlas.TextureList[SpriteID]; pDeco->CD.Copy(Globals::PreviewCD); HWND hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_DECOLIST); string ListEntry = pDeco->Name; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ListEntry.c_str()); DecoSet.push_back(*pDeco); break; } case IDC_ANIMADD:{ AnimationTrack * pAnim = new AnimationTrack(); char strFrames[8]; GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_NFRAMES, strFrames, 6); char strFPS[8]; GetDlgItemText(hwnd, IDC_SPEED, strFPS, 6); pAnim->nFrames = atoi(strFrames);//(;//GetDlgItemInt(hwnd, IDC_NFRAMES, false, false); pAnim->fDefaultSpeed = (float)atof(strFPS); pAnim->iStartingFrame = SpriteID; string Name = TextureAtlas.TextureList[SpriteID]; pAnim->Name = Name; char TruncName[7]; size_t TruncNameLength = Name.copy(TruncName, 6,0); TruncName[TruncNameLength] = '\0'; Name = TruncName; HWND hListBox = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_ANIMLIST); string ListEntry = Name + "..." + " - " + strFrames + " Frames" + ", " + strFPS + " FPS"; SendMessage(hListBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)ListEntry.c_str()); AnimationSet.push_back(*pAnim); break; } case IDC_ADDTILE:{ for(int i = SpriteID; i < SpriteID + 1; i++){ const string Name = TextureAtlas.TextureList[i]; string HeightMapName = Name; string::iterator it = HeightMapName.end() - 4; HeightMapName.replace(it, HeightMapName.end(), "_heightmask.png"); HeightMapName.insert(0, "./"); WCHAR wFileName[MAX_PATH]; //Make sure we have .png at the end int sfLength = HeightMapName.length(); // Convert to a wchar_t* size_t convertedChars = 0; mbstowcs_s(&convertedChars, wFileName, sfLength + 2, HeightMapName.c_str(), _TRUNCATE); LevelTile * pLevelTile = new LevelTile; bool bIsCeiling = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_ISCEILING); GDIImageLoader::ConvertImageToHeightMask(wFileName, pLevelTile->HeightMask, bIsCeiling); pLevelTile->IsCeiling = (int)bIsCeiling; pLevelTile->IsNotWall = IsDlgButtonChecked(hwnd, IDC_ISWALL); pLevelTile->SpriteID = i; pLevelTile->Name = Name; LevelTileSet.push_back(*pLevelTile); SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_COLLIST), LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pLevelTile->Name.c_str()); } break; } case IDC_IMAGECOMBO:{ switch(HIWORD(wParam)){ case CBN_SELCHANGE:{ HWND hSpriteCombo = GetDlgItem(hwnd, IDC_IMAGECOMBO); SpriteID = SendMessage(hSpriteCombo, CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); break; } default: break; } break; } default: break; }
/** * Creates an instruction of the graph starting from an * instruction of another graph. * \param g The other graph. * \param id The id of the mdfi to be copied. * \return The id of the created instruction. */ inline uint createMdfi(Mdfg* g, uint id){ _instructions.emplace_back(g->; _instructions.back().setId(_nextId); ++_nextId; return _instructions.size() - 1; }
bool SteerLib::GJK_EPA::doContainsOrigin(std::vector<Util::Vector>& simplex, Util::Vector& direction) { Util::Vector a = simplex.back(); Util::Vector ao = a; ao.x = -ao.x; ao.y = -ao.y; ao.z = -ao.z; if (simplex.size() == 3) { Util::Vector c =; Util::Vector b =; Util::Vector ac = c - a; Util::Vector ab = b - a; Util::Vector abPerp = ab; abPerp.x = -ab.z; abPerp.y = 0; abPerp.z = ab.x; if (Util::dot(abPerp, c) >= 0.0f) { abPerp.x = -abPerp.x; abPerp.y = -abPerp.y; abPerp.z = -abPerp.z; } if (Util::dot(abPerp, ao) > 0.0f) { simplex.erase(std::find(simplex.begin(), simplex.end(), c)); direction = abPerp; } else { Util::Vector acPerp = ac; acPerp.x = -ac.z; acPerp.y = 0; acPerp.z = ac.x; if (Util::dot(acPerp, b) >= 0.0f) { acPerp.x = -acPerp.x; acPerp.y = -acPerp.y; acPerp.z = -acPerp.z; } if (Util::dot(acPerp, ao) <= 0.0f) { return true; } simplex.erase(std::find(simplex.begin(), simplex.end(), b)); direction = acPerp; } } else if (simplex.size() == 2) { Util::Vector b =; Util::Vector ab = b - a; Util::Vector abPerp = ab; abPerp.x = -ab.z; abPerp.y = 0.0f; abPerp.z = ab.x; if (Util::dot(abPerp, ao) < 0.0f) { abPerp.x = -abPerp.x; abPerp.y = -abPerp.y; abPerp.z = -abPerp.z; } direction = abPerp; } return false; }
const T& last () const { return vector.back (); }
node add_file(std::string name) { if (!exists(name)) return {}; files.emplace_back(new file(name)); return *files.back(); }
//Check threefold repetition (= current (!) position has occurred 3 or more times) //Return true if draw can be claimed bool threefoldRepetition(const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& boardHistory, const std::vector<std::pair<int,int>>& moveHistory, const std::vector<unsigned char>& stateHistory){ //Return immediately if not enough moves if (boardHistory.size() < 3) return false; //Get current board status std::vector<int> currentBoard = boardHistory.back(); std::pair<int,int> lastMove = moveHistory.back(); unsigned char currentState = stateHistory.back(); //Get pawn moves, they're needed for en passant check std::vector<int> pawnMoves; for (int a=0; a<64; a++){ if (currentBoard[a] == W_PAWN){ pawnMoves = join(pawnMoves, whitePawnMoveForwardLeft(currentBoard, a, lastMove)); pawnMoves = join(pawnMoves, whitePawnMoveForwardRight(currentBoard, a, lastMove)); } else if (currentBoard[a] == B_PAWN){ pawnMoves = join(pawnMoves, blackPawnMoveForwardLeft(currentBoard, a, lastMove)); pawnMoves = join(pawnMoves, blackPawnMoveForwardRight(currentBoard, a, lastMove)); } } std::vector<int> pawnMovesTemp; size_t posCount = 1; size_t posNum = boardHistory.size()-1; bool ret = false; //Find equal positions for (size_t i=0; i<boardHistory.size(); i++){ //Same turn (fast check, skip every 2nd position) if (posNum%2 == i%2) { //Same piece positions (slow check?) if (boardHistory[i] == currentBoard) { //Same rights to castle, check flags if ( (currentState & 60) && (stateHistory[i] & 60) ) { //Same rights to capture en passant //Collect all pawn moves pawnMovesTemp = std::vector<int>(); for (int a=0; a<64; a++){ if (boardHistory[i][a] == W_PAWN){ pawnMovesTemp = join(pawnMovesTemp, whitePawnMoveForwardLeft(boardHistory[i], a, moveHistory[i])); pawnMovesTemp = join(pawnMovesTemp, whitePawnMoveForwardRight(boardHistory[i], a, moveHistory[i])); } else if (boardHistory[i][a] == B_PAWN){ pawnMovesTemp = join(pawnMovesTemp, blackPawnMoveForwardLeft(boardHistory[i], a, moveHistory[i])); pawnMovesTemp = join(pawnMovesTemp, blackPawnMoveForwardRight(boardHistory[i], a, moveHistory[i])); } } //If the pawns have the same possible moves, then en passant rights are equal //Now also the positions are equal if (pawnMovesTemp == pawnMoves){ posCount++; if (posCount >= 3){ ret = true; break; } } } } } } return ret; }
int vector_param_access(std::vector<int>& v) { return v.back(); // shouldn't report anything here }
void Preprocess::Callback::ProcessWay(const OSMId& id, std::vector<OSMId>& nodes, const TagMap& tagMap) { TypeInfoRef areaType; TypeInfoRef wayType; int isArea=0; // 0==unknown, 1==true, -1==false bool isCoastlineArea=false; RawWay way; bool isCoastline=false; if (nodes.size()<2) { progress.Warning("Way "+ NumberToString(id)+ " has less than two nodes!"); return; } if (id<lastWayId) { waySortingError=true; } way.SetId(id); auto areaTag=tagMap.find(typeConfig->tagArea); if (areaTag==tagMap.end()) { isArea=0; } else if (areaTag->second=="no" || areaTag->second=="false" || areaTag->second=="0") { isArea=-1; } else { isArea=1; } auto naturalTag=tagMap.find(typeConfig->tagNatural); if (naturalTag!=tagMap.end() && naturalTag->second=="coastline") { isCoastline=true; } if (isCoastline) { isCoastlineArea=nodes.size()>3 && (nodes.front()==nodes.back() || isArea==1); } typeConfig->GetWayAreaType(tagMap, wayType, areaType); if (isArea==1 && areaType==typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore) { isArea=0; } else if (isArea==-1 && wayType==typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore) { isArea=0; } if (isArea==0) { if (wayType!=typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore && areaType==typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore) { isArea=-1; } else if (wayType==typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore && areaType!=typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore) { isArea=1; } else if (wayType!=typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore && areaType!=typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore) { if (nodes.size()>3 && nodes.front()==nodes.back()) { if (wayType->GetPinWay()) { isArea=-1; } else { isArea=1; } } else { isArea=-1; } } } switch (isArea) { case 1: areaStat[areaType->GetIndex()]++; if (areaType->GetIgnore()) { way.SetType(typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore, true); } else { way.SetType(areaType,true); } if (nodes.size()>3 && nodes.front()==nodes.back()) { nodes.pop_back(); } areaCount++; break; case -1: wayStat[wayType->GetIndex()]++; if (wayType->GetIgnore()) { way.SetType(typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore,false); } else { way.SetType(wayType,false); } wayCount++; break; default: if (nodes.size()>3 && nodes.front()==nodes.back()) { areaStat[typeIgnore]++; way.SetType(typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore, true); nodes.pop_back(); areaCount++; } else { wayStat[typeIgnore]++; way.SetType(typeConfig->typeInfoIgnore, false); wayCount++; } } way.SetNodes(nodes); way.Parse(progress, *typeConfig, tagMap); way.Write(*typeConfig, wayWriter); lastWayId=id; if (isCoastline) { RawCoastline coastline; coastline.SetId(way.GetId()); coastline.SetType(isCoastlineArea); coastline.SetNodes(way.GetNodes()); coastline.Write(coastlineWriter); coastlineCount++; } }
