void LLFloaterTelehub::unpackTelehubInfo(LLMessageSystem* msg)
	msg->getUUID("TelehubBlock", "ObjectID", mTelehubObjectID);
	msg->getString("TelehubBlock", "ObjectName", mTelehubObjectName);
	msg->getVector3("TelehubBlock", "TelehubPos", mTelehubPos);
	msg->getQuat("TelehubBlock", "TelehubRot", mTelehubRot);

	mNumSpawn = msg->getNumberOfBlocks("SpawnPointBlock");
	for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumSpawn; i++)
		msg->getVector3("SpawnPointBlock", "SpawnPointPos", mSpawnPointPos[i], i);

	// Update parts of the UI that change only when message received.

	if (mTelehubObjectID.isNull())
		getChildView("status_text_connected")->setVisible( false);
		getChildView("status_text_not_connected")->setVisible( true);
		getChildView("help_text_connected")->setVisible( false);
		getChildView("help_text_not_connected")->setVisible( true);
		getChild<LLUICtrl>("status_text_connected")->setTextArg("[OBJECT]", mTelehubObjectName);
		getChildView("status_text_connected")->setVisible( true);
		getChildView("status_text_not_connected")->setVisible( false);
		getChildView("help_text_connected")->setVisible( true);
		getChildView("help_text_not_connected")->setVisible( false);

	LLScrollListCtrl* list = getChild<LLScrollListCtrl>("spawn_points_list");
	if (list)
		for (S32 i = 0; i < mNumSpawn; i++)
			std::string pos = llformat("%.1f, %.1f, %.1f", 
		list->selectNthItem(mNumSpawn - 1);
void LLFloaterBulkPermission::handleInventory(LLViewerObject* viewer_obj,  LLInventoryObject::object_list_t* inv)
	LLScrollListCtrl* list = getChild<LLScrollListCtrl>("queue output");

	LLInventoryObject::object_list_t::const_iterator it = inv->begin();
	LLInventoryObject::object_list_t::const_iterator end = inv->end();
	for ( ; it != end; ++it)
		LLAssetType::EType asstype = (*it)->getType();
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_ANIMATION && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeAnimations")) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_BODYPART  && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeBodyParts" )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_CLOTHING  && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeClothing"  )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_GESTURE   && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeGestures"  )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_LANDMARK  && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeLandmarks" )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_NOTECARD  && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeNotecards" )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT    && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeObjects"   )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_LSL_TEXT  && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeScripts"   )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_SOUND     && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeSounds"    )) ||
			( asstype == LLAssetType::AT_TEXTURE   && gSavedSettings.getBOOL("BulkChangeIncludeTextures"  )))
			LLViewerObject* object = gObjectList.findObject(viewer_obj->getID());

			if (object)
				LLInventoryItem* item = (LLInventoryItem*)((LLInventoryObject*)(*it));
				LLViewerInventoryItem* new_item = (LLViewerInventoryItem*)item;
				LLPermissions perm(new_item->getPermissions());
				U32 flags = new_item->getFlags();

				U32 desired_next_owner_perms = LLFloaterPerms::getNextOwnerPerms("BulkChange");
				U32 desired_everyone_perms = LLFloaterPerms::getEveryonePerms("BulkChange");
				U32 desired_group_perms = LLFloaterPerms::getGroupPerms("BulkChange");

				// If next owner permissions have changed (and this is an object)
				// then set the slam permissions flag so that they are applied on rez.
				if((perm.getMaskNextOwner() != desired_next_owner_perms)
				   && (new_item->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT))
					flags |= LLInventoryItemFlags::II_FLAGS_OBJECT_SLAM_PERM;
				// If everyone permissions have changed (and this is an object)
				// then set the overwrite everyone permissions flag so they
				// are applied on rez.
				if ((perm.getMaskEveryone() != desired_everyone_perms)
				    && (new_item->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT))
				// If group permissions have changed (and this is an object)
				// then set the overwrite group permissions flag so they
				// are applied on rez.
				if ((perm.getMaskGroup() != desired_group_perms)
				    && (new_item->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT))
					flags |= LLInventoryItemFlags::II_FLAGS_OBJECT_PERM_OVERWRITE_GROUP;

				// chomp the inventory name so it fits in the scroll window nicely
				// and the user can see the [OK]
				std::string invname;
				invname=item->getName().substr(0,item->getName().size() < 30 ? item->getName().size() : 30 );
				LLUIString status_text = getString("status_text");
				status_text.setArg("[NAME]", invname.c_str());
				// Check whether we appear to have the appropriate permissions to change permission on this item.
				// Although the server will disallow any forbidden changes, it is a good idea to guess correctly
				// so that we can warn the user. The risk of getting this check wrong is therefore the possibility
				// of incorrectly choosing to not attempt to make a valid change.
				// Trouble is this is extremely difficult to do and even when we know the results
				// it is difficult to design the best messaging. Therefore in this initial implementation
				// we'll always try to set the requested permissions and consider all cases successful
				// and perhaps later try to implement a smarter, friendlier solution. -MG
					//gAgent.allowOperation(PERM_MODIFY, perm, GP_OBJECT_MANIPULATE) // for group and everyone masks
					//|| something else // for next owner perms
					new_item->setPermissions(perm); // here's the beef
					new_item->setFlags(flags); // and the tofu
					//status_text.setArg("[STATUS]", getString("status_ok_text"));
					status_text.setArg("[STATUS]", "");
					//status_text.setArg("[STATUS]", getString("status_bad_text"));
					status_text.setArg("[STATUS]", "");

				//TODO if we are an object inside an object we should check a recuse flag and if set
				//open the inventory of the object and recurse - Michelle2 Zenovka

				//	if(recurse &&  ( (*it)->getType() == LLAssetType::AT_OBJECT && processObject))
				//	{
				//		I think we need to get the UUID of the object inside the inventory
				//		call item->fetchFromServer();
				//		we need a call back to say item has arrived *sigh*
				//		we then need to do something like
				//		LLUUID* id = new LLUUID(mID);
				//		registerVOInventoryListener(obj,id);
				//		requestVOInventory();
				//	}
