AlgEig::AlgEig(Lattice& latt,
               CommonArg *c_arg,
               EigArg *arg) :
    Alg(latt, c_arg)
    cname = "AlgEig";
    char *fname = "AlgEig(L&,CommonArg*,EigArg*)";

    // Initialize the argument pointer
    if(arg == 0)
        ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "arg");
    alg_eig_arg = arg;

    Ncb = NumChkb(alg_eig_arg->RitzMatOper);

    // Set the node size of the full (non-checkerboarded) fermion field
    // NOTE: at this point we must know on what lattice size the operator
    // will act.
    int f_size = GJP.VolNodeSites() * latt.FsiteSize() * Ncb / 2;

    //  int f_size = GJP.VolNodeSites() * Ncb / 2;
    //  exit(1);

    //VRB.Flow(cname,fname,"Doing Ritz");
    int N_eig = alg_eig_arg->N_eig;

    // Allocate memory for the eigenvectors and eigenvalues
    eigenv = (Vector **) smalloc (cname,fname, "eigenv", N_eig * sizeof(Vector *));

    for(int n = 0; n < N_eig; ++n)
        eigenv[n] = (Vector *) smalloc(cname,fname, "eigenv[n]", (f_size)* sizeof(Float));

    lambda = (Float *) smalloc(cname,fname, "lambda", 2*N_eig * sizeof(Float));

    chirality = (Float *) smalloc(cname,fname,"chirality", N_eig * sizeof(Float));

    valid_eig = (int *) smalloc(cname,fname,"valid_eig",N_eig * sizeof(int));

    // Print out input parameters
              "N_eig = %d\n",int(N_eig));
              "MaxCG = %d\n",alg_eig_arg->MaxCG);
              "Mass_init = %g\n",IFloat(alg_eig_arg->Mass_init));
              "Mass_final = %g\n",IFloat(alg_eig_arg->Mass_final));
              "Mass_step = %g\n",IFloat(alg_eig_arg->Mass_step));

    // Calculate n_masses if necessary
    switch( alg_eig_arg->pattern_kind ) {
    case ARRAY:
        n_masses = alg_eig_arg->Mass.Mass_len;
    case LOG:
        n_masses = (int) ((log(alg_eig_arg->Mass_final - alg_eig_arg->Mass_init)
                           / log(alg_eig_arg->Mass_step)) + 1.000001);
    case LIN:
        n_masses = (int) (fabs((alg_eig_arg->Mass_final
                                - alg_eig_arg->Mass_init)/alg_eig_arg->Mass_step) + 1.000001);
        ERR.General(cname, fname,
                    "alg_eig_arg->pattern_kind = %d is unrecognized\n",

  \brief Methods of the AlgPbp class.
  $Id: alg_pbp.C,v 1.14 2012-07-06 20:22:08 chulwoo Exp $
//  CVS keywords
//  $Author: chulwoo $
//  $Date: 2012-07-06 20:22:08 $
//  $Header: /home/chulwoo/CPS/repo/CVS/cps_only/cps_pp/src/alg/alg_pbp/alg_pbp.C,v 1.14 2012-07-06 20:22:08 chulwoo Exp $
//  $Id: alg_pbp.C,v 1.14 2012-07-06 20:22:08 chulwoo Exp $
//  $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
//  $Locker:  $
//  $RCSfile: alg_pbp.C,v $
//  $Revision: 1.14 $
//  $Source: /home/chulwoo/CPS/repo/CVS/cps_only/cps_pp/src/alg/alg_pbp/alg_pbp.C,v $
//  $State: Exp $
// alg_pbp.C
// AlgPbp is derived from Alg and is relevant to the 
// stochastic measurement of PsiBar Psi using the
// Conjugate Gradient algorithm. The type of fermion is
// determined by the argument to the constructor.
// PsiBarPsi is normalized so that for large values of the
// PbpArg.mass  PsiBarPsi =  1 / mass for any fermion type.
// This normalization results to the following small mass
// behavior for a trivial background gauge field with periodic
// boundary conditions:
// Staggered = 16 / ( Volume * mass )
// Wilson    =  1 / ( Volume * mass )
// Dwf       =  1 / ( Volume * mass )

#include <util/qcdio.h>
#include <alg/alg_pbp.h>
#include <util/lattice.h>
#include <util/gjp.h>
#include <util/smalloc.h>
#include <util/vector.h>
#include <util/verbose.h>
#include <util/error.h>