unsigned int operator*() const {return _x.back();}
const Ham& operator++() { for (int i=0; i<_H.size(); i++) for (;_hv[i]<=_x.back();_hv[i]=_x[++_hp[i]]*_H[i]); _x.push_back(_hv[0]); for (int i=1; i<_H.size(); i++) if (_hv[i]<_x.back()) _x.back()=_hv[i]; return *this; }
void Preprocess::ProcessWay(const TypeConfig& typeConfig, const OSMId& id, std::vector<OSMId>& nodes, const std::map<TagId,std::string>& tagMap) { TypeId areaType=typeIgnore; TypeId wayType=typeIgnore; int isArea=0; // 0==unknown, 1==true, -1==false std::map<TagId,std::string>::const_iterator areaTag; std::map<TagId,std::string>::const_iterator naturalTag; RawWay way; bool isCoastline=false; if (id<lastWayId) { waySortingError=true; } way.SetId(id); areaTag=tagMap.find(typeConfig.tagArea); if (areaTag==tagMap.end()) { isArea=0; } else if (areaTag->second=="no" || areaTag->second=="false" || areaTag->second=="0") { isArea=-1; } else { isArea=1; } naturalTag=tagMap.find(typeConfig.tagNatural); if (naturalTag!=tagMap.end() && naturalTag->second=="coastline") { isCoastline=true; } typeConfig.GetWayAreaTypeId(tagMap,wayType,areaType); typeConfig.ResolveTags(tagMap,tags); if (isArea==1 && areaType==typeIgnore) { isArea=0; } else if (isArea==-1 && wayType==typeIgnore) { isArea=0; } if (isArea==0) { if (wayType!=typeIgnore && areaType==typeIgnore) { isArea=-1; } else if (wayType==typeIgnore && areaType!=typeIgnore) { isArea=1; } else if (wayType!=typeIgnore && areaType!=typeIgnore) { if (nodes.size()>3 && nodes.front()==nodes.back()) { if (typeConfig.GetTypeInfo(wayType).GetPinWay()) { isArea=-1; } else { isArea=1; } } else { isArea=-1; } } } switch (isArea) { case 1: way.SetType(areaType,true); if (nodes.size()>3 && nodes.front()==nodes.back()) { nodes.pop_back(); } areaCount++; break; case -1: way.SetType(wayType,false); wayCount++; break; default: if (nodes.size()>3 && nodes.front()==nodes.back()) { way.SetType(typeIgnore, true); nodes.pop_back(); areaCount++; } else { way.SetType(typeIgnore, false); wayCount++; } } way.SetNodes(nodes); way.SetTags(tags); way.Write(wayWriter); lastWayId=id; if (isCoastline) { RawCoastline coastline; coastline.SetId(way.GetId()); coastline.SetType(way.IsArea()); coastline.SetNodes(way.GetNodes()); coastline.Write(coastlineWriter); coastlineCount++; } }
bool readTheXmlFile(std::string fileName, std::string headNode, std::string secondNode, std::vector<std::string> theNodes, std::vector<std::string> theAttributes, std::vector<ListaDeCaractere*> &theNodeValues, std::vector<std::string> &headAttributesValues) { std::string moFoLongString; getTheFileAsString(fileName, moFoLongString); bool encoding = false; std::string sEncoding = ""; int lastPosition = 0; for(int i = 0; i < moFoLongString.size(); i++) { lastPosition = i + 1; sEncoding += moFoLongString[i]; if(moFoLongString[i] == '>') { encoding = true; break; } } if(sEncoding != "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>") { std::cout<<"The encoding is not good buddy!!"<<'\n'<<"It should be: "<<"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"<<'\n'; return false; } // std::cout<<sEncoding<<'\n'; std::vector<BSNodeXml> listOfActualNodes; std::string elementName1 = "", elementName2 = "", elementValue = "", attributeName = "", attributeValue = ""; bool readsAnElementName1 = false, readsAnElementName2 = false, readsAnElementValue = false, readsAnAttributeName = false, readsAnAttributeValue = false; for(int i = lastPosition; i < moFoLongString.size(); i++) { if(moFoLongString[i] == '<') { readsAnElementName1 = true; readsAnElementValue = false; readsAnAttributeName = false; readsAnAttributeValue = false; if(moFoLongString[i + 1] == '/') { readsAnElementName1 = false; readsAnElementName2 = true; i++; } else { BSNodeXml newNode; listOfActualNodes.push_back(newNode); } continue; } else if(moFoLongString[i] == ' ' && !readsAnAttributeValue) { if(attributeValue != "" && attributeName != "") { BSAttribute atribut; = attributeName; atribut.value = attributeValue; headAttributesValues.push_back(attributeValue); ///theNodeValues.back()->theCharArray2DAttributes.push_back(attributeValue); ///listOfActualNodes.back().attributes.push_back(atribut); } attributeName = ""; attributeValue = ""; readsAnElementName1 = false; readsAnElementName2 = false; readsAnElementValue = false; readsAnAttributeName = true; readsAnAttributeValue = false; continue; } else if(moFoLongString[i] == '=' && moFoLongString[i + 1] == '"' && !readsAnElementValue) { readsAnElementName1 = false; readsAnElementName2 = false; readsAnElementValue = false; readsAnAttributeName = false; readsAnAttributeValue = true; i++; continue; } else if(moFoLongString[i] == '"' && !readsAnElementValue) { if(attributeValue != "" && attributeName != "") { BSAttribute atribut; = attributeName; atribut.value = attributeValue; headAttributesValues.push_back(attributeValue); ///theNodeValues.back()->theCharArray2DAttributes.push_back(attributeValue); ///listOfActualNodes.back().attributes.push_back(atribut); } attributeName = ""; attributeValue = ""; readsAnElementName1 = false; readsAnElementName2 = false; readsAnElementValue = false; readsAnAttributeName = false; readsAnAttributeValue = false; continue; } else if(moFoLongString[i] == '>') { readsAnElementValue = true; if(readsAnElementName2) { int index = 0; for(int j = listOfActualNodes.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if(listOfActualNodes[j].checked != true) { index = j; break; } } readsAnElementValue = false; if(!checkElementNames(listOfActualNodes[index].name, elementName2)) { std::cout<<"The element names do not match: "<<listOfActualNodes.back().name<<' '<<elementName2<<". Position: "<<i<<'\n'; return false; } else { if(elementName2 == secondNode) { // std::cout<<" "<<elementName2<<'\n'<<'\n'; } else if(elementName2 == headNode) { // std::cout<<elementName2<<'\n'; } else { if(checkIfNodeIsWanted(elementName2, theNodes)) { theNodeValues.back()->theCharArray2D.push_back(elementValue); } // std::cout<<" "<<elementName2<<' '<<elementValue<<'\n'; } } listOfActualNodes[index].checked = true; elementName1 = ""; elementName2 = ""; elementValue = ""; attributeName = ""; attributeValue = ""; } else { if(elementName1 == secondNode) { ListaDeCaractere *newNode = new ListaDeCaractere; theNodeValues.push_back(newNode); // std::cout<<" "<<elementName1<<'\n'; } else if(elementName1 == headNode) { // std::cout<<elementName1<<'\n'; } listOfActualNodes.back().name = elementName1; elementName1 = ""; } readsAnElementName1 = false; readsAnElementName2 = false; readsAnAttributeName = false; readsAnAttributeValue = false; //for(int k = 0; k < listOfActualNodes.back().attributes.size(); k++) { // std::cout<<listOfActualNodes.back().listOfMoFoAttributes[k].key<<' '<<listOfActualNodes.back().listOfMoFoAttributes[k].value<<'\n'; } continue; } ///write the name, attribute or the value of an element if(readsAnElementName1) { elementName1 += moFoLongString[i]; } else if(readsAnElementName2) { elementName2 += moFoLongString[i]; } else if(readsAnAttributeName) { attributeName += moFoLongString[i]; } else if(readsAnAttributeValue) { attributeValue += moFoLongString[i]; } else if(readsAnElementValue) { elementValue += moFoLongString[i]; } } return true; }
static SequencerBase& getInstance () { return *_instances.back(); }
/** Count the total number of columns for the data table * * @param columns vector of table column descriptions * @return total number of columns including sub columns */ size_t count_table_columns(const std::vector<model::table::imaging_column>& columns) { if(columns.empty()) return 0; return columns.back().column_count(); }
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { Alignments alignments ; Genome genome ; std::vector<int> rascafFileId ; char line[2048] ; char prefix[512] = "rascaf_scaffold" ; int rawAssemblyInd = 1 ; FILE *rascafFile ; bool contigLevel = false ; int i ; FILE *outputFile ; FILE *infoFile ; breakN = 1 ; if ( argc < 2 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s", usage ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; ++i ) { if ( !strcmp( "-o", argv[i] ) ) { strcpy( prefix, argv[i + 1 ] ) ; ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-ms", argv[i] ) ) { minSupport = atoi( argv[i + 1] ) ; ++i ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-ignoreGap", argv[i] ) ) { ignoreGap = true ; } else if ( !strcmp( "-r", argv[i] ) ) { rascafFileId.push_back( i + 1 ) ; ++i ; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Unknown option: %s\n", argv[i] ) ; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ; } } if ( rascafFileId.size() == 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "Must use -r to specify rascaf output file.\n" ) ; exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ; } MAX_NEIGHBOR = 1 + rascafFileId.size() ; // Get the bam file. rascafFile = fopen( argv[ rascafFileId[0] ], "r" ) ; while ( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), rascafFile ) != NULL ) { if ( strstr( line, "command line:" ) ) { char *p ; char buffer[512] ; p = strstr( line, "-breakN" ) ; if ( p != NULL ) { p += 7 ; while ( *p == ' ' ) ++p ; for ( i = 0 ; *p && *p != ' ' ; ++p, ++i ) buffer[i] = *p ; buffer[i] = '\0' ; breakN = atoi( buffer ) ; } p = strstr( line, "-b" ) ; if ( p == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not find the bam file specified by -b in Rascaf.