int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc,argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator comm;

    print_section("Hubbard nxn");

    int size_x, size_y, wn;
    RealType t, mu, U, beta, reduce_tol, coeff_tol;
    bool calc_gf, calc_2pgf;
    int wf_max, wb_max;
    double eta, hbw, step; // for evaluation of GF on real axis

    try { // command line parser
        TCLAP::CmdLine cmd("Hubbard nxn diag", ' ', "");
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> U_arg("U","U","Value of U",true,10.0,"RealType",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> mu_arg("","mu","Global chemical potential",false,0.0,"RealType",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> t_arg("t","t","Value of t",false,1.0,"RealType",cmd);

        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> beta_arg("b","beta","Inverse temperature",true,100.,"RealType");
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> T_arg("T","T","Temperature",true,0.01,"RealType");

        TCLAP::ValueArg<size_t> x_arg("x","x","Size over x",false,2,"int",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<size_t> y_arg("y","y","Size over y",false,2,"int",cmd);

        TCLAP::ValueArg<size_t> wn_arg("","wf","Number of positive fermionic Matsubara Freqs",false,64,"int",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<size_t> wb_arg("","wb","Number of positive bosonic Matsubara Freqs",false,1,"int",cmd);
        TCLAP::SwitchArg gf_arg("","calcgf","Calculate Green's functions",cmd, false);
        TCLAP::SwitchArg twopgf_arg("","calc2pgf","Calculate 2-particle Green's functions",cmd, false);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> reduce_tol_arg("","reducetol","Energy resonance resolution in 2pgf",false,1e-5,"RealType",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> coeff_tol_arg("","coefftol","Total weight tolerance",false,1e-12,"RealType",cmd);

        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> eta_arg("","eta","Offset from the real axis for Green's function calculation",false,0.05,"RealType",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> hbw_arg("D","hbw","Half-bandwidth. Default = U",false,0.0,"RealType",cmd);
        TCLAP::ValueArg<RealType> step_arg("","step","Step on a real axis. Default : 0.01",false,0.01,"RealType",cmd);

        cmd.parse( argc, argv );
        U = U_arg.getValue();
        mu = (mu_arg.isSet()?mu_arg.getValue():U/2);
        boost::tie(t, beta, calc_gf, calc_2pgf, reduce_tol, coeff_tol) = boost::make_tuple( t_arg.getValue(), beta_arg.getValue(),
                                                                                            gf_arg.getValue(), twopgf_arg.getValue(), reduce_tol_arg.getValue(), coeff_tol_arg.getValue());
        boost::tie(size_x, size_y) = boost::make_tuple(x_arg.getValue(), y_arg.getValue());
        boost::tie(wf_max, wb_max) = boost::make_tuple(wn_arg.getValue(), wb_arg.getValue());
        boost::tie(eta, hbw, step) = boost::make_tuple(eta_arg.getValue(), (hbw_arg.isSet()?hbw_arg.getValue():2.*U), step_arg.getValue());
        calc_gf = calc_gf || calc_2pgf;
        calc_gf = calc_gf || calc_2pgf;
    catch (TCLAP::ArgException &e)  // catch parsing exceptions
    { std::cerr << "error: " << e.error() << " for arg " << e.argId() << std::endl; exit(1);}

    int L = size_x*size_y;
    INFO("Diagonalization of " << L << "=" << size_x << "*" << size_y << " sites");
    Lattice Lat;

    /* Add sites */
    std::vector<std::string> names(L);
    for (size_t y=0; y<size_y; y++)
        for (size_t x=0; x<size_x; x++)
            size_t i = SiteIndexF(size_x, x, y);
            std::stringstream s; s << i;
            Lat.addSite(new Lattice::Site(names[i],1,2));


    /* Add interaction on each site*/
    MelemType U_complex;
    U_complex = std::complex<double> (U,0);
    MelemType mu_complex;
    mu_complex = std::complex<double> (mu,0);
    for (size_t i=0; i<L; i++) LatticePresets::addCoulombS(&Lat, names[i], U_complex, -mu_complex);