#define POINT
#undef POINT
#define Z2
#undef Z2

  \param latt The lattice on which to compute the condensate.
  \param c_arg The common argument structure for all algorithms.
  \param arg The algorithm parameters.
AlgPbp::AlgPbp(Lattice& latt, 
	       CommonArg *c_arg,
	       PbpArg *arg) : 
	       Alg(latt, c_arg) 
  cname = "AlgPbp";
  char *fname = "AlgPbp(L&,CommonArg*,PbpArg*)";

  // Initialize the argument pointer
  if(arg == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "arg");
  alg_pbp_arg = arg;

  // Set the node size of the full (non-checkerboarded) fermion field
  f_size = GJP.VolNodeSites() * latt.FsiteSize();

  // Allocate memory for the source.
  src = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
  if(src == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "src");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "src", src, f_size * sizeof(Float));

  // Allocate memory for the solution
  sol = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
  if(sol == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "sol");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "sol", sol, f_size * sizeof(Float));


  \param latt The lattice on which the HMC algorithm runs.
  \param c_arg The common argument structure for all algorithms.
  \param arg The algorithm parameters.
AlgHmcQPQ::AlgHmcQPQ(Lattice& latt,
                     CommonArg *c_arg,
                     HmdArg *arg) :
    AlgHmd(latt, c_arg, arg)
    int i, j;
    cname = "AlgHmcQPQ";
    char *fname = "AlgHmcQPQ(L&,CommonArg*,HmdArg*)";
    int n_masses;

    // Initialize the number of dynamical fermion masses
    n_frm_masses = hmd_arg->n_frm_masses;
    if(n_frm_masses > MAX_HMD_MASSES) {
                    "hmd_arg->n_frm_masses = %d is larger than MAX_HMD_MASSES = %d\n",
                    n_frm_masses, MAX_HMD_MASSES);

    // Initialize the number of dynamical boson masses
    n_bsn_masses = hmd_arg->n_bsn_masses;
    if(n_bsn_masses > MAX_HMD_MASSES) {
                    "hmd_arg->n_bsn_masses = %d is larger than MAX_HMD_MASSES = %d\n",
                    n_bsn_masses, MAX_HMD_MASSES);

    // Calculate the fermion field size.
    f_size = GJP.VolNodeSites() * latt.FsiteSize() / (latt.FchkbEvl()+1);

    // Allocate memory for the fermion CG arguments.
    if(n_frm_masses != 0) {
        frm_cg_arg = (CgArg **) smalloc(n_frm_masses * sizeof(int));
        if(frm_cg_arg == 0)
            ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "frm_cg_arg");
                    "frm_cg_arg",frm_cg_arg, n_frm_masses * sizeof(int));

        for(i=0; i<n_frm_masses; i++) {
            frm_cg_arg[i] = (CgArg *) smalloc(sizeof(CgArg));
            if(frm_cg_arg[i] == 0)
                ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "frm_cg_arg[i]");
                        "frm_cg_arg[i]", frm_cg_arg[i], sizeof(CgArg));

    // Initialize the fermion CG arguments
    //??? Complete this
    for(i=0; i<n_frm_masses; i++) {
        frm_cg_arg[i]->mass = hmd_arg->frm_mass[i];
        frm_cg_arg[i]->max_num_iter = hmd_arg->max_num_iter[i];
        frm_cg_arg[i]->stop_rsd = hmd_arg->stop_rsd[i];

    // Allocate memory for the boson CG arguments.
    if(n_bsn_masses != 0) {
        bsn_cg_arg = (CgArg **) smalloc(n_bsn_masses * sizeof(int));
        if(bsn_cg_arg == 0)
            ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "bsn_cg_arg");
                    "bsn_cg_arg",bsn_cg_arg, n_bsn_masses * sizeof(int));

        for(i=0; i<n_bsn_masses; i++) {
            bsn_cg_arg[i] = (CgArg *) smalloc(sizeof(CgArg));
            if(bsn_cg_arg[i] == 0)
                ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "bsn_cg_arg[i]");
                        "bsn_cg_arg[i]", bsn_cg_arg[i], sizeof(CgArg));

    // Initialize the boson CG arguments
    //??? Complete this
    for(i=0; i<n_bsn_masses; i++) {
        bsn_cg_arg[i]->mass = hmd_arg->bsn_mass[i];
        bsn_cg_arg[i]->max_num_iter = hmd_arg->max_num_iter[i];
        bsn_cg_arg[i]->stop_rsd = hmd_arg->stop_rsd[i];