\n" ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } p += 2 ; while ( *p == ' ' ) ++p ; for ( i = 0 ; *p && *p != ' ' ; ++p, ++i ) buffer[i] = *p ; buffer[i] = '\0' ; alignments.Open( buffer ) ; p = strstr( line, "-f") ; if ( p == NULL ) { fprintf( stderr, "Could not find the raw assembly file specified by -f in Rascaf.\n" ) ; exit( 1 ) ; } p += 2 ; while ( *p == ' ' ) ++p ; for ( i = 0 ; *p && *p != ' ' && *p != '\n' ; ++p, ++i ) buffer[i] = *p ; buffer[i] = '\0' ; fprintf( stderr, "Found raw assembly file: %s\n", buffer ) ; genome.Open( alignments, buffer ) ; break ; } } fclose( rascafFile ) ; // Parse the input. for ( unsigned int fid = 0 ; fid < rascafFileId.size() ; ++fid ) { rascafFile = fopen( argv[ rascafFileId[fid] ], "r" ) ; bool start = false ; int tag ; while ( fgets( line, sizeof( line ), rascafFile ) != NULL ) { if ( strstr( line, "command line:" ) ) { start = true ; if ( strstr( line, "-f" ) ) { contigLevel = true ; } continue ; } if ( !start ) continue ; if ( !strcmp( line, "WARNINGS:\n" ) ) break ; std::vector<struct _part> nparts ; if ( line[0] >= '0' && line[0] <= '9' ) { AddConnection( line, alignments, nparts ) ; connects.push_back( nparts ) ; tag = 0 ; } else if ( line[0] == '\t' || line[0] == ' ' ) { // Break the nparts if the support is too low. int num = 0 ; for ( i = 0 ; line[i] < '0' || line[i] > '9' ; ++i ) ; for ( ; line[i] >= '0' && line[i] <= '9' ; ++i ) num = num * 10 + line[i] - '0' ; ++tag ; if ( num < minSupport ) { nparts = connects.back() ; connects.pop_back() ; int size = nparts.size() ; std::vector<struct _part> newNParts ; for ( i = 0 ; i < tag ; ++i ) newNParts.push_back( nparts[i] ) ; if ( newNParts.size() > 1 ) connects.push_back( newNParts ) ; newNParts.clear() ; for ( ; i < size ; ++i ) newNParts.push_back( nparts[i] ) ; if ( newNParts.size() > 1 ) connects.push_back( newNParts ) ; tag = 0 ; } } } fclose( rascafFile ) ; } if ( contigLevel == false ) { genome.SetIsOpen( contigLevel ) ; } // Build the graph int contigCnt = genome.GetContigCount() ; int edgeCnt = 0 ; int csize = connects.size() ; for ( i = 0 ; i < csize ; ++i ) edgeCnt += connects[i].size() ; ContigGraph contigGraph( contigCnt, contigCnt + edgeCnt ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt - 1 ; ++i ) { if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i + 1 ) ) { contigGraph.AddEdge( i, 1, i + 1, 0 ) ; } } for ( i = 0 ; i < csize ; ++i ) { std::vector<struct _part> &parts = connects[i] ; int size = parts.size() ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < size - 1 ; ++j ) { struct _part &a = parts[j] ; struct _part &b = parts[j + 1] ; // Two dummy nodes for each contig. Left is 0, right is 1 int dummyU = 0 ; int dummyV = 0 ; if ( a.strand == '+' ) dummyU = 1 ; if ( b.strand == '-' ) dummyV = 1 ; contigGraph.AddEdge( a.contigId, dummyU, b.contigId, dummyV, true ) ; } } // Check the cycles in the contig graph. This may introduces when combining different rascaf outputs. int *visitTime = new int[contigCnt] ; struct _pair *neighbors = new struct _pair[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ; bool *isInCycle = new bool[contigCnt] ; std::vector<int> cycleNodes ; memset( visitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( isInCycle, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i ) { if ( isInCycle[i] ) continue ; if ( contigGraph.IsInCycle( i, cycleNodes, visitTime ) ) { int cnt = cycleNodes.size() ; //printf( "===\n") ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < cnt ; ++j ) { //printf( "In cycle %d\n", cycleNodes[j] ) ; isInCycle[ cycleNodes[j] ] = true ; } } } //exit( 1 ) ; // Remove the connected edges involving the nodes in the cycle for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i ) { if ( isInCycle[i] ) { for ( int dummy = 0 ; dummy <= 1 ; ++dummy ) { int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( i, dummy, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < ncnt ; ++j ) { if ( neighbors[j].a == i + 2 * dummy - 1 && neighbors[j].b != dummy && genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[j].a ) ) continue ; // the connection created by the raw assembly else contigGraph.RemoveEdge( i, dummy, neighbors[j].a, neighbors[j].b ) ; } } } } //delete[] isInCycle ; //printf( "hi: %d %d\n", __LINE__, contigCnt ) ; //printf( "%d %d\n", contigGraph.GetNeighbors( 0, 0, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ), contigGraph.GetNeighbors( 0, 1, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ) ; // Sort the scaffolds from fasta file, so that longer scaffold come first int scafCnt = genome.GetChrCount() ; struct _pair *scafInfo = new struct _pair[scafCnt] ; memset( scafInfo, -1, sizeof( struct _pair) * scafCnt ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i ) { int chrId = genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) ; if ( scafInfo[chrId].a == -1 ) { scafInfo[ chrId ].a = i ; scafInfo[ chrId ].b = genome.GetChrLength( chrId ) ; } } qsort( scafInfo, scafCnt, sizeof( struct _pair ), CompScaffold ) ; // Merge the branches and build the scaffold ContigGraph scaffold( contigCnt, 2 * contigCnt ) ; // Use a method similar to topological sort bool *used = new bool[contigCnt] ; int *degree = new int[2 *contigCnt] ; int *danglingVisitTime = new int[contigCnt] ; int *counter = new int[contigCnt] ; int *visitDummy = new int[ contigCnt ] ; int *buffer = new int[contigCnt] ; int *buffer2 = new int[contigCnt] ; bool *isInQueue = new bool[ contigCnt ] ; int *chosen = new int[contigCnt] ; int chosenCnt ; memset( isInCycle, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( visitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( visitDummy, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( counter, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; // Use those memory to remove triangular cycles for ( i = 0 ; i < scafCnt ; ++i ) { int from, to ; if ( scafInfo[i].a == -1 ) continue ; genome.GetChrContigRange( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( scafInfo[i].a ), from, to ) ; ForwardSearch( from, 0, i, visitTime, counter, visitDummy, contigGraph ) ; chosenCnt = 0 ; BackwardSearchForTriangularCycle( to, 1, i, visitTime, counter, visitDummy, contigGraph, chosen, chosenCnt ) ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j ) { //printf( "%d\n", chosen[j] ) ; isInCycle[ chosen[j] ] = true ; } } for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i ) { if ( isInCycle[i] ) { for ( int dummy = 0 ; dummy <= 1 ; ++dummy ) { int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( i, dummy, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < ncnt ; ++j ) { if ( neighbors[j].a == i + 2 * dummy - 1 && neighbors[j].b != dummy && genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[j].a ) ) continue ; // the connection created by the raw assembly else contigGraph.RemoveEdge( i, dummy, neighbors[j].a, neighbors[j].b ) ; } } } } memset( used, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( visitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( visitDummy, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( danglingVisitTime, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( counter, -1, sizeof( int ) * contigCnt ) ; memset( isInQueue, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ; ContigGraph newGraph( contigCnt, edgeCnt ) ; // Compute the gap size int *gapSize = new int[contigCnt] ; for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt - 1 ; ++i ) { if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i + 1 ) ) { struct _contig c1 = genome.GetContigInfo( i ) ; struct _contig c2 = genome.GetContigInfo( i + 1 ) ; gapSize[i] = c2.start - c1.end - 1 ; } else gapSize[i] = -1 ; } // Start search int ncnt ; struct _pair *queue = new struct _pair[ contigCnt ] ; int head = 0, tail ; int danglingTime = 0 ; // Pre-allocate the subgraph. ContigGraph subgraph( contigCnt, 3 * contigCnt ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < scafCnt ; ++i ) { //if ( used[144281] == true ) // printf( "changed %d %d\n", i, scafInfo[i - 1].a ) ; if ( scafInfo[i].a == -1 ) continue ; int from, to ; genome.GetChrContigRange( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( scafInfo[i].a ), from, to ) ; //printf( "%d: %d %d %d\n", i, scafInfo[i].b, from, to ) ; ForwardSearch( from, 0, i, visitTime, counter, visitDummy, contigGraph ) ; chosenCnt = 0 ; BackwardSearch( to, 1, i, visitTime, counter, contigGraph, chosen, chosenCnt ) ; /*printf( "%s %d (%d %d) %d\n", alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( scafInfo[i].a ) ), i, from, to, chosenCnt ) ; if ( chosenCnt > 1 ) { printf( "=== " ) ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j ) printf( "%d ", chosen[j] ) ; printf( "\n" ) ; }*/ for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j ) { ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], 0, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; //printf( "%d %d %d: %d %d %d\n", j, chosen[j], ncnt, neighbors[0].a, visitTime[ neighbors[0].a ], // counter[neighbors[0].a ] ) ; for ( int k = 0 ; k < ncnt ; ++k ) { //if ( i == 639 ) // printf( "Neighbor from 0 %d: %d %d\n", k, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ; if ( visitTime[ neighbors[k].a ] == 2 * i + 1 && counter[neighbors[k].a ] == 2 ) { subgraph.AddEdge( chosen[j], 0, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b, true ) ; //printf( "subgraph: (%d %d)=>(%d %d)\n", chosen[j], 0, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ; } } ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], 1, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; for ( int k = 0 ; k < ncnt ; ++k ) { //if ( i == 639 ) // printf( "Neighbor from 1 %d: %d %d\n", k, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ; if ( visitTime[ neighbors[k].a ] == 2 * i + 1 && counter[neighbors[k].a ] == 2 ) { subgraph.AddEdge( chosen[j], 1, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b, true ) ; //printf( "subgraph: (%d %d)=>(%d %d)\n", chosen[j], 1, neighbors[k].a, neighbors[k].b ) ; } } } // Initialize the degree counter for ( int j = 0 ; j < chosenCnt ; ++j ) { for ( int l = 0 ; l < 2 ; ++l ) { /*if ( i == 6145 ) { std::vector<struct _pair> neighbors ; ncnt = subgraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], l, neighbors ) ; printf( "%d ncnt=%d\n", l, ncnt ) ; }*/ ncnt = subgraph.GetNeighbors( chosen[j], l, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; degree[ 2 * chosen[j] + l ] = ncnt ; } } // "topological" sort head = 0 ; isInQueue[from] = true ; queue[0].a = from ; queue[0].b = 0 ; tail = 1 ; int prevTag = -1 ; int *prevAdd = buffer ; // reuse counter to save some memory. int *nextAdd = buffer2 ; int firstAdd = -1 ; while ( head < tail ) { int tailTag = tail ; for ( int j = head ; j < tailTag ; ++j ) { nextAdd[j] = -1 ; if ( !used[ queue[j].a ] ) { used[ queue[j].a ] = true ; if ( prevTag != -1 ) { scaffold.AddEdge( queue[ prevTag].a, 1 - queue[prevTag].b, queue[j].a, queue[j].b ) ; nextAdd[ prevTag ] = j ; /*if ( i == 639 ) printf( "(%lld %lld)=>(%lld %lld)\n", queue[ prevTag].a, 1 - queue[prevTag].b, queue[j].a, queue[j].b ) ;*/ } else firstAdd = j ; prevTag = j ; } prevAdd[j] = prevTag ; // the most recent(<=) queue id when added to scaffold. ncnt = subgraph.GetNeighbors( queue[j].a, 1 - queue[j].b, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; for ( int k = 0 ; k < ncnt ; ++k ) { --degree[ 2 * neighbors[k].a + neighbors[k].b ] ; if ( degree[ 2 * neighbors[k].a + neighbors[k].b ] == 0 && !isInQueue[neighbors[k].a] ) { isInQueue[ neighbors[k].a ] = true ; queue[ tail ] = neighbors[k] ; // Interesting assignment, I think. ++tail ; /*if ( i == 639 ) printf( "pushed in queue: %d\n", neighbors[k].a ) ;*/ // Put the consecutive contigs together. struct _pair testNeighbors[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ; struct _pair tag ; tag = neighbors[k] ; while ( 1 ) { if ( contigGraph.GetNeighbors( tag.a, 1 - tag.b, testNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) != 1 ) break ; int n = subgraph.GetNeighbors( tag.a, 1 - tag.b, testNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; if ( n != 1 ) break ; //printf( "%d %d\n", n, testNeighbors[0].a ) ; struct _pair backNeighbors[ MAX_NEIGHBOR ] ; if ( contigGraph.GetNeighbors( testNeighbors[0].a, testNeighbors[0].b, backNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) != 1 ) break ; n = subgraph.GetNeighbors( testNeighbors[0].a, testNeighbors[0].b, backNeighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; if ( n != 1 ) break ; isInQueue[ testNeighbors[0].a ] = true ; queue[tail] = testNeighbors[0] ; ++tail ; /*if ( i == 639 ) printf( "pushed in queue: %d\n", testNeighbors[0].a ) ;*/ tag = testNeighbors[0] ; } } } } head = tailTag ; } // Remove the effect on the subgraph. /*if ( tail != chosenCnt ) { printf( "WARNING: not matched\n" ) ; exit( 1 ) ; }*/ for ( int j = 0 ; j < tail ; ++j ) { visitDummy[ queue[j].a ] = -1 ; counter[ queue[j].a ] = -1 ; subgraph.RemoveAdjacentEdges( queue[j].a ) ; isInQueue[ queue[j].a ] = false ; } subgraph.ResetEdgeUsed() ; // no point is picked if ( prevTag == -1 ) { continue ; } // Update the gap size prevTag = -1 ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < tail - 1 ; ++j ) { if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( queue[j].a ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( from ) ) prevTag = queue[j].a ; else if ( prevTag != -1 ) { struct _contig c = genome.GetContigInfo( queue[j].a ) ; gapSize[prevTag] -= ( c.end - c.start + 1) ; } } // Add the dangling contigs. Use the fact that the queue holding the contigs in the same order as in the scaffold. // 5'->3' dangling int *chosenDummy = degree ; for ( int j = tail - 1 ; j >= 0 ; --j ) { //if ( j < tail - 1 ) // continue ; chosenCnt = 0 ; //if ( queue[j].a == 0 ) // printf( "Dummy: %d %d %d\n", j, queue[j].b, 1 - queue[j].b ) ; SearchDangling( queue[j].a, queue[j].b, used, danglingTime, danglingVisitTime, contigGraph, false, chosen, chosenDummy, chosenCnt, genome ) ; ++danglingTime ; int prevTag = prevAdd[j] ; /*if ( queue[j].a == 0 ) { struct _pair neighbors[5] ; int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( queue[j].a, 1 - queue[j].b, neighbors, 5 ) ; printf( "%d %d %d %d: %d %d\n", queue[j].b, chosenCnt, prevTag, ncnt, neighbors[0].a, used[ neighbors[0].a ] ) ; }*/ if ( prevTag == -1 ) break ; // Trim the dangling list int k = chosenCnt - 1 ; if ( j > 0 && j < tail - 1 ) { for ( k = chosenCnt - 1 ; k >= 1 ; --k ) if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k] ) != genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k - 1] ) ) break ; } // Test the gap size int len = 0 ; for ( int l = 0 ; l <= k ; ++l ) { struct _contig c = genome.GetContigInfo( chosen[k] ) ; len += c.end - c.start + 1 ; } if ( j < tail - 1 ) { int l ; for ( l = j ; l >= 0 ; --l ) if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( queue[l].a ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( from ) ) break ; if ( !ignoreGap && len >= gapSize[ queue[l].a ] + 100 ) continue ; else gapSize[ queue[l].a ] -= len ; } for ( ; k >= 0 ; --k ) { used[ chosen[k] ] = true ; //printf( "Dangling 1: %d=>%d\n", queue[prevTag].a, chosen[k] ) ; scaffold.InsertNode( queue[ prevTag ].a, 1 - queue[ prevTag ].b, chosen[k], chosenDummy[k] ) ; } } // 3'->5' dangling for ( int j = 0 ; j < tail ; ++j ) { //if ( j > 0 ) // continue ; chosenCnt = 0 ; SearchDangling( queue[j].a, 1 - queue[j].b, used, danglingTime, danglingVisitTime, contigGraph, false, chosen, chosenDummy, chosenCnt, genome ) ; ++danglingTime ; int prevTag = prevAdd[j] ; int nextTag ; if ( prevTag == -1 || j <= firstAdd ) nextTag = firstAdd ; else if ( j == prevTag ) nextTag = j ; else nextTag = nextAdd[ prevTag ] ; if ( nextTag == -1 ) break ; /*if ( queue[j].a == 37549 ) { struct _pair neighbors[5] ; int ncnt = contigGraph.GetNeighbors( queue[j].a, queue[j].b, neighbors, 5 ) ; fprintf( stderr, "%d %d %d: %d %d %d: %d %d %d\n", j, queue[j].a, queue[j].b, chosenCnt, nextTag, ncnt, chosen[0], chosenDummy[0], used[ chosen[0] ] ) ; }*/ // trim the danling list int k = chosenCnt - 1 ; if ( j < tail - 1 && j > 0 ) { for ( k = chosenCnt - 1 ; k >= 1 ; --k ) if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k] ) != genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( chosen[k - 1] ) ) break ; } // Test the gap size int len = 0 ; for ( int l = 0 ; l <= k ; ++l ) { struct _contig c = genome.GetContigInfo( chosen[k] ) ; len += c.end - c.start + 1 ; } if ( j > 0 ) { int l ; for ( l = j - 1 ; l >= 0 ; --l ) // Notice the j-1 here, because we want the gap strictly before current contig if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( queue[l].a ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( from ) ) break ; if ( !ignoreGap && len >= gapSize[ queue[l].a ] + 100 ) continue ; else gapSize[ queue[l].a ] -= len ; } for ( ; k >= 0 ; --k ) { used[ chosen[k] ] = true ; scaffold.InsertNode( queue[nextTag].a, queue[nextTag].b, chosen[k], chosenDummy[k] ) ; //printf( "Dangling 2: %d<=%d\n", queue[nextTag].a, chosen[k] ) ; //if ( chosen[k] == 10246 ) // printf( "hi %d %d %d %d\n", j, queue[j].a, k, chosen[k] ) ; } } } //return 0 ; // Output the scaffold int id = 0 ; char infoFileName[512] ; char outputFileName[512] ; sprintf( infoFileName, "", prefix ) ; sprintf( outputFileName, "%s.fa", prefix ) ; outputFile = fopen( outputFileName, "w" ) ; infoFile = fopen( infoFileName, "w") ; memset( used, false, sizeof( bool ) * contigCnt ) ; for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i ) { //printf( "%d (%s)\n", i, alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( i ) ) ) ; fflush( stdout ) ; /*if ( i == 10246 ) { std::vector<struct _pair> neighbors ; scaffold.GetNeighbors( i, 0, neighbors ) ; printf( "%u\n", neighbors.size() ) ; }*/ if ( used[i] ) continue ; int ncnt1 = scaffold.GetNeighbors( i, 0, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; int ncnt2 = scaffold.GetNeighbors( i, 1, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; if ( ncnt1 == 0 || ncnt2 == 0 ) // The end of a scaffold { fprintf( outputFile, ">scaffold_%d\n", id) ; fprintf( infoFile, ">scaffold_%d", id ) ; ++id ; int p = i ; int dummyP = 1 ; if ( ncnt1 == 0 ) dummyP = 0 ; used[i] = true ; genome.PrintContig( outputFile, i, dummyP ) ; fprintf( infoFile, " (%s %d %c)", alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( p ) ), p, dummyP == 0 ? '+' : '-' ) ; while ( 1 ) { ncnt = scaffold.GetNeighbors( p, 1 - dummyP, neighbors, MAX_NEIGHBOR ) ; if ( ncnt == 0 ) break ; // ncnt must be 1 int insertN = 17 ; if ( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( p ) == genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( neighbors[0].a ) ) { struct _contig cp, cna ; cp = genome.GetContigInfo( p ) ; cna = genome.GetContigInfo( neighbors[0].a ) ; if ( p < neighbors[0].a ) insertN = cna.start - cp.end - 1 ; else if ( p > neighbors[0].a ) insertN = cp.start - cna.end - 1 ; } p = neighbors[0].a ; dummyP = neighbors[0].b ; for ( int j = 0 ; j < insertN ; ++j ) fprintf( outputFile, "N" ) ; used[p] = true ; genome.PrintContig( outputFile, p, dummyP ) ; fprintf( infoFile, " (%s %d %c)", alignments.GetChromName( genome.GetChrIdFromContigId( p ) ), p, dummyP == 0 ? '+' : '-' ) ; } fprintf( outputFile, "\n" ) ; fprintf( infoFile, "\n" ) ; } } for ( i = 0 ; i < contigCnt ; ++i ) if ( !used[i] ) { fprintf( stderr, "Unreported contig %d.\n", i ) ; } fclose( outputFile ) ; fclose( infoFile ) ; delete[] buffer ; delete[] buffer2 ; delete[] chosen ; delete[] queue ; delete[] counter ; delete[] visitTime ; delete[] used ; delete[] scafInfo ; delete[] isInQueue ; delete[] gapSize ; //fclose( rascafFile ) ; return 0 ; }