    /* Add hopping */
    for (size_t y=0; y<size_y; y++) {
        for (size_t x=0; x<size_x; x++) {
            size_t pos = SiteIndexF(size_x, x,y);
            size_t pos_right = SiteIndexF(size_x, (x+1)%size_x,y); /*if (x == size_x - 1) pos_right = SiteIndexF(0,y); */
            size_t pos_up = SiteIndexF(size_x, x,(y+1)%size_y);

            if (size_x > 1) LatticePresets::addHopping(&Lat, std::min(names[pos], names[pos_right]), std::max(names[pos], names[pos_right]), -t);
            if (size_y > 1) LatticePresets::addHopping(&Lat, std::min(names[pos], names[pos_up]), std::max(names[pos], names[pos_up]), -t);

    int rank = comm.rank();
    if (!rank) {
        INFO("Terms with 2 operators");

        INFO("Terms with 4 operators");

    IndexClassification IndexInfo(Lat.getSiteMap());
    IndexInfo.prepare(false); // Create index space
    if (!rank) { print_section("Indices"); IndexInfo.printIndices(); };
    int index_size = IndexInfo.getIndexSize();

    print_section("Matrix element storage");
    IndexHamiltonian Storage(&Lat,IndexInfo);
    Storage.prepare(); // Write down the Hamiltonian as a symbolic formula
    if (!rank) INFO(Storage);

    Symmetrizer Symm(IndexInfo, Storage);
    Symm.compute(); // Find symmetries of the problem

    StatesClassification S(IndexInfo,Symm); // Introduce Fock space and classify states to blocks

    Hamiltonian H(IndexInfo, Storage, S); // Hamiltonian in the basis of Fock Space
    H.prepare(); // enter the Hamiltonian matrices
    H.compute(); // compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors

    RealVectorType evals (H.getEigenValues());
    std::sort(evals.data(), evals.data() + H.getEigenValues().size());
    savetxt("spectrum.dat", evals); // dump eigenvalues

    DensityMatrix rho(S,H,beta); // create Density Matrix
    rho.compute(); // evaluate thermal weights with respect to ground energy, i.e exp(-beta(e-e_0))/Z

    INFO("<N> = " << rho.getAverageOccupancy()); // get average total particle number

    // Green's function calculation starts here

    FieldOperatorContainer Operators(IndexInfo, S, H); // Create a container for c and c^+ in the eigenstate basis

    if (calc_gf) {

        INFO("1-particle Green's functions calc");
        std::set<ParticleIndex> f;
        std::set<IndexCombination2> indices2;
        ParticleIndex d0 = IndexInfo.getIndex("S0", 0, down);
        ParticleIndex u0 = IndexInfo.getIndex("S0", 0, up);
        for (size_t x = 0; x < size_x; x++) {
            ParticleIndex ind = IndexInfo.getIndex(names[SiteIndexF(size_x, x, 0)], 0, down);
            indices2.insert(IndexCombination2(d0, ind));

        Operators.computeAll(); // evaluate c, c^+ for chosen indices

        GFContainer G(IndexInfo, S, H, rho, Operators);

        G.prepareAll(indices2); // identify all non-vanishing block connections in the Green's function
        G.computeAll(); // Evaluate all GF terms, i.e. resonances and weights of expressions in Lehmans representation of the Green's function

        if (!comm.rank()) { // dump gf into a file
            std::set<IndexCombination2>::iterator ind2;
            for (ind2 = indices2.begin(); ind2 !=
                                          indices2.end(); ++ind2) { // loops over all components (pairs of indices) of the Green's function
                // Save Matsubara GF from pi/beta to pi/beta*(4*wf_max + 1)
                std::cout << "Saving imfreq G" << *ind2 << " on " << 4 * wf_max << " Matsubara freqs. " << std::endl;

                std::stringstream fname;
                fname << "gw_imag" << (*ind2).Index1 << (*ind2).Index2 << ".dat";
                std::ofstream gw_im(fname.str().c_str());

                const GreensFunction &GF = G(*ind2);
                for (int wn = 0; wn < wf_max * 4; wn++) {
                    ComplexType val = GF(
                            I * FMatsubara(wn, beta)); // this comes from Pomerol - see GreensFunction::operator()
                    gw_im << std::scientific << std::setprecision(12) << FMatsubara(wn, beta) << "   " << real(val) <<
                    " " << imag(val) << std::endl;

    return 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::mpi::environment env(argc,argv);
    boost::mpi::communicator world;

