void StackedRuizEquil
( DistSparseMatrix<Field>& A,
  DistSparseMatrix<Field>& B,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dRowA,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dRowB,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dCol,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int mA = A.Height();
    const Int mB = B.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    dRowA.SetComm( comm );
    dRowB.SetComm( comm );
    dCol.SetComm( comm );
    Ones( dRowA, mA, 1 );
    Ones( dRowB, mB, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose to control structure
    // For, simply hard-code a small number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    DistMultiVec<Real> scales(comm), maxAbsValsB(comm);
    auto& scalesLoc = scales.Matrix();
    auto& maxAbsValsBLoc = maxAbsValsB.Matrix();
    const Int localHeight = scalesLoc.Height();
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        ColumnMaxNorms( B, maxAbsValsB );
        for( Int jLoc=0; jLoc<localHeight; ++jLoc )
            scalesLoc(jLoc) = Max(scalesLoc(jLoc),maxAbsValsBLoc(jLoc));
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, scales, A );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, scales, B );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dRowA );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, A );

        RowMaxNorms( B, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dRowB );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, B );
    SetIndent( indent );
void SymmetricRuizEquil
( DistSparseMatrix<F>& A, 
  DistMultiVec<Base<F>>& d, 
  Int maxIter, bool progress )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int n = A.Height();
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    d.SetComm( comm );
    Ones( d, n, 1 );

    DistMultiVec<Real> scales(comm);
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns (and rows)
        // ------------------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, function<Real(Real)>(DampScaling<Real>) );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, function<Real(Real)>(SquareRootScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, d );
        SymmetricDiagonalSolve( scales, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
void RowMaxNorms( const DistMultiVec<F>& A, DistMultiVec<Base<F>>& norms )
    norms.SetComm( A.Comm() );
    norms.Resize( A.Height(), 1 );
    RowMaxNorms( A.LockedMatrix(), norms.Matrix() );
void SOCSquareRoot
( const DistMultiVec<Real>& x, 
        DistMultiVec<Real>& xRoot,
  const DistMultiVec<Int>& orders, 
  const DistMultiVec<Int>& firstInds, Int cutoff )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CSE cse("SOCSquareRoot"))

    DistMultiVec<Real> d(x.Comm());
    SOCDets( x, d, orders, firstInds );
    ConeBroadcast( d, orders, firstInds );

    auto roots = x;
    ConeBroadcast( roots, orders, firstInds );

    const Int localHeight = x.LocalHeight();
    xRoot.SetComm( x.Comm() );
    Zeros( xRoot, x.Height(), 1 );
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        const Int i = x.GlobalRow(iLoc);
        const Real x0 = roots.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        const Real det = d.GetLocal(iLoc,0);
        const Real eta0 = Sqrt(x0+Sqrt(det))/Sqrt(Real(2));
        if( i == firstInds.GetLocal(iLoc,0) )
            xRoot.SetLocal( iLoc, 0, eta0 );
            xRoot.SetLocal( iLoc, 0, x.GetLocal(iLoc,0)/(2*eta0) );
void EntrywiseMap
( const DistMultiVec<S>& A,
        DistMultiVec<T>& B,
        function<T(S)> func )
    B.SetComm( A.Comm() );
    B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
    EntrywiseMap( A.LockedMatrix(), B.Matrix(), func );
void RuizEquil
( DistSparseMatrix<Field>& A,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dRow,
  DistMultiVec<Base<Field>>& dCol,
  bool progress )
    typedef Base<Field> Real;
    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    dRow.SetComm( comm );
    dCol.SetComm( comm );
    Ones( dRow, m, 1 );
    Ones( dCol, n, 1 );

    // TODO(poulson): Expose to control structure
    // For, simply hard-code a small number of iterations
    const Int maxIter = 4;

    DistMultiVec<Real> scales(comm);
    const Int indent = PushIndent();
    for( Int iter=0; iter<maxIter; ++iter )
        // Rescale the columns
        // -------------------
        ColumnMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dCol );
        DiagonalSolve( RIGHT, NORMAL, scales, A );

        // Rescale the rows
        // ----------------
        RowMaxNorms( A, scales );
        EntrywiseMap( scales, MakeFunction(DampScaling<Real>) );
        DiagonalScale( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, dRow );
        DiagonalSolve( LEFT, NORMAL, scales, A );
    SetIndent( indent );
void NesterovTodd
( const DistMultiVec<Real>& s, 
  const DistMultiVec<Real>& z,
        DistMultiVec<Real>& w )
    w.SetComm( s.Comm() );
    w.Resize( s.Height(), 1 );
    const Real* sBuf = s.LockedMatrix().LockedBuffer();
    const Real* zBuf = z.LockedMatrix().LockedBuffer();
          Real* wBuf = w.Matrix().Buffer();

    const Int localHeight = w.LocalHeight();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        wBuf[iLoc] = Sqrt(sBuf[iLoc]/zBuf[iLoc]);
void RowMaxNorms( const DistSparseMatrix<F>& A, DistMultiVec<Base<F>>& norms )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int localHeight = A.LocalHeight();
    const F* valBuf = A.LockedValueBuffer();
    const Int* offsetBuf = A.LockedOffsetBuffer();

    norms.SetComm( A.Comm() );
    norms.Resize( A.Height(), 1 );
    auto& normsLoc = norms.Matrix();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        Real rowMax = 0;
        const Int offset = offsetBuf[iLoc];
        const Int numConn = offsetBuf[iLoc+1] - offset;
        for( Int e=offset; e<offset+numConn; ++e )
            rowMax = Max(rowMax,Abs(valBuf[e]));
        normsLoc(iLoc) = rowMax;
void RowTwoNorms( const DistSparseMatrix<F>& A, DistMultiVec<Base<F>>& norms )
    typedef Base<F> Real;
    const Int localHeight = A.LocalHeight();
    const F* valBuf = A.LockedValueBuffer();
    const Int* offsetBuf = A.LockedOffsetBuffer();

    norms.SetComm( A.Comm() );
    norms.Resize( A.Height(), 1 );
    auto& normLoc = norms.Matrix();
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        Real scale = 0;
        Real scaledSquare = 1;
        const Int offset = offsetBuf[iLoc];
        const Int numConn = offsetBuf[iLoc+1] - offset;
        for( Int e=offset; e<offset+numConn; ++e )
            UpdateScaledSquare( valBuf[e], scale, scaledSquare );
        normLoc(iLoc) = scale*Sqrt(scaledSquare);