LogData * LogerManager::makeLogData(LoggerId id, int level) { LogData * pLog = NULL; if (true) { if (!_freeLogDatas.empty()) { AutoLock l(_logLock); if (!_freeLogDatas.empty()) { pLog = _freeLogDatas.back(); _freeLogDatas.pop_back(); } } if (pLog == NULL) { pLog = new LogData(); } } //append precise time to log if (true) { pLog->_id = id; pLog->_level = level; pLog->_type = LDT_GENERAL; pLog->_typeval = 0; pLog->_contentLen = 0; #ifdef WIN32 FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); unsigned long long now = ft.dwHighDateTime; now <<= 32; now |= ft.dwLowDateTime; now /= 10; now -= 11644473600000000ULL; now /= 1000; pLog->_time = now / 1000; pLog->_precise = (unsigned int)(now % 1000); #else struct timeval tm; gettimeofday(&tm, NULL); pLog->_time = tm.tv_sec; pLog->_precise = tm.tv_usec / 1000; #endif } //format log if (true) { tm tt = timeToTm(pLog->_time); pLog->_contentLen = sprintf(pLog->_content, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03u %s ", tt.tm_year + 1900, tt.tm_mon + 1, tt.tm_mday, tt.tm_hour, tt.tm_min, tt.tm_sec, pLog->_precise, LOG_STRING[pLog->_level]); if (pLog->_contentLen < 0) { pLog->_contentLen = 0; } } return pLog; }
int TriangleAdjacencyGraph::fillIndexFromStrip ( std::vector<Index> &indexVec, TriangleList &strip, bool rev ) { Triangle *triangle = rev ? strip.last : strip.first, *nextTriangle; HalfEdge *firstEdge, *halfEdge, *gate; WalkCase walkCase; Index vertex; int cost = 0; if (triangle) { cost = 3; indexVec.reserve(32); // find better value indexVec.resize(3); if ((nextTriangle = (rev ? triangle->prev : triangle->next))) { cost++; gate = findGateEdge(triangle,nextTriangle); firstEdge = gate->next->next; indexVec.push_back(vertex = gate->twin->next->vertexEnd()); walkCase = LEFT; for ( triangle = nextTriangle; (nextTriangle = (rev ? triangle->prev : triangle->next)); triangle = nextTriangle ) { halfEdge = gate->twin; gate = findGateEdge(triangle,nextTriangle); if (walkCase == RIGHT) // RIGHT if (halfEdge->next == gate) { indexVec.push_back(vertex = gate->twin->next->vertexEnd()); walkCase = LEFT; cost++; } else { // swap; walkCase stays RIGHT; indexVec.back() = gate->vertexEnd(); indexVec.push_back(gate->vertexStart()); indexVec.push_back(vertex = gate->twin->next->vertexEnd()); cost += 2; } else // LEFT if (halfEdge->next->next == gate) { indexVec.push_back(vertex = gate->twin->next->vertexEnd()); walkCase = RIGHT; cost++; } else { // swap; walkCase stays LEFT; indexVec.back() = gate->vertexStart(); indexVec.push_back(gate->vertexEnd()); indexVec.push_back(vertex = gate->twin->next->vertexEnd()); cost += 2; } } } else firstEdge = &triangle->halfEdgeVec[0]; indexVec[0] = vertex = firstEdge->vertexStart(); indexVec[1] = vertex = firstEdge->next->vertexStart(); indexVec[2] = vertex = firstEdge->next->next->vertexStart(); } return cost; }
void FdSimpleKlugeExtOUVPPEngine::calculate() const { ext::shared_ptr<SwingExercise> swingExercise( ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<SwingExercise>(arguments_.exercise)); QL_REQUIRE(swingExercise, "Swing exercise supported only"); const FdmVPPStepConditionFactory stepConditionFactory(arguments_); // 1. Exercise definition const std::vector<Time> exerciseTimes = swingExercise->exerciseTimes(rTS_->dayCounter(), rTS_->referenceDate()); // 2. mesher set-up const Time maturity = exerciseTimes.back(); const ext::shared_ptr<ExtOUWithJumpsProcess> klugeProcess = process_->getKlugeProcess(); const ext::shared_ptr<StochasticProcess1D> klugeOUProcess = klugeProcess->getExtendedOrnsteinUhlenbeckProcess(); const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> xMesher( new FdmSimpleProcess1dMesher(xGrid_, klugeOUProcess, maturity)); const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> yMesher( new ExponentialJump1dMesher(yGrid_, klugeProcess->beta(), klugeProcess->jumpIntensity(), klugeProcess->eta(), 1e-3)); const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> gMesher( new FdmSimpleProcess1dMesher(gGrid_, process_->getExtOUProcess(),maturity)); const ext::shared_ptr<Fdm1dMesher> exerciseMesher( stepConditionFactory.stateMesher()); const ext::shared_ptr<FdmMesher> mesher ( new FdmMesherComposite(xMesher, yMesher, gMesher, exerciseMesher)); // 3. Calculator const ext::shared_ptr<FdmInnerValueCalculator> zeroInnerValue( new FdmZeroInnerValue()); const ext::shared_ptr<Payoff> zeroStrikeCall( new PlainVanillaPayoff(Option::Call, 0.0)); const ext::shared_ptr<FdmInnerValueCalculator> fuelPrice( new FdmExpExtOUInnerValueCalculator(zeroStrikeCall, mesher, fuelShape_, 2)); const ext::shared_ptr<FdmInnerValueCalculator> powerPrice( new FdmExtOUJumpModelInnerValue(zeroStrikeCall,mesher,powerShape_)); const ext::shared_ptr<FdmInnerValueCalculator> sparkSpread( new FdmSparkSpreadInnerValue( ext::dynamic_pointer_cast<BasketPayoff>(arguments_.payoff), fuelPrice, powerPrice)); // 4. Step conditions std::list<std::vector<Time> > stoppingTimes; std::list<ext::shared_ptr<StepCondition<Array> > > stepConditions; // 4.1 Bermudan step conditions stoppingTimes.push_back(exerciseTimes); const FdmVPPStepConditionMesher mesh = { 3u, mesher }; const ext::shared_ptr<FdmVPPStepCondition> stepCondition(, fuelCostAddon_, fuelPrice, sparkSpread)); stepConditions.push_back(stepCondition); const ext::shared_ptr<FdmStepConditionComposite> conditions( new FdmStepConditionComposite(stoppingTimes, stepConditions)); // 5. Boundary conditions const FdmBoundaryConditionSet boundaries; // 6. set-up solver FdmSolverDesc solverDesc = { mesher, boundaries, conditions, zeroInnerValue, maturity, tGrid_, 0 }; const ext::shared_ptr<FdmKlugeExtOUSolver<4> > solver( new FdmKlugeExtOUSolver<4>(Handle<KlugeExtOUProcess>(process_), rTS_, solverDesc, schemeDesc_)); std::vector<Real> x(4); x[0] = process_->initialValues()[0]; x[1] = process_->initialValues()[1]; x[2] = process_->initialValues()[2]; const Real tol = 1e-8; const Real maxExerciseValue = exerciseMesher->locations().back(); const Real minExerciseValue = exerciseMesher->locations().front(); Array results(exerciseMesher->size()); for (Size i=0; i < results.size(); ++i) { x[3] = std::max(minExerciseValue + tol, std::min(exerciseMesher->location(i), maxExerciseValue - tol)); results[i] = solver->valueAt(x); } results_.value = stepCondition->maxValue(results); }
void Tools::AssembleICDF(std::vector<double>& histogram, std::vector<double>& icdf, double& density) { // std::vector<double> tmp = icdf; // Debug mode // try{ int nbins = histogram.size(); static std::vector<double> icdf_reverse; icdf.resize(nbins+1); icdf.front() = 0.; std::partial_sum(histogram.begin(), histogram.end(), icdf.begin()+1); density = icdf.back(); if (density <= 0) { /* Give up reconstruction */ std::fill(icdf.begin(), icdf.end(), 0.); density = 0; return; } /* First, we take care of negative values and overshots */ int i0 = 0, i1 = nbins, imax = 0; for (int i=1; i<nbins; i++) { if ( < 0) i0 = i; if ( > density && i1 > i) i1 = i; if ( > .5*density && < .5*density) imax = i; } if (i1 < i0) /* Accidents happen */ { double df = (density - 0.)/(i0 - i1); for (int j=0; j<= i1; j++) = 0.; for (int j=i1+1; j<i0; j++) = (j-i1)*df; for (int j=i0; j<=nbins; j++) = density; i0 = 0; i1 = nbins; } if (i0 > 0) { int ind1 = i0 - 1; int ind2 = i0 + 1; double S = 0; for (int j = 1; j < ind2; j++) S +=; double df = 2.*S/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); while (df<0 || (ind2-1-ind1)*df > { if (ind1 > 1 && <= density) ind1--; else if (ind2 < imax) { S +=; ind2++; ind1 = i0-1; } else // There is something wrong with the distribution. Give up momentum conservation { ind1 = i0-1; ind2 = i0+1; df = std::min(density,; break; } df = 2.*S/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); } for (int j=0; j<ind1+1; j++) = 0; for (int j = ind1+1; j<ind2; j++) = (j-ind1)*df; } if (i1 < nbins) { int ind1 = i1 - 1; int ind2 = i1 + 1; double S = 0; for (int j = ind1+1; j < nbins; j++) S +=; double df = 2.*((nbins-ind1-1)*density-S)/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); while (df<0 || (ind2-1-ind1)*df > density - { if (ind2 < nbins+1 && >= 0) ind2++; else if (ind1 > imax) { S +=; ind1--; ind2 = i1+1; } else { ind1 = i1-1; ind2 = i1+1; df = (std::max(, 0.) - density)/(ind1-ind2); break; } df = 2.