    Lattice L;
    L.addSite(new Lattice::Site("A",1,2));
    LatticePresets::addCoulombS(&L, "A", U, -mu);
    L.addSite(new Lattice::Site("B",1,2));
    LatticePresets::addCoulombS(&L, "B", U, -mu);

    LatticePresets::addHopping(&L, "A","B", -1.0);
    INFO("Terms with 4 operators");

    IndexClassification IndexInfo(L.getSiteMap());
    ParticleIndex NModes = IndexInfo.getIndexSize();

    std::vector<ParticleIndex> SpinUpIndices;
    for (ParticleIndex i=0; i<NModes; i++) if (IndexInfo.getInfo(i).Spin) SpinUpIndices.push_back(i);

    print_section("Matrix element storage");
    IndexHamiltonian Storage(&L,IndexInfo);
    ParticleIndex IndexSize = IndexInfo.getIndexSize();
    OperatorPresets::Sz Sz(IndexSize, SpinUpIndices);
    INFO("Sz terms");
    OperatorPresets::N N(IndexSize);
    INFO("N terms");
    if (!(Sz.commutes(N))) return EXIT_FAILURE;

    if (!(Storage.commutes(N))) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    INFO("H commutes with N");
    if (!(Storage.commutes(Sz))) return EXIT_FAILURE;
    INFO("H commutes with Sz");
    Symmetrizer Symm(IndexInfo, Storage);

    StatesClassification S(IndexInfo,Symm);

    Hamiltonian H(IndexInfo, Storage, S);
    INFO("The value of ground energy is " << H.getGroundEnergy());

    RealType beta = 10.0;

    DensityMatrix rho(S,H,beta);
    for (QuantumState i=0; i<S.getNumberOfStates(); ++i) INFO(rho.getWeight(i)); 

    FieldOperatorContainer Operators(IndexInfo, S, H);
    ParticleIndex down_index = IndexInfo.getIndex("A",0,down);

    FieldOperator::BlocksBimap c_map = Operators.getCreationOperator(0).getBlockMapping();
    for (FieldOperator::BlocksBimap::right_const_iterator c_map_it=c_map.right.begin(); c_map_it!=c_map.right.end(); c_map_it++)
            INFO(c_map_it->first << "->" << c_map_it->second);

    GreensFunction GF(S,H,Operators.getAnnihilationOperator(0), Operators.getCreationOperator(0), rho);


    ComplexVectorType G_ref(10);
    G_ref << -2.53021005e-01*I,
    bool result = true;
    for(int n = 0; n<10; ++n) {
        INFO(GF(n) << " == " << G_ref(n));
        result = (result && compare(GF(n),G_ref(n)));
    if (!result) return EXIT_FAILURE;

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    boost::mpi::environment MpiEnv(argc, argv);
    world = boost::mpi::communicator();

    /* As pomerol is an ED code, it requires a finite-size lattice to be
     * provided. Here is an example of a lattice of 2 sites. */
    // First, we construct an empty lattice
    Lattice L;
    // Add a site with a name "A", that has 1 orbitals and 2 spins.
    L.addSite(new Lattice::Site("A",1,2));
    // Add one more site with a name "B". It also has 1 orbitals and 2 spins.
    L.addSite(new Lattice::Site("B",1,2));

