void EntrywiseMap
( const DistMultiVec<S>& A,
        DistMultiVec<T>& B,
        function<T(S)> func )
    B.SetComm( A.Comm() );
    B.Resize( A.Height(), A.Width() );
    EntrywiseMap( A.LockedMatrix(), B.Matrix(), func );
Int NumOutside( const DistMultiVec<Real>& A )
    const Int localHeight = A.LocalHeight();
    const Int width = A.Width();
    const Real* ABuf = A.LockedMatrix().LockedBuffer();
    const Int ALDim = A.LockedMatrix().LDim();

    Int numLocalNonPos = 0;
    for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<localHeight; ++iLoc )
        for( Int j=0; j<width; ++j )
            if( ABuf[iLoc+j*ALDim] <= Real(0) )

    return mpi::AllReduce( numLocalNonPos, A.Comm() );
文件: impl.hpp 项目: arbenson/Clique
inline void
( const DistMap& inverseMap, const DistSymmInfo& info,
  const DistMultiVec<F>& X )
    DEBUG_ONLY(CallStackEntry cse("DistNodalMultiVec::Pull"))
    height_ = X.Height();
    width_ = X.Width();

    // Traverse our part of the elimination tree to see how many indices we need
    int numRecvInds=0;
    const int numLocal = info.localNodes.size();
    for( int s=0; s<numLocal; ++s )
        numRecvInds += info.localNodes[s].size;
    const int numDist = info.distNodes.size();
    for( int s=1; s<numDist; ++s )
        numRecvInds += info.distNodes[s].multiVecMeta.localSize;
    // Fill the set of indices that we need to map to the original ordering
    int off=0;
    std::vector<int> mappedInds( numRecvInds );
    for( int s=0; s<numLocal; ++s )
        const SymmNodeInfo& nodeInfo = info.localNodes[s];
        for( int t=0; t<nodeInfo.size; ++t )
            mappedInds[off++] = nodeInfo.off+t;
    for( int s=1; s<numDist; ++s )
        const DistSymmNodeInfo& nodeInfo = info.distNodes[s];
        const Grid& grid = *nodeInfo.grid;
        const int gridSize = grid.Size();
        const int gridRank = grid.VCRank();
        const int alignment = 0;
        const int shift = Shift( gridRank, alignment, gridSize );
        for( int t=shift; t<nodeInfo.size; t+=gridSize )
            mappedInds[off++] = nodeInfo.off+t;
        if( off != numRecvInds )
            LogicError("mappedInds was filled incorrectly");
void QP
( const DistSparseMatrix<Real>& A, 
  const DistMultiVec<Real>& B, 
        DistMultiVec<Real>& X, 
  const qp::direct::Ctrl<Real>& ctrl )

    const Int m = A.Height();
    const Int n = A.Width();
    const Int k = B.Width();
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    DistSparseMatrix<Real> Q(comm), AHat(comm);
    DistMultiVec<Real> bHat(comm), c(comm);

    Herk( LOWER, ADJOINT, Real(1), A, Q );
    MakeHermitian( LOWER, Q );
    Zeros( AHat, 0, n );
    Zeros( bHat, 0, 1 );
    Zeros( X,    n, k );

    DistMultiVec<Real> q(comm), y(comm), z(comm);
    auto& qLoc = q.Matrix();
    auto& XLoc = X.Matrix();
    auto& BLoc = B.LockedMatrix();
    for( Int j=0; j<k; ++j )
        auto xLoc = XLoc( ALL, IR(j) );
        auto bLoc = BLoc( ALL, IR(j) );

        Zeros( c, n, 1 );
        Zeros( q, m, 1 );
        qLoc = bLoc;
        Multiply( ADJOINT, Real(-1), A, q, Real(0), c );

        Zeros( q, n, 1 );
        qLoc = xLoc;
        El::QP( Q, AHat, bHat, c, q, y, z, ctrl );
        xLoc = qLoc;
void Tikhonov
( Orientation orientation,
  const DistSparseMatrix<F>& A,
  const DistMultiVec<F>& B,
  const DistSparseMatrix<F>& G,
        DistMultiVec<F>& X, 
  const LeastSquaresCtrl<Base<F>>& ctrl )
    mpi::Comm comm = A.Comm();
    // Explicitly form W := op(A)
    // ==========================
    DistSparseMatrix<F> W(comm);
    if( orientation == NORMAL )
        W = A;
    else if( orientation == TRANSPOSE )
        Transpose( A, W );
        Adjoint( A, W );

    const Int m = W.Height();
    const Int n = W.Width();
    const Int numRHS = B.Width();

    // Embed into a higher-dimensional problem via appending regularization
    // ====================================================================
    DistSparseMatrix<F> WEmb(comm);
    if( m >= n )
        VCat( W, G, WEmb ); 
        HCat( W, G, WEmb );

    DistMultiVec<F> BEmb(comm);
    Zeros( BEmb, WEmb.Height(), numRHS );
    if( m >= n )
        // BEmb := [B; 0]
        // --------------
        const Int mLocB = B.LocalHeight();
        BEmb.Reserve( mLocB*numRHS );
        for( Int iLoc=0; iLoc<mLocB; ++iLoc )
            const Int i = B.GlobalRow(iLoc);
            for( Int j=0; j<numRHS; ++j )
                BEmb.QueueUpdate( i, j, B.GetLocal(iLoc,j) );
        BEmb = B;

    // Solve the higher-dimensional problem
    // ====================================
    DistMultiVec<F> XEmb(comm);
    LeastSquares( NORMAL, WEmb, BEmb, XEmb, ctrl );

    // Extract the solution
    // ====================
    if( m >= n )
        X = XEmb;
        GetSubmatrix( XEmb, IR(0,n), IR(0,numRHS), X );