*((nbins-ind1-1)*density-S)/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); } for (int j = ind1+1; j<ind2; j++) = density + (j-ind2)*df; for (int j=ind2; j<nbins; j++) = density; } double lowval=0.; int i = 1; /* Ensure that the ICDF is a monotonic function */ while (i < imax) { if (lowval > { /* The vector icdf is monotonic up to index i-1 */ int ind1 = i-1, ind2 = i+1; double minval =; while (lowval > { ind2++; if (minval > { minval =; i = ind2; } } while (minval < ind1--; double S = 0; for (int j = ind1+1; j<i; j++) S +=; double df = 2.*(S - (i - ind1 - 1)*<double>((i-ind1)*(i-ind1-1)); while (df<0 || df*(i-1-ind1) > - { if (i<imax) { S +=; i++; df = 2.*(S - (i - ind1 - 1)*<double>((i-ind1)*(i-ind1-1)); } else // There is something wrong with the distribution. Give up momentum conservation { i = ind2; df = ( -; break; } } for (int j=ind1+1; j<i; j++) = + df*(j-ind1); } lowval =; i++; } double highval = density; i=nbins-1; while (i>imax) { if (highval < { int ind1 = i+1, ind2 = i-1; double maxval =; while (highval < { ind2--; if (maxval < { maxval =; i = ind2; } } while (maxval > ind1++; double S = 0; for (int j=i+1; j<ind1-1; j++) S +=; double df = 2/((ind1-i)*(ind1-i-1))*((ind1 - i -1) * - S); while (df < 0 || df*(ind1-i-1) > - { if (i>imax) { S +=; i--; df = 2/((ind1-i)*(ind1-i-1))*((ind1 - i -1) * - S); } else // There is something wrong with the distribution. Give up momentum conservation { i = ind2; df = ( -; break; } } for (int j=ind1-1; j>i; j--) = + df*(j-ind1); } highval =; i--; } for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++) = -; // } // catch(...){ // std::cout << "Failure in the ICDF reconstruction\n"; // icdf= tmp; // int nbins = histogram.size(); // static std::vector<double> icdf_reverse; // icdf.resize(nbins+1); // icdf.front() = 0.; // std::partial_sum(histogram.begin(), histogram.end(), icdf.begin()+1); // density = icdf.back(); // std::cout << "1:\n"; // for (double & s: icdf) std::cout << s << "\t"; std::cout << "\n\n"; // if (density <= 0) // { // /* Give up reconstruction */ // std::fill(icdf.begin(), icdf.end(), 0.); // density = 0; // return; // } // /* First, we take care of negative values and overshots */ // int i0 = 0, i1 = nbins, imax = 0; // for (int i=1; i<nbins; i++) // { // if ( < 0) i0 = i; // if ( > density && i1 > i) i1 = i; // if ( > .5*density && < .5*density) imax = i; // } // if (i1 < i0) /* Accidents happen */ // { // double df = (density - 0.)/(i0 - i1); // for (int j=0; j<= i1; j++) = 0.; // for (int j=i1+1; j<i0; j++) = (j-i1)*df; // for (int j=i0; j<=nbins; j++) = density; // i0 = 0; i1 = nbins; // } // if (i0 > 0) // { // int ind1 = i0 - 1; // int ind2 = i0 + 1; // double S = 0; // for (int j = 1; j < ind2; j++) // S +=; // double df = 2.*S/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); // while (df<0 || (ind2-1-ind1)*df > // { // if (ind1 > 1 && <= density) // ind1--; // else if (ind2 < imax) // { // S +=; // ind2++; // ind1 = i0-1; // } // else // There is something wrong with the distribution. Give up momentum conservation // { // ind1 = i0-1; // ind2 = i0+1; // df = std::min(density,; // break; // } // df = 2.*S/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); // } // for (int j=0; j<=ind1; j++) // = 0; // for (int j = ind1+1; j<ind2; j++) // = (j-ind1)*df; // std::cout << "2:\t ind1:\t" << ind1 << "\ti0:\t" << i0 << "\tind2:\t" << ind2 << "\n"; // } // for (double & s: icdf) std::cout << s << "\t"; std::cout << "\n\n"; // if (i1 < nbins) // { // int ind1 = i1 - 1; // int ind2 = i1 + 1; // double S = 0; // for (int j = ind1+1; j < nbins; j++) // S +=; // double df = 2.*((nbins-ind1-1)*density-S)/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); // while (df<0 || (ind2-1-ind1)*df > density - // { // if (ind2 < nbins+1 && >= 0) // ind2++; // else if (ind1 > imax) // { // S +=; // ind1--; // ind2 = i1+1; // } // else // { // ind1 = i1-1; // ind2 = i1+1; // df = (std::max(, 0.) - density)/(ind1-ind2); // break; // } // df = 2.*((nbins-ind1-1)*density-S)/static_cast<double>((ind2-ind1)*(ind2-ind1-1)); // } // for (int j = ind1+1; j<ind2; j++) // = density + (j-ind2)*df; // for (int j=ind2; j<nbins; j++) // = density; // std::cout << "3:\t ind1:\t" << ind1 << "\ti1:\t" << i1 << "\tind2:\t" << ind2 << "\n"; // } // for (double & s: icdf) std::cout << s << "\t"; std::cout << "\n\n"; // double lowval=0.; // int i = 1; // /* Ensure that the ICDF is a monotonic function */ // while (i < imax) // { // if (lowval > // { // /* The vector icdf is monotonic up to index i-1 */ // int ind1 = i-1, ind2 = i+1; // double minval =; // while (lowval > // { // ind2++; // if (minval > // { // minval =; // i = ind2; // } // } // while (minval < ind1--; // double S = 0; // for (int j = ind1+1; j<i; j++) // S +=; // double df = 2.*(S - (i - ind1 - 1)*<double>((i-ind1)*(i-ind1-1)); // while (df<0 || df*(i-1-ind1) > - // { // if (i<imax) // { // S +=; // i++; // df = 2.*(S - (i - ind1 - 1)*<double>((i-ind1)*(i-ind1-1)); // } // else // There is something wrong with the distribution. Give up momentum conservation // { // i = ind2; // df = ( -; // break; // } // } // for (int j=ind1+1; j<i; j++) // = + df*(j-ind1); // } // lowval =; // i++; // } // std::cout << "4:\n"; // for (double & s: icdf) std::cout << s << "\t"; std::cout << "\n\n"; // double highval = density; // i=nbins-1; // while (i>imax) // { // if (highval < // { // int ind1 = i+1, ind2 = i-1; // double maxval =; // while (highval < // { // ind2--; // if (maxval < // { // maxval =; // i = ind2; // } // } // while (maxval > ind1++; // double S = 0; // for (int j=i+1; j<ind1-1; j++) // S +=; // double df = 2/((ind1-i)*(ind1-i-1))*((ind1 - i -1) * - S); // while (df < 0 || df*(ind1-i-1) > - // { // if (i>imax) // { // S +=; // i--; // df = 2/((ind1-i)*(ind1-i-1))*((ind1 - i -1) * - S); // } // else // There is something wrong with the distribution. Give up momentum conservation // { // i = ind2; // df = ( -; // break; // } // } // for (int j=ind1-1; j>i; j--) // = + df*(j-ind1); // } // highval =; // i--; // } // std::cout << "5:\n"; // for (double & s: icdf) std::cout << s << "\t"; std::cout << "\n\n"; // for (int i=0; i<nbins; i++) // = -; // exit(1); // } }
char* arg(const char* value) { argp.push_back(new char [strlen(value) + 1]); strcpy(argp.back(), value); return argp.back(); }
void loadMiscSettings() { FileParser infile; // load miscellaneous settings from engine config // misc.txt if (>locate("engine/misc.txt").c_str())) { while ( { if (infile.key == "save_hpmp") { if (toInt(infile.val) == 1) SAVE_HPMP = true; } else if (infile.key == "default_name") { DEFAULT_NAME = infile.val.c_str(); } else if (infile.key == "corpse_timeout") { CORPSE_TIMEOUT = toInt(infile.val); } else if (infile.key == "sell_without_vendor") { if (toInt(infile.val) == 1) SELL_WITHOUT_VENDOR = true; else SELL_WITHOUT_VENDOR = false; } else if (infile.key == "aim_assist") { AIM_ASSIST = toInt(infile.val); } } infile.close(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open engine/misc.txt!\n"); // resolutions.txt if (>locate("engine/resolutions.txt").c_str())) { while ( { if (infile.key == "menu_frame_width") FRAME_W = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "menu_frame_height") FRAME_H = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "icon_size") ICON_SIZE = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "required_width") { MIN_VIEW_W = toInt(infile.val); if (VIEW_W < MIN_VIEW_W) VIEW_W = MIN_VIEW_W; VIEW_W_HALF = VIEW_W/2; } else if (infile.key == "required_height") { MIN_VIEW_H = toInt(infile.val); if (VIEW_H < MIN_VIEW_H) VIEW_H = MIN_VIEW_H; VIEW_H_HALF = VIEW_H/2; } } infile.close(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open engine/resolutions.txt!\n"); // gameplay.txt if (>locate("engine/gameplay.txt").c_str())) { while ( { if (infile.key == "enable_playgame") { if (toInt(infile.val) == 1) ENABLE_PLAYGAME = true; else ENABLE_PLAYGAME = false; } } infile.close(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open engine/gameplay.txt!\n"); // combat.txt if (>locate("engine/combat.txt").c_str())) { while ( { if (infile.key == "max_absorb_percent") { MAX_ABSORB = toInt(infile.val); } else if (infile.key == "max_resist_percent") { MAX_RESIST = toInt(infile.val); } else if (infile.key == "max_block_percent") { MAX_BLOCK = toInt(infile.val); } else if (infile.key == "max_avoidance_percent") { MAX_AVOIDANCE = toInt(infile.val); } } infile.close(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open engine/combat.txt!\n"); // elements.txt if (>locate("engine/elements.txt").c_str())) { Element e; ELEMENTS.clear(); while ( { if (infile.key == "name") = infile.val; else if (infile.key == "resist") e.resist = infile.val; if ( != "" && e.resist != "") { ELEMENTS.push_back(e); = e.resist = ""; } } infile.close(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open engine/elements.txt!\n"); // classes.txt if (>locate("engine/classes.txt").c_str())) { HeroClass c; HERO_CLASSES.clear(); while ( { if (infile.key == "name") = infile.val; if ( != "") { HERO_CLASSES.push_back(c); = ""; } if (!HERO_CLASSES.empty()) { if (infile.key == "description") HERO_CLASSES.back().description = infile.val; else if (infile.key == "currency") HERO_CLASSES.back().currency = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "equipment") HERO_CLASSES.back().equipment = infile.val; else if (infile.key == "physical") HERO_CLASSES.back().physical = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "mental") HERO_CLASSES.back().mental = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "offense") HERO_CLASSES.back().offense = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "defense") HERO_CLASSES.back().defense = toInt(infile.val); else if (infile.key == "actionbar") { for (int i=0; i<12; i++) { HERO_CLASSES.back().hotkeys[i] = toInt(infile.nextValue()); } } else if (infile.key == "powers") { string power; while ( (power = infile.nextValue()) != "") { HERO_CLASSES.back().powers.push_back(toInt(power)); } } } } infile.close(); } else fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open engine/classes.txt!\n"); // Make a default hero class if none were found if (HERO_CLASSES.empty()) { HeroClass c; = msg->get("Adventurer"); HERO_CLASSES.push_back(c); } }