    // Let us now connect two sites with a hopping term, with matrix element -1.
    RealType t=1.0;
    LatticePresets::addHopping(&L, "A","B", -t);
    /* Now add interaction. In order to provide some custom interaction, one can
     * give any custom term of 4,6 operators. This is done via 
     * Lattice.addTerm(Lattice::Term) method.
     * We will use Hubbard-type n_{up}n_{down} interaction. For this and some
     * other typical interactions, such as SzSz or SS couplings a shortcut is 
     * provided in the LatticePresets class.
    RealType U = 2.0;
    RealType mu = 1.0;
    // LatticePresets::addCoulombS adds Un_{up}n_{down} for 1 orbital and 2 spins.
    LatticePresets::addCoulombS(&L, "A", U, -mu);
    LatticePresets::addCoulombS(&L, "B", U, -mu);

    // Let us now print which sites and terms are defined.
    if (!world.rank()) {
        INFO("Sites"); // equivalent to std::cout << "Sites" << std::endl;
        INFO("Terms with 4 operators");

    /* In order to go further, we need to introduce the index space. An index
     * is a number that uniquely identifies a combination of (site,orbital,spin). 
     * The object that takes care of handling indices is called 
     * IndexClassification.
    // Construct IndexClassification
    IndexClassification IndexInfo(L.getSiteMap());
    /* Important remark 1!
     * Most of the objects that are defined within Pomerol library have the 
     * following semantics. They can be constructed, prepared and computed. 
     * This means
     *   - constructed: No operations are done except from initializing links to
     *                  other objects that current class depends on.
     *   - prepared: Typically, this is when all memory allocation takes place.
     *   - computed: The actual computation. This is the most costly operation.
     *               When no heavy computation is done, it can be done during
     *               preparation stage.
    // IndexClassification does not require much computing time, so everything
    // is calculated during prepare() method.
    // Print which indices we have
    // Save the total number of indices.
    ParticleIndex IndexSize = IndexInfo.getIndexSize();

    print_section("Matrix element storage");
    /* We now need to construct the actual Hamiltonian. First, we need to create
     * it in the index space, e.g. write down a formula with all terms. It is
     * useful for a subsequent symmetry analysis. The corresponding class is called
     * an IndexHamiltonian. It is inherited from Operator class, which is designed
     * to represent a generic second-quantized fermionic operator and fully model
     * the algebra of fermionic operators. This means one can multiply, add,
     * subtract it, and also calculate the commutator of two operators, etc.
    // First construct the IndexHamiltonian object.
    IndexHamiltonian Storage(&L,IndexInfo);
    // Then prepare it. As previously no long computation required, so everything
    // is done in the prepare() method.
    // Print out the Hamiltonian.

    // Let us make a test, that our Hamiltonian commutes with an operator, that
    // represents the total number of particles. The preset for such operator is
    // defined in OperatorPresets.h and .cpp files.
    OperatorPresets::N N(IndexSize);
    INFO("N terms");
    if ((Storage.commutes(N))) INFO("H commutes with N");
    /* The Hamiltonian that is set now, has a set of symmetries. One can identify
     * them by checking that the IndexHamiltonian commutes with the corresponding
     * symmetry operator. The class that does it is called Symmetrizer.
    // Construct Symmetrizer
    Symmetrizer Symm(IndexInfo, Storage);
    /* At this stage Symmetrizer checks symmetries with some predefined operators,
     * such as number-of-particles and sz operators.
    /* A custom check for a symmetry can be done using
     * Symmetrizer.checkSymmetry(Operator). 
     * After checking all the symmetry operations, Symmetrizer defines a set of
     * quantum numbers, which uniquely identifies the closed region in the 
     * phase space.
     * Calling Symmetrizer::compute(true) will skip all symmetry operations and 
     * result in a single Hamiltonian block in the end.
    /* We shall proceed now with obtaining the spectrum of the Hamiltonian. 
     * First, introduce a basis of Fock states and classify them into blocks
     * that correspond to a set of quantum numbers. This is done in the 
     * StatesClassification class. It provides all the information about Blocks
     * and FockStates.
    StatesClassification S(IndexInfo,Symm);