    // Allocate memory for the phi pseudo fermion field.
    if(n_frm_masses != 0) {
        phi = (Vector **) smalloc(n_frm_masses * sizeof(int));
        if(phi == 0)
            ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "phi");
        VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "phi",phi, n_frm_masses * sizeof(int));
        for(i=0; i<n_frm_masses; i++) {
            phi[i] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
            if(phi[i] == 0)
                ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "phi[i]");
            VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "phi[i]", phi[i], f_size * sizeof(Float));

    // Allocate memory for the chronological inverter.
    if(n_frm_masses != 0) {
        cg_sol = (Vector ***) smalloc(n_frm_masses * sizeof(Vector**));
        if(cg_sol == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "cg_sol_prev");
        VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "cg_sol", cg_sol, n_frm_masses * sizeof(Vector**));

        if (hmd_arg->chrono > 0) {
            vm = (Vector ***) smalloc(n_frm_masses * sizeof(Vector**));
            if(vm == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "vm");
            VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "vm", vm, n_frm_masses * sizeof(Vector**));

            cg_sol_prev = (Vector **) smalloc(hmd_arg->chrono * sizeof(Vector*));
            if(cg_sol_prev == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "cg_sol_prev");
            VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "cg_sol_prev", cg_sol_prev, hmd_arg->chrono * sizeof(Vector**));

            for(i=0; i<n_frm_masses; i++) {
                cg_sol[i] = (Vector **) smalloc(hmd_arg->chrono * sizeof(Vector*));
                if(cg_sol[i] == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i]");
                VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i]", cg_sol[i], hmd_arg->chrono * sizeof(Vector*));

                vm[i] = (Vector **) smalloc(hmd_arg->chrono * sizeof(Vector*));
                if(vm[i] == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "vm[i]");
                VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "vm[i]", vm[i], hmd_arg->chrono * sizeof(Vector*));

                for(j=0; j<hmd_arg->chrono; j++) {
                    cg_sol[i][j] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
                    if(cg_sol[i][j] == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i][j]");
                    VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i][j]", cg_sol[i][j], f_size * sizeof(Float));

                    vm[i][j] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
                    if(vm[i][j] == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "vm[i][j]");
                    VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "vm[i][j]", vm[i][j], f_size * sizeof(Float));
        } else if (hmd_arg->chrono == 0) {
            for(i=0; i<n_frm_masses; i++) {
                cg_sol[i] = (Vector **) smalloc(sizeof(Vector*));
                if(cg_sol[i] == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i]");
                VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i]", cg_sol[i], sizeof(Vector*));

                cg_sol[i][0] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
                if(cg_sol[i][0] == 0) ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i][0]");
                VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "cg_sol[i][0]", cg_sol[i][0], f_size * sizeof(Float));


    // Allocate memory for the boson field bsn.
    if(n_bsn_masses != 0) {
        bsn = (Vector **) smalloc(n_bsn_masses * sizeof(int));
        if(bsn == 0)
            ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "bsn");
        VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "bsn",bsn, n_bsn_masses * sizeof(int));
        for(i=0; i<n_bsn_masses; i++) {
            bsn[i] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
            if(bsn[i] == 0)
                ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "bsn[i]");
            VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "bsn[i]", bsn[i], f_size * sizeof(Float));

    // Allocate memory for the initial gauge field.
    gauge_field_init = (Matrix *) smalloc(g_size * sizeof(Float));
    if(gauge_field_init == 0)
        ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "gauge_field_init");
                g_size * sizeof(Float));

    // Allocate memory for 2 general purpose fermion/boson field
    // arrays (frm1,frm2).
    n_masses = n_frm_masses;
    if(n_bsn_masses > n_frm_masses)
        n_masses = n_bsn_masses;

    if(n_masses != 0) {
        frm1 = (Vector **) smalloc(n_masses * sizeof(int));
        if(frm1 == 0)
            ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "frm1");
        VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "frm1",frm1, n_masses * sizeof(int));
        frm2 = (Vector **) smalloc(n_masses * sizeof(int));
        if(frm2 == 0)
            ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "frm2");
        VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "frm2",frm2, n_masses * sizeof(int));
        for(i=0; i<n_masses; i++) {
            frm1[i] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
            if(frm1[i] == 0)
                ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "frm1[i]");
            VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "frm1[i]", frm1[i], f_size * sizeof(Float));
            frm2[i] = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
            if(frm2[i] == 0)
                ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "frm2[i]");
            VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "frm2[i]", frm2[i], f_size * sizeof(Float));