T& last () { return vector.back (); }
const IntPair& getKey( const uint64_t& i ) { intPairs.push_back( std::make_pair( static_cast<uint32_t>(i / 3), static_cast<uint32_t>(3 - (i % 3)) ) ); return intPairs.back(); }
bool TreeSocket::PreProcessOldProtocolMessage(User*& who, std::string& cmd, std::vector<std::string>& params) { if ((cmd == "METADATA") && (params.size() >= 3) && (params[0][0] == '#')) { // :20D METADATA #channel extname :extdata return InsertCurrentChannelTS(params); } else if ((cmd == "FTOPIC") && (params.size() >= 4)) { // :20D FTOPIC #channel 100 Attila :topic text return InsertCurrentChannelTS(params); } else if ((cmd == "PING") || (cmd == "PONG")) { if (params.size() == 1) { // If it's a PING with 1 parameter, reply with a PONG now, if it's a PONG with 1 parameter (weird), do nothing if (cmd[1] == 'I') this->WriteData(":" + ServerInstance->Config->GetSID() + " PONG " + params[0] + newline); // Don't process this message further return false; } // :20D PING 20D 22D // :20D PONG 20D 22D // Drop the first parameter params.erase(params.begin()); // If the target is a server name, translate it to a SID if (!InspIRCd::IsSID(params[0])) { TreeServer* server = Utils->FindServer(params[0]); if (!server) { // We've no idea what this is, log and stop processing ServerInstance->Logs->Log(MODNAME, LOG_DEFAULT, "Received a " + cmd + " with an unknown target: \"" + params[0] + "\", command dropped"); return false; } params[0] = server->GetID(); } } else if ((cmd == "GLINE") || (cmd == "KLINE") || (cmd == "ELINE") || (cmd == "ZLINE") || (cmd == "QLINE")) { // Fix undocumented protocol usage: translate GLINE, ZLINE, etc. into ADDLINE or DELLINE if ((params.size() != 1) && (params.size() != 3)) return false; parameterlist p; p.push_back(cmd.substr(0, 1)); p.push_back(params[0]); if (params.size() == 3) { cmd = "ADDLINE"; p.push_back(who->nick); p.push_back(ConvToStr(ServerInstance->Time())); p.push_back(ConvToStr(InspIRCd::Duration(params[1]))); p.push_back(params[2]); } else cmd = "DELLINE"; params.swap(p); } else if (cmd == "SVSMODE") { cmd = "MODE"; } else if (cmd == "OPERQUIT") { // Translate OPERQUIT into METADATA if (params.empty()) return false; cmd = "METADATA"; params.insert(params.begin(), who->uuid); params.insert(params.begin()+1, "operquit"); who = MyRoot->ServerUser; } else if ((cmd == "TOPIC") && (params.size() >= 2)) { // :20DAAAAAC TOPIC #chan :new topic cmd = "FTOPIC"; if (!InsertCurrentChannelTS(params)) return false; params.insert(params.begin()+2, ConvToStr(ServerInstance->Time())); } else if (cmd == "MODENOTICE") { // MODENOTICE is always supported by 2.0 but it's optional in 2.2. params.insert(params.begin(), "*"); params.insert(params.begin()+1, cmd); cmd = "ENCAP"; } else if (cmd == "RULES") { return false; } else if (cmd == "INVITE") { // :20D INVITE 22DAAABBB #chan // :20D INVITE 22DAAABBB #chan 123456789 // Insert channel timestamp after the channel name; the 3rd parameter, if there, is the invite expiration time return InsertCurrentChannelTS(params, 1, 2); } else if (cmd == "VERSION") { // :20D VERSION :InspIRCd-2.0 // change to // :20D SINFO version :InspIRCd-2.0 cmd = "SINFO"; params.insert(params.begin(), "version"); } else if (cmd == "JOIN") { // 2.0 allows and forwards legacy JOINs but we don't, so translate them to FJOINs before processing if ((params.size() != 1) || (IS_SERVER(who))) return false; // Huh? cmd = "FJOIN"; Channel* chan = ServerInstance->FindChan(params[0]); params.push_back(ConvToStr(chan ? chan->age : ServerInstance->Time())); params.push_back("+"); params.push_back(","); params.back().append(who->uuid); who = TreeServer::Get(who)->ServerUser; } else if ((cmd == "FMODE") && (params.size() >= 2)) { // Translate user mode changes with timestamp to MODE if (params[0][0] != '#') { User* user = ServerInstance->FindUUID(params[0]); if (!user) return false; // Emulate the old nonsensical behavior if (user->age < ServerCommand::ExtractTS(params[1])) return false; cmd = "MODE"; params.erase(params.begin()+1); } } else if ((cmd == "SERVER") && (params.size() > 4)) { // This does not affect the initial SERVER line as it is sent before the link state is CONNECTED // :20D SERVER <name> * 0 <sid> <desc> // change to // :20D SERVER <name> <sid> <desc> params[1].swap(params[3]); params.erase(params.begin()+2, params.begin()+4); // If the source of this SERVER message is not bursting, then new servers it introduces are bursting TreeServer* server = TreeServer::Get(who); if (!server->IsBursting()) params.insert(params.begin()+2, "burst=" + ConvToStr(ServerInstance->Time()*1000)); } else if (cmd == "BURST") { // A server is introducing another one, drop unnecessary BURST return false; } return true; // Passthru }
void ParsingFace(MPMesh* pMesh, MPMesh::FaceHandle faceHandle, const TestTree* pTree, Relation testRelation, MPMesh** meshList, std::vector<TMP_VInfo>& points, Octree<>* pOctree, GS::BaseMesh* pResult, GS::float4* color) { if (testRelation == REL_INSIDE) return; // 树不为空,存在一个on的节点 ISectTriangle* triangle = pMesh->property(pMesh->SurfacePropHandle, faceHandle); assert(triangle); triangle->relationTestId.clear(); for (auto &itr: *pTree) GetLeafList(itr.testTree, triangle->relationTestId); // 取得有效的相交网格列表 std::sort(triangle->relationTestId.begin(), triangle->relationTestId.end()); // 记录二次相交点 std::map<ISCutSegItr, std::list<ISVertexItr>> crossRecord; unsigned n_test = triangle->relationTestId.size(); Vec3d crossPoint; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_test; i++) { auto &res1 = triangle->segs.find(triangle->relationTestId[i]); if (res1 == triangle->segs.end()) continue; auto &segs1 = res1->second; for (unsigned j = i+1; j < n_test; j++) { auto &res2 = triangle->segs.find(triangle->relationTestId[j]); if (res2 == triangle->segs.end()) continue; auto &segs2 = res2->second; for (auto segItr1 = segs1.segs.begin(); segItr1 != segs1.segs.end(); segItr1++) { for (auto segItr2 = segs2.segs.begin(); segItr2 != segs2.segs.end(); segItr2++) { if (SegIsectTest2D(*segItr1, *segItr2, points, crossPoint)) { auto vItr = InsertPoint(triangle, INNER, crossPoint); vItr->Id = points.size(); points.emplace_back(); points.back().p3 = crossPoint; points.back().p2 = Point2(crossPoint[triangle->xi], crossPoint[triangle->yi]); points.back().p2.setCustomIndex(vItr->Id); points.back().ptr = vItr; crossRecord[segItr2].push_back(vItr); crossRecord[segItr1].push_back(vItr); } } } } } // 根据相交测试的结果重新划分折痕 std::list<ISCutSeg> tmpSegList; ISCutSeg tmpSeg; for (auto& pair: crossRecord) { if (pair.second.size() > 1) SortSegPoint(pair, points); tmpSeg.start = pair.first->start; tmpSeg.end = *pair.second.begin(); tmpSegList.push_back(tmpSeg); std::list<ISVertexItr>::iterator vItr = pair.second.begin(), vItr2 = vItr; vItr2++; for (; vItr2 != pair.second.end(); vItr++, vItr2++) { tmpSeg.start = *vItr; tmpSeg.end = *vItr2; tmpSegList.push_back(tmpSeg); } tmpSeg.start = *(--pair.second.end()); tmpSeg.end = pair.first->end; tmpSegList.push_back(tmpSeg); auto &tmpSegs = triangle->segs[pair.first->oppoTriangle->pMesh->ID]; tmpSegs.segs.erase(pair.first); tmpSegs.segs.insert(tmpSegs.segs.end(), tmpSegList.begin(), tmpSegList.end()); tmpSegList.clear(); } // 建立约束条件 std::vector<Segment2> segList; Point2 *p0, *p1; unsigned testId; for (unsigned i = 0; i < n_test; i++) { testId = triangle->relationTestId[i]; auto& res1 = triangle->segs.find(testId); if (res1 == triangle->segs.end()) continue; auto& segs = res1->second; for (auto seg = segs.segs.begin(); seg != segs.segs.end(); seg++) { p0 = &points[seg->start->Id].p2; p1 = &points[seg->end->Id].p2; segList.emplace_back(*p0, *p1); } } Fade_2D*& dt = triangle->dtZone; dt = new Fade_2D; dt->insert(points[triangle->corner[0]->Id].p2); dt->insert(points[triangle->corner[1]->Id].p2); dt->insert(points[triangle->corner[2]->Id].p2); dt->createConstraint(segList, GEOM_FADE2D::CIS_IGNORE_DELAUNAY); dt->applyConstraintsAndZones(); std::vector<Triangle2*> vAllTriangles; dt->getTrianglePointers(vAllTriangles); Point2 baryCenter2d; CSGTreeNode* curNode; Relation curRelation(REL_UNKNOWN), outRelation(REL_UNKNOWN); bool pass; for (auto triFrag: vAllTriangles) { baryCenter2d = triFrag->getBarycenter(); GS::double3 v[3]; v[0] = Vec3dToDouble3(points[triFrag->getCorner(0)->getCustomIndex()].p3); v[1] = Vec3dToDouble3(points[triFrag->getCorner(1)->getCustomIndex()].p3); v[2] = Vec3dToDouble3(points[triFrag->getCorner(2)->getCustomIndex()].p3); // 去除那些过小的三角形 GS::double3x3 mat(GS::double3(1,1,1), v[2]-v[1], v[2]-v[0]); if (fabs(GS::determinant(mat)) < 1e-9) continue; pass = true; for (auto &test: *pTree) { curNode = GetFirstNode(test.testTree); while (curNode) { curRelation = REL_UNKNOWN; testId = curNode->pMesh->ID; auto cop = triangle->coplanarTris.find(testId); if (cop != triangle->coplanarTris.end()) { for (auto &coTri: cop->second) { if (IsInsideTriangle(triangle, meshList[testId], coTri, baryCenter2d, curRelation)) break; } } if (curRelation == REL_UNKNOWN) { if (triangle->segs.find(testId) != triangle->segs.end()) curRelation = BSP2DInOutTest(triangle->segs[testId].bsp, &baryCenter2d); else { Vec3d bc((Double3ToVec3d(v[0])+Double3ToVec3d(v[1])+Double3ToVec3d(v[2]))/3.0); curRelation = PolyhedralInclusionTest(bc, pOctree, testId, pOctree->pMesh[testId]->bInverse); } } curNode = GetNextNode(curNode, curRelation, outRelation); } if (!(test.targetRelation & outRelation)) { pass = false; break; } } mark += 2; if (pass) { #ifdef _DEBUG countd2 ++; #endif pResult->AddTriangle(v); //pResult->AddTriangle(v, *color); } } SAFE_RELEASE(dt); }