    /* We now convert the IndexHamiltonian into the basis of Fock States. The 
     * Hamiltonian class is the one, which does it.
    Hamiltonian H(IndexInfo, Storage, S);
    // Enter all blocks of the Hamiltonian.
    // Diagonalize them.
    // Get ground energy.
    INFO("The value of ground energy is " << H.getGroundEnergy());

    /* Important remark 2!
     * All the calculations done in the pomerol code are done with respect to the 
     * block structure of the Hamiltonian. All objects that operate in Fock
     * space and all thermal objects, such as Green's functions are in fact a
     * set of pieces (called "parts") that operate on a certain block or set of 
     * blocks. As such all actual computations are done within this parts and 
     * grand objects like Green's functions or Hamiltonian basically just loops
     * over parts and tells them to run prepare() or compute() methods.
    /* At this stage the Hamiltonian, defined in Fock Space is 
     * entered and diagonalized and it's spectrum and eigenfunctions can be 
     * directly accessed to calculate some observables. 
     * We shall now proceed to the calculations of thermal quantities, e.g. 
     * assume that our finite-size system was adiabatically connected to a thermal
     * reservoir, that sets certain temperature (in fact, inverse temperature 
     * beta). This means, that the observables in the systems should be calculated
     * with a density-matrix exp(-\beta H), rather than by averaging with the 
     * ground state. In the eigenbasis of the Hamiltonian the calculation of
     * a density matrix is straightforward - it is just \exp(-\beta (E_i - E_0)),
     * where E_i is an energy of the excited state, and E_0 is the ground energy.
     * The procedure is done as following:
    // Define inverse temperature
    RealType beta = 10.0;

    // Create the Density Matrix.
    DensityMatrix rho(S,H,beta);
    // Allocate all internal parts of density matrix.
    // Actually compute the density matrix.
    /* Lehmanns representation of the Green's function required creation and
     * annihilation operators, calculated in the basis of eigenstates of the 
     * Hamiltonian. Creation/AnnihilationOperator are the classes that do it.
    // Let us create c^+_{"A",up} and c_{"A",up}
    ParticleIndex up_index = IndexInfo.getIndex("A",0,up);
    CreationOperator CX(IndexInfo,S,H,up_index);
    AnnihilationOperator C(IndexInfo,S,H,up_index);
    // The local Greens function in the Matsubara domain G_{"A",up}(i\omega_n)
    GreensFunction GF(S,H,C,CX, rho);
    /* Calculate the GF and cache values for 10 Matsubaras.
     * These values will be fast to retrieve. The other values are also 
     * accessible, but will require a short calculation to be done.

    for(int n = 0; n<10; ++n) {
        INFO(n << " | " << GF(n));
    /* The two particle GF is constructed in analogy to the single-particle GF,
     * it requires 4 operators to be provided though.
    TwoParticleGF Chi(S,H,C,C,CX,CX,rho);
    /* Some knobs to make calc faster - the larger the values of tolerances, the faster is calc, but rounding errors may show.
       Typically these errors are less then 10^{-3} of the value. 
       Here are some knobs that give very high-precision. If you want to make things faster, and when many values on 
       different frequencies required - change ReduceResonanceTolerance to something like 10^-4. */
    /** A difference in energies with magnitude less than this value is treated as zero. */
    Chi.ReduceResonanceTolerance = 1e-8;
    /** Minimal magnitude of the coefficient of a term to take it into account. */
    Chi.CoefficientTolerance = 1e-16;
    /** Knob that controls the caching frequency. */
    Chi.ReduceInvocationThreshold = 1e5;
    /** Minimal magnitude of the coefficient of a term to take it into account with respect to amount of terms. */
    Chi.MultiTermCoefficientTolerance = 1e-6;


    if (world.rank()==0) {
    int nm = 2;
    for(int n1 = -nm; n1<nm; ++n1)
        for(int n2 = -nm; n2<nm; ++n2)
            for(int n3 = -nm; n3<nm; ++n3){
                INFO(n1 << " " << n2 << " " << n3 << "|" << Chi(n1,n2,n3));