  \brief Methods of the AlgDens class.
  $Id: alg_dens.C,v 1.8 2008-02-14 20:45:44 chulwoo Exp $
//  CVS keywords
//  $Author: chulwoo $
//  $Date: 2008-02-14 20:45:44 $
//  $Header: /home/chulwoo/CPS/repo/CVS/cps_only/cps_pp/src/alg/alg_dens/alg_dens.C,v 1.8 2008-02-14 20:45:44 chulwoo Exp $
//  $Id: alg_dens.C,v 1.8 2008-02-14 20:45:44 chulwoo Exp $
//  $Name: not supported by cvs2svn $
//  $Locker:  $
//  $RCSfile: alg_dens.C,v $
//  $Revision: 1.8 $
//  $Source: /home/chulwoo/CPS/repo/CVS/cps_only/cps_pp/src/alg/alg_dens/alg_dens.C,v $
//  $State: Exp $
// alg_dens.C
// AlgDens is derived from Alg and is relevant to the 
// stochastic measurement of derivatives of the partition function
// with respect to the chemical potential using the
// Conjugate Gradient algorithm. The type of fermion is
// determined by the argument to the constructor.

#include <util/qcdio.h>
#include <alg/alg_dens.h>
#include <util/lattice.h>
#include <util/gjp.h>
#include <util/smalloc.h>
#include <util/vector.h>
#include <util/verbose.h>
#include <util/error.h>

#define POINT
#undef POINT
#define Z2
#undef Z2
  \param latt The lattice on which to compute the condensate.
  \param c_arg The common argument structure for all algorithms.
  \param arg The algorithm parameters.
AlgDens::AlgDens(Lattice& latt, 
	       CommonArg *c_arg,
	       DensArg *arg) : 
	       Alg(latt, c_arg) 
  cname = "AlgDens";
  char *fname = "AlgDens(L&,CommonArg*,DensArg*)";

  // Initialize the argument pointer
  if(arg == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "arg");
  alg_dens_arg = arg;

  // Set the node size of the full (non-checkerboarded) fermion field
  f_size = GJP.VolNodeSites() * latt.FsiteSize();

  // Allocate memory for the source.
  src = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
  if(src == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "src");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "src", src, f_size * sizeof(Float));

  srcM = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
  if(srcM == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "srcM");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "srcM", srcM, f_size * sizeof(Float));

  // Allocate memory for the solutions
  save = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * (alg_dens_arg->max_save) * sizeof(Float));
  if(save == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "save");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "save", save, f_size * (alg_dens_arg->max_save) * sizeof(Float));
  sol = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
  if(sol == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "sol");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "sol", sol, f_size * sizeof(Float));

  solM = (Vector *) smalloc(f_size * sizeof(Float));
  if(solM == 0)
    ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "solM");
  VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "solM", solM, f_size * sizeof(Float));

  //map_table = (int *) smalloc( (alg_dens_arg->max_save) * sizeof(int));
  //if(map_table == 0)
  //  ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "map_table");
  //VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "map_table", map_table, (alg_dens_arg->max_save) * sizeof(int));

  //save_table = (int *) smalloc( (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));
  //if(save_table == 0)
  //  ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "save_table");
  //VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "save_table", save_table, (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));

  //load_table = (int *) smalloc( (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));
  //if(load_table == 0)
  //  ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "load_table");
  //VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "load_table", load_table, (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));

  //refresh_table = (int *) smalloc( (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));
  //if(refresh_table == 0)
  //  ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "refresh_table");
  //VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "refresh_table", refresh_table, (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));

  //a_coor_table = (int *) smalloc( (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));
  //if(a_coor_table == 0)
  //  ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "a_coor_table");
  //VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "a_coor_table", a_coor_table, (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));

  //b_coor_table = (int *) smalloc( (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));
  //if(b_coor_table == 0)
  //  ERR.Pointer(cname,fname, "b_coor_table");
  //VRB.Smalloc(cname,fname, "b_coor_table", b_coor_table, (alg_dens_arg->n_obs) * sizeof(int));