/** * Creates an instruction of the graph. * \param in The instruction to be included into the graph. * \return The id of the created instruction. */ inline uint createMdfi(Mdfi* in){ _instructions.emplace_back(*in); _instructions.back().setId(_nextId); ++_nextId; return _instructions.size() - 1; }
void create_imaging_table_data(const model::metrics::run_metrics& metrics, const std::vector<model::table::imaging_column>& columns, const std::map<model::metric_base::base_metric::id_t, size_t>& row_offset, I data_beg, I data_end) { typedef typename model::metrics::run_metrics::id_t id_t; const size_t column_count = columns.back().column_count(); const constants::tile_naming_method naming_method = metrics.run_info().flowcell().naming_method(); const size_t q20_idx = metric::index_for_q_value(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::q_metric>(), 20); const size_t q30_idx = metric::index_for_q_value(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::q_metric>(), 30); std::vector<size_t> cmap(model::table::ImagingColumnCount, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()); for(size_t i=0;i<columns.size();++i) cmap[columns[i].id()] = columns[i].offset(); summary::read_cycle_vector_t cycle_to_read; summary::map_read_to_cycle_number(metrics.run_info().reads().begin(), metrics.run_info().reads().end(), cycle_to_read); if(data_beg+column_count*row_offset.size() > data_end) INTEROP_THROW(model::index_out_of_bounds_exception, "Table is larger than buffer"); zero_first_column(data_beg, data_beg+column_count*row_offset.size(), column_count); populate_imaging_table_data_by_cycle(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::extraction_metric>(), q20_idx, q30_idx, naming_method, cycle_to_read, cmap, row_offset, column_count, data_beg, data_end); populate_imaging_table_data_by_cycle(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::error_metric>(), q20_idx, q30_idx, naming_method, cycle_to_read, cmap, row_offset, column_count, data_beg, data_end); populate_imaging_table_data_by_cycle(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::image_metric>(), q20_idx, q30_idx, naming_method, cycle_to_read, cmap, row_offset, column_count, data_beg, data_end); populate_imaging_table_data_by_cycle(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::corrected_intensity_metric>(), q20_idx, q30_idx, naming_method, cycle_to_read, cmap, row_offset, column_count, data_beg, data_end); populate_imaging_table_data_by_cycle(metrics.get_set<model::metrics::q_metric>(), q20_idx, q30_idx, naming_method, cycle_to_read, cmap, row_offset, column_count, data_beg, data_end); const typename model::metrics::run_metrics::tile_metric_set_t& tile_metrics = metrics.get_set<model::metrics::tile_metric>(); for(typename std::map<id_t, size_t>::const_iterator it = row_offset.begin();it != row_offset.end();++it) { const id_t tid = model::metric_base::base_cycle_metric::tile_hash_from_id(it->first); if (!tile_metrics.has_metric(tid)) continue; const size_t cycle = static_cast<size_t>(model::metric_base::base_cycle_metric::cycle_from_id(it->first)); const size_t row = it->second; const summary::read_cycle& read = cycle_to_read[cycle-1]; table_populator::populate(tile_metrics.get_metric(tid), read.number, q20_idx, q30_idx, naming_method, cmap, data_beg+row*column_count, data_end); } }
void ReadInput() { if (!std::cin) return; std::string input; std::getline(std::cin, input); struct json_object *decode = parse_json(input); if (decode != NULL) { std::string cur_decode = std::string(JSON_GET_STR(decode, "i")); if (cur_decode != LAST_DECODE) { LAST_DECODE = cur_decode; const char *ll_str = JSON_GET_STR(decode, "ll"); if (ll_str != NULL) { double x, y; sscanf(ll_str, "[ %lf, %lf ]", &y, &x); x += 15; Click newclick; newclick.x[0] = x; newclick.x[1] = y; newclick.alpha = 1.0; newclick.dalpha = 1e-6; clicks.push_back(newclick); Explosion newexp; newexp.x[0] = x; newexp.x[1] = y; newexp.r = 0.0; newexp.dr = 0.05; newexp.alpha = 0.7; newexp.dalpha = 0.01; explosions.push_back(newexp); std::string cur_kw = JSON_GET_STR(decode, "e"); if (cur_kw.length() > MIN_KEYWORD_LENGTH || cur_kw.find_first_of(" ") != std::string::npos) { if (keywords.find(cur_kw) != keywords.end()) { double s, c; s = sin(keywords[cur_kw].theta); c = cos(keywords[cur_kw].theta); keywords[cur_kw].count ++; if (keywords[cur_kw].count > MAX_COUNT) MAX_COUNT = keywords[cur_kw].count; keywords[cur_kw].alpha = 1.0; double R = KW_R(keywords[cur_kw].theta); keywords[cur_kw].x[0] = s * R; keywords[cur_kw].x[1] = c * R; } else { double s, c; s = sin(KW_THETA); c = cos(KW_THETA); double R = KW_R(KW_THETA); Keyword keywd; = cur_kw; keywd.theta = KW_THETA; keywd.x[0] = s * R; keywd.x[1] = c * R; keywd.alpha = 1.0; keywd.dalpha = 1e-3; keywd.count = 1; keywords[cur_kw] = keywd; KW_THETA += KW_DTHETA; } //keywords[cur_kw].dr = 0.0; Link li; = &clicks.back(); = &keywords[cur_kw]; li.alpha = 0.25; li.dalpha = 0.01; links.push_back(li); } } } JSON_FREE(decode); } }
void FidoInterface::getFDR_MSE(const std::vector<double> &estFDR, const std::vector<double> &empFDR,double &mse) { /* Estimate MSE mse1 as : 1/N multiply by the SUM from k=1 to N of (estFDR(k) - empFDR(k))^2 */ /* Estimate MSE mse2 area as : sum trapezoid area of each segment (integral of the absolute value) * A_segment(i) = abs(X1-Xo) * abs((y1 + y2 ) / 2) * Where yo = estimated FDR at segment i * Where y1 = estimated FDR at segment i + 1 * Where Xo = empirical FDR at segment i * Where X1 = empirical FDR at segment i + 1 * Total Area = Total Area / range of X */ /* Estimate MSE mse3 area as : sum trapezoid area with antiderivatives of each segment (absolute value of the integral) * A_segment(i) = ((yo - m*Xo)*X1 + m/2 * X1^2) - ((yo - m*Xo)*Xo - m/2 * X2^2)) * Where yo = estimated FDR at segment i * Where y1 = estimated FDR at segment i + 1 * Where Xo = empirical FDR at segment i * Where X2 = empirical FDR at segment i + 1 * Where m = (y1 - y0) / (X1 - X0) * Total Area = abs(Total Area / range of X) */ /* Estimate MSE mse4 area as : sum trapezoid squared area with antiderivatives of each segment * A_segment(i) = ((yo - m*Xo)*X1 + m/2 * X1^2) - ((yo - m*Xo)*Xo - m/2 * X2^2)) * Where yo = estimated FDR at segment i * Where y1 = estimated FDR at segment i + 1 * Where Xo = empirical FDR at segment i * Where X2 = empirical FDR at segment i + 1 * Where m = (y1 - y0) / (X1 - X0) * Total Area = Total Area / range of X */ if( (*min_element(estFDR.begin(),estFDR.end()) >= mseThreshold_) || (estFDR.size() != empFDR.size()) || (estFDR.empty() || empFDR.empty()) || (((*max_element(estFDR.begin(),estFDR.end()) <= 0.0) && (*max_element(empFDR.begin(),empFDR.end()) <= 0.0))) ) { //no elements into the confidence interval or vectors empty //or different size or all zeroes //mse = mseThreshold_; mse = 1.0; //mse1 = mse2 = mse3 = mse4 = 1.0; return; } mse = 0.0; //mse1 = mse2 = mse3 = mse4 = 0.0; double x1,x2,y1,y2; for (unsigned k = 0; k < estFDR.size()-1; k++) { if (estFDR[k] <= mseThreshold_ && empFDR[k] <= mseThreshold_) { //empFDR and estFDR below threshold, y2,x2 are the diff of them x1 = estFDR[k]; x2 = estFDR[k+1]; y1 = x1 - empFDR[k]; y2 = x2 - empFDR[k+1]; } else if (estFDR[k] <= mseThreshold_) { //empFDR is above mseThreshold_, penalize the area positive x1 = estFDR[k]; x2 = estFDR[k+1]; y1 = x1; y2 = x2; } else { if (kUpdateRocN) { rocN_ = std::max(rocN_, (unsigned)std::max(50,std::min((int)k,500))); } break; } if ( x1 != x2 && x2 != 0 && y2 != 0 ) { //if there is an area x2 = min(x2,mseThreshold_); //in case x2 is above mseThreshold_ //mse2 += trapezoid_area(x1,x2,y1,y2); //mse3 += abs(area(x1, y1, x2, y2)); mse += areaSq(x1, y1, x2, y2); } //mse1 += pow(y1,2); } //mse1 += pow(y2,2); //last element of diff between vectors double normalizer1 = abs(std::min(estFDR.back(),mseThreshold_) - estFDR.front()); //normalize by x axis range (mseThreshold_ on top always) //double normalizer2 = (double)estFDR.size(); //normalize by the number of elements //std::cerr << estFDR[estFDR.size() - 2] << " " << estFDR.back() << std::endl; //std::cerr << empFDR[empFDR.size() - 2] << " " << empFDR.back() << std::endl; //mse1 /= normalizer2; //mse2 /= normalizer1; //mse3 /= normalizer1; mse /= (normalizer1*normalizer1*normalizer1)/3